<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd" [ <!ENTITY % defs SYSTEM "defs.ent"> %defs; ]> <book id="framework"> <bookinfo> <title>X11R6 Sample Implementation Frame Work</title> <releaseinfo>X Version 11, Release &fullrelvers;</releaseinfo> <authorgroup> <othercredit> <firstname>Katsuhisa</firstname><surname>Yano</surname> <affiliation><orgname>TOSHIBA Corporation</orgname></affiliation> </othercredit> <othercredit> <firstname>Yoshio</firstname><surname>Horiuchi</surname> <affiliation><orgname>IBM Japan</orgname></affiliation> </othercredit> </authorgroup> <copyright><year>1994</year> <holder>TOSHIBA Corporation</holder> <holder>IBM Corporation</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> <para> Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. TOSHIBA Corporation and IBM Corporation make no representations about the suitability for any purpose of the information in this document. This documentation is provided as is without express or implied warranty. </para> <para role="multiLicensing">Copyright © 1994 X Consortium</para> <para> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: </para> <para> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. </para> <para> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. </para> <para> Except as contained in this notice, the name of X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from X Consortium. </para> <para>X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.</para> </legalnotice> </bookinfo> <chapter id='Framework'> <title>Framework</title> <sect1 id='Preface'> <title>Preface</title> <para> This document proposes to define the structures, methods and their signatures that are expected to be common to all locale dependent functions within the Xlib sample implementation. The following illustration (Fig.1) <!-- xref --> is proposed to outline the separating of the components within the sample implementation. </para> <para> Preface drawing. </para> <mediaobject id="framework_locale_service_api_proposal"> <imageobject> <imagedata width="540px" depth="530px" contentwidth="560px" contentdepth="550px" format="SVG" fileref="framework.svg"/> </imageobject> <caption>Frame work of Locale Service API Proposal</caption> </mediaobject> <para> Generally speaking, the internationalized portion of Xlib (Locale Dependent X, LDX) consists of three objects; locale (LC) , input method (IM) and output method (OM). The LC provides a set of information that depends on user's language environment. The IM manages text inputing, and the OM manages text drawing. Both IM and OM highly depend on LC data. </para> <para> In X11R5, there are two sample implementations, Ximp and Xsi, for Xlib internationalization. But in both implementations, IM and OM actually refer the private extension of LC. It breaks coexistence of these two sample implementations. For example, if a user creates a new OM for special purpose as a part of Ximp, it will not work with Xsi. </para> <para> As a solution of this problem, we propose to define the standard APIs between these three objects, and define the structure that are common to these objects. </para> </sect1> <sect1 id="Objective"> <title>Objective</title> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para> Explain the current X11R6 sample implementation </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Document the common set of locale dependent interfaces </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Provide more flexible pluggable layer </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </sect1> <sect1 id="Locale_Object_Binding_Functions"> <title>Locale Object Binding Functions</title> <!-- .XS (SN Locale Object Binding Functions --> <!-- .XE --> <para> This chapter describes functions related locale object binding for implementing the pluggable layer. </para> <para> A locale loader is an entry point for locale object, which instantiates XLCd object and binds locale methods with specified locale name. The behavior of loader is implementation dependent. And, what kind of loaders are available is also implementation dependent. </para> <para> <!-- .LP --> The loader is called in <function>_XOpenLC, </function> but caller of <xref linkend='_XOpenLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> does not need to care about its inside. For example, if the loader is implemented with dynamic load functions, and the dynamic module is expected to be unloaded when the corresponding XLCd is freed, close methods of XLCdMethods should handle unloading. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Initializing a locale loader list</emphasis> </para> <para>void _XlcInitLoader</para> <para> The <function>_XlcInitLoader</function> function initializes the locale loader list with vendor specific manner. Each loader is registered with calling <function>_XlcAddLoader.</function> The number of loaders and their order in the loader list is implementation dependent. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Add a loader</emphasis> </para> <literallayout> typedef XLCd (*XLCdLoadProc)(<emphasis remap='I'>name</emphasis>); char <emphasis remap='I'>*name</emphasis>; typedef int XlcPosition; #define XlcHead #define XlcTail </literallayout> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcAddLoader'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>Bool <function> _XlcAddLoader</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCdLoadProc<parameter> proc</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcPosition<parameter> position</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcAddLoader' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function registers the specified locale loader "<emphasis remap='I'>proc</emphasis>" to the internal loader list. The position specifies that the loader "<emphasis remap='I'>proc</emphasis>" should be placed in the top of the loader list(XlcHead) or last(XlcTail). </para> <para> The object loader is called from the top of the loader list in order, when calling time. </para> <para> <function>Remove a loader</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcRemoveLoader'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcRemoveLoader</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCdLoadProc<parameter> proc</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcRemoveLoader' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function removes the locale loader specified by "<emphasis remap='I'>proc</emphasis>" from the loader list. </para> <para> Current implementation provides following locale loaders; </para> <literallayout> <function>_XlcDefaultLoader</function> <function>_XlcGenericLoader</function> <function>_XlcUtfLoader</function> <function>_XaixOsDynamicLoad</function> </literallayout> </sect1> <sect1 id="Locale_Method_Interface"> <title>Locale Method Interface</title> <para> This chapter describes the locale method API, which is a set of accessible functions from both IM and OM parts. The locale method API provides the functionalities; obtaining locale dependent information, handling charset, converting text, etc. </para> <para> As a result of using these APIs instead of accessing vender private extension of the locale object, we can keep locale, IM and OM independently each other. </para> </sect1> <sect1 id="Locale_Method_Functions"> <title>Locale Method Functions</title> <para> <function>Open a Locale Method</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XOpenLC'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>XLCd <function> _XOpenLC</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *name</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XOpenLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function opens a locale method which corresponds to the specified locale name. <xref linkend='_XOpenLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> calls a locale object loader, which is registered via <function>_XlcAddLoader into the internal loader list. If the called loader </function> is valid and successfully opens a locale, <xref linkend='_XOpenLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> returns the XLCd. If the loader is invalid or failed to open a locale, <xref linkend='_XOpenLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> calls the next loader. If all registered loaders cannot open a locale, <xref linkend='_XOpenLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> returns NULL. </para> <para>XLCd _XlcCurrentLC</para> <para> The <function>_XlcCurrentLC</function> function returns an XLCd that are bound to current locale. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Close a Locale Method</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XCloseLC'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XCloseLC</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> <!-- .LP --> The <xref linkend='_XCloseLC' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function close a locale method the specified lcd. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Obtain Locale Method values</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XGetLCValues'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>char *<function>_XGetLCValues</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XGetLCValues' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function returns NULL if no error occurred; otherwise, it returns the name of the first argument that could not be obtained. The following values are defined as standard arguments. Other values are implementation dependent. </para> <informaltable frame="topbot"> <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?> <tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0'> <colspec colname='c1' colwidth="3.0*"/> <colspec colname='c2' colwidth="1.0*"/> <colspec colname='c3' colwidth="3.0*"/> <thead> <row rowsep='1'> <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Type</entry> <entry>Description</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>XlcNCodeset</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>codeset part of locale name</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNDefaultString</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>XDefaultString()</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNEncodingName</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>encoding name</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNLanguage</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>language part of locale name</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNMbCurMax</entry> <entry>int</entry> <entry>ANSI C MB_CUR_MAX</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNStateDependentEncoding</entry> <entry>Bool</entry> <entry>is state-dependent encoding or not</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNTerritory</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>territory part of locale name</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> </sect1> <sect1 id="Charset_functions"> <title>Charset functions</title> <para> The XlcCharSet is an identifier which represents a subset of characters (character set) in the locale object. </para> <literallayout class="monospaced"> typedef enum { XlcUnknown, XlcC0, XlcGL, XlcC1, XlcGR, XlcGLGR, XlcOther } XlcSide; typedef struct _XlcCharSetRec *XlcCharSet; typedef struct { char *name; XPointer value; } XlcArg, *XlcArgList; typedef char* (*XlcGetCSValuesProc)(<emphasis remap='I'>charset</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>args</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>num_args</emphasis>); XlcCharSet <emphasis remap='I'>charset</emphasis>; XlcArgList <emphasis remap='I'>args</emphasis>; int <emphasis remap='I'>num_args</emphasis>; typedef struct _XlcCharSetRec { char *name; XrmQuark xrm_name; char *encoding_name; XrmQuark xrm_encoding_name; XlcSide side; int char_size; int set_size; char *ct_sequence; XlcGetCSValuesProc get_values; } XlcCharSetRec; </literallayout> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Get an XlcCharSet</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcGetCharSet'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>XlcCharSet <function> _XlcGetCharSet</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *name</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcGetCharSet' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function gets an XlcCharSet which corresponds to the charset name specified by "<emphasis remap='I'>name</emphasis>". <xref linkend='_XlcGetCharSet' xrefstyle='select: title'/> returns NULL, if no XlcCharSet bound to specified "<emphasis remap='I'>name</emphasis>". </para> <para> The following character sets are pre-registered. </para> <informaltable frame="topbot"> <?dbfo keep-together="auto" ?> <tgroup cols='2' align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0'> <colspec colname='c1' colwidth="1.0*"/> <colspec colname='c2' colwidth="2.0*"/> <thead> <row rowsep='1'> <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Description</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>ISO8859-1:GL</entry> <entry>7-bit ASCII graphics (ANSI X3.4-1968),</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>Left half of ISO 8859 sets</entry> </row> <row> <entry>JISX0201.1976-0:GL</entry> <entry>Left half of JIS X0201-1976 (reaffirmed 1984),</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>8-Bit Alphanumeric-Katakana Code</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-1:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-1, Latin alphabet No. 1</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-2:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-2, Latin alphabet No. 2</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-3:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-3, Latin alphabet No. 3</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-4:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-4, Latin alphabet No. 4</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-7:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-7, Latin/Greek alphabet</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-6:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-6, Latin/Arabic alphabet</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-8:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-8, Latin/Hebrew alphabet</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-5:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-5, Latin/Cyrillic alphabet</entry> </row> <row> <entry>ISO8859-9:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of ISO 8859-9, Latin alphabet No. 5</entry> </row> <row> <entry>JISX0201.1976-0:GR</entry> <entry>Right half of JIS X0201-1976 (reaffirmed 1984),</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>8-Bit Alphanumeric-Katakana Code</entry> </row> <row> <entry>GB2312.1980-0:GL</entry> <entry>GB2312-1980, China (PRC) Hanzi defined as GL</entry> </row> <row> <entry>GB2312.1980-0:GR</entry> <entry>GB2312-1980, China (PRC) Hanzi defined as GR</entry> </row> <row> <entry>JISX0208.1983-0:GL</entry> <entry>JIS X0208-1983, Japanese Graphic Character Set</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>defined as GL</entry> </row> <row> <entry>JISX0208.1983-0:GR</entry> <entry>JIS X0208-1983, Japanese Graphic Character Set</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>defined as GR</entry> </row> <row> <entry>KSC5601.1987-0:GL</entry> <entry>KS C5601-1987, Korean Graphic Character Set</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>defined as GL</entry> </row> <row> <entry>KSC5601.1987-0:GR</entry> <entry>KS C5601-1987, Korean Graphic Character Set</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>defined as GR</entry> </row> <row> <entry>JISX0212.1990-0:GL</entry> <entry>JIS X0212-1990, Japanese Graphic Character Set</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>defined as GL</entry> </row> <row> <entry>JISX0212.1990-0:GR</entry> <entry>JIS X0212-1990, Japanese Graphic Character Set</entry> </row> <row> <entry></entry> <entry>defined as GR</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Add an XlcCharSet</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcAddCharSet'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>Bool <function> _XlcAddCharSet</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XlcCharSet<parameter> charset</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcAddCharSet' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function registers XlcCharSet specified by "<emphasis remap='I'>charset</emphasis>". </para> <para> <!-- .LP --> <!-- .sp --> <function>Obtain Character Set values</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcGetCSValues'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>char * <function> _XlcGetCSValues</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XlcCharSet<parameter> charset</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef><parameter> ...</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcGetCSValues' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function returns NULL if no error occurred; otherwise, it returns the name of the first argument that could not be obtained. The following values are defined as standard arguments. Other values are implementation dependent. </para> <informaltable frame="topbot"> <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?> <tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0'> <colspec colname='c1' colwidth="2.0*"/> <colspec colname='c2' colwidth="1.0*"/> <colspec colname='c3' colwidth="3.0*"/> <thead> <row rowsep='1'> <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Type</entry> <entry>Description</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>XlcNName</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>charset name</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNEncodingName</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>XLFD CharSet Registry and Encoding</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNSide</entry> <entry>XlcSide</entry> <entry>charset side (GL, GR, ...)</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNCharSize</entry> <entry>int</entry> <entry>number of octets per character</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNSetSize</entry> <entry>int</entry> <entry>number of character sets</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNControlSequence</entry> <entry>char*</entry> <entry>control sequence of Compound Text</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> </sect1> <sect1 id="Converter_Functions"> <title>Converter Functions</title> <para> We provide a set of the common converter APIs, that are independent from both of source and destination text type. </para> <literallayout class="monospaced"> typedef struct _XlcConvRec *XlcConv; typedef void (*XlcCloseConverterProc)(<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>); XlcConv <emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>; typedef int (*XlcConvertProc)(<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>from</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>from_left</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>to</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>to_left</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>args</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>num_args</emphasis>); XlcConv <emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>; XPointer <emphasis remap='I'>*from</emphasis>; int <emphasis remap='I'>*from_left</emphasis>; XPointer <emphasis remap='I'>*to</emphasis>; int <emphasis remap='I'>*to_left</emphasis>; XPointer <emphasis remap='I'>*args</emphasis>; int <emphasis remap='I'>num_args</emphasis>; typedef void (*XlcResetConverterProc)(<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>); XlcConv <emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>; typedef struct _XlcConvMethodsRec { XlcCloseConverterProc close; XlcConvertProc convert; XlcResetConverterProc reset; } XlcConvMethodsRec, *XlcConvMethods; typedef struct _XlcConvRec { XlcConvMethods methods; XPointer state; } XlcConvRec; </literallayout> <para> <function>Open a converter</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcOpenConverter'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>XlcConv <function> _XlcOpenConverter</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> from_lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *from_type</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> to_lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *to_type</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> <xref linkend='_XlcOpenConverter' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function opens the converter which converts a text from specified "<emphasis remap='I'>from_type</emphasis>" to specified "<emphasis remap='I'>to_type</emphasis>" encoding. If the function cannot find proper converter or cannot open a corresponding converter, it returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns the conversion descriptor. </para> <para> The following types are pre-defined. Other types are implementation dependent. </para> <informaltable frame="topbot"> <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?> <tgroup cols='4' align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0'> <colspec colname='c1' colwidth="2.0*"/> <colspec colname='c2' colwidth="1.0*"/> <colspec colname='c3' colwidth="2.0*"/> <colspec colname='c4' colwidth="3.0*"/> <thead> <row rowsep='1'> <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Type</entry> <entry>Description</entry> <entry>Arguments</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>XlcNMultiByte</entry> <entry>char *</entry> <entry>multibyte</entry> <entry>-</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNWideChar</entry> <entry>wchar_t *</entry> <entry>wide character</entry> <entry>-</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNCompoundText</entry> <entry>char *</entry> <entry>COMPOUND_TEXT</entry> <entry>-</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNString</entry> <entry>char *</entry> <entry>STRING</entry> <entry>-</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNCharSet</entry> <entry>char *</entry> <entry>per charset</entry> <entry>XlcCharSet</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNChar</entry> <entry>char *</entry> <entry>per character</entry> <entry>XlcCharSet</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Close a converter</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcCloseConverter'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcCloseConverter</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XlcConv<parameter> conv</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcCloseConverter' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function closes the specified converter "<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>". </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Code conversion</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcConvert'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _XlcConvert</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XlcConv<parameter> conv</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XPointer<parameter> *from</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> *from_left</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XPointer<parameter> *to</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> *to_left</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XPointer<parameter> *args</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> num_args</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcConvert' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function converts a sequence of characters from one type, in the array specified by "<emphasis remap='I'>from</emphasis>", into a sequence of corresponding characters in another type, in the array specified by "<emphasis remap='I'>to</emphasis>". The types are those specified in the <function>_XlcOpenConverter() </function> call that returned the conversion descriptor, "<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>". The arguments "<emphasis remap='I'>from</emphasis>", "<emphasis remap='I'>from_left</emphasis>", "<emphasis remap='I'>to</emphasis>" and "<emphasis remap='I'>to_left</emphasis>" have the same specification of XPG4 iconv function. </para> <para> For state-dependent encodings, the conversion descriptor "<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>" is placed into its initial shift state by a call for which "<emphasis remap='I'>from</emphasis>" is a NULL pointer, or for which "<emphasis remap='I'>from</emphasis>" points to a null pointer. </para> <para> The following 2 converters prepared by locale returns appropriate charset (XlcCharSet) in an area pointed by args[0]. </para> <informaltable frame="topbot"> <?dbfo keep-together="always" ?> <tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0'> <colspec colname='c1' colwidth="1.0*"/> <colspec colname='c2' colwidth="1.0*"/> <colspec colname='c3' colwidth="2.0*"/> <thead> <row rowsep='1'> <entry>From</entry> <entry>To</entry> <entry>Description</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>XlcNMultiByte</entry> <entry>XlcNCharSet</entry> <entry>Segmentation (Decomposing)</entry> </row> <row> <entry>XlcNWideChar</entry> <entry>XlcNCharSet</entry> <entry>Segmentation (Decomposing)</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> <para> The conversion, from XlcNMultiByte/XlcNWideChar to XlcNCharSet, extracts a segment which has same charset encoding characters. More than one segment cannot be converted in a call. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Reset a converter</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcResetConverter'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcResetConverter</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XlcConv<parameter> conv</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcResetConverter' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function reset the specified converter "<emphasis remap='I'>conv</emphasis>". </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Register a converter</emphasis> </para> <literallayout class="monospaced"> typedef XlcConv (*XlcOpenConverterProc)(<emphasis remap='I'>from_lcd</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>from_type</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>to_lcd</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>to_type</emphasis>); XLCd <emphasis remap='I'>from_lcd</emphasis>; char <emphasis remap='I'>*from_type</emphasis>; XLCd <emphasis remap='I'>to_lcd</emphasis>; char <emphasis remap='I'>*to_type</emphasis>; </literallayout> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcSetConverter'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>Bool <function> _XlcSetConverter</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> from_lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *from</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> to_lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *to</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcOpenConverterProc<parameter> converter</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <function>XlcSetConverter</function> function registers a converter which convert from "<emphasis remap='I'>from_type</emphasis>" to "<emphasis remap='I'>to_type</emphasis>" into the converter list (in the specified XLCd). </para> </sect1> <sect1 id="X_Locale_Database_functions"> <title>X Locale Database functions</title> <para> X Locale Database contains the subset of user's environment that depends on language. The following APIs are provided for accessing X Locale Database and other locale relative files. </para> <para> For more detail about X Locale Database, please refer X Locale Database Definition document. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Get a resource from database</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcGetResource'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcGetResource</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *category</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *class</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> ***value</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> *count</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcGetResource' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function obtains a locale dependent data which is associated with the locale of specified "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>". The locale data is provided by system locale or by X Locale Database file, and what kind of data is available is implementation dependent. </para> <para> The specified "<emphasis remap='I'>category</emphasis>" and "<emphasis remap='I'>class</emphasis>" are used for finding out the objective locale data. </para> <para> The returned value is returned in value argument in string list form, and the returned count shows the number of strings in the value. </para> <para> The returned value is owned by locale method, and should not be modified or freed by caller. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Get a locale relative file name</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcFileName'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>char *<function>_XlcFileName</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *category</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_XlcFileName' xrefstyle='select: title'/> functions returns a file name which is bound to the specified "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" and "<emphasis remap='I'>category</emphasis>", as a null-terminated string. If no file name can be found, or there is no readable file for the found file name, <xref linkend='_XlcFileName' xrefstyle='select: title'/> returns NULL. The returned file name should be freed by caller. </para> <para> The rule for searching a file name is implementation dependent. In current implementation, <xref linkend='_XlcFileName' xrefstyle='select: title'/> uses "{category}.dir" file as mapping table, which has pairs of strings, a full locale name and a corresponding file name. </para> </sect1> <sect1 id="Utility_Functions"> <title>Utility Functions</title> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Compare Latin-1 strings</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcCompareISOLatin1'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _XlcCompareISOLatin1</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char*str1,<parameter> *str2</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcNCompareISOLatin1'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _XlcNCompareISOLatin1</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char*str1,<parameter> *str2</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <function>_XlcCompareIsoLatin1 </function> function to compares two ISO-8859-1 strings. Bytes representing ASCII lower case letters are converted to upper case before making the comparison. The value returned is an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether "<emphasis remap='I'>str1</emphasis>" is lexicographicly less than, equal to, or greater than "<emphasis remap='I'>str2</emphasis>". </para> <para> The <function>_XlcNCompareIsoLatin1</function> function is identical to <function>_XlcCompareISOLatin1,</function> except that at most "<emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>" bytes are compared. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">Resource Utility</emphasis> </para> <funcsynopsis id='XlcNumber'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> XlcNumber</function></funcdef> <paramdef>ArrayType<parameter> array</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to XtNumber. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcCopyFromArg'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcCopyFromArg</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *src</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *dst</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> size</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcCopyToArg'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcCopyToArg</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *src</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> **dst</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> size</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to <function>_XtCopyFromArg </function> and <function>_XtCopyToArg.</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcCountVaList'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcCountVaList</function></funcdef> <paramdef>va_list<parameter> var</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> *count_ret</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to <function>_XtCountVaList.</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcVaToArgList'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcVaToArgList</function></funcdef> <paramdef>va_list<parameter> var</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> count</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcArgList<parameter> *args_ret</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to <function>_XtVaToArgList.</function> </para> <literallayout class="monospaced"> typedef struct _XlcResource { char *name; XrmQuark xrm_name; int size; int offset; unsigned long mask; } XlcResource, *XlcResourceList; </literallayout> <literallayout class="monospaced"> #define XlcCreateMask (1L<<0) #define XlcDefaultMask (1L<<1) #define XlcGetMask (1L<<2) #define XlcSetMask (1L<<3) #define XlcIgnoreMask (1L<<4) </literallayout> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcCompileResourceList'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>void <function> _XlcCompileResourceList</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XlcResourceList<parameter> resources</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> num_resources</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to <function>_XtCompileResourceList.</function> </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcGetValues'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>char * <function> _XlcGetValues</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XPointer<parameter> base</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcResourceList<parameter> resources</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> num_resources</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcArgList<parameter> args</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> num_args</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>unsignedlong<parameter> mask</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to XtGetSubvalues. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_XlcSetValues'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>char * <function> _XlcSetValues</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XPointer<parameter> base</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcResourceList<parameter> resources</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> num_resources</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>XlcArgList<parameter> args</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> num_args</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>unsignedlong<parameter> mask</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> Similar to XtSetSubvalues. </para> <para> <emphasis role="bold">ANSI C Compatible Functions</emphasis> </para> <para> The following are ANSI C/MSE Compatible Functions for non-ANSI C environment. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xmblen'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xmblen</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xmblen' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function returns the number of characters pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>". Only "<emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>" bytes in "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>" are used in determining the character count returned. "<emphasis remap='I'>Str</emphasis>" may point at characters from any valid codeset in the current locale. </para> <para> The call <xref linkend='_Xmblen' xrefstyle='select: title'/> is equivalent to _Xmbtowc(_Xmbtowc((<emphasis remap='I'>wchar_t*</emphasis>)NULL, <emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>)) </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xmbtowc'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xmbtowc</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xmbtowc' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function converts the character(s) pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>" to their wide character representation(s) pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>". "<emphasis remap='I'>Len</emphasis>" is the number of bytes in "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>" to be converted. The return value is the number of characters converted. </para> <para> The call <xref linkend='_Xmbtowc' xrefstyle='select: title'/> is equivalent to _Xlcmbtowc((XLCd)NULL, <emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>) </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xlcmbtowc'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xlcmbtowc</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xlcmbtowc' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function is identical to <function>_Xmbtowc, </function> except that it requires the "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" argument. If "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" is (XLCd) NULL, <function>_Xlcmbtowc, </function> calls <function>_XlcCurrentLC </function> to determine the current locale. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwctomb'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xwctomb</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> wc</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwctomb' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function converts a single wide character pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wc</emphasis>" to its multibyte representation pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>". On success, the return value is 1. </para> <para> The call <xref linkend='_Xwctomb' xrefstyle='select: title'/> is equivalent to _Xlcwctomb((XLCd)NULL, <emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>) </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xlcwctomb'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xlcwctomb</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> wc</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xlcwctomb' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function is identical to _Xwctomb, except that it requires the "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" argument. If "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" is (XLCd) NULL, <function>_Xlcwctomb, </function> calls <function>_XlcCurrentLC </function> to determine the current locale. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xmbstowcs'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xmbstowcs</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xmbstowcs' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function converts the NULL-terminated string pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>" to its wide character string representation pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>". "<emphasis remap='I'>Len</emphasis>" is the number of characters in "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>" to be converted. </para> <para> The call <xref linkend='_Xmbstowcs' xrefstyle='select: title'/> is equivalent to _Xlcmbstowcs((XLCd)NULL, <emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>) </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xlcmbstowcs'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xlcmbstowcs</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xlcmbstowcs' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function is identical to _Xmbstowcs, except that it requires the "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" argument. If "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" is (XLCd) NULL, <function>_Xlcmbstowcs, </function> calls <function>_XlcCurrentLC</function> to determine the current locale. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwcstombs'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xwcstombs</function></funcdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwcstombs' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function converts the (wchar_t) NULL terminated wide character string pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>" to the NULL terminated multibyte string pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>". </para> <para> The call <xref linkend='_Xwcstombs' xrefstyle='select: title'/> is equivalent to _Xlcwcstombs((XLCd)NULL, <emphasis remap='I'>str</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>) </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xlcwcstombs'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xlcwcstombs</function></funcdef> <paramdef>XLCd<parameter> lcd</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>char<parameter> *str</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xlcwcstombs' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function is identical to _Xwcstombs, except that it requires the "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" argument. If "<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>" is (XLCd) NULL, <function>_Xlcwcstombs, </function> calls <function>_XlcCurrentLC </function> to determine the current locale. </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwcslen'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xwcslen</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwcslen' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function returns the count of wide characters in the (wchar_t) NULL terminated wide character string pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr</emphasis>". </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwcscpy'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>wchar_t *<function> _Xwcscpy</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr1</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr2</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwcsncpy'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>wchar_t * <function> _Xwcsncpy</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr1</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>wchar_t<parameter> *wstr2</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwcscpy' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function copies the (wchar_t) NULL terminated wide character string pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr2</emphasis>" to the object pointed at by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr1</emphasis>". "<emphasis remap='I'>Wstr1</emphasis>" is (wchar_t) NULL terminated. The return value is a pointer to "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr1</emphasis>". </para> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwcsncpy' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function is identical to <function>_Xwcscpy, </function> except that it copies "<emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>" wide characters from the object pointed to by "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr2</emphasis>" to the object pointed to "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr1</emphasis>". </para> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwcscmp'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xwcscmp</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t*wstr1,<parameter> *wstr2</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <funcsynopsis id='_Xwcsncmp'> <funcprototype> <funcdef>int <function> _Xwcsncmp</function></funcdef> <paramdef>wchar_t*wstr1,<parameter> *wstr2</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>int<parameter> len</parameter></paramdef> </funcprototype> </funcsynopsis> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwcscmp' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function compares two (wchar_t) NULL terminated wide character strings. The value returned is an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether "<emphasis remap='I'>wstr1</emphasis>" is lexicographicly less then, equal to, or greater than "<emphasis remap='I'>str2</emphasis>". </para> <para> The <xref linkend='_Xwcsncmp' xrefstyle='select: title'/> function is identical to <function>_XlcCompareISOLatin1, </function> except that at most "<emphasis remap='I'>len</emphasis>" wide characters are compared. </para> <!-- .sp --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" <function>Locale Method Internal Functions</function> --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" XlcCharSet _XlcCreateDefaultCharSet(<emphasis remap='I'>name</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>ct_sequence</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*ct_sequence</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" Bool _XlcParseCharSet(<emphasis remap='I'>charset</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" XlcCharSet <emphasis remap='I'>charset</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" void _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>category</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>name</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>value</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>count</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" XLCd <emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*category</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>***value</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" int <emphasis remap='I'>*count</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" void _XlcDestroyLocaleDataBase(<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" XLCd <emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" XPointer _XlcCreateLocaleDataBase(<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" XLCd <emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .sp --> <!-- .\" <function>Obtain an locale database path</function> --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" int _XlcResolveI18NPath(<emphasis remap='I'>dir</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*dir</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" The --> <!-- .\" .PN _XlcResolveI18NPath --> <!-- .\" function returns path name list that is related to X Locale Database. --> <!-- .\" The obtained path is stored into the array which is pointed by --> <!-- .\" specified "<emphasis remap='I'>dir</emphasis>". The path consists of directory paths which --> <!-- .\" are separated with colon. --> <!-- .\" If the environment variable XLOCALEDIR is specified, the path --> <!-- .\" contains its contents. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" The default path of X Locale Database is implementation dependent. --> <!-- .\" In current implementation, it's determined in build time. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .PN _XlcResolveI18NPath --> <!-- .\" does not check overflow of the array to which the "<emphasis remap='I'>dir</emphasis>" --> <!-- .\" parameter points. Caller should provide enough buffer to store this --> <!-- .\" string. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .sp --> <!-- .\" <function>Obtain a full locale name</function> --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" int _XlcResolveLocaleName(<emphasis remap='I'>lc_name</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>full_name</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>language</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>territory</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>codeset</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*lc_name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*full_name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*language</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*territory</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*codeset</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" The --> <!-- .\" .PN _XlcResolveLocaleName --> <!-- .\" function returns a full locale name. --> <!-- .\" The obtained full locale name is stored into the array which is --> <!-- .\" pointed by specified "<emphasis remap='I'>full_name</emphasis>". --> <!-- .\" The language, territory and codeset part of the full locale name --> <!-- .\" are copied to the return arguments, "<emphasis remap='I'>language</emphasis>", --> <!-- .\" "<emphasis remap='I'>territory</emphasis>" and "<emphasis remap='I'>codeset</emphasis>", respectively. --> <!-- .\" NULL can be specified for these arguments. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" The rule for mapping from locale name to full locale name is --> <!-- .\" implementation dependent. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .PN _XlcResolveLocaleName --> <!-- .\" does not check overflow of the array to which --> <!-- .\" "<emphasis remap='I'>full_name</emphasis>", "<emphasis remap='I'>language</emphasis>", "<emphasis remap='I'>territory</emphasis>" and --> <!-- .\" "<emphasis remap='I'>codeset</emphasis>" parameter point. --> <!-- .\" Caller should provide enough buffer to store those string. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" In current implementation, --> <!-- .\" .PN _XlcResolveLocaleName --> <!-- .\" uses locale.alias file as mapping table, which has pairs of strings, --> <!-- .\" a locale name and a full locale name. --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" int _XlcResolveDBName(<emphasis remap='I'>lc_name</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>file_name</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*lc_name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*file_name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" XLCd _XlcCreateLC(<emphasis remap='I'>name</emphasis>, <emphasis remap='I'>methods</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" char <emphasis remap='I'>*name</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" XLCdMethods <emphasis remap='I'>methods</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .FD 0 --> <!-- .\" void _XlcDestroyLC(<emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>) --> <!-- .\" .br --> <!-- .\" XLCd <emphasis remap='I'>lcd</emphasis>; --> <!-- .\" .FN --> <!-- .\" .LP --> <!-- .\" --> </sect1> </chapter> </book>