path: root/xorg-server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xorg-server')
3 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xorg-server/XKeysymDB b/xorg-server/XKeysymDB
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..539044417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xorg-server/XKeysymDB
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+! $Xorg: XKeysymDB,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:45:04 cpqbld Exp $
+! Copyright 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+! Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
+! its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
+! that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+! documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
+! publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+! written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the
+! suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
+! without express or implied warranty.
+! $XFree86: xc/lib/X11/XKeysymDB,v 3.16 2003/02/11 02:51:10 dawes Exp $
+hpmute_acute :100000A8
+hpmute_grave :100000A9
+hpmute_asciicircum :100000AA
+hpmute_diaeresis :100000AB
+hpmute_asciitilde :100000AC
+hplira :100000AF
+hpguilder :100000BE
+hpYdiaeresis :100000EE
+hpIO :100000EE
+hplongminus :100000F6
+hpblock :100000FC
+apLineDel :1000FF00
+apCharDel :1000FF01
+apCopy :1000FF02
+apCut :1000FF03
+apPaste :1000FF04
+apMove :1000FF05
+apGrow :1000FF06
+apCmd :1000FF07
+apShell :1000FF08
+apLeftBar :1000FF09
+apRightBar :1000FF0A
+apLeftBox :1000FF0B
+apRightBox :1000FF0C
+apUpBox :1000FF0D
+apDownBox :1000FF0E
+apPop :1000FF0F
+apRead :1000FF10
+apEdit :1000FF11
+apSave :1000FF12
+apExit :1000FF13
+apRepeat :1000FF14
+hpModelock1 :1000FF48
+hpModelock2 :1000FF49
+hpReset :1000FF6C
+hpSystem :1000FF6D
+hpUser :1000FF6E
+hpClearLine :1000FF6F
+hpInsertLine :1000FF70
+hpDeleteLine :1000FF71
+hpInsertChar :1000FF72
+hpDeleteChar :1000FF73
+hpBackTab :1000FF74
+hpKP_BackTab :1000FF75
+apKP_parenleft :1000FFA8
+apKP_parenright :1000FFA9
+I2ND_FUNC_L :10004001
+I2ND_FUNC_R :10004002
+IREMOVE :10004003
+IREPEAT :10004004
+IA1 :10004101
+IA2 :10004102
+IA3 :10004103
+IA4 :10004104
+IA5 :10004105
+IA6 :10004106
+IA7 :10004107
+IA8 :10004108
+IA9 :10004109
+IA10 :1000410A
+IA11 :1000410B
+IA12 :1000410C
+IA13 :1000410D
+IA14 :1000410E
+IA15 :1000410F
+IB1 :10004201
+IB2 :10004202
+IB3 :10004203
+IB4 :10004204
+IB5 :10004205
+IB6 :10004206
+IB7 :10004207
+IB8 :10004208
+IB9 :10004209
+IB10 :1000420A
+IB11 :1000420B
+IB12 :1000420C
+IB13 :1000420D
+IB14 :1000420E
+IB15 :1000420F
+IB16 :10004210
+DRemove :1000FF00
+Dring_accent :1000FEB0
+Dcircumflex_accent :1000FE5E
+Dcedilla_accent :1000FE2C
+Dacute_accent :1000FE27
+Dgrave_accent :1000FE60
+Dtilde :1000FE7E
+Ddiaeresis :1000FE22
+osfCopy :1004FF02
+osfCut :1004FF03
+osfPaste :1004FF04
+osfBackTab :1004FF07
+osfBackSpace :1004FF08
+osfClear :1004FF0B
+osfEscape :1004FF1B
+osfAddMode :1004FF31
+osfPrimaryPaste :1004FF32
+osfQuickPaste :1004FF33
+osfPageLeft :1004FF40
+osfPageUp :1004FF41
+osfPageDown :1004FF42
+osfPageRight :1004FF43
+osfActivate :1004FF44
+osfMenuBar :1004FF45
+osfLeft :1004FF51
+osfUp :1004FF52
+osfRight :1004FF53
+osfDown :1004FF54
+osfPrior :1004FF55
+osfNext :1004FF56
+osfEndLine :1004FF57
+osfBeginLine :1004FF58
+osfEndData :1004FF59
+osfBeginData :1004FF5A
+osfPrevMenu :1004FF5B
+osfNextMenu :1004FF5C
+osfPrevField :1004FF5D
+osfNextField :1004FF5E
+osfSelect :1004FF60
+osfInsert :1004FF63
+osfUndo :1004FF65
+osfMenu :1004FF67
+osfCancel :1004FF69
+osfHelp :1004FF6A
+osfSelectAll :1004FF71
+osfDeselectAll :1004FF72
+osfReselect :1004FF73
+osfExtend :1004FF74
+osfRestore :1004FF78
+osfSwitchDirection :1004FF7E
+osfPriorMinor :1004FFF5
+osfNextMinor :1004FFF6
+osfRightLine :1004FFF7
+osfLeftLine :1004FFF8
+osfDelete :1004FFFF
+SunFA_Grave :1005FF00
+SunFA_Circum :1005FF01
+SunFA_Tilde :1005FF02
+SunFA_Acute :1005FF03
+SunFA_Diaeresis :1005FF04
+SunFA_Cedilla :1005FF05
+SunF36 :1005FF10
+SunF37 :1005FF11
+SunSys_Req :1005FF60
+SunProps :1005FF70
+SunFront :1005FF71
+SunCopy :1005FF72
+SunOpen :1005FF73
+SunPaste :1005FF74
+SunCut :1005FF75
+SunPowerSwitch :1005FF76
+SunAudioLowerVolume :1005FF77
+SunAudioMute :1005FF78
+SunAudioRaiseVolume :1005FF79
+SunVideoDegauss :1005FF7A
+SunVideoLowerBrightness :1005FF7B
+SunVideoRaiseBrightness :1005FF7C
+SunPowerSwitchShift :1005FF7D
+SunCompose :FF20
+SunPageUp :FF55
+SunPageDown :FF56
+SunPrint_Screen :FF61
+SunUndo :FF65
+SunAgain :FF66
+SunFind :FF68
+SunStop :FF69
+SunAltGraph :FF7E
+WYSetup :1006FF00
+ncdSetup :1006FF00
+XeroxPointerButton1 :10070001
+XeroxPointerButton2 :10070002
+XeroxPointerButton3 :10070003
+XeroxPointerButton4 :10070004
+XeroxPointerButton5 :10070005
+! The definitions here should match <X11/XF86keysym.h>
+XF86ModeLock :1008FF01
+XF86MonBrightnessUp :1008FF02
+XF86MonBrightnessDown :1008FF03
+XF86KbdLightOnOff :1008FF04
+XF86KbdBrightnessUp :1008FF05
+XF86KbdBrightnessDown :1008FF06
+XF86Standby :1008FF10
+XF86AudioLowerVolume :1008FF11
+XF86AudioMute :1008FF12
+XF86AudioRaiseVolume :1008FF13
+XF86AudioPlay :1008FF14
+XF86AudioStop :1008FF15
+XF86AudioPrev :1008FF16
+XF86AudioNext :1008FF17
+XF86HomePage :1008FF18
+XF86Mail :1008FF19
+XF86Start :1008FF1A
+XF86Search :1008FF1B
+XF86AudioRecord :1008FF1C
+XF86Calculator :1008FF1D
+XF86Memo :1008FF1E
+XF86ToDoList :1008FF1F
+XF86Calendar :1008FF20
+XF86PowerDown :1008FF21
+XF86ContrastAdjust :1008FF22
+XF86RockerUp :1008FF23
+XF86RockerDown :1008FF24
+XF86RockerEnter :1008FF25
+XF86Back :1008FF26
+XF86Forward :1008FF27
+XF86Stop :1008FF28
+XF86Refresh :1008FF29
+XF86PowerOff :1008FF2A
+XF86WakeUp :1008FF2B
+XF86Eject :1008FF2C
+XF86ScreenSaver :1008FF2D
+XF86WWW :1008FF2E
+XF86Sleep :1008FF2F
+XF86Favorites :1008FF30
+XF86AudioPause :1008FF31
+XF86AudioMedia :1008FF32
+XF86MyComputer :1008FF33
+XF86VendorHome :1008FF34
+XF86LightBulb :1008FF35
+XF86Shop :1008FF36
+XF86History :1008FF37
+XF86OpenURL :1008FF38
+XF86AddFavorite :1008FF39
+XF86HotLinks :1008FF3A
+XF86BrightnessAdjust :1008FF3B
+XF86Finance :1008FF3C
+XF86Community :1008FF3D
+XF86AudioRewind :1008FF3E
+XF86BackForward :1008FF3F
+XF86Launch0 :1008FF40
+XF86Launch1 :1008FF41
+XF86Launch2 :1008FF42
+XF86Launch3 :1008FF43
+XF86Launch4 :1008FF44
+XF86Launch5 :1008FF45
+XF86Launch6 :1008FF46
+XF86Launch7 :1008FF47
+XF86Launch8 :1008FF48
+XF86Launch9 :1008FF49
+XF86LaunchA :1008FF4A
+XF86LaunchB :1008FF4B
+XF86LaunchC :1008FF4C
+XF86LaunchD :1008FF4D
+XF86LaunchE :1008FF4E
+XF86LaunchF :1008FF4F
+XF86ApplicationLeft :1008FF50
+XF86ApplicationRight :1008FF51
+XF86Book :1008FF52
+XF86CD :1008FF53
+XF86Calculater :1008FF54
+XF86Clear :1008FF55
+XF86Close :1008FF56
+XF86Copy :1008FF57
+XF86Cut :1008FF58
+XF86Display :1008FF59
+XF86DOS :1008FF5A
+XF86Documents :1008FF5B
+XF86Excel :1008FF5C
+XF86Explorer :1008FF5D
+XF86Game :1008FF5E
+XF86Go :1008FF5F
+XF86iTouch :1008FF60
+XF86LogOff :1008FF61
+XF86Market :1008FF62
+XF86Meeting :1008FF63
+XF86MenuKB :1008FF65
+XF86MenuPB :1008FF66
+XF86MySites :1008FF67
+XF86New :1008FF68
+XF86News :1008FF69
+XF86OfficeHome :1008FF6A
+XF86Open :1008FF6B
+XF86Option :1008FF6C
+XF86Paste :1008FF6D
+XF86Phone :1008FF6E
+XF86Q :1008FF70
+XF86Reply :1008FF72
+XF86Reload :1008FF73
+XF86RotateWindows :1008FF74
+XF86RotationPB :1008FF75
+XF86RotationKB :1008FF76
+XF86Save :1008FF77
+XF86ScrollUp :1008FF78
+XF86ScrollDown :1008FF79
+XF86ScrollClick :1008FF7A
+XF86Send :1008FF7B
+XF86Spell :1008FF7C
+XF86SplitScreen :1008FF7D
+XF86Support :1008FF7E
+XF86TaskPane :1008FF7F
+XF86Terminal :1008FF80
+XF86Tools :1008FF81
+XF86Travel :1008FF82
+XF86UserPB :1008FF84
+XF86User1KB :1008FF85
+XF86User2KB :1008FF86
+XF86Video :1008FF87
+XF86WheelButton :1008FF88
+XF86Word :1008FF89
+XF86Xfer :1008FF8A
+XF86ZoomIn :1008FF8B
+XF86ZoomOut :1008FF8C
+XF86Away :1008FF8D
+XF86Messenger :1008FF8E
+XF86WebCam :1008FF8F
+XF86MailForward :1008FF90
+XF86Pictures :1008FF91
+XF86Music :1008FF92
+! XFree86 special action keys
+XF86_Switch_VT_1 :1008FE01
+XF86_Switch_VT_2 :1008FE02
+XF86_Switch_VT_3 :1008FE03
+XF86_Switch_VT_4 :1008FE04
+XF86_Switch_VT_5 :1008FE05
+XF86_Switch_VT_6 :1008FE06
+XF86_Switch_VT_7 :1008FE07
+XF86_Switch_VT_8 :1008FE08
+XF86_Switch_VT_9 :1008FE09
+XF86_Switch_VT_10 :1008FE0A
+XF86_Switch_VT_11 :1008FE0B
+XF86_Switch_VT_12 :1008FE0C
+XF86_Ungrab :1008FE20
+XF86_ClearGrab :1008FE21
+XF86_Next_VMode :1008FE22
+XF86_Prev_VMode :1008FE23
+usldead_acute :100000A8
+usldead_grave :100000A9
+usldead_diaeresis :100000AB
+usldead_asciicircum :100000AA
+usldead_asciitilde :100000AC
+usldead_cedilla :1000FE2C
+usldead_ring :1000FEB0
diff --git a/xorg-server/system.XWinrc b/xorg-server/system.XWinrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2360bfc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xorg-server/system.XWinrc
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# XWin Server Resource File - EXAMPLE
+# Earle F. Philhower, III
+# Place in ~/.XWinrc or in /etc/X11/system.XWinrc
+# Keywords are case insensitive, comments legal pretty much anywhere
+# you can have an end-of-line
+# Comments begin with "#" or "//" and go to the end-of-line
+# Paths to commands are **cygwin** based (i.e. /usr/local/bin/xcalc)
+# Paths to icons are **WINDOWS** based (i.e. c:\windows\icons)
+# Menus are defined as...
+# MENU <name> {
+# <Menu Text> EXEC <command>
+# ^^ This command will have any "%display%"
+# string replaced with the proper display
+# variable (i.e.<display>.0)
+# or <Menu Text> MENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>
+# or <Menu Text> ALWAYSONTOP
+# ^^ Sets the window to display above all others
+# or <Menu Text> RELOAD
+# ^^ Causes ~/.XWinrc or the system.XWinrc file
+# to be reloaded and icons and menus regenerated
+# ...
+# }
+# Set the taskmar menu with
+# ROOTMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>
+# If you want a menu to be applied to all popup window's system menu
+# DEFAULTSYSMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu> <atstart|atend>
+# To choose a specific menu for a specific WM_CLASS or WM_NAME use ...
+# <class-or-name-of-window> <name-of-prior-defined-menu> <atstart|atend>
+# ...
+# }
+# When specifying an ICONFILE in the following commands several different
+# formats are allowed:
+# 1. Name of a regular Windows .ico format file
+# (ex: "cygwin.ico", "apple.ico")
+# 2. Name and index into a Windows .DLL
+# (ex: "c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll,4" gives the default folder icon
+# "c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll,5" gives the floppy drive icon)
+# 3. Index into XWin.EXE internal ICON resource
+# (ex: ",101" is the 1st icon inside XWin.exe)
+# To define where ICO files live (** Windows path**)
+# ICONDIRECTORY <windows-path i.e. c:\cygwin\usr\icons>
+# NOTE: If you specify a fully qualified path to an ICON below
+# (i.e. "c:\xxx" or "d:\xxxx")
+# this ICONDIRECTORY will not be prepended
+# To change the taskbar icon use...
+# TRAYICON <name-of-windows-ico-file-in-icondirectory>
+# To define a replacement for the standard X icon for apps w/o specified icons
+# DEFAULTICON <name-of-windows-ico-file-in-icondirectory>
+# To define substitute icons on a per-window basis use...
+# ICONS {
+# <class-or-name-of-window> <icon-file-name.ico>
+# ...
+# }
+# In the case where multiple matches occur, the first listed in the ICONS
+# section will be chosen.
+# To disable exit confirmation dialog add the line containing SilentExit
+# DEBUG <string> prints out the string to the XWin.log file
+// Below are just some silly menus to demonstrate writing your
+// own configuration file.
+// Make some menus...
+menu apps {
+ xterm exec "xterm"
+ "Emacs" exec "emacs"
+ notepad exec notepad
+ xload exec "xload -display %display%" # Comment
+menu root {
+// Comments fit here, too...
+ "Reload .XWinrc" RELOAD
+ "Applications" menu apps
+menu aot {
+ Separator
+ "Always on Top" alwaysontop
+menu xtermspecial {
+ "Emacs" exec "emacs"
+ "Always on Top" alwaysontop
+ SepArAtor
+RootMenu root
+DefaultSysMenu aot atend
+SysMenu {
+ "xterm" xtermspecial atstart
+# IconDirectory "c:\winnt\"
+# DefaultIcon "reinstall.ico"
+# Icons {
+# "xterm" "uninstall.ico"
+# }
+# SilentExit
+DEBUG "Done parsing the configuration file..."
diff --git a/xorg-server/xkbdata.src/types/makefile b/xorg-server/xkbdata.src/types/makefile
index 98271716a..33257a981 100644
--- a/xorg-server/xkbdata.src/types/makefile
+++ b/xorg-server/xkbdata.src/types/makefile
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ dist_xkbdata_types_DATA = \
iso9995 \
mousekeys \
numpad \
+ level5 \
pc \