/* Copyright (c) 1991, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* Constructs string definitions */ #include <stdio.h> #include <X11/Xos.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef struct _TableEnt { struct _TableEnt* next; char* left; char* right; int offset; } TableEnt; typedef struct _Table { struct _Table* next; TableEnt* tableent; TableEnt* tableentcurrent; TableEnt** tableenttail; char* name; int offset; } Table; typedef struct _File { struct _File* next; FILE* tmpl; char* name; Table* table; Table* tablecurrent; Table** tabletail; } File; static File* file = NULL; static File* filecurrent = NULL; static File** filetail = &file; static char* conststr; static char* prefixstr = NULL; static char* featurestr = NULL; static char* ctmplstr = NULL; static char* fileprotstr; static char* externrefstr; static char* externdefstr; #ifndef FALSE # define FALSE 0 # define TRUE !(FALSE) #endif static int solaris_abi_names = FALSE; #define X_DEFAULT_ABI 0 #define X_ARRAYPER_ABI 1 #define X_INTEL_ABI 2 #define X_INTEL_ABI_BC 3 #define X_SPARC_ABI 4 #define X_FUNCTION_ABI 5 #define X_MAGIC_STRING "<<<STRING_TABLE_GOES_HERE>>>" /* Wrapper for fopen() * Prepend filename with an includedir which can be specified on the * commandline. Needed to separate source and build directories. */ static char* includedir = NULL; static FILE *ifopen(const char *file, const char *mode) { size_t len; char *buffer; FILE *ret; if (includedir == NULL) return fopen(file, mode); len = strlen(file) + strlen(includedir) + 1; buffer = (char*)malloc(len + 1); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(buffer, includedir); strcat(buffer, "/"); strcat(buffer, file); ret = fopen(buffer, mode); free(buffer); return ret; } static void WriteHeaderProlog (FILE *f, File *phile) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; (void) fprintf (f, "#ifdef %s\n", featurestr); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) { if (strcmp (te->left, "RAtom") == 0) { (void) fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s \"%s\"\n#endif\n", prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, te->right); } else { (void) fprintf (f, "#define %s%s \"%s\"\n", prefixstr, te->left, te->right); } } (void) fprintf (f, "%s", "#else\n"); } static void IntelABIWriteHeader (FILE *f, File *phile) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) { (void) fprintf (f, "%s %sConst char %s[];\n", externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr, t->name); for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) (void) fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s ((char*)&%s[%d])\n#endif\n", prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, t->name, te->offset); } (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr); } static void SPARCABIWriteHeader (FILE *f, File *phile) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) (void) fprintf (f, "#define %s%s \"%s\"\n", prefixstr, te->left, te->right); } static void FunctionWriteHeader (FILE *f, File *phile) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile); (void) fprintf (f, "%s %sConst char* %s();\n", externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr, phile->table->name); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) (void) fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s (%s(%d))\n#endif\n", prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, phile->table->name, te->offset); (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr); } static void ArrayperWriteHeader (FILE *f, File *phile) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) (void) fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s%s\n%s %sConst char %s%s[];\n#endif\n", prefixstr, te->left, externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr, prefixstr, te->left); (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr); } static void DefaultWriteHeader (FILE *f, File *phile) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; WriteHeaderProlog (f, phile); (void) fprintf (f, "%s %sConst char %s[];\n", externrefstr, conststr ? conststr : fileprotstr, phile->table->name); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) (void) fprintf (f, "#ifndef %s%s\n#define %s%s ((char*)&%s[%d])\n#endif\n", prefixstr, te->left, prefixstr, te->left, phile->table->name, te->offset); (void) fprintf (f, "#endif /* %s */\n", featurestr); } static void CopyTmplProlog (FILE *tmpl, FILE *f) { char buf[1024]; static const char* magic_string = X_MAGIC_STRING; int magic_string_len = strlen (magic_string); while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, tmpl)) { if (strncmp (buf, magic_string, magic_string_len) == 0) { return; } (void) fputs (buf, f); } } static void CopyTmplEpilog (FILE *tmpl, FILE *f) { char buf[1024]; while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, tmpl)) (void) fputs (buf, f); } static const char* abistring[] = { "Default", "Array per string", "Intel", "Intel BC", "SPARC", "Function" }; static void WriteHeader (char *tagline, File *phile, int abi) { FILE* f; char* tmp; static void (*headerproc[])(FILE *f, File *phile) = { DefaultWriteHeader, ArrayperWriteHeader, IntelABIWriteHeader, IntelABIWriteHeader, SPARCABIWriteHeader, FunctionWriteHeader }; if ((f = fopen (phile->name, "w+")) == NULL) exit (1); if (phile->tmpl) CopyTmplProlog (phile->tmpl, f); (void) fprintf (f, "%s\n%s\n/* %s ABI version -- Do not edit */\n", "/* $Xorg: makestrs.c,v 1.6 2001/02/09 02:03:17 xorgcvs Exp $ */", "/* This file is automatically generated. */", abistring[abi]); if (tagline) (void) fprintf (f, "/* %s */\n\n", tagline); /* do the right thing for Motif, i.e. avoid _XmXmStrDefs_h_ */ if (strcmp (prefixstr, "Xm") == 0) { if ((fileprotstr = malloc (strlen (phile->name) + 3)) == NULL) exit (1); (void) sprintf (fileprotstr, "_%s_", phile->name); } else { if ((fileprotstr = malloc (strlen (phile->name) + strlen (prefixstr) + 3)) == NULL) exit (1); (void) sprintf (fileprotstr, "_%s%s_", prefixstr, phile->name); } for (tmp = fileprotstr; *tmp; tmp++) if (*tmp == '.') *tmp = '_'; (*headerproc[abi])(f, phile); if (phile->tmpl) CopyTmplEpilog (phile->tmpl, f); (void) free (fileprotstr); (void) fclose (phile->tmpl); (void) fclose (f); } static void WriteSourceLine (TableEnt *te, int abi, int fudge) { char* c; for (c = te->right; *c; c++) (void) printf ("'%c',", *c); (void) printf ("%c", '0'); if (te->next || fudge) (void) printf ("%c", ','); (void) printf ("%s", "\n"); } static const char* const_string = "%s %sConst char %s[] = {\n"; static void IntelABIWriteSource (int abi) { File* phile; for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) { (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : "", t->name); for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) WriteSourceLine (te, abi, 0); (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};"); } } } static void IntelABIBCWriteSource (int abi) { File* phile; for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->name); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) WriteSourceLine (te, abi, t->next ? 1 : 0); (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};"); if (phile->table->next) { (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->next->name); for (t = phile->table->next; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) WriteSourceLine (te, abi, 0); (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};"); } } } static void FunctionWriteSource (int abi) { File* phile; for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; (void) printf ("static %sConst char _%s[] = {\n", conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->name); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) WriteSourceLine (te, abi, t->next ? 1 : 0); (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};"); (void) printf ("%sConst char* %s(index)\n int index;\n{\n return &_%s[index];\n}\n\n", conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->name, phile->table->name); } } static void ArrayperWriteSource (int abi) { File* phile; static int done_atom; for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) { if (strcmp (te->left, "RAtom") == 0) { if (done_atom) return; done_atom = 1; } (void) printf ("%s %sConst char %s%s[] = \"%s\";\n", externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : "", prefixstr, te->left, te->right); } } } static void DefaultWriteSource (int abi) { File* phile; for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; (void) printf (const_string, externdefstr, conststr ? conststr : "", phile->table->name); for (t = phile->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) WriteSourceLine (te, abi, t->next ? 1 : 0); (void) printf ("%s\n\n", "};"); } } static void WriteSource(char *tagline, int abi) { static void (*sourceproc[])(int) = { DefaultWriteSource, ArrayperWriteSource, IntelABIWriteSource, IntelABIBCWriteSource, DefaultWriteSource, FunctionWriteSource }; FILE* tmpl; if (ctmplstr) { tmpl = ifopen (ctmplstr, "r"); if (tmpl) CopyTmplProlog (tmpl, stdout); else { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Expected template %s, not found\n", ctmplstr); exit (1); } } else tmpl = NULL; (void) printf ("%s\n%s\n/* %s ABI version -- Do not edit */\n", "/* $Xorg: makestrs.c,v 1.6 2001/02/09 02:03:17 xorgcvs Exp $ */", "/* This file is automatically generated. */", abistring[abi]); if (tagline) (void) printf ("/* %s */\n\n", tagline); (*sourceproc[abi])(abi); if (tmpl) CopyTmplEpilog (tmpl, stdout); } static void DoLine(char *buf) { #define X_NO_TOKEN 0 #define X_FILE_TOKEN 1 #define X_TABLE_TOKEN 2 #define X_PREFIX_TOKEN 3 #define X_FEATURE_TOKEN 4 #define X_EXTERNREF_TOKEN 5 #define X_EXTERNDEF_TOKEN 6 #define X_CTMPL_TOKEN 7 #define X_HTMPL_TOKEN 8 #define X_CONST_TOKEN 9 int token; char lbuf[1024]; static const char* file_str = "#file"; static const char* table_str = "#table"; static const char* prefix_str = "#prefix"; static const char* feature_str = "#feature"; static const char* externref_str = "#externref"; static const char* externdef_str = "#externdef"; static const char* ctmpl_str = "#ctmpl"; static const char* htmpl_str = "#htmpl"; static const char* const_str = "#const"; if (strncmp (buf, file_str, strlen (file_str)) == 0) token = X_FILE_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, table_str, strlen (table_str)) == 0) token = X_TABLE_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, prefix_str, strlen (prefix_str)) == 0) token = X_PREFIX_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, feature_str, strlen (feature_str)) == 0) token = X_FEATURE_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, externref_str, strlen (externref_str)) == 0) token = X_EXTERNREF_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, externdef_str, strlen (externdef_str)) == 0) token = X_EXTERNDEF_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, ctmpl_str, strlen (ctmpl_str)) == 0) token = X_CTMPL_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, htmpl_str, strlen (htmpl_str)) == 0) token = X_HTMPL_TOKEN; else if (strncmp (buf, const_str, strlen (const_str)) == 0) token = X_CONST_TOKEN; else token = X_NO_TOKEN; switch (token) { case X_FILE_TOKEN: { File* phile; if ((phile = (File*) malloc (sizeof(File))) == NULL) exit(1); if ((phile->name = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (file_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (phile->name, buf + strlen (file_str) + 1); phile->table = NULL; phile->tablecurrent = NULL; phile->tabletail = &phile->table; phile->next = NULL; phile->tmpl = NULL; *filetail = phile; filetail = &phile->next; filecurrent = phile; } break; case X_TABLE_TOKEN: { Table* table; if ((table = (Table*) malloc (sizeof(Table))) == NULL) exit(1); if ((table->name = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (table_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (table->name, buf + strlen (table_str) + 1); if (solaris_abi_names) { if (strcmp(table->name, "XtStringsR6") == 0) { strcpy(table->name, "XtR6Strings"); } else if (strcmp(table->name, "XtShellStringsR6") == 0) { strcpy(table->name, "XtR6ShellStrings"); } } table->tableent = NULL; table->tableentcurrent = NULL; table->tableenttail = &table->tableent; table->next = NULL; table->offset = 0; *filecurrent->tabletail = table; filecurrent->tabletail = &table->next; filecurrent->tablecurrent = table; } break; case X_PREFIX_TOKEN: if ((prefixstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (prefix_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (prefixstr, buf + strlen (prefix_str) + 1); break; case X_FEATURE_TOKEN: if ((featurestr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (feature_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (featurestr, buf + strlen (feature_str) + 1); break; case X_EXTERNREF_TOKEN: if ((externrefstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (externref_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (externrefstr, buf + strlen (externref_str) + 1); break; case X_EXTERNDEF_TOKEN: if ((externdefstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (externdef_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (externdefstr, buf + strlen (externdef_str) + 1); break; case X_CTMPL_TOKEN: if ((ctmplstr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (ctmpl_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (ctmplstr, buf + strlen (ctmpl_str) + 1); break; case X_HTMPL_TOKEN: if ((filecurrent->tmpl = ifopen (buf + strlen (htmpl_str) + 1, "r")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Expected template %s, not found\n", htmpl_str); exit (1); } break; case X_CONST_TOKEN: if ((conststr = malloc (strlen (buf + strlen (const_str)) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); (void) strcpy (conststr, buf + strlen (const_str) + 1); break; default: { char* right; TableEnt* tableent; int llen; int rlen; int len; if ((right = index(buf, ' '))) *right++ = 0; else right = buf + 1; if (buf[0] == 'H') { strcpy (lbuf, prefixstr); strcat (lbuf, right); right = lbuf; } llen = len = strlen(buf) + 1; rlen = strlen(right) + 1; if (right != buf + 1) len += rlen; if ((tableent = (TableEnt*)malloc(sizeof(TableEnt) + len)) == NULL) exit(1); tableent->left = (char *)(tableent + 1); strcpy(tableent->left, buf); if (llen != len) { tableent->right = tableent->left + llen; strcpy(tableent->right, right); } else { tableent->right = tableent->left + 1; } tableent->next = NULL; *filecurrent->tablecurrent->tableenttail = tableent; filecurrent->tablecurrent->tableenttail = &tableent->next; filecurrent->tablecurrent->tableentcurrent = tableent; } break; } } static void IntelABIIndexEntries (File *file) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; for (t = file->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) { te->offset = t->offset; t->offset += strlen (te->right); t->offset++; } } static void DefaultIndexEntries (File *file) { Table* t; TableEnt* te; int offset = 0; for (t = file->table; t; t = t->next) for (te = t->tableent; te; te = te->next) { te->offset = offset; offset += strlen (te->right); offset++; } } static void IndexEntries (File *file, int abi) { switch (abi) { case X_SPARC_ABI: break; case X_INTEL_ABI: case X_INTEL_ABI_BC: IntelABIIndexEntries (file); break; default: DefaultIndexEntries (file); break; } } static char* DoComment (char *line) { char* tag; char* eol; char* ret; int len; /* assume that the first line with two '$' in it is the RCS tag line */ if ((tag = index (line, '$')) == NULL) return NULL; if ((eol = index (tag + 1, '$')) == NULL) return NULL; len = eol - tag; if ((ret = malloc (len)) == NULL) exit (1); (void) strncpy (ret, tag + 1, len - 1); ret[len - 2] = 0; return ret; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int len, i; char* tagline = NULL; File* phile; FILE *f; char buf[1024]; int abi = #ifndef ARRAYPERSTR X_DEFAULT_ABI; #else X_ARRAYPER_ABI; #endif f = stdin; if (argc > 1) { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp (argv[i], "-f") == 0) { if (++i < argc) f = fopen (argv[i], "r"); else return 1; } if (strcmp (argv[i], "-i") == 0) { if (++i < argc) includedir = argv[i]; else return 1; } if (strcmp (argv[i], "-sparcabi") == 0) abi = X_SPARC_ABI; if (strcmp (argv[i], "-intelabi") == 0) abi = X_INTEL_ABI; if (strcmp (argv[i], "-functionabi") == 0) abi = X_FUNCTION_ABI; if (strcmp (argv[i], "-earlyR6bc") == 0 && abi == X_INTEL_ABI) abi = X_INTEL_ABI_BC; if (strcmp (argv[i], "-arrayperabi") == 0) abi = X_ARRAYPER_ABI; #ifdef ARRAYPERSTR if (strcmp (argv[i], "-defaultabi") == 0) abi = X_DEFAULT_ABI; #endif if (strcmp (argv[i], "-solarisabinames") == 0) solaris_abi_names = TRUE; } } if (f == NULL) return 1; while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f)) { if (!buf[0] || buf[0] == '\n') continue; if (buf[0] == '!') { if (tagline) continue; tagline = DoComment (buf); continue; } if (buf[(len = strlen (buf) - 1)] == '\n') buf[len] = '\0'; DoLine(buf); } for (phile = file; phile; phile = phile->next) { if (abi != X_ARRAYPER_ABI) IndexEntries (phile, abi); WriteHeader (tagline, phile, abi); } WriteSource(tagline, abi); return 0; }