<sect1 id="Paned_Widget">
<title>Paned Widget</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .XS -->
<!-- 	Paned Widget -->
<!-- .XE -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "" "@DEF@" -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
<!-- .TA 2.0i -->
<!-- .ta 2.0i -->
<!-- .sp -->
Application Header file	&lt;X11/Xaw/Paned.h&gt;
<!-- .IN "Paned.h" "" -->
Class Header file	&lt;X11/Xaw/PanedP.h&gt;
<!-- .IN "PanedP.h" "" -->
Class		panedWidgetClass
<!-- .IN "panedWidgetClass" "" -->
Class Name	Paned
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "class name" -->
Superclass	Constraint
<!-- .sp -->
<!-- .LP -->
The Paned widget manages children in a vertically or horizontally
tiled fashion.  The panes may be dynamically resized by the user by
using the <emphasis remap='I'>grips</emphasis> that appear near the right or bottom edge of the
border between two panes.
<!-- .LP -->
The Paned widget may accept any widget class as a pane <function>except</function>
Grip.  Grip widgets have a special meaning for the Paned widget, and
adding a Grip as its own pane will confuse the Paned widget.
<sect2 id="Using_the_Paned_Widget">
<title>Using the Paned Widget</title>
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "using" -->
<!-- .LP -->
The grips allow the panes to be resized by the user.  The semantics of
how these panes resize is somewhat complicated, and warrants further
explanation here.  When the mouse pointer is positioned on a grip and
pressed, an arrow is displayed that indicates the pane that is to be to
be resized.  While keeping the mouse button down, the user can move the
grip up and down (or left and right).  This, in turn, changes the size
of the pane.  The size of the Paned widget will not change.   Instead,
it chooses another pane (or panes) to resize. For more details on which
pane it chooses to resize, see <function>Layout Semantics</function>.
<!-- .LP -->
One pointer binding allows the border between two panes to be moved,
without affecting any of the other panes.  When this occurs the pointer
will change to an arrow that points along the pane border.
<!-- .LP -->
The default bindings for the Paned widget's grips are:
  <tgroup cols='3' align='center'>
  <colspec colname='c1'/>
  <colspec colname='c2'/>
  <colspec colname='c3'/>
      <entry>Mouse button</entry>
      <entry>Pane to Resize - Vertical</entry>
      <entry>Pane to Resize - Horizontal</entry>
      <entry>1 (left)</entry>
      <entry>above the grip</entry>
      <entry>left of the grip</entry>
      <entry>2 (middle)</entry>
      <entry>adjust border</entry>
      <entry>adjust border</entry>
      <entry>3 (right)</entry>
      <entry>below the grip</entry>
      <entry>right of the grip</entry>
<sect2 id='Paned::Resources'>
<!-- .LP -->
When creating a Paned widget instance, the following resources are
retrieved from the argument list or the resource database:
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "resources" -->
  <tgroup cols='5' align='center'>
  <colspec colname='c1'/>
  <colspec colname='c2'/>
  <colspec colname='c3'/>
  <colspec colname='c4'/>
  <colspec colname='c5'/>
      <entry>Default Value</entry>
      <entry>Depends on orientation</entry>
      <entry>Parent's Colormap</entry>
      <entry>Parent's Depth</entry>
      <entry>Depends on orientation</entry>
      <entry>see below</entry>
      <entry>Depends on orientation</entry>
      <entry>Parent's Screen</entry>
      <entry>Depends on orientation</entry>
<!-- .Ac -->
<!-- .As -->
<!-- .Bg -->
<!-- .Gp -->
<!-- .Bc -->
<!-- .Bp -->
<!-- .Bw -->
<!-- .Ch -->
<!-- .Cm -->
The cursor to use when the mouse pointer is over the Paned widget, but
not in any of its children (children may also inherit this cursor).  It
should be noted that the internal borders are actually part of the Paned
widget, not the children.
<!-- .Dp -->
<!-- .Dc -->
The cursor to use when the grips are not active.  The default value is
<function>verticalGripCursor</function> or <function>horizontalGripCursor</function> depending on
the orientation of the Paned widget.
The amount of space left between the right (or bottom) edge of the
Paned widget and all the grips.
Translation table that will be applied to all grips.
<!-- .Hw -->
<!-- .br -->
<!-- .ns -->
The cursor to be used for the grip when changing the boundary between
two panes.  These resources allow the cursors to be different
depending on the orientation of the Paned widget.
<!-- .br -->
<!-- .ns -->
The cursor to be used for the grips when they are not active. These
resources allow the cursors to be different depending on the
orientation of the Paned widget.
A pixel value which indexes the widget's colormap to derive the internal
border color of the widget's window.  The class name of this resource
allows <emphasis remap='I'>Paned*BorderColor: blue</emphasis> to set the internal border color
for the Paned widget.  An optimization is invoked if
<function>internalBorderColor</function> and <function>background</function> are the same, and the
internal borders are not drawn.  <function>internalBorderWidth</function> is still left
between the panes, however.
The width of the internal borders.  This is the amount of space left
between the panes.  The class name of this resource allows
<emphasis remap='I'>Paned*BorderWidth: 3</emphasis> to set the internal border width for the
Paned widget.
<!-- .br -->
<!-- .ns -->
The cursor used to indicate which is the <emphasis remap='I'>important</emphasis> pane to resize
when the Paned widget is oriented horizontally.
<!-- .br -->
<!-- .ns -->
The cursor used to indicate which is the <emphasis remap='I'>important</emphasis> pane to resize
when the Paned widget is oriented vertically.
<!-- .Mm -->
<!-- .Nc -->
This is not the same as the number of panes, since this also contains a
grip for some of the panes, use <xref linkend='XawPanedGetNumSub' xrefstyle='select: title'/> to retrieve the
number of panes.
The orientation to stack the panes.  This value can be either
<function>XtorientVertical</function> or <function>XtorientHorizontal</function>.
<!-- .IN "XtorientVertical" "" -->
<!-- .IN "XtorientHorizontal" "" -->
<!-- .IN "conversions" "Orientation" -->
<!-- .Rs "vertical \fPand\fB horizontal" -->
This resource allows pane layout to be suspended.  If this value is
<function>False</function>, then no layout actions will be taken.  This may improve
efficiency when adding or removing more than one pane from the Paned
<!-- .Sc -->
<!-- .Se -->
<!-- .Tr -->
<!-- .Xy -->
<sect2 id='Paned::Constraint_Resources'>
<title>Constraint Resources</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "constraint resources" -->
Each child of the Paned widget may request special layout resources
be applied to it.  These <emphasis remap='I'>constraint</emphasis> resources allow the Paned
widget's children to specify individual layout requirements.
<!-- .LP -->
  <tgroup cols='5' align='center'>
  <colspec colname='c1'/>
  <colspec colname='c2'/>
  <colspec colname='c3'/>
  <colspec colname='c4'/>
  <colspec colname='c5'/>
      <entry>Default Value</entry>
      <entry>Height of Grips</entry>
      <entry>ask child</entry>
If this value is <function>False</function> the the Paned widget will disallow all
geometry requests from this child.
<!-- .br -->
<!-- .ns -->
The absolute maximum or minimum size for this pane.  These values will
never be overridden by the Paned widget.  This may cause some panes to be
pushed off the bottom (or right) edge of the paned widget.
Normally the paned widget makes a QueryGeometry call on a child to
determine the preferred size of the child's pane.  There are times
when the application programmer or the user has a better idea of the
preferred size of a pane.  Setting this resource causes the value
passed to be interpreted as the preferred size, in pixels, of this pane.
Determines whether or not to resize each pane to its preferred size
when the Paned widget is resized.  See <function>Layout Semantics</function> for details.
If <function>True</function> then a grip will be shown for this pane.  The grip
associated with a pane is either below or to the right of the pane.  No
grip is ever shown for the last pane.
This resource is used to determine which pane is forced to be resized.
Setting this value to <function>True</function> makes this pane less likely to be
forced to be resized.  See <function>Layout Semantics</function> for details.
<sect2 id='Paned::Layout_Semantics'>
<title>Layout Semantics</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "layout semantics" -->
In order to make effective use of the Paned widget it is helpful to know
the rules it uses to determine which child will be resized in any given
situation.  There are three rules used to determine which child is
resized.  While these rules are always the same, the panes that are
searched can change depending upon what caused the relayout.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
<function>Layout Rules</function>
Do not let a pane grow larger than its <function>max</function> or smaller than its
Do not adjust panes with <function>skipAdjust</function> set.
Do not adjust panes away from their preferred size, although moving one
closer to its preferred size is fine.
<!-- .LP -->
When searching the children the Paned widget looks for panes that
satisfy all the rules, and if unsuccessful then it eliminates rule 3
and then 2.  Rule 1 is always enforced.
<!-- .LP -->
If the relayout is due to a resize or change in management then the
panes are searched from bottom to top.  If the relayout is due to grip
movement then they are searched from the grip selected in the direction
opposite the pane selected.
<sect3 id="Resizing_Panes_from_a_Grip_Action">
<title>Resizing Panes from a Grip Action</title>
<!-- .LP -->
The pane above the grip is resized by invoking the GripAction with
<function>UpLeftPane</function> specified.  The panes below the grip are each checked
against all rules, then rules 2 and 1 and finally against rule 1 only.
No pane above the chosen pane will ever be resized.
<!-- .LP -->
The pane below the grip is resized by invoking the GripAction with
<function>LowRightPane</function> specified.  The panes above the grip are each
checked in this case.  No pane below the chosen pane will ever be resized.
<!-- .LP -->
Invoking GripAction with <function>ThisBorderOnly</function> specified just moves the
border between the panes.  No other panes are ever resized.
<sect3 id='Resizing_Panes_after_the_Paned_widget_is_resized'>
<title>Resizing Panes after the Paned widget is resized.</title>
<!-- .LP -->
When the Pane widget is resized it must determine a new size for each
pane.  There are two methods of doing this.  The Paned widget can either
give each pane its preferred size and then resize the panes to fit, or
it can use the current sizes and then resize the panes to fit.  The
<function>resizeToPreferred</function> resource allows the application to tell the
Paned widget whether to query the child about its preferred size
(subject to the the <function>preferredPaneSize</function>) or to use the current size
when refiguring the pane locations after the pane has been resized.
<!-- .LP -->
There is one special case.  All panes assume they should resize to
their preferred size until the Paned widget becomes visible to the user.
<sect3 id="Managing_Children_and_Geometry_Management">
<title>Managing Children and Geometry Management</title>
<!-- .LP -->
The Paned widget always resizes its children to their preferred sizes when
a new child is managed, or a geometry management request is honored.
The Paned widget will first attempt to resize itself to contain its
panes exactly.  If this is not possible then it will hunt through the
children, from bottom to top (right to left), for a pane to resize.
<sect3 id='Paned::Special_Considerations'>
<title>Special Considerations</title>
<!-- .LP -->
When a user resizes a pane with the grips, the Paned widget assumes that
this new size is the preferred size of the pane.
<sect2 id="Grip_Translations">
<title>Grip Translations</title>
<!-- .LP -->
The Paned widget has no action routines of its own, as all actions are
handled through the grips.  The grips are each assigned a default
Translation table.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
<!-- .TA .5i 2.25i -->
<!-- .ta .5i 2.25i -->
	&lt;Btn1Down&gt;:	GripAction(Start, UpLeftPane)
<!-- .IN "GripAction" "" -->
	&lt;Btn2Down&gt;:	GripAction(Start, ThisBorderOnly)
	&lt;Btn3Down&gt;:	GripAction(Start, LowRightPane)
	&lt;Btn1Motion&gt;:	GripAction(Move, UpLeftPane)
	&lt;Btn2Motion&gt;:	GripAction(Move, ThisBorderOnly)
	&lt;Btn3Motion&gt;:	GripAction(Move, LowRightPane)
	Any&lt;BtnUp&gt;:	GripAction(Commit)
<!-- .sp -->
<!-- .LP -->
The Paned widget interprets the <function>GripAction</function> as taking two arguments.
<!-- .IN "GripAction" "" -->
The first argument may be any of the following:
Sets up the Paned widget for resizing and changes the cursor of the
grip.  The second argument determines which pane will be resized, and
can take on any of the three values shown above.
The internal borders are drawn over the current pane locations to
animate where the borders would actually be placed if you were to move
this border as shown.  The second argument must match the second argument
that was passed to the <function>Start</function> action, that began this process.  If
these arguments are not passed, the behavior is undefined.
This argument causes the Paned widget to commit the changes selected
by the previously started action.  The cursor is changed back to the
grip's inactive cursor.  No second argument is needed in this case.
<sect2 id='Paned::Convenience_Routines'>
<title>Convenience Routines</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "enable pane resizing" -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "disable pane resizing" -->
To enable or disable a child's request for pane resizing,
<function>XawPanedAllowResize :</function>
<!-- .IN "XawPanedAllowResize" "" "@DEF@" -->
<funcsynopsis id='XawPanedAllowResize'>
  <funcdef>void<function> XawPanedAllowResize</function></funcdef>
  <paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
  <paramdef>Boolean<parameter> allow_resize</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
      <emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the child pane.
      <emphasis remap='I'>allow_resize</emphasis>
Specifies whether or not resizing requests for this child will be
granted by the Paned widget.
<!-- .LP -->
If allow_resize is <function>True</function>, the Paned widget allows geometry
requests from the child to change the pane's height. If allow_resize
is <function>False</function>, the Paned widget ignores geometry requests from the
child to change the pane's height. The default state is <function>True</function>
before the Pane is realized and <function>False</function> after it is realized.
This procedure is equivalent to changing the <function>allowResize</function>
constraint resource for the child.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "change height settings" -->
To change the minimum and maximum height settings for a pane, use
<function>XawPanedSetMinMax :</function>
<!-- .IN "XawPanedSetMinMax" "" "@DEF@" -->
<funcsynopsis id='XawPanedSetMinMax'>
  <funcdef>void<function> XawPanedSetMinMax</function></funcdef>
  <paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
  <paramdef>intmin,<parameter> max</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
      <emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the child pane.
      <emphasis remap='I'>min</emphasis>
Specifies the new minimum height of the child, expressed in pixels.
      <emphasis remap='I'>max</emphasis>
Specifies new maximum height of the child, expressed in pixels.
<!-- .LP -->
This procedure is equivalent to setting the <function>min</function> and <function>max</function>
constraint resources for the child.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "get height settings" -->
To retrieve the minimum and maximum height settings for a pane, use
<function>XawPanedGetMinMax :</function>
<!-- .IN "XawPanedGetMinMax" "" "@DEF@" -->
<funcsynopsis id='XawPanedGetMinMax'>
  <funcdef>void<function> XawPanedGetMinMax</function></funcdef>
  <paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
  <paramdef>int*min_return,<parameter> *max_return</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
      <emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the child pane.
      <emphasis remap='I'>min_return</emphasis>
Returns the minimum height of the child, expressed in pixels.
      <emphasis remap='I'>max_return</emphasis>
Returns the maximum height of the child, expressed in pixels.
<!-- .LP -->
This procedure is equivalent to getting the <function>min</function> and <function>max</function>
resources for this child child.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "enable auto-reconfiguring" -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "disable auto-reconfiguring" -->
To enable or disable automatic recalculation of pane sizes and positions,
<function>XawPanedSetRefigureMode :</function>
<!-- .IN "XawPanedSetRefigureMode" "" "@DEF@" -->
<funcsynopsis id='XawPanedSetRefigureMode'>
  <funcdef>void<function> XawPanedSetRefigureMode</function></funcdef>
  <paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
  <paramdef>Boolean<parameter> mode</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
      <emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the Paned widget.
      <emphasis remap='I'>mode</emphasis>
Specifies whether the layout of the Paned widget is enabled (<function>True</function>)
or disabled (<function>False</function>).
<!-- .LP -->
When making several changes to the children of a Paned widget
after the Paned has been realized, it is a good idea to disable
relayout until after all changes have been made.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
<!-- .IN "Paned widget" "getting the number of children" -->
To retrieve the number of panes in a paned widget use
<xref linkend='XawPanedGetNumSub' xrefstyle='select: title'/>:
<!-- .IN "XawPanedGetNumSub" "" "@DEF@" -->
<funcsynopsis id='XawPanedGetNumSub'>
  <funcdef>int<function> XawPanedGetNumSub</function></funcdef>
  <paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
      <emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the Paned widget.
<!-- .LP -->
This function returns the number of panes in the Paned widget.  This is
<function>not</function> the same as the number of children, since the grips are also
children of the Paned widget.
