# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.60) AC_INIT([libX11], [], [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg], libX11) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([Makefile.am]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CANONICAL_BUILD AC_CANONICAL_HOST AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AM_CONFIG_HEADER([src/config.h]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([include/X11/XlibConf.h]) # Set common system defines for POSIX extensions, such as _GNU_SOURCE # Must be called before any macros that run the compiler (like AC_PROG_LIBTOOL) # to avoid autoconf errors. AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS # Require xorg-macros minimum of 1.11 for disabling fop by default m4_ifndef([XORG_MACROS_VERSION], [m4_fatal([must install xorg-macros 1.11 or later before running autoconf/autogen])]) XORG_MACROS_VERSION(1.11) XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS XORG_ENABLE_SPECS XORG_WITH_XMLTO(0.0.20) XORG_WITH_FOP([no]) XORG_CHECK_SGML_DOCTOOLS(1.5) XORG_PROG_RAWCPP # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_PROG_CC PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x; then if test x"$cross_compiling" = xyes; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(CC_FOR_BUILD, gcc cc) else CC_FOR_BUILD="$CC" fi fi AC_SUBST([CC_FOR_BUILD]) if test x"$CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD" = x; then if test ! x"$cross_compiling" = xyes; then CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=${CPPFLAGS} fi fi AC_SUBST(CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) if test x"$CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD" = x; then if test ! x"$cross_compiling" = xyes; then CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=${CFLAGS} fi fi AC_SUBST(CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) if test x"$LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD" = x; then if test ! x"$cross_compiling" = xyes; then LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=${LDFLAGS} fi fi AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD) # Find perl for "make check" tests in nls/Makefile.am AC_ARG_WITH(perl, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-perl=<path>], [path to perl interpreter for build-time tests]), [PERL=$withval ; AC_MSG_CHECKING([perl]) ; AC_MSG_RESULT([(from --with-perl) $PERL])], AC_CHECK_PROGS([PERL], [perl], [no])) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_PERL, test x$PERL != xno) # Checks for pkg-config packages # Always required X11_REQUIRES='xproto >= 7.0.13 xextproto xtrans xcb >= 1.1.92' X11_EXTRA_DEPS="xcb >= 1.1.92" PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG() AC_SUBST(X11_EXTRA_DEPS) dnl Issue an error if xtrans.m4 was not found and XTRANS_CONNECTION_FLAGS macro dnl was not expanded, since libX11 with no transport types is rather useless. dnl dnl If you're seeing an error here, be sure you installed the lib/xtrans module dnl first and if it's not in the default location, that you set the ACLOCAL dnl environment variable to find it, such as: dnl ACLOCAL="aclocal -I ${PREFIX}/share/aclocal" m4_pattern_forbid([^XTRANS_CONNECTION_FLAGS$]) # Transport selection macro from xtrans.m4 XTRANS_CONNECTION_FLAGS # Secure RPC detection macro from xtrans.m4 XTRANS_SECURE_RPC_FLAGS # Preferred order to try transports for local connections AC_MSG_CHECKING([what order to try transports in for local connections]) DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="" case $host_os in solaris*) # On Solaris 2.6 through 9, named pipes (LOCAL_TRANS) were # faster than Unix domain sockets, but on Solaris 10 & later, # Unix domain sockets are faster now. if test "$UNIXCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}UNIX_TRANS" fi if test "$LOCALCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}LOCAL_TRANS" fi if test "$TCPCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}TCP_TRANS" fi ;; linux*) # LOCAL_TRANS is used for abstract sockets. if test "$UNIXCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}LOCAL_TRANS,UNIX_TRANS" fi if test "$TCPCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}TCP_TRANS" fi ;; *) if test "$LOCALCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}LOCAL_TRANS" fi if test "$UNIXCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}UNIX_TRANS" fi if test "$TCPCONN" = "yes" ; then if test ! "x$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS" = "x" ; then DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}," fi DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS="${DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS}TCP_TRANS" fi ;; esac AC_ARG_WITH(local-transport-order, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-local-transport-order=LIST], [preference sorted list of transport types to try for local connections]), [LOCAL_TRANSPORT_LIST=$withval], [LOCAL_TRANSPORT_LIST=$DEFAULT_LOCAL_TRANS]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([LOCAL_TRANSPORT_LIST], [$LOCAL_TRANSPORT_LIST], [preference sorted list of transport types to try for local connections]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$LOCAL_TRANSPORT_LIST]) # Check for dlopen AC_MSG_CHECKING([if run-time linking is supported]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlopen,[dl svld]) if test "x$ac_cv_search_dlopen" = xno; then AC_SEARCH_LIBS(shl_load,[dld]) if test "x$ac_cv_search_shl_load" != xno; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SHL_LOAD,1, [Use shl_load to load shared libraries]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([dl.h]) fi else AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DLOPEN,1,[Use dlopen to load shared libraries]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([dlfcn.h]) fi if test x$ac_cv_header_dlcfn_h -o x$ac_cv_header_dl_h; then HAVE_LOADABLE_MODULES=yes else HAVE_LOADABLE_MODULES=no fi AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_LOADABLE_MODULES) AC_MSG_CHECKING([if loadable i18n module support should be enabled]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(loadable-i18n, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-loadable-i18n], [Controls loadable i18n module support]), [XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N=$enableval], [XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N="no"]) if test x$XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N = xyes; then if test x$HAVE_LOADABLE_MODULES = xno; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Loadable module support is required to enable loadable i18n module support]) fi AC_DEFINE(USE_DYNAMIC_LC,1, [Split some i18n functions into loadable modules]) AC_SUBST(I18N_MODULE_LIBS,'${top_builddir}/src/libX11.la') fi AC_MSG_RESULT($XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N) AM_CONDITIONAL(XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N, test x$XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N = xyes) AC_MSG_CHECKING([if loadable Xcursor library support should be enabled]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(loadable-xcursor, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-loadable-xcursor], [Controls loadable xcursor library support]), [XLIB_LOADABLE_XCURSOR=$enableval], [XLIB_LOADABLE_XCURSOR=$HAVE_LOADABLE_MODULES]) if test x$XLIB_LOADABLE_XCURSOR = xyes; then AC_DEFINE(USE_DYNAMIC_XCURSOR,1, [Use the X cursor library to load cursors]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT($XLIB_LOADABLE_XCURSOR) # Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/select.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. # Checks for library functions. AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strtol]) # Used in lcFile.c (see also --enable-xlocaledir settings below) XLOCALEDIR_IS_SAFE="no" AC_CHECK_FUNC([issetugid], [XLOCALEDIR_IS_SAFE="yes"] AC_DEFINE(HASSETUGID,1,[Has issetugid() function])) AC_CHECK_FUNC([getresuid], [XLOCALEDIR_IS_SAFE="yes"] AC_DEFINE(HASGETRESUID,1,[Has getresuid() & getresgid() functions])) # Used in Font.c AC_CHECK_FUNC([shmat], AC_DEFINE(HAS_SHM,1,[Has shm*() functions])) # Checks for system services dnl AC_PATH_XTRA # arch specific things WCHAR32="1" case $host_os in os2*) os2="true" ; WCHAR32="0" ;; *) ;; esac AC_SUBST(WCHAR32) AM_CONDITIONAL(OS2, test x$os2 = xtrue) AC_ARG_WITH(launchd, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-launchd], [Build with support for Apple's launchd (default: auto)]), [LAUNCHD=$withval], [LAUNCHD=auto]) if test "x$LAUNCHD" = xauto; then unset LAUNCHD AC_CHECK_PROG(LAUNCHD, [launchd], [yes], [no], [$PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/sbin]) fi if test "x$LAUNCHD" = xyes ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LAUNCHD, 1, [launchd support available]) AC_DEFINE(TRANS_REOPEN, 1, [launchd support available]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(xthreads, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xthreads], [Disable Xlib support for Multithreading]), [xthreads=$enableval],[xthreads=yes]) AC_CHECK_LIB(c, getpwuid_r, [mtsafeapi="yes"], [mtsafeapi="no"]) case x$xthreads in xyes) AC_DEFINE(XTHREADS,1,[Whether libX11 is compiled with thread support]) if test x$mtsafeapi = xyes then AC_DEFINE(XUSE_MTSAFE_API,1,[Whether libX11 needs to use MT safe API's]) fi ;; *) ;; esac AC_CHECK_LIB(c, pthread_self, [thrstubs="no"], [thrstubs="yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(THRSTUBS, test x$thrstubs = xyes) dnl XXX incomplete, please fill this in if test x$xthreads = xyes ; then case $host_os in linux*|openbsd*|gnu*|k*bsd*-gnu) XTHREADLIB=-lpthread ;; netbsd*) XTHREAD_CFLAGS="-D_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS" XTHREADLIB="-lpthread" ;; freebsd*) XTHREAD_CFLAGS="-D_THREAD_SAFE" XTHREADLIB="-pthread" ;; dragonfly*) XTHREADLIB="-pthread" ;; solaris*) XTHREAD_CFLAGS="-D_REENTRANT -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS" ;; esac fi AC_SUBST(XTHREADLIB) AC_SUBST(XTHREAD_CFLAGS) AC_CHECK_FUNC(poll, [AC_DEFINE(USE_POLL, 1, [poll() function is available])], ) # # Find keysymdef.h # AC_MSG_CHECKING([keysym definitions]) KEYSYMDEFDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=includedir xproto`/X11 FILES="keysymdef.h XF86keysym.h Sunkeysym.h DECkeysym.h HPkeysym.h" for i in $FILES; do if test -f "$KEYSYMDEFDIR/$i"; then KEYSYMDEFS="$KEYSYMDEFS $KEYSYMDEFDIR/$i" elif test "x$i" = "xkeysymdef.h"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find keysymdef.h]) fi done AC_MSG_RESULT([$KEYSYMDEFS]) AC_SUBST(KEYSYMDEFS) AM_CONDITIONAL(UDC, test xfalse = xtrue) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xcms, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xcms], [Disable Xlib support for CMS *EXPERIMENTAL*]), [XCMS=$enableval],[XCMS=yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL(XCMS, [test x$XCMS = xyes ]) if test x"$XCMS" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(XCMS,1,[Include support for XCMS]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(xlocale, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xlocale], [Disable Xlib locale implementation *EXPERIMENTAL*]), [XLOCALE=$enableval],[XLOCALE=yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL(XLOCALE, [ test x$XLOCALE = xyes ]) if test x"$XLOCALE" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(XLOCALE,1,[support for X Locales]) fi # This disables XLOCALEDIR. Set it if you're using BuildLoadableXlibI18n, # don't have either issetugid() or getresuid(), and you need to protect # clients that are setgid or setuid to an id other than 0. AC_MSG_CHECKING([if XLOCALEDIR support should be enabled]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xlocaledir, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-xlocaledir], [Enable XLOCALEDIR environment variable support]), [ENABLE_XLOCALEDIR=$enableval],[ENABLE_XLOCALEDIR=$XLOCALEDIR_IS_SAFE]) if test "x$ENABLE_XLOCALEDIR" = "xno"; then AC_DEFINE(NO_XLOCALEDIR,1,[Disable XLOCALEDIR environment variable]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT($ENABLE_XLOCALEDIR) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xf86bigfont, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xf86bigfont], [Disable XF86BigFont extension support]), [XF86BIGFONT=$enableval],[XF86BIGFONT="yes"]) if test "x$XF86BIGFONT" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(BIGFONT, xf86bigfontproto, AC_DEFINE(XF86BIGFONT,1,[Enable XF86BIGFONT extension]),XF86BIGFONT="no") AC_SUBST(BIGFONT_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(BIGFONT_LIBS) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(xkb, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-xkb], [Disable XKB support *EXPERIMENTAL*]), [XKB=$enableval],[XKB=yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL(XKB, [ test x$XKB = xyes ]) if test x"$XKB" = "xyes"; then XKBPROTO_REQUIRES="kbproto" X11_REQUIRES="${X11_REQUIRES} kbproto inputproto" AC_DEFINE(XKB,1,[Use XKB]) else XKBPROTO_REQUIRES="" fi AC_SUBST(XKBPROTO_REQUIRES) AC_FUNC_MMAP() composecache_default=$ac_cv_func_mmap_fixed_mapped AC_CHECK_FUNC(nl_langinfo, , [composecache_default=no]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(composecache, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-composecache], [Disable compose table cache support]), [COMPOSECACHE=$enableval],[COMPOSECACHE=$composecache_default]) if test x"$COMPOSECACHE" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(COMPOSECACHE,1,[Include compose table cache support]) fi dnl Allow checking code with lint, sparse, etc. XORG_WITH_LINT XORG_LINT_LIBRARY([X11]) X11_DATADIR="${datadir}/X11" AX_DEFINE_DIR(X11_DATADIR, X11_DATADIR, [Location of libX11 data]) AC_SUBST(X11_DATADIR) X11_LIBDIR="${libdir}/X11" AX_DEFINE_DIR(X11_LIBDIR, X11_LIBDIR, [Location of libX11 library data]) AC_SUBST(X11_LIBDIR) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(X11, [$X11_REQUIRES]) X11_CFLAGS="$X11_CFLAGS $XTHREAD_CFLAGS" # # Yes, it would be nice to put the locale data in # /usr/share, but the locale stuff includes loadable # libraries which must be located in the same directory # as the other locale data, so for now, everything lives # in ${libdir} # X11_LOCALEDATADIR="${X11_DATADIR}/locale" AX_DEFINE_DIR(XLOCALEDATADIR, X11_LOCALEDATADIR, [Location of libX11 locale data]) AC_SUBST(X11_LOCALEDATADIR) AC_ARG_WITH(locale-lib-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-locale-lib-dir=DIR], [Directory where locale libraries files are installed (default: $libdir/X11/locale)]), [ X11_LOCALELIBDIR="$withval" ], [ X11_LOCALELIBDIR="${X11_LIBDIR}/locale" ]) AX_DEFINE_DIR(XLOCALELIBDIR, X11_LOCALELIBDIR, [Location of libX11 locale libraries]) AC_SUBST(X11_LOCALELIBDIR) X11_LOCALEDIR="${X11_LOCALEDATADIR}" AX_DEFINE_DIR(XLOCALEDIR, X11_LOCALEDIR, [Location of libX11 locale data]) AC_SUBST(X11_LOCALEDIR) XKEYSYMDB="${X11_DATADIR}/XKeysymDB" AX_DEFINE_DIR(XKEYSYMDB, XKEYSYMDB, [Location of keysym database]) XERRORDB="${X11_DATADIR}/XErrorDB" AX_DEFINE_DIR(XERRORDB, XERRORDB, [Location of error message database]) XORG_CHECK_MALLOC_ZERO AC_OUTPUT([Makefile include/Makefile man/Makefile man/xkb/Makefile src/Makefile src/util/Makefile src/xcms/Makefile src/xlibi18n/Makefile modules/Makefile modules/im/Makefile modules/im/ximcp/Makefile modules/lc/Makefile modules/lc/def/Makefile modules/lc/gen/Makefile modules/lc/Utf8/Makefile modules/lc/xlocale/Makefile modules/om/Makefile modules/om/generic/Makefile src/xkb/Makefile nls/Makefile specs/Makefile specs/i18n/Makefile specs/i18n/framework/Makefile specs/i18n/localedb/Makefile specs/i18n/trans/Makefile specs/libX11/Makefile specs/XIM/Makefile x11.pc x11-xcb.pc]) echo "" echo "X11 will be built with the following settings:" echo " Loadable i18n module support: "$XLIB_LOADABLE_I18N echo " Loadable xcursor library support: "$XLIB_LOADABLE_XCURSOR echo " Threading support: "$xthreads echo " Use Threads safe API: "$mtsafeapi echo " Threads stubs in libX11: "$thrstubs echo " XCMS: "$XCMS echo " Internationalization support: "$XLOCALE echo " XF86BigFont support: "$XF86BIGFONT echo " XKB support: "$XKB echo " XLOCALEDIR environment variable support: "$ENABLE_XLOCALEDIR echo " Compose table cache enabled: "$COMPOSECACHE echo " Functional specs building enabled: "$build_specs echo ""