/* Copyright 1990, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* * Author: Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <X11/fonts/fntfilst.h> #include <X11/fonts/bitmap.h> #include <X11/fonts/pcf.h> #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? a : b) #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdint.h> void pcfError(const char* message, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, message); fprintf(stderr, "PCF Error: "); vfprintf(stderr, message, args); va_end(args); } /* Read PCF font files */ static void pcfUnloadFont ( FontPtr pFont ); static int position; #define IS_EOF(file) ((file)->eof == BUFFILEEOF) #define FONT_FILE_GETC_ERR(f) (tmp = FontFileGetc(f), BAIL_ON_EOF) static int pcfGetLSB32(FontFilePtr file) { int c; c = FontFileGetc(file); c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 8; c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 16; c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 24; position += 4; return c; } static int pcfGetINT32(FontFilePtr file, CARD32 format) { int c; if (PCF_BYTE_ORDER(format) == MSBFirst) { c = FontFileGetc(file) << 24; c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 16; c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 8; c |= FontFileGetc(file); } else { c = FontFileGetc(file); c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 8; c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 16; c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 24; } position += 4; return c; } static int pcfGetINT16(FontFilePtr file, CARD32 format) { int c; if (PCF_BYTE_ORDER(format) == MSBFirst) { c = FontFileGetc(file) << 8; c |= FontFileGetc(file); } else { c = FontFileGetc(file); c |= FontFileGetc(file) << 8; } position += 2; return c; } #define pcfGetINT8(file, format) (position++, FontFileGetc(file)) static PCFTablePtr pcfReadTOC(FontFilePtr file, int *countp) { CARD32 version; PCFTablePtr tables; int count; int i; position = 0; version = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (version != PCF_FILE_VERSION) return (PCFTablePtr) NULL; count = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (IS_EOF(file)) return (PCFTablePtr) NULL; if (count < 0 || count > INT32_MAX / sizeof(PCFTableRec)) { pcfError("pcfReadTOC(): invalid file format\n"); return NULL; } tables = malloc(count * sizeof(PCFTableRec)); if (!tables) { pcfError("pcfReadTOC(): Couldn't allocate tables (%d*%d)\n", count, (int) sizeof(PCFTableRec)); return (PCFTablePtr) NULL; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { tables[i].type = pcfGetLSB32(file); tables[i].format = pcfGetLSB32(file); tables[i].size = pcfGetLSB32(file); tables[i].offset = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; } *countp = count; return tables; Bail: free(tables); return (PCFTablePtr) NULL; } /* * PCF supports two formats for metrics, both the regular * jumbo size, and 'lite' metrics, which are useful * for most fonts which have even vaguely reasonable * metrics */ static Bool pcfGetMetric(FontFilePtr file, CARD32 format, xCharInfo *metric) { metric->leftSideBearing = pcfGetINT16(file, format); metric->rightSideBearing = pcfGetINT16(file, format); metric->characterWidth = pcfGetINT16(file, format); metric->ascent = pcfGetINT16(file, format); metric->descent = pcfGetINT16(file, format); metric->attributes = pcfGetINT16(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static Bool pcfGetCompressedMetric(FontFilePtr file, CARD32 format, xCharInfo *metric) { metric->leftSideBearing = pcfGetINT8(file, format) - 0x80; metric->rightSideBearing = pcfGetINT8(file, format) - 0x80; metric->characterWidth = pcfGetINT8(file, format) - 0x80; metric->ascent = pcfGetINT8(file, format) - 0x80; metric->descent = pcfGetINT8(file, format) - 0x80; metric->attributes = 0; if (IS_EOF(file)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* * Position the file to the begining of the specified table * in the font file */ static Bool pcfSeekToType(FontFilePtr file, PCFTablePtr tables, int ntables, CARD32 type, CARD32 *formatp, CARD32 *sizep) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ntables; i++) if (tables[i].type == type) { if (position > tables[i].offset) return FALSE; if (!FontFileSkip(file, tables[i].offset - position)) return FALSE; position = tables[i].offset; *sizep = tables[i].size; *formatp = tables[i].format; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static Bool pcfHasType (PCFTablePtr tables, int ntables, CARD32 type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ntables; i++) if (tables[i].type == type) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* * pcfGetProperties * * Reads the font properties from the font file, filling in the FontInfo rec * supplied. Used by by both ReadFont and ReadFontInfo routines. */ static Bool pcfGetProperties(FontInfoPtr pFontInfo, FontFilePtr file, PCFTablePtr tables, int ntables) { FontPropPtr props = 0; int nprops; char *isStringProp = 0; CARD32 format; int i; CARD32 size; int string_size; char *strings; /* font properties */ if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_PROPERTIES, &format, &size)) goto Bail; format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) goto Bail; nprops = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (nprops <= 0 || nprops > INT32_MAX / sizeof(FontPropRec)) { pcfError("pcfGetProperties(): invalid nprops value (%d)\n", nprops); goto Bail; } if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; props = malloc(nprops * sizeof(FontPropRec)); if (!props) { pcfError("pcfGetProperties(): Couldn't allocate props (%d*%d)\n", nprops, (int) sizeof(FontPropRec)); goto Bail; } isStringProp = malloc(nprops * sizeof(char)); if (!isStringProp) { pcfError("pcfGetProperties(): Couldn't allocate isStringProp (%d*%d)\n", nprops, (int) sizeof(char)); goto Bail; } for (i = 0; i < nprops; i++) { props[i].name = pcfGetINT32(file, format); isStringProp[i] = pcfGetINT8(file, format); props[i].value = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (props[i].name < 0 || (isStringProp[i] != 0 && isStringProp[i] != 1) || (isStringProp[i] && props[i].value < 0)) { pcfError("pcfGetProperties(): invalid file format %ld %d %ld\n", props[i].name, isStringProp[i], props[i].value); goto Bail; } if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; } /* pad the property array */ /* * clever here - nprops is the same as the number of odd-units read, as * only isStringProp are odd length */ if (nprops & 3) { i = 4 - (nprops & 3); (void)FontFileSkip(file, i); position += i; } if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; string_size = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (string_size < 0) goto Bail; if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; strings = malloc(string_size); if (!strings) { pcfError("pcfGetProperties(): Couldn't allocate strings (%d)\n", string_size); goto Bail; } FontFileRead(file, strings, string_size); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; position += string_size; for (i = 0; i < nprops; i++) { props[i].name = MakeAtom(strings + props[i].name, strlen(strings + props[i].name), TRUE); if (isStringProp[i]) { props[i].value = MakeAtom(strings + props[i].value, strlen(strings + props[i].value), TRUE); } } free(strings); pFontInfo->isStringProp = isStringProp; pFontInfo->props = props; pFontInfo->nprops = nprops; return TRUE; Bail: free(isStringProp); free(props); return FALSE; } /* * pcfReadAccel * * Fill in the accelerator information from the font file; used * to read both BDF_ACCELERATORS and old style ACCELERATORS */ static Bool pcfGetAccel(FontInfoPtr pFontInfo, FontFilePtr file, PCFTablePtr tables, int ntables, CARD32 type) { CARD32 format; CARD32 size; if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, type, &format, &size) || IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT) && !PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_ACCEL_W_INKBOUNDS)) { goto Bail; } pFontInfo->noOverlap = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->constantMetrics = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->terminalFont = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->constantWidth = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->inkInside = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->inkMetrics = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->drawDirection = pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->anamorphic = FALSE; pFontInfo->cachable = TRUE; /* natural alignment */ pcfGetINT8(file, format); pFontInfo->fontAscent = pcfGetINT32(file, format); pFontInfo->fontDescent = pcfGetINT32(file, format); pFontInfo->maxOverlap = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, &pFontInfo->minbounds)) goto Bail; if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, &pFontInfo->maxbounds)) goto Bail; if (PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_ACCEL_W_INKBOUNDS)) { if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, &pFontInfo->ink_minbounds)) goto Bail; if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, &pFontInfo->ink_maxbounds)) goto Bail; } else { pFontInfo->ink_minbounds = pFontInfo->minbounds; pFontInfo->ink_maxbounds = pFontInfo->maxbounds; } return TRUE; Bail: return FALSE; } int pcfReadFont(FontPtr pFont, FontFilePtr file, int bit, int byte, int glyph, int scan) { CARD32 format; CARD32 size; BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont = 0; int i; PCFTablePtr tables = 0; int ntables; int nmetrics; int nbitmaps; int sizebitmaps; int nink_metrics; CharInfoPtr metrics = 0; xCharInfo *ink_metrics = 0; char *bitmaps = 0; CharInfoPtr **encoding = 0; int nencoding = 0; int encodingOffset; CARD32 bitmapSizes[GLYPHPADOPTIONS]; CARD32 *offsets = 0; Bool hasBDFAccelerators; pFont->info.nprops = 0; pFont->info.props = 0; pFont->info.isStringProp=0; if (!(tables = pcfReadTOC(file, &ntables))) goto Bail; /* properties */ if (!pcfGetProperties(&pFont->info, file, tables, ntables)) goto Bail; /* Use the old accelerators if no BDF accelerators are in the file */ hasBDFAccelerators = pcfHasType (tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ACCELERATORS); if (!hasBDFAccelerators) if (!pcfGetAccel (&pFont->info, file, tables, ntables, PCF_ACCELERATORS)) goto Bail; /* metrics */ if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_METRICS, &format, &size)) { goto Bail; } format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT) && !PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_COMPRESSED_METRICS)) { goto Bail; } if (PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) nmetrics = pcfGetINT32(file, format); else nmetrics = pcfGetINT16(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (nmetrics < 0 || nmetrics > INT32_MAX / sizeof(CharInfoRec)) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): invalid file format\n"); goto Bail; } metrics = malloc(nmetrics * sizeof(CharInfoRec)); if (!metrics) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate metrics (%d*%d)\n", nmetrics, (int) sizeof(CharInfoRec)); goto Bail; } for (i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++) if (PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) { if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, &(metrics + i)->metrics)) goto Bail; } else { if (!pcfGetCompressedMetric(file, format, &(metrics + i)->metrics)) goto Bail; } /* bitmaps */ if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_BITMAPS, &format, &size)) goto Bail; format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) goto Bail; nbitmaps = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (nbitmaps != nmetrics || IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; /* nmetrics is already ok, so nbitmap also is */ offsets = malloc(nbitmaps * sizeof(CARD32)); if (!offsets) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate offsets (%d*%d)\n", nbitmaps, (int) sizeof(CARD32)); goto Bail; } for (i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++) { offsets[i] = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; } for (i = 0; i < GLYPHPADOPTIONS; i++) { bitmapSizes[i] = pcfGetINT32(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (bitmapSizes[i] < 0) goto Bail; } sizebitmaps = bitmapSizes[PCF_GLYPH_PAD_INDEX(format)]; /* guard against completely empty font */ bitmaps = malloc(sizebitmaps ? sizebitmaps : 1); if (!bitmaps) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate bitmaps (%d)\n", sizebitmaps ? sizebitmaps : 1); goto Bail; } FontFileRead(file, bitmaps, sizebitmaps); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; position += sizebitmaps; if (PCF_BIT_ORDER(format) != bit) BitOrderInvert((unsigned char *)bitmaps, sizebitmaps); if ((PCF_BYTE_ORDER(format) == PCF_BIT_ORDER(format)) != (bit == byte)) { switch (bit == byte ? PCF_SCAN_UNIT(format) : scan) { case 1: break; case 2: TwoByteSwap((unsigned char *)bitmaps, sizebitmaps); break; case 4: FourByteSwap((unsigned char *)bitmaps, sizebitmaps); break; } } if (PCF_GLYPH_PAD(format) != glyph) { char *padbitmaps; int sizepadbitmaps; int old, new; xCharInfo *metric; sizepadbitmaps = bitmapSizes[PCF_SIZE_TO_INDEX(glyph)]; padbitmaps = malloc(sizepadbitmaps); if (!padbitmaps) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate padbitmaps (%d)\n", sizepadbitmaps); goto Bail; } new = 0; for (i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++) { old = offsets[i]; metric = &metrics[i].metrics; offsets[i] = new; new += RepadBitmap(bitmaps + old, padbitmaps + new, PCF_GLYPH_PAD(format), glyph, metric->rightSideBearing - metric->leftSideBearing, metric->ascent + metric->descent); } free(bitmaps); bitmaps = padbitmaps; } for (i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++) metrics[i].bits = bitmaps + offsets[i]; free(offsets); offsets = NULL; /* ink metrics ? */ ink_metrics = NULL; if (pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_INK_METRICS, &format, &size)) { format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT) && !PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_COMPRESSED_METRICS)) { goto Bail; } if (PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) nink_metrics = pcfGetINT32(file, format); else nink_metrics = pcfGetINT16(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (nink_metrics != nmetrics) goto Bail; /* nmetrics already checked */ ink_metrics = malloc(nink_metrics * sizeof(xCharInfo)); if (!ink_metrics) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate ink_metrics (%d*%d)\n", nink_metrics, (int) sizeof(xCharInfo)); goto Bail; } for (i = 0; i < nink_metrics; i++) if (PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) { if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, ink_metrics + i)) goto Bail; } else { if (!pcfGetCompressedMetric(file, format, ink_metrics + i)) goto Bail; } } /* encoding */ if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ENCODINGS, &format, &size)) goto Bail; format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) goto Bail; pFont->info.firstCol = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFont->info.lastCol = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFont->info.firstRow = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFont->info.lastRow = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFont->info.defaultCh = pcfGetINT16(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (pFont->info.firstCol > pFont->info.lastCol || pFont->info.firstRow > pFont->info.lastRow || pFont->info.lastCol-pFont->info.firstCol > 255) goto Bail; nencoding = (pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1) * (pFont->info.lastRow - pFont->info.firstRow + 1); encoding = calloc(NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding), sizeof(CharInfoPtr*)); if (!encoding) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate encoding (%d*%d)\n", nencoding, (int) sizeof(CharInfoPtr)); goto Bail; } pFont->info.allExist = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < nencoding; i++) { encodingOffset = pcfGetINT16(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (encodingOffset == 0xFFFF) { pFont->info.allExist = FALSE; } else { if(!encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]) { encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]= calloc(BITMAP_FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE, sizeof(CharInfoPtr)); if(!encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]) goto Bail; } ACCESSENCODINGL(encoding, i) = metrics + encodingOffset; } } /* BDF style accelerators (i.e. bounds based on encoded glyphs) */ if (hasBDFAccelerators) if (!pcfGetAccel (&pFont->info, file, tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ACCELERATORS)) goto Bail; bitmapFont = malloc(sizeof *bitmapFont); if (!bitmapFont) { pcfError("pcfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate bitmapFont (%d)\n", (int) sizeof *bitmapFont); goto Bail; } bitmapFont->version_num = PCF_FILE_VERSION; bitmapFont->num_chars = nmetrics; bitmapFont->num_tables = ntables; bitmapFont->metrics = metrics; bitmapFont->ink_metrics = ink_metrics; bitmapFont->bitmaps = bitmaps; bitmapFont->encoding = encoding; bitmapFont->pDefault = (CharInfoPtr) 0; if (pFont->info.defaultCh != (unsigned short) NO_SUCH_CHAR) { unsigned int r, c, cols; r = pFont->info.defaultCh >> 8; c = pFont->info.defaultCh & 0xFF; if (pFont->info.firstRow <= r && r <= pFont->info.lastRow && pFont->info.firstCol <= c && c <= pFont->info.lastCol) { cols = pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1; r = r - pFont->info.firstRow; c = c - pFont->info.firstCol; bitmapFont->pDefault = ACCESSENCODING(encoding, r * cols + c); } } bitmapFont->bitmapExtra = (BitmapExtraPtr) 0; pFont->fontPrivate = (pointer) bitmapFont; pFont->get_glyphs = bitmapGetGlyphs; pFont->get_metrics = bitmapGetMetrics; pFont->unload_font = pcfUnloadFont; pFont->unload_glyphs = NULL; pFont->bit = bit; pFont->byte = byte; pFont->glyph = glyph; pFont->scan = scan; free(tables); return Successful; Bail: free(ink_metrics); if(encoding) { for(i=0; i<NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding); i++) free(encoding[i]); } free(encoding); free(bitmaps); free(metrics); free(pFont->info.props); pFont->info.nprops = 0; pFont->info.props = 0; free (pFont->info.isStringProp); free(bitmapFont); free(tables); free(offsets); return AllocError; } int pcfReadFontInfo(FontInfoPtr pFontInfo, FontFilePtr file) { PCFTablePtr tables; int ntables; CARD32 format; CARD32 size; int nencoding; Bool hasBDFAccelerators; pFontInfo->isStringProp = NULL; pFontInfo->props = NULL; pFontInfo->nprops = 0; if (!(tables = pcfReadTOC(file, &ntables))) goto Bail; /* properties */ if (!pcfGetProperties(pFontInfo, file, tables, ntables)) goto Bail; /* Use the old accelerators if no BDF accelerators are in the file */ hasBDFAccelerators = pcfHasType (tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ACCELERATORS); if (!hasBDFAccelerators) if (!pcfGetAccel (pFontInfo, file, tables, ntables, PCF_ACCELERATORS)) goto Bail; /* encoding */ if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ENCODINGS, &format, &size)) goto Bail; format = pcfGetLSB32(file); if (!PCF_FORMAT_MATCH(format, PCF_DEFAULT_FORMAT)) goto Bail; pFontInfo->firstCol = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFontInfo->lastCol = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFontInfo->firstRow = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFontInfo->lastRow = pcfGetINT16(file, format); pFontInfo->defaultCh = pcfGetINT16(file, format); if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; if (pFontInfo->firstCol > pFontInfo->lastCol || pFontInfo->firstRow > pFontInfo->lastRow || pFontInfo->lastCol-pFontInfo->firstCol > 255) goto Bail; nencoding = (pFontInfo->lastCol - pFontInfo->firstCol + 1) * (pFontInfo->lastRow - pFontInfo->firstRow + 1); pFontInfo->allExist = TRUE; while (nencoding--) { if (pcfGetINT16(file, format) == 0xFFFF) pFontInfo->allExist = FALSE; if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; } if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail; /* BDF style accelerators (i.e. bounds based on encoded glyphs) */ if (hasBDFAccelerators) if (!pcfGetAccel (pFontInfo, file, tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ACCELERATORS)) goto Bail; free(tables); return Successful; Bail: pFontInfo->nprops = 0; free (pFontInfo->props); free (pFontInfo->isStringProp); free(tables); return AllocError; } static void pcfUnloadFont(FontPtr pFont) { BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont; int i,nencoding; bitmapFont = (BitmapFontPtr) pFont->fontPrivate; free(bitmapFont->ink_metrics); if(bitmapFont->encoding) { nencoding = (pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1) * (pFont->info.lastRow - pFont->info.firstRow + 1); for(i=0; i<NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding); i++) free(bitmapFont->encoding[i]); } free(bitmapFont->encoding); free(bitmapFont->bitmaps); free(bitmapFont->metrics); free(pFont->info.isStringProp); free(pFont->info.props); free(bitmapFont); DestroyFontRec(pFont); }