/*********************************************************** Copyright 1987, 1988, 1990 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* Copyright 1987, 1988, 1990, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "Xlibint.h" #include <X11/Xresource.h> #include "Xresinternal.h" /* Not cost effective, at least for vanilla MIT clients */ /* #define PERMQ */ #ifdef PERMQ typedef unsigned char Bits; #endif typedef unsigned long Entry; /* dont confuse with EntryRec from Xintatom.h */ static XrmQuark nextQuark = 1; /* next available quark number */ static unsigned long quarkMask = 0; static Entry zero = 0; static Entry *quarkTable = &zero; /* crock */ static unsigned long quarkRehash; static XrmString **stringTable = NULL; #ifdef PERMQ static Bits **permTable = NULL; #endif static XrmQuark nextUniq = -1; /* next quark from XrmUniqueQuark */ #define QUANTUMSHIFT 8 #define QUANTUMMASK ((1 << QUANTUMSHIFT) - 1) #define CHUNKPER 8 #define CHUNKMASK ((CHUNKPER << QUANTUMSHIFT) - 1) #define LARGEQUARK ((Entry)0x80000000L) #define QUARKSHIFT 18 #define QUARKMASK ((LARGEQUARK - 1) >> QUARKSHIFT) #define XSIGMASK ((1L << QUARKSHIFT) - 1) #define STRQUANTSIZE (sizeof(XrmString) * (QUANTUMMASK + 1)) #ifdef PERMQ #define QUANTSIZE (STRQUANTSIZE + \ (sizeof(Bits) * ((QUANTUMMASK + 1) >> 3)) #else #define QUANTSIZE STRQUANTSIZE #endif #define HASH(sig) ((sig) & quarkMask) #define REHASHVAL(sig) ((((sig) % quarkRehash) + 2) | 1) #define REHASH(idx,rehash) ((idx + rehash) & quarkMask) #define NAME(q) stringTable[(q) >> QUANTUMSHIFT][(q) & QUANTUMMASK] #ifdef PERMQ #define BYTEREF(q) permTable[(q) >> QUANTUMSHIFT][((q) & QUANTUMMASK) >> 3] #define ISPERM(q) (BYTEREF(q) & (1 << ((q) & 7))) #define SETPERM(q) BYTEREF(q) |= (1 << ((q) & 7)) #define CLEARPERM(q) BYTEREF(q) &= ~(1 << ((q) & 7)) #endif /* Permanent memory allocation */ #define WALIGN sizeof(unsigned long) #define DALIGN sizeof(double) #define NEVERFREETABLESIZE ((8192-12) & ~(DALIGN-1)) static char *neverFreeTable = NULL; static int neverFreeTableSize = 0; static char *permalloc(unsigned int length) { char *ret; if (neverFreeTableSize < length) { if (length >= NEVERFREETABLESIZE) return Xmalloc(length); if (! (ret = Xmalloc(NEVERFREETABLESIZE))) return (char *) NULL; neverFreeTableSize = NEVERFREETABLESIZE; neverFreeTable = ret; } ret = neverFreeTable; neverFreeTable += length; neverFreeTableSize -= length; return(ret); } typedef struct {char a; double b;} TestType1; typedef struct {char a; unsigned long b;} TestType2; #ifdef XTHREADS static char *_Xpermalloc(unsigned int length); char *Xpermalloc(unsigned int length) { char *p; _XLockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); p = _Xpermalloc(length); _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return p; } #define Xpermalloc _Xpermalloc static #endif /* XTHREADS */ char *Xpermalloc(unsigned int length) { int i; if (neverFreeTableSize && length < NEVERFREETABLESIZE) { if ((sizeof(TestType1) != (sizeof(TestType2) - sizeof(unsigned long) + sizeof(double))) && !(length & (DALIGN-1)) && ((i = (NEVERFREETABLESIZE - neverFreeTableSize) & (DALIGN-1)))) { neverFreeTableSize -= DALIGN - i; neverFreeTable += DALIGN - i; } else if ((i = (NEVERFREETABLESIZE - neverFreeTableSize) & (WALIGN-1))) { neverFreeTableSize -= WALIGN - i; neverFreeTable += WALIGN - i; } } return permalloc(length); } static Bool ExpandQuarkTable(void) { unsigned long oldmask, newmask; register char c, *s; register Entry *oldentries, *entries; register Entry entry; register int oldidx, newidx, rehash; Signature sig; XrmQuark q; oldentries = quarkTable; if ((oldmask = quarkMask)) newmask = (oldmask << 1) + 1; else { if (!stringTable) { stringTable = Xmalloc(sizeof(XrmString *) * CHUNKPER); if (!stringTable) return False; stringTable[0] = (XrmString *)NULL; } #ifdef PERMQ if (!permTable) permTable = Xmalloc(sizeof(Bits *) * CHUNKPER); if (!permTable) return False; #endif stringTable[0] = (XrmString *)Xpermalloc(QUANTSIZE); if (!stringTable[0]) return False; #ifdef PERMQ permTable[0] = (Bits *)((char *)stringTable[0] + STRQUANTSIZE); #endif newmask = 0x1ff; } entries = Xcalloc(newmask + 1, sizeof(Entry)); if (!entries) return False; quarkTable = entries; quarkMask = newmask; quarkRehash = quarkMask - 2; for (oldidx = 0; oldidx <= oldmask; oldidx++) { if ((entry = oldentries[oldidx])) { if (entry & LARGEQUARK) q = entry & (LARGEQUARK-1); else q = (entry >> QUARKSHIFT) & QUARKMASK; for (sig = 0, s = NAME(q); (c = *s++); ) sig = (sig << 1) + c; newidx = HASH(sig); if (entries[newidx]) { rehash = REHASHVAL(sig); do { newidx = REHASH(newidx, rehash); } while (entries[newidx]); } entries[newidx] = entry; } } if (oldmask) Xfree(oldentries); return True; } XrmQuark _XrmInternalStringToQuark( register _Xconst char *name, register int len, register Signature sig, Bool permstring) { register XrmQuark q; register Entry entry; register int idx, rehash; register int i; register char *s1, *s2; char *new; rehash = 0; idx = HASH(sig); _XLockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); while ((entry = quarkTable[idx])) { if (entry & LARGEQUARK) q = entry & (LARGEQUARK-1); else { if ((entry - sig) & XSIGMASK) goto nomatch; q = (entry >> QUARKSHIFT) & QUARKMASK; } for (i = len, s1 = (char *)name, s2 = NAME(q); --i >= 0; ) { if (*s1++ != *s2++) goto nomatch; } if (*s2) { nomatch: if (!rehash) rehash = REHASHVAL(sig); idx = REHASH(idx, rehash); continue; } #ifdef PERMQ if (permstring && !ISPERM(q)) { Xfree(NAME(q)); NAME(q) = (char *)name; SETPERM(q); } #endif _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return q; } if (nextUniq == nextQuark) goto fail; if ((nextQuark + (nextQuark >> 2)) > quarkMask) { if (!ExpandQuarkTable()) goto fail; _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return _XrmInternalStringToQuark(name, len, sig, permstring); } q = nextQuark; if (!(q & QUANTUMMASK)) { if (!(q & CHUNKMASK)) { if (!(new = Xrealloc(stringTable, sizeof(XrmString *) * ((q >> QUANTUMSHIFT) + CHUNKPER)))) goto fail; stringTable = (XrmString **)new; #ifdef PERMQ if (!(new = Xrealloc(permTable, sizeof(Bits *) * ((q >> QUANTUMSHIFT) + CHUNKPER)))) goto fail; permTable = (Bits **)new; #endif } new = Xpermalloc(QUANTSIZE); if (!new) goto fail; stringTable[q >> QUANTUMSHIFT] = (XrmString *)new; #ifdef PERMQ permTable[q >> QUANTUMSHIFT] = (Bits *)(new + STRQUANTSIZE); #endif } if (!permstring) { s2 = (char *)name; #ifdef PERMQ name = Xmalloc(len+1); #else name = permalloc(len+1); #endif if (!name) goto fail; for (i = len, s1 = (char *)name; --i >= 0; ) *s1++ = *s2++; *s1++ = '\0'; #ifdef PERMQ CLEARPERM(q); } else { SETPERM(q); #endif } NAME(q) = (char *)name; if (q <= QUARKMASK) entry = (q << QUARKSHIFT) | (sig & XSIGMASK); else entry = q | LARGEQUARK; quarkTable[idx] = entry; nextQuark++; _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return q; fail: _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return NULLQUARK; } XrmQuark XrmStringToQuark( _Xconst char *name) { register char c, *tname; register Signature sig = 0; if (!name) return (NULLQUARK); for (tname = (char *)name; (c = *tname++); ) sig = (sig << 1) + c; return _XrmInternalStringToQuark(name, tname-(char *)name-1, sig, False); } XrmQuark XrmPermStringToQuark( _Xconst char *name) { register char c, *tname; register Signature sig = 0; if (!name) return (NULLQUARK); for (tname = (char *)name; (c = *tname++); ) sig = (sig << 1) + c; return _XrmInternalStringToQuark(name, tname-(char *)name-1, sig, True); } XrmQuark XrmUniqueQuark(void) { XrmQuark q; _XLockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); if (nextUniq == nextQuark) q = NULLQUARK; else q = nextUniq--; _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return q; } XrmString XrmQuarkToString(register XrmQuark quark) { XrmString s; _XLockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); if (quark <= 0 || quark >= nextQuark) s = NULLSTRING; else { #ifdef PERMQ /* We have to mark the quark as permanent, since the caller might hold * onto the string pointer forver. */ SETPERM(quark); #endif s = NAME(quark); } _XUnlockMutex(_Xglobal_lock); return s; }