/* * WindowsWM extension is based on AppleWM extension * Authors: Kensuke Matsuzaki */ /************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **************************************************************************/ #ifndef _WINDOWSWMSTR_H_ #define _WINDOWSWMSTR_H_ #include <X11/extensions/windowswm.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xmd.h> #define WINDOWSWMNAME "Windows-WM" #define WINDOWS_WM_MAJOR_VERSION 1 /* current version numbers */ #define WINDOWS_WM_MINOR_VERSION 0 #define WINDOWS_WM_PATCH_VERSION 0 typedef struct _WindowsWMQueryVersion { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMQueryVersion */ CARD16 length B16; } xWindowsWMQueryVersionReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMQueryVersionReq 4 typedef struct { BYTE type; /* X_Reply */ BOOL pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD16 majorVersion B16; /* major version of WM protocol */ CARD16 minorVersion B16; /* minor version of WM protocol */ CARD32 patchVersion B32; /* patch version of WM protocol */ CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; } xWindowsWMQueryVersionReply; #define sz_xWindowsWMQueryVersionReply 32 typedef struct _WindowsWMDisableUpdate { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMDisableUpdate */ CARD16 length B16; CARD32 screen B32; } xWindowsWMDisableUpdateReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMDisableUpdateReq 8 typedef struct _WindowsWMReenableUpdate { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMReenableUpdate */ CARD16 length B16; CARD32 screen B32; } xWindowsWMReenableUpdateReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMReenableUpdateReq 8 typedef struct _WindowsWMSelectInput { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMSelectInput */ CARD16 length B16; CARD32 mask B32; } xWindowsWMSelectInputReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMSelectInputReq 8 typedef struct _WindowsWMNotify { BYTE type; /* always eventBase + event type */ BYTE kind; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; Window window B32; Time time B32; /* time of change */ CARD16 pad1 B16; CARD32 arg B32; INT16 x B16; INT16 y B16; CARD16 w B16; CARD16 h B16; } xWindowsWMNotifyEvent; #define sz_xWindowsWMNotifyEvent 28 typedef struct _WindowsWMSetFrontProcess { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMSetFrontProcess */ CARD16 length B16; } xWindowsWMSetFrontProcessReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMSetFrontProcessReq 4 typedef struct _WindowsWMFrameGetRect { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMFrameGetRect */ CARD16 length B16; CARD32 frame_style B32; CARD32 frame_style_ex B32; CARD16 frame_rect B16; INT16 ix B16; INT16 iy B16; CARD16 iw B16; CARD16 ih B16; CARD16 pad1 B16; } xWindowsWMFrameGetRectReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMFrameGetRectReq 24 typedef struct { BYTE type; /* X_Reply */ BOOL pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; INT16 x B16; INT16 y B16; CARD16 w B16; CARD16 h B16; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; } xWindowsWMFrameGetRectReply; #define sz_xWindowsWMFrameGetRectReply 32 typedef struct _WindowsWMFrameDraw { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMFrameDraw */ CARD16 length B16; CARD32 screen B32; CARD32 window B32; CARD32 frame_style B32; CARD32 frame_style_ex B32; INT16 ix B16; INT16 iy B16; CARD16 iw B16; CARD16 ih B16; } xWindowsWMFrameDrawReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMFrameDrawReq 28 typedef struct _WindowsWMFrameSetTitle { CARD8 reqType; /* always WMReqCode */ CARD8 wmReqType; /* always X_WMFrameSetTitle */ CARD16 length B16; CARD32 screen B32; CARD32 window B32; CARD32 title_length B32; } xWindowsWMFrameSetTitleReq; #define sz_xWindowsWMFrameSetTitleReq 16 #endif /* _WINDOWSWMSTR_H_ */