#							-*- Makefile -*-
# Rules for generating files using the C pre-processor
# (Replaces CppFileTarget from Imake)

SED = sed




# Translate XCOMM into pound sign with sed, rather than passing -DXCOMM=XCOMM
# to cpp, because that trick does not work on all ANSI C preprocessors.
# Delete line numbers from the cpp output (-P is not portable, I guess).
# Allow XCOMM to be preceded by whitespace and provide a means of generating
# output lines with trailing backslashes.
# Allow XHASH to always be substituted, even in cases where XCOMM isn't.

CPP_SED_MAGIC = $(SED) -e '/^\#  *[0-9][0-9]*  *.*$$/d' \
                       -e '/^\#line  *[0-9][0-9]*  *.*$$/d' \
                       -e '/^[         ]*XCOMM$$/s/XCOMM/\#/' \
                       -e '/^[         ]*XCOMM[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/s/XCOMM/\#/' \
                       -e '/^[         ]*XHASH/s/XHASH/\#/' \
                       -e '/\@\@$$/s/\@\@$$/\\/'

# Allow people to comment out lines by starting them with '##'
	$(SED) -e '/^\#\#/d' $< | $(RAWCPP) $(RAWCPPFLAGS) $(CPP_FILES_FLAGS) | $(CPP_SED_MAGIC) > $@