The X Input Extension
                                Version 2.0

                              Peter Hutterer
                               Red Hat, Inc.

1. Introduction

The X Input Extension version 2.0 (XI2) is the second major release of the X
Input Extension.

XI2 provides a number of enhancements over version 1.5, including:
- use of XGE and GenericEvents. GenericEvents are of flexible length with a
  minimum length of 32 bytes.
- explicit device hierarchy of master and slave devices. See Section 4.
- use of multiple independent master devices (Multi-Poiner X or MPX).
- the ability for devices to change capabilities at runtime.
- raw device events

XI2's intent is to replace both core input processing and prior versions of
the X Input Extension. Historically, the majority of applications employed the
core protocol requests and events to handle user input. The core protocol does
not provide information about which device generated the event. The X Input
Extension version up to 1.5 requires the differentiation between core and
extended devices. Extended devices may not be core devices and thus cannot be
used on applications employing the core protocol. XI2 addresses both of these
issues by enabling devices to be both extended and core devices and providing
device information in each event (with the exception of core events).


2. Notations used in this document

Notation for requests:
    Name of request
        name of request field:       type of request field
        name of request field:       type of request field
        name of reply field:         type of reply field

Notation for events:
    Name of event
        name of field:               type of field
        name of field:               type of field

Complex fields are specified in the following notation:
          name of field:                  COMPLEXFIELDTYPE
or, if multiple of these fields exist:
          name of field:                  LISTofCOMPLEXFIELDTYPE

COMPLEXFIELDTYPE:  { name of subfield:   type of subfield,
                    name of subfield:   type of subfield }


3. Interoperability between version 1.x and 2.0



4. The Master/Slave device hierarchy

XI2 introduces a device hierarchy split up into so-called Master Devices (MD)
and Slave Devices (SD).

4.1 Master devices
An MD is a virtual device created and managed by the server. MDs may send core
events and XI events. However, an MD does not represent a physical device and
relies on SDs for event generation. MDs come in two forms: as master pointers
or as master keyboards. A master pointer is represented by a visible cursor on
the screen. A master keyboard is represented by a keyboard focus.

Each master pointer is paired with the respective master keyboard and vice
versa, and this pairing is constant for the lifetime of both input devices.
Clients can use this pairing behaviour to implement input paradigms that
require pointer and keyboard interation (e.g. SHIFT + Click).

4.2 Slave devices
An SD is usually a physical device configured in the server. SDs are not
represented by a cursor or keyboard focus and may be attached to a master
pointer or master keyboard. SDs can only be attached to any master of the same
type (e.g. a physical pointer device can be attached to any master pointer).

If an event is generated by an SD
- if the SD is attached to a master pointer, it changes the position and/or
  button state of the master pointer.
- if the SD is attached to a master keyboard, it sends events to this
  keyboard's focus window (if applicable) and/or changes the modifier state of
  this keyboard.
- if the SD is not attached to an MD ("floating"), it does not change 
  any master device. The SD has its own (invisible) sprite and its own focus.
  Both the sprite and the focus must be managed explicitly by the client

4.3 Event processing for attached slave devices

Whenever an SD changes its logical state,
- the event is delivered as an XI event to any interested clients. If the
  device is floating, event processing stops.
  Otherwise, if the device is attached,
- the master device changes its classes to reflect the SD's capabilities. All
  interested clients are notified of this device change.
- then, the event is delivered as an XI event from the MD to any interested
  clients. If the event has been delivered, event processing stops.
- the event is delivered as a core event to any interested clients.

Given that W is the event window, and P the parent window of W, event delivery
to P is only attempted if neither the XI event, nor the core event has been
delivered on W. Once an event has been delivered as either XI or core event,
event processing stops.

5. Data types

        A binary mask defined as (1 << button number).
        A SETofBUTTONMASK is a binary OR of zero or more BUTTONMASK.

DEVICE { DEVICEID, AllDevices, AllMasterDevices }
        A DEVICE specifies either a DEVICEID or AllDevices or

        A DEVICEID is a numerical ID for a device currently available in the
        server. The server may re-use a device ID after a device's removal.
        The device IDs 0 and 1 are reserved.
        AllDevices ........ 0
        AllMasterDevices .. 1

DEVICEUSE { MasterPointer, MasterKeyboard, SlavePointer,
            SlaveKeyboard, FloatingSlave }
        A DEVICEUSE field specifies the current use of a device in the MD/SD
        device hierarchy. See Section 4 for more information.

        An EVENTMASK is a binary mask defined as (1 << event type).
        A SETofEVENTMASK is a binary OR of zero or more EVENTMASK.

        Fixed point decimal in 16.16 format as one INT16 and one CARD16.
        The INT16 contains the integral part, the CARD32 the decimal fraction
        shifted by 16.

        Fixed point decimal in 32.32 format as one INT32 and one CARD32.
        The INT32 contains the integral part, the CARD32 the decimal fraction
        shifted by 32.

        A binary mask defined as (1 << valuator number).
        A SETofVALUATORMASK is a binary OR of zero or more VALUATORMASK.

6. Errors

Errors are sent using core X error reports.

        A value for a DEVICE argument does not specify a valid DEVICE.

7. Requests:

The server does not guarantee that the length of a reply remains constant in
future revisions of XI2. A client must always retrieve the exact length of the
protocol reply from the connection, even if the reply is longer than defined
for the XI2 version supported by the client.
Additional bytes in a request may include data supported in later versions of
XI2. Clients should ignore this data.

7.1 Requests introduced in version 2.0

        major_version:          CARD16
        minor_version:          CARD16
        major_version:          CARD16
        minor_version:          CARD16

    The client sends the highest supported version to the server and the
    server sends the highest version it supports, but no higher than the
    requested version. Major versions changes can introduce incompatibilities
    in existing functionality, minor version changes introduce only backward
    compatible changes.  It is the clients responsibility to ensure that the
    server supports a version which is compatible with its expectations.

        Major XI2 version.
        Minor XI2 version.

    If major_version is less than 2, a BadValue error occurs.

        DEVICE                  deviceid
        num_devices:            CARD16
        deviceinfo:             LISTofDEVICEINFO

    DEVICEINFO { deviceid:              DEVICEID
                 use:                   DEVICEUSE
                 attachment:            DEVICEID
                 enabled:               BOOL
                 num_classes:           CARD16
                 name_len:              CARD16
                 name:                  LISTofCHAR8
                 classes:               LISTofCLASS }


    BUTTONCLASS { type:                 ButtonClass
                  length:               CARD16
                  sourceid:             CARD16
                  buttons_len:          CARD16
                  state:                SETofBUTTONMASK
                  labels:               LISTofATOM }

    KEYCLASS    { type:                 KeyClass
                  length:               CARD16
                  sourceid:             CARD16
                  num_keys:             CARD16
                  keys:                 LISTofCARD32 }

    AXISCLASS   { type:                 AxisClass
                  length:               CARD16
                  sourceid:             CARD16
                  axisnumber:           CARD16
                  label:                ATOM
                  min:                  FP3232
                  max:                  FP3232
                  value:                FP3232
                  resolution:           CARD32 }

    XIQueryDevices details information about the requested input devices.

        The device to list. If 'devices' is AllDevices, all enabled and
        disabled devices are listed. If 'devices' is AllMasterDevices, all
        enabled and disabled master devices are listed. If 'devices' is a
        valid DEVICE, only this DEVICE is listed and 'num_devices' is 1.
        The number of 'deviceinfos' returned.

    Each 'deviceinfo' is detailed as follows:
        The unique ID of the device. Device IDs may get re-used when a device
        is removed.
        If the device is a master pointer, 'use' is MasterPointer.
        If the device is a master keyboard, 'use' is MasterKeyboard.
        If the device is a slave pointer, 'use' is SlavePointer.
        If the device is a slave keyboard, 'use' is SlaveKeyboard.
        If the device is a floating slave, 'use' is FloatingSlave.

        If the device is a master pointer or a master keyboard, 'attachment'
        specifies the paired master keyboard, or the paired master pointer,
        respectively.  If the device is a non-floating slave device
        'attachment' specifies the master device this device is attached to.
        If the device is a floating slave, 'attachment' is undefined.

        Zero if the device is disabled, non-zero otherwise.
        Number of 'classes' provided.
        Length of the name in bytes.
        Details the available classes provided by the device in an undefined
        The device's name, padded to a multiple of 4 bytes.

    For all classes, 'type' specifies the device class. Clients are required
    to ignore unknown device classes. The 'length' field specifies the length
    of the class in 4 byte units.
    The following classes may occur only once: ButtonClass, KeyClass

        Always ButtonClass.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        The device this class originates from.
        Number of buttons provided by the device.
        List of Atoms specifying the label for each button. An atom of None
        specifies an unlabeled button. Buttons are listed in the device-native
        order and potential button mappings are ignored.
        The current button mask for this device. Each bit representing a
        button is 1 if this button is logically down, or 0 otherwise. State a
        multiple of 4-byte units and always contains at least num_buttons

        Always KeyClass.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        The device this class originates from.
        Number of keycodes provided by the device.
        List of keycodes provided.

        Always AxisClass.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        The device this class originates from.
        Axis number of this axis. The axis number is in device-native
        order and potential axis mappings are ignored.
        Atom specifying the axis name. An Atom of None specifies an unlabeled
        Minimum value.
        Minimum value.
        Resolution in counts/meter.
        Relative or Absolute.
        Last published axis value (if mode is absolute).

    An axis in Relative mode may specify 'min' and 'max' as a hint to the
    client. If no 'min' and 'max' information is available, both must be 0.

            window:         Window
            num_masks:      CARD16
            masks:          LISTofEVENTMASK


    EVENTMASK { deviceid:          DEVICE,
                mask_len:          CARD16,
                mask:              SETofEVENTMASK

        The window to select the events on.
        Number of items in mask.
        Numerical deviceid, or AllDevices, or AllMasterDevices.
        Length of mask in 4 byte units.
        Event mask. An event mask for an event type T is defined as (1 << T).

    XISelectEvents selects for XI2 events on 'window'.

    If 'num_masks' is 0, a BadValue error occurs.

    Each 'mask' sets the (and overwrites a previous) event mask for the DEVICE
    specified through 'deviceid'. The device 'AllDevices' or
    'AllMasterDevices' is treated as a separate device by server. A client's
    event mask is the union of 'AllDevices', 'AllMasterDevices' and the
    per-device event mask.
    The removal of device from the server unsets the event masks for the
    device. If an event mask is set for AllDevices or AllMasterDevices, the
    event mask is not cleared on device removal and affects all future

    If 'mask_len' is 0, the event mask for the given device is cleared.

    The mask for XIHierarchyEvents may only be selected for XIAllDevices.
    Setting it for any other device results in a BadValue error.

            window:         Window
            num_masks:      CARD16
            masks:          LISTofEVENTMASK

        The window to select the events on.
        Number of items in mask.
        Selected event masks by this client.

    Masks are returned on a per-device basis, with masks for 'AllDevices' and
    'AllMasterDevices' returned separately.

    If 'num_masks' is 0, no events have been selected by this client on the
    given window.

            window:         Window
            deviceid:       DEVICEID
            root:           Window
            child:          Window
            root_x:         FP1616
            root_y:         FP1616
            win_x:          FP1616
            win_y:          FP1616
            same_screen:    BOOL
            mods:           MODIFIERINFO
            group:          GROUPINFO
            buttons_len:    CARD16
            buttons:        SETofBUTTONMASK

    Query a master pointer device for its current position.

        The root window the pointer is logically on.
        The child window of 'window' that contains the pointer or None.
        Pointer position relative to the root window's origin.
        Pointer position relative to 'window' or 0 if 'same_screen' is false.
        TRUE if 'window' is on the same screen as the pointer.
        XKB modifier state on the paired device.
        XKB group state on the paired device.
        The length of 'buttons' in 4 byte units.
        Button state.

            src_win:         Window
            dst_win:         Window
            src_x:           FP1616
            src_y:           FP1616
            src_width:       INT16
            src_height:      INT16
            dst_x:           FP1616
            dst_y:           FP1616
            deviceid:        DEVICEID

    WarpPointer moves the pointer of 'deviceid' as if the user had moved
    the pointer. WarpPointer can only be called for MasterPointer and
    FloatingSlave devices.

       If src_window is not None, the move only takes place if src_window
       contains the pointer and the pointer is contained in the specified
       rectangle of src_window.
       If dst_win is None, this request moves the pointer by offsets
       'dst_x'/'dst_y' relative to the current position of the pointer. If
        dst_window is a window, this request moves the pointer to
       'dst_x'/'dst_y' relative to dst_win's origin.
       Specifies the source window rectangle.
        The relative coordinates to move the pointer if 'dst_win' is None, or
        the absolute coordinates if 'dst_win' is a window.
        The device to warp.

    This request cannot be used to move the pointer outside the confine-to
    window of an active pointer grab. An attempt will only move the pointer as
    far as the closest edge of the confine-to window.

    This request will generate events just as if the user had instantaneously
    moved the pointer.

            win:             Window
            cursor:          Cursor
            deviceid:        DEVICEID

    Change a master pointer's cursor on the specified window.

        The window.
        The new cursor or None.
        The master pointer device.

    Whenever 'device' enters a window W, the cursor shape is selected in the
    following order:
    - if the current window has a device cursor C(d) defined for 'device',
      display this cursor C(d).
    - otherwise, if the current window has a cursor C(w) defined in the core
      protocol's window attributes, display cursor C(w).
    - repeat on parent window until a cursor has been found.

            num_changes:     CARD8
            changes:         LISTofHIERARCHYCHANGES


    HIERARCHYCHANGETYPE { AddMaster, RemoveMaster, AttachSlave, DetachSlave }

    CHANGEMODE { Float, Attach }

                length:      CARD16
                name_len:    CARD16
                send_core:   BOOL
                enable:      BOOL
                name:        LISTofCHAR8 }

                   length:          CARD16
                   deviceid:        DEVICEID
                   return_mode:     CHANGEMODE
                   return_pointer:  DEVICEID
                   return_keyboard: DEVICEID }

                    length:      CARD16
                    deviceid:    DEVICEID
                    master:      DEVICEID }

                  length:     CARD16
                  deviceid:   DEVICEID }

    XIChangeHierarchy allows a client to modify the MD/SD device
    hierarchy (see Section 4).

        The number of changes to apply to the current hierarchy.
        The list of changes.

    The server processes the changes one by one and applies changes
    immediately. If an error occurs, processing stops at the current change
    and returns the number of successfully applied changes in the error.

    ADDMASTER creates a pair of master devices.
        Always AddMaster.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        Length of 'name' in bytes.
        TRUE if the device should send core events.
        TRUE if the device is to be enabled immediately.
        The name for the new master devices. The master pointer's name is
        automatically appended with " pointer", the master keyboard's name is
        automatically appended with " keyboard".

    REMOVEMASTER removes an existing master device.
        Always RemoveMaster.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        The device to remove.
        Return mode for attached slave devices.
        If 'return_mode' is Float, all slave devices are set to floating.
        If 'return_mode' is Attach, slave pointers are attached to
        'return_pointer' and slave keyboards are attached to
        The master pointer and master keyboard to attach slave devices to, if
        'return_mode' is Attach.

    Removing a master pointer removes the paired master keyboard and vice

    ATTACHSLAVE attaches a slave device to a given master device.
        Always ChangeAttachment.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        Deviceid of the slave device.
        The new master device to attach this slave device to.

    DETACHSLAVE detaches a slave device from its current master device.
        Always ChangeAttachment.
        Length in 4 byte units.
        Deviceid of the slave device.

            win:             Window
            deviceid:        DEVICEID

    Set the ClientPointer for the client owning 'win' to the given device.

         Window or client ID.
         The master pointer or master keyboard that acts as ClientPointer.

    Some protocol requests are ambiguous and the server has to choose a device
    to provide data for a request or a reply. By default, the server will
    choose a client's ClientPointer device to provide the data, unless the
    client currently has a grab on another device.

    If win is None, the ClientPointer for this client is set to the given
    device. Otherwise, if win is a valid window, the ClientPointer for the
    client owning this window is set to the given device. Otherwise, if win is
    not a valid window but a client with the client mask equal to win exists,
    this client's ClientPointer is set to the given device.

    If deviceid does not specify a master pointer or master keyboard, a
    BadDevice error returned.

    If window does not specify a valid window or client ID and is not None, a
    BadWindow error is returned.

            win:             Window
            set:             BOOL
            deviceid:        DEVICEID

    Query the ClientPointer for the client owning 'win'.

        The window or client ID.
        TRUE if the client has an explicitly set ClientPointer.
        The master pointer that acts as a ClientPointer if 'set' is TRUE.

            focus:           Window
            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            time:            Time

    Set the focus for the given device to the given window. Future key events
    from this device are sent to this window.
    This request generates FocusIn and FocusOut events.

        A viewable window or None.
        The device to modify the focus window for.
        Specifies the time to change the focus or CurrentTime.

    If focus is None, key events from this device are discarded until a new
    focus window is set. If focus is a viewable window, key events from this
    device are sent to this window. If the window becomes unviewable, the
    window's first viewable ancestor automatically becomes the focus window
    and FocusIn and FocusOut events are sent as if a client had changed the
    focus window.
    This is equivalent to RevertToParent in the core XSetInputFocus window.

    This request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the
    current last-focus-change time or is later than the current X server time.
    Otherwise, the last-focus-change time is set to the specified time.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            focus:           Window

    Return the current focus window for the given device.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            grab_window:     Window
            owner_events:    BOOL
            grab_mode:       { Synchronous, Asynchronous }
            paired_device_mode: { Synchronous, Asynchronous }
            time:            TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime
            cursor:          Cursor
            mask_len:        CARD16
            masks:           SETofEVENTMASK
            status:          Success, AlreadyGrabbed, Frozen, InvalidTime, NotViewable

    This request actively grabs control of the specified input device. Further
    input events from this device are reported only to the grabbing client.
    This request overides any previous active grab by this client for this

        The device to grab.
        Events are reported relative to the grab window.
        Specifies whether event will be reported normally or relative to the
        grab window.
        Specifies if this device will be frozen as a result of the grab.
        Specifies if the master device paired with this device will be frozen
        as a result of the grab.
        A valid server time or CurrentTime.
        The cursor to display for the duration of the grab or None.
        Length of mask in 4 byte units.
        Event mask. An event mask for an event type T is defined as (1 << T).
        Success or the reason why the grab could not be established.

    The masks parameter specifies which events the client wishes to receive
    while the device is grabbed.

    If owner-events is False, input events generated from this device are
    reported with respect to grab-window, and are only reported if selected by
    being included in the event-list.  If owner-events is True, then if a
    generated event would normally be reported to this client, it is reported
    normally, otherwise the event is reported with respect to the grab-window,
    and is only reported if selected by being included in the event-list. For
    either value of owner-events, unreported events are discarded.

    If grab-mode is Asynchronous, device event processing continues normally.
    If the device is currently frozen by this client, then processing of
    device events is resumed. If grab-mode is Synchronous, the state of the
    grabbed device (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze,
    and no further device events are generated by the server until the
    grabbing client issues a releasing XIAllowEvents request or until the
    device grab is released. Actual device input events are not lost while the
    device is frozen; they are simply queued for later processing.

    If the device is a slave device, the paired-device-mode is ignored.
    Otherwise, if this device is a master device and paired-device-mode is
    Asynchronous, event processing is unaffected by activation of the grab. If
    this device is a master device and paired-device-mode is Synchronous, the
    state of the master device paired with this device (as seen by means of the
    protocol) appears to freeze, and no further events are generated by the
    server until the grabbing client issues a releasing XIAllowEvents request
    or until the device grab is released. Actual events are not lost while the
    devices are frozen; they are simply queued for later processing.

    If the cursor is not None and the device is a master pointer device, the
    cursor will be displayed until the device is ungrabbed.

    This request fails and returns:
    AlreadyGrabbed: If the device is actively grabbed by some other client.
    NotViewable: If grab-window is not viewable.
    InvalidTime: If the specified time is earlier than the last-grab-time for
                 the specified device or later than the current X server time.
                 Otherwise, the last-grab-time for the specified device is set
                 to the specified time and CurrentTime is replaced by the
                 current X server time.
    Frozen: If the device is frozen by an active grab of another client.

    To release a grab of a device, use XIUngrabDevice.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            time:            TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime

    This request releases the device if this client has it actively grabbed
    (from either XIGrabDevice,  XIGrabDeviceKey or XIGrabDeviceButton) and
    releases any queued events. If any devices were frozen by the grab,
    XIUngrabDevice thaws them.

        The device to grab.
        A valid server time or CurrentTime.

    The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier
    than the last-device-grab time or is later than the current server time.
    This request generates FocusIn and FocusOut events.
    An XIUngrabDevice is performed automatically if the event window for an
    active device grab becomes not viewable.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            time:            TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime
            event_mode:      { AsyncDevice, SyncDevice,
                               AsyncPairedDevice, SyncPairedDevice,
                               ReplayDevice, AsyncPair, SyncPair }

    The XIAllowEvents request releases some queued events if the client
    has caused a device to freeze.

        The device to grab.
        A valid server time or CurrentTime.
        Specifies whether a device is to be thawed and events are to be

    The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the
    last-grab time of the most recent active grab for the client, or if the
    specified time is later than the current X server time.

    The following describes the processing that occurs depending on what constant
    you pass to the event-mode argument:
        If the specified device is frozen by the client, event processing for that
        device continues as usual. If the device is frozen multiple times  by the
        client on behalf of multiple separate grabs, AsyncDevice thaws for
        AsyncDevice has no effect if the specified device is not frozen by the
        client, but the device need not be grabbed by the client.
        If the specified device is frozen and actively grabbed by the client,
        event processing for that device continues normally until the next
        event is reported to the client. At this time, the specified device
        again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the
        grab to be released, the specified device does not freeze.
        SyncDevice has no effect if the specified device is not frozen by the
        client or is not grabbed by the client.
        If the specified device is actively grabbed by the client and is frozen
        as the result of an event having been sent to the client (either from
        the activation of a XIGrabButton or from a previous XIAllowEvents with
        mode SyncDevice, but not from a Grab), the grab is released and
        that event is completely reprocessed.  This time, however, the request
        ignores any passive grabs at or above (towards the root) the
        grab-window of the grab just released.
        The request has no effect if the specified device is not grabbed by
        the client or if it is not frozen as the result of an event.
        If the paired master device is frozen by the client, event processing
        for it continues as usual. If the paired device is frozen multiple
        times by the client on behalf of multiple separate grabs,
        AsyncPairedDevice thaws for all.
        AsyncPairedDevice has no effect if the device is not frozen by the
        client, but those devices need not be grabbed by the client.
        AsyncPairedDevice has no effect if deviceid specifies a slave device.
        If the paired master device is frozen by the client, event processing (for
        the paired master device) continues normally until the next button or key
        event is reported to the client for the grabbed device (button event for
        the grabbed device, key or motion event for the device), at which time
        the device again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes
        the grab to be released, then the device does not freeze.
        SyncPairedDevice has no effect if the specified device is not grabbed
        by the client or if it is no frozen as the result of an event.
        SyncPairedDevice has no effect if deviceid specifies a slave device.
        If both the device and the paired master device are frozen by the
        client, event processing (for both devices) continues normally until
        the next XIButtonPress, XIButtonRelease, XIKeyPress, or XIKeyRelease
        event is reported to the client for a grabbed device (button event for
        a pointer, key event for a keyboard), at which time the devices again
        appear to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the grab to be
        released, then the devices do not freeze (but if the other device is
        still grabbed, then a subsequent event for it will still cause both
        devices to freeze).
        SyncPair has no effect unless both the device and the paired master
        device are frozen by the client. If the device or paired master device
        is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs,
        SyncPair thaws for both (but a subsequent freeze for SyncPair will
        only freeze each device once).
        SyncPair has no effect if deviceid specifies a slave device.
        If the device and the paired master device are frozen by the client,
        event processing for both devices continues normally. If a device is
        frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, AsyncBoth
        thaws for both. AsyncPair has no effect unless both the device and the
        paired master device frozen by the client.
        AsyncPair has no effect if deviceid specifies a slave device.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            detail:          CARD32
            grab_type:       GRABTYPE
            grab_window:     Window
            cursor:          Cursor
            owner_events:    Bool
            grab_mode:       { Synchronous, Asynchronous }
            paired_device_mode: { Synchronous, Asynchronous }
            num_modifiers:   INT16
            mask_len:        CARD16
            masks:           SETofEVENTMASK
            modifiers:       CARD32 or GrabAnyModifier
            num_modifiers_return:    INT16
            modifiers_return:        GRABMODIFIERINFO

        GRABTYPE         { GrabtypeButton, GrabtypeKeycode, GrabtypeEnter,

        GRABMODIFIERINFO {   status:    Access
                             modifiers: CARD32 }

        Establish an explicit passive grab for a button or keycode
        on the specified input device.

            The cursor to display for the duration of the grab. If grab_type
            is not GrabtypeButton, this argument is ignored.
            The device to establish the passive grab on.
            The button number, or key symbol to grab for.
            Must be 0 for GrabtypeEnter and GrabtypeFocusIn.
            The type of grab to establish.
            Events are reported relative to the grab window.
            If grab-mode is Asynchronous, device event processing continues
            normally.  If the device is currently frozen by this client, then
            processing of device events is resumed. If grab-mode is
            Synchronous, the state of the grabbed device (as seen by means of
            the protocol) appears to freeze, and no further device events are
            generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a
            releasing XIAllowEvents request or until the device grab is
            released. Actual device input events are not lost while the device
            is frozen; they are simply queued for later processing.
            Length of mask in 4 byte units.
            Event mask. An event mask for an event type T is defined as (1 << T).
            XKB modifier state to activate this passive grab.
            Number of elements in modifiers.
            Specifies whether event will be reported normally or relative to the
            grab window.
            Number of elements in modifiers_return
            XKB modifier state that could not be grabbed.

        If owner-events is False, input events generated from this device are
        reported with respect to grab-window, and are only reported if
        selected by being included in the event-list.  If owner-events is
        True, then if a generated event would normally be reported to this
        client, it is reported normally, otherwise the event is reported
        with respect to the grab-window, and is only reported if selected
        by being included in the event-list. For either value of
        owner-events, unreported events are discarded.

        If deviceid specifies a master pointer, the modifiers of the paired
        master keyboard are used. If deviceid specifies a slave pointer
        the modifiers of the master keyboard paired with the attached master
        pointers are used. If deviceid specifies a slave keyboard, the
        modifiers of the attached master keyboard are used. Note that
        activating a grab on a slave device detaches the device from its
        master. In this case, the modifiers after activation of the grab are
        from the slave device only and may be different to the modifier state
        when the grab was triggered.

        In the future, if grab_type is GrabtypeButton or GrabtypeKeyboard, the
        device is actively grabbed if:
        - the device is not grabbed, and
        - the specified modifier keys are down, and
        - the grab_type is GrabtypeButton and the button specified in detail
          is logically pressed or the grab_type is GrabtypeKeycode and the
          keycode specified in detail is logically pressed, and
        - the grab_window contains the pointer, and
        - a passive grab on the same button/keycode + modifier
          combination does not exist on an ancestor of grab_window.

        Otherwise, if grab_type is GrabtypeEnter or GrabtypeFocusIn, the
        device is actively grabbed if:
        - the device is not actively grabbed, and
        - the specified modifier keys are down, and
        - the grab_type is GrabtypeEnter and the device's pointer has moved
          into grab_window or a descendant of grab_window, or the grab_type is
          GrabtypeFocusIn and the device's focus has been set to the
          grab_window or a descendant of grab_window,
        - a passive grab of the same grab_type + modifier combination does not
          does not exist on an ancestor of grab_window.

        A modifier of GrabAnyModifier is equivalent to issuing the request for
        all possible modifier combinations (including no modifiers). A client
        may request a grab for GrabAnyModifier and explicit modifier
        combinations in the same request.

        A GrabtypeButton or GrabtypeKeyboard grab is released when all buttons
        or keycode are released, independent of the state of modifier keys.
        A GrabtypeEnter or GrabtypeFocusIn grab is released when the
        pointer or focus leaves the window and all of its descendants,
        independent of the state of modifier keys.
        Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the
        protocol) may lag the physical state if device event processing is

        This request overrides all previous passive grabs by the same
        client on the same button/key/enter/focus in + modifier combinations
        on the same window.

        If some other client already has issued a XIPassiveGrabDevice request
        with the same button or keycode and modifier combination, the
        failed modifier combinations is returned in modifiers_return. If some
        other client already has issued an XIPassiveGrabDevice request of
        grab_type  XIGrabtypeEnter or XIGrabtypeFocusIn with the same
        grab_window and the same modifier combination, the failed modifier
        combinations are returned in modifiers_return. If num_modifiers_return
        is zero, all passive grabs have been successful.

        If a button grab or enter grab activates, EnterNotify and LeaveNotify
        events with mode Grab are generated as if the pointer were to suddenly
        warp from its current position some position in the grab_window.
        However, the pointer does not warp, and the pointer position is used
        as both the initial and final positions for the events.

        If a keycode grab or focus grab activates, FocusIn and FocusOut events
        with mode Grab are generated as if the focus were to change from the
        current window to the grab_window.

        If an enter or focus in grab activates, additional EnterNotify events
        with mode XIPassiveGrabNotify are generated as if the pointer or focus
        were to suddenly warp from its current position to some position in
        the grab window.  These events are sent to the grabbing client only
        and only if the grab event mask has selected for it. If such a passive
        grab deactivates, addional LeaveNotify events with mode
        XIPassiveUngrabNotify are generated and sent to the grabbing client
        before the grab deactivates.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            detail:          CARD32
            grab_type:       GRABTYPE
            grab_window:     Window
            num_modifiers:   INT16
            modifiers:       MODIFIERINFO

        Release an explicit passive grab on the specified input device.

            The device to establish the passive grab on.
            The button number or key symbol to ungrab.
            Must be 0 for GrabtypeEnter and GrabtypeFocusIn.
            The type of grab to establish.
            Events are reported relative to the grab window.
            XKB modifier state to activate this passive grab.
            Number of elements in modifiers.

        This request has no effect if the client does not have a passive grab
        of the same type, same button or keycode (if applicable) and modifier
        combination on the grab_window.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            num_properties:  INT16
            properties:      LISTofATOM

        List the properties associated with the given device.

            The device to list the properties for.
            Number of atoms in the reply
            All properties on the device.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            property:        ATOM
            type:            ATOM
            format:          { 8, 16, 32 }
            mode:            { Append, Prepend, Replace }
            num_items:       CARD32
            data:            LISTofINT8, or LISTofINT16, or LISTofINT32

        Change the given property on the given device.

            The device to change the property on.
            The property to modify.
            The property's type.
            One of Append, Prepend, or Replace
            Number of items following this request.
            Property data (nitems * format/8 bytes)

        The type is uninterpreted by the server. The format specifies whether
        the data should be viewed as a list of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit
        quantities so that the server can correctly byte-swap as necessary.

        If the mode is Replace, the previous propert y value is discarded.  If
        the mode is Prepend or Append, then the type and format must match the
        existing property value (or a Match error results). If the property is
        undefined, it is treated as defined with the correct type and format
        with zero-length data. For Prepend, the data is tacked on to the
        beginning of the existing data, and for Append, it is tacked on to the
        end of the existing data.

        The lifetime of a property is not tied to the storing client. Properties
        remain until explicitly deleted, until the device is removed, or
        until server reset.

        A property cannot be deleted by setting nitems to zero. To delete a
        property, use XIDeleteDeviceProperty.

        This request generates an XIPropertyEvent.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            property:        ATOM

        Deletes the given property on the given device.

            The device to delete the property on.
            The property to delete.

        If the property is deleted, an XIPropertyEvent is generated on the device.
        If the property does not exist, this request does nothing.

            deviceid:        DEVICEID
            property:        ATOM
            type:            Atom or AnyPropertyType
            offset:          CARD32
            len:             CARD32
            delete:          BOOL
            type:            Atom
            bytes_after:     CARD32
            num_items:       CARD32
            format:          { 8, 16, 32 }
            data:            LISTofINT8, or LISTofINT16, or LISTofINT32
        Get the data for the given property on the given device.

            The device to retrieve the property data from.
            The property to retrieve the data from..
            The property type to retrieve or AnyPropertyType
            The offset in 4-byte units.
            Number of bytes to receive in 4-byte units.
            Delete the property after retrieving the data.
            Number of unread bytes in the stored property
            Number of items in data
            8, 16, or 32
            Property data (nitems * format/8 bytes)

        If the specified property does not exist for the specified device, then
        the return type is None, the format and bytes-after are zero, and the value is
        empty. The delete argument is ignored in this case. If the specified property
        exists but its type does not match the specified type, then the return
        type is the actual type of the property, the format is the actual format of the
        property (never zero), the bytes-after is the length of the property in bytes
        (even if the format is 16 or 32), and the value is empty. The delete
        argument is ignored in this case. If the specified property exists and
        either AnyPropertyType is specified or the specified type matches the actual
        type of the property, then the return type is the actual type of the property,
        the format is the actual format of the property
        (never zero), and the bytes-after and value are as follows, given:
                 N = actual length of the stored property in bytes
                    (even if the format is 16 or 32)
                 I = 4 * long-offset
                 T = N−I
                 L = MINIMUM(T, 4 * long-length)
                 A = N − (I + L)
        The returned value starts at byte index I in the property (indexing
        from 0), and its length in bytes is L. However, it is a Value error if
        offset is given such that L is negative. The value of bytes_after is A,
        giving the number of trailing unread bytes in the stored property. If
        delete is True and the bytes_after is zero, the property is also
        deleted from the device, and a XIPropertyNotify event is generated on
        the device.  

8. Events:

An event specifies its length in 4-byte units after the initial 32 bytes.
Future versions of the protocol may provide additional information
in the same event, thus increasing the event size. Clients are required to
always read the number of bytes specified by the event, not the size of the
event they may have been compiled against.

The following event types are available in XI2.

Version 2.0:

All events have a set of common fields specified as EVENTHEADER.

EVENTHEADER { type:                       BYTE
              extension:                  BYTE
              sequenceNumber:             CARD16
              length:                     CARD32
              evtype:                     CARD16
              deviceid:                   DEVICEID
              time:                       Time }

        Always GenericEvent.
        Always the X Input extension offset.
        Sequence number of last request processed by the server.
        Length in 4-byte units after the initial 32 bytes.
        XI-specific event type.
        Numerical device id for a device.
        Time in ms.

            flags:                      SETofHIERARCHYMASK
            num_info:                   CARD16
            info:                       LISTofHIERARCHYINFO

    HIERARCHYMASK { MasterAdded, MasterRemoved, SlaveAttached, SlaveDetached,
                    SlaveAdded, SlaveRemoved, DeviceEnabled, DeviceDisabled }

    HIERARCHYINFO { deviceid:           DEVICEID,
                    attachment:         DEVICEID,
                    type:               DEVICEUSE
                    enabled:            BOOL
                    flags:              SETofHIERARCHYMASK}

        Set of the changes that have occured, causing this event.
        The number of device info structs following the request.
        The current hierarchy information.

    An XIHierarchyEvent is sent whenever the device hierarchy been
    changed. The 'flags' specify all types of hierarchy modifiations that have
    For all devices, 'info' details the hierarchy information after the
    modification of the hierarchy has occured. For each device specified with
    - if 'type' is MasterPointer or MasterKeyboard, 'attachment' decribes the
      pairing of this device.
    - if 'type' is SlavePointer or SlaveKeyboard, 'attachment' describes the
      master device this device is attached to.
    - if 'type' is FloatingSlave device, 'attachment' is undefined.

         TRUE if the device is enabled and can send events. A disabled master
         device will not forward events from an attached, enabled slave

    Note: Multiple devices may be affected in one hierarchy change,
    'deviceid' in an XIHierarchyEvent is always the first affected
    device. Clients should ignore deviceid and instead use the 'devices' list.

            reason:                CHANGEREASON
            source:                DEVICEID
            num_classes:           CARD16
            classes:               LISTofCLASS

    CHANGEREASON { SlaveSwitch, DeviceChange }

    A DeviceChangeEvent is sent whenever a device changes it's capabilities.
    This can happen either by a new slave device sending events through a
    master device, or by a physical device changing capabilities at runtime.

        The reason for generating this event.
        If 'reason' is SlaveSwitch, the slave device sending events through
        this device has changed and 'source' specifies the new slave device.
        A SlaveSwitch 'reason' can only occur on a master device.
        If 'reason' is DeviceChange, the device itself has changed through
        other means (e.g. a physical device change) and 'source' is
        The source of the new classes. Only defined in 'reason' is
        Number of 'classes' provided.
        Details the available classes provided by the device.  The order the
        classes are provided in is undefined.

    For a detailed description of 'classes', see the XQueryInputDevice

            detail:                     CARD32
            root:                       Window
            event:                      Window
            child:                      Window
            root_x:                     FP1616
            root_y:                     FP1616
            event_x:                    FP1616
            event_y:                    FP1616
            buttons_len:                CARD16
            valuators_len:              CARD16
            sourceid:                   DEVICEID
            mods:                       MODIFIERINFO
            group:                      GROUPINFO
            flags:                      DEVICEEEVENTFLAGS
            buttons:                    SETofBUTTONMASK
            valuators:                  SETofVALUATORMASK
            axisvalues:                 LISTofFP3232

    BUTTONBIT { (1 << Button1), (1 << Button2), ... , (1 << ButtonN) }
    VALUATORBIT { (1 << 1), ( 1 << 2), ... ( 1 << n) }

    MODIFIERINFO  { base_mods:           CARD32,
                    latched_mods:        CARD32,
                    locked_mods:         CARD32,
                    effective_mods:      CARD32}
    GROUPINFO     { base_group:          CARD8,
                    latched_group:       CARD8,
                    locked_group:        CARD8,
                    effective_group:     CARD8}

    DEVICEEVENTFLAGS (all events): none
    DEVICEEVENTFLAGS (key events only): { KeyRepeat }
    DEVICEEVENTFLAGS (pointer events only): none

    An XIDeviceEvent is generated whenever the logical state of a device
    changes in response to a button press, a button release, a motion, a key
    press or a key release.

        The button number or key code, or 0.
        The root window, event window or subwindow, respectively. See core
        protocol specification for more detail.
        The position of the pointer in screen coordinates (16.16 fixed point).
        The position of the pointer in screen coordinates relative to the
        event window (16.16 fixed point).

        The length of 'buttons' in 4 byte units.
        The length of 'valuators' in 4 byte units.
        The source device that originally generated the event.
        XKB modifier state before the event occured.
        XKB group state before the event.
        Button state before the event.
        Bitmask of valuators provided in 'axisvalues'.
        Valuator data in device-native resolution.
        Miscellaneous information about this event; the union of the
        common flag set and either the key or pointer flag set,
        depending on the event type.
        KeyRepeat means that this event is for repeating purposes, and
        the physical state of the key has not changed.  This is only
        valid for KeyPress events.

    Modifier state in 'mods' is detailed as follows:
        XKB base modifier state.
        XKB latched modifier state.
        XKB locked modifier state.

    Group state in 'group' is detailed as follows:
        XKB base group state.
        XKB latched group state.
        XKB locked group state.

            detail:                    CARD32
            flags:                     DEVICEEVENTFLAGS
            valuators_len:             CARD16
            valuators:                 SETofVALUATORMASK
            axisvalues:                LISTofFP3232
            axisvalues_raw:            LISTofFP3232

    A RawDevice event provides the information provided by the driver to the
    client. RawDevice provide both the raw data as supplied by the driver and
    transformed data as used in the server. Transformations include, but are
    not limited to, axis clipping and acceleration.
    Transformed valuator data may be equivalent to raw data. In this case,
    both raw and transformed valuator data is provided.
    RawEvents are sent exclusively to all root windows or to the client
    that grabbed the device only.

        The type of event that occured on the device.
        The button number or keycode.
        Flags as described in DeviceEvent::flags.
        The length of 'valuators' in 4 byte units.
        Bitmask of valuators provided in 'axisvalues' and 'axisvalues_raw'.
        Valuator data in device-native resolution.
        Untransformed valuator data in device-native resolution.

        Enter or Leave or FocusIn or FocusOut
            root:               Window
            event:              Window
            child:              Window
            sourceid:           DEVICEID
            root_x:             FP1616
            root_y:             FP1616
            event_x             FP1616
            event_y:            FP1616
            mode:               NOTIFYMODE
            detail:             NOTIFYDETAIL
            same_screen:        BOOL
            focus:              BOOL
            mods:               MODIFIERINFO
            group:              GROUPINFO
            buttons_len:        CARD16
            buttons:            SETofBUTTONMASK

    NOTIFYMODE { Normal, Grab, Ungrab }
    NOTIFYDETAIL { Ancestor, Virtual, Inferior, Nonlinear, NonlinearVirtual,
                   Pointer, PointerRoot, None }

    Enter or Leave events are sent whenever a device's pointer enters or
    leaves a window.
    FocusIn or FocusOut events are sent whenever a device's focus is set to or
    away from a window.
    The enter/leave and focus in/out model is described in the core protocol
    specification, Section 11. (EnterNotify, LeaveNotify events).

    For enter and leave events, the modifier and group state is the state of
    the paired master device if the device is a master device, or the state of
    the attached master keyboard if the device is an attached slave device, or
    zero if the device is a floating slave device.

    For focus in and out events, the button state is the state of the paired
    master device if the device is a master device, or the state of the
    attached master keyboard if the device is an attached slave device, or
    zero if the device is a floating slave device.

        The root window, event window, and child window, respectively. See the
        core protocol specification for more detail.
        The device that caused the pointer to move.
        The pointer coordinates relative to the root window.
        The pointer coordinates relative to the event window.
        Normal pointer motion events have mode Normal. Pseudo-motion events
        when a grab activates have mode Grab, and pseudo-motion events when a
        grab deactivates have mode Ungrab. Pseudo-motion events caused by the
        activation or deactivation of a passive enter or focus in grab have mode
        XIPassiveGrabNotify or XIPassiveUngrabNotify.
        Specifies the relation of the event window to the window the pointer
        entered or left. See the core protocol spec for details.
        TRUE if the event window is on the same screen as the pointer's root
        If the event window is the focus window or an inferior of the focus
        window, then focus is True. Otherwise, focus is False. This field is
        unspecified for focus in/out events.
        XKB modifier state before the event occured.
        XKB group state before the event.
        The length of 'buttons' in 4 byte units.
        Button state before the event.

            property:           ATOM
            what:               { PropertyCreated, PropertyDeleted, PropertyModified }

    XIPropertyEvents are sent whenever a device property is created, deleted or
    modified by a client.

        The property that has been created, deleted, or modified
        Specifies what has been changed.
