/* $Xorg: Display.c,v 1.6 2001/02/09 02:03:54 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /*********************************************************** Copyright 1993 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xt/Display.c,v 3.15 2002/09/18 01:25:01 dawes Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1987, 1988, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "IntrinsicI.h" #ifndef X_NO_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT #include "ResConfigP.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef XTHREADS void (*_XtProcessLock)(void) = NULL; void (*_XtProcessUnlock)(void) = NULL; void (*_XtInitAppLock)(XtAppContext) = NULL; #endif static String XtNnoPerDisplay = "noPerDisplay"; ProcessContext _XtGetProcessContext(void) { static ProcessContextRec processContextRec = { (XtAppContext)NULL, (XtAppContext)NULL, (ConverterTable)NULL, {(XtLanguageProc)NULL, (XtPointer)NULL} }; return &processContextRec; } XtAppContext _XtDefaultAppContext(void) { ProcessContext process = _XtGetProcessContext(); XtAppContext app; LOCK_PROCESS; if (process->defaultAppContext == NULL) { process->defaultAppContext = XtCreateApplicationContext(); } app = process->defaultAppContext; UNLOCK_PROCESS; return app; } static void AddToAppContext( Display *d, XtAppContext app) { #define DISPLAYS_TO_ADD 4 if (app->count >= app->max) { app->max += DISPLAYS_TO_ADD; app->list = (Display **) XtRealloc((char *)app->list, (unsigned) app->max * sizeof(Display *)); } app->list[app->count++] = d; app->rebuild_fdlist = TRUE; #ifndef USE_POLL if (ConnectionNumber(d) + 1 > app->fds.nfds) { app->fds.nfds = ConnectionNumber(d) + 1; } #else app->fds.nfds++; #endif #undef DISPLAYS_TO_ADD } static void XtDeleteFromAppContext( Display *d, register XtAppContext app) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < app->count; i++) if (app->list[i] == d) break; if (i < app->count) { if (i <= app->last && app->last > 0) app->last--; for (i++; i < app->count; i++) app->list[i-1] = app->list[i]; app->count--; } app->rebuild_fdlist = TRUE; #ifndef USE_POLL if ((ConnectionNumber(d) + 1) == app->fds.nfds) app->fds.nfds--; else /* Unnecessary, just to be fool-proof */ FD_CLR(ConnectionNumber(d), &app->fds.rmask); #else app->fds.nfds--; #endif } static XtPerDisplay NewPerDisplay( Display *dpy) { PerDisplayTablePtr pd; pd = XtNew(PerDisplayTable); LOCK_PROCESS; pd->dpy = dpy; pd->next = _XtperDisplayList; _XtperDisplayList = pd; UNLOCK_PROCESS; return &(pd->perDpy); } static XtPerDisplay InitPerDisplay( Display *dpy, XtAppContext app, _Xconst char * name, _Xconst char * classname) { XtPerDisplay pd; AddToAppContext(dpy, app); pd = NewPerDisplay(dpy); _XtHeapInit(&pd->heap); pd->destroy_callbacks = NULL; pd->region = XCreateRegion(); pd->case_cvt = NULL; pd->defaultKeycodeTranslator = XtTranslateKey; pd->keysyms_serial = 0; pd->keysyms = NULL; XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &pd->min_keycode, &pd->max_keycode); pd->modKeysyms = NULL; pd->modsToKeysyms = NULL; pd->appContext = app; pd->name = XrmStringToName(name); pd->class = XrmStringToClass(classname); pd->being_destroyed = False; pd->GClist = NULL; pd->pixmap_tab = NULL; pd->language = NULL; pd->rv = False; pd->last_event.xany.serial = 0; pd->last_timestamp = 0; _XtAllocTMContext(pd); pd->mapping_callbacks = NULL; pd->pdi.grabList = NULL; pd->pdi.trace = NULL; pd->pdi.traceDepth = 0; pd->pdi.traceMax = 0; pd->pdi.focusWidget = NULL; pd->pdi.activatingKey = 0; pd->pdi.keyboard.grabType = XtNoServerGrab; pd->pdi.pointer.grabType = XtNoServerGrab; _XtAllocWWTable(pd); pd->per_screen_db = (XrmDatabase *)__XtCalloc(ScreenCount(dpy), sizeof(XrmDatabase)); pd->cmd_db = (XrmDatabase)NULL; pd->server_db = (XrmDatabase)NULL; pd->dispatcher_list = NULL; pd->ext_select_list = NULL; pd->ext_select_count = 0; pd->hook_object = NULL; #if 0 pd->hook_object = _XtCreate("hooks", "Hooks", hookObjectClass, (Widget)NULL, (Screen*)DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy), (ArgList)NULL, 0, (XtTypedArgList)NULL, 0, (ConstraintWidgetClass)NULL); #endif #ifndef X_NO_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT pd->rcm_init = XInternAtom (dpy, RCM_INIT, 0); pd->rcm_data = XInternAtom (dpy, RCM_DATA, 0); #endif return pd; } Display *XtOpenDisplay( XtAppContext app, _Xconst char* displayName, _Xconst char* applName, _Xconst char* className, XrmOptionDescRec *urlist, Cardinal num_urs, int *argc, String *argv) { Display *d; XrmDatabase db = NULL; XtPerDisplay pd; String language = NULL; LOCK_APP(app); LOCK_PROCESS; /* parse the command line for name, display, and/or language */ db = _XtPreparseCommandLine(urlist, num_urs, *argc, argv, (String *)&applName, (String *)(displayName ? NULL : &displayName), (app->process->globalLangProcRec.proc ? &language : NULL)); UNLOCK_PROCESS; d = XOpenDisplay(displayName); if (! applName && !(applName = getenv("RESOURCE_NAME"))) { if (*argc > 0 && argv[0] && *argv[0]) { #ifdef WIN32 char *ptr = strrchr(argv[0], '\\'); #else char *ptr = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); #endif #ifdef __UNIXOS2__ char *dot_ptr,*ptr2; ptr2 = strrchr(argv[0],'\\'); if (ptr2 > ptr) ptr = ptr2; dot_ptr = strrchr(argv[0],'.'); if (dot_ptr && (dot_ptr > ptr)) *dot_ptr='\0'; #endif /* This will remove the .exe suffix under OS/2 */ if (ptr) applName = ++ptr; else applName = argv[0]; } else applName = "main"; } if (d) { pd = InitPerDisplay(d, app, applName, className); pd->language = language; _XtDisplayInitialize(d, pd, applName, urlist, num_urs, argc, argv); } else { int len; displayName = XDisplayName(displayName); len = strlen (displayName); app->display_name_tried = (String) __XtMalloc (len + 1); strncpy ((char*) app->display_name_tried, displayName, len + 1); app->display_name_tried[len] = '\0'; } if (db) XrmDestroyDatabase(db); UNLOCK_APP(app); return d; } Display * _XtAppInit( XtAppContext * app_context_return, String application_class, XrmOptionDescRec *options, Cardinal num_options, int *argc_in_out, String **argv_in_out, String * fallback_resources) { String *saved_argv; int i; Display *dpy; /* * Save away argv and argc so we can set the properties later */ saved_argv = (String *) __XtMalloc( (Cardinal)((*argc_in_out + 1) * sizeof(String)) ); for (i = 0 ; i < *argc_in_out ; i++) saved_argv[i] = (*argv_in_out)[i]; saved_argv[i] = NULL; /* NULL terminate that sucker. */ *app_context_return = XtCreateApplicationContext(); LOCK_APP((*app_context_return)); if (fallback_resources) /* save a procedure call */ XtAppSetFallbackResources(*app_context_return, fallback_resources); dpy = XtOpenDisplay(*app_context_return, (String) NULL, NULL, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, *argv_in_out); if (!dpy) { String param = (*app_context_return)->display_name_tried; Cardinal param_count = 1; XtErrorMsg("invalidDisplay","xtInitialize",XtCXtToolkitError, "Can't open display: %s", ¶m, ¶m_count); XtFree((char *) (*app_context_return)->display_name_tried); } *argv_in_out = saved_argv; UNLOCK_APP((*app_context_return)); return dpy; } void XtDisplayInitialize( XtAppContext app, Display *dpy, _Xconst char* name, _Xconst char* classname, XrmOptionDescRec *urlist, Cardinal num_urs, int *argc, String *argv ) { XtPerDisplay pd; XrmDatabase db = NULL; LOCK_APP(app); pd = InitPerDisplay(dpy, app, name, classname); LOCK_PROCESS; if (app->process->globalLangProcRec.proc) /* pre-parse the command line for the language resource */ db = _XtPreparseCommandLine(urlist, num_urs, *argc, argv, NULL, NULL, &pd->language); UNLOCK_PROCESS; _XtDisplayInitialize(dpy, pd, name, urlist, num_urs, argc, argv); if (db) XrmDestroyDatabase(db); UNLOCK_APP(app); } XtAppContext XtCreateApplicationContext(void) { XtAppContext app = XtNew(XtAppStruct); #ifdef XTHREADS app->lock_info = NULL; app->lock = NULL; app->unlock = NULL; app->yield_lock = NULL; app->restore_lock = NULL; app->free_lock = NULL; #endif INIT_APP_LOCK(app); LOCK_APP(app); LOCK_PROCESS; app->process = _XtGetProcessContext(); app->next = app->process->appContextList; app->process->appContextList = app; app->langProcRec.proc = app->process->globalLangProcRec.proc; app->langProcRec.closure = app->process->globalLangProcRec.closure; app->destroy_callbacks = NULL; app->list = NULL; app->count = app->max = app->last = 0; app->timerQueue = NULL; app->workQueue = NULL; app->signalQueue = NULL; app->input_list = NULL; app->outstandingQueue = NULL; app->errorDB = NULL; _XtSetDefaultErrorHandlers(&app->errorMsgHandler, &app->warningMsgHandler, &app->errorHandler, &app->warningHandler); app->action_table = NULL; _XtSetDefaultSelectionTimeout(&app->selectionTimeout); _XtSetDefaultConverterTable(&app->converterTable); app->sync = app->being_destroyed = app->error_inited = FALSE; app->in_phase2_destroy = NULL; #ifndef USE_POLL FD_ZERO(&app->fds.rmask); FD_ZERO(&app->fds.wmask); FD_ZERO(&app->fds.emask); #endif app->fds.nfds = 0; app->input_count = app->input_max = 0; _XtHeapInit(&app->heap); app->fallback_resources = NULL; _XtPopupInitialize(app); app->action_hook_list = NULL; app->block_hook_list = NULL; app->destroy_list_size = app->destroy_count = app->dispatch_level = 0; app->destroy_list = NULL; #ifndef NO_IDENTIFY_WINDOWS app->identify_windows = False; #endif app->free_bindings = NULL; app->display_name_tried = NULL; app->dpy_destroy_count = 0; app->dpy_destroy_list = NULL; app->exit_flag = FALSE; app->rebuild_fdlist = TRUE; UNLOCK_PROCESS; UNLOCK_APP(app); return app; } void XtAppSetExitFlag ( XtAppContext app) { LOCK_APP(app); app->exit_flag = TRUE; UNLOCK_APP(app); } Boolean XtAppGetExitFlag ( XtAppContext app) { Boolean retval; LOCK_APP(app); retval = app->exit_flag; UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } static void DestroyAppContext(XtAppContext app) { XtAppContext* prev_app; prev_app = &app->process->appContextList; while (app->count-- > 0) XtCloseDisplay(app->list[app->count]); if (app->list != NULL) XtFree((char *)app->list); _XtFreeConverterTable(app->converterTable); _XtCacheFlushTag(app, (XtPointer)&app->heap); _XtFreeActions(app->action_table); if (app->destroy_callbacks != NULL) { XtCallCallbackList((Widget) NULL, (XtCallbackList)app->destroy_callbacks, (XtPointer)app); _XtRemoveAllCallbacks(&app->destroy_callbacks); } while (app->timerQueue) XtRemoveTimeOut((XtIntervalId)app->timerQueue); while (app->workQueue) XtRemoveWorkProc((XtWorkProcId)app->workQueue); while (app->signalQueue) XtRemoveSignal((XtSignalId)app->signalQueue); if (app->input_list) _XtRemoveAllInputs(app); XtFree((char*)app->destroy_list); _XtHeapFree(&app->heap); while (*prev_app != app) prev_app = &(*prev_app)->next; *prev_app = app->next; if (app->process->defaultAppContext == app) app->process->defaultAppContext = NULL; if (app->free_bindings) _XtDoFreeBindings (app); FREE_APP_LOCK(app); XtFree((char *)app); } static XtAppContext* appDestroyList = NULL; int _XtAppDestroyCount = 0; void XtDestroyApplicationContext(XtAppContext app) { LOCK_APP(app); if (app->being_destroyed) { UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } if (_XtSafeToDestroy(app)) { LOCK_PROCESS; DestroyAppContext(app); UNLOCK_PROCESS; } else { app->being_destroyed = TRUE; LOCK_PROCESS; _XtAppDestroyCount++; appDestroyList = (XtAppContext *) XtRealloc((char *) appDestroyList, (unsigned) (_XtAppDestroyCount * sizeof(XtAppContext))); appDestroyList[_XtAppDestroyCount-1] = app; UNLOCK_PROCESS; UNLOCK_APP(app); } } void _XtDestroyAppContexts(void) { int i,ii; XtAppContext apps[8]; XtAppContext* pApps; pApps = XtStackAlloc (sizeof (XtAppContext) * _XtAppDestroyCount, apps); for (i = ii = 0; i < _XtAppDestroyCount; i++) { if (_XtSafeToDestroy(appDestroyList[i])) DestroyAppContext(appDestroyList[i]); else pApps[ii++] = appDestroyList[i]; } _XtAppDestroyCount = ii; if (_XtAppDestroyCount == 0) { XtFree((char *) appDestroyList); appDestroyList = NULL; } else { for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) appDestroyList[i] = pApps[i]; } XtStackFree ((XtPointer) pApps, apps); } XrmDatabase XtDatabase(Display *dpy) { XrmDatabase retval; DPY_TO_APPCON(dpy); LOCK_APP(app); retval = XrmGetDatabase(dpy); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } PerDisplayTablePtr _XtperDisplayList = NULL; XtPerDisplay _XtSortPerDisplayList(Display *dpy) { register PerDisplayTablePtr pd, opd = NULL; LOCK_PROCESS; for (pd = _XtperDisplayList; pd != NULL && pd->dpy != dpy; pd = pd->next) { opd = pd; } if (pd == NULL) { XtErrorMsg(XtNnoPerDisplay, "getPerDisplay", XtCXtToolkitError, "Couldn't find per display information", (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); } if (pd != _XtperDisplayList) { /* move it to the front */ /* opd points to the previous one... */ opd->next = pd->next; pd->next = _XtperDisplayList; _XtperDisplayList = pd; } UNLOCK_PROCESS; return &(pd->perDpy); } XtAppContext XtDisplayToApplicationContext(Display *dpy) { XtAppContext retval; retval = _XtGetPerDisplay(dpy)->appContext; return retval; } static void CloseDisplay(Display *dpy) { register XtPerDisplay xtpd; register PerDisplayTablePtr pd, opd = NULL; XrmDatabase db; int i; XtDestroyWidget(XtHooksOfDisplay(dpy)); LOCK_PROCESS; for (pd = _XtperDisplayList; pd != NULL && pd->dpy != dpy; pd = pd->next){ opd = pd; } if (pd == NULL) { XtErrorMsg(XtNnoPerDisplay, "closeDisplay", XtCXtToolkitError, "Couldn't find per display information", (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); } if (pd == _XtperDisplayList) _XtperDisplayList = pd->next; else opd->next = pd->next; xtpd = &(pd->perDpy); if (xtpd != NULL) { if (xtpd->destroy_callbacks != NULL) { XtCallCallbackList((Widget) NULL, (XtCallbackList)xtpd->destroy_callbacks, (XtPointer)xtpd); _XtRemoveAllCallbacks(&xtpd->destroy_callbacks); } if (xtpd->mapping_callbacks != NULL) _XtRemoveAllCallbacks(&xtpd->mapping_callbacks); XtDeleteFromAppContext(dpy, xtpd->appContext); if (xtpd->keysyms) XFree((char *) xtpd->keysyms); XtFree((char *) xtpd->modKeysyms); XtFree((char *) xtpd->modsToKeysyms); xtpd->keysyms_per_keycode = 0; xtpd->being_destroyed = FALSE; xtpd->keysyms = NULL; xtpd->modKeysyms = NULL; xtpd->modsToKeysyms = NULL; XDestroyRegion(xtpd->region); _XtCacheFlushTag(xtpd->appContext, (XtPointer)&xtpd->heap); _XtGClistFree(dpy, xtpd); XtFree((char*)xtpd->pdi.trace); _XtHeapFree(&xtpd->heap); _XtFreeWWTable(xtpd); xtpd->per_screen_db[DefaultScreen(dpy)] = (XrmDatabase)NULL; for (i = ScreenCount(dpy); --i >= 0; ) { db = xtpd->per_screen_db[i]; if (db) XrmDestroyDatabase(db); } XtFree((char *)xtpd->per_screen_db); if ((db = XrmGetDatabase(dpy))) XrmDestroyDatabase(db); if (xtpd->cmd_db) XrmDestroyDatabase(xtpd->cmd_db); if (xtpd->server_db) XrmDestroyDatabase(xtpd->server_db); XtFree(xtpd->language); if (xtpd->dispatcher_list != NULL) XtFree((char *) xtpd->dispatcher_list); if (xtpd->ext_select_list != NULL) XtFree((char *) xtpd->ext_select_list); } XtFree((char*)pd); XrmSetDatabase(dpy, (XrmDatabase)NULL); XCloseDisplay(dpy); UNLOCK_PROCESS; } void XtCloseDisplay(Display *dpy) { XtPerDisplay pd; XtAppContext app = XtDisplayToApplicationContext(dpy); LOCK_APP(app); pd = _XtGetPerDisplay(dpy); if (pd->being_destroyed) { UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } if (_XtSafeToDestroy(app)) CloseDisplay(dpy); else { pd->being_destroyed = TRUE; app->dpy_destroy_count++; app->dpy_destroy_list = (Display **) XtRealloc((char *) app->dpy_destroy_list, (unsigned) (app->dpy_destroy_count * sizeof(Display *))); app->dpy_destroy_list[app->dpy_destroy_count-1] = dpy; } UNLOCK_APP(app); } void _XtCloseDisplays(XtAppContext app) { int i; LOCK_APP(app); for (i = 0; i < app->dpy_destroy_count; i++) { CloseDisplay(app->dpy_destroy_list[i]); } app->dpy_destroy_count = 0; XtFree((char *) app->dpy_destroy_list); app->dpy_destroy_list = NULL; UNLOCK_APP(app); } XtAppContext XtWidgetToApplicationContext(Widget w) { XtAppContext retval; retval = _XtGetPerDisplay(XtDisplayOfObject(w))->appContext; return retval; } void XtGetApplicationNameAndClass( Display *dpy, String *name_return, String *class_return) { XtPerDisplay pd; pd = _XtGetPerDisplay(dpy); *name_return = XrmQuarkToString(pd->name); *class_return = XrmQuarkToString(pd->class); } XtPerDisplay _XtGetPerDisplay (Display* display) { XtPerDisplay retval; LOCK_PROCESS; retval = ((_XtperDisplayList != NULL && _XtperDisplayList->dpy == display) ? &_XtperDisplayList->perDpy : _XtSortPerDisplayList(display)); UNLOCK_PROCESS; return retval; } XtPerDisplayInputRec* _XtGetPerDisplayInput(Display* display) { XtPerDisplayInputRec* retval; LOCK_PROCESS; retval = ((_XtperDisplayList != NULL && _XtperDisplayList->dpy == display) ? &_XtperDisplayList->perDpy.pdi : &_XtSortPerDisplayList(display)->pdi); UNLOCK_PROCESS; return retval; } void XtGetDisplays( XtAppContext app_context, Display*** dpy_return, Cardinal* num_dpy_return) { int ii; LOCK_APP(app_context); *num_dpy_return = app_context->count; *dpy_return = (Display**)__XtMalloc(app_context->count * sizeof(Display*)); for (ii = 0; ii < app_context->count; ii++) (*dpy_return)[ii] = app_context->list[ii]; UNLOCK_APP(app_context); }