/* * Copyright 1992, 1993 by TOSHIBA Corp. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of TOSHIBA not be used in advertising * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. TOSHIBA make no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. * * TOSHIBA DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING * ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL * TOSHIBA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, * ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS * SOFTWARE. * * Author: Katsuhisa Yano TOSHIBA Corp. * mopi@osa.ilab.toshiba.co.jp */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "Xlibint.h" #include "XlcPubI.h" static const char * default_string( XLCd lcd) { return XLC_PUBLIC(lcd, default_string); } static XLCd create (const char *name, XLCdMethods methods); static Bool initialize (XLCd lcd); static void destroy (XLCd lcd); static char *get_values (XLCd lcd, XlcArgList args, int num_args); static XLCdPublicMethodsRec publicMethods = { { destroy, _XlcDefaultMapModifiers, NULL, NULL, _XrmDefaultInitParseInfo, _XmbTextPropertyToTextList, _XwcTextPropertyToTextList, _Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList, _XmbTextListToTextProperty, _XwcTextListToTextProperty, _Xutf8TextListToTextProperty, _XwcFreeStringList, default_string, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, create, initialize, destroy, get_values, _XlcGetLocaleDataBase } }; XLCdMethods _XlcPublicMethods = (XLCdMethods) &publicMethods; static XLCd create( const char *name, XLCdMethods methods) { XLCd lcd; XLCdPublicMethods new; lcd = Xcalloc(1, sizeof(XLCdRec)); if (lcd == NULL) return (XLCd) NULL; lcd->core = Xcalloc(1, sizeof(XLCdPublicRec)); if (lcd->core == NULL) goto err; new = (XLCdPublicMethods) Xmalloc(sizeof(XLCdPublicMethodsRec)); if (new == NULL) goto err; memcpy(new,methods,sizeof(XLCdPublicMethodsRec)); lcd->methods = (XLCdMethods) new; return lcd; err: Xfree(lcd); return (XLCd) NULL; } static Bool load_public( XLCd lcd) { XLCdPublicPart *pub = XLC_PUBLIC_PART(lcd); char **values, *str; int num; if(_XlcCreateLocaleDataBase(lcd) == NULL) return False; _XlcGetResource(lcd, "XLC_XLOCALE", "mb_cur_max", &values, &num); if (num > 0) { pub->mb_cur_max = atoi(values[0]); if (pub->mb_cur_max < 1) pub->mb_cur_max = 1; } else pub->mb_cur_max = 1; _XlcGetResource(lcd, "XLC_XLOCALE", "state_depend_encoding", &values, &num); if (num > 0 && !_XlcCompareISOLatin1(values[0], "True")) pub->is_state_depend = True; else pub->is_state_depend = False; _XlcGetResource(lcd, "XLC_XLOCALE", "encoding_name", &values, &num); str = (num > 0) ? values[0] : "STRING"; pub->encoding_name = strdup(str); if (pub->encoding_name == NULL) return False; return True; } static Bool initialize_core( XLCd lcd) { XLCdMethods methods = lcd->methods; XLCdMethods core = &publicMethods.core; if (methods->close == NULL) methods->close = core->close; if (methods->map_modifiers == NULL) methods->map_modifiers = core->map_modifiers; if (methods->open_om == NULL) #ifdef USE_DYNAMIC_LC _XInitDefaultOM(lcd); #else _XInitOM(lcd); #endif if (methods->open_im == NULL) #ifdef USE_DYNAMIC_LC _XInitDefaultIM(lcd); #else _XInitIM(lcd); #endif if (methods->init_parse_info == NULL) methods->init_parse_info = core->init_parse_info; if (methods->mb_text_prop_to_list == NULL) methods->mb_text_prop_to_list = core->mb_text_prop_to_list; if (methods->wc_text_prop_to_list == NULL) methods->wc_text_prop_to_list = core->wc_text_prop_to_list; if (methods->utf8_text_prop_to_list == NULL) methods->utf8_text_prop_to_list = core->utf8_text_prop_to_list; if (methods->mb_text_list_to_prop == NULL) methods->mb_text_list_to_prop = core->mb_text_list_to_prop; if (methods->wc_text_list_to_prop == NULL) methods->wc_text_list_to_prop = core->wc_text_list_to_prop; if (methods->utf8_text_list_to_prop == NULL) methods->utf8_text_list_to_prop = core->utf8_text_list_to_prop; if (methods->wc_free_string_list == NULL) methods->wc_free_string_list = core->wc_free_string_list; if (methods->default_string == NULL) methods->default_string = core->default_string; return True; } static Bool initialize( XLCd lcd) { XLCdPublicMethodsPart *methods = XLC_PUBLIC_METHODS(lcd); XLCdPublicMethodsPart *pub_methods = &publicMethods.pub; XLCdPublicPart *pub = XLC_PUBLIC_PART(lcd); char *name; #if !defined(X_LOCALE) int len; char sinamebuf[256]; char* siname; #endif _XlcInitCTInfo(); if (initialize_core(lcd) == False) return False; name = lcd->core->name; #if !defined(X_LOCALE) /* * _XlMapOSLocaleName will return the same string or a substring * of name, so strlen(name) is okay */ if ((len = strlen(name)) < sizeof sinamebuf) siname = sinamebuf; else siname = Xmalloc (len + 1); if (siname == NULL) return False; name = _XlcMapOSLocaleName(name, siname); #endif /* _XlcResolveLocaleName will lookup the SI's name for the locale */ if (_XlcResolveLocaleName(name, pub) == 0) { #if !defined(X_LOCALE) if (siname != sinamebuf) Xfree (siname); #endif return False; } #if !defined(X_LOCALE) if (siname != sinamebuf) Xfree (siname); #endif if (pub->default_string == NULL) pub->default_string = ""; if (methods->get_values == NULL) methods->get_values = pub_methods->get_values; if (methods->get_resource == NULL) methods->get_resource = pub_methods->get_resource; return load_public(lcd); } static void destroy_core( XLCd lcd) { if (lcd->core) { if (lcd->core->name) Xfree(lcd->core->name); Xfree(lcd->core); } if (lcd->methods) Xfree(lcd->methods); Xfree(lcd); } static void destroy( XLCd lcd) { XLCdPublicPart *pub = XLC_PUBLIC_PART(lcd); _XlcDestroyLocaleDataBase(lcd); if (pub->siname) Xfree(pub->siname); if (pub->encoding_name) Xfree(pub->encoding_name); destroy_core(lcd); } static XlcResource resources[] = { { XlcNCodeset, NULLQUARK, sizeof(char *), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.codeset), XlcGetMask }, { XlcNDefaultString, NULLQUARK, sizeof(char *), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.default_string), XlcGetMask }, { XlcNEncodingName, NULLQUARK, sizeof(char *), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.encoding_name), XlcGetMask }, { XlcNLanguage, NULLQUARK, sizeof(char *), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.language), XlcGetMask }, { XlcNMbCurMax, NULLQUARK, sizeof(int), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.mb_cur_max), XlcGetMask }, { XlcNStateDependentEncoding, NULLQUARK, sizeof(Bool), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.is_state_depend), XlcGetMask }, { XlcNTerritory, NULLQUARK, sizeof(char *), XOffsetOf(XLCdPublicRec, pub.territory), XlcGetMask } }; static char * get_values( XLCd lcd, XlcArgList args, int num_args) { XLCdPublic pub = (XLCdPublic) lcd->core; if (resources[0].xrm_name == NULLQUARK) _XlcCompileResourceList(resources, XlcNumber(resources)); return _XlcGetValues((XPointer) pub, resources, XlcNumber(resources), args, num_args, XlcGetMask); }