/****************************************************************** Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of FUJITSU LIMITED not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. FUJITSU LIMITED makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. FUJITSU LIMITED DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL FUJITSU LIMITED BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Author: Takashi Fujiwara FUJITSU LIMITED fujiwara@a80.tech.yk.fujitsu.co.jp ******************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include "Xlibint.h" #include "Xutil.h" #include "Xlcint.h" #include "Ximint.h" static long _XimTriggerCheck( Xim im, XKeyEvent *ev, INT32 len, CARD32 *keylist) { register long i; KeySym keysym; CARD32 buf32[BUFSIZE/4]; char *buf = (char *)buf32; int modifier; int modifier_mask; CARD32 min_len = sizeof(CARD32) /* sizeof keysym */ + sizeof(CARD32) /* sizeof modifier */ + sizeof(CARD32); /* sizeof modifier mask */ XLookupString(ev, buf, BUFSIZE, &keysym, NULL); if (!keysym) return -1; for (i = 0; len >= min_len; i += 3, len -= min_len) { modifier = keylist[i + 1]; modifier_mask = keylist[i + 2]; if (((KeySym)keylist[i] == keysym) && ((ev->state & modifier_mask) == modifier)) return i; } return -1; } static long _XimTriggerOnCheck( Xim im, XKeyEvent *ev) { return _XimTriggerCheck(im, ev, (INT32)im->private.proto.im_onkeylist[0], &im->private.proto.im_onkeylist[1]); } static long _XimTriggerOffCheck( Xim im, XKeyEvent *ev) { return _XimTriggerCheck(im, ev, (INT32)im->private.proto.im_offkeylist[0], &im->private.proto.im_offkeylist[1]); } static Bool _XimOnKeysCheck( Xic ic, XKeyEvent *ev) { Xim im = (Xim)ic->core.im; long idx; if (IS_DYNAMIC_EVENT_FLOW(ic->core.im) && im->private.proto.im_onkeylist && im->private.proto.im_onkeylist[0]) { if ((idx = _XimTriggerOnCheck(im, ev)) >= 0) { (void)_XimTriggerNotify(im, ic, 0, (CARD32)idx); /* Trigger on */ return True; } } return False; } static Bool _XimOffKeysCheck( Xic ic, XKeyEvent *ev) { Xim im = (Xim)ic->core.im; long idx; if (IS_DYNAMIC_EVENT_FLOW(ic->core.im) && im->private.proto.im_offkeylist && im->private.proto.im_offkeylist[0]) { if ((idx = _XimTriggerOffCheck(im, ev)) >= 0) { _XimTriggerNotify(im, ic, 1, (CARD32)idx); /* Trigger off */ return True; } } return False; } static void _XimPendingFilter( Xic ic) { Xim im = (Xim)ic->core.im; if (IS_NEED_SYNC_REPLY(im)) { (void)_XimProcSyncReply(im, ic); UNMARK_NEED_SYNC_REPLY(im); } return; } static Bool _XimProtoKeypressFilter( Xic ic, XKeyEvent *ev) { Xim im = (Xim)ic->core.im; if (IS_FABRICATED(im)) { _XimPendingFilter(ic); UNMARK_FABRICATED(im); return NOTFILTERD; } if (IS_NEGLECT_EVENT(ic, KeyPressMask)) return FILTERD; #ifdef XIM_CONNECTABLE if (!IS_IC_CONNECTED(ic)) { if (IS_CONNECTABLE(im)) { if (_XimConnectServer(im)) { if (!_XimReCreateIC(ic)) { _XimDelayModeSetAttr(im); return NOTFILTERD; } } else { return NOTFILTERD; } } else { return NOTFILTERD; } } #else if (!IS_IC_CONNECTED(ic)) return NOTFILTERD; #endif /* XIM_CONNECTABLE */ if (!IS_FORWARD_EVENT(ic, KeyPressMask)) { if (_XimOnKeysCheck(ic, ev)) return FILTERD; return NOTFILTERD; } if (_XimOffKeysCheck(ic, ev)) return FILTERD; if (_XimForwardEvent(ic, (XEvent *)ev, IS_SYNCHRONOUS_EVENT(ic, KeyPressMask))) return FILTERD; return NOTFILTERD; } static Bool _XimFilterKeypress( Display *d, Window w, XEvent *ev, XPointer client_data) { return _XimProtoKeypressFilter((Xic)client_data, (XKeyEvent *)ev ); } static Bool _XimProtoKeyreleaseFilter( Xic ic, XKeyEvent *ev) { Xim im = (Xim)ic->core.im; if (IS_FABRICATED(im)) { _XimPendingFilter(ic); UNMARK_FABRICATED(im); return NOTFILTERD; } if (IS_NEGLECT_EVENT(ic, KeyReleaseMask)) return FILTERD; #ifdef XIM_CONNECTABLE if (!IS_IC_CONNECTED(ic)) { if (IS_CONNECTABLE(im)) { if (_XimConnectServer(im)) { if (!_XimReCreateIC(ic)) { _XimDelayModeSetAttr(im); return NOTFILTERD; } } else { return NOTFILTERD; } } else { return NOTFILTERD; } } #else if (!IS_IC_CONNECTED(ic)) return NOTFILTERD; #endif /* XIM_CONNECTABLE */ if (!IS_FORWARD_EVENT(ic, KeyReleaseMask)) { if (_XimOnKeysCheck(ic, ev)) return FILTERD; return NOTFILTERD; } if (_XimOffKeysCheck(ic, ev)) return FILTERD; if (_XimForwardEvent(ic, (XEvent *)ev, IS_SYNCHRONOUS_EVENT(ic, KeyPressMask))) return FILTERD; return NOTFILTERD; } static Bool _XimFilterKeyrelease( Display *d, Window w, XEvent *ev, XPointer client_data) { return _XimProtoKeyreleaseFilter((Xic)client_data, (XKeyEvent *)ev); } static void _XimRegisterKeyPressFilter( Xic ic) { if (ic->core.focus_window) { if (!(ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event & KEYPRESS_MASK)) { _XRegisterFilterByType (ic->core.im->core.display, ic->core.focus_window, KeyPress, KeyPress, _XimFilterKeypress, (XPointer)ic); ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event |= KEYPRESS_MASK; } } return; } static void _XimRegisterKeyReleaseFilter( Xic ic) { if (ic->core.focus_window) { if (!(ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event & KEYRELEASE_MASK)) { _XRegisterFilterByType (ic->core.im->core.display, ic->core.focus_window, KeyRelease, KeyRelease, _XimFilterKeyrelease, (XPointer)ic); ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event |= KEYRELEASE_MASK; } } return; } static void _XimUnregisterKeyPressFilter( Xic ic) { if (ic->core.focus_window) { if (ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event & KEYPRESS_MASK) { _XUnregisterFilter (ic->core.im->core.display, ic->core.focus_window, _XimFilterKeypress, (XPointer)ic); ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event &= ~KEYPRESS_MASK; } } return; } static void _XimUnregisterKeyReleaseFilter( Xic ic) { if (ic->core.focus_window) { if (ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event & KEYRELEASE_MASK) { _XUnregisterFilter (ic->core.im->core.display, ic->core.focus_window, _XimFilterKeyrelease, (XPointer)ic); ic->private.proto.registed_filter_event &= ~KEYRELEASE_MASK; } } return; } void _XimRegisterFilter( Xic ic) { _XimRegisterKeyPressFilter(ic); if (IS_FORWARD_EVENT(ic, KeyReleaseMask)) _XimRegisterKeyReleaseFilter(ic); return; } void _XimUnregisterFilter( Xic ic) { _XimUnregisterKeyPressFilter(ic); _XimUnregisterKeyReleaseFilter(ic); return; } void _XimReregisterFilter( Xic ic) { if (IS_FORWARD_EVENT(ic, KeyReleaseMask)) _XimRegisterKeyReleaseFilter(ic); else _XimUnregisterKeyReleaseFilter(ic); return; } static Bool _XimFilterServerDestroy( Display *d, Window w, XEvent *ev, XPointer client_data) { Xim im = (Xim)client_data; if (ev->type == DestroyNotify) { UNMARK_SERVER_CONNECTED(im); #ifdef XIM_CONNECTABLE if (!IS_SERVER_CONNECTED(im) && IS_RECONNECTABLE(im)) { _XimServerReconectableDestroy(); return True; } #endif /* XIM_CONNECTABLE */ _XimServerDestroy(im); } return True; } void _XimRegisterServerFilter( Xim im) { if (im->private.proto.im_window) { if (!(im->private.proto.registed_filter_event & DESTROYNOTIFY_MASK)) { _XRegisterFilterByMask(im->core.display, im->private.proto.im_window, StructureNotifyMask, _XimFilterServerDestroy, (XPointer)im); XSelectInput(im->core.display, im->private.proto.im_window, StructureNotifyMask); im->private.proto.registed_filter_event |= DESTROYNOTIFY_MASK; } } return; } void _XimUnregisterServerFilter( Xim im) { if (im->private.proto.im_window) { if (im->private.proto.registed_filter_event & DESTROYNOTIFY_MASK) { _XUnregisterFilter(im->core.display, im->private.proto.im_window, _XimFilterServerDestroy, (XPointer)im); im->private.proto.registed_filter_event &= ~DESTROYNOTIFY_MASK; } } return; }