From 3562e78743202e43aec8727005182a2558117eca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: marha Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 22:07:26 +0000 Subject: Checked in the following released items: xkeyboard-config-1.4.tar.gz ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10.tar.gz font-alias-1.0.1.tar.gz font-sun-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-sun-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-sony-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-schumacher-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-mutt-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-misc-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-misc-meltho-1.0.0.tar.gz font-micro-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-jis-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-isas-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-dec-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-daewoo-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-cursor-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-arabic-misc-1.0.0.tar.gz font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.0.tar.gz font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.0.tar.gz font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.0.tar.gz font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.1.tar.gz font-xfree86-type1-1.0.1.tar.gz font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.1.tar.gz font-ibm-type1-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bitstream-type1-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bitstream-speedo-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bh-ttf-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bh-type1-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bh-100dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.1.tar.gz font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz font-util-1.0.1.tar.gz font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.1.tar.gz font-bh-75dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz bdftopcf-1.0.1.tar.gz font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0.tar.gz mkfontscale-1.0.6.tar.gz openssl-0.9.8k.tar.gz bigreqsproto-1.0.2.tar.gz xtrans-1.2.2.tar.gz resourceproto-1.0.2.tar.gz inputproto-1.4.4.tar.gz compositeproto-0.4.tar.gz damageproto-1.1.0.tar.gz zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz xkbcomp-1.0.5.tar.gz freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz pthreads-w32-2-8-0-release.tar.gz pixman-0.12.0.tar.gz kbproto-1.0.3.tar.gz evieext-1.0.2.tar.gz fixesproto-4.0.tar.gz recordproto-1.13.2.tar.gz randrproto-1.2.2.tar.gz scrnsaverproto-1.1.0.tar.gz renderproto-0.9.3.tar.gz xcmiscproto-1.1.2.tar.gz fontsproto-2.0.2.tar.gz xextproto-7.0.3.tar.gz xproto-7.0.14.tar.gz libXdmcp-1.0.2.tar.gz libxkbfile-1.0.5.tar.gz libfontenc-1.0.4.tar.gz libXfont-1.3.4.tar.gz libX11-1.1.5.tar.gz libXau-1.0.4.tar.gz libxcb-1.1.tar.gz xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.gz --- openssl/demos/tunala/A-client.pem | 84 +++ openssl/demos/tunala/A-server.pem | 84 +++ openssl/demos/tunala/CA.pem | 24 + openssl/demos/tunala/INSTALL | 107 ++++ openssl/demos/tunala/Makefile | 41 ++ openssl/demos/tunala/ | 7 + openssl/demos/tunala/README | 233 ++++++++ openssl/demos/tunala/ | 25 + openssl/demos/tunala/ | 18 + openssl/demos/tunala/breakage.c | 66 +++ openssl/demos/tunala/buffer.c | 205 +++++++ openssl/demos/tunala/cb.c | 143 +++++ openssl/demos/tunala/ | 29 + openssl/demos/tunala/ip.c | 146 +++++ openssl/demos/tunala/sm.c | 151 +++++ openssl/demos/tunala/ | 107 ++++ openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.c | 1107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.h | 215 +++++++ 18 files changed, 2792 insertions(+) create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/A-client.pem create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/A-server.pem create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/CA.pem create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/INSTALL create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/Makefile create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/ create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/README create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/ create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/ create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/breakage.c create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/buffer.c create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/cb.c create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/ create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/ip.c create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/sm.c create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/ create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.c create mode 100644 openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.h (limited to 'openssl/demos/tunala') diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/A-client.pem b/openssl/demos/tunala/A-client.pem new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4caf6ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/A-client.pem @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +Certificate: + Data: + Version: 3 (0x2) + Serial Number: 2 (0x2) + Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption + Issuer: C=NZ, L=Wellington, O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA), OU=Cert-stamping, CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain + Validity + Not Before: Jan 16 05:19:30 2002 GMT + Not After : Jan 14 05:19:30 2012 GMT + Subject: C=NZ, L=Auckland, O=Mordor, OU=SSL grunt things, CN=tunala-client/Email=client@fake.domain + Subject Public Key Info: + Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption + RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) + Modulus (1024 bit): + 00:b0:d3:56:5c:c8:7f:fb:f4:95:9d:04:84:4f:82: + b7:a2:75:5c:81:48:8c:56:5d:52:ee:38:e1:5c:c8: + 9a:70:8e:72:f2:00:1c:17:ef:df:b7:06:59:82:04: + f1:f6:49:11:12:a6:4d:cb:1e:ed:ac:59:1c:4a:d0: + 3d:de:e6:f2:8d:cd:39:c2:0f:e0:46:2f:db:cb:9f: + 47:f7:56:e7:f8:16:5f:68:71:fb:3a:e3:ab:d2:e5: + 05:b7:da:65:61:fe:6d:30:e4:12:a8:b5:c1:71:24: + 6b:aa:80:05:41:17:a0:8b:6e:8b:e6:04:cf:85:7b: + 2a:ac:a1:79:7d:f4:96:6e:77 + Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) + X509v3 extensions: + X509v3 Basic Constraints: + CA:FALSE + Netscape Comment: + OpenSSL Generated Certificate + X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: + F8:43:CB:4F:4D:4F:BC:6E:52:1A:FD:F9:7B:E1:12:3F:A7:A3:BA:93 + X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: + keyid:49:FB:45:72:12:C4:CC:E1:45:A1:D3:08:9E:95:C4:2C:6D:55:3F:17 + DirName:/C=NZ/L=Wellington/O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA)/OU=Cert-stamping/CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain + serial:00 + + Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption + 8f:5f:0e:43:da:9d:61:43:7e:03:38:9a:e6:50:9d:42:e8:95: + 34:49:75:ec:04:8d:5c:85:99:94:70:a0:e7:1f:1e:a0:8b:0f: + d6:e2:cb:f7:35:d9:96:72:bd:a6:e9:8d:4e:b1:e2:ac:97:7f: + 2f:70:01:9d:aa:04:bc:d4:01:2b:63:77:a5:de:63:3c:a8:f5: + f2:72:af:ec:11:12:c0:d4:70:cf:71:a6:fb:e9:1d:b3:27:07: + aa:f2:b1:f3:87:d6:ab:8b:ce:c2:08:1b:3c:f9:ba:ff:77:71: + 86:09:ef:9e:4e:04:06:63:44:e9:93:20:90:c7:2d:50:c6:50: + f8:66 +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIID9TCCA16gAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBtDELMAkGA1UEBhMCTlox +EzARBgNVBAcTCldlbGxpbmd0b24xPDA6BgNVBAoTM1JlYWxseSBJcnJlc3BvbnNp +YmxlIEF1dGhvcmlzYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IChSSUFBKTEWMBQGA1UECxMNQ2Vy +dC1zdGFtcGluZzEZMBcGA1UEAxMQSmFja292IGFsLVRyYWRlczEfMB0GCSqGSIb3 +DQEJARYQbm9uZUBmYWtlLmRvbWFpbjAeFw0wMjAxMTYwNTE5MzBaFw0xMjAxMTQw +NTE5MzBaMIGHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJOWjERMA8GA1UEBxMIQXVja2xhbmQxDzANBgNV +BAoTBk1vcmRvcjEZMBcGA1UECxMQU1NMIGdydW50IHRoaW5nczEWMBQGA1UEAxMN +dHVuYWxhLWNsaWVudDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSY2xpZW50QGZha2UuZG9tYWlu +MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCw01ZcyH/79JWdBIRPgreidVyB +SIxWXVLuOOFcyJpwjnLyABwX79+3BlmCBPH2SRESpk3LHu2sWRxK0D3e5vKNzTnC +D+BGL9vLn0f3Vuf4Fl9ocfs646vS5QW32mVh/m0w5BKotcFxJGuqgAVBF6CLbovm +BM+FeyqsoXl99JZudwIDAQABo4IBQDCCATwwCQYDVR0TBAIwADAsBglghkgBhvhC +AQ0EHxYdT3BlblNTTCBHZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUwHQYDVR0OBBYEFPhD +y09NT7xuUhr9+XvhEj+no7qTMIHhBgNVHSMEgdkwgdaAFEn7RXISxMzhRaHTCJ6V +xCxtVT8XoYG6pIG3MIG0MQswCQYDVQQGEwJOWjETMBEGA1UEBxMKV2VsbGluZ3Rv +bjE8MDoGA1UEChMzUmVhbGx5IElycmVzcG9uc2libGUgQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbiBB +dXRob3JpdHkgKFJJQUEpMRYwFAYDVQQLEw1DZXJ0LXN0YW1waW5nMRkwFwYDVQQD +ExBKYWNrb3YgYWwtVHJhZGVzMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBub25lQGZha2UuZG9t +YWluggEAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAI9fDkPanWFDfgM4muZQnULolTRJdewE +jVyFmZRwoOcfHqCLD9biy/c12ZZyvabpjU6x4qyXfy9wAZ2qBLzUAStjd6XeYzyo +9fJyr+wREsDUcM9xpvvpHbMnB6rysfOH1quLzsIIGzz5uv93cYYJ755OBAZjROmT +IJDHLVDGUPhm +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +MIICXgIBAAKBgQCw01ZcyH/79JWdBIRPgreidVyBSIxWXVLuOOFcyJpwjnLyABwX +79+3BlmCBPH2SRESpk3LHu2sWRxK0D3e5vKNzTnCD+BGL9vLn0f3Vuf4Fl9ocfs6 +46vS5QW32mVh/m0w5BKotcFxJGuqgAVBF6CLbovmBM+FeyqsoXl99JZudwIDAQAB +AoGAU4chbqbPvkclPYzaq2yGLlneHrwUft+KwzlfS6L/QVgo+CQRIUWQmjaHpaGM +YtjVFcg1S1QK1bUqZjTEZT0XKhfbYmqW8yYTfbcDEbnY7esoYlvIlW8qRlPRlTBE +utKrtZafmVhLgoNawYGD0aLZofPqpYjbGUlrC7nrem2vNJECQQDVLD3Qb+OlEMET +73ApnJhYsK3e+G2LTrtjrS8y5zS4+Xv61XUqvdV7ogzRl0tpvSAmMOItVyoYadkB +S3xSIWX9AkEA1Fm1FhkQSZwGG5rf4c6gMN71jJ6JE3/kocdVa0sUjRevIupo4XQ2 +Vkykxi84MRP8cfHqyjewq7Ozv3op2MGWgwJBAKemsb66IJjzAkaBav7u70nhOf0/ ++Dc1Zl7QF2y7NVW8sGrnccx5m+ot2lMD4AV6/kvK6jaqdKrapBZGnbGiHqkCQQDI +T1r33mqz1R8Z2S2Jtzz6/McKf930a/dC+GLGVEutkILf39lRmytKmv/wB0jtWtoO +rlJ5sLDSNzC+1cE1u997AkEAu3IrtGmLKiuS6kDj6W47m+iiTIsuSJtTJb1SbUaK +fIoBNFxbvJYW6rUU9+PxpMRaEhzh5s24/jBOE+mlb17mRQ== +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/A-server.pem b/openssl/demos/tunala/A-server.pem new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9f37b189 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/A-server.pem @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +Certificate: + Data: + Version: 3 (0x2) + Serial Number: 1 (0x1) + Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption + Issuer: C=NZ, L=Wellington, O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA), OU=Cert-stamping, CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain + Validity + Not Before: Jan 16 05:14:06 2002 GMT + Not After : Jan 14 05:14:06 2012 GMT + Subject: C=NZ, L=Wellington, O=Middle Earth, OU=SSL dev things, CN=tunala-server/Email=server@fake.domain + Subject Public Key Info: + Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption + RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) + Modulus (1024 bit): + 00:a9:3e:62:87:97:13:6b:de:8f:bc:1d:0a:3f:65: + 0c:f9:76:a3:53:ce:97:30:27:0d:c6:df:72:1f:8d: + 5a:ce:58:23:6a:65:e5:e3:72:1a:8d:7f:fe:90:01: + ea:42:f1:9f:6e:7b:0a:bd:eb:52:15:7b:f4:3d:9c: + 4e:db:74:29:2b:d1:81:9d:b9:9e:18:2b:87:e1:da: + 50:20:3c:59:6c:c9:83:3e:2c:11:0b:78:1e:03:f4: + 56:3a:db:95:6a:75:33:85:a9:7b:cc:3c:4a:67:96: + f2:24:b2:a0:cb:2e:cc:52:18:16:6f:44:d9:29:64: + 07:2e:fb:56:cc:7c:dc:a2:d7 + Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) + X509v3 extensions: + X509v3 Basic Constraints: + CA:FALSE + Netscape Comment: + OpenSSL Generated Certificate + X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: + 70:AC:7A:B5:6E:97:C2:82:AF:11:9E:32:CB:8D:48:49:93:B7:DC:22 + X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: + keyid:49:FB:45:72:12:C4:CC:E1:45:A1:D3:08:9E:95:C4:2C:6D:55:3F:17 + DirName:/C=NZ/L=Wellington/O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA)/OU=Cert-stamping/CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain + serial:00 + + Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption + 2e:cb:a3:cd:6d:a8:9d:d1:dc:e5:f0:e0:27:7e:4b:5a:90:a8: + 85:43:f0:05:f7:04:43:d7:5f:d1:a5:8f:5c:58:eb:fc:da:c6: + 7c:e0:0b:2b:98:72:95:f6:79:48:96:7a:fa:0c:6b:09:ec:c6: + 8c:91:74:45:9f:8f:0f:16:78:e3:66:14:fa:1e:f4:f0:23:ec: + cd:a9:52:77:20:4d:c5:05:2c:52:b6:7b:f3:42:33:fd:90:1f: + 3e:88:6f:9b:23:61:c8:80:3b:e6:57:84:2e:f7:26:c7:35:ed: + 00:8b:08:30:9b:aa:21:83:b6:6d:b8:7c:8a:9b:2a:ef:79:3d: + 96:31 +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIID+zCCA2SgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBtDELMAkGA1UEBhMCTlox +EzARBgNVBAcTCldlbGxpbmd0b24xPDA6BgNVBAoTM1JlYWxseSBJcnJlc3BvbnNp +YmxlIEF1dGhvcmlzYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IChSSUFBKTEWMBQGA1UECxMNQ2Vy +dC1zdGFtcGluZzEZMBcGA1UEAxMQSmFja292IGFsLVRyYWRlczEfMB0GCSqGSIb3 +DQEJARYQbm9uZUBmYWtlLmRvbWFpbjAeFw0wMjAxMTYwNTE0MDZaFw0xMjAxMTQw +NTE0MDZaMIGNMQswCQYDVQQGEwJOWjETMBEGA1UEBxMKV2VsbGluZ3RvbjEVMBMG +A1UEChMMTWlkZGxlIEVhcnRoMRcwFQYDVQQLEw5TU0wgZGV2IHRoaW5nczEWMBQG +A1UEAxMNdHVuYWxhLXNlcnZlcjEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSc2VydmVyQGZha2Uu +ZG9tYWluMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCpPmKHlxNr3o+8HQo/ +ZQz5dqNTzpcwJw3G33IfjVrOWCNqZeXjchqNf/6QAepC8Z9uewq961IVe/Q9nE7b +dCkr0YGduZ4YK4fh2lAgPFlsyYM+LBELeB4D9FY625VqdTOFqXvMPEpnlvIksqDL +LsxSGBZvRNkpZAcu+1bMfNyi1wIDAQABo4IBQDCCATwwCQYDVR0TBAIwADAsBglg +hkgBhvhCAQ0EHxYdT3BlblNTTCBHZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUwHQYDVR0O +BBYEFHCserVul8KCrxGeMsuNSEmTt9wiMIHhBgNVHSMEgdkwgdaAFEn7RXISxMzh +RaHTCJ6VxCxtVT8XoYG6pIG3MIG0MQswCQYDVQQGEwJOWjETMBEGA1UEBxMKV2Vs +bGluZ3RvbjE8MDoGA1UEChMzUmVhbGx5IElycmVzcG9uc2libGUgQXV0aG9yaXNh +dGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkgKFJJQUEpMRYwFAYDVQQLEw1DZXJ0LXN0YW1waW5nMRkw +FwYDVQQDExBKYWNrb3YgYWwtVHJhZGVzMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBub25lQGZh +a2UuZG9tYWluggEAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAC7Lo81tqJ3R3OXw4Cd+S1qQ +qIVD8AX3BEPXX9Glj1xY6/zaxnzgCyuYcpX2eUiWevoMawnsxoyRdEWfjw8WeONm +FPoe9PAj7M2pUncgTcUFLFK2e/NCM/2QHz6Ib5sjYciAO+ZXhC73Jsc17QCLCDCb +qiGDtm24fIqbKu95PZYx +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +MIICXAIBAAKBgQCpPmKHlxNr3o+8HQo/ZQz5dqNTzpcwJw3G33IfjVrOWCNqZeXj +chqNf/6QAepC8Z9uewq961IVe/Q9nE7bdCkr0YGduZ4YK4fh2lAgPFlsyYM+LBEL +eB4D9FY625VqdTOFqXvMPEpnlvIksqDLLsxSGBZvRNkpZAcu+1bMfNyi1wIDAQAB +AoGANCwqHZhiAU/TyW6+WPqivEhpYw19p/dyFMuPF9DwnEmpaUROUQY8z0AUznn4 +qHhp6Jn/nrprTHowucl0ucweYIYVxZoUiUDFpxdFUbzMdFvo6HcyV1Pe4Rt81HaY +KYWrTZ6PaPtN65hLms8NhPEdGcGAFlY1owYv4QNGq2bU1JECQQDd32LM0NSfyGmK +4ziajqGcvzK9NO2XyV/nJsGlJZNgMh2zm1t7yR28l/6Q2uyU49cCN+2aYULZCAfs +taNvxBspAkEAw0alNub+xj2AVQvaxOB1sGfKzsJjHCzKIxUXn/tJi3j0+2asmkBZ +Umx1MWr9jKQBnCMciCRUbnMEZiElOxCN/wJAfAeQl6Z19gx206lJzzzEo3dOye54 +k02DSxijT8q9pBzf9bN3ZK987BybtiZr8p+bZiYVsSOF1wViSLURdD1QYQJAIaMU +qH1n24wShBPTrmAfxbBLTgxL+Dl65Eoo1KT7iSvfv0JzbuqwuDL4iPeuD0DdCiE+ +M/FWHeRwGIuTFzaFzwJBANKwx0jZS/h093w9g0Clw6UzeA1P5VcAt9y+qMC9hO3c +4KXwIxQAt9yRaFLpiIR9do5bjjKNnMguf3aO/XRSDQM= +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/CA.pem b/openssl/demos/tunala/CA.pem new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a55b5463 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/CA.pem @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIID9zCCA2CgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBtDELMAkGA1UEBhMCTlox +EzARBgNVBAcTCldlbGxpbmd0b24xPDA6BgNVBAoTM1JlYWxseSBJcnJlc3BvbnNp +YmxlIEF1dGhvcmlzYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IChSSUFBKTEWMBQGA1UECxMNQ2Vy +dC1zdGFtcGluZzEZMBcGA1UEAxMQSmFja292IGFsLVRyYWRlczEfMB0GCSqGSIb3 +DQEJARYQbm9uZUBmYWtlLmRvbWFpbjAeFw0wMjAxMTYwNTA5NTlaFw0xMjAxMTQw +NTA5NTlaMIG0MQswCQYDVQQGEwJOWjETMBEGA1UEBxMKV2VsbGluZ3RvbjE8MDoG +A1UEChMzUmVhbGx5IElycmVzcG9uc2libGUgQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3Jp +dHkgKFJJQUEpMRYwFAYDVQQLEw1DZXJ0LXN0YW1waW5nMRkwFwYDVQQDExBKYWNr +b3YgYWwtVHJhZGVzMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBub25lQGZha2UuZG9tYWluMIGf +MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7QdDfFIrJn3X24hKmpkyk3TG0Ivxd +K2wWmDPXq1wjr8lUTwrA6hM5Ba9N36jLieWpXhviLOWu9DBza5GmtgCuXloATKTC +94xOdKHlciTVujG3wDlLDB5e710Kar84nnj6VueL1RyZ0bmP5PANa4mbGW9Tqc7J +CkBTTW2y9d0SgQIDAQABo4IBFTCCAREwHQYDVR0OBBYEFEn7RXISxMzhRaHTCJ6V +xCxtVT8XMIHhBgNVHSMEgdkwgdaAFEn7RXISxMzhRaHTCJ6VxCxtVT8XoYG6pIG3 +MIG0MQswCQYDVQQGEwJOWjETMBEGA1UEBxMKV2VsbGluZ3RvbjE8MDoGA1UEChMz +UmVhbGx5IElycmVzcG9uc2libGUgQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkgKFJJ +QUEpMRYwFAYDVQQLEw1DZXJ0LXN0YW1waW5nMRkwFwYDVQQDExBKYWNrb3YgYWwt +VHJhZGVzMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBub25lQGZha2UuZG9tYWluggEAMAwGA1Ud +EwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADgYEAYQo95V/NY+eKxYxkhibZiUQygph+ +gTfgbDG20MsnH6+8//w5ArHauFCgDrf0P2VyACgq+N4pBTWFGaAaLwbjKy9HCe2E +j9C91tO1CqDS4MJkDB5AP13FTkK6fP1ZCiTQranOAp3DlGWTTWsFVyW5kVfQ9diS +ZOyJZ9Fit5XM2X0= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/INSTALL b/openssl/demos/tunala/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a65bbeb8d --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +There are two ways to build this code; + +(1) Manually + +(2) Using all-singing all-dancing (all-confusing) autotools, ie. autoconf, +automake, and their little friends (autoheader, etc). + +================= +Building Manually +================= + +There is a basic "Makefile" in this directory that gets moved out of the way and +ignored when building with autoconf et al. This Makefile is suitable for +building tunala on Linux using gcc. Any other platform probably requires some +tweaking. Here are the various bits you might need to do if you want to build +this way and the default Makefile isn't sufficient; + +* Compiler: Edit the "CC" definition in Makefile + +* Headers, features: tunala.h controls what happens in the non-autoconf world. + It, by default, assumes the system has *everything* (except autoconf's + "config.h") so if a target system is missing something it must define the + appropriate "NO_***" symbols in CFLAGS. These include; + + - NO_HAVE_UNISTD_H, NO_HAVE_FCNTL_H, NO_HAVE_LIMITS_H + Indicates the compiling system doesn't have (or need) these header files. + - NO_HAVE_STRSTR, NO_HAVE_STRTOUL + Indicates the compiling system doesn't have these functions. Replacements + are compiled and used in breakage.c + - NO_HAVE_SELECT, NO_HAVE_SOCKET + Pointless symbols - these indicate select() and/or socket() are missing in + which case the program won't compile anyway. + + If you want to specify any of these, add them with "-D" prefixed to each in + the CFLAGS definition in Makefile. + +* Compilation flags: edit DEBUG_FLAGS and/or CFLAGS directly to control the + flags passed to the compiler. This can also be used to change the degree of + optimisation. + +* Linker flags: some systems (eg. Solaris) require extra linker flags such as; + -ldl, -lsocket, -lnsl, etc. If unsure, bring up the man page for whichever + function is "undefined" when the linker fails - that usually indicates what + you need to add. Make changes to the LINK_FLAGS symbol. + +* Linker command: if a different linker syntax or even a different program is + required to link, edit the linker line directly in the "tunala:" target + definition - it currently assumes the "CC" (compiler) program is used to link. + +====================== +Building Automagically +====================== + +Automagic building is handled courtesy of autoconf, automake, etc. There are in +fact two steps required to build, and only the first has to be done on a system +with these tools installed (and if I was prepared to bloat out the CVS +repository, I could store these extra files, but I'm not). + +First step: "" +------------------------- + +The "./" script will call all the necessary autotool commands to +create missing files and run automake and autoconf. The result is that a +"./configure" script should be generated and a "" generated from the +supplied "". NB: This script also moves the "manual" Makefile (see +above) out of the way and calls it "Makefile.plain" - the "ungunk" script +reverses this to leave the directory it was previously. + +Once "ungunk" has been run, the resulting directory should be able to build on +other systems without autoconf, automake, or libtool. Which is what the second +step describes; + +Second step: "./configure" +-------------------------- + +The second step is to run the generated "./configure" script to create a +config.h header for your system and to generate a "Makefile" (generated from +"") tweaked to compile on your system. This is the standard sort of +thing you see in GNU packages, for example, and the standard tricks also work. +Eg. to override "configure"'s choice of compiler, set the CC environment +variable prior to running configure, eg. + + CC=gcc ./configure + +would cause "gcc" to be used even if there is an otherwise preferable (to +autoconf) native compiler on your system. + +After this run "make" and it should build the "tunala" executable. + +Notes +----- + +- Some versions of autoconf (or automake?) generate a Makefile syntax that gives + trouble to some "make" programs on some systems (eg. OpenBSD). If this + happens, either build 'Manually' (see above) or use "gmake" instead of "make". + I don't like this either but like even less the idea of sifting into all the + script magic crud that's involved. + +- On a solaris system I tried, the "configure" script specified some broken + compiler flags in the resulting Makefile that don't even get echoed to + stdout/err when the error happens (evil!). If this happens, go into the + generated Makefile, find the two affected targets ("%.o:" and "%.lo"), and + remove the offending hidden option in the $(COMPILE) line all the sludge after + the two first lines of script (ie. after the "echo" and the "COMPILE" lines). + NB: This will probably only function if "--disable-shared" was used, otherwise + who knows what would result ... + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/Makefile b/openssl/demos/tunala/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bef1704a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# Edit these to suit +# +# Oh yeah, and please read the README too. + + +SSL_HOMEDIR=../.. +SSL_INCLUDEDIR=$(SSL_HOMEDIR)/include +SSL_LIBDIR=$(SSL_HOMEDIR) + +RM=rm -f +CC=gcc +DEBUG_FLAGS=-g -ggdb3 -Wall -Wshadow +INCLUDE_FLAGS=-I$(SSL_INCLUDEDIR) +CFLAGS=$(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE_FLAGS) -DNO_CONFIG_H +COMPILE=$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c + +# Edit, particularly the "-ldl" if not building with "dlfcn" support +LINK_FLAGS=-L$(SSL_LIBDIR) -lssl -lcrypto -ldl + +SRCS=buffer.c cb.c ip.c sm.c tunala.c breakage.c +OBJS=buffer.o cb.o ip.o sm.o tunala.o breakage.o + +TARGETS=tunala + +default: $(TARGETS) + +clean: + $(RM) $(OBJS) $(TARGETS) *.bak core + +.c.o: + $(COMPILE) $< + +tunala: $(OBJS) + $(CC) -o tunala $(OBJS) $(LINK_FLAGS) + +# Extra dependencies, should really use makedepend +buffer.o: buffer.c tunala.h +cb.o: cb.c tunala.h +ip.o: ip.c tunala.h +sm.o: sm.c tunala.h +tunala.o: tunala.c tunala.h diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..706c7806c --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Our includes come from the OpenSSL build-tree we're in +INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/../../include + +bin_PROGRAMS = tunala + +tunala_SOURCES = tunala.c buffer.c cb.c ip.c sm.c breakage.c +tunala_LDADD = -L$(top_builddir)/../.. -lssl -lcrypto diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/README b/openssl/demos/tunala/README new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15690088f --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/README @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +This is intended to be an example of a state-machine driven SSL application. It +acts as an SSL tunneler (functioning as either the server or client half, +depending on command-line arguments). *PLEASE* read the comments in tunala.h +before you treat this stuff as anything more than a curiosity - YOU HAVE BEEN +WARNED!! There, that's the draconian bit out of the way ... + + +Why "tunala"?? +-------------- + +I thought I asked you to read tunala.h?? :-) + + +Show me +------- + +If you want to simply see it running, skip to the end and see some example +command-line arguments to demonstrate with. + + +Where to look and what to do? +----------------------------- + +The code is split up roughly coinciding with the detaching of an "abstract" SSL +state machine (which is the purpose of all this) and its surrounding application +specifics. This is primarily to make it possible for me to know when I could cut +corners and when I needed to be rigorous (or at least maintain the pretense as +such :-). + +Network stuff: + +Basically, the network part of all this is what is supposed to be abstracted out +of the way. The intention is to illustrate one way to stick OpenSSL's mechanisms +inside a little memory-driven sandbox and operate it like a pure state-machine. +So, the network code is inside both ip.c (general utility functions and gory +IPv4 details) and tunala.c itself, which takes care of application specifics +like the main select() loop. The connectivity between the specifics of this +application (TCP/IP tunneling and the associated network code) and the +underlying abstract SSL state machine stuff is through the use of the "buffer_t" +type, declared in tunala.h and implemented in buffer.c. + +State machine: + +Which leaves us, generally speaking, with the abstract "state machine" code left +over and this is sitting inside sm.c, with declarations inside tunala.h. As can +be seen by the definition of the state_machine_t structure and the associated +functions to manipulate it, there are the 3 OpenSSL "handles" plus 4 buffer_t +structures dealing with IO on both the encrypted and unencrypted sides ("dirty" +and "clean" respectively). The "SSL" handle is what facilitates the reading and +writing of the unencrypted (tunneled) data. The two "BIO" handles act as the +read and write channels for encrypted tunnel traffic - in other applications +these are often socket BIOs so that the OpenSSL framework operates with the +network layer directly. In this example, those two BIOs are memory BIOs +(BIO_s_mem()) so that the sending and receiving of the tunnel traffic stays +within the state-machine, and we can handle where this gets send to (or read +from) ourselves. + + +Why? +---- + +If you take a look at the "state_machine_t" section of tunala.h and the code in +sm.c, you will notice that nothing related to the concept of 'transport' is +involved. The binding to TCP/IP networking occurs in tunala.c, specifically +within the "tunala_item_t" structure that associates a state_machine_t object +with 4 file-descriptors. The way to best see where the bridge between the +outside world (TCP/IP reads, writes, select()s, file-descriptors, etc) and the +state machine is, is to examine the "tunala_item_io()" function in tunala.c. +This is currently around lines 641-732 but of course could be subject to change. + + +And...? +------- + +Well, although that function is around 90 lines of code, it could easily have +been a lot less only I was trying to address an easily missed "gotcha" (item (2) +below). The main() code that drives the select/accept/IO loop initialises new +tunala_item_t structures when connections arrive, and works out which +file-descriptors go where depending on whether we're an SSL client or server +(client --> accepted connection is clean and proxied is dirty, server --> +accepted connection is dirty and proxied is clean). What that tunala_item_io() +function is attempting to do is 2 things; + + (1) Perform all reads and writes on the network directly into the + state_machine_t's buffers (based on a previous select() result), and only + then allow the abstact state_machine_t to "churn()" using those buffers. + This will cause the SSL machine to consume as much input data from the two + "IN" buffers as possible, and generate as much output data into the two + "OUT" buffers as possible. Back up in the main() function, the next main + loop loop will examine these output buffers and select() for writability + on the corresponding sockets if the buffers are non-empty. + + (2) Handle the complicated tunneling-specific issue of cascading "close"s. + This is the reason for most of the complexity in the logic - if one side + of the tunnel is closed, you can't simply close the other side and throw + away the whole thing - (a) there may still be outgoing data on the other + side of the tunnel that hasn't been sent yet, (b) the close (or things + happening during the close) may cause more data to be generated that needs + sending on the other side. Of course, this logic is complicated yet futher + by the fact that it's different depending on which side closes first :-) + state_machine_close_clean() will indicate to the state machine that the + unencrypted side of the tunnel has closed, so any existing outgoing data + needs to be flushed, and the SSL stream needs to be closed down using the + appropriate shutdown sequence. state_machine_close_dirty() is simpler + because it indicates that the SSL stream has been disconnected, so all + that remains before closing the other side is to flush out anything that + remains and wait for it to all be sent. + +Anyway, with those things in mind, the code should be a little easier to follow +in terms of "what is *this* bit supposed to achieve??!!". + + +How might this help? +-------------------- + +Well, the reason I wrote this is that there seemed to be rather a flood of +questions of late on the openssl-dev and openssl-users lists about getting this +whole IO logic thing sorted out, particularly by those who were trying to either +use non-blocking IO, or wanted SSL in an environment where "something else" was +handling the network already and they needed to operate in memory only. This +code is loosely based on some other stuff I've been working on, although that +stuff is far more complete, far more dependant on a whole slew of other +network/framework code I don't want to incorporate here, and far harder to look +at for 5 minutes and follow where everything is going. I will be trying over +time to suck in a few things from that into this demo in the hopes it might be +more useful, and maybe to even make this demo usable as a utility of its own. +Possible things include: + + * controlling multiple processes/threads - this can be used to combat + latencies and get passed file-descriptor limits on some systems, and it uses + a "controller" process/thread that maintains IPC links with the + processes/threads doing the real work. + + * cert verification rules - having some say over which certs get in or out :-) + + * control over SSL protocols and cipher suites + + * A few other things you can already do in s_client and s_server :-) + + * Support (and control over) session resuming, particularly when functioning + as an SSL client. + +If you have a particular environment where this model might work to let you "do +SSL" without having OpenSSL be aware of the transport, then you should find you +could use the state_machine_t structure (or your own variant thereof) and hook +it up to your transport stuff in much the way tunala.c matches it up with those +4 file-descriptors. The state_machine_churn(), state_machine_close_clean(), and +state_machine_close_dirty() functions are the main things to understand - after +that's done, you just have to ensure you're feeding and bleeding the 4 +state_machine buffers in a logical fashion. This state_machine loop handles not +only handshakes and normal streaming, but also renegotiates - there's no special +handling required beyond keeping an eye on those 4 buffers and keeping them in +sync with your outer "loop" logic. Ie. if one of the OUT buffers is not empty, +you need to find an opportunity to try and forward its data on. If one of the IN +buffers is not full, you should keep an eye out for data arriving that should be +placed there. + +This approach could hopefully also allow you to run the SSL protocol in very +different environments. As an example, you could support encrypted event-driven +IPC where threads/processes pass messages to each other inside an SSL layer; +each IPC-message's payload would be in fact the "dirty" content, and the "clean" +payload coming out of the tunnel at each end would be the real intended message. +Likewise, this could *easily* be made to work across unix domain sockets, or +even entirely different network/comms protocols. + +This is also a quick and easy way to do VPN if you (and the remote network's +gateway) support virtual network devices that are encapsulted in a single +network connection, perhaps PPP going through an SSL tunnel? + + +Suggestions +----------- + +Please let me know if you find this useful, or if there's anything wrong or +simply too confusing about it. Patches are also welcome, but please attach a +description of what it changes and why, and "diff -urN" format is preferred. +Mail to should do the trick. + + +Example +------- + +Here is an example of how to use "tunala" ... + +First, it's assumed that OpenSSL has already built, and that you are building +inside the ./demos/tunala/ directory. If not - please correct the paths and +flags inside the Makefile. Likewise, if you want to tweak the building, it's +best to try and do so in the makefile (eg. removing the debug flags and adding +optimisation flags). + +Secondly, this code has mostly only been tested on Linux. However, some +autoconf/etc support has been added and the code has been compiled on openbsd +and solaris using that. + +Thirdly, if you are Win32, you probably need to do some *major* rewriting of +ip.c to stand a hope in hell. Good luck, and please mail me the diff if you do +this, otherwise I will take a look at another time. It can certainly be done, +but it's very non-POSIXy. + +See the INSTALL document for details on building. + +Now, if you don't have an executable "tunala" compiled, go back to "First,...". +Rinse and repeat. + +Inside one console, try typing; + +(i) ./tunala -listen localhost:8080 -proxy localhost:8081 -cacert CA.pem \ + -cert A-client.pem -out_totals -v_peer -v_strict + +In another console, type; + +(ii) ./tunala -listen localhost:8081 -proxy localhost:23 -cacert CA.pem \ + -cert A-server.pem -server 1 -out_totals -v_peer -v_strict + +Now if you open another console and "telnet localhost 8080", you should be +tunneled through to the telnet service on your local machine (if it's running - +you could change it to port "22" and tunnel ssh instead if you so desired). When +you logout of the telnet session, the tunnel should cleanly shutdown and show +you some traffic stats in both consoles. Feel free to experiment. :-) + +Notes: + + - the format for the "-listen" argument can skip the host part (eg. "-listen + 8080" is fine). If you do, the listening socket will listen on all interfaces + so you can connect from other machines for example. Using the "localhost" + form listens only on so you can only connect locally (unless, of + course, you've set up weird stuff with your networking in which case probably + none of the above applies). + + - ./tunala -? gives you a list of other command-line options, but tunala.c is + also a good place to look :-) + + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9783c626 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# This script tries to follow the "GNU way" w.r.t. the autobits. +# This does of course generate a number of irritating files. +# Try to get over it (I am getting there myself). + +# This should generate any missing crud, and then run autoconf which should turn +# into a "./configure" script and "" into a +# "". Then running "./configure" should turn "" into +# "Makefile" and should generate the config.h containing your systems various +# settings. I know ... what a hassle ... + +# Also, sometimes these autobits things generate bizarre output (looking like +# errors). So I direct everything "elsewhere" ... + +(aclocal +autoheader +libtoolize --copy --force +automake --foreign --add-missing --copy +autoconf) 1> /dev/null 2>&1 + +# Move the "no-autotools" Makefile out of the way +if test ! -f Makefile.plain; then + mv Makefile Makefile.plain +fi diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c9123b6c --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# This script tries to clean up as much as is possible from whatever diabolical +# mess has been left in the directory thanks to autoconf, automake, and their +# friends. + +if test -f Makefile.plain; then + if test -f Makefile; then + make distclean + fi + mv Makefile.plain Makefile +else + make clean +fi + +rm -f aclocal.m4 config.* configure install-sh \ + missing mkinstalldirs stamp-h.* \ + ltconfig diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/breakage.c b/openssl/demos/tunala/breakage.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dcdd64b0e --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/breakage.c @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +#include "tunala.h" + +int int_strtoul(const char *str, unsigned long *val) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_STRTOUL + char *tmp; + unsigned long ret = strtoul(str, &tmp, 10); + if((str == tmp) || (*tmp != '\0')) + /* The value didn't parse cleanly */ + return 0; + if(ret == ULONG_MAX) + /* We hit a limit */ + return 0; + *val = ret; + return 1; +#else + char buf[2]; + unsigned long ret = 0; + buf[1] = '\0'; + if(str == '\0') + /* An empty string ... */ + return 0; + while(*str != '\0') { + /* We have to multiply 'ret' by 10 before absorbing the next + * digit. If this will overflow, catch it now. */ + if(ret && (((ULONG_MAX + 10) / ret) < 10)) + return 0; + ret *= 10; + if(!isdigit(*str)) + return 0; + buf[0] = *str; + ret += atoi(buf); + str++; + } + *val = ret; + return 1; +#endif +} + +#ifndef HAVE_STRSTR +char *int_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle) +{ + const char *sub_haystack = haystack, *sub_needle = needle; + unsigned int offset = 0; + if(!needle) + return haystack; + if(!haystack) + return NULL; + while((*sub_haystack != '\0') && (*sub_needle != '\0')) { + if(sub_haystack[offset] == sub_needle) { + /* sub_haystack is still a candidate */ + offset++; + sub_needle++; + } else { + /* sub_haystack is no longer a possibility */ + sub_haystack++; + offset = 0; + sub_needle = needle; + } + } + if(*sub_haystack == '\0') + /* Found nothing */ + return NULL; + return sub_haystack; +} +#endif diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/buffer.c b/openssl/demos/tunala/buffer.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5cd00420 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/buffer.c @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +#include "tunala.h" + +#ifndef NO_BUFFER + +void buffer_init(buffer_t *buf) +{ + buf->used = 0; + buf->total_in = buf->total_out = 0; +} + +void buffer_close(buffer_t *buf) +{ + /* Our data is static - nothing needs "release", just reset it */ + buf->used = 0; +} + +/* Code these simple ones in compact form */ +unsigned int buffer_used(buffer_t *buf) { + return buf->used; } +unsigned int buffer_unused(buffer_t *buf) { + return (MAX_DATA_SIZE - buf->used); } +int buffer_full(buffer_t *buf) { + return (buf->used == MAX_DATA_SIZE ? 1 : 0); } +int buffer_notfull(buffer_t *buf) { + return (buf->used < MAX_DATA_SIZE ? 1 : 0); } +int buffer_empty(buffer_t *buf) { + return (buf->used == 0 ? 1 : 0); } +int buffer_notempty(buffer_t *buf) { + return (buf->used > 0 ? 1 : 0); } +unsigned long buffer_total_in(buffer_t *buf) { + return buf->total_in; } +unsigned long buffer_total_out(buffer_t *buf) { + return buf->total_out; } + +/* These 3 static (internal) functions don't adjust the "total" variables as + * it's not sure when they're called how it should be interpreted. Only the + * higher-level "buffer_[to|from]_[fd|SSL|BIO]" functions should alter these + * values. */ +#if 0 /* To avoid "unused" warnings */ +static unsigned int buffer_adddata(buffer_t *buf, const unsigned char *ptr, + unsigned int size) +{ + unsigned int added = MAX_DATA_SIZE - buf->used; + if(added > size) + added = size; + if(added == 0) + return 0; + memcpy(buf->data + buf->used, ptr, added); + buf->used += added; + buf->total_in += added; + return added; +} + +static unsigned int buffer_tobuffer(buffer_t *to, buffer_t *from, int cap) +{ + unsigned int moved, tomove = from->used; + if((int)tomove > cap) + tomove = cap; + if(tomove == 0) + return 0; + moved = buffer_adddata(to, from->data, tomove); + if(moved == 0) + return 0; + buffer_takedata(from, NULL, moved); + return moved; +} +#endif + +static unsigned int buffer_takedata(buffer_t *buf, unsigned char *ptr, + unsigned int size) +{ + unsigned int taken = buf->used; + if(taken > size) + taken = size; + if(taken == 0) + return 0; + if(ptr) + memcpy(ptr, buf->data, taken); + buf->used -= taken; + /* Do we have to scroll? */ + if(buf->used > 0) + memmove(buf->data, buf->data + taken, buf->used); + return taken; +} + +#ifndef NO_IP + +int buffer_from_fd(buffer_t *buf, int fd) +{ + int toread = buffer_unused(buf); + if(toread == 0) + /* Shouldn't be called in this case! */ + abort(); + toread = read(fd, buf->data + buf->used, toread); + if(toread > 0) { + buf->used += toread; + buf->total_in += toread; + } + return toread; +} + +int buffer_to_fd(buffer_t *buf, int fd) +{ + int towrite = buffer_used(buf); + if(towrite == 0) + /* Shouldn't be called in this case! */ + abort(); + towrite = write(fd, buf->data, towrite); + if(towrite > 0) { + buffer_takedata(buf, NULL, towrite); + buf->total_out += towrite; + } + return towrite; +} + +#endif /* !defined(NO_IP) */ + +#ifndef NO_OPENSSL + +static void int_ssl_check(SSL *s, int ret) +{ + int e = SSL_get_error(s, ret); + switch(e) { + /* These seem to be harmless and already "dealt with" by our + * non-blocking environment. NB: "ZERO_RETURN" is the clean + * "error" indicating a successfully closed SSL tunnel. We let + * this happen because our IO loop should not appear to have + * broken on this condition - and outside the IO loop, the + * "shutdown" state is checked. */ + case SSL_ERROR_NONE: + case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: + case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: + case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: + case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: + return; + /* These seem to be indications of a genuine error that should + * result in the SSL tunnel being regarded as "dead". */ + case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: + case SSL_ERROR_SSL: + SSL_set_app_data(s, (char *)1); + return; + default: + break; + } + /* For any other errors that (a) exist, and (b) crop up - we need to + * interpret what to do with them - so "politely inform" the caller that + * the code needs updating here. */ + abort(); +} + +void buffer_from_SSL(buffer_t *buf, SSL *ssl) +{ + int ret; + if(!ssl || buffer_full(buf)) + return; + ret = SSL_read(ssl, buf->data + buf->used, buffer_unused(buf)); + if(ret > 0) { + buf->used += ret; + buf->total_in += ret; + } + if(ret < 0) + int_ssl_check(ssl, ret); +} + +void buffer_to_SSL(buffer_t *buf, SSL *ssl) +{ + int ret; + if(!ssl || buffer_empty(buf)) + return; + ret = SSL_write(ssl, buf->data, buf->used); + if(ret > 0) { + buffer_takedata(buf, NULL, ret); + buf->total_out += ret; + } + if(ret < 0) + int_ssl_check(ssl, ret); +} + +void buffer_from_BIO(buffer_t *buf, BIO *bio) +{ + int ret; + if(!bio || buffer_full(buf)) + return; + ret = BIO_read(bio, buf->data + buf->used, buffer_unused(buf)); + if(ret > 0) { + buf->used += ret; + buf->total_in += ret; + } +} + +void buffer_to_BIO(buffer_t *buf, BIO *bio) +{ + int ret; + if(!bio || buffer_empty(buf)) + return; + ret = BIO_write(bio, buf->data, buf->used); + if(ret > 0) { + buffer_takedata(buf, NULL, ret); + buf->total_out += ret; + } +} + +#endif /* !defined(NO_OPENSSL) */ + +#endif /* !defined(NO_BUFFER) */ diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/cb.c b/openssl/demos/tunala/cb.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e64983896 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/cb.c @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +#include "tunala.h" + +#ifndef NO_OPENSSL + +/* For callbacks generating output, here are their file-descriptors. */ +static FILE *fp_cb_ssl_info = NULL; +static FILE *fp_cb_ssl_verify = NULL; +/* Output level: + * 0 = nothing, + * 1 = minimal, just errors, + * 2 = minimal, all steps, + * 3 = detail, all steps */ +static unsigned int cb_ssl_verify_level = 1; + +/* Other static rubbish (to mirror s_cb.c where required) */ +static int int_verify_depth = 10; + +/* This function is largely borrowed from the one used in OpenSSL's "s_client" + * and "s_server" utilities. */ +void cb_ssl_info(const SSL *s, int where, int ret) +{ + const char *str1, *str2; + int w; + + if(!fp_cb_ssl_info) + return; + + w = where & ~SSL_ST_MASK; + str1 = (w & SSL_ST_CONNECT ? "SSL_connect" : (w & SSL_ST_ACCEPT ? + "SSL_accept" : "undefined")), + str2 = SSL_state_string_long(s); + + if (where & SSL_CB_LOOP) + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_info, "(%s) %s\n", str1, str2); + else if (where & SSL_CB_EXIT) { + if (ret == 0) + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_info, "(%s) failed in %s\n", str1, str2); +/* In a non-blocking model, we get a few of these "error"s simply because we're + * calling "reads" and "writes" on the state-machine that are virtual NOPs + * simply to avoid wasting the time seeing if we *should* call them. Removing + * this case makes the "-out_state" output a lot easier on the eye. */ +#if 0 + else if (ret < 0) + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_info, "%s:error in %s\n", str1, str2); +#endif + } +} + +void cb_ssl_info_set_output(FILE *fp) +{ + fp_cb_ssl_info = fp; +} + +static const char *int_reason_no_issuer = "X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT"; +static const char *int_reason_not_yet = "X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID"; +static const char *int_reason_before = "X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD"; +static const char *int_reason_expired = "X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED"; +static const char *int_reason_after = "X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD"; + +/* Stolen wholesale from apps/s_cb.c :-) And since then, mutilated ... */ +int cb_ssl_verify(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) +{ + char buf1[256]; /* Used for the subject name */ + char buf2[256]; /* Used for the issuer name */ + const char *reason = NULL; /* Error reason (if any) */ + X509 *err_cert; + int err, depth; + + if(!fp_cb_ssl_verify || (cb_ssl_verify_level == 0)) + return ok; + err_cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx); + err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx); + depth = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx); + + buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0'; + /* Fill buf1 */ + X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(err_cert), buf1, 256); + /* Fill buf2 */ + X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(ctx->current_cert), buf2, 256); + switch (ctx->error) { + case X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT: + reason = int_reason_no_issuer; + break; + case X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID: + reason = int_reason_not_yet; + break; + case X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD: + reason = int_reason_before; + break; + case X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED: + reason = int_reason_expired; + break; + case X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD: + reason = int_reason_after; + break; + } + + if((cb_ssl_verify_level == 1) && ok) + return ok; + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify, "chain-depth=%d, ", depth); + if(reason) + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify, "error=%s\n", reason); + else + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify, "error=%d\n", err); + if(cb_ssl_verify_level < 3) + return ok; + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify, "--> subject = %s\n", buf1); + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify, "--> issuer = %s\n", buf2); + if(!ok) + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify,"--> verify error:num=%d:%s\n",err, + X509_verify_cert_error_string(err)); + fprintf(fp_cb_ssl_verify, "--> verify return:%d\n",ok); + return ok; +} + +void cb_ssl_verify_set_output(FILE *fp) +{ + fp_cb_ssl_verify = fp; +} + +void cb_ssl_verify_set_depth(unsigned int verify_depth) +{ + int_verify_depth = verify_depth; +} + +void cb_ssl_verify_set_level(unsigned int level) +{ + if(level < 4) + cb_ssl_verify_level = level; +} + +RSA *cb_generate_tmp_rsa(SSL *s, int is_export, int keylength) +{ + /* TODO: Perhaps make it so our global key can be generated on-the-fly + * after certain intervals? */ + static RSA *rsa_tmp = NULL; + if(!rsa_tmp) + rsa_tmp = RSA_generate_key(keylength, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL); + return rsa_tmp; +} + +#endif /* !defined(NO_OPENSSL) */ + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..590cdbfd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +AC_INIT(tunala.c) +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(tunala, 0.0.1-dev) + +dnl Checks for programs. (Though skip libtool) +AC_PROG_CC +dnl AC_PROG_LIBTOOL +dnl AM_PROG_LIBTOOL + +dnl Checks for libraries. +AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen) +AC_CHECK_LIB(z, inflate) +AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, socket) +AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostbyname) + +dnl Checks for header files. +AC_HEADER_STDC +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h limits.h unistd.h) + +dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +AC_C_CONST + +dnl Checks for library functions. +AC_CHECK_FUNCS(strstr strtoul) +AC_CHECK_FUNCS(select socket) +AC_CHECK_FUNCS(dlopen) + +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/ip.c b/openssl/demos/tunala/ip.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96ef4e653 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ip.c @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +#include "tunala.h" + +#ifndef NO_IP + +#define IP_LISTENER_BACKLOG 511 /* So if it gets masked by 256 or some other + such value it'll still be respectable */ + +/* Any IP-related initialisations. For now, this means blocking SIGPIPE */ +int ip_initialise(void) +{ + struct sigaction sa; + + sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; + sa.sa_flags = 0; + sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); + if(sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL) != 0) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +int ip_create_listener_split(const char *ip, unsigned short port) +{ + struct sockaddr_in in_addr; + int fd = -1; + int reuseVal = 1; + + /* Create the socket */ + if((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) + goto err; + /* Set the SO_REUSEADDR flag - servers act weird without it */ + if(setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)(&reuseVal), + sizeof(reuseVal)) != 0) + goto err; + /* Prepare the listen address stuff */ + in_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; + memcpy(&in_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, ip, 4); + in_addr.sin_port = htons(port); + /* Bind to the required port/address/interface */ + if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) != 0) + goto err; + /* Start "listening" */ + if(listen(fd, IP_LISTENER_BACKLOG) != 0) + goto err; + return fd; +err: + if(fd != -1) + close(fd); + return -1; +} + +int ip_create_connection_split(const char *ip, unsigned short port) +{ + struct sockaddr_in in_addr; + int flags, fd = -1; + + /* Create the socket */ + if((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) + goto err; + /* Make it non-blocking */ + if(((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) < 0) || + (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0)) + goto err; + /* Prepare the connection address stuff */ + in_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; + memcpy(&in_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, ip, 4); + in_addr.sin_port = htons(port); + /* Start a connect (non-blocking, in all likelihood) */ + if((connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, + sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) != 0) && + (errno != EINPROGRESS)) + goto err; + return fd; +err: + if(fd != -1) + close(fd); + return -1; +} + +static char all_local_ip[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; + +int ip_parse_address(const char *address, const char **parsed_ip, + unsigned short *parsed_port, int accept_all_ip) +{ + char buf[256]; + struct hostent *lookup; + unsigned long port; + const char *ptr = strstr(address, ":"); + const char *ip = all_local_ip; + + if(!ptr) { + /* We assume we're listening on all local interfaces and have + * only specified a port. */ + if(!accept_all_ip) + return 0; + ptr = address; + goto determine_port; + } + if((ptr - address) > 255) + return 0; + memset(buf, 0, 256); + memcpy(buf, address, ptr - address); + ptr++; + if((lookup = gethostbyname(buf)) == NULL) { + /* Spit a message to differentiate between lookup failures and + * bad strings. */ + fprintf(stderr, "hostname lookup for '%s' failed\n", buf); + return 0; + } + ip = lookup->h_addr_list[0]; +determine_port: + if(strlen(ptr) < 1) + return 0; + if(!int_strtoul(ptr, &port) || (port > 65535)) + return 0; + *parsed_ip = ip; + *parsed_port = (unsigned short)port; + return 1; +} + +int ip_create_listener(const char *address) +{ + const char *ip; + unsigned short port; + + if(!ip_parse_address(address, &ip, &port, 1)) + return -1; + return ip_create_listener_split(ip, port); +} + +int ip_create_connection(const char *address) +{ + const char *ip; + unsigned short port; + + if(!ip_parse_address(address, &ip, &port, 0)) + return -1; + return ip_create_connection_split(ip, port); +} + +int ip_accept_connection(int listen_fd) +{ + return accept(listen_fd, NULL, NULL); +} + +#endif /* !defined(NO_IP) */ + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/sm.c b/openssl/demos/tunala/sm.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25359e67e --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/sm.c @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +#include "tunala.h" + +#ifndef NO_TUNALA + +void state_machine_init(state_machine_t *machine) +{ + machine->ssl = NULL; + machine->bio_intossl = machine->bio_fromssl = NULL; + buffer_init(&machine->clean_in); + buffer_init(&machine->clean_out); + buffer_init(&machine->dirty_in); + buffer_init(&machine->dirty_out); +} + +void state_machine_close(state_machine_t *machine) +{ + if(machine->ssl) + SSL_free(machine->ssl); +/* SSL_free seems to decrement the reference counts already so doing this goes + * kaboom. */ +#if 0 + if(machine->bio_intossl) + BIO_free(machine->bio_intossl); + if(machine->bio_fromssl) + BIO_free(machine->bio_fromssl); +#endif + buffer_close(&machine->clean_in); + buffer_close(&machine->clean_out); + buffer_close(&machine->dirty_in); + buffer_close(&machine->dirty_out); + state_machine_init(machine); +} + +buffer_t *state_machine_get_buffer(state_machine_t *machine, sm_buffer_t type) +{ + switch(type) { + case SM_CLEAN_IN: + return &machine->clean_in; + case SM_CLEAN_OUT: + return &machine->clean_out; + case SM_DIRTY_IN: + return &machine->dirty_in; + case SM_DIRTY_OUT: + return &machine->dirty_out; + default: + break; + } + /* Should never get here */ + abort(); + return NULL; +} + +SSL *state_machine_get_SSL(state_machine_t *machine) +{ + return machine->ssl; +} + +int state_machine_set_SSL(state_machine_t *machine, SSL *ssl, int is_server) +{ + if(machine->ssl) + /* Shouldn't ever be set twice */ + abort(); + machine->ssl = ssl; + /* Create the BIOs to handle the dirty side of the SSL */ + if((machine->bio_intossl = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())) == NULL) + abort(); + if((machine->bio_fromssl = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())) == NULL) + abort(); + /* Hook up the BIOs on the dirty side of the SSL */ + SSL_set_bio(machine->ssl, machine->bio_intossl, machine->bio_fromssl); + if(is_server) + SSL_set_accept_state(machine->ssl); + else + SSL_set_connect_state(machine->ssl); + /* If we're the first one to generate traffic - do it now otherwise we + * go into the next select empty-handed and our peer will not send data + * but will similarly wait for us. */ + return state_machine_churn(machine); +} + +/* Performs the data-IO loop and returns zero if the machine should close */ +int state_machine_churn(state_machine_t *machine) +{ + unsigned int loop; + if(machine->ssl == NULL) { + if(buffer_empty(&machine->clean_out)) + /* Time to close this state-machine altogether */ + return 0; + else + /* Still buffered data on the clean side to go out */ + return 1; + } + /* Do this loop twice to cover any dependencies about which precise + * order of reads and writes is required. */ + for(loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { + buffer_to_SSL(&machine->clean_in, machine->ssl); + buffer_to_BIO(&machine->dirty_in, machine->bio_intossl); + buffer_from_SSL(&machine->clean_out, machine->ssl); + buffer_from_BIO(&machine->dirty_out, machine->bio_fromssl); + } + /* We close on the SSL side if the info callback noticed some problems + * or an SSL shutdown was underway and shutdown traffic had all been + * sent. */ + if(SSL_get_app_data(machine->ssl) || (SSL_get_shutdown(machine->ssl) && + buffer_empty(&machine->dirty_out))) { + /* Great, we can seal off the dirty side completely */ + if(!state_machine_close_dirty(machine)) + return 0; + } + /* Either the SSL is alive and well, or the closing process still has + * outgoing data waiting to be sent */ + return 1; +} + +/* Called when the clean side of the SSL has lost its connection */ +int state_machine_close_clean(state_machine_t *machine) +{ + /* Well, first thing to do is null out the clean-side buffers - they're + * no use any more. */ + buffer_close(&machine->clean_in); + buffer_close(&machine->clean_out); + /* And start an SSL shutdown */ + if(machine->ssl) + SSL_shutdown(machine->ssl); + /* This is an "event", so flush the SSL of any generated traffic */ + state_machine_churn(machine); + if(buffer_empty(&machine->dirty_in) && + buffer_empty(&machine->dirty_out)) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +/* Called when the dirty side of the SSL has lost its connection. This is pretty + * terminal as all that can be left to do is send any buffered output on the + * clean side - after that, we're done. */ +int state_machine_close_dirty(state_machine_t *machine) +{ + buffer_close(&machine->dirty_in); + buffer_close(&machine->dirty_out); + buffer_close(&machine->clean_in); + if(machine->ssl) + SSL_free(machine->ssl); + machine->ssl = NULL; + machine->bio_intossl = machine->bio_fromssl = NULL; + if(buffer_empty(&machine->clean_out)) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +#endif /* !defined(NO_TUNALA) */ + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..105b44733 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/ @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +HTTP="localhost:8080" +CLIENT_PORT="9020" +SERVER_PORT="9021" + +sub_test () +{ + echo "STARTING - $VER $CIPHER" + ./tunala -listen localhost:$CLIENT_PORT -proxy localhost:$SERVER_PORT \ + -cacert CA.pem -cert A-client.pem -server 0 \ + -dh_special standard -v_peer -v_strict \ + $VER -cipher $CIPHER 1> tc1.txt 2> tc2.txt & + ./tunala -listen localhost:$SERVER_PORT -proxy $HTTP \ + -cacert CA.pem -cert A-server.pem -server 1 \ + -dh_special standard -v_peer -v_strict \ + $VER -cipher $CIPHER 1> ts1.txt 2> ts2.txt & + # Wait for the servers to be listening before starting the wget test + DONE="no" + while [ "$DONE" != "yes" ]; do + L1=`netstat -a | egrep "LISTEN[\t ]*$" | grep ":$CLIENT_PORT"` + L2=`netstat -a | egrep "LISTEN[\t ]*$" | grep ":$SERVER_PORT"` + if [ "x$L1" != "x" ]; then + DONE="yes" + elif [ "x$L2" != "x" ]; then + DONE="yes" + else + sleep 1 + fi + done + HTML=`wget -O - -T 1 http://localhost:$CLIENT_PORT 2> /dev/null | grep ""` + if [ "x$HTML" != "x" ]; then + echo "OK - $CIPHER ($VER)" + else + echo "FAIL - $CIPHER ($VER)" + killall tunala + exit 1 + fi + killall tunala + # Wait for the servers to stop before returning - otherwise the next + # test my fail to start ... (fscking race conditions) + DONE="yes" + while [ "$DONE" != "no" ]; do + L1=`netstat -a | egrep "LISTEN[\t ]*$" | grep ":$CLIENT_PORT"` + L2=`netstat -a | egrep "LISTEN[\t ]*$" | grep ":$SERVER_PORT"` + if [ "x$L1" != "x" ]; then + DONE="yes" + elif [ "x$L2" != "x" ]; then + DONE="yes" + else + DONE="no" + fi + done + exit 0 +} + +run_test () +{ + (sub_test 1> /dev/null) || exit 1 +} + +run_ssl_test () +{ +killall tunala 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null +echo "" +echo "Starting all $PRETTY tests" +if [ "$PRETTY" != "SSLv2" ]; then + if [ "$PRETTY" != "SSLv3" ]; then + export VER="-no_ssl2 -no_ssl3" + export OSSL="-tls1" + else + export VER="-no_ssl2 -no_tls1" + export OSSL="-ssl3" + fi +else + export VER="-no_ssl3 -no_tls1" + export OSSL="-ssl2" +fi +LIST="`../../apps/openssl ciphers $OSSL | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`" +#echo "$LIST" +for i in $LIST; do \ + DSS=`echo "$i" | grep "DSS"` + if [ "x$DSS" != "x" ]; then + echo "---- skipping $i (no DSA cert/keys) ----" + else + export CIPHER=$i + run_test + echo "SUCCESS: $i" + fi +done; +} + +# Welcome the user +echo "Tests will assume an http server running at $HTTP" + +# TLSv1 test +export PRETTY="TLSv1" +run_ssl_test + +# SSLv3 test +export PRETTY="SSLv3" +run_ssl_test + +# SSLv2 test +export PRETTY="SSLv2" +run_ssl_test + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.c b/openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e918cba2c --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.c @@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@ +#if defined(NO_BUFFER) || defined(NO_IP) || defined(NO_OPENSSL) +#error "Badness, NO_BUFFER, NO_IP or NO_OPENSSL is defined, turn them *off*" +#endif + +/* Include our bits'n'pieces */ +#include "tunala.h" + + +/********************************************/ +/* Our local types that specify our "world" */ +/********************************************/ + +/* These represent running "tunnels". Eg. if you wanted to do SSL in a + * "message-passing" scanario, the "int" file-descriptors might be replaced by + * thread or process IDs, and the "select" code might be replaced by message + * handling code. Whatever. */ +typedef struct _tunala_item_t { + /* The underlying SSL state machine. This is a data-only processing unit + * and we communicate with it by talking to its four "buffers". */ + state_machine_t sm; + /* The file-descriptors for the "dirty" (encrypted) side of the SSL + * setup. In actuality, this is typically a socket and both values are + * identical. */ + int dirty_read, dirty_send; + /* The file-descriptors for the "clean" (unencrypted) side of the SSL + * setup. These could be stdin/stdout, a socket (both values the same), + * or whatever you like. */ + int clean_read, clean_send; +} tunala_item_t; + +/* This structure is used as the data for running the main loop. Namely, in a + * network format such as this, it is stuff for select() - but as pointed out, + * when moving the real-world to somewhere else, this might be replaced by + * something entirely different. It's basically the stuff that controls when + * it's time to do some "work". */ +typedef struct _select_sets_t { + int max; /* As required as the first argument to select() */ + fd_set reads, sends, excepts; /* As passed to select() */ +} select_sets_t; +typedef struct _tunala_selector_t { + select_sets_t last_selected; /* Results of the last select() */ + select_sets_t next_select; /* What we'll next select on */ +} tunala_selector_t; + +/* This structure is *everything*. We do it to avoid the use of globals so that, + * for example, it would be easier to shift things around between async-IO, + * thread-based, or multi-fork()ed (or combinations thereof). */ +typedef struct _tunala_world_t { + /* The file-descriptor we "listen" on for new connections */ + int listen_fd; + /* The array of tunnels */ + tunala_item_t *tunnels; + /* the number of tunnels in use and allocated, respectively */ + unsigned int tunnels_used, tunnels_size; + /* Our outside "loop" context stuff */ + tunala_selector_t selector; + /* Our SSL_CTX, which is configured as the SSL client or server and has + * the various cert-settings and callbacks configured. */ + SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; + /* Simple flag with complex logic :-) Indicates whether we're an SSL + * server or an SSL client. */ + int server_mode; +} tunala_world_t; + +/*****************************/ +/* Internal static functions */ +/*****************************/ + +static SSL_CTX *initialise_ssl_ctx(int server_mode, const char *engine_id, + const char *CAfile, const char *cert, const char *key, + const char *dcert, const char *dkey, const char *cipher_list, + const char *dh_file, const char *dh_special, int tmp_rsa, + int ctx_options, int out_state, int out_verify, int verify_mode, + unsigned int verify_depth); +static void selector_init(tunala_selector_t *selector); +static void selector_add_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd); +static void selector_add_tunala(tunala_selector_t *selector, tunala_item_t *t); +static int selector_select(tunala_selector_t *selector); +/* This returns -1 for error, 0 for no new connections, or 1 for success, in + * which case *newfd is populated. */ +static int selector_get_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd, int *newfd); +static int tunala_world_new_item(tunala_world_t *world, int fd, + const char *ip, unsigned short port, int flipped); +static void tunala_world_del_item(tunala_world_t *world, unsigned int idx); +static int tunala_item_io(tunala_selector_t *selector, tunala_item_t *item); + +/*********************************************/ +/* MAIN FUNCTION (and its utility functions) */ +/*********************************************/ + +static const char *def_proxyhost = ""; +static const char *def_listenhost = ""; +static int def_max_tunnels = 50; +static const char *def_cacert = NULL; +static const char *def_cert = NULL; +static const char *def_key = NULL; +static const char *def_dcert = NULL; +static const char *def_dkey = NULL; +static const char *def_engine_id = NULL; +static int def_server_mode = 0; +static int def_flipped = 0; +static const char *def_cipher_list = NULL; +static const char *def_dh_file = NULL; +static const char *def_dh_special = NULL; +static int def_tmp_rsa = 1; +static int def_ctx_options = 0; +static int def_verify_mode = 0; +static unsigned int def_verify_depth = 10; +static int def_out_state = 0; +static unsigned int def_out_verify = 0; +static int def_out_totals = 0; +static int def_out_conns = 0; + +static const char *helpstring = +"\n'Tunala' (A tunneler with a New Zealand accent)\n" +"Usage: tunala [options], where options are from;\n" +" -listen [host:] (default =\n" +" -proxy : (default =\n" +" -maxtunnels (default = 50)\n" +" -cacert (default = NULL)\n" +" -cert (default = NULL)\n" +" -key (default = whatever '-cert' is)\n" +" -dcert (usually for DSA, default = NULL)\n" +" -dkey (usually for DSA, default = whatever '-dcert' is)\n" +" -engine (default = NULL)\n" +" -server <0|1> (default = 0, ie. an SSL client)\n" +" -flipped <0|1> (makes SSL servers be network clients, and vice versa)\n" +" -cipher (specifies cipher list to use)\n" +" -dh_file (a PEM file containing DH parameters to use)\n" +" -dh_special (see below: def=NULL)\n" +" -no_tmp_rsa (don't generate temporary RSA keys)\n" +" -no_ssl2 (disable SSLv2)\n" +" -no_ssl3 (disable SSLv3)\n" +" -no_tls1 (disable TLSv1)\n" +" -v_peer (verify the peer certificate)\n" +" -v_strict (do not continue if peer doesn't authenticate)\n" +" -v_once (no verification in renegotiates)\n" +" -v_depth (limit certificate chain depth, default = 10)\n" +" -out_conns (prints client connections and disconnections)\n" +" -out_state (prints SSL handshake states)\n" +" -out_verify <0|1|2|3> (prints certificate verification states: def=1)\n" +" -out_totals (prints out byte-totals when a tunnel closes)\n" +" - (displays this help screen)\n" +"Notes:\n" +"(1) It is recommended to specify a cert+key when operating as an SSL server.\n" +" If you only specify '-cert', the same file must contain a matching\n" +" private key.\n" +"(2) Either dh_file or dh_special can be used to specify where DH parameters\n" +" will be obtained from (or '-dh_special NULL' for the default choice) but\n" +" you cannot specify both. For dh_special, 'generate' will create new DH\n" +" parameters on startup, and 'standard' will use embedded parameters\n" +" instead.\n" +"(3) Normally an ssl client connects to an ssl server - so that an 'ssl client\n" +" tunala' listens for 'clean' client connections and proxies ssl, and an\n" +" 'ssl server tunala' listens for ssl connections and proxies 'clean'. With\n" +" '-flipped 1', this behaviour is reversed so that an 'ssl server tunala'\n" +" listens for clean client connections and proxies ssl (but participating\n" +" as an ssl *server* in the SSL/TLS protocol), and an 'ssl client tunala'\n" +" listens for ssl connections (participating as an ssl *client* in the\n" +" SSL/TLS protocol) and proxies 'clean' to the end destination. This can\n" +" be useful for allowing network access to 'servers' where only the server\n" +" needs to authenticate the client (ie. the other way is not required).\n" +" Even with client and server authentication, this 'technique' mitigates\n" +" some DoS (denial-of-service) potential as it will be the network client\n" +" having to perform the first private key operation rather than the other\n" +" way round.\n" +"(4) The 'technique' used by setting '-flipped 1' is probably compatible with\n" +" absolutely nothing except another complimentary instance of 'tunala'\n" +" running with '-flipped 1'. :-)\n"; + +/* Default DH parameters for use with "-dh_special standard" ... stolen striaght + * from s_server. */ +static unsigned char dh512_p[]={ + 0xDA,0x58,0x3C,0x16,0xD9,0x85,0x22,0x89,0xD0,0xE4,0xAF,0x75, + 0x6F,0x4C,0xCA,0x92,0xDD,0x4B,0xE5,0x33,0xB8,0x04,0xFB,0x0F, + 0xED,0x94,0xEF,0x9C,0x8A,0x44,0x03,0xED,0x57,0x46,0x50,0xD3, + 0x69,0x99,0xDB,0x29,0xD7,0x76,0x27,0x6B,0xA2,0xD3,0xD4,0x12, + 0xE2,0x18,0xF4,0xDD,0x1E,0x08,0x4C,0xF6,0xD8,0x00,0x3E,0x7C, + 0x47,0x74,0xE8,0x33, + }; +static unsigned char dh512_g[]={ + 0x02, + }; + +/* And the function that parses the above "standard" parameters, again, straight + * out of s_server. */ +static DH *get_dh512(void) + { + DH *dh=NULL; + + if ((dh=DH_new()) == NULL) return(NULL); + dh->p=BN_bin2bn(dh512_p,sizeof(dh512_p),NULL); + dh->g=BN_bin2bn(dh512_g,sizeof(dh512_g),NULL); + if ((dh->p == NULL) || (dh->g == NULL)) + return(NULL); + return(dh); + } + +/* Various help/error messages used by main() */ +static int usage(const char *errstr, int isunknownarg) +{ + if(isunknownarg) + fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown argument '%s'\n", errstr); + else + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", errstr); + fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", helpstring); + return 1; +} + +static int err_str0(const char *str0) +{ + fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str0); + return 1; +} + +static int err_str1(const char *fmt, const char *str1) +{ + fprintf(stderr, fmt, str1); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + return 1; +} + +static int parse_max_tunnels(const char *s, unsigned int *maxtunnels) +{ + unsigned long l; + if(!int_strtoul(s, &l) || (l < 1) || (l > 1024)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for " + "maxtunnels\n", s); + return 0; + } + *maxtunnels = (unsigned int)l; + return 1; +} + +static int parse_server_mode(const char *s, int *servermode) +{ + unsigned long l; + if(!int_strtoul(s, &l) || (l > 1)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for the " + "server mode\n", s); + return 0; + } + *servermode = (int)l; + return 1; +} + +static int parse_dh_special(const char *s, const char **dh_special) +{ + if((strcmp(s, "NULL") == 0) || (strcmp(s, "generate") == 0) || + (strcmp(s, "standard") == 0)) { + *dh_special = s; + return 1; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for 'dh_special'\n", s); + return 0; +} + +static int parse_verify_level(const char *s, unsigned int *verify_level) +{ + unsigned long l; + if(!int_strtoul(s, &l) || (l > 3)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for " + "out_verify\n", s); + return 0; + } + *verify_level = (unsigned int)l; + return 1; +} + +static int parse_verify_depth(const char *s, unsigned int *verify_depth) +{ + unsigned long l; + if(!int_strtoul(s, &l) || (l < 1) || (l > 50)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s' is an invalid value for " + "verify_depth\n", s); + return 0; + } + *verify_depth = (unsigned int)l; + return 1; +} + +/* Some fprintf format strings used when tunnels close */ +static const char *io_stats_dirty = +" SSL traffic; %8lu bytes in, %8lu bytes out\n"; +static const char *io_stats_clean = +" clear traffic; %8lu bytes in, %8lu bytes out\n"; + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + unsigned int loop; + int newfd; + tunala_world_t world; + tunala_item_t *t_item; + const char *proxy_ip; + unsigned short proxy_port; + /* Overridables */ + const char *proxyhost = def_proxyhost; + const char *listenhost = def_listenhost; + unsigned int max_tunnels = def_max_tunnels; + const char *cacert = def_cacert; + const char *cert = def_cert; + const char *key = def_key; + const char *dcert = def_dcert; + const char *dkey = def_dkey; + const char *engine_id = def_engine_id; + int server_mode = def_server_mode; + int flipped = def_flipped; + const char *cipher_list = def_cipher_list; + const char *dh_file = def_dh_file; + const char *dh_special = def_dh_special; + int tmp_rsa = def_tmp_rsa; + int ctx_options = def_ctx_options; + int verify_mode = def_verify_mode; + unsigned int verify_depth = def_verify_depth; + int out_state = def_out_state; + unsigned int out_verify = def_out_verify; + int out_totals = def_out_totals; + int out_conns = def_out_conns; + +/* Parse command-line arguments */ +next_arg: + argc--; argv++; + if(argc > 0) { + if(strcmp(*argv, "-listen") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-listen requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + listenhost = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-proxy") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-proxy requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + proxyhost = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-maxtunnels") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-maxtunnels requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(!parse_max_tunnels(*argv, &max_tunnels)) + return 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-cacert") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-cacert requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0) + cacert = NULL; + else + cacert = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-cert") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-cert requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0) + cert = NULL; + else + cert = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-key") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-key requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0) + key = NULL; + else + key = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dcert") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-dcert requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0) + dcert = NULL; + else + dcert = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dkey") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-dkey requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(strcmp(*argv, "NULL") == 0) + dkey = NULL; + else + dkey = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-engine") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-engine requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + engine_id = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-server") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-server requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(!parse_server_mode(*argv, &server_mode)) + return 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-flipped") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-flipped requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(!parse_server_mode(*argv, &flipped)) + return 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-cipher") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-cipher requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + cipher_list = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dh_file") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-dh_file requires an argument", 0); + if(dh_special) + return usage("cannot mix -dh_file with " + "-dh_special", 0); + argc--; argv++; + dh_file = *argv; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-dh_special") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-dh_special requires an argument", 0); + if(dh_file) + return usage("cannot mix -dh_file with " + "-dh_special", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(!parse_dh_special(*argv, &dh_special)) + return 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_tmp_rsa") == 0) { + tmp_rsa = 0; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_ssl2") == 0) { + ctx_options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_ssl3") == 0) { + ctx_options |= SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-no_tls1") == 0) { + ctx_options |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_peer") == 0) { + verify_mode |= SSL_VERIFY_PEER; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_strict") == 0) { + verify_mode |= SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_once") == 0) { + verify_mode |= SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-v_depth") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-v_depth requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(!parse_verify_depth(*argv, &verify_depth)) + return 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_state") == 0) { + out_state = 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_verify") == 0) { + if(argc < 2) + return usage("-out_verify requires an argument", 0); + argc--; argv++; + if(!parse_verify_level(*argv, &out_verify)) + return 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_totals") == 0) { + out_totals = 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if(strcmp(*argv, "-out_conns") == 0) { + out_conns = 1; + goto next_arg; + } else if((strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || + (strcmp(*argv, "-help") == 0) || + (strcmp(*argv, "-?") == 0)) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", helpstring); + return 0; + } else + return usage(*argv, 1); + } + /* Run any sanity checks we want here */ + if(!cert && !dcert && server_mode) + fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: you are running an SSL server without " + "a certificate - this may not work!\n"); + + /* Initialise network stuff */ + if(!ip_initialise()) + return err_str0("ip_initialise failed"); + /* Create the SSL_CTX */ + if((world.ssl_ctx = initialise_ssl_ctx(server_mode, engine_id, + cacert, cert, key, dcert, dkey, cipher_list, dh_file, + dh_special, tmp_rsa, ctx_options, out_state, out_verify, + verify_mode, verify_depth)) == NULL) + return err_str1("initialise_ssl_ctx(engine_id=%s) failed", + (engine_id == NULL) ? "NULL" : engine_id); + if(engine_id) + fprintf(stderr, "Info, engine '%s' initialised\n", engine_id); + /* Create the listener */ + if((world.listen_fd = ip_create_listener(listenhost)) == -1) + return err_str1("ip_create_listener(%s) failed", listenhost); + fprintf(stderr, "Info, listening on '%s'\n", listenhost); + if(!ip_parse_address(proxyhost, &proxy_ip, &proxy_port, 0)) + return err_str1("ip_parse_address(%s) failed", proxyhost); + fprintf(stderr, "Info, proxying to '%s' (%d.%d.%d.%d:%d)\n", proxyhost, + (int)proxy_ip[0], (int)proxy_ip[1], + (int)proxy_ip[2], (int)proxy_ip[3], (int)proxy_port); + fprintf(stderr, "Info, set maxtunnels to %d\n", (int)max_tunnels); + fprintf(stderr, "Info, set to operate as an SSL %s\n", + (server_mode ? "server" : "client")); + /* Initialise the rest of the stuff */ + world.tunnels_used = world.tunnels_size = 0; + world.tunnels = NULL; + world.server_mode = server_mode; + selector_init(&world.selector); + +/* We're ready to loop */ +main_loop: + /* Should we listen for *new* tunnels? */ + if(world.tunnels_used < max_tunnels) + selector_add_listener(&world.selector, world.listen_fd); + /* We should add in our existing tunnels */ + for(loop = 0; loop < world.tunnels_used; loop++) + selector_add_tunala(&world.selector, world.tunnels + loop); + /* Now do the select */ + switch(selector_select(&world.selector)) { + case -1: + if(errno != EINTR) { + fprintf(stderr, "selector_select returned a " + "badness error.\n"); + goto shouldnt_happen; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Warn, selector interrupted by a signal\n"); + goto main_loop; + case 0: + fprintf(stderr, "Warn, selector_select returned 0 - signal?""?\n"); + goto main_loop; + default: + break; + } + /* Accept new connection if we should and can */ + if((world.tunnels_used < max_tunnels) && (selector_get_listener( + &world.selector, world.listen_fd, + &newfd) == 1)) { + /* We have a new connection */ + if(!tunala_world_new_item(&world, newfd, proxy_ip, + proxy_port, flipped)) + fprintf(stderr, "tunala_world_new_item failed\n"); + else if(out_conns) + fprintf(stderr, "Info, new tunnel opened, now up to " + "%d\n", world.tunnels_used); + } + /* Give each tunnel its moment, note the while loop is because it makes + * the logic easier than with "for" to deal with an array that may shift + * because of deletes. */ + loop = 0; + t_item = world.tunnels; + while(loop < world.tunnels_used) { + if(!tunala_item_io(&world.selector, t_item)) { + /* We're closing whether for reasons of an error or a + * natural close. Don't increment loop or t_item because + * the next item is moving to us! */ + if(!out_totals) + goto skip_totals; + fprintf(stderr, "Tunnel closing, traffic stats follow\n"); + /* Display the encrypted (over the network) stats */ + fprintf(stderr, io_stats_dirty, + buffer_total_in(state_machine_get_buffer( + &t_item->sm,SM_DIRTY_IN)), + buffer_total_out(state_machine_get_buffer( + &t_item->sm,SM_DIRTY_OUT))); + /* Display the local (tunnelled) stats. NB: Data we + * *receive* is data sent *out* of the state_machine on + * its 'clean' side. Hence the apparent back-to-front + * OUT/IN mixup here :-) */ + fprintf(stderr, io_stats_clean, + buffer_total_out(state_machine_get_buffer( + &t_item->sm,SM_CLEAN_OUT)), + buffer_total_in(state_machine_get_buffer( + &t_item->sm,SM_CLEAN_IN))); +skip_totals: + tunala_world_del_item(&world, loop); + if(out_conns) + fprintf(stderr, "Info, tunnel closed, down to %d\n", + world.tunnels_used); + } + else { + /* Move to the next item */ + loop++; + t_item++; + } + } + goto main_loop; + /* Should never get here */ +shouldnt_happen: + abort(); + return 1; +} + +/****************/ +/* OpenSSL bits */ +/****************/ + +static int ctx_set_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *cert, const char *key) +{ + FILE *fp = NULL; + X509 *x509 = NULL; + EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; + int toret = 0; /* Assume an error */ + + /* cert */ + if(cert) { + if((fp = fopen(cert, "r")) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error opening cert file '%s'\n", cert); + goto err; + } + if(!PEM_read_X509(fp, &x509, NULL, NULL)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PEM cert from '%s'\n", + cert); + goto err; + } + if(!SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx, x509)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, cert in '%s' can not be used\n", + cert); + goto err; + } + /* Clear the FILE* for reuse in the "key" code */ + fclose(fp); + fp = NULL; + fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with cert in '%s'\n", cert); + /* If a cert was given without matching key, we assume the same + * file contains the required key. */ + if(!key) + key = cert; + } else { + if(key) + fprintf(stderr, "Error, can't specify a key without a " + "corresponding certificate\n"); + else + fprintf(stderr, "Error, ctx_set_cert called with " + "NULLs!\n"); + goto err; + } + /* key */ + if(key) { + if((fp = fopen(key, "r")) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error opening key file '%s'\n", key); + goto err; + } + if(!PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, &pkey, NULL, NULL)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PEM key from '%s'\n", + key); + goto err; + } + if(!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ctx, pkey)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, key in '%s' can not be used\n", + key); + goto err; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with key in '%s'\n", key); + } else + fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating without a cert or key\n"); + /* Success */ + toret = 1; err: + if(x509) + X509_free(x509); + if(pkey) + EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); + if(fp) + fclose(fp); + return toret; +} + +static int ctx_set_dh(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *dh_file, const char *dh_special) +{ + DH *dh = NULL; + FILE *fp = NULL; + + if(dh_special) { + if(strcmp(dh_special, "NULL") == 0) + return 1; + if(strcmp(dh_special, "standard") == 0) { + if((dh = get_dh512()) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, can't parse 'standard'" + " DH parameters\n"); + return 0; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Info, using 'standard' DH parameters\n"); + goto do_it; + } + if(strcmp(dh_special, "generate") != 0) + /* This shouldn't happen - screening values is handled + * in main(). */ + abort(); + fprintf(stderr, "Info, generating DH parameters ... "); + fflush(stderr); + if((dh = DH_generate_parameters(512, DH_GENERATOR_5, + NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "error!\n"); + return 0; + } + fprintf(stderr, "complete\n"); + goto do_it; + } + /* So, we're loading dh_file */ + if((fp = fopen(dh_file, "r")) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, couldn't open '%s' for DH parameters\n", + dh_file); + return 0; + } + dh = PEM_read_DHparams(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL); + fclose(fp); + if(dh == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error, could not parse DH parameters from '%s'\n", + dh_file); + return 0; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Info, using DH parameters from file '%s'\n", dh_file); +do_it: + SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh); + DH_free(dh); + return 1; +} + +static SSL_CTX *initialise_ssl_ctx(int server_mode, const char *engine_id, + const char *CAfile, const char *cert, const char *key, + const char *dcert, const char *dkey, const char *cipher_list, + const char *dh_file, const char *dh_special, int tmp_rsa, + int ctx_options, int out_state, int out_verify, int verify_mode, + unsigned int verify_depth) +{ + SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL, *ret = NULL; + SSL_METHOD *meth; + ENGINE *e = NULL; + + OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(); + SSL_load_error_strings(); + + meth = (server_mode ? SSLv23_server_method() : SSLv23_client_method()); + if(meth == NULL) + goto err; + if(engine_id) { + ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(); + if((e = ENGINE_by_id(engine_id)) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error obtaining '%s' engine, openssl " + "errors follow\n", engine_id); + goto err; + } + if(!ENGINE_set_default(e, ENGINE_METHOD_ALL)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning '%s' engine, openssl " + "errors follow\n", engine_id); + goto err; + } + ENGINE_free(e); + } + if((ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth)) == NULL) + goto err; + /* cacert */ + if(CAfile) { + if(!X509_STORE_load_locations(SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx), + CAfile, NULL)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error loading CA cert(s) in '%s'\n", + CAfile); + goto err; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with CA cert(s) in '%s'\n", + CAfile); + } else + fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating without a CA cert(-list)\n"); + if(!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error setting default verify paths\n"); + goto err; + } + + /* cert and key */ + if((cert || key) && !ctx_set_cert(ctx, cert, key)) + goto err; + /* dcert and dkey */ + if((dcert || dkey) && !ctx_set_cert(ctx, dcert, dkey)) + goto err; + /* temporary RSA key generation */ + if(tmp_rsa) + SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(ctx, cb_generate_tmp_rsa); + + /* cipher_list */ + if(cipher_list) { + if(!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, cipher_list)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error setting cipher list '%s'\n", + cipher_list); + goto err; + } + fprintf(stderr, "Info, set cipher list '%s'\n", cipher_list); + } else + fprintf(stderr, "Info, operating with default cipher list\n"); + + /* dh_file & dh_special */ + if((dh_file || dh_special) && !ctx_set_dh(ctx, dh_file, dh_special)) + goto err; + + /* ctx_options */ + SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, ctx_options); + + /* out_state (output of SSL handshake states to screen). */ + if(out_state) + cb_ssl_info_set_output(stderr); + + /* out_verify */ + if(out_verify > 0) { + cb_ssl_verify_set_output(stderr); + cb_ssl_verify_set_level(out_verify); + } + + /* verify_depth */ + cb_ssl_verify_set_depth(verify_depth); + + /* Success! (includes setting verify_mode) */ + SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx, cb_ssl_info); + SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, verify_mode, cb_ssl_verify); + ret = ctx; +err: + if(!ret) { + ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); + if(ctx) + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + } + return ret; +} + +/*****************/ +/* Selector bits */ +/*****************/ + +static void selector_sets_init(select_sets_t *s) +{ + s->max = 0; + FD_ZERO(&s->reads); + FD_ZERO(&s->sends); + FD_ZERO(&s->excepts); +} +static void selector_init(tunala_selector_t *selector) +{ + selector_sets_init(&selector->last_selected); + selector_sets_init(&selector->next_select); +} + +#define SEL_EXCEPTS 0x00 +#define SEL_READS 0x01 +#define SEL_SENDS 0x02 +static void selector_add_raw_fd(tunala_selector_t *s, int fd, int flags) +{ + FD_SET(fd, &s->next_select.excepts); + if(flags & SEL_READS) + FD_SET(fd, &s->next_select.reads); + if(flags & SEL_SENDS) + FD_SET(fd, &s->next_select.sends); + /* Adjust "max" */ + if(s->next_select.max < (fd + 1)) + s->next_select.max = fd + 1; +} + +static void selector_add_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd) +{ + selector_add_raw_fd(selector, fd, SEL_READS); +} + +static void selector_add_tunala(tunala_selector_t *s, tunala_item_t *t) +{ + /* Set clean read if sm.clean_in is not full */ + if(t->clean_read != -1) { + selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->clean_read, + (buffer_full(state_machine_get_buffer(&t->sm, + SM_CLEAN_IN)) ? SEL_EXCEPTS : SEL_READS)); + } + /* Set clean send if sm.clean_out is not empty */ + if(t->clean_send != -1) { + selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->clean_send, + (buffer_empty(state_machine_get_buffer(&t->sm, + SM_CLEAN_OUT)) ? SEL_EXCEPTS : SEL_SENDS)); + } + /* Set dirty read if sm.dirty_in is not full */ + if(t->dirty_read != -1) { + selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->dirty_read, + (buffer_full(state_machine_get_buffer(&t->sm, + SM_DIRTY_IN)) ? SEL_EXCEPTS : SEL_READS)); + } + /* Set dirty send if sm.dirty_out is not empty */ + if(t->dirty_send != -1) { + selector_add_raw_fd(s, t->dirty_send, + (buffer_empty(state_machine_get_buffer(&t->sm, + SM_DIRTY_OUT)) ? SEL_EXCEPTS : SEL_SENDS)); + } +} + +static int selector_select(tunala_selector_t *selector) +{ + memcpy(&selector->last_selected, &selector->next_select, + sizeof(select_sets_t)); + selector_sets_init(&selector->next_select); + return select(selector->last_selected.max, + &selector->last_selected.reads, + &selector->last_selected.sends, + &selector->last_selected.excepts, NULL); +} + +/* This returns -1 for error, 0 for no new connections, or 1 for success, in + * which case *newfd is populated. */ +static int selector_get_listener(tunala_selector_t *selector, int fd, int *newfd) +{ + if(FD_ISSET(fd, &selector->last_selected.excepts)) + return -1; + if(!FD_ISSET(fd, &selector->last_selected.reads)) + return 0; + if((*newfd = ip_accept_connection(fd)) == -1) + return -1; + return 1; +} + +/************************/ +/* "Tunala" world stuff */ +/************************/ + +static int tunala_world_make_room(tunala_world_t *world) +{ + unsigned int newsize; + tunala_item_t *newarray; + + if(world->tunnels_used < world->tunnels_size) + return 1; + newsize = (world->tunnels_size == 0 ? 16 : + ((world->tunnels_size * 3) / 2)); + if((newarray = malloc(newsize * sizeof(tunala_item_t))) == NULL) + return 0; + memset(newarray, 0, newsize * sizeof(tunala_item_t)); + if(world->tunnels_used > 0) + memcpy(newarray, world->tunnels, + world->tunnels_used * sizeof(tunala_item_t)); + if(world->tunnels_size > 0) + free(world->tunnels); + /* migrate */ + world->tunnels = newarray; + world->tunnels_size = newsize; + return 1; +} + +static int tunala_world_new_item(tunala_world_t *world, int fd, + const char *ip, unsigned short port, int flipped) +{ + tunala_item_t *item; + int newfd; + SSL *new_ssl = NULL; + + if(!tunala_world_make_room(world)) + return 0; + if((new_ssl = SSL_new(world->ssl_ctx)) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error creating new SSL\n"); + ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); + return 0; + } + item = world->tunnels + (world->tunnels_used++); + state_machine_init(&item->sm); + item->clean_read = item->clean_send = + item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = -1; + if((newfd = ip_create_connection_split(ip, port)) == -1) + goto err; + /* Which way round? If we're a server, "fd" is the dirty side and the + * connection we open is the clean one. For a client, it's the other way + * around. Unless, of course, we're "flipped" in which case everything + * gets reversed. :-) */ + if((world->server_mode && !flipped) || + (!world->server_mode && flipped)) { + item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = fd; + item->clean_read = item->clean_send = newfd; + } else { + item->clean_read = item->clean_send = fd; + item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = newfd; + } + /* We use the SSL's "app_data" to indicate a call-back induced "kill" */ + SSL_set_app_data(new_ssl, NULL); + if(!state_machine_set_SSL(&item->sm, new_ssl, world->server_mode)) + goto err; + return 1; +err: + tunala_world_del_item(world, world->tunnels_used - 1); + return 0; + +} + +static void tunala_world_del_item(tunala_world_t *world, unsigned int idx) +{ + tunala_item_t *item = world->tunnels + idx; + if(item->clean_read != -1) + close(item->clean_read); + if(item->clean_send != item->clean_read) + close(item->clean_send); + item->clean_read = item->clean_send = -1; + if(item->dirty_read != -1) + close(item->dirty_read); + if(item->dirty_send != item->dirty_read) + close(item->dirty_send); + item->dirty_read = item->dirty_send = -1; + state_machine_close(&item->sm); + /* OK, now we fix the item array */ + if(idx + 1 < world->tunnels_used) + /* We need to scroll entries to the left */ + memmove(world->tunnels + idx, + world->tunnels + (idx + 1), + (world->tunnels_used - (idx + 1)) * + sizeof(tunala_item_t)); + world->tunnels_used--; +} + +static int tunala_item_io(tunala_selector_t *selector, tunala_item_t *item) +{ + int c_r, c_s, d_r, d_s; /* Four boolean flags */ + + /* Take ourselves out of the gene-pool if there was an except */ + if((item->clean_read != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->clean_read, + &selector->last_selected.excepts)) + return 0; + if((item->clean_send != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->clean_send, + &selector->last_selected.excepts)) + return 0; + if((item->dirty_read != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->dirty_read, + &selector->last_selected.excepts)) + return 0; + if((item->dirty_send != -1) && FD_ISSET(item->dirty_send, + &selector->last_selected.excepts)) + return 0; + /* Grab our 4 IO flags */ + c_r = c_s = d_r = d_s = 0; + if(item->clean_read != -1) + c_r = FD_ISSET(item->clean_read, &selector->last_selected.reads); + if(item->clean_send != -1) + c_s = FD_ISSET(item->clean_send, &selector->last_selected.sends); + if(item->dirty_read != -1) + d_r = FD_ISSET(item->dirty_read, &selector->last_selected.reads); + if(item->dirty_send != -1) + d_s = FD_ISSET(item->dirty_send, &selector->last_selected.sends); + /* If no IO has happened for us, skip needless data looping */ + if(!c_r && !c_s && !d_r && !d_s) + return 1; + if(c_r) + c_r = (buffer_from_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm, + SM_CLEAN_IN), item->clean_read) <= 0); + if(c_s) + c_s = (buffer_to_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm, + SM_CLEAN_OUT), item->clean_send) <= 0); + if(d_r) + d_r = (buffer_from_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm, + SM_DIRTY_IN), item->dirty_read) <= 0); + if(d_s) + d_s = (buffer_to_fd(state_machine_get_buffer(&item->sm, + SM_DIRTY_OUT), item->dirty_send) <= 0); + /* If any of the flags is non-zero, that means they need closing */ + if(c_r) { + close(item->clean_read); + if(item->clean_send == item->clean_read) + item->clean_send = -1; + item->clean_read = -1; + } + if(c_s && (item->clean_send != -1)) { + close(item->clean_send); + if(item->clean_send == item->clean_read) + item->clean_read = -1; + item->clean_send = -1; + } + if(d_r) { + close(item->dirty_read); + if(item->dirty_send == item->dirty_read) + item->dirty_send = -1; + item->dirty_read = -1; + } + if(d_s && (item->dirty_send != -1)) { + close(item->dirty_send); + if(item->dirty_send == item->dirty_read) + item->dirty_read = -1; + item->dirty_send = -1; + } + /* This function name is attributed to the term donated by David + * Schwartz on openssl-dev, message-ID: + * . :-) */ + if(!state_machine_churn(&item->sm)) + /* If the SSL closes, it will also zero-out the _in buffers + * and will in future process just outgoing data. As and + * when the outgoing data has gone, it will return zero + * here to tell us to bail out. */ + return 0; + /* Otherwise, we return zero if both sides are dead. */ + if(((item->clean_read == -1) || (item->clean_send == -1)) && + ((item->dirty_read == -1) || (item->dirty_send == -1))) + return 0; + /* If only one side closed, notify the SSL of this so it can take + * appropriate action. */ + if((item->clean_read == -1) || (item->clean_send == -1)) { + if(!state_machine_close_clean(&item->sm)) + return 0; + } + if((item->dirty_read == -1) || (item->dirty_send == -1)) { + if(!state_machine_close_dirty(&item->sm)) + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + diff --git a/openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.h b/openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a752f259 --- /dev/null +++ b/openssl/demos/tunala/tunala.h @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +/* Tunala ("Tunneler with a New Zealand accent") + * + * Written by Geoff Thorpe, but endorsed/supported by noone. Please use this is + * if it's useful or informative to you, but it's only here as a scratchpad for + * ideas about how you might (or might not) program with OpenSSL. If you deploy + * this is in a mission-critical environment, and have not read, understood, + * audited, and modified this code to your satisfaction, and the result is that + * all hell breaks loose and you are looking for a new employer, then it proves + * nothing except perhaps that Darwinism is alive and well. Let's just say, *I* + * don't use this in a mission-critical environment, so it would be stupid for + * anyone to assume that it is solid and/or tested enough when even its author + * doesn't place that much trust in it. You have been warned. + * + * With thanks to Cryptographic Appliances, Inc. + */ + +#ifndef _TUNALA_H +#define _TUNALA_H + +/* pull in autoconf fluff */ +#ifndef NO_CONFIG_H +#include "config.h" +#else +/* We don't have autoconf, we have to set all of these unless a tweaked Makefile + * tells us not to ... */ +/* headers */ +#ifndef NO_HAVE_SELECT +#define HAVE_SELECT +#endif +#ifndef NO_HAVE_SOCKET +#define HAVE_SOCKET +#endif +#ifndef NO_HAVE_UNISTD_H +#define HAVE_UNISTD_H +#endif +#ifndef NO_HAVE_FCNTL_H +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H +#endif +#ifndef NO_HAVE_LIMITS_H +#define HAVE_LIMITS_H +#endif +/* features */ +#ifndef NO_HAVE_STRSTR +#define HAVE_STRSTR +#endif +#ifndef NO_HAVE_STRTOUL +#define HAVE_STRTOUL +#endif +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_SELECT) || !defined(HAVE_SOCKET) +#error "can't build without some network basics like select() and socket()" +#endif + +#include +#ifndef NO_SYSTEM_H +#include +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H +#include +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#endif /* !defined(NO_SYSTEM_H) */ + +#ifndef NO_OPENSSL +#include +#include +#include +#endif /* !defined(NO_OPENSSL) */ + +#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_BUFFER +/* This is the generic "buffer" type that is used when feeding the + * state-machine. It's basically a FIFO with respect to the "adddata" & + * "takedata" type functions that operate on it. */ +#define MAX_DATA_SIZE 16384 +typedef struct _buffer_t { + unsigned char data[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; + unsigned int used; + /* Statistical values - counts the total number of bytes read in and + * read out (respectively) since "buffer_init()" */ + unsigned long total_in, total_out; +} buffer_t; + +/* Initialise a buffer structure before use */ +void buffer_init(buffer_t *buf); +/* Cleanup a buffer structure - presently not needed, but if buffer_t is + * converted to using dynamic allocation, this would be required - so should be + * called to protect against an explosion of memory leaks later if the change is + * made. */ +void buffer_close(buffer_t *buf); + +/* Basic functions to manipulate buffers */ + +unsigned int buffer_used(buffer_t *buf); /* How much data in the buffer */ +unsigned int buffer_unused(buffer_t *buf); /* How much space in the buffer */ +int buffer_full(buffer_t *buf); /* Boolean, is it full? */ +int buffer_notfull(buffer_t *buf); /* Boolean, is it not full? */ +int buffer_empty(buffer_t *buf); /* Boolean, is it empty? */ +int buffer_notempty(buffer_t *buf); /* Boolean, is it not empty? */ +unsigned long buffer_total_in(buffer_t *buf); /* Total bytes written to buffer */ +unsigned long buffer_total_out(buffer_t *buf); /* Total bytes read from buffer */ + +#if 0 /* Currently used only within buffer.c - better to expose only + * higher-level functions anyway */ +/* Add data to the tail of the buffer, returns the amount that was actually + * added (so, you need to check if return value is less than size) */ +unsigned int buffer_adddata(buffer_t *buf, const unsigned char *ptr, + unsigned int size); + +/* Take data from the front of the buffer (and scroll the rest forward). If + * "ptr" is NULL, this just removes data off the front of the buffer. Return + * value is the amount actually removed (can be less than size if the buffer has + * too little data). */ +unsigned int buffer_takedata(buffer_t *buf, unsigned char *ptr, + unsigned int size); + +/* Flushes as much data as possible out of the "from" buffer into the "to" + * buffer. Return value is the amount moved. The amount moved can be restricted + * to a maximum by specifying "cap" - setting it to -1 means no limit. */ +unsigned int buffer_tobuffer(buffer_t *to, buffer_t *from, int cap); +#endif + +#ifndef NO_IP +/* Read or write between a file-descriptor and a buffer */ +int buffer_from_fd(buffer_t *buf, int fd); +int buffer_to_fd(buffer_t *buf, int fd); +#endif /* !defined(NO_IP) */ + +#ifndef NO_OPENSSL +/* Read or write between an SSL or BIO and a buffer */ +void buffer_from_SSL(buffer_t *buf, SSL *ssl); +void buffer_to_SSL(buffer_t *buf, SSL *ssl); +void buffer_from_BIO(buffer_t *buf, BIO *bio); +void buffer_to_BIO(buffer_t *buf, BIO *bio); + +/* Callbacks */ +void cb_ssl_info(const SSL *s, int where, int ret); +void cb_ssl_info_set_output(FILE *fp); /* Called if output should be sent too */ +int cb_ssl_verify(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx); +void cb_ssl_verify_set_output(FILE *fp); +void cb_ssl_verify_set_depth(unsigned int verify_depth); +void cb_ssl_verify_set_level(unsigned int level); +RSA *cb_generate_tmp_rsa(SSL *s, int is_export, int keylength); +#endif /* !defined(NO_OPENSSL) */ +#endif /* !defined(OPENSSL_NO_BUFFER) */ + +#ifndef NO_TUNALA +#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_BUFFER +#error "TUNALA section of tunala.h requires BUFFER support" +#endif +typedef struct _state_machine_t { + SSL *ssl; + BIO *bio_intossl; + BIO *bio_fromssl; + buffer_t clean_in, clean_out; + buffer_t dirty_in, dirty_out; +} state_machine_t; +typedef enum { + SM_CLEAN_IN, SM_CLEAN_OUT, + SM_DIRTY_IN, SM_DIRTY_OUT +} sm_buffer_t; +void state_machine_init(state_machine_t *machine); +void state_machine_close(state_machine_t *machine); +buffer_t *state_machine_get_buffer(state_machine_t *machine, sm_buffer_t type); +SSL *state_machine_get_SSL(state_machine_t *machine); +int state_machine_set_SSL(state_machine_t *machine, SSL *ssl, int is_server); +/* Performs the data-IO loop and returns zero if the machine should close */ +int state_machine_churn(state_machine_t *machine); +/* Is used to handle closing conditions - namely when one side of the tunnel has + * closed but the other should finish flushing. */ +int state_machine_close_clean(state_machine_t *machine); +int state_machine_close_dirty(state_machine_t *machine); +#endif /* !defined(NO_TUNALA) */ + +#ifndef NO_IP +/* Initialise anything related to the networking. This includes blocking pesky + * SIGPIPE signals. */ +int ip_initialise(void); +/* ip is the 4-byte ip address (eg. is {0x7F,0x00,0x00,0x01}), port is + * the port to listen on (host byte order), and the return value is the + * file-descriptor or -1 on error. */ +int ip_create_listener_split(const char *ip, unsigned short port); +/* Same semantics as above. */ +int ip_create_connection_split(const char *ip, unsigned short port); +/* Converts a string into the ip/port before calling the above */ +int ip_create_listener(const char *address); +int ip_create_connection(const char *address); +/* Just does a string conversion on its own. NB: If accept_all_ip is non-zero, + * then the address string could be just a port. Ie. it's suitable for a + * listening address but not a connecting address. */ +int ip_parse_address(const char *address, const char **parsed_ip, + unsigned short *port, int accept_all_ip); +/* Accepts an incoming connection through the listener. Assumes selects and + * what-not have deemed it an appropriate thing to do. */ +int ip_accept_connection(int listen_fd); +#endif /* !defined(NO_IP) */ + +/* These functions wrap up things that can be portability hassles. */ +int int_strtoul(const char *str, unsigned long *val); +#ifdef HAVE_STRSTR +#define int_strstr strstr +#else +char *int_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); +#endif + +#endif /* !defined(_TUNALA_H) */ -- cgit v1.2.3