/* $Xorg: set_spcs.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:46:26 cpqbld Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1989-1991, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA. You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the Bitstream Speedo software and the Bitstream Charter outline font for any purpose and without restrictions; provided, that this notice is left intact on all copies of such software or font and that Bitstream's trademark is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of such font. BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc. BITSTREAM INC. DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BITSTREAM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE SPEEDO SOFTWARE OR THE BITSTREAM CHARTER OUTLINE FONT. */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/font/Speedo/set_spcs.c,v 1.3 2001/01/17 19:43:17 dawes Exp $ */ /*************************** S E T _ S P C S . C ***************************** * * * This module implements all sp_set_specs() functionality. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #define SET_SPCS #include "spdo_prv.h" /* General definitions for Speedo */ #include "keys.h" #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #include <stdio.h> #define SHOW(X) printf("X = %d\n", X) #else #define SHOW(X) #endif /***** GLOBAL VARIABLES *****/ /***** GLOBAL FUNCTIONS *****/ /****** EXTERNAL VARIABLES *****/ /***** STATIC VARIABLES *****/ /****** STATIC FUNCTIONS *****/ static boolean sp_setup_consts(PROTO_DECL2 fix15 xmin, fix15 xmax, fix15 ymin, fix15 ymax); static void sp_setup_tcb(PROTO_DECL2 tcb_t GLOBALFAR *ptcb); static fix15 sp_setup_mult(PROTO_DECL2 fix31 input_mult); static fix31 sp_setup_offset(PROTO_DECL2 fix31 input_offset); FUNCTION boolean set_specs( GDECL specs_t STACKFAR *specsarg) /* Bundle of conversion specifications */ /* * Called by host software to set character generation specifications */ { fix31 offcd; /* Offset to start of character directory */ fix31 ofcns; /* Offset to start of constraint data */ fix31 cd_size; /* Size of character directory */ fix31 no_bytes_min; /* Min number of bytes in font buffer */ ufix16 font_id; /* Font ID */ ufix16 private_off; /* offset to private header */ fix15 xmin; /* Minimum X ORU value in font */ fix15 xmax; /* Maximum X ORU value in font */ fix15 ymin; /* Minimum Y ORU value in font */ fix15 ymax; /* Maximum Y ORU value in font */ sp_globals.specs_valid = FALSE; /* Flag specs not valid */ sp_globals.specs = *specsarg; /* copy specs structure into sp_globals */ sp_globals.pspecs = &sp_globals.specs; sp_globals.font = *sp_globals.pspecs->pfont; sp_globals.pfont = &sp_globals.font; sp_globals.font_org = sp_globals.font.org; if (read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FMVER + 4) != 0x0d0a) { report_error(4); /* Font format error */ return FALSE; } if (read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FMVER + 6) != 0x0000) { report_error(4); /* Font format error */ return FALSE; } if (get_cust_no(*specsarg->pfont) == 0) { sp_globals.key32 = 0; sp_globals.key4 = 0; sp_globals.key6 = 0; sp_globals.key7 = 0; sp_globals.key8 = 0; } else { sp_globals.key32 = (KEY3 << 8) | KEY2; sp_globals.key4 = KEY4; sp_globals.key6 = KEY6; sp_globals.key7 = KEY7; sp_globals.key8 = KEY8; } sp_globals.no_chars_avail = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_NCHRF); /* Read sp_globals.orus per em from font header */ sp_globals.orus_per_em = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_ORUPM); /* compute address of private header */ private_off = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_HEDSZ); sp_globals.hdr2_org = sp_globals.font_org + private_off; /* set metric resolution if specified, default to outline res otherwise */ if (private_off > EXP_FH_METRES) { sp_globals.metric_resolution = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + EXP_FH_METRES); } else { sp_globals.metric_resolution = sp_globals.orus_per_em; } #if INCL_METRICS sp_globals.kern.tkorg = sp_globals.font_org + read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_OFFTK); sp_globals.kern.pkorg = sp_globals.font_org + read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_OFFPK); sp_globals.kern.no_tracks = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_NKTKS); sp_globals.kern.no_pairs = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_NKPRS); #endif offcd = read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_OFFCD); /* Read offset to character directory */ ofcns = read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_OFCNS); /* Read offset to constraint data */ cd_size = ofcns - offcd; if ((((sp_globals.no_chars_avail << 1) + 3) != cd_size) && (((sp_globals.no_chars_avail * 3) + 4) != cd_size)) { report_error(4); /* Font format error */ return FALSE; } #if INCL_LCD /* Dynamic character data load suppoorted? */ #if INCL_METRICS no_bytes_min = read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_OCHRD); /* Offset to character data */ #else /* Dynamic character data load not supported? */ no_bytes_min = read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_OFFTK); /* Offset to track kerning data */ #endif #else /* Dynamic character data load not supported? */ no_bytes_min = read_long(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_NBYTE); /* Offset to EOF + 1 */ #endif sp_globals.font_buff_size = sp_globals.pfont->no_bytes; if (sp_globals.font_buff_size < no_bytes_min) /* Minimum data not loaded? */ { report_error(1); /* Insufficient font data loaded */ return FALSE; } sp_globals.pchar_dir = sp_globals.font_org + offcd; sp_globals.first_char_idx = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FCHRF); /* Register font name with sp_globals.constraint mechanism */ font_id = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FNTID); if (!(sp_globals.constr.font_id_valid) || (sp_globals.constr.font_id != font_id)) { sp_globals.constr.font_id = font_id; sp_globals.constr.font_id_valid = TRUE; sp_globals.constr.data_valid = FALSE; } sp_globals.constr.org = sp_globals.font_org + ofcns; sp_globals.constr.active = ((sp_globals.pspecs->flags & CONSTR_OFF) == 0); /* Set up sliding point constants */ /* Set pixel shift to accomodate largest transformed pixel value */ xmin = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FXMIN); xmax = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FXMAX); ymin = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FYMIN); ymax = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FYMAX); if (!sp_setup_consts(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)) { report_error(3); /* Requested specs out of range */ return FALSE; } #if INCL_ISW /* save the value of the max x oru that the fixed point constants are based on*/ sp_globals.isw_xmax = xmax; #endif /* Setup transformation control block */ sp_setup_tcb(&sp_globals.tcb0); /* Select output module */ sp_globals.output_mode = sp_globals.pspecs->flags & 0x0007; #if INCL_USEROUT if (!init_userout(sp_globals.pspecs)) #endif switch (sp_globals.output_mode) { #if INCL_BLACK case MODE_BLACK: /* Output mode 0 (Black writer) */ sp_globals.init_out = sp_init_black; sp_globals.begin_char = sp_begin_char_black; sp_globals.begin_sub_char = sp_begin_sub_char_out; sp_globals.begin_contour = sp_begin_contour_black; sp_globals.curve = sp_curve_out; sp_globals.line = sp_line_black; sp_globals.end_contour = sp_end_contour_out; sp_globals.end_sub_char = sp_end_sub_char_out; sp_globals.end_char = sp_end_char_black; break; #endif #if INCL_SCREEN case MODE_SCREEN: /* Output mode 1 (Screen writer) */ sp_globals.init_out = sp_init_screen; sp_globals.begin_char = sp_begin_char_screen; sp_globals.begin_sub_char = sp_begin_sub_char_out; sp_globals.begin_contour = sp_begin_contour_screen; sp_globals.curve = sp_curve_screen; sp_globals.line = sp_line_screen; sp_globals.end_contour = sp_end_contour_screen; sp_globals.end_sub_char = sp_end_sub_char_out; sp_globals.end_char = sp_end_char_screen; break; #endif #if INCL_OUTLINE case MODE_OUTLINE: /* Output mode 2 (Vector) */ sp_globals.init_out = sp_init_outline; sp_globals.begin_char = sp_begin_char_outline; sp_globals.begin_sub_char = sp_begin_sub_char_outline; sp_globals.begin_contour = sp_begin_contour_outline; sp_globals.curve = sp_curve_outline; sp_globals.line = sp_line_outline; sp_globals.end_contour = sp_end_contour_outline; sp_globals.end_sub_char = sp_end_sub_char_outline; sp_globals.end_char = sp_end_char_outline; break; #endif #if INCL_2D case MODE_2D: /* Output mode 3 */ sp_globals.init_out = sp_init_2d; sp_globals.begin_char = sp_begin_char_2d; sp_globals.begin_sub_char = sp_begin_sub_char_out; sp_globals.begin_contour = sp_begin_contour_2d; sp_globals.curve = sp_curve_out; sp_globals.line = sp_line_2d; sp_globals.end_contour = sp_end_contour_out; sp_globals.end_sub_char = sp_end_sub_char_out; sp_globals.end_char = sp_end_char_2d; break; #endif default: report_error(8); /* Unsupported mode requested */ return FALSE; } if (!fn_init_out(sp_globals.pspecs)) { report_error(5); return FALSE; } sp_globals.curves_out = sp_globals.pspecs->flags & CURVES_OUT; if (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & BOGUS_MODE) /* Linear transformation requested? */ { sp_globals.tcb0.xtype = sp_globals.tcb0.ytype = 4; } if ((sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_LEFT) || (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_RIGHT) || (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_TOP) || (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_BOTTOM) ) { #if (INCL_SQUEEZING) #else report_error(11); return FALSE; #endif } if ((sp_globals.pspecs->flags & CLIP_LEFT) || (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & CLIP_RIGHT) || (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & CLIP_TOP) || (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & CLIP_BOTTOM) ) { #if (INCL_CLIPPING) #else report_error(11); return FALSE; #endif } sp_globals.specs_valid = TRUE; return TRUE; } #if INCL_MULTIDEV #if INCL_BLACK || INCL_SCREEN || INCL_2D FUNCTION boolean set_bitmap_device( GDECL bitmap_t *bfuncs, ufix16 size) { if (size != sizeof(sp_globals.bitmap_device)) return FALSE; sp_globals.bitmap_device = *bfuncs; sp_globals.bitmap_device_set = TRUE; } #endif #if INCL_OUTLINE FUNCTION boolean set_outline_device( GDECL outline_t *ofuncs, ufix16 size) { if (size != sizeof(sp_globals.outline_device)) return FALSE; sp_globals.outline_device = *ofuncs; sp_globals.outline_device_set = TRUE; } #endif #endif #ifdef old FUNCTION boolean sp_setup_consts( GDECL fix15 xmin, /* Minimum X ORU value in font */ fix15 xmax, /* Maximum X ORU value in font */ fix15 ymin, /* Minimum Y ORU value in font */ fix15 ymax) /* Maximum Y ORU value in font */ #else static FUNCTION boolean sp_setup_consts( GDECL fix15 xmin, /* Minimum X ORU value in font */ fix15 xmax, /* Maximum X ORU value in font */ fix15 ymin, /* Minimum Y ORU value in font */ fix15 ymax) /* Maximum Y ORU value in font */ #endif /* * Sets the following constants used for fixed point arithmetic: * sp_globals.multshift multipliers and products; range is 14 to 8 * sp_globals.pixshift pixels: range is 0 to 8 * sp_globals.mpshift shift from product to sub-pixels (sp_globals.multshift - sp_globals.pixshift) * sp_globals.multrnd rounding for products * sp_globals.pixrnd rounding for pixels * sp_globals.mprnd rounding for sub-pixels * sp_globals.onepix 1 pixel in shifted pixel units * sp_globals.pixfix mask to eliminate fractional bits of shifted pixels * sp_globals.depth_adj curve splitting depth adjustment * Returns FALSE if specs are out of range */ { fix31 mult; /* Successive multiplier values */ ufix32 num; /* Numerator of largest multiplier value */ ufix32 numcopy; /* Copy of numerator */ ufix32 denom; /* Denominator of largest multiplier value */ ufix32 denomcopy; /* Copy of denominator */ ufix32 pix_max; /* Maximum pixel rounding error */ fix31 xmult; /* Coefficient of X oru value in transformation */ fix31 ymult; /* Coefficient of Y oru value in transformation */ fix31 offset; /* Constant in transformation */ fix15 i; /* Loop counter */ fix15 x, y; /* Successive corners of bounding box in ORUs */ fix31 pixval; /* Successive pixel values multiplied by orus per em */ fix15 xx = 0, yy = 0;/* Bounding box corner that produces max pixel value */ /* Determine numerator and denominator of largest multiplier value */ mult = sp_globals.pspecs->xxmult >> 16; if (mult < 0) mult = -mult; num = mult; mult = sp_globals.pspecs->xymult >> 16; if (mult < 0) mult = -mult; if (mult > num) num = mult; mult = sp_globals.pspecs->yxmult >> 16; if (mult < 0) mult = -mult; if (mult > num) num = mult; mult = sp_globals.pspecs->yymult >> 16; if (mult < 0) mult = -mult; if (mult > num) num = mult; num++; /* Max absolute pixels per em (rounded up) */ denom = (ufix32)sp_globals.orus_per_em; /* Set curve splitting depth adjustment to accomodate largest multiplier value */ sp_globals.depth_adj = 0; /* 0 = 0.5 pel, 1 = 0.13 pel, 2 = 0.04 pel accuracy */ denomcopy = denom; /* The following two occurances of a strange method of shifting twice by 1 are intentional and should not be changed to a single shift by 2. It prevents MicroSoft C 5.1 from generating functions calls to do the shift. Worse, using the REENTRANT_ALLOC option in conjunction with the /AC compiler option, the function appears to be called incorrectly, causing depth_adj to always be set to -7, causing very angular characters. */ while ((num > denomcopy) && (sp_globals.depth_adj < 5)) /* > 1, 4, 16, ... pixels per oru? */ { denomcopy <<= 1; denomcopy <<= 1; sp_globals.depth_adj++; /* Add 1, 2, 3, ... to depth adjustment */ } numcopy = num << 2; while ((numcopy <= denom) && (sp_globals.depth_adj > -4)) /* <= 1/4, 1/16, 1/64 pix per oru? */ { numcopy <<= 1; numcopy <<= 1; sp_globals.depth_adj--; /* Subtract 1, 2, 3, ... from depth adjustment */ } SHOW(sp_globals.depth_adj); /* Set multiplier shift to accomodate largest multiplier value */ sp_globals.multshift = 14; numcopy = num; while (numcopy >= denom) /* More than 1, 2, 4, ... pix per oru? */ { numcopy >>= 1; sp_globals.multshift--; /* sp_globals.multshift is 13, 12, 11, ... */ } sp_globals.multrnd = ((fix31)1 << sp_globals.multshift) >> 1; SHOW(sp_globals.multshift); pix_max = (ufix32)( 0xffff & read_word_u(sp_globals.hdr2_org + FH_PIXMX)); num = 0; xmult = ((sp_globals.pspecs->xxmult >> 16) + 1) >> 1; ymult = ((sp_globals.pspecs->xymult >> 16) + 1) >> 1; offset = ((sp_globals.pspecs->xoffset >> 16) + 1) >> 1; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == 4) { xmult = ((sp_globals.pspecs->yxmult >> 16) + 1) >> 1; ymult = ((sp_globals.pspecs->yymult >> 16) + 1) >> 1; offset = ((sp_globals.pspecs->yoffset >> 16) + 1) >> 1; } x = (i & BIT1)? xmin: xmax; y = (i & BIT0)? ymin: ymax; pixval = (fix31)x * xmult + (fix31)y * ymult + offset * denom; if (pixval < 0) pixval = -pixval; if (pixval > num) { num = pixval; xx = x; yy = y; } } if (xx < 0) xx = -xx; if (yy < 0) yy = -yy; num += xx + yy + ((pix_max + 2) * denom); /* Allow (with 2:1 safety margin) for 1 pixel rounding errors in */ /* xmult, ymult and offset values, pix_max pixel expansion */ /* due to intelligent scaling, and */ /* 1 pixel rounding of overall character position */ denom = denom << 14; /* Note num is in units of half pixels times orus per em */ sp_globals.pixshift = -1; while ((num <= denom) && (sp_globals.pixshift < 8)) /* Max pixels <= 32768, 16384, 8192, ... pixels? */ { num <<= 1; sp_globals.pixshift++; /* sp_globals.pixshift = 0, 1, 2, ... */ } if (sp_globals.pixshift < 0) return FALSE; SHOW(sp_globals.pixshift); sp_globals.poshift = 16 - sp_globals.pixshift; sp_globals.onepix = (fix15)1 << sp_globals.pixshift; sp_globals.pixrnd = sp_globals.onepix >> 1; sp_globals.pixfix = ~0 << sp_globals.pixshift; sp_globals.mpshift = sp_globals.multshift - sp_globals.pixshift; if (sp_globals.mpshift < 0) return FALSE; sp_globals.mprnd = ((fix31)1 << sp_globals.mpshift) >> 1; return TRUE; } #ifdef old FUNCTION void sp_setup_tcb( GDECL tcb_t GLOBALFAR *ptcb) /* Pointer to transformation control bloxk */ #else static FUNCTION void sp_setup_tcb( GDECL tcb_t GLOBALFAR *ptcb) /* Pointer to transformation control bloxk */ #endif /* * Convert transformation coeffs to internal form */ { ptcb->xxmult = sp_setup_mult(sp_globals.pspecs->xxmult); ptcb->xymult = sp_setup_mult(sp_globals.pspecs->xymult); ptcb->xoffset = sp_setup_offset(sp_globals.pspecs->xoffset); ptcb->yxmult = sp_setup_mult(sp_globals.pspecs->yxmult); ptcb->yymult = sp_setup_mult(sp_globals.pspecs->yymult); ptcb->yoffset = sp_setup_offset(sp_globals.pspecs->yoffset); SHOW(ptcb->xxmult); SHOW(ptcb->xymult); SHOW(ptcb->xoffset); SHOW(ptcb->yxmult); SHOW(ptcb->yymult); SHOW(ptcb->yoffset); type_tcb(ptcb); /* Classify transformation type */ } FUNCTION static fix15 sp_setup_mult( GDECL fix31 input_mult) /* Multiplier in input format */ /* * Called by sp_setup_tcb() to convert multiplier in transformation * matrix from external to internal form. */ { fix15 imshift; /* Right shift to internal format */ fix31 imdenom; /* Divisor to internal format */ fix31 imrnd; /* Rounding for division operation */ imshift = 15 - sp_globals.multshift; imdenom = (fix31)sp_globals.orus_per_em << imshift; imrnd = imdenom >> 1; input_mult >>= 1; if (input_mult >= 0) return (fix15)((input_mult + imrnd) / imdenom); else return -(fix15)((-input_mult + imrnd) / imdenom); } FUNCTION static fix31 sp_setup_offset( GDECL fix31 input_offset) /* Multiplier in input format */ /* * Called by sp_setup_tcb() to convert offset in transformation * matrix from external to internal form. */ { fix15 imshift; /* Right shift to internal format */ fix31 imrnd; /* Rounding for right shift operation */ imshift = 15 - sp_globals.multshift; imrnd = ((fix31)1 << imshift) >> 1; return (((input_offset >> 1) + imrnd) >> imshift) + sp_globals.mprnd; } FUNCTION void type_tcb( GDECL tcb_t GLOBALFAR *ptcb) /* Pointer to transformation control bloxk */ { fix15 x_trans_type; fix15 y_trans_type; fix15 xx_mult; fix15 xy_mult; fix15 yx_mult; fix15 yy_mult; fix15 h_pos; fix15 v_pos; fix15 x_ppo; fix15 y_ppo; fix15 x_pos; fix15 y_pos; /* check for mirror image transformations */ xx_mult = ptcb->xxmult; xy_mult = ptcb->xymult; yx_mult = ptcb->yxmult; yy_mult = ptcb->yymult; ptcb->mirror = ((((fix31)xx_mult*(fix31)yy_mult)- ((fix31)xy_mult*(fix31)yx_mult)) < 0) ? -1 : 1; if (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & BOGUS_MODE) /* Linear transformation requested? */ { ptcb->xtype = 4; ptcb->ytype = 4; ptcb->xppo = 0; ptcb->yppo = 0; ptcb->xpos = 0; ptcb->ypos = 0; } else /* Intelligent tranformation requested? */ { h_pos = ((ptcb->xoffset >> sp_globals.mpshift) + sp_globals.pixrnd) & sp_globals.pixfix; v_pos = ((ptcb->yoffset >> sp_globals.mpshift) + sp_globals.pixrnd) & sp_globals.pixfix; x_trans_type = 4; x_ppo = 0; x_pos = 0; y_trans_type = 4; y_ppo = 0; y_pos = 0; if (xy_mult == 0) { if (xx_mult >= 0) { x_trans_type = 0; /* X pix is function of X orus only */ x_ppo = xx_mult; x_pos = h_pos; } else { x_trans_type = 1; /* X pix is function of -X orus only */ x_ppo = -xx_mult; x_pos = -h_pos; } } else if (xx_mult == 0) { if (xy_mult >= 0) { x_trans_type = 2; /* X pix is function of Y orus only */ y_ppo = xy_mult; y_pos = h_pos; } else { x_trans_type = 3; /* X pix is function of -Y orus only */ y_ppo = -xy_mult; y_pos = -h_pos; } } if (yx_mult == 0) { if (yy_mult >= 0) { y_trans_type = 0; /* Y pix is function of Y orus only */ y_ppo = yy_mult; y_pos = v_pos; } else { y_trans_type = 1; /* Y pix is function of -Y orus only */ y_ppo = -yy_mult; y_pos = -v_pos; } } else if (yy_mult == 0) { if (yx_mult >= 0) { y_trans_type = 2; /* Y pix is function of X orus only */ x_ppo = yx_mult; x_pos = v_pos; } else { y_trans_type = 3; /* Y pix is function of -X orus only */ x_ppo = -yx_mult; x_pos = -v_pos; } } ptcb->xtype = x_trans_type; ptcb->ytype = y_trans_type; ptcb->xppo = x_ppo; ptcb->yppo = y_ppo; ptcb->xpos = x_pos; ptcb->ypos = y_pos; } sp_globals.normal = (ptcb->xtype != 4) && (ptcb->ytype != 4); ptcb->xmode = 4; ptcb->ymode = 4; SHOW(ptcb->xtype); SHOW(ptcb->ytype); SHOW(ptcb->xppo); SHOW(ptcb->yppo); SHOW(ptcb->xpos); SHOW(ptcb->ypos); } FUNCTION fix31 read_long( GDECL ufix8 FONTFAR *pointer) /* Pointer to first byte of encrypted 3-byte integer */ /* * Reads a 3-byte encrypted integer from the byte string starting at * the specified point. * Returns the decrypted value read as a signed integer. */ { fix31 tmpfix31; tmpfix31 = (fix31)((*pointer++) ^ sp_globals.key4) << 8; /* Read middle byte */ tmpfix31 += (fix31)(*pointer++) << 16; /* Read most significant byte */ tmpfix31 += (fix31)((*pointer) ^ sp_globals.key6); /* Read least significant byte */ return tmpfix31; } FUNCTION fix15 read_word_u( GDECL ufix8 FONTFAR *pointer) /* Pointer to first byte of unencrypted 2-byte integer */ /* * Reads a 2-byte unencrypted integer from the byte string starting at * the specified point. * Returns the decrypted value read as a signed integer. */ { fix15 tmpfix15; tmpfix15 = (fix15)(*pointer++) << 8; /* Read most significant byte */ tmpfix15 += (fix15)(*pointer); /* Add least significant byte */ return tmpfix15; }