/* $Xorg: ShellP.h,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:03:58 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /*********************************************************** Copyright 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* * ShellP.h - Private definitions for Shell widget * * Author: Paul Asente * Digital Equipment Corporation * Western Software Laboratory * Date: Thu Dec 3, 1987 */ #ifndef _XtShellPrivate_h #define _XtShellPrivate_h #include <X11/Shell.h> /* ***** * ***** VendorP.h is included later on; it needs fields defined in the first * ***** part of this header file * ***** */ _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN /*********************************************************************** * * Shell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the Shell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } ShellClassPart; typedef struct { XtPointer next_extension; /* 1st 4 mandated for all extension records */ XrmQuark record_type; /* NULLQUARK; on ShellClassPart */ long version; /* must be XtShellExtensionVersion */ Cardinal record_size; /* sizeof(ShellClassExtensionRec) */ XtGeometryHandler root_geometry_manager; } ShellClassExtensionRec, *ShellClassExtension; #define XtShellExtensionVersion 1L #define XtInheritRootGeometryManager ((XtGeometryHandler)_XtInherit) typedef struct _ShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; } ShellClassRec; externalref ShellClassRec shellClassRec; /* New fields for the shell widget */ typedef struct { char *geometry; XtCreatePopupChildProc create_popup_child_proc; XtGrabKind grab_kind; Boolean spring_loaded; Boolean popped_up; Boolean allow_shell_resize; Boolean client_specified; /* re-using old name */ #define _XtShellPositionValid ((Boolean)(1<<0)) #define _XtShellNotReparented ((Boolean)(1<<1)) #define _XtShellPPositionOK ((Boolean)(1<<2)) #define _XtShellGeometryParsed ((Boolean)(1<<3)) Boolean save_under; Boolean override_redirect; XtCallbackList popup_callback; XtCallbackList popdown_callback; Visual* visual; } ShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; } ShellRec, *ShellWidget; /*********************************************************************** * * OverrideShell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the OverrideShell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } OverrideShellClassPart; typedef struct _OverrideShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; OverrideShellClassPart override_shell_class; } OverrideShellClassRec; externalref OverrideShellClassRec overrideShellClassRec; /* No new fields for the override shell widget */ typedef struct {int frabjous;} OverrideShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; OverrideShellPart override; } OverrideShellRec, *OverrideShellWidget; /*********************************************************************** * * WMShell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the WMShell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } WMShellClassPart; typedef struct _WMShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; WMShellClassPart wm_shell_class; } WMShellClassRec; externalref WMShellClassRec wmShellClassRec; /* New fields for the WM shell widget */ typedef struct { char *title; int wm_timeout; Boolean wait_for_wm; Boolean transient; Boolean urgency; Widget client_leader; String window_role; struct _OldXSizeHints { /* pre-R4 Xlib structure */ long flags; int x, y; int width, height; int min_width, min_height; int max_width, max_height; int width_inc, height_inc; struct { int x; int y; } min_aspect, max_aspect; } size_hints; XWMHints wm_hints; int base_width, base_height; int win_gravity; Atom title_encoding; } WMShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; WMShellPart wm; } WMShellRec, *WMShellWidget; _XFUNCPROTOEND #include <X11/VendorP.h> _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN /*********************************************************************** * * TransientShell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the TransientShell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } TransientShellClassPart; typedef struct _TransientShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; WMShellClassPart wm_shell_class; VendorShellClassPart vendor_shell_class; TransientShellClassPart transient_shell_class; } TransientShellClassRec; externalref TransientShellClassRec transientShellClassRec; /* New fields for the transient shell widget */ typedef struct { Widget transient_for; } TransientShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; WMShellPart wm; VendorShellPart vendor; TransientShellPart transient; } TransientShellRec, *TransientShellWidget; /*********************************************************************** * * TopLevelShell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the TopLevelShell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } TopLevelShellClassPart; typedef struct _TopLevelShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; WMShellClassPart wm_shell_class; VendorShellClassPart vendor_shell_class; TopLevelShellClassPart top_level_shell_class; } TopLevelShellClassRec; externalref TopLevelShellClassRec topLevelShellClassRec; /* New fields for the top level shell widget */ typedef struct { char *icon_name; Boolean iconic; Atom icon_name_encoding; } TopLevelShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; WMShellPart wm; VendorShellPart vendor; TopLevelShellPart topLevel; } TopLevelShellRec, *TopLevelShellWidget; /*********************************************************************** * * ApplicationShell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the ApplicationShell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } ApplicationShellClassPart; typedef struct _ApplicationShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; WMShellClassPart wm_shell_class; VendorShellClassPart vendor_shell_class; TopLevelShellClassPart top_level_shell_class; ApplicationShellClassPart application_shell_class; } ApplicationShellClassRec; externalref ApplicationShellClassRec applicationShellClassRec; /* New fields for the application shell widget */ typedef struct { #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) char *c_class; #else char *class; #endif XrmClass xrm_class; int argc; char **argv; } ApplicationShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; WMShellPart wm; VendorShellPart vendor; TopLevelShellPart topLevel; ApplicationShellPart application; } ApplicationShellRec, *ApplicationShellWidget; /*********************************************************************** * * SessionShell Widget Private Data * ***********************************************************************/ /* New fields for the SessionShell widget class record */ typedef struct { XtPointer extension; /* pointer to extension record */ } SessionShellClassPart; typedef struct _SessionShellClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ShellClassPart shell_class; WMShellClassPart wm_shell_class; VendorShellClassPart vendor_shell_class; TopLevelShellClassPart top_level_shell_class; ApplicationShellClassPart application_shell_class; SessionShellClassPart session_shell_class; } SessionShellClassRec; externalref SessionShellClassRec sessionShellClassRec; typedef struct _XtSaveYourselfRec *XtSaveYourself; /* implementation-private */ /* New fields for the session shell widget */ typedef struct { SmcConn connection; String session_id; String* restart_command; String* clone_command; String* discard_command; String* resign_command; String* shutdown_command; String* environment; String current_dir; String program_path; unsigned char restart_style; unsigned char checkpoint_state; Boolean join_session; XtCallbackList save_callbacks; XtCallbackList interact_callbacks; XtCallbackList cancel_callbacks; XtCallbackList save_complete_callbacks; XtCallbackList die_callbacks; XtCallbackList error_callbacks; XtSaveYourself save; XtInputId input_id; XtPointer ses20; XtPointer ses19; XtPointer ses18; XtPointer ses17; XtPointer ses16; XtPointer ses15; XtPointer ses14; XtPointer ses13; XtPointer ses12; XtPointer ses11; XtPointer ses10; XtPointer ses9; XtPointer ses8; XtPointer ses7; XtPointer ses6; XtPointer ses5; XtPointer ses4; XtPointer ses3; XtPointer ses2; XtPointer ses1; } SessionShellPart; typedef struct { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ShellPart shell; WMShellPart wm; VendorShellPart vendor; TopLevelShellPart topLevel; ApplicationShellPart application; SessionShellPart session; } SessionShellRec, *SessionShellWidget; _XFUNCPROTOEND #endif /* _XtShellPrivate_h */