path: root/xorg-server/hw/xwin/man
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diff --git a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/man/XWin.man b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/man/XWin.man
index 6e69a185d..0330c4caa 100644
--- a/xorg-server/hw/xwin/man/XWin.man
+++ b/xorg-server/hw/xwin/man/XWin.man
@@ -1,403 +1,403 @@
-.TH XWIN 1 __vendorversion__
-XWin \- X Server for the Cygwin environment on Microsoft Windows
-.B XWin
-[ options ] ...
-\fIXWin\fP is an X Server for the X Window System on the Cygwin environment
-running on Microsoft Windows.
-\fIXWin\fP can operate in 3 different modes:
-* \fISingle Window\fP: This is the default mode. Each X screen
-appears as a single \fIWindows\fP window and all X windows are contained
-within this window.
-(In X terminology, the \fIWindows\fP window contains the root window for
-the screen)
-* \fIMulti-Window\fP: In this mode \fIXWin\fP uses its own integrated
-window manager in order to handle the top-level X windows, in such a
-way that they appear as normal \fIWindows\fP windows.
-* \fIRootless\fP: In this mode the X server works in a window
-containing the whole screen but this root window (traditionally covered with an X hatch
-pattern) is hidden from view, so only top-level X windows are seen.
-In addition to the normal server options described in the \fIXserver(1)\fP
-manual page, \fIXWin\fP accepts the following command line switches,
-\fIall\fP of which are optional:
-Only one of these options may be specified.
-.TP 8
-.B (default)
-Windowed or rooted mode.
-Each X screen appears as a single \fIWindows\fP window and all X windows are
-contained within those windows.
-.TP 8
-.B \-multiwindow
-Each top-level X window appears in its own \fIWindows\fP window.
-Also start the integrated \fIWindows\fP-based window manager.
-.TP 8
-.B \-rootless
-Run the server in rootless mode.
-The X server works on a window covering the whole screen but the root window
-is hidden from view.
-.TP 8
-.B \-mwextwm
-The mode combines \fB\-rootless\fP mode drawing with native \fIWindows\fP
-window frames managed by the experimental external window manager \fIxwinwm\fP.
-\fBNOTE:\fP \fI-multiwindow\fP mode uses its own internal window manager.
-All other modes require an external window manager in order to move, resize, and perform other
-operations on the individual X windows.
-An X display may be composed of multiple screens.
-The default behaviour is to create a single screen 0 that is roughly the
-size of useful area of the primary monitor (allowing for any window
-decorations and the task-bar).
-Screen specific parameters can be applied as a
-default to all screens by placing those screen specific parameters
-before any \fB\-screen\fP parameter. Screen specific parameters placed after
-the first \fB\-screen\fP parameter will apply only to the immediately
-preceeding \fB\-screen\fP parameter.
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]multimonitors or \-[no]multiplemonitors
-Create a screen 0 that covers all monitors [the primary monitor] on a system with
-multiple monitors.
-This option is currently enabled by default in \fB\-multiwindow\fP mode.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-screen \fIscreen_number\fP [\fIW\fP \fIH\fP [\fIX\fP \fIY\fP] | [[\fIW\fPx\fIH\fP[+\fIX\fP+\fIY\fP]][@\fIM\fP]] ] "
-Create screen number
-.I screen_number
-and optionally specify it's
-.I height,
-.I width
-.I initial position.
-Additionally a
-monitor number
-(which count from 1) can be specified to place the screen on,
-at which point, all coordinates become relative to that monitor.
-Screen numbers must be contiguous starting from zero and cannot be duplicated.
-.I " -screen 0 @1 ; on 1st monitor using its full resolution (the default)"
-.I " -screen 0 800x600+100+100@2 ; on 2nd monitor offset 100,100 size 800x600"
-.I " -screen 0 1024x768@3 ; on 3rd monitor size 1024x768"
-These parameters only apply to windowed mode screens i.e. not
-in \fB-multiwindow\fP or \fB-rootless\fP mode.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-fullscreen"
-The X server window takes the full screen, covering completely the
-\fIWindows\fP desktop.
-Currently \fB\-fullscreen\fP may only be applied to one X screen.
-.TP 8
-.B \-nodecoration
-Do not give the Cygwin/X window a \fIWindows\fP window border, title bar,
-This parameter is ignored when the \fB\-fullscreen\fP parameter is specified.
-.TP 8
-.B \-scrollbars
-Alternative name for \fB\-resize=scrollbars\fP.
-.TP 8
-.B \-resize[=none|scrollbars|randr]
-Select the resize mode of an X screen.
-.IP \fB\-resize=none\fP 8
-(default). The screen is not resizable.
-In windowed mode, if the window has decorations, a fixed frame is used.
-.IP \fB\-resize=scrollbars\fP 8
-The screen window is resizeable, but the screen is not resizable.
-In windowed mode, if the window has decorations, a resizing frame is used.
-Scrollbars are drawn when needed to allow the entire X screen
-to viewed by adjusting them.
-This also permits screens bigger than the \fIWindows\fP virtual desktop to be used.
-This parameter is ignored in \fB-multiwindow\fP or \fB-rootless\fP mode.
-Alternative name is \fB\-scrollbars\fP.
-.IP \fB\-resize=randr\fP 8
-The screen is resizable and the screen window is resizeable.
-In windowed mode, if the window has decorations, a resizing frame is used.
-Resizing the \fIWindows\fP window will use the RANDR extension to change
-the size of the X screen. Likewise, changing the size of
-the X screen using the RANDR extension will cause the size
-of the \fIWindows\fP window containing the X screen to be changed.
-In \fB-multiwindow\fP or \fB-rootless\fP mode, if the X screen is
-of the same dimensions as a Windows monitor or the virtual desktop,
-the X server will respond to the WM_DISPLAYCHANGED sent when those
-dimensions change by resizing the X screen. Changing the size
-of the X screen using the RANDR extension is not permitted.
-The maximum dimensions of the screen are the dimensions of the \fIWindows\fP virtual desktop.
-.IP \fB\--resize\fP 8
-on its own is equivalent to \fB\--resize=randr\fP
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]clipboard
-Enables [disables] the integration between the Cygwin/X clipboard and
-\fIWindows\fP clipboard. The default is enabled.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-emulate3buttons [\fItimeout\fP]"
-Emulate a three button mouse; pressing both buttons within
-.I timeout
-milliseconds causes an emulated middle button press. The default
-.I timeout
-is 50 milliseconds. Note that most mice with scroll wheel have middle
-button functionality, usually you will need this option only if you have
-a two button mouse without scroll wheel.
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]keyhook
-Enable [disable] a low-level keyboard hook for catching
-special keypresses like Menu and Alt+Tab and passing them to the X
-Server instead of letting \fIWindows\fP handle them.
-.TP 8
-.B \-lesspointer
-Normally the \fIWindows\fP mouse cursor is hidden when the mouse is
-over an active Cygwin/X window. This option causes the mouse cursor
-also to be hidden when it is over an inactive Cygwin/X window. This
-prevents the \fIWindows\fP mouse cursor from being drawn on top of the X
-This parameter has no effect unless \fB-swcursor\fP is also specified.
-.TP 8
-.B \-swcursor
-Disable the usage of the \fIWindows\fP cursor and use the X11 software cursor instead.
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]trayicon
-Do not create a tray icon. Default is to create one
-icon per screen. You can globally disable tray icons with
-\fB\-notrayicon\fP, then enable it for specific screens with
-\fB\-trayicon\fP for those screens.
-.TP 8
-.B \-nounicodeclipboard
-Do not use Unicode clipboard even if on a NT-based platform.
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]unixkill
-Enable or disable the \fICtrl-Alt-Backspace\fP key combination as a
-signal to exit the X Server. The \fICtrl-Alt-Backspace\fP key combination
-is disabled by default.
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]wgl
-Enable [disable] the GLX extension to use the native Windows WGL interface
-for hardware accelerated OpenGL (AIGLX). (Experimental)
-.TP 8
-.B \-[no]winkill
-Enable or disable the \fIAlt-F4\fP key combination as a signal to exit the
-X Server.
-The \fIAlt-F4\fP key combination is enabled by default.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-clipupdates \fInum_boxes\fP"
-Specify an optional threshold, above which the regions in a shadow
-update operation will be collected into a GDI clipping region. The
-clipping region is then used to do a single bit block transfer that is
-constrained to the updated area by the clipping region. There is some
-overhead involved in creating, installing, destroying, and removing
-the clipping region, thus there may not be much benefit for a small
-number of boxes (less than 10). It is even possible that this
-functionality does not provide a benefit at any number of boxes; we
-can only determine the usefulness of this feature through testing.
-This option probably has limited effect on current \fIWindows\fP versions
-as they already perform GDI batching.
-This parameter works in conjunction with engines 1, 2, and 4 (Shadow
-GDI, Shadow DirectDraw, and Shadow DirectDraw Non-Locking,
-.TP 8
-.B "\-engine \fIengine_type_id\fP"
-This option, which is intended for Cygwin/X developers,
-overrides the server's automatically selected drawing engine type. This
-parameter will be ignored if the specified drawing engine type is not
-supported on the current system.
-Default behavior is to select the drawing engine with optimum performance that
-supports the specified depth and window configuration.
-The engine type ids are:
-.IP 1 4
-Shadow GDI
-.IP 2 4
-Shadow DirectDraw
-.IP 4 4
-Shadow DirectDraw Non-Locking
-.IP 8 4
-Primary DirectDraw (unsupported, obsolete)
-.IP 16 4
-Native GDI (unsupported, experimental and barely functional)
-.TP 8
-.B "\-depth \fIdepth\fP"
-Specify the color depth, in bits per pixel, to use when running in
-fullscreen with a DirectDraw engine. This parameter is ignored if
-\fB\-fullscreen\fP is not specified.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-refresh \fIrate_in_Hz\fP"
-Specify an optional refresh rate to use when running in
-fullscreen with a DirectDraw engine. This parameter is ignored if
-\fB\-fullscreen\fP is not specified.
-See also the normal server options described in the \fIXserver(1)\fP
-manual page
-.TP 8
-.B \-help
-Write a help text listing supported command line options and their description to the console.
-.TP 8
-.B \-ignoreinput
-Ignore keyboard and mouse input. This is usually only used for testing
-and debugging purposes.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-logfile \fIfilename\fP"
-Change the server log file from the default of \fI
-where \fIn\fP is the display number of the XWin server, to \fIfilename\fP.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-logverbose \fIlevel\fP"
-Control the degree of verbosity of the log messages with the integer
-parameter \fIlevel\fP. For \fIlevel\fP=0 only fatal errors are
-reported, for \fIlevel\fP=1 simple information about
-configuration is also given, for \fIlevel\fP=2 (default)
-additional runtime information is recorded
-and for \fIlevel\fP=3 detailed log
-information (including trace and debug output) is produced. Bigger
-values will yield a still more detailed debug output.
-.TP 8
-.B \-silent-dup-error
-If another instance of \fIXWin\fP with the same display number is found running,
-exit silently and don't display any error message.
-.TP 8
-.B "\-xkblayout \fIlayout\fP"
-.TP 8
-.B "\-xkbmodel \fImodel\fP"
-.TP 8
-.B "\-xkboptions \fIoption\fP"
-.TP 8
-.B "\-xkbrules \fIrule\fP"
-.TP 8
-.B "\-xkbvariant \fIvariant\fp"
-These options configure the xkeyboard extension to load
-a particular keyboard map as the X server starts. The behavior is similar
-to the \fIsetxkbmap\fP program. The layout data is located at \fI
-__datadir__/X11/xkb/\fP. Additional information is found in the
-README files therein and in the man page of \fIsetxkbmap\fP. For example
-in order to load a German layout for a pc105 keyboard one uses
-the options:
-.I " \-xkblayout de \-xkbmodel pc105"
-Alternatively one may use the \fIsetxkbmap\fP program after \fIXWin\fP is
-The default is to select a configuration matching your current layout as
-reported by \fIWindows\fP, if known, or the default X server configuration
-if no matching keyboard configuration was found.
-These options are undocumented. Do not use them.
-.TP 8
-.B \-emulatepseudo
-Create a depth 8 PseudoColor visual when running in depths 15, 16, 24,
-or 32, collectively known as TrueColor depths.
-Color map manipulation is not supported, so the PseudoColor visual will
-not have the correct colors.
-This option is intended to allow applications which only work with a depth 8
-visual to operate in TrueColor modes.
-.TP 8
-.B \-internalwm
-Run the internal window manager.
-As it runs \fIXWin\fP writes messages indicating the most relevant events
-to the console
-from which it was called and to a log file that by default is located at \fI
-__logdir__/XWin.0.log\fP. This file is mainly for debugging purposes.
-On startup \fIXWin\fP looks for the file \fI$HOME/.XWinrc\fP or, if
-the previous file does not exist, \fI
-__sysconfdir__/X11/system.XWinrc\fP. \fI.XWinrc\fP allows setting
-preferences for the following:
-* To include items into the menu associated with the \fIXWin\fP icon
-which is in the \fIWindows\fP system tray. This functions in all
-modes that have a tray icon.
-* To include items in the system menu which is associated with the \fIWindows\fP
-window that \fIXWin -multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X
-window, in both the generic case and for particular programs.
-* To change the icon that is associated to the \fIWindows\fP window that
-\fIXWin -multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X-window.
-* To change the style that is associated to the \fIWindows\fP window that
-\fXWin I-multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X window.
-The format of the \fI.XWinrc\fP file is given in the man page XWinrc(5).
-Need some examples
-X(__miscmansuffix__), Xserver(1), xdm(1), xinit(1), XWinrc(__filemansuffix__),
-setxkbmap(1), xkeyboard-config (__miscmansuffix__).
-.I XWin
-and this man page still have many limitations.
-The \fIXWin\fP software is continuously developing; it is therefore possible that
-this man page is not up to date. It is always prudent to
-look also at the output of \fIXWin -help\fP in order to
-check the options that are operative.
-This list is by no means complete, but direct contributors to the
-Cygwin/X project include (in alphabetical order by last name): Stuart
-Adamson, Michael Bax, Jehan Bing, Lev Bishop, Dr. Peter Busch, Biju G
-C, Robert Collins, Nick Crabtree, Early Ehlinger, Christopher Faylor,
-John Fortin, Brian Genisio, Fabrizio Gennari, Alexander Gottwald, Ralf
-Habacker, Colin Harrison, Matthieu Herrb, Alan Hourihane, Pierre A
-Humblet, Harold L Hunt II, Dakshinamurthy Karra, Joe Krahn,
-Paul Loewenstein, Kensuke Matsuzaki,
-Takuma Murakami, Earle F. Philhower III, Benjamin Riefenstahl, Yaakov Selkowitz,
-Suhaib Siddiqi, Jack Tanner, Jon Turney and Nicholas Wourms.
+.TH XWIN 1 __vendorversion__
+XWin \- X Server for the Cygwin environment on Microsoft Windows
+.B XWin
+[ options ] ...
+\fIXWin\fP is an X Server for the X Window System on the Cygwin environment
+running on Microsoft Windows.
+\fIXWin\fP can operate in 3 different modes:
+* \fISingle Window\fP: This is the default mode. Each X screen
+appears as a single \fIWindows\fP window and all X windows are contained
+within this window.
+(In X terminology, the \fIWindows\fP window contains the root window for
+the screen)
+* \fIMulti-Window\fP: In this mode \fIXWin\fP uses its own integrated
+window manager in order to handle the top-level X windows, in such a
+way that they appear as normal \fIWindows\fP windows.
+* \fIRootless\fP: In this mode the X server works in a window
+containing the whole screen but this root window (traditionally covered with an X hatch
+pattern) is hidden from view, so only top-level X windows are seen.
+In addition to the normal server options described in the \fIXserver(1)\fP
+manual page, \fIXWin\fP accepts the following command line switches,
+\fIall\fP of which are optional:
+Only one of these options may be specified.
+.TP 8
+.B (default)
+Windowed or rooted mode.
+Each X screen appears as a single \fIWindows\fP window and all X windows are
+contained within those windows.
+.TP 8
+.B \-multiwindow
+Each top-level X window appears in its own \fIWindows\fP window.
+Also start the integrated \fIWindows\fP-based window manager.
+.TP 8
+.B \-rootless
+Run the server in rootless mode.
+The X server works on a window covering the whole screen but the root window
+is hidden from view.
+.TP 8
+.B \-mwextwm
+The mode combines \fB\-rootless\fP mode drawing with native \fIWindows\fP
+window frames managed by the experimental external window manager \fIxwinwm\fP.
+\fBNOTE:\fP \fI-multiwindow\fP mode uses its own internal window manager.
+All other modes require an external window manager in order to move, resize, and perform other
+operations on the individual X windows.
+An X display may be composed of multiple screens.
+The default behaviour is to create a single screen 0 that is roughly the
+size of useful area of the primary monitor (allowing for any window
+decorations and the task-bar).
+Screen specific parameters can be applied as a
+default to all screens by placing those screen specific parameters
+before any \fB\-screen\fP parameter. Screen specific parameters placed after
+the first \fB\-screen\fP parameter will apply only to the immediately
+preceeding \fB\-screen\fP parameter.
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]multimonitors or \-[no]multiplemonitors
+Create a screen 0 that covers all monitors [the primary monitor] on a system with
+multiple monitors.
+This option is currently enabled by default in \fB\-multiwindow\fP mode.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-screen \fIscreen_number\fP [\fIW\fP \fIH\fP [\fIX\fP \fIY\fP] | [[\fIW\fPx\fIH\fP[+\fIX\fP+\fIY\fP]][@\fIM\fP]] ] "
+Create screen number
+.I screen_number
+and optionally specify it's
+.I height,
+.I width
+.I initial position.
+Additionally a
+monitor number
+(which count from 1) can be specified to place the screen on,
+at which point, all coordinates become relative to that monitor.
+Screen numbers must be contiguous starting from zero and cannot be duplicated.
+.I " -screen 0 @1 ; on 1st monitor using its full resolution (the default)"
+.I " -screen 0 800x600+100+100@2 ; on 2nd monitor offset 100,100 size 800x600"
+.I " -screen 0 1024x768@3 ; on 3rd monitor size 1024x768"
+These parameters only apply to windowed mode screens i.e. not
+in \fB-multiwindow\fP or \fB-rootless\fP mode.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-fullscreen"
+The X server window takes the full screen, covering completely the
+\fIWindows\fP desktop.
+Currently \fB\-fullscreen\fP may only be applied to one X screen.
+.TP 8
+.B \-nodecoration
+Do not give the Cygwin/X window a \fIWindows\fP window border, title bar,
+This parameter is ignored when the \fB\-fullscreen\fP parameter is specified.
+.TP 8
+.B \-scrollbars
+Alternative name for \fB\-resize=scrollbars\fP.
+.TP 8
+.B \-resize[=none|scrollbars|randr]
+Select the resize mode of an X screen.
+.IP \fB\-resize=none\fP 8
+(default). The screen is not resizable.
+In windowed mode, if the window has decorations, a fixed frame is used.
+.IP \fB\-resize=scrollbars\fP 8
+The screen window is resizeable, but the screen is not resizable.
+In windowed mode, if the window has decorations, a resizing frame is used.
+Scrollbars are drawn when needed to allow the entire X screen
+to viewed by adjusting them.
+This also permits screens bigger than the \fIWindows\fP virtual desktop to be used.
+This parameter is ignored in \fB-multiwindow\fP or \fB-rootless\fP mode.
+Alternative name is \fB\-scrollbars\fP.
+.IP \fB\-resize=randr\fP 8
+The screen is resizable and the screen window is resizeable.
+In windowed mode, if the window has decorations, a resizing frame is used.
+Resizing the \fIWindows\fP window will use the RANDR extension to change
+the size of the X screen. Likewise, changing the size of
+the X screen using the RANDR extension will cause the size
+of the \fIWindows\fP window containing the X screen to be changed.
+In \fB-multiwindow\fP or \fB-rootless\fP mode, if the X screen is
+of the same dimensions as a Windows monitor or the virtual desktop,
+the X server will respond to the WM_DISPLAYCHANGED sent when those
+dimensions change by resizing the X screen. Changing the size
+of the X screen using the RANDR extension is not permitted.
+The maximum dimensions of the screen are the dimensions of the \fIWindows\fP virtual desktop.
+.IP \fB\--resize\fP 8
+on its own is equivalent to \fB\--resize=randr\fP
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]clipboard
+Enables [disables] the integration between the Cygwin/X clipboard and
+\fIWindows\fP clipboard. The default is enabled.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-emulate3buttons [\fItimeout\fP]"
+Emulate a three button mouse; pressing both buttons within
+.I timeout
+milliseconds causes an emulated middle button press. The default
+.I timeout
+is 50 milliseconds. Note that most mice with scroll wheel have middle
+button functionality, usually you will need this option only if you have
+a two button mouse without scroll wheel.
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]keyhook
+Enable [disable] a low-level keyboard hook for catching
+special keypresses like Menu and Alt+Tab and passing them to the X
+Server instead of letting \fIWindows\fP handle them.
+.TP 8
+.B \-lesspointer
+Normally the \fIWindows\fP mouse cursor is hidden when the mouse is
+over an active Cygwin/X window. This option causes the mouse cursor
+also to be hidden when it is over an inactive Cygwin/X window. This
+prevents the \fIWindows\fP mouse cursor from being drawn on top of the X
+This parameter has no effect unless \fB-swcursor\fP is also specified.
+.TP 8
+.B \-swcursor
+Disable the usage of the \fIWindows\fP cursor and use the X11 software cursor instead.
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]trayicon
+Do not create a tray icon. Default is to create one
+icon per screen. You can globally disable tray icons with
+\fB\-notrayicon\fP, then enable it for specific screens with
+\fB\-trayicon\fP for those screens.
+.TP 8
+.B \-nounicodeclipboard
+Do not use Unicode clipboard even if on a NT-based platform.
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]unixkill
+Enable or disable the \fICtrl-Alt-Backspace\fP key combination as a
+signal to exit the X Server. The \fICtrl-Alt-Backspace\fP key combination
+is disabled by default.
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]wgl
+Enable [disable] the GLX extension to use the native Windows WGL interface
+for hardware accelerated OpenGL (AIGLX). (Experimental)
+.TP 8
+.B \-[no]winkill
+Enable or disable the \fIAlt-F4\fP key combination as a signal to exit the
+X Server.
+The \fIAlt-F4\fP key combination is enabled by default.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-clipupdates \fInum_boxes\fP"
+Specify an optional threshold, above which the regions in a shadow
+update operation will be collected into a GDI clipping region. The
+clipping region is then used to do a single bit block transfer that is
+constrained to the updated area by the clipping region. There is some
+overhead involved in creating, installing, destroying, and removing
+the clipping region, thus there may not be much benefit for a small
+number of boxes (less than 10). It is even possible that this
+functionality does not provide a benefit at any number of boxes; we
+can only determine the usefulness of this feature through testing.
+This option probably has limited effect on current \fIWindows\fP versions
+as they already perform GDI batching.
+This parameter works in conjunction with engines 1, 2, and 4 (Shadow
+GDI, Shadow DirectDraw, and Shadow DirectDraw Non-Locking,
+.TP 8
+.B "\-engine \fIengine_type_id\fP"
+This option, which is intended for Cygwin/X developers,
+overrides the server's automatically selected drawing engine type. This
+parameter will be ignored if the specified drawing engine type is not
+supported on the current system.
+Default behavior is to select the drawing engine with optimum performance that
+supports the specified depth and window configuration.
+The engine type ids are:
+.IP 1 4
+Shadow GDI
+.IP 2 4
+Shadow DirectDraw
+.IP 4 4
+Shadow DirectDraw Non-Locking
+.IP 8 4
+Primary DirectDraw (unsupported, obsolete)
+.IP 16 4
+Native GDI (unsupported, experimental and barely functional)
+.TP 8
+.B "\-depth \fIdepth\fP"
+Specify the color depth, in bits per pixel, to use when running in
+fullscreen with a DirectDraw engine. This parameter is ignored if
+\fB\-fullscreen\fP is not specified.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-refresh \fIrate_in_Hz\fP"
+Specify an optional refresh rate to use when running in
+fullscreen with a DirectDraw engine. This parameter is ignored if
+\fB\-fullscreen\fP is not specified.
+See also the normal server options described in the \fIXserver(1)\fP
+manual page
+.TP 8
+.B \-help
+Write a help text listing supported command line options and their description to the console.
+.TP 8
+.B \-ignoreinput
+Ignore keyboard and mouse input. This is usually only used for testing
+and debugging purposes.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-logfile \fIfilename\fP"
+Change the server log file from the default of \fI
+where \fIn\fP is the display number of the XWin server, to \fIfilename\fP.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-logverbose \fIlevel\fP"
+Control the degree of verbosity of the log messages with the integer
+parameter \fIlevel\fP. For \fIlevel\fP=0 only fatal errors are
+reported, for \fIlevel\fP=1 simple information about
+configuration is also given, for \fIlevel\fP=2 (default)
+additional runtime information is recorded
+and for \fIlevel\fP=3 detailed log
+information (including trace and debug output) is produced. Bigger
+values will yield a still more detailed debug output.
+.TP 8
+.B \-silent-dup-error
+If another instance of \fIXWin\fP with the same display number is found running,
+exit silently and don't display any error message.
+.TP 8
+.B "\-xkblayout \fIlayout\fP"
+.TP 8
+.B "\-xkbmodel \fImodel\fP"
+.TP 8
+.B "\-xkboptions \fIoption\fP"
+.TP 8
+.B "\-xkbrules \fIrule\fP"
+.TP 8
+.B "\-xkbvariant \fIvariant\fp"
+These options configure the xkeyboard extension to load
+a particular keyboard map as the X server starts. The behavior is similar
+to the \fIsetxkbmap\fP program. The layout data is located at \fI
+__datadir__/X11/xkb/\fP. Additional information is found in the
+README files therein and in the man page of \fIsetxkbmap\fP. For example
+in order to load a German layout for a pc105 keyboard one uses
+the options:
+.I " \-xkblayout de \-xkbmodel pc105"
+Alternatively one may use the \fIsetxkbmap\fP program after \fIXWin\fP is
+The default is to select a configuration matching your current layout as
+reported by \fIWindows\fP, if known, or the default X server configuration
+if no matching keyboard configuration was found.
+These options are undocumented. Do not use them.
+.TP 8
+.B \-emulatepseudo
+Create a depth 8 PseudoColor visual when running in depths 15, 16, 24,
+or 32, collectively known as TrueColor depths.
+Color map manipulation is not supported, so the PseudoColor visual will
+not have the correct colors.
+This option is intended to allow applications which only work with a depth 8
+visual to operate in TrueColor modes.
+.TP 8
+.B \-internalwm
+Run the internal window manager.
+As it runs \fIXWin\fP writes messages indicating the most relevant events
+to the console
+from which it was called and to a log file that by default is located at \fI
+__logdir__/XWin.0.log\fP. This file is mainly for debugging purposes.
+On startup \fIXWin\fP looks for the file \fI$HOME/.XWinrc\fP or, if
+the previous file does not exist, \fI
+__sysconfdir__/X11/system.XWinrc\fP. \fI.XWinrc\fP allows setting
+preferences for the following:
+* To include items into the menu associated with the \fIXWin\fP icon
+which is in the \fIWindows\fP system tray. This functions in all
+modes that have a tray icon.
+* To include items in the system menu which is associated with the \fIWindows\fP
+window that \fIXWin -multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X
+window, in both the generic case and for particular programs.
+* To change the icon that is associated to the \fIWindows\fP window that
+\fIXWin -multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X-window.
+* To change the style that is associated to the \fIWindows\fP window that
+\fXWin I-multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X window.
+The format of the \fI.XWinrc\fP file is given in the man page XWinrc(5).
+Need some examples
+X(__miscmansuffix__), Xserver(1), xdm(1), xinit(1), XWinrc(__filemansuffix__),
+setxkbmap(1), xkeyboard-config (__miscmansuffix__).
+.I XWin
+and this man page still have many limitations.
+The \fIXWin\fP software is continuously developing; it is therefore possible that
+this man page is not up to date. It is always prudent to
+look also at the output of \fIXWin -help\fP in order to
+check the options that are operative.
+This list is by no means complete, but direct contributors to the
+Cygwin/X project include (in alphabetical order by last name): Stuart
+Adamson, Michael Bax, Jehan Bing, Lev Bishop, Dr. Peter Busch, Biju G
+C, Robert Collins, Nick Crabtree, Early Ehlinger, Christopher Faylor,
+John Fortin, Brian Genisio, Fabrizio Gennari, Alexander Gottwald, Ralf
+Habacker, Colin Harrison, Matthieu Herrb, Alan Hourihane, Pierre A
+Humblet, Harold L Hunt II, Dakshinamurthy Karra, Joe Krahn,
+Paul Loewenstein, Kensuke Matsuzaki,
+Takuma Murakami, Earle F. Philhower III, Benjamin Riefenstahl, Yaakov Selkowitz,
+Suhaib Siddiqi, Jack Tanner, Jon Turney and Nicholas Wourms.