/* $Xorg: TMaction.c,v 1.5 2001/02/09 02:03:58 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /*LINTLIBRARY*/ /*********************************************************** Copyright 1993 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* Copyright 1987, 1988, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xt/TMaction.c,v 3.7 2001/12/14 19:56:30 dawes Exp $ */ /* TMaction.c -- maintains the state table of actions for the translation * manager. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "IntrinsicI.h" #include "StringDefs.h" #if defined(__STDC__) && !defined(NORCONST) #define RConst const #else #define RConst /**/ #endif static String XtNtranslationError = "translationError"; typedef struct _CompiledAction{ XrmQuark signature; XtActionProc proc; }CompiledAction, *CompiledActionTable; #define GetClassActions(wc) \ ((wc->core_class.actions) \ ? (((TMClassCache)wc->core_class.actions)->actions) \ : NULL) static CompiledActionTable CompileActionTable( register RConst struct _XtActionsRec *actions, register Cardinal count, /* may be 0 */ Boolean stat, /* if False, copy before compiling in place */ Boolean perm) /* if False, use XrmStringToQuark */ { register CompiledActionTable cActions; register int i; CompiledAction hold; CompiledActionTable cTableHold; XrmQuark (*func)(_Xconst char*); if (!count) return (CompiledActionTable) NULL; func = (perm ? XrmPermStringToQuark : XrmStringToQuark); if (! stat) { cTableHold = cActions = (CompiledActionTable) __XtMalloc(count * sizeof(CompiledAction)); for (i=count; --i >= 0; cActions++, actions++) { cActions->proc = actions->proc; cActions->signature = (*func)(actions->string); } } else { cTableHold = (CompiledActionTable) actions; for (i=count; --i >= 0; actions++) ((CompiledActionTable) actions)->signature = (*func)(actions->string); } cActions = cTableHold; /* Insertion sort. Whatever sort is used, it must be stable. */ for (i=1; (Cardinal) i <= count - 1; i++) { register Cardinal j; hold = cActions[i]; j = i; while (j && cActions[j-1].signature > hold.signature) { cActions[j] = cActions[j-1]; j--; } cActions[j] = hold; } return cActions; } typedef struct _ActionListRec *ActionList; typedef struct _ActionListRec { ActionList next; CompiledActionTable table; TMShortCard count; } ActionListRec; static void ReportUnboundActions( XtTranslations xlations, TMBindData bindData) { TMSimpleStateTree stateTree = (TMSimpleStateTree)xlations->stateTreeTbl[0]; Cardinal num_unbound = 0; Cardinal num_params = 1; char* message; char messagebuf[1000]; String params[1]; register Cardinal num_chars = 0; register Cardinal i, j; XtActionProc *procs; for (i=0; i < xlations->numStateTrees; i++) { if (bindData->simple.isComplex) procs = TMGetComplexBindEntry(bindData, i)->procs; else procs = TMGetSimpleBindEntry(bindData, i)->procs; stateTree = (TMSimpleStateTree)xlations->stateTreeTbl[i]; for (j=0; j < stateTree->numQuarks; j++) { if (procs[j] == NULL) { String s = XrmQuarkToString(stateTree->quarkTbl[j]); if (num_unbound != 0) num_chars += 2; num_chars += strlen(s); num_unbound++; } } } if (num_unbound == 0) return; message = XtStackAlloc (num_chars + 1, messagebuf); if (message != NULL) { *message = '\0'; num_unbound = 0; stateTree = (TMSimpleStateTree)xlations->stateTreeTbl[0]; for (i=0; i < xlations->numStateTrees; i++) { if (bindData->simple.isComplex) procs = TMGetComplexBindEntry(bindData, i)->procs; else procs = TMGetSimpleBindEntry(bindData, i)->procs; stateTree = (TMSimpleStateTree)xlations->stateTreeTbl[i]; for (j=0; j < stateTree->numQuarks; j++) { if (procs[j] == NULL) { String s = XrmQuarkToString(stateTree->quarkTbl[j]); if (num_unbound != 0) (void) strcat(message, ", "); (void) strcat(message, s); num_unbound++; } } } message[num_chars] = '\0'; params[0] = message; XtWarningMsg(XtNtranslationError,"unboundActions",XtCXtToolkitError, "Actions not found: %s", params, &num_params); XtStackFree (message, messagebuf); } } static CompiledAction *SearchActionTable( XrmQuark signature, CompiledActionTable actionTable, Cardinal numActions) { register int i, left, right; left = 0; right = numActions - 1; while (left <= right) { i = (left + right) >> 1; if (signature < actionTable[i].signature) right = i - 1; else if (signature > actionTable[i].signature) left = i + 1; else { while (i && actionTable[i - 1].signature == signature) i--; return &actionTable[i]; } } return (CompiledAction *) NULL; } static int BindActions( TMSimpleStateTree stateTree, XtActionProc *procs, CompiledActionTable compiledActionTable, TMShortCard numActions, Cardinal *ndxP) { register int unbound = stateTree->numQuarks - *ndxP; CompiledAction* action; register Cardinal ndx; register Boolean savedNdx = False; for (ndx = *ndxP; ndx < stateTree->numQuarks; ndx++) { if (procs[ndx] == NULL) { /* attempt to bind it */ XrmQuark q = stateTree->quarkTbl[ndx]; action = SearchActionTable(q, compiledActionTable, numActions); if (action) { procs[ndx] = action->proc; unbound--; } else if (!savedNdx) { *ndxP= ndx; savedNdx = True; } } else { /* already bound, leave it alone */ unbound--; } } return unbound; } typedef struct _TMBindCacheStatusRec{ unsigned int boundInClass:1; unsigned int boundInHierarchy:1; unsigned int boundInContext:1; unsigned int notFullyBound:1; unsigned int refCount:28; }TMBindCacheStatusRec, *TMBindCacheStatus; typedef struct _TMBindCacheRec{ struct _TMBindCacheRec *next; TMBindCacheStatusRec status; TMStateTree stateTree; #ifdef TRACE_TM WidgetClass widgetClass; #endif /* TRACE_TM */ XtActionProc procs[1]; /* variable length */ }TMBindCacheRec, *TMBindCache; typedef struct _TMClassCacheRec { CompiledActionTable actions; TMBindCacheRec *bindCache; }TMClassCacheRec, *TMClassCache; #define IsPureClassBind(bc) \ (bc->status.boundInClass && \ !(bc->status.boundInHierarchy || \ bc->status.boundInContext || \ bc->status.notFullyBound)) #define GetClassCache(w) \ ((TMClassCache)w->core.widget_class->core_class.actions) static int BindProcs( Widget widget, TMSimpleStateTree stateTree, XtActionProc *procs, TMBindCacheStatus bindStatus) { register WidgetClass class; register ActionList actionList; int unbound = -1, newUnbound = -1; Cardinal ndx = 0; Widget w = widget; LOCK_PROCESS; do { class = w->core.widget_class; do { if (class->core_class.actions != NULL) unbound = BindActions(stateTree, procs, GetClassActions(class), class->core_class.num_actions, &ndx); class = class->core_class.superclass; } while (unbound != 0 && class != NULL); if (unbound < (int)stateTree->numQuarks) bindStatus->boundInClass = True; else bindStatus->boundInClass = False; if (newUnbound == -1) newUnbound = unbound; w = XtParent(w); } while (unbound != 0 && w != NULL); if (newUnbound > unbound) bindStatus->boundInHierarchy = True; else bindStatus->boundInHierarchy = False; if (unbound) { XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget); newUnbound = unbound; for (actionList = app->action_table; unbound != 0 && actionList != NULL; actionList = actionList->next) { unbound = BindActions(stateTree, procs, actionList->table, actionList->count, &ndx); } if (newUnbound > unbound) bindStatus->boundInContext = True; else bindStatus->boundInContext = False; } else { bindStatus->boundInContext = False; } UNLOCK_PROCESS; return unbound; } static XtActionProc *TryBindCache( Widget widget, TMStateTree stateTree) { TMClassCache classCache; LOCK_PROCESS; classCache = GetClassCache(widget); if (classCache == NULL) { WidgetClass wc = XtClass(widget); wc->core_class.actions = (XtActionList) _XtInitializeActionData(NULL, 0, True); } else { TMBindCache bindCache = (TMBindCache)(classCache->bindCache); for (; bindCache; bindCache = bindCache->next) { if (IsPureClassBind(bindCache) && (stateTree == bindCache->stateTree)) { bindCache->status.refCount++; UNLOCK_PROCESS; return &bindCache->procs[0]; } } } UNLOCK_PROCESS; return NULL; } /* * The class record actions field will point to the bind cache header * after this call is made out of coreClassPartInit. */ XtPointer _XtInitializeActionData( register struct _XtActionsRec *actions, register Cardinal count, _XtBoolean inPlace) { TMClassCache classCache; classCache = XtNew(TMClassCacheRec); classCache->actions = CompileActionTable(actions, count, inPlace, True); classCache->bindCache = NULL; return (XtPointer)classCache; } #define TM_BIND_CACHE_REALLOC 2 static XtActionProc *EnterBindCache( Widget w, TMSimpleStateTree stateTree, XtActionProc *procs, TMBindCacheStatus bindStatus) { TMClassCache classCache; TMBindCache* bindCachePtr; TMShortCard procsSize; TMBindCache bindCache; LOCK_PROCESS; classCache = GetClassCache(w); bindCachePtr = &classCache->bindCache; procsSize = stateTree->numQuarks * sizeof(XtActionProc); for (bindCache = *bindCachePtr; (*bindCachePtr); bindCachePtr = &(*bindCachePtr)->next, bindCache = *bindCachePtr) { TMBindCacheStatus cacheStatus = &bindCache->status; if ((bindStatus->boundInClass == cacheStatus->boundInClass) && (bindStatus->boundInHierarchy == cacheStatus->boundInHierarchy) && (bindStatus->boundInContext == cacheStatus->boundInContext) && (bindCache->stateTree == (TMStateTree)stateTree) && !XtMemcmp(&bindCache->procs[0], procs, procsSize)) { bindCache->status.refCount++; break; } } if (*bindCachePtr == NULL) { *bindCachePtr = bindCache = (TMBindCache) __XtMalloc(sizeof(TMBindCacheRec) + (procsSize - sizeof(XtActionProc))); bindCache->next = NULL; bindCache->status = *bindStatus; bindCache->status.refCount = 1; bindCache->stateTree = (TMStateTree)stateTree; #ifdef TRACE_TM bindCache->widgetClass = XtClass(w); if (_XtGlobalTM.numBindCache == _XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTblSize) { _XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTblSize += 16; _XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTbl = (TMBindCache *) XtRealloc((char *)_XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTbl, ((_XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTblSize) * sizeof(TMBindCache))); } _XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTbl[_XtGlobalTM.numBindCache++] = bindCache; #endif /* TRACE_TM */ XtMemmove((XtPointer)&bindCache->procs[0], (XtPointer)procs, procsSize); } UNLOCK_PROCESS; return &bindCache->procs[0]; } static void RemoveFromBindCache( Widget w, XtActionProc *procs) { TMClassCache classCache; TMBindCache* bindCachePtr; TMBindCache bindCache; XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext (w); LOCK_PROCESS; classCache = GetClassCache(w); bindCachePtr = (TMBindCache *)&classCache->bindCache; for (bindCache = *bindCachePtr; *bindCachePtr; bindCachePtr = &(*bindCachePtr)->next, bindCache = *bindCachePtr) { if (&bindCache->procs[0] == procs) { if (--bindCache->status.refCount == 0) { #ifdef TRACE_TM TMShortCard j; Boolean found = False; TMBindCache *tbl = _XtGlobalTM.bindCacheTbl; for (j = 0; j < _XtGlobalTM.numBindCache; j++) { if (found) tbl[j-1] = tbl[j]; if (tbl[j] == bindCache) found = True; } if (!found) XtWarning("where's the action ??? "); else _XtGlobalTM.numBindCache--; #endif /* TRACE_TM */ *bindCachePtr = bindCache->next; bindCache->next = app->free_bindings; app->free_bindings = bindCache; } break; } } UNLOCK_PROCESS; } /* ARGSUSED */ static void RemoveAccelerators( Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer data) { Widget destination = (Widget)closure; TMComplexBindProcs bindProcs; XtTranslations stackXlations[16]; XtTranslations *xlationsList, destXlations; TMShortCard i, numXlations = 0; if ((destXlations = destination->core.tm.translations) == NULL) { XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), XtNtranslationError,"nullTable",XtCXtToolkitError, "Can't remove accelerators from NULL table", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); return; } xlationsList = (XtTranslations *) XtStackAlloc((destXlations->numStateTrees * sizeof(XtTranslations)), stackXlations); for (i = 0, bindProcs = TMGetComplexBindEntry(destination->core.tm.proc_table, i); i < destXlations->numStateTrees; i++, bindProcs++) { if (bindProcs->widget == widget) { /* * if it's being destroyed don't do all the work */ if (destination->core.being_destroyed) { bindProcs->procs = NULL; } else xlationsList[numXlations] = bindProcs->aXlations; numXlations++; } } if (numXlations == 0) XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), XtNtranslationError,"nullTable",XtCXtToolkitError, "Tried to remove nonexistent accelerators", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); else { if (!destination->core.being_destroyed) for (i = 0; i < numXlations; i++) _XtUnmergeTranslations(destination, xlationsList[i]); } XtStackFree((char *)xlationsList, stackXlations); } void _XtBindActions( Widget widget, XtTM tm) { XtTranslations xlations = tm->translations; TMSimpleStateTree stateTree; int globalUnbound = 0; Cardinal i; TMBindData bindData = (TMBindData)tm->proc_table; TMSimpleBindProcs simpleBindProcs = NULL; TMComplexBindProcs complexBindProcs = NULL; XtActionProc *newProcs; Widget bindWidget; if ((xlations == NULL) || widget->core.being_destroyed) return; stateTree = (TMSimpleStateTree)xlations->stateTreeTbl[0]; for (i = 0; i < xlations->numStateTrees; i++) { stateTree = (TMSimpleStateTree)xlations->stateTreeTbl[i]; if (bindData->simple.isComplex) { complexBindProcs = TMGetComplexBindEntry(bindData, i); if (complexBindProcs->widget) { bindWidget = complexBindProcs->widget; if (bindWidget->core.destroy_callbacks != NULL) _XtAddCallbackOnce((InternalCallbackList *) &bindWidget->core.destroy_callbacks, RemoveAccelerators, (XtPointer)widget); else _XtAddCallback((InternalCallbackList *) &bindWidget->core.destroy_callbacks, RemoveAccelerators, (XtPointer)widget); } else bindWidget = widget; } else { simpleBindProcs = TMGetSimpleBindEntry(bindData, i); bindWidget = widget; } if ((newProcs = TryBindCache(bindWidget,(TMStateTree)stateTree)) == NULL) { XtActionProc *procs, stackProcs[256]; int localUnbound; TMBindCacheStatusRec bcStatusRec; procs = (XtActionProc *) XtStackAlloc(stateTree->numQuarks * sizeof(XtActionProc), stackProcs); XtBZero((XtPointer)procs, stateTree->numQuarks * sizeof(XtActionProc)); localUnbound = BindProcs(bindWidget, stateTree, procs, &bcStatusRec); if (localUnbound) bcStatusRec.notFullyBound = True; else bcStatusRec.notFullyBound = False; newProcs = EnterBindCache(bindWidget, stateTree, procs, &bcStatusRec); XtStackFree((XtPointer)procs, (XtPointer)stackProcs); globalUnbound += localUnbound; } if (bindData->simple.isComplex) complexBindProcs->procs = newProcs; else simpleBindProcs->procs = newProcs; } if (globalUnbound) ReportUnboundActions(xlations, (TMBindData)tm->proc_table); } void _XtUnbindActions( Widget widget, XtTranslations xlations, TMBindData bindData) { Cardinal i; Widget bindWidget; XtActionProc *procs; if ((xlations == NULL) || !XtIsRealized(widget)) return; for (i = 0; i < xlations->numStateTrees; i++) { if (bindData->simple.isComplex) { TMComplexBindProcs complexBindProcs; complexBindProcs = TMGetComplexBindEntry(bindData, i); if (complexBindProcs->widget) { /* * check for this being an accelerator binding whose * source is gone ( set by RemoveAccelerators) */ if (complexBindProcs->procs == NULL) continue; XtRemoveCallback(complexBindProcs->widget, XtNdestroyCallback, RemoveAccelerators, (XtPointer)widget); bindWidget = complexBindProcs->widget; } else bindWidget = widget; procs = complexBindProcs->procs; complexBindProcs->procs = NULL; } else { TMSimpleBindProcs simpleBindProcs; simpleBindProcs = TMGetSimpleBindEntry(bindData,i); procs = simpleBindProcs->procs; simpleBindProcs->procs = NULL; bindWidget = widget; } RemoveFromBindCache(bindWidget, procs); } } #ifdef notdef void _XtRemoveBindProcsByIndex( Widget w, TMBindData bindData, TMShortCard ndx) { TMShortCard i = ndx; TMBindProcs bindProcs = (TMBindProcs)&bindData->bindTbl[0]; RemoveFromBindCache(bindProcs->widget ? bindProcs->widget : w, bindProcs[i].procs); for (; i < bindData->bindTblSize; i++) bindProcs[i] = bindProcs[i+1]; } #endif /* notdef */ /* * used to free all copied action tables, called from DestroyAppContext */ void _XtFreeActions( ActionList actions) { ActionList curr, next; for (curr = actions; curr;) { next = curr->next; XtFree((char *)curr->table); XtFree((char *)curr); curr = next; } } void XtAddActions( XtActionList actions, Cardinal num_actions) { XtAppAddActions(_XtDefaultAppContext(), actions, num_actions); } void XtAppAddActions( XtAppContext app, XtActionList actions, Cardinal num_actions) { register ActionList rec; LOCK_APP(app); rec = XtNew(ActionListRec); rec->next = app->action_table; app->action_table = rec; rec->table = CompileActionTable(actions, num_actions, False, False); rec->count = num_actions; UNLOCK_APP(app); } void XtGetActionList( WidgetClass widget_class, XtActionList* actions_return, Cardinal* num_actions_return) { XtActionList list; CompiledActionTable table; int i; *actions_return = NULL; *num_actions_return = 0; LOCK_PROCESS; if (! widget_class->core_class.class_inited) { UNLOCK_PROCESS; return; } if (! (widget_class->core_class.class_inited & WidgetClassFlag)) { UNLOCK_PROCESS; return; } *num_actions_return = widget_class->core_class.num_actions; if (*num_actions_return) { list = *actions_return = (XtActionList) __XtMalloc(*num_actions_return * sizeof(XtActionsRec)); table = GetClassActions(widget_class); for (i= (*num_actions_return); --i >= 0; list++, table++) { list->string = XrmQuarkToString(table->signature); list->proc = table->proc; } } UNLOCK_PROCESS; } /*********************************************************************** * * Pop-up and Grab stuff * ***********************************************************************/ static Widget _XtFindPopup( Widget widget, String name) { register Cardinal i; register XrmQuark q; register Widget w; q = XrmStringToQuark(name); for (w=widget; w != NULL; w=w->core.parent) for (i=0; i<w->core.num_popups; i++) if (w->core.popup_list[i]->core.xrm_name == q) return w->core.popup_list[i]; return NULL; } void XtMenuPopupAction( Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params) { Boolean spring_loaded; register Widget popup_shell; XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget); LOCK_APP(app); if (*num_params != 1) { XtAppWarningMsg(app, "invalidParameters","xtMenuPopupAction",XtCXtToolkitError, "MenuPopup wants exactly one argument", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } if (event->type == ButtonPress) spring_loaded = True; else if (event->type == KeyPress || event->type == EnterNotify) spring_loaded = False; else { XtAppWarningMsg(app, "invalidPopup","unsupportedOperation",XtCXtToolkitError, "Pop-up menu creation is only supported on ButtonPress, KeyPress or EnterNotify events.", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } popup_shell = _XtFindPopup(widget, params[0]); if (popup_shell == NULL) { XtAppWarningMsg(app, "invalidPopup","xtMenuPopup",XtCXtToolkitError, "Can't find popup widget \"%s\" in XtMenuPopup", params, num_params); UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } if (spring_loaded) _XtPopup(popup_shell, XtGrabExclusive, TRUE); else _XtPopup(popup_shell, XtGrabNonexclusive, FALSE); UNLOCK_APP(app); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void _XtMenuPopdownAction( Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params) { Widget popup_shell; if (*num_params == 0) { XtPopdown(widget); } else if (*num_params == 1) { popup_shell = _XtFindPopup(widget, params[0]); if (popup_shell == NULL) { XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), "invalidPopup","xtMenuPopdown",XtCXtToolkitError, "Can't find popup widget \"%s\" in XtMenuPopdown", params, num_params); return; } XtPopdown(popup_shell); } else { XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), "invalidParameters","xtMenuPopdown",XtCXtToolkitError, "XtMenuPopdown called with num_params != 0 or 1", (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); } } static XtActionsRec RConst tmActions[] = { {"XtMenuPopup", XtMenuPopupAction}, {"XtMenuPopdown", _XtMenuPopdownAction}, {"MenuPopup", XtMenuPopupAction}, /* old & obsolete */ {"MenuPopdown", _XtMenuPopdownAction}, /* ditto */ #ifndef NO_MIT_HACKS {"XtDisplayTranslations", _XtDisplayTranslations}, {"XtDisplayAccelerators", _XtDisplayAccelerators}, {"XtDisplayInstalledAccelerators", _XtDisplayInstalledAccelerators}, #endif }; void _XtPopupInitialize( XtAppContext app) { register ActionList rec; /* * The _XtGlobalTM.newMatchSemantics flag determines whether * we support old or new matching * behavior. This is mainly an issue of whether subsequent lhs will * get pushed up in the match table if a lhs containing thier initial * sequence has already been encountered. Currently inited to False; */ #ifdef NEW_TM _XtGlobalTM.newMatchSemantics = True; #else _XtGlobalTM.newMatchSemantics = False; #endif rec = XtNew(ActionListRec); rec->next = app->action_table; app->action_table = rec; LOCK_PROCESS; rec->table = CompileActionTable(tmActions, XtNumber(tmActions), False, True); rec->count = XtNumber(tmActions); UNLOCK_PROCESS; _XtGrabInitialize(app); } void XtCallActionProc( Widget widget, _Xconst char* action, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal num_params) { CompiledAction* actionP; XrmQuark q = XrmStringToQuark(action); Widget w = widget; XtAppContext app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget); ActionList actionList; Cardinal i; LOCK_APP(app); XtCheckSubclass(widget, coreWidgetClass, "XtCallActionProc first argument is not a subclass of Core"); LOCK_PROCESS; do { WidgetClass class = XtClass(w); do { if ((actionP = GetClassActions(class)) != NULL) for (i = 0; i < class->core_class.num_actions; i++, actionP++) { if (actionP->signature == q) { ActionHook hook = app->action_hook_list; while (hook != NULL) { (*hook->proc)( widget, hook->closure, (String)action, event, params, &num_params ); hook= hook->next; } (*(actionP->proc)) (widget, event, params, &num_params); UNLOCK_PROCESS; UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } } class = class->core_class.superclass; } while (class != NULL); w = XtParent(w); } while (w != NULL); UNLOCK_PROCESS; for (actionList = app->action_table; actionList != NULL; actionList = actionList->next) { for (i = 0, actionP = actionList->table; i < actionList->count; i++, actionP++) { if (actionP->signature == q) { ActionHook hook = app->action_hook_list; while (hook != NULL) { (*hook->proc)( widget, hook->closure, (String)action, event, params, &num_params ); hook= hook->next; } (*(actionP->proc)) (widget, event, params, &num_params); UNLOCK_APP(app); return; } } } { String params[2]; Cardinal num_params = 2; params[0] = (String)action; params[1] = XtName(widget); XtAppWarningMsg(app, "noActionProc", "xtCallActionProc", XtCXtToolkitError, "No action proc named \"%s\" is registered for widget \"%s\"", params, &num_params ); } UNLOCK_APP(app); } void _XtDoFreeBindings( XtAppContext app) { TMBindCache bcp; while (app->free_bindings) { bcp = app->free_bindings->next; XtFree ((char *) app->free_bindings); app->free_bindings = bcp; } }