/*********************************************************** Copyright (c) 1993, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* Copyright 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "IntrinsicI.h" #include "StringDefs.h" #include "SelectionI.h" #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <stdio.h> void _XtSetDefaultSelectionTimeout( unsigned long *timeout) { *timeout = 5000; /* default to 5 seconds */ } void XtSetSelectionTimeout( unsigned long timeout) { XtAppSetSelectionTimeout(_XtDefaultAppContext(), timeout); } void XtAppSetSelectionTimeout( XtAppContext app, unsigned long timeout) { LOCK_APP(app); app->selectionTimeout = timeout; UNLOCK_APP(app); } unsigned long XtGetSelectionTimeout(void) { return XtAppGetSelectionTimeout(_XtDefaultAppContext()); } unsigned long XtAppGetSelectionTimeout( XtAppContext app) { unsigned long retval; LOCK_APP(app); retval = app->selectionTimeout; UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } /* General utilities */ static void HandleSelectionReplies(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *); static void ReqTimedOut(XtPointer, XtIntervalId *); static void HandlePropertyGone(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *); static void HandleGetIncrement(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *); static void HandleIncremental(Display *, Widget, Atom, CallBackInfo, unsigned long); static XContext selectPropertyContext = 0; static XContext paramPropertyContext = 0; static XContext multipleContext = 0; /* Multiple utilities */ static void AddSelectionRequests(Widget, Atom, int, Atom *, XtSelectionCallbackProc *, int, XtPointer *, Boolean *, Atom *); static Boolean IsGatheringRequest(Widget, Atom); #define PREALLOCED 32 /* Parameter utilities */ static void AddParamInfo(Widget, Atom, Atom); static void RemoveParamInfo(Widget, Atom); static Atom GetParamInfo(Widget, Atom); static int StorageSize[3] = {1, sizeof(short), sizeof(long)}; #define BYTELENGTH(length, format) ((length) * StorageSize[(format)>>4]) #define NUMELEM(bytelength, format) ((bytelength) / StorageSize[(format)>>4]) /* Xlib and Xt are permitted to have different memory allocators, and in the * XtSelectionCallbackProc the client is instructed to free the selection * value with XtFree, so the selection value received from XGetWindowProperty * should be copied to memory allocated through Xt. But copying is * undesirable since the selection value may be large, and, under normal * library configuration copying is unnecessary. */ #ifdef XTTRACEMEMORY #define XT_COPY_SELECTION 1 #endif /*ARGSUSED*/ static void FreePropList( Widget w, /* unused */ XtPointer closure, XtPointer callData) /* unused */ { PropList sarray = (PropList)closure; LOCK_PROCESS; XDeleteContext(sarray->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(sarray->dpy), selectPropertyContext); UNLOCK_PROCESS; XtFree((char*)sarray->list); XtFree((char*)closure); } static PropList GetPropList( Display *dpy) { PropList sarray; Atom atoms[4]; static char* names[] = { "INCR", "MULTIPLE", "TIMESTAMP", "_XT_SELECTION_0" }; LOCK_PROCESS; if (selectPropertyContext == 0) selectPropertyContext = XUniqueContext(); if (XFindContext(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), selectPropertyContext, (XPointer *)&sarray)) { XtPerDisplay pd = _XtGetPerDisplay(dpy); sarray = (PropList) __XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(PropListRec)); sarray->dpy = dpy; XInternAtoms(dpy, names, 4, FALSE, atoms); sarray->incr_atom = atoms[0]; sarray->indirect_atom = atoms[1]; sarray->timestamp_atom = atoms[2]; sarray->propCount = 1; sarray->list = (SelectionProp)__XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(SelectionPropRec)); sarray->list[0].prop = atoms[3]; sarray->list[0].avail = TRUE; (void) XSaveContext(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), selectPropertyContext, (char *) sarray); _XtAddCallback( &pd->destroy_callbacks, FreePropList, (XtPointer)sarray ); } UNLOCK_PROCESS; return sarray; } static Atom GetSelectionProperty( Display *dpy) { SelectionProp p; int propCount; char propname[80]; PropList sarray = GetPropList(dpy); for (p = sarray->list, propCount=sarray->propCount; propCount; p++, propCount--) { if (p->avail) { p->avail = FALSE; return(p->prop); } } propCount = sarray->propCount++; sarray->list = (SelectionProp) XtRealloc((XtPointer)sarray->list, (unsigned)(sarray->propCount*sizeof(SelectionPropRec))); (void) snprintf(propname, sizeof(propname), "_XT_SELECTION_%d", propCount); sarray->list[propCount].prop = XInternAtom(dpy, propname, FALSE); sarray->list[propCount].avail = FALSE; return(sarray->list[propCount].prop); } static void FreeSelectionProperty( Display *dpy, Atom prop) { SelectionProp p; int propCount; PropList sarray; if (prop == None) return; LOCK_PROCESS; if (XFindContext(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), selectPropertyContext, (XPointer *)&sarray)) XtAppErrorMsg(XtDisplayToApplicationContext(dpy), "noSelectionProperties", "freeSelectionProperty", XtCXtToolkitError, "internal error: no selection property context for display", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL ); UNLOCK_PROCESS; for (p = sarray->list, propCount=sarray->propCount; propCount; p++, propCount--) if (p->prop == prop) { p->avail = TRUE; return; } } static void FreeInfo( CallBackInfo info) { XtFree((char*)info->incremental); XtFree((char*)info->callbacks); XtFree((char*)info->req_closure); XtFree((char*)info->target); XtFree((char*)info); } static CallBackInfo MakeInfo( Select ctx, XtSelectionCallbackProc *callbacks, XtPointer *closures, int count, Widget widget, Time time, Boolean *incremental, Atom *properties) { CallBackInfo info = XtNew(CallBackInfoRec); info->ctx = ctx; info->callbacks = (XtSelectionCallbackProc *) __XtMalloc((unsigned) (count * sizeof(XtSelectionCallbackProc))); (void) memmove((char*)info->callbacks, (char*)callbacks, count * sizeof(XtSelectionCallbackProc)); info->req_closure = (XtPointer*)__XtMalloc((unsigned) (count * sizeof(XtPointer))); (void) memmove((char*)info->req_closure, (char*)closures, count * sizeof(XtPointer)); if (count == 1 && properties != NULL && properties[0] != None) info->property = properties[0]; else { info->property = GetSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget)); XDeleteProperty(XtDisplay(widget), XtWindow(widget), info->property); } info->proc = HandleSelectionReplies; info->widget = widget; info->time = time; info->incremental = (Boolean*) __XtMalloc(count * sizeof(Boolean)); (void) memmove((char*)info->incremental, (char*) incremental, count * sizeof(Boolean)); info->current = 0; info->value = NULL; return (info); } static void RequestSelectionValue( CallBackInfo info, Atom selection, Atom target) { #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(info->widget); info->timeout = XtAppAddTimeOut(app, app->selectionTimeout, ReqTimedOut, (XtPointer)info); #endif XtAddEventHandler(info->widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, HandleSelectionReplies, (XtPointer)info); XConvertSelection(info->ctx->dpy, selection, target, info->property, XtWindow(info->widget), info->time); } static XContext selectContext = 0; static Select NewContext( Display *dpy, Atom selection) { /* assert(selectContext != 0) */ Select ctx = XtNew(SelectRec); ctx->dpy = dpy; ctx->selection = selection; ctx->widget = NULL; ctx->prop_list = GetPropList(dpy); ctx->ref_count = 0; ctx->free_when_done = FALSE; ctx->was_disowned = FALSE; LOCK_PROCESS; (void)XSaveContext(dpy, (Window)selection, selectContext, (char *)ctx); UNLOCK_PROCESS; return ctx; } static Select FindCtx( Display *dpy, Atom selection) { Select ctx; LOCK_PROCESS; if (selectContext == 0) selectContext = XUniqueContext(); if (XFindContext(dpy, (Window)selection, selectContext, (XPointer *)&ctx)) ctx = NewContext(dpy, selection); UNLOCK_PROCESS; return ctx; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void WidgetDestroyed( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer data) { Select ctx = (Select) closure; if (ctx->widget == widget) { if (ctx->free_when_done) XtFree((char*)ctx); else ctx->widget = NULL; } } /* Selection Owner code */ static void HandleSelectionEvents(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *); static Boolean LoseSelection( Select ctx, Widget widget, Atom selection, Time time) { if ((ctx->widget == widget) && (ctx->selection == selection) && /* paranoia */ !ctx->was_disowned && ((time == CurrentTime) || (time >= ctx->time))) { XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, HandleSelectionEvents, (XtPointer)ctx); XtRemoveCallback(widget, XtNdestroyCallback, WidgetDestroyed, (XtPointer)ctx); ctx->was_disowned = TRUE; /* widget officially loses ownership */ /* now inform widget */ if (ctx->loses) { if (ctx->incremental) (*(XtLoseSelectionIncrProc)ctx->loses) (widget, &ctx->selection, ctx->owner_closure); else (*ctx->loses)(widget, &ctx->selection); } return(TRUE); } else return(FALSE); } static XContext selectWindowContext = 0; /* %%% Xlib.h should make this public! */ typedef int (*xErrorHandler)(Display*, XErrorEvent*); static xErrorHandler oldErrorHandler = NULL; static unsigned long firstProtectRequest; static Window errorWindow; static int LocalErrorHandler ( Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error) { int retval; /* If BadWindow error on selection requestor, nothing to do but let * the transfer timeout. Otherwise, invoke saved error handler. */ LOCK_PROCESS; if (error->error_code == BadWindow && error->resourceid == errorWindow && error->serial >= firstProtectRequest) { UNLOCK_PROCESS; return 0; } if (oldErrorHandler == NULL) { UNLOCK_PROCESS; return 0; /* should never happen */ } retval = (*oldErrorHandler)(dpy, error); UNLOCK_PROCESS; return retval; } static void StartProtectedSection( Display *dpy, Window window) { /* protect ourselves against request window being destroyed * before completion of transfer */ LOCK_PROCESS; oldErrorHandler = XSetErrorHandler(LocalErrorHandler); firstProtectRequest = NextRequest(dpy); errorWindow = window; UNLOCK_PROCESS; } static void EndProtectedSection( Display *dpy) { /* flush any generated errors on requestor and * restore original error handler */ XSync(dpy, False); LOCK_PROCESS; XSetErrorHandler(oldErrorHandler); oldErrorHandler = NULL; UNLOCK_PROCESS; } static void AddHandler( Request req, EventMask mask, XtEventHandler proc, XtPointer closure) { Display *dpy = req->ctx->dpy; Window window = req->requestor; Widget widget = XtWindowToWidget(dpy, window); if (widget != NULL) req->widget = widget; else widget = req->widget; if (XtWindow(widget) == window) XtAddEventHandler(widget, mask, False, proc, closure); else { RequestWindowRec *requestWindowRec; LOCK_PROCESS; if (selectWindowContext == 0) selectWindowContext = XUniqueContext(); if (XFindContext(dpy, window, selectWindowContext, (XPointer *)&requestWindowRec)) { requestWindowRec = XtNew(RequestWindowRec); requestWindowRec->active_transfer_count = 0; (void)XSaveContext(dpy, window, selectWindowContext, (char *)requestWindowRec); } UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (requestWindowRec->active_transfer_count++ == 0) { XtRegisterDrawable(dpy, window, widget); XSelectInput(dpy, window, mask); } XtAddRawEventHandler(widget, mask, FALSE, proc, closure); } } static void RemoveHandler( Request req, EventMask mask, XtEventHandler proc, XtPointer closure) { Display *dpy = req->ctx->dpy; Window window = req->requestor; Widget widget = req->widget; if ((XtWindowToWidget(dpy, window) == widget) && (XtWindow(widget) != window)) { /* we had to hang this window onto our widget; take it off */ RequestWindowRec* requestWindowRec; XtRemoveRawEventHandler(widget, mask, TRUE, proc, closure); LOCK_PROCESS; (void)XFindContext(dpy, window, selectWindowContext, (XPointer *)&requestWindowRec); UNLOCK_PROCESS; if (--requestWindowRec->active_transfer_count == 0) { XtUnregisterDrawable(dpy, window); StartProtectedSection(dpy, window); XSelectInput(dpy, window, 0L); EndProtectedSection(dpy); LOCK_PROCESS; (void)XDeleteContext(dpy, window, selectWindowContext); UNLOCK_PROCESS; XtFree((char*)requestWindowRec); } } else { XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, mask, TRUE, proc, closure); } } /* ARGSUSED */ static void OwnerTimedOut( XtPointer closure, XtIntervalId *id) { Request req = (Request)closure; Select ctx = req->ctx; if (ctx->incremental && (ctx->owner_cancel != NULL)) { (*ctx->owner_cancel)(ctx->widget, &ctx->selection, &req->target, (XtRequestId*)&req, ctx->owner_closure); } else { if (ctx->notify == NULL) XtFree((char*)req->value); else { /* the requestor hasn't deleted the property, but * the owner needs to free the value. */ if (ctx->incremental) (*(XtSelectionDoneIncrProc)ctx->notify) (ctx->widget, &ctx->selection, &req->target, (XtRequestId*)&req, ctx->owner_closure); else (*ctx->notify)(ctx->widget, &ctx->selection, &req->target); } } RemoveHandler(req, (EventMask)PropertyChangeMask, HandlePropertyGone, closure); XtFree((char*)req); if (--ctx->ref_count == 0 && ctx->free_when_done) XtFree((char*)ctx); } static void SendIncrement( Request incr) { Display *dpy = incr->ctx->dpy; unsigned long incrSize = MAX_SELECTION_INCR(dpy); if (incrSize > incr->bytelength - incr->offset) incrSize = incr->bytelength - incr->offset; StartProtectedSection(dpy, incr->requestor); XChangeProperty(dpy, incr->requestor, incr->property, incr->type, incr->format, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)incr->value + incr->offset, NUMELEM((int)incrSize, incr->format)); EndProtectedSection(dpy); incr->offset += incrSize; } static void AllSent( Request req) { Select ctx = req->ctx; StartProtectedSection(ctx->dpy, req->requestor); XChangeProperty(ctx->dpy, req->requestor, req->property, req->type, req->format, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) NULL, 0); EndProtectedSection(ctx->dpy); req->allSent = TRUE; if (ctx->notify == NULL) XtFree((char*)req->value); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void HandlePropertyGone( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XEvent *ev, Boolean *cont) { XPropertyEvent *event = (XPropertyEvent *) ev; Request req = (Request)closure; Select ctx = req->ctx; if ((event->type != PropertyNotify) || (event->state != PropertyDelete) || (event->atom != req->property) || (event->window != req->requestor)) return; #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS XtRemoveTimeOut(req->timeout); #endif if (req->allSent) { if (ctx->notify) { if (ctx->incremental) { (*(XtSelectionDoneIncrProc)ctx->notify) (ctx->widget, &ctx->selection, &req->target, (XtRequestId*)&req, ctx->owner_closure); } else (*ctx->notify)(ctx->widget, &ctx->selection, &req->target); } RemoveHandler(req, (EventMask)PropertyChangeMask, HandlePropertyGone, closure); XtFree((char*)req); if (--ctx->ref_count == 0 && ctx->free_when_done) XtFree((char*)ctx); } else { /* is this part of an incremental transfer? */ if (ctx->incremental) { if (req->bytelength == 0) AllSent(req); else { unsigned long size = MAX_SELECTION_INCR(ctx->dpy); SendIncrement(req); (*(XtConvertSelectionIncrProc)ctx->convert) (ctx->widget, &ctx->selection, &req->target, &req->type, &req->value, &req->bytelength, &req->format, &size, ctx->owner_closure, (XtPointer*)&req); if (req->bytelength) req->bytelength = BYTELENGTH(req->bytelength, req->format); req->offset = 0; } } else { if (req->offset < req->bytelength) SendIncrement(req); else AllSent(req); } #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS { XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(req->widget); req->timeout = XtAppAddTimeOut(app, app->selectionTimeout, OwnerTimedOut, (XtPointer)req); } #endif } } static void PrepareIncremental( Request req, Widget widget, Window window, Atom property, Atom target, Atom targetType, XtPointer value, unsigned long length, int format) { req->type = targetType; req->value = value; req->bytelength = BYTELENGTH(length,format); req->format = format; req->offset = 0; req->target = target; req->widget = widget; req->allSent = FALSE; #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS { XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget); req->timeout = XtAppAddTimeOut(app, app->selectionTimeout, OwnerTimedOut, (XtPointer)req); } #endif AddHandler(req, (EventMask)PropertyChangeMask, HandlePropertyGone, (XtPointer)req); /* now send client INCR property */ XChangeProperty(req->ctx->dpy, window, req->property, req->ctx->prop_list->incr_atom, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&req->bytelength, 1); } static Boolean GetConversion( Select ctx, /* logical owner */ XSelectionRequestEvent* event, Atom target, Atom property, /* requestor's property */ Widget widget) /* physical owner (receives events) */ { XtPointer value = NULL; unsigned long length; int format; Atom targetType; Request req = XtNew(RequestRec); Boolean timestamp_target = (target == ctx->prop_list->timestamp_atom); req->ctx = ctx; req->event = *event; req->property = property; req->requestor = event->requestor; if (timestamp_target) { value = __XtMalloc(sizeof(long)); *(long*)value = ctx->time; targetType = XA_INTEGER; length = 1; format = 32; } else { ctx->ref_count++; if (ctx->incremental == TRUE) { unsigned long size = MAX_SELECTION_INCR(ctx->dpy); if ((*(XtConvertSelectionIncrProc)ctx->convert) (ctx->widget, &event->selection, &target, &targetType, &value, &length, &format, &size, ctx->owner_closure, (XtRequestId*)&req) == FALSE) { XtFree((char*)req); ctx->ref_count--; return(FALSE); } StartProtectedSection(ctx->dpy, event->requestor); PrepareIncremental(req, widget, event->requestor, property, target, targetType, value, length, format); return(TRUE); } ctx->req = req; if ((*ctx->convert)(ctx->widget, &event->selection, &target, &targetType, &value, &length, &format) == FALSE) { XtFree((char*)req); ctx->req = NULL; ctx->ref_count--; return(FALSE); } ctx->req = NULL; } StartProtectedSection(ctx->dpy, event->requestor); if (BYTELENGTH(length,format) <= (unsigned long) MAX_SELECTION_INCR(ctx->dpy)) { if (! timestamp_target) { if (ctx->notify != NULL) { req->target = target; req->widget = widget; req->allSent = TRUE; #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS { XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(req->widget); req->timeout = XtAppAddTimeOut(app, app->selectionTimeout, OwnerTimedOut, (XtPointer)req); } #endif AddHandler(req, (EventMask)PropertyChangeMask, HandlePropertyGone, (XtPointer)req); } else ctx->ref_count--; } XChangeProperty(ctx->dpy, event->requestor, property, targetType, format, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)value, (int)length); /* free storage for client if no notify proc */ if (timestamp_target || ctx->notify == NULL) { XtFree((char*)value); XtFree((char*)req); } } else { PrepareIncremental(req, widget, event->requestor, property, target, targetType, value, length, format); } return(TRUE); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void HandleSelectionEvents( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event, Boolean *cont) { Select ctx; XSelectionEvent ev; Atom target; int count; Boolean writeback = FALSE; ctx = (Select) closure; switch (event->type) { case SelectionClear: /* if this event is not for the selection we registered for, * don't do anything */ if (ctx->selection != event->xselectionclear.selection || ctx->serial > event->xselectionclear.serial) break; (void) LoseSelection(ctx, widget, event->xselectionclear.selection, event->xselectionclear.time); break; case SelectionRequest: /* if this event is not for the selection we registered for, * don't do anything */ if (ctx->selection != event->xselectionrequest.selection) break; ev.type = SelectionNotify; ev.display = event->xselectionrequest.display; ev.requestor = event->xselectionrequest.requestor; ev.selection = event->xselectionrequest.selection; ev.time = event->xselectionrequest.time; ev.target = event->xselectionrequest.target; if (event->xselectionrequest.property == None) /* obsolete requestor */ event->xselectionrequest.property = event->xselectionrequest.target; if (ctx->widget != widget || ctx->was_disowned || ((event->xselectionrequest.time != CurrentTime) && (event->xselectionrequest.time < ctx->time))) { ev.property = None; StartProtectedSection(ev.display, ev.requestor); } else { if (ev.target == ctx->prop_list->indirect_atom) { IndirectPair *p; int format; unsigned long bytesafter, length; unsigned char *value; ev.property = event->xselectionrequest.property; StartProtectedSection(ev.display, ev.requestor); (void) XGetWindowProperty(ev.display, ev.requestor, event->xselectionrequest.property, 0L, 1000000, False,(Atom)AnyPropertyType, &target, &format, &length, &bytesafter, &value); count = BYTELENGTH(length, format) / sizeof(IndirectPair); for (p = (IndirectPair *)value; count; p++, count--) { EndProtectedSection(ctx->dpy); if (!GetConversion(ctx, (XSelectionRequestEvent*)event, p->target, p->property, widget)) { p->target = None; writeback = TRUE; StartProtectedSection(ctx->dpy, ev.requestor); } } if (writeback) XChangeProperty(ev.display, ev.requestor, event->xselectionrequest.property, target, format, PropModeReplace, value, (int)length); XFree((char *)value); } else /* not multiple */ { if (GetConversion(ctx, (XSelectionRequestEvent*)event, event->xselectionrequest.target, event->xselectionrequest.property, widget)) ev.property = event->xselectionrequest.property; else { ev.property = None; StartProtectedSection(ctx->dpy, ev.requestor); } } } (void) XSendEvent(ctx->dpy, ev.requestor, False, (unsigned long)NULL, (XEvent *) &ev); EndProtectedSection(ctx->dpy); break; } } static Boolean OwnSelection( Widget widget, Atom selection, Time time, XtConvertSelectionProc convert, XtLoseSelectionProc lose, XtSelectionDoneProc notify, XtCancelConvertSelectionProc cancel, XtPointer closure, Boolean incremental) { Select ctx; Select oldctx = NULL; if (!XtIsRealized(widget)) return False; ctx = FindCtx(XtDisplay(widget), selection); if (ctx->widget != widget || ctx->time != time || ctx->ref_count || ctx->was_disowned) { Boolean replacement = FALSE; Window window = XtWindow(widget); unsigned long serial = XNextRequest(ctx->dpy); XSetSelectionOwner(ctx->dpy, selection, window, time); if (XGetSelectionOwner(ctx->dpy, selection) != window) return FALSE; if (ctx->ref_count) { /* exchange is in-progress */ #ifdef DEBUG_ACTIVE printf( "Active exchange for widget \"%s\"; selection=0x%lx, ref_count=%d\n", XtName(widget), (long)selection, ctx->ref_count ); #endif if (ctx->widget != widget || ctx->convert != convert || ctx->loses != lose || ctx->notify != notify || ctx->owner_cancel != cancel || ctx->incremental != incremental || ctx->owner_closure != closure) { if (ctx->widget == widget) { XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, HandleSelectionEvents, (XtPointer)ctx); XtRemoveCallback(widget, XtNdestroyCallback, WidgetDestroyed, (XtPointer)ctx); replacement = TRUE; } else if (!ctx->was_disowned) { oldctx = ctx; } ctx->free_when_done = TRUE; ctx = NewContext(XtDisplay(widget), selection); } else if (!ctx->was_disowned) { /* current owner is new owner */ ctx->time = time; return TRUE; } } if (ctx->widget != widget || ctx->was_disowned || replacement) { if (ctx->widget && !ctx->was_disowned && !replacement) { oldctx = ctx; oldctx->free_when_done = TRUE; ctx = NewContext(XtDisplay(widget), selection); } XtAddEventHandler(widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, HandleSelectionEvents, (XtPointer)ctx); XtAddCallback(widget, XtNdestroyCallback, WidgetDestroyed, (XtPointer)ctx); } ctx->widget = widget; /* Selection offically changes hands. */ ctx->time = time; ctx->serial = serial; } ctx->convert = convert; ctx->loses = lose; ctx->notify = notify; ctx->owner_cancel = cancel; ctx->incremental = incremental; ctx->owner_closure = closure; ctx->was_disowned = FALSE; /* Defer calling the previous selection owner's lose selection procedure * until the new selection is established, to allow the previous * selection owner to ask for the new selection to be converted in * the lose selection procedure. The context pointer is the closure * of the event handler and the destroy callback, so the old context * pointer and the record contents must be preserved for LoseSelection. */ if (oldctx) { (void) LoseSelection(oldctx, oldctx->widget, selection, oldctx->time); if (!oldctx->ref_count && oldctx->free_when_done) XtFree((char*)oldctx); } return TRUE; } Boolean XtOwnSelection( Widget widget, Atom selection, Time time, XtConvertSelectionProc convert, XtLoseSelectionProc lose, XtSelectionDoneProc notify) { Boolean retval; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); retval = OwnSelection(widget, selection, time, convert, lose, notify, (XtCancelConvertSelectionProc)NULL, (XtPointer)NULL, FALSE); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } Boolean XtOwnSelectionIncremental( Widget widget, Atom selection, Time time, XtConvertSelectionIncrProc convert, XtLoseSelectionIncrProc lose, XtSelectionDoneIncrProc notify, XtCancelConvertSelectionProc cancel, XtPointer closure) { Boolean retval; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); retval = OwnSelection(widget, selection, time, (XtConvertSelectionProc)convert, (XtLoseSelectionProc)lose, (XtSelectionDoneProc)notify, cancel, closure, TRUE); UNLOCK_APP(app); return retval; } void XtDisownSelection( Widget widget, Atom selection, Time time) { Select ctx; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); ctx = FindCtx(XtDisplay(widget), selection); if (LoseSelection(ctx, widget, selection, time)) XSetSelectionOwner(XtDisplay(widget), selection, None, time); UNLOCK_APP(app); } /* Selection Requestor code */ static Boolean IsINCRtype( CallBackInfo info, Window window, Atom prop) { unsigned long bytesafter; unsigned long length; int format; Atom type; unsigned char *value; if (prop == None) return False; (void)XGetWindowProperty(XtDisplay(info->widget), window, prop, 0L, 0L, False, info->ctx->prop_list->incr_atom, &type, &format, &length, &bytesafter, &value); return (type == info->ctx->prop_list->incr_atom); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ReqCleanup( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XEvent *ev, Boolean *cont) { CallBackInfo info = (CallBackInfo)closure; unsigned long bytesafter, length; char *value; int format; Atom target; if (ev->type == SelectionNotify) { XSelectionEvent *event = (XSelectionEvent *) ev; if (!MATCH_SELECT(event, info)) return; /* not really for us */ XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info ); if (IsINCRtype(info, XtWindow(widget), event->property)) { info->proc = HandleGetIncrement; XtAddEventHandler(info->widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info); } else { if (event->property != None) XDeleteProperty(event->display, XtWindow(widget), event->property); FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget), info->property); FreeInfo(info); } } else if ((ev->type == PropertyNotify) && (ev->xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue) && (ev->xproperty.atom == info->property)) { XPropertyEvent *event = (XPropertyEvent *) ev; (void) XGetWindowProperty(event->display, XtWindow(widget), event->atom, 0L, 1000000, True, AnyPropertyType, &target, &format, &length, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &value); XFree(value); if (length == 0) { XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info ); FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget), info->property); XtFree(info->value); /* requestor never got this, so free now */ FreeInfo(info); } } } /* ARGSUSED */ static void ReqTimedOut( XtPointer closure, XtIntervalId *id) { XtPointer value = NULL; unsigned long length = 0; int format = 8; Atom resulttype = XT_CONVERT_FAIL; CallBackInfo info = (CallBackInfo)closure; unsigned long bytesafter; unsigned long proplength; Atom type; IndirectPair *pairs; XtPointer *c; int i; if (*info->target == info->ctx->prop_list->indirect_atom) { (void) XGetWindowProperty(XtDisplay(info->widget), XtWindow(info->widget), info->property, 0L, 10000000, True, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &proplength, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &pairs); XFree((char*)pairs); for (proplength = proplength / IndirectPairWordSize, i = 0, c = info->req_closure; proplength; proplength--, c++, i++) (*info->callbacks[i])(info->widget, *c, &info->ctx->selection, &resulttype, value, &length, &format); } else { (*info->callbacks[0])(info->widget, *info->req_closure, &info->ctx->selection, &resulttype, value, &length, &format); } /* change event handlers for straggler events */ if (info->proc == (XtEventHandler)HandleSelectionReplies) { XtRemoveEventHandler(info->widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, info->proc, (XtPointer) info); XtAddEventHandler(info->widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info); } else { XtRemoveEventHandler(info->widget,(EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, info->proc, (XtPointer) info); XtAddEventHandler(info->widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info); } } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void HandleGetIncrement( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XEvent *ev, Boolean *cont) { XPropertyEvent *event = (XPropertyEvent *) ev; CallBackInfo info = (CallBackInfo) closure; Select ctx = info->ctx; char *value; unsigned long bytesafter; unsigned long length; int bad; int n = info->current; if ((event->state != PropertyNewValue) || (event->atom != info->property)) return; bad = XGetWindowProperty(event->display, XtWindow(widget), event->atom, 0L, 10000000, True, AnyPropertyType, &info->type, &info->format, &length, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &value); if (bad) return; #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS XtRemoveTimeOut(info->timeout); #endif if (length == 0) { unsigned long u_offset = NUMELEM(info->offset, info->format); (*info->callbacks[n])(widget, *info->req_closure, &ctx->selection, &info->type, (info->offset == 0 ? value : info->value), &u_offset, &info->format); /* assert ((info->offset != 0) == (info->incremental[n]) */ if (info->offset != 0) XFree(value); XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, HandleGetIncrement, (XtPointer) info); FreeSelectionProperty(event->display, info->property); FreeInfo(info); } else { /* add increment to collection */ if (info->incremental[n]) { #ifdef XT_COPY_SELECTION int size = BYTELENGTH(length, info->format) + 1; char *tmp = __XtMalloc((Cardinal) size); (void) memmove(tmp, value, size); XFree(value); value = tmp; #endif (*info->callbacks[n])(widget, *info->req_closure, &ctx->selection, &info->type, value, &length, &info->format); } else { int size = BYTELENGTH(length, info->format); if (info->offset + size > info->bytelength) { /* allocate enough for this and the next increment */ info->bytelength = info->offset + size * 2; info->value = XtRealloc(info->value, (Cardinal) info->bytelength); } (void) memmove(&info->value[info->offset], value, size); info->offset += size; XFree(value); } /* reset timer */ #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS { XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(info->widget); info->timeout = XtAppAddTimeOut(app, app->selectionTimeout, ReqTimedOut, (XtPointer) info); } #endif } } static void HandleNone( Widget widget, XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer closure, Atom selection) { unsigned long length = 0; int format = 8; Atom type = None; (*callback)(widget, closure, &selection, &type, NULL, &length, &format); } static long IncrPropSize( Widget widget, unsigned char* value, int format, unsigned long length) { unsigned long size; if (format == 32) { size = ((long*)value)[length-1]; /* %%% what order for longs? */ return size; } else { XtAppWarningMsg( XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), "badFormat","xtGetSelectionValue",XtCXtToolkitError, "Selection owner returned type INCR property with format != 32", (String*)NULL, (Cardinal*)NULL ); return 0; } } static Boolean HandleNormal( Display *dpy, Widget widget, Atom property, CallBackInfo info, XtPointer closure, Atom selection) { unsigned long bytesafter; unsigned long length; int format; Atom type; unsigned char *value; int number = info->current; (void) XGetWindowProperty(dpy, XtWindow(widget), property, 0L, 10000000, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &length, &bytesafter, &value); if (type == info->ctx->prop_list->incr_atom) { unsigned long size = IncrPropSize(widget, value, format, length); XFree((char *)value); if (info->property != property) { /* within MULTIPLE */ CallBackInfo ninfo; ninfo = MakeInfo(info->ctx, &info->callbacks[number], &info->req_closure[number], 1, widget, info->time, &info->incremental[number], &property); ninfo->target = (Atom *) __XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(Atom)); *ninfo->target = info->target[number + 1]; info = ninfo; } HandleIncremental(dpy, widget, property, info, size); return FALSE; } XDeleteProperty(dpy, XtWindow(widget), property); #ifdef XT_COPY_SELECTION if (value) { /* it could have been deleted after the SelectionNotify */ int size = BYTELENGTH(length, info->format) + 1; char *tmp = __XtMalloc((Cardinal) size); (void) memmove(tmp, value, size); XFree(value); value = (unsigned char *) tmp; } #endif (*info->callbacks[number])(widget, closure, &selection, &type, (XtPointer)value, &length, &format); if (info->incremental[number]) { /* let requestor know the whole thing has been received */ value = (unsigned char*)__XtMalloc((unsigned)1); length = 0; (*info->callbacks[number])(widget, closure, &selection, &type, (XtPointer)value, &length, &format); } return TRUE; } static void HandleIncremental( Display *dpy, Widget widget, Atom property, CallBackInfo info, unsigned long size) { XtAddEventHandler(widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, HandleGetIncrement, (XtPointer) info); /* now start the transfer */ XDeleteProperty(dpy, XtWindow(widget), property); XFlush(dpy); info->bytelength = size; if (info->incremental[info->current]) /* requestor wants incremental too */ info->value = NULL; /* so no need for buffer to assemble value */ else info->value = (char *) __XtMalloc((unsigned) info->bytelength); info->offset = 0; /* reset the timer */ info->proc = HandleGetIncrement; #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS { XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(info->widget); info->timeout = XtAppAddTimeOut(app, app->selectionTimeout, ReqTimedOut, (XtPointer) info); } #endif } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void HandleSelectionReplies( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XEvent *ev, Boolean *cont) { XSelectionEvent *event = (XSelectionEvent *) ev; Display *dpy = event->display; CallBackInfo info = (CallBackInfo) closure; Select ctx = info->ctx; IndirectPair *pairs, *p; unsigned long bytesafter; unsigned long length; int format; Atom type; XtPointer *c; if (event->type != SelectionNotify) return; if (!MATCH_SELECT(event, info)) return; /* not really for us */ #ifndef DEBUG_WO_TIMERS XtRemoveTimeOut(info->timeout); #endif XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE, HandleSelectionReplies, (XtPointer) info ); if (event->target == ctx->prop_list->indirect_atom) { (void) XGetWindowProperty(dpy, XtWindow(widget), info->property, 0L, 10000000, True, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &length, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &pairs); for (length = length / IndirectPairWordSize, p = pairs, c = info->req_closure; length; length--, p++, c++, info->current++) { if (event->property == None || format != 32 || p->target == None || /* bug compatibility */ p->property == None) { HandleNone(widget, info->callbacks[info->current], *c, event->selection); if (p->property != None) FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget), p->property); } else { if (HandleNormal(dpy, widget, p->property, info, *c, event->selection)) { FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget), p->property); } } } XFree((char*)pairs); FreeSelectionProperty(dpy, info->property); FreeInfo(info); } else if (event->property == None) { HandleNone(widget, info->callbacks[0], *info->req_closure, event->selection); FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget), info->property); FreeInfo(info); } else { if (HandleNormal(dpy, widget, event->property, info, *info->req_closure, event->selection)) { FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget), info->property); FreeInfo(info); } } } static void DoLocalTransfer( Request req, Atom selection, Atom target, Widget widget, /* The widget requesting the value. */ XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer closure, /* the closure for the callback, not the conversion */ Boolean incremental, Atom property) { Select ctx = req->ctx; XtPointer value = NULL, temp, total = NULL; unsigned long length; int format; Atom resulttype; unsigned long totallength = 0; req->event.type = 0; req->event.target = target; req->event.property = req->property = property; req->event.requestor = req->requestor = XtWindow(widget); if (ctx->incremental) { unsigned long size = MAX_SELECTION_INCR(ctx->dpy); if (!(*(XtConvertSelectionIncrProc)ctx->convert) (ctx->widget, &selection, &target, &resulttype, &value, &length, &format, &size, ctx->owner_closure, (XtRequestId*)&req)) { HandleNone(widget, callback, closure, selection); } else { if (incremental) { Boolean allSent = FALSE; while (!allSent) { if (ctx->notify && (value != NULL)) { int bytelength = BYTELENGTH(length,format); /* both sides think they own this storage */ temp = __XtMalloc((unsigned)bytelength); (void) memmove(temp, value, bytelength); value = temp; } /* use care; older clients were never warned that * they must return a value even if length==0 */ if (value == NULL) value = __XtMalloc((unsigned)1); (*callback)(widget, closure, &selection, &resulttype, value, &length, &format); if (length) { /* should owner be notified on end-of-piece? * Spec is unclear, but non-local transfers don't. */ (*(XtConvertSelectionIncrProc)ctx->convert) (ctx->widget, &selection, &target, &resulttype, &value, &length, &format, &size, ctx->owner_closure, (XtRequestId*)&req); } else allSent = TRUE; } } else { while (length) { int bytelength = BYTELENGTH(length, format); total = XtRealloc(total, (unsigned) (totallength += bytelength)); (void) memmove((char*)total + totallength - bytelength, value, bytelength); (*(XtConvertSelectionIncrProc)ctx->convert) (ctx->widget, &selection, &target, &resulttype, &value, &length, &format, &size, ctx->owner_closure, (XtRequestId*)&req); } if (total == NULL) total = __XtMalloc(1); totallength = NUMELEM(totallength, format); (*callback)(widget, closure, &selection, &resulttype, total, &totallength, &format); } if (ctx->notify) (*(XtSelectionDoneIncrProc)ctx->notify) (ctx->widget, &selection, &target, (XtRequestId*)&req, ctx->owner_closure); else XtFree((char*)value); } } else { /* not incremental owner */ if (!(*ctx->convert)(ctx->widget, &selection, &target, &resulttype, &value, &length, &format)) { HandleNone(widget, callback, closure, selection); } else { if (ctx->notify && (value != NULL)) { int bytelength = BYTELENGTH(length,format); /* both sides think they own this storage; better copy */ temp = __XtMalloc((unsigned)bytelength); (void) memmove(temp, value, bytelength); value = temp; } if (value == NULL) value = __XtMalloc((unsigned)1); (*callback)(widget, closure, &selection, &resulttype, value, &length, &format); if (ctx->notify) (*ctx->notify)(ctx->widget, &selection, &target); } } } static void GetSelectionValue( Widget widget, Atom selection, Atom target, XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer closure, Time time, Boolean incremental, Atom property) { Select ctx; CallBackInfo info; Atom properties[1]; properties[0] = property; ctx = FindCtx(XtDisplay(widget), selection); if (ctx->widget && !ctx->was_disowned) { RequestRec req; ctx->req = &req; req.ctx = ctx; req.event.time = time; ctx->ref_count++; DoLocalTransfer(&req, selection, target, widget, callback, closure, incremental, property); if (--ctx->ref_count == 0 && ctx->free_when_done) XtFree((char*)ctx); else ctx->req = NULL; } else { info = MakeInfo(ctx, &callback, &closure, 1, widget, time, &incremental, properties); info->target = (Atom *)__XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(Atom)); *(info->target) = target; RequestSelectionValue(info, selection, target); } } void XtGetSelectionValue( Widget widget, Atom selection, Atom target, XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer closure, Time time) { Atom property; Boolean incr = False; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); property = GetParamInfo(widget, selection); RemoveParamInfo(widget, selection); if (IsGatheringRequest(widget, selection)) { AddSelectionRequests(widget, selection, 1, &target, &callback, 1, &closure, &incr, &property); } else { GetSelectionValue(widget, selection, target, callback, closure, time, FALSE, property); } UNLOCK_APP(app); } void XtGetSelectionValueIncremental( Widget widget, Atom selection, Atom target, XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer closure, Time time) { Atom property; Boolean incr = TRUE; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); property = GetParamInfo(widget, selection); RemoveParamInfo(widget, selection); if (IsGatheringRequest(widget, selection)) { AddSelectionRequests(widget, selection, 1, &target, &callback, 1, &closure, &incr, &property); } else { GetSelectionValue(widget, selection, target, callback, closure, time, TRUE, property); } UNLOCK_APP(app); } static void GetSelectionValues( Widget widget, Atom selection, Atom *targets, int count, XtSelectionCallbackProc *callbacks, int num_callbacks, XtPointer *closures, Time time, Boolean *incremental, Atom *properties) { Select ctx; CallBackInfo info; IndirectPair *pairs, *p; Atom *t; if (count == 0) return; ctx = FindCtx(XtDisplay(widget), selection); if (ctx->widget && !ctx->was_disowned) { int j, i; RequestRec req; ctx->req = &req; req.ctx = ctx; req.event.time = time; ctx->ref_count++; for (i = 0, j = 0; count; count--, i++, j++ ) { if (j >= num_callbacks) j = 0; DoLocalTransfer(&req, selection, targets[i], widget, callbacks[j], closures[i], incremental[i], properties ? properties[i] : None); } if (--ctx->ref_count == 0 && ctx->free_when_done) XtFree((char*)ctx); else ctx->req = NULL; } else { XtSelectionCallbackProc *passed_callbacks; XtSelectionCallbackProc stack_cbs[32]; int i = 0, j = 0; passed_callbacks = (XtSelectionCallbackProc *) XtStackAlloc(sizeof(XtSelectionCallbackProc) * count, stack_cbs); /* To deal with the old calls from XtGetSelectionValues* we will repeat however many callbacks have been passed into the array */ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (j >= num_callbacks) j = 0; passed_callbacks[i] = callbacks[j]; j++; } info = MakeInfo(ctx, passed_callbacks, closures, count, widget, time, incremental, properties); XtStackFree((XtPointer) passed_callbacks, stack_cbs); info->target = (Atom *)__XtMalloc((unsigned) ((count+1) * sizeof(Atom))); (*info->target) = ctx->prop_list->indirect_atom; (void) memmove((char *) info->target+sizeof(Atom), (char *) targets, count * sizeof(Atom)); pairs = (IndirectPair*)__XtMalloc((unsigned)(count*sizeof(IndirectPair))); for (p = &pairs[count-1], t = &targets[count-1], i = count - 1; p >= pairs; p--, t--, i--) { p->target = *t; if (properties == NULL || properties[i] == None) { p->property = GetSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(widget)); XDeleteProperty(XtDisplay(widget), XtWindow(widget), p->property); } else { p->property = properties[i]; } } XChangeProperty(XtDisplay(widget), XtWindow(widget), info->property, info->property, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) pairs, count * IndirectPairWordSize); XtFree((char*)pairs); RequestSelectionValue(info, selection, ctx->prop_list->indirect_atom); } } void XtGetSelectionValues( Widget widget, Atom selection, Atom *targets, int count, XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer *closures, Time time) { Boolean incremental_values[32]; Boolean *incremental; int i; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); incremental = XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(Boolean), incremental_values); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) incremental[i] = FALSE; if (IsGatheringRequest(widget, selection)) { AddSelectionRequests(widget, selection, count, targets, &callback, 1, closures, incremental, NULL); } else { GetSelectionValues(widget, selection, targets, count, &callback, 1, closures, time, incremental, NULL); } XtStackFree((XtPointer) incremental, incremental_values); UNLOCK_APP(app); } void XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental( Widget widget, Atom selection, Atom *targets, int count, XtSelectionCallbackProc callback, XtPointer *closures, Time time) { Boolean incremental_values[32]; Boolean *incremental; int i; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); incremental = XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(Boolean), incremental_values); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) incremental[i] = TRUE; if (IsGatheringRequest(widget, selection)) { AddSelectionRequests(widget, selection, count, targets, &callback, 1, closures, incremental, NULL); } else { GetSelectionValues(widget, selection, targets, count, &callback, 1, closures, time, incremental, NULL); } XtStackFree((XtPointer) incremental, incremental_values); UNLOCK_APP(app); } static Request GetRequestRecord( Widget widget, Atom selection, XtRequestId id) { Request req = (Request)id; Select ctx = NULL; if ( (req == NULL && ((ctx = FindCtx( XtDisplay(widget), selection )) == NULL || ctx->req == NULL || ctx->selection != selection || ctx->widget == NULL)) || (req != NULL && (req->ctx == NULL || req->ctx->selection != selection || req->ctx->widget != widget))) { String params = XtName(widget); Cardinal num_params = 1; XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), "notInConvertSelection", "xtGetSelectionRequest", XtCXtToolkitError, "XtGetSelectionRequest or XtGetSelectionParameters called for widget \"%s\" outside of ConvertSelection proc", ¶ms, &num_params ); return NULL; } if (req == NULL) { /* non-incremental owner; only one request can be * outstanding at a time, so it's safe to keep ptr in ctx */ req = ctx->req; } return req; } XSelectionRequestEvent *XtGetSelectionRequest( Widget widget, Atom selection, XtRequestId id) { Request req = (Request)id; WIDGET_TO_APPCON(widget); LOCK_APP(app); req = GetRequestRecord(widget, selection, id); if (! req) { UNLOCK_APP(app); return (XSelectionRequestEvent*) NULL; } if (req->event.type == 0) { /* owner is local; construct the remainder of the event */ req->event.type = SelectionRequest; req->event.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(XtDisplay(widget)); req->event.send_event = True; req->event.display = XtDisplay(widget); req->event.owner = XtWindow(req->ctx->widget); req->event.selection = selection; } UNLOCK_APP(app); return &req->event; } /* Property atom access */ Atom XtReservePropertyAtom( Widget w) { return(GetSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(w))); } void XtReleasePropertyAtom( Widget w, Atom atom) { FreeSelectionProperty(XtDisplay(w), atom); } /* Multiple utilities */ /* All requests are put in a single list per widget. It is very unlikely anyone will be gathering multiple MULTIPLE requests at the same time, so the loss in efficiency for this case is acceptable */ /* Queue one or more requests to the one we're gathering */ static void AddSelectionRequests( Widget wid, Atom sel, int count, Atom *targets, XtSelectionCallbackProc *callbacks, int num_cb, XtPointer *closures, Boolean *incrementals, Atom *properties) { QueuedRequestInfo qi; Window window = XtWindow(wid); Display *dpy = XtDisplay(wid); LOCK_PROCESS; if (multipleContext == 0) multipleContext = XUniqueContext(); qi = NULL; (void) XFindContext(dpy, window, multipleContext, (XPointer*) &qi); if (qi != NULL) { QueuedRequest *req = qi->requests; int start = qi->count; int i = 0; int j = 0; qi->count += count; req = (QueuedRequest*) XtRealloc((char*) req, (start + count) * sizeof(QueuedRequest)); while(i < count) { QueuedRequest newreq = (QueuedRequest) __XtMalloc(sizeof(QueuedRequestRec)); newreq->selection = sel; newreq->target = targets[i]; if (properties != NULL) newreq->param = properties[i]; else { newreq->param = GetSelectionProperty(dpy); XDeleteProperty(dpy, window, newreq->param); } newreq->callback = callbacks[j]; newreq->closure = closures[i]; newreq->incremental = incrementals[i]; req[start] = newreq; start++; i++; j++; if (j > num_cb) j = 0; } qi->requests = req; } else { /* Impossible */ } UNLOCK_PROCESS; } /* Only call IsGatheringRequest when we have a lock already */ static Boolean IsGatheringRequest( Widget wid, Atom sel) { QueuedRequestInfo qi; Window window = XtWindow(wid); Display *dpy = XtDisplay(wid); Boolean found = False; int i; if (multipleContext == 0) multipleContext = XUniqueContext(); qi = NULL; (void) XFindContext(dpy, window, multipleContext, (XPointer*) &qi); if (qi != NULL) { i = 0; while(qi->selections[i] != None) { if (qi->selections[i] == sel) { found = True; break; } i++; } } return(found); } /* Cleanup request scans the request queue and releases any properties queued, and removes any requests queued */ static void CleanupRequest( Display *dpy, QueuedRequestInfo qi, Atom sel) { int i, j, n; i = 0; /* Remove this selection from the list */ n = 0; while(qi->selections[n] != sel && qi->selections[n] != None) n++; if (qi->selections[n] == sel) { while(qi->selections[n] != None) { qi->selections[n] = qi->selections[n + 1]; n++; } } while(i < qi->count) { QueuedRequest req = qi->requests[i]; if (req->selection == sel) { /* Match */ if (req->param != None) FreeSelectionProperty(dpy, req->param); qi->count--; for(j = i; j < qi->count; j++) qi->requests[j] = qi->requests[j + 1]; XtFree((char*) req); } else { i++; } } } void XtCreateSelectionRequest( Widget widget, Atom selection) { QueuedRequestInfo queueInfo; Window window = XtWindow(widget); Display *dpy = XtDisplay(widget); int n; LOCK_PROCESS; if (multipleContext == 0) multipleContext = XUniqueContext(); queueInfo = NULL; (void) XFindContext(dpy, window, multipleContext, (XPointer*) &queueInfo); /* If there is one, then cancel it */ if (queueInfo != NULL) CleanupRequest(dpy, queueInfo, selection); else { /* Create it */ queueInfo = (QueuedRequestInfo) __XtMalloc(sizeof(QueuedRequestInfoRec)); queueInfo->count = 0; queueInfo->selections = (Atom*) __XtMalloc(sizeof(Atom) * 2); queueInfo->selections[0] = None; queueInfo->requests = (QueuedRequest *) __XtMalloc(sizeof(QueuedRequest)); } /* Append this selection to list */ n = 0; while(queueInfo->selections[n] != None) n++; queueInfo->selections = (Atom*) XtRealloc((char*) queueInfo->selections, (n + 2) * sizeof(Atom)); queueInfo->selections[n] = selection; queueInfo->selections[n + 1] = None; (void) XSaveContext(dpy, window, multipleContext, (char*) queueInfo); UNLOCK_PROCESS; } void XtSendSelectionRequest( Widget widget, Atom selection, Time time) { QueuedRequestInfo queueInfo; Window window = XtWindow(widget); Display *dpy = XtDisplay(widget); LOCK_PROCESS; if (multipleContext == 0) multipleContext = XUniqueContext(); queueInfo = NULL; (void) XFindContext(dpy, window, multipleContext, (XPointer*) &queueInfo); if (queueInfo != NULL) { int count = 0; int i; QueuedRequest *req = queueInfo->requests; /* Construct the requests and send it using GetSelectionValues */ for(i = 0; i < queueInfo->count; i++) if (req[i]->selection == selection) count++; if (count > 0) { if (count == 1) { for(i = 0; i < queueInfo->count; i++) if (req[i]->selection == selection) break; /* special case a multiple which isn't needed */ GetSelectionValue(widget, selection, req[i]->target, req[i]->callback, req[i]->closure, time, req[i]->incremental, req[i]->param); } else { Atom *targets; Atom t[PREALLOCED]; XtSelectionCallbackProc *cbs; XtSelectionCallbackProc c[PREALLOCED]; XtPointer *closures; XtPointer cs[PREALLOCED]; Boolean *incrs; Boolean ins[PREALLOCED]; Atom *props; Atom p[PREALLOCED]; int i = 0; int j = 0; /* Allocate */ targets = (Atom *) XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(Atom), t); cbs = (XtSelectionCallbackProc *) XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(XtSelectionCallbackProc), c); closures = (XtPointer *) XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(XtPointer), cs); incrs = (Boolean *) XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(Boolean), ins); props = (Atom *) XtStackAlloc(count * sizeof(Atom), p); /* Copy */ for(i = 0; i < queueInfo->count; i++) { if (req[i]->selection == selection) { targets[j] = req[i]->target; cbs[j] = req[i]->callback; closures[j] = req[i]->closure; incrs[j] = req[i]->incremental; props[j] = req[i]->param; j++; } } /* Make the request */ GetSelectionValues(widget, selection, targets, count, cbs, count, closures, time, incrs, props); /* Free */ XtStackFree((XtPointer) targets, t); XtStackFree((XtPointer) cbs, c); XtStackFree((XtPointer) closures, cs); XtStackFree((XtPointer) incrs, ins); XtStackFree((XtPointer) props, p); } } } CleanupRequest(dpy, queueInfo, selection); UNLOCK_PROCESS; } void XtCancelSelectionRequest( Widget widget, Atom selection) { QueuedRequestInfo queueInfo; Window window = XtWindow(widget); Display *dpy = XtDisplay(widget); LOCK_PROCESS; if (multipleContext == 0) multipleContext = XUniqueContext(); queueInfo = NULL; (void) XFindContext(dpy, window, multipleContext, (XPointer*) &queueInfo); /* If there is one, then cancel it */ if (queueInfo != NULL) CleanupRequest(dpy, queueInfo, selection); UNLOCK_PROCESS; } /* Parameter utilities */ /* Parameters on a selection request */ /* Places data on allocated parameter atom, then records the parameter atom data for use in the next call to one of the XtGetSelectionValue functions. */ void XtSetSelectionParameters( Widget requestor, Atom selection, Atom type, XtPointer value, unsigned long length, int format) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(requestor); Window window = XtWindow(requestor); Atom property = GetParamInfo(requestor, selection); if (property == None) { property = GetSelectionProperty(dpy); AddParamInfo(requestor, selection, property); } XChangeProperty(dpy, window, property, type, format, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) value, length); } /* Retrieves data passed in a parameter. Data for this is stored on the originator's window */ void XtGetSelectionParameters( Widget owner, Atom selection, XtRequestId request_id, Atom* type_return, XtPointer* value_return, unsigned long* length_return, int* format_return) { Request req; Display *dpy = XtDisplay(owner); WIDGET_TO_APPCON(owner); *value_return = NULL; *length_return = *format_return = 0; *type_return = None; LOCK_APP(app); req = GetRequestRecord(owner, selection, request_id); if (req && req->property) { unsigned long bytes_after; /* unused */ StartProtectedSection(dpy, req->requestor); XGetWindowProperty(dpy, req->requestor, req->property, 0L, 10000000, False, AnyPropertyType, type_return, format_return, length_return, &bytes_after, (unsigned char**) value_return); EndProtectedSection(dpy); #ifdef XT_COPY_SELECTION if (*value_return) { int size = BYTELENGTH(*length_return, *format_return) + 1; char *tmp = __XtMalloc((Cardinal) size); (void) memmove(tmp, *value_return, size); XFree(*value_return); *value_return = tmp; } #endif } UNLOCK_APP(app); } /* Parameters are temporarily stashed in an XContext. A list is used because * there may be more than one selection request in progress. The context * data is deleted when the list is empty. In the future, the parameter * context could be merged with other contexts used during selections. */ static void AddParamInfo( Widget w, Atom selection, Atom param_atom) { int n; Param p; ParamInfo pinfo; LOCK_PROCESS; if (paramPropertyContext == 0) paramPropertyContext = XUniqueContext(); if (XFindContext(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), paramPropertyContext, (XPointer *) &pinfo)) { pinfo = (ParamInfo) __XtMalloc(sizeof(ParamInfoRec)); pinfo->count = 1; pinfo->paramlist = XtNew(ParamRec); p = pinfo->paramlist; (void) XSaveContext(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), paramPropertyContext, (char *)pinfo); } else { for (n = pinfo->count, p = pinfo->paramlist; n; n--, p++) { if (p->selection == None || p->selection == selection) break; } if (n == 0) { pinfo->count++; pinfo->paramlist = (Param) XtRealloc((char*) pinfo->paramlist, pinfo->count * sizeof(ParamRec)); p = &pinfo->paramlist[pinfo->count - 1]; (void) XSaveContext(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), paramPropertyContext, (char *)pinfo); } } p->selection = selection; p->param = param_atom; UNLOCK_PROCESS; } static void RemoveParamInfo( Widget w, Atom selection) { int n; Param p; ParamInfo pinfo; Boolean retain = False; LOCK_PROCESS; if (paramPropertyContext && (XFindContext(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), paramPropertyContext, (XPointer *) &pinfo) == 0)) { /* Find and invalidate the parameter data. */ for (n = pinfo->count, p = pinfo->paramlist; n; n--, p++) { if (p->selection != None) { if (p->selection == selection) p->selection = None; else retain = True; } } /* If there's no valid data remaining, release the context entry. */ if (! retain) { XtFree((char*) pinfo->paramlist); XtFree((char*) pinfo); XDeleteContext(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), paramPropertyContext); } } UNLOCK_PROCESS; } static Atom GetParamInfo( Widget w, Atom selection) { int n; Param p; ParamInfo pinfo; Atom atom = None; LOCK_PROCESS; if (paramPropertyContext && (XFindContext(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), paramPropertyContext, (XPointer *) &pinfo) == 0)) { for (n = pinfo->count, p = pinfo->paramlist; n; n--, p++) if (p->selection == selection) { atom = p->param; break; } } UNLOCK_PROCESS; return atom; }