/************************************************************************ Copyright 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ************************************************************************/ /* Copyright 1994, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <X11/fonts/fntfilst.h> #include <X11/fonts/fontutil.h> /* use bitmap structure */ #include <X11/fonts/bitmap.h> #include <X11/fonts/bdfint.h> #if HAVE_STDINT_H #include <stdint.h> #elif !defined(INT32_MAX) #define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff #endif #define INDICES 256 #define MAXENCODING 0xFFFF #define BDFLINELEN 1024 static Bool bdfPadToTerminal(FontPtr pFont); extern int bdfFileLineNum; /***====================================================================***/ static Bool bdfReadBitmap(CharInfoPtr pCI, FontFilePtr file, int bit, int byte, int glyph, int scan, CARD32 *sizes) { int widthBits, widthBytes, widthHexChars; int height, row; int i, inLineLen, nextByte; unsigned char *pInBits, *picture, *line = NULL; unsigned char lineBuf[BDFLINELEN]; widthBits = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(pCI); height = GLYPHHEIGHTPIXELS(pCI); widthBytes = BYTES_PER_ROW(widthBits, glyph); if (widthBytes * height > 0) { picture = malloc(widthBytes * height); if (!picture) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate picture (%d*%d)\n", widthBytes, height); goto BAILOUT; } } else picture = NULL; pCI->bits = (char *) picture; if (sizes) { for (i = 0; i < GLYPHPADOPTIONS; i++) sizes[i] += BYTES_PER_ROW(widthBits, (1 << i)) * height; } nextByte = 0; widthHexChars = BYTES_PER_ROW(widthBits, 1); /* 5/31/89 (ef) -- hack, hack, hack. what *am* I supposed to do with */ /* 0 width characters? */ for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line) break; if (widthBits == 0) { if ((!line) || (bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDCHAR"))) break; else continue; } pInBits = line; inLineLen = strlen((char *) pInBits); if (inLineLen & 1) { bdfError("odd number of characters in hex encoding\n"); line[inLineLen++] = '0'; line[inLineLen] = '\0'; } inLineLen >>= 1; i = inLineLen; if (i > widthHexChars) i = widthHexChars; for (; i > 0; i--, pInBits += 2) picture[nextByte++] = bdfHexByte(pInBits); /* pad if line is too short */ if (inLineLen < widthHexChars) { for (i = widthHexChars - inLineLen; i > 0; i--) picture[nextByte++] = 0; } else { unsigned char mask; mask = 0xff << (8 - (widthBits & 0x7)); if (mask && picture[nextByte - 1] & ~mask) { picture[nextByte - 1] &= mask; } } if (widthBytes > widthHexChars) { i = widthBytes - widthHexChars; while (i-- > 0) picture[nextByte++] = 0; } } if ((line && (!bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDCHAR"))) || (height == 0)) line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if ((!line) || (!bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDCHAR"))) { bdfError("missing 'ENDCHAR'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (nextByte != height * widthBytes) { bdfError("bytes != rows * bytes_per_row (%d != %d * %d)\n", nextByte, height, widthBytes); goto BAILOUT; } if (picture != NULL) { if (bit == LSBFirst) BitOrderInvert(picture, nextByte); if (bit != byte) { if (scan == 2) TwoByteSwap(picture, nextByte); else if (scan == 4) FourByteSwap(picture, nextByte); } } return (TRUE); BAILOUT: if (picture) free(picture); pCI->bits = NULL; return (FALSE); } /***====================================================================***/ static Bool bdfSkipBitmap(FontFilePtr file, int height) { unsigned char *line; int i = 0; unsigned char lineBuf[BDFLINELEN]; do { line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); i++; } while (line && !bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDCHAR") && i <= height); if (i > 1 && line && !bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDCHAR")) { bdfError("Error in bitmap, missing 'ENDCHAR'\n"); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /***====================================================================***/ static void bdfFreeFontBits(FontPtr pFont) { BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont; BitmapExtraPtr bitmapExtra; int i, nencoding; bitmapFont = (BitmapFontPtr) pFont->fontPrivate; bitmapExtra = (BitmapExtraPtr) bitmapFont->bitmapExtra; free(bitmapFont->ink_metrics); if(bitmapFont->encoding) { nencoding = (pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1) * (pFont->info.lastRow - pFont->info.firstRow + 1); for(i=0; i<NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding); i++) free(bitmapFont->encoding[i]); } free(bitmapFont->encoding); for (i = 0; i < bitmapFont->num_chars; i++) free(bitmapFont->metrics[i].bits); free(bitmapFont->metrics); if (bitmapExtra) { free (bitmapExtra->glyphNames); free (bitmapExtra->sWidths); free (bitmapExtra); } free(pFont->info.props); free(bitmapFont); } static Bool bdfReadCharacters(FontFilePtr file, FontPtr pFont, bdfFileState *pState, int bit, int byte, int glyph, int scan) { unsigned char *line; register CharInfoPtr ci; int i, ndx, nchars, nignored; unsigned int char_row, char_col; int numEncodedGlyphs = 0; CharInfoPtr *bdfEncoding[256]; BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont; BitmapExtraPtr bitmapExtra; CARD32 *bitmapsSizes; unsigned char lineBuf[BDFLINELEN]; int nencoding; bitmapFont = (BitmapFontPtr) pFont->fontPrivate; bitmapExtra = (BitmapExtraPtr) bitmapFont->bitmapExtra; if (bitmapExtra) { bitmapsSizes = bitmapExtra->bitmapsSizes; for (i = 0; i < GLYPHPADOPTIONS; i++) bitmapsSizes[i] = 0; } else bitmapsSizes = NULL; bzero(bdfEncoding, sizeof(bdfEncoding)); bitmapFont->metrics = NULL; ndx = 0; line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if ((!line) || (sscanf((char *) line, "CHARS %d", &nchars) != 1)) { bdfError("bad 'CHARS' in bdf file\n"); return (FALSE); } if (nchars < 1) { bdfError("invalid number of CHARS in BDF file\n"); return (FALSE); } if (nchars > INT32_MAX / sizeof(CharInfoRec)) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate pCI (%d*%d)\n", nchars, (int) sizeof(CharInfoRec)); goto BAILOUT; } ci = calloc(nchars, sizeof(CharInfoRec)); if (!ci) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate pCI (%d*%d)\n", nchars, (int) sizeof(CharInfoRec)); goto BAILOUT; } bitmapFont->metrics = ci; if (bitmapExtra) { bitmapExtra->glyphNames = malloc(nchars * sizeof(Atom)); if (!bitmapExtra->glyphNames) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate glyphNames (%d*%d)\n", nchars, (int) sizeof(Atom)); goto BAILOUT; } } if (bitmapExtra) { bitmapExtra->sWidths = malloc(nchars * sizeof(int)); if (!bitmapExtra->sWidths) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate sWidth (%d *%d)\n", nchars, (int) sizeof(int)); return FALSE; } } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); pFont->info.firstRow = 256; pFont->info.lastRow = 0; pFont->info.firstCol = 256; pFont->info.lastCol = 0; nignored = 0; for (ndx = 0; (ndx < nchars) && (line) && (bdfIsPrefix(line, "STARTCHAR"));) { int t; int wx; /* x component of width */ int wy; /* y component of width */ int bw; /* bounding-box width */ int bh; /* bounding-box height */ int bl; /* bounding-box left */ int bb; /* bounding-box bottom */ int enc, enc2; /* encoding */ unsigned char *p; /* temp pointer into line */ char charName[100]; int ignore; if (sscanf((char *) line, "STARTCHAR %s", charName) != 1) { bdfError("bad character name in BDF file\n"); goto BAILOUT; /* bottom of function, free and return error */ } if (bitmapExtra) bitmapExtra->glyphNames[ndx] = bdfForceMakeAtom(charName, NULL); line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || (t = sscanf((char *) line, "ENCODING %d %d", &enc, &enc2)) < 1) { bdfError("bad 'ENCODING' in BDF file\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (enc < -1 || (t == 2 && enc2 < -1)) { bdfError("bad ENCODING value"); goto BAILOUT; } if (t == 2 && enc == -1) enc = enc2; ignore = 0; if (enc == -1) { if (!bitmapExtra) { nignored++; ignore = 1; } } else if (enc > MAXENCODING) { bdfError("char '%s' has encoding too large (%d)\n", charName, enc); } else { char_row = (enc >> 8) & 0xFF; char_col = enc & 0xFF; if (char_row < pFont->info.firstRow) pFont->info.firstRow = char_row; if (char_row > pFont->info.lastRow) pFont->info.lastRow = char_row; if (char_col < pFont->info.firstCol) pFont->info.firstCol = char_col; if (char_col > pFont->info.lastCol) pFont->info.lastCol = char_col; if (bdfEncoding[char_row] == (CharInfoPtr *) NULL) { bdfEncoding[char_row] = malloc(256 * sizeof(CharInfoPtr)); if (!bdfEncoding[char_row]) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate row %d of encoding (%d*%d)\n", char_row, INDICES, (int) sizeof(CharInfoPtr)); goto BAILOUT; } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) bdfEncoding[char_row][i] = (CharInfoPtr) NULL; } if (bdfEncoding[char_row] != NULL) { bdfEncoding[char_row][char_col] = ci; numEncodedGlyphs++; } } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if ((!line) || (sscanf((char *) line, "SWIDTH %d %d", &wx, &wy) != 2)) { bdfError("bad 'SWIDTH'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (wy != 0) { bdfError("SWIDTH y value must be zero\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (bitmapExtra) bitmapExtra->sWidths[ndx] = wx; /* 5/31/89 (ef) -- we should be able to ditch the character and recover */ /* from all of these. */ line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if ((!line) || (sscanf((char *) line, "DWIDTH %d %d", &wx, &wy) != 2)) { bdfError("bad 'DWIDTH'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (wy != 0) { bdfError("DWIDTH y value must be zero\n"); goto BAILOUT; } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if ((!line) || (sscanf((char *) line, "BBX %d %d %d %d", &bw, &bh, &bl, &bb) != 4)) { bdfError("bad 'BBX'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if ((bh < 0) || (bw < 0)) { bdfError("character '%s' has a negative sized bitmap, %dx%d\n", charName, bw, bh); goto BAILOUT; } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if ((line) && (bdfIsPrefix(line, "ATTRIBUTES"))) { for (p = line + strlen("ATTRIBUTES "); (*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t'); p++) /* empty for loop */ ; ci->metrics.attributes = (bdfHexByte(p) << 8) + bdfHexByte(p + 2); line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); } else ci->metrics.attributes = 0; if (!line || !bdfIsPrefix(line, "BITMAP")) { bdfError("missing 'BITMAP'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } /* collect data for generated properties */ if ((strlen(charName) == 1)) { if ((charName[0] >= '0') && (charName[0] <= '9')) { pState->digitWidths += wx; pState->digitCount++; } else if (charName[0] == 'x') { pState->exHeight = (bh + bb) <= 0 ? bh : bh + bb; } } if (!ignore) { ci->metrics.leftSideBearing = bl; ci->metrics.rightSideBearing = bl + bw; ci->metrics.ascent = bh + bb; ci->metrics.descent = -bb; ci->metrics.characterWidth = wx; ci->bits = NULL; bdfReadBitmap(ci, file, bit, byte, glyph, scan, bitmapsSizes); ci++; ndx++; } else bdfSkipBitmap(file, bh); line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); /* get STARTCHAR or * ENDFONT */ } if (ndx + nignored != nchars) { bdfError("%d too few characters\n", nchars - (ndx + nignored)); goto BAILOUT; } nchars = ndx; bitmapFont->num_chars = nchars; if ((line) && (bdfIsPrefix(line, "STARTCHAR"))) { bdfError("more characters than specified\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if ((!line) || (!bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDFONT"))) { bdfError("missing 'ENDFONT'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (numEncodedGlyphs == 0) bdfWarning("No characters with valid encodings\n"); nencoding = (pFont->info.lastRow - pFont->info.firstRow + 1) * (pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1); bitmapFont->encoding = calloc(NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding),sizeof(CharInfoPtr*)); if (!bitmapFont->encoding) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate ppCI (%d,%d)\n", NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding), (int) sizeof(CharInfoPtr*)); goto BAILOUT; } pFont->info.allExist = TRUE; i = 0; for (char_row = pFont->info.firstRow; char_row <= pFont->info.lastRow; char_row++) { if (bdfEncoding[char_row] == (CharInfoPtr *) NULL) { pFont->info.allExist = FALSE; i += pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1; } else { for (char_col = pFont->info.firstCol; char_col <= pFont->info.lastCol; char_col++) { if (!bdfEncoding[char_row][char_col]) pFont->info.allExist = FALSE; else { if (!bitmapFont->encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]) { bitmapFont->encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]= calloc(BITMAP_FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE, sizeof(CharInfoPtr)); if (!bitmapFont->encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]) goto BAILOUT; } ACCESSENCODINGL(bitmapFont->encoding,i) = bdfEncoding[char_row][char_col]; } i++; } } } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) if (bdfEncoding[i]) free(bdfEncoding[i]); return (TRUE); BAILOUT: for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) if (bdfEncoding[i]) free(bdfEncoding[i]); /* bdfFreeFontBits will clean up the rest */ return (FALSE); } /***====================================================================***/ static Bool bdfReadHeader(FontFilePtr file, bdfFileState *pState) { unsigned char *line; char namebuf[BDFLINELEN]; unsigned char lineBuf[BDFLINELEN]; line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || sscanf((char *) line, "STARTFONT %s", namebuf) != 1 || !bdfStrEqual(namebuf, "2.1")) { bdfError("bad 'STARTFONT'\n"); return (FALSE); } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || sscanf((char *) line, "FONT %[^\n]", pState->fontName) != 1) { bdfError("bad 'FONT'\n"); return (FALSE); } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || !bdfIsPrefix(line, "SIZE")) { bdfError("missing 'SIZE'\n"); return (FALSE); } if (sscanf((char *) line, "SIZE %f%d%d", &pState->pointSize, &pState->resolution_x, &pState->resolution_y) != 3) { bdfError("bad 'SIZE'\n"); return (FALSE); } if (pState->pointSize < 1 || pState->resolution_x < 1 || pState->resolution_y < 1) { bdfError("SIZE values must be > 0\n"); return (FALSE); } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || !bdfIsPrefix(line, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX")) { bdfError("missing 'FONTBOUNDINGBOX'\n"); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /***====================================================================***/ static Bool bdfReadProperties(FontFilePtr file, FontPtr pFont, bdfFileState *pState) { int nProps, props_left, nextProp; char *stringProps; FontPropPtr props; char namebuf[BDFLINELEN], secondbuf[BDFLINELEN], thirdbuf[BDFLINELEN]; unsigned char *line; unsigned char lineBuf[BDFLINELEN]; BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont = (BitmapFontPtr) pFont->fontPrivate; line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || !bdfIsPrefix(line, "STARTPROPERTIES")) { bdfError("missing 'STARTPROPERTIES'\n"); return (FALSE); } if (sscanf((char *) line, "STARTPROPERTIES %d", &nProps) != 1) { bdfError("bad 'STARTPROPERTIES'\n"); return (FALSE); } pFont->info.isStringProp = NULL; pFont->info.props = NULL; pFont->info.nprops = 0; stringProps = malloc((nProps + BDF_GENPROPS) * sizeof(char)); pFont->info.isStringProp = stringProps; if (stringProps == NULL) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate stringProps (%d*%d)\n", (nProps + BDF_GENPROPS), (int) sizeof(Bool)); goto BAILOUT; } pFont->info.props = props = calloc(nProps + BDF_GENPROPS, sizeof(FontPropRec)); if (props == NULL) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate props (%d*%d)\n", nProps + BDF_GENPROPS, (int) sizeof(FontPropRec)); goto BAILOUT; } nextProp = 0; props_left = nProps; while (props_left-- > 0) { line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (line == NULL || bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDPROPERTIES")) { bdfError("\"STARTPROPERTIES %d\" followed by only %d properties\n", nProps, nProps - props_left - 1); goto BAILOUT; } while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++; switch (sscanf((char *) line, "%s%s%s", namebuf, secondbuf, thirdbuf)) { default: bdfError("missing '%s' parameter value\n", namebuf); goto BAILOUT; case 2: /* * Possibilites include: valid quoted string with no white space * valid integer value invalid value */ if (secondbuf[0] == '"') { stringProps[nextProp] = TRUE; props[nextProp].value = bdfGetPropertyValue((char *)line + strlen(namebuf) + 1); if (!props[nextProp].value) goto BAILOUT; break; } else if (bdfIsInteger(secondbuf)) { stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; props[nextProp].value = atoi(secondbuf); break; } else { bdfError("invalid '%s' parameter value\n", namebuf); goto BAILOUT; } case 3: /* * Possibilites include: valid quoted string with some white space * invalid value (reject even if second string is integer) */ if (secondbuf[0] == '"') { stringProps[nextProp] = TRUE; props[nextProp].value = bdfGetPropertyValue((char *)line + strlen(namebuf) + 1); if (!props[nextProp].value) goto BAILOUT; break; } else { bdfError("invalid '%s' parameter value\n", namebuf); goto BAILOUT; } } props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom(namebuf, NULL); if (props[nextProp].name == None) { bdfError("Empty property name.\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (!bdfSpecialProperty(pFont, &props[nextProp], stringProps[nextProp], pState)) nextProp++; } line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); if (!line || !bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDPROPERTIES")) { bdfError("missing 'ENDPROPERTIES'\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (!pState->haveFontAscent || !pState->haveFontDescent) { bdfError("missing 'FONT_ASCENT' or 'FONT_DESCENT' properties\n"); goto BAILOUT; } if (bitmapFont->bitmapExtra) { bitmapFont->bitmapExtra->info.fontAscent = pFont->info.fontAscent; bitmapFont->bitmapExtra->info.fontDescent = pFont->info.fontDescent; } if (!pState->pointSizeProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("POINT_SIZE", NULL); props[nextProp].value = (INT32) (pState->pointSize * 10.0); stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->pointSizeProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->fontProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("FONT", NULL); props[nextProp].value = (INT32) bdfForceMakeAtom(pState->fontName, NULL); stringProps[nextProp] = TRUE; pState->fontProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->weightProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("WEIGHT", NULL); props[nextProp].value = -1; /* computed later */ stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->weightProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->resolutionProp && pState->resolution_x == pState->resolution_y) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("RESOLUTION", NULL); props[nextProp].value = (INT32) ((pState->resolution_x * 100.0) / 72.27); stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->resolutionProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->resolutionXProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("RESOLUTION_X", NULL); props[nextProp].value = (INT32) pState->resolution_x; stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->resolutionProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->resolutionYProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("RESOLUTION_Y", NULL); props[nextProp].value = (INT32) pState->resolution_y; stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->resolutionProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->xHeightProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("X_HEIGHT", NULL); props[nextProp].value = -1; /* computed later */ stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->xHeightProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } if (!pState->quadWidthProp) { props[nextProp].name = bdfForceMakeAtom("QUAD_WIDTH", NULL); props[nextProp].value = -1; /* computed later */ stringProps[nextProp] = FALSE; pState->quadWidthProp = &props[nextProp]; nextProp++; } pFont->info.nprops = nextProp; return (TRUE); BAILOUT: if (pFont->info.isStringProp) { free(pFont->info.isStringProp); pFont->info.isStringProp = NULL; } if (pFont->info.props) { free(pFont->info.props); pFont->info.props = NULL; } while (line && bdfIsPrefix(line, "ENDPROPERTIES")) line = bdfGetLine(file, lineBuf, BDFLINELEN); return (FALSE); } /***====================================================================***/ static void bdfUnloadFont(FontPtr pFont) { bdfFreeFontBits (pFont); DestroyFontRec(pFont); } int bdfReadFont(FontPtr pFont, FontFilePtr file, int bit, int byte, int glyph, int scan) { bdfFileState state; xCharInfo *min, *max; BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont; pFont->fontPrivate = 0; bzero(&state, sizeof(bdfFileState)); bdfFileLineNum = 0; if (!bdfReadHeader(file, &state)) goto BAILOUT; bitmapFont = calloc(1, sizeof(BitmapFontRec)); if (!bitmapFont) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate bitmapFontRec (%d)\n", (int) sizeof(BitmapFontRec)); goto BAILOUT; } pFont->fontPrivate = (pointer) bitmapFont; bitmapFont->metrics = 0; bitmapFont->ink_metrics = 0; bitmapFont->bitmaps = 0; bitmapFont->encoding = 0; bitmapFont->pDefault = NULL; bitmapFont->bitmapExtra = calloc(1, sizeof(BitmapExtraRec)); if (!bitmapFont->bitmapExtra) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate bitmapExtra (%d)\n", (int) sizeof(BitmapExtraRec)); goto BAILOUT; } bitmapFont->bitmapExtra->glyphNames = 0; bitmapFont->bitmapExtra->sWidths = 0; if (!bdfReadProperties(file, pFont, &state)) goto BAILOUT; if (!bdfReadCharacters(file, pFont, &state, bit, byte, glyph, scan)) goto BAILOUT; if (state.haveDefaultCh) { unsigned int r, c, cols; r = pFont->info.defaultCh >> 8; c = pFont->info.defaultCh & 0xFF; if (pFont->info.firstRow <= r && r <= pFont->info.lastRow && pFont->info.firstCol <= c && c <= pFont->info.lastCol) { cols = pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1; r = r - pFont->info.firstRow; c = c - pFont->info.firstCol; bitmapFont->pDefault = ACCESSENCODING(bitmapFont->encoding, r * cols + c); } } pFont->bit = bit; pFont->byte = byte; pFont->glyph = glyph; pFont->scan = scan; pFont->info.anamorphic = FALSE; pFont->info.cachable = TRUE; bitmapComputeFontBounds(pFont); if (FontCouldBeTerminal(&pFont->info)) { bdfPadToTerminal(pFont); bitmapComputeFontBounds(pFont); } FontComputeInfoAccelerators(&pFont->info); if (bitmapFont->bitmapExtra) FontComputeInfoAccelerators(&bitmapFont->bitmapExtra->info); if (pFont->info.constantMetrics) { if (!bitmapAddInkMetrics(pFont)) { bdfError("Failed to add bitmap ink metrics\n"); goto BAILOUT; } } if (bitmapFont->bitmapExtra) bitmapFont->bitmapExtra->info.inkMetrics = pFont->info.inkMetrics; bitmapComputeFontInkBounds(pFont); /* ComputeFontAccelerators (pFont); */ /* generate properties */ min = &pFont->info.ink_minbounds; max = &pFont->info.ink_maxbounds; if (state.xHeightProp && (state.xHeightProp->value == -1)) state.xHeightProp->value = state.exHeight ? state.exHeight : min->ascent; if (state.quadWidthProp && (state.quadWidthProp->value == -1)) state.quadWidthProp->value = state.digitCount ? (INT32) (state.digitWidths / state.digitCount) : (min->characterWidth + max->characterWidth) / 2; if (state.weightProp && (state.weightProp->value == -1)) state.weightProp->value = bitmapComputeWeight(pFont); pFont->get_glyphs = bitmapGetGlyphs; pFont->get_metrics = bitmapGetMetrics; pFont->unload_font = bdfUnloadFont; pFont->unload_glyphs = NULL; return Successful; BAILOUT: if (pFont->fontPrivate) bdfFreeFontBits (pFont); return AllocError; } int bdfReadFontInfo(FontInfoPtr pFontInfo, FontFilePtr file) { FontRec font; int ret; bzero(&font, sizeof (FontRec)); ret = bdfReadFont(&font, file, MSBFirst, LSBFirst, 1, 1); if (ret == Successful) { *pFontInfo = font.info; font.info.props = 0; font.info.isStringProp = 0; font.info.nprops = 0; bdfFreeFontBits (&font); } return ret; } static Bool bdfPadToTerminal(FontPtr pFont) { BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont; BitmapExtraPtr bitmapExtra; int i; int new_size; CharInfoRec new; int w, h; bitmapFont = (BitmapFontPtr) pFont->fontPrivate; bzero(&new, sizeof(CharInfoRec)); new.metrics.ascent = pFont->info.fontAscent; new.metrics.descent = pFont->info.fontDescent; new.metrics.leftSideBearing = 0; new.metrics.rightSideBearing = pFont->info.minbounds.characterWidth; new.metrics.characterWidth = new.metrics.rightSideBearing; new_size = BYTES_FOR_GLYPH(&new, pFont->glyph); for (i = 0; i < bitmapFont->num_chars; i++) { new.bits = malloc(new_size); if (!new.bits) { bdfError("Couldn't allocate bits (%d)\n", new_size); return FALSE; } FontCharReshape(pFont, &bitmapFont->metrics[i], &new); new.metrics.attributes = bitmapFont->metrics[i].metrics.attributes; free(bitmapFont->metrics[i].bits); bitmapFont->metrics[i] = new; } bitmapExtra = bitmapFont->bitmapExtra; if (bitmapExtra) { w = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(&new); h = GLYPHHEIGHTPIXELS(&new); for (i = 0; i < GLYPHPADOPTIONS; i++) bitmapExtra->bitmapsSizes[i] = bitmapFont->num_chars * (BYTES_PER_ROW(w, 1 << i) * h); } return TRUE; }