#!/usr/bin/bash function check-error { if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $1 exit fi } . ./setvcenv.sh # Do not make the font files differ each time due to timestamp differences. # (This prevents git repos from becoming very large & slow when you commit # multiple builds.) # x2goclient-contrib.git needs this. export GZIP="--no-name" which nasm > /dev/null 2>&1 check-error 'Please install nasm' which MSBuild.exe > /dev/null 2>&1 check-error 'Please install/set environment for visual studio 2010' # echo script lines from now one #set -v if [[ "$IS64" == "" ]]; then MSBuild.exe freetype/freetypevc10.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration="Release Multithreaded" /p:Platform=Win32 check-error 'Error compiling freetype' MSBuild.exe freetype/freetypevc10.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration="Debug Multithreaded" /p:Platform=Win32 check-error 'Error compiling freetype' else MSBuild.exe freetype/freetypevc10.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration="Release Multithreaded" /p:Platform=x64 check-error 'Error compiling freetype' MSBuild.exe freetype/freetypevc10.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration="Debug Multithreaded" /p:Platform=x64 check-error 'Error compiling freetype' fi cd openssl if [[ "$IS64" == "" ]]; then perl Configure VC-WIN32 check-error 'Error executing perl' ms/do_nasm.bat check-error 'Error configuring openssl for nasm' else perl Configure VC-WIN64A check-error 'Error executing perl' ms/do_win64a.bat check-error 'Error configuring openssl for nasm' fi nmake -f ms/nt.mak check-error 'Error compiling openssl for release' nmake DEBUG=1 -f ms/nt.mak check-error 'Error compiling openssl for debug' cd ../pthreads nmake VC-static check-error 'Error compiling pthreads for release' nmake VC-static-debug check-error 'Error compiling pthreads for debug' cd .. MSBuild.exe tools/mhmake/mhmakevc10.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32 check-error 'Error compiling mhmake for release' MSBuild.exe tools/mhmake/mhmakevc10.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32 check-error 'Error compiling mhmake for debug' export MHMAKECONF=`cygpath -wa .` tools/mhmake/release/mhmake $PARBUILD -C xorg-server MAKESERVER=1 DEBUG=1 check-error 'Error compiling vcxsrv for debug' tools/mhmake/release/mhmake.exe $PARBUILD -C xorg-server MAKESERVER=1 check-error 'Error compiling vcxsrv for release' cd xorg-server/installer ./packageall.bat