.\" $Xorg: Box,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:42:26 cpqbld Exp $
.NH 2
Box Widget
	Box Widget
.IN "Box widget" "" "@DEF@"
.Ds 0
.TA 2.0i
.ta 2.0i
Application Header file	<X11/Xaw/Box.h>
.IN "Box.h" ""
Class Header file	<X11/Xaw/BoxP.h>
.IN "BoxP.h" ""
Class		boxWidgetClass
.IN "boxWidgetClass" ""
Class Name	Box
.IN "Box widget" "class name"
Superclass	Composite
The Box widget provides geometry management of arbitrary widgets in a
box of a specified dimension.  The children are rearranged when
resizing events occur either on the Box or its children, or when
children are managed or unmanaged.  The Box widget always attempts to
pack its children as tightly as possible within the geometry allowed by
its parent.
Box widgets are commonly used to manage a related set of buttons and
are often called ButtonBox widgets, but the children are not
limited to buttons.  The Box's children are arranged on a background that
has its own specified dimensions and color.
.NH 3
When creating a Box widget instance, the following resources are
retrieved from the argument list or from the resource database:
.IN "Box widget" "resources"
lw(1i) lw(1i) lw(1i) lw(.5i) lw(2i).
.sp 3p
Name	Class	Type	Notes	Default Value
.sp 3p
.sp 3p
accelerators	Accelerators	AcceleratorTable		NULL
ancestorSensitive	AncestorSensitive	Boolean	D	True
background	Background	Pixel		XtDefaultBackground
backgroundPixmap	Pixmap	Pixmap		XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderColor	BorderColor	Pixel		XtDefaultForeground
borderPixmap	Pixmap	Pixmap		XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderWidth	BorderWidth	Dimension		1
children	ReadOnly	WidgetList	R	NULL
colormap	Colormap	Colormap		Parent's Colormap
depth	Depth	int	C	Parent's Depth
destroyCallback	Callback	XtCallbackList		NULL
height	Height	Dimension	A	see \fBLayout Semantics\fP
hSpace	HSpace	Dimension		4
mappedWhenManaged	MappedWhenManaged	Boolean		True
numChildren	ReadOnly	Cardinal	R	0
orientation	Orientation	Orientation		XtorientVertical
screen	Screen	Screen	R	Parent's Screen
sensitive	Sensitive	Boolean		True
vSpace	VSpace	Dimension		4
translations	Translations	TranslationTable		NULL
width	Width	Dimension	A	see \fBLayout Semantics\fP
x	Position	Position		0
y	Position	Position		0
.sp 3p
.IP \fBhSpace\fP 1.5i
.IP \fBvSpace\fP 1.5i
The amount of space, in pixels, to leave between the children.  This
resource specifies the amount of space left between the outermost
children and the edge of the box.
.IP \fBorientation\fP 1.5i
Specifies whether the preferred shape of the box (i.e. the result
returned by the query_geometry class method) is tall and narrow
\fBXtorientVertical\fP or short and wide \fPXtorientHorizontal\fP.
.IN "XtorientVertical" ""
.IN "XtorientHorizontal" ""
.IN "conversions" "Orientation"
When the Box is a child of a parent which enforces width constraints, it
is usually better to specify \fBXtorientVertical\fP (the default).
When the parent enforces height constraints, it is usually better to
specify \fBXtorientHorizontal\fP.
.Rs "horizontal \fPand\fB vertical"
.NH 3
Layout Semantics
.IN "Box widget" "layout semantics"
Each time a child is managed or unmanaged, the Box widget will attempt
to reposition the remaining children to compact the box.  Children are
positioned in order left to right, top to bottom.  The packing
algorithm used depends on the \fBorientation\fP of the Box.
.IP \fBXtorientVertical\fP 1.5i
.IN "XtorientVertical" "" @DEF@
When the next child does not fit on the current row, a new row is
started.  If a child is wider than the width of the box, the box will
request a larger width from its parent and will begin the layout
process from the beginning if a new width is granted.
.IP \fBXtorientHorizontal\fP 1.5i
.IN "XtorientHorizontal" "" @DEF@
When the next child does not fit on the current row, the Box widens if
possible (so as to keep children on a single row); otherwise a new row is
After positioning all children, the Box widget attempts to shrink its
own size to the minimum dimensions required for the layout.