%{ /* * Copyright © 2008, 2009 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include "ast.h" #include "glsl_parser_extras.h" #include "glsl_types.h" #include "main/context.h" #undef yyerror static void yyerror(YYLTYPE *loc, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *st, const char *msg) { _mesa_glsl_error(loc, st, "%s", msg); } static int _mesa_glsl_lex(YYSTYPE *val, YYLTYPE *loc, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state) { return _mesa_glsl_lexer_lex(val, loc, state->scanner); } static bool match_layout_qualifier(const char *s1, const char *s2, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state) { /* From the GLSL 1.50 spec, section 4.3.8 (Layout Qualifiers): * * "The tokens in any layout-qualifier-id-list ... are not case * sensitive, unless explicitly noted otherwise." * * The text "unless explicitly noted otherwise" appears to be * vacuous--no desktop GLSL spec (up through GLSL 4.40) notes * otherwise. * * However, the GLSL ES 3.00 spec says, in section 4.3.8 (Layout * Qualifiers): * * "As for other identifiers, they are case sensitive." * * So we need to do a case-sensitive or a case-insensitive match, * depending on whether we are compiling for GLSL ES. */ if (state->es_shader) return strcmp(s1, s2); else return strcasecmp(s1, s2); } %} %expect 0 %pure-parser %error-verbose %locations %initial-action { @$.first_line = 1; @$.first_column = 1; @$.last_line = 1; @$.last_column = 1; @$.source = 0; } %lex-param {struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state} %parse-param {struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state} %union { int n; float real; double dreal; const char *identifier; struct ast_type_qualifier type_qualifier; ast_node *node; ast_type_specifier *type_specifier; ast_array_specifier *array_specifier; ast_fully_specified_type *fully_specified_type; ast_function *function; ast_parameter_declarator *parameter_declarator; ast_function_definition *function_definition; ast_compound_statement *compound_statement; ast_expression *expression; ast_declarator_list *declarator_list; ast_struct_specifier *struct_specifier; ast_declaration *declaration; ast_switch_body *switch_body; ast_case_label *case_label; ast_case_label_list *case_label_list; ast_case_statement *case_statement; ast_case_statement_list *case_statement_list; ast_interface_block *interface_block; struct { ast_node *cond; ast_expression *rest; } for_rest_statement; struct { ast_node *then_statement; ast_node *else_statement; } selection_rest_statement; } %token ATTRIBUTE CONST_TOK BOOL_TOK FLOAT_TOK INT_TOK UINT_TOK DOUBLE_TOK %token BREAK CONTINUE DO ELSE FOR IF DISCARD RETURN SWITCH CASE DEFAULT %token BVEC2 BVEC3 BVEC4 IVEC2 IVEC3 IVEC4 UVEC2 UVEC3 UVEC4 VEC2 VEC3 VEC4 DVEC2 DVEC3 DVEC4 %token CENTROID IN_TOK OUT_TOK INOUT_TOK UNIFORM VARYING SAMPLE %token NOPERSPECTIVE FLAT SMOOTH %token MAT2X2 MAT2X3 MAT2X4 %token MAT3X2 MAT3X3 MAT3X4 %token MAT4X2 MAT4X3 MAT4X4 %token DMAT2X2 DMAT2X3 DMAT2X4 %token DMAT3X2 DMAT3X3 DMAT3X4 %token DMAT4X2 DMAT4X3 DMAT4X4 %token SAMPLER1D SAMPLER2D SAMPLER3D SAMPLERCUBE SAMPLER1DSHADOW SAMPLER2DSHADOW %token SAMPLERCUBESHADOW SAMPLER1DARRAY SAMPLER2DARRAY SAMPLER1DARRAYSHADOW %token SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW SAMPLERCUBEARRAY SAMPLERCUBEARRAYSHADOW %token ISAMPLER1D ISAMPLER2D ISAMPLER3D ISAMPLERCUBE %token ISAMPLER1DARRAY ISAMPLER2DARRAY ISAMPLERCUBEARRAY %token USAMPLER1D USAMPLER2D USAMPLER3D USAMPLERCUBE USAMPLER1DARRAY %token USAMPLER2DARRAY USAMPLERCUBEARRAY %token SAMPLER2DRECT ISAMPLER2DRECT USAMPLER2DRECT SAMPLER2DRECTSHADOW %token SAMPLERBUFFER ISAMPLERBUFFER USAMPLERBUFFER %token SAMPLER2DMS ISAMPLER2DMS USAMPLER2DMS %token SAMPLER2DMSARRAY ISAMPLER2DMSARRAY USAMPLER2DMSARRAY %token SAMPLEREXTERNALOES %token IMAGE1D IMAGE2D IMAGE3D IMAGE2DRECT IMAGECUBE IMAGEBUFFER %token IMAGE1DARRAY IMAGE2DARRAY IMAGECUBEARRAY IMAGE2DMS IMAGE2DMSARRAY %token IIMAGE1D IIMAGE2D IIMAGE3D IIMAGE2DRECT IIMAGECUBE IIMAGEBUFFER %token IIMAGE1DARRAY IIMAGE2DARRAY IIMAGECUBEARRAY IIMAGE2DMS IIMAGE2DMSARRAY %token UIMAGE1D UIMAGE2D UIMAGE3D UIMAGE2DRECT UIMAGECUBE UIMAGEBUFFER %token UIMAGE1DARRAY UIMAGE2DARRAY UIMAGECUBEARRAY UIMAGE2DMS UIMAGE2DMSARRAY %token IMAGE1DSHADOW IMAGE2DSHADOW IMAGE1DARRAYSHADOW IMAGE2DARRAYSHADOW %token COHERENT VOLATILE RESTRICT READONLY WRITEONLY %token ATOMIC_UINT %token STRUCT VOID_TOK WHILE %token IDENTIFIER TYPE_IDENTIFIER NEW_IDENTIFIER %type any_identifier %type instance_name_opt %token FLOATCONSTANT %token DOUBLECONSTANT %token INTCONSTANT UINTCONSTANT BOOLCONSTANT %token FIELD_SELECTION %token LEFT_OP RIGHT_OP %token INC_OP DEC_OP LE_OP GE_OP EQ_OP NE_OP %token AND_OP OR_OP XOR_OP MUL_ASSIGN DIV_ASSIGN ADD_ASSIGN %token MOD_ASSIGN LEFT_ASSIGN RIGHT_ASSIGN AND_ASSIGN XOR_ASSIGN OR_ASSIGN %token SUB_ASSIGN %token INVARIANT PRECISE %token LOWP MEDIUMP HIGHP SUPERP PRECISION %token VERSION_TOK EXTENSION LINE COLON EOL INTERFACE OUTPUT %token PRAGMA_DEBUG_ON PRAGMA_DEBUG_OFF %token PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_ON PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_OFF %token PRAGMA_INVARIANT_ALL %token LAYOUT_TOK /* Reserved words that are not actually used in the grammar. */ %token ASM CLASS UNION ENUM TYPEDEF TEMPLATE THIS PACKED_TOK GOTO %token INLINE_TOK NOINLINE PUBLIC_TOK STATIC EXTERN EXTERNAL %token LONG_TOK SHORT_TOK HALF FIXED_TOK UNSIGNED INPUT_TOK %token HVEC2 HVEC3 HVEC4 FVEC2 FVEC3 FVEC4 %token SAMPLER3DRECT %token SIZEOF CAST NAMESPACE USING %token RESOURCE PATCH %token SUBROUTINE %token ERROR_TOK %token COMMON PARTITION ACTIVE FILTER ROW_MAJOR %type variable_identifier %type statement %type statement_list %type simple_statement %type precision_qualifier %type type_qualifier %type auxiliary_storage_qualifier %type storage_qualifier %type interpolation_qualifier %type layout_qualifier %type layout_qualifier_id_list layout_qualifier_id %type interface_block_layout_qualifier %type interface_qualifier %type type_specifier %type type_specifier_nonarray %type array_specifier %type basic_type_specifier_nonarray %type fully_specified_type %type function_prototype %type function_header %type function_header_with_parameters %type function_declarator %type parameter_declarator %type parameter_declaration %type parameter_qualifier %type parameter_direction_qualifier %type parameter_type_specifier %type function_definition %type compound_statement_no_new_scope %type compound_statement %type statement_no_new_scope %type expression_statement %type expression %type primary_expression %type assignment_expression %type conditional_expression %type logical_or_expression %type logical_xor_expression %type logical_and_expression %type inclusive_or_expression %type exclusive_or_expression %type and_expression %type equality_expression %type relational_expression %type shift_expression %type additive_expression %type multiplicative_expression %type unary_expression %type constant_expression %type integer_expression %type postfix_expression %type function_call_header_with_parameters %type function_call_header_no_parameters %type function_call_header %type function_call_generic %type function_call_or_method %type function_call %type method_call_generic %type method_call_header_with_parameters %type method_call_header_no_parameters %type method_call_header %type assignment_operator %type unary_operator %type function_identifier %type external_declaration %type init_declarator_list %type single_declaration %type initializer %type initializer_list %type declaration %type declaration_statement %type jump_statement %type interface_block %type basic_interface_block %type struct_specifier %type struct_declaration_list %type struct_declaration %type struct_declarator %type struct_declarator_list %type member_list %type member_declaration %type selection_statement %type selection_rest_statement %type switch_statement %type switch_body %type case_label_list %type case_label %type case_statement %type case_statement_list %type iteration_statement %type condition %type conditionopt %type for_init_statement %type for_rest_statement %type integer_constant %type layout_defaults %right THEN ELSE %% translation_unit: version_statement extension_statement_list { _mesa_glsl_initialize_types(state); } external_declaration_list { delete state->symbols; state->symbols = new(ralloc_parent(state)) glsl_symbol_table; _mesa_glsl_initialize_types(state); } ; version_statement: /* blank - no #version specified: defaults are already set */ | VERSION_TOK INTCONSTANT EOL { state->process_version_directive(&@2, $2, NULL); if (state->error) { YYERROR; } } | VERSION_TOK INTCONSTANT any_identifier EOL { state->process_version_directive(&@2, $2, $3); if (state->error) { YYERROR; } } ; pragma_statement: PRAGMA_DEBUG_ON EOL | PRAGMA_DEBUG_OFF EOL | PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_ON EOL | PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_OFF EOL | PRAGMA_INVARIANT_ALL EOL { /* Pragma invariant(all) cannot be used in a fragment shader. * * Page 27 of the GLSL 1.20 spec, Page 53 of the GLSL ES 3.00 spec: * * "It is an error to use this pragma in a fragment shader." */ if (state->is_version(120, 300) && state->stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "pragma `invariant(all)' cannot be used " "in a fragment shader."); } else if (!state->is_version(120, 100)) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "pragma `invariant(all)' not supported in %s " "(GLSL ES 1.00 or GLSL 1.20 required)", state->get_version_string()); } else { state->all_invariant = true; } } ; extension_statement_list: | extension_statement_list extension_statement ; any_identifier: IDENTIFIER | TYPE_IDENTIFIER | NEW_IDENTIFIER ; extension_statement: EXTENSION any_identifier COLON any_identifier EOL { if (!_mesa_glsl_process_extension($2, & @2, $4, & @4, state)) { YYERROR; } } ; external_declaration_list: external_declaration { /* FINISHME: The NULL test is required because pragmas are set to * FINISHME: NULL. (See production rule for external_declaration.) */ if ($1 != NULL) state->translation_unit.push_tail(& $1->link); } | external_declaration_list external_declaration { /* FINISHME: The NULL test is required because pragmas are set to * FINISHME: NULL. (See production rule for external_declaration.) */ if ($2 != NULL) state->translation_unit.push_tail(& $2->link); } | external_declaration_list extension_statement { if (!state->allow_extension_directive_midshader) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @2, state, "#extension directive is not allowed " "in the middle of a shader"); YYERROR; } } ; variable_identifier: IDENTIFIER | NEW_IDENTIFIER ; primary_expression: variable_identifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_identifier, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); $$->primary_expression.identifier = $1; } | INTCONSTANT { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_int_constant, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); $$->primary_expression.int_constant = $1; } | UINTCONSTANT { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_uint_constant, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); $$->primary_expression.uint_constant = $1; } | FLOATCONSTANT { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_float_constant, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); $$->primary_expression.float_constant = $1; } | DOUBLECONSTANT { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_double_constant, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); $$->primary_expression.double_constant = $1; } | BOOLCONSTANT { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_bool_constant, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); $$->primary_expression.bool_constant = $1; } | '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; } ; postfix_expression: primary_expression | postfix_expression '[' integer_expression ']' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_array_index, $1, $3, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @4); } | function_call { $$ = $1; } | postfix_expression '.' any_identifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_field_selection, $1, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); $$->primary_expression.identifier = $3; } | postfix_expression INC_OP { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_post_inc, $1, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } | postfix_expression DEC_OP { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_post_dec, $1, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } ; integer_expression: expression ; function_call: function_call_or_method ; function_call_or_method: function_call_generic | postfix_expression '.' method_call_generic { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_field_selection, $1, $3, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; function_call_generic: function_call_header_with_parameters ')' | function_call_header_no_parameters ')' ; function_call_header_no_parameters: function_call_header VOID_TOK | function_call_header ; function_call_header_with_parameters: function_call_header assignment_expression { $$ = $1; $$->set_location(@1); $$->expressions.push_tail(& $2->link); } | function_call_header_with_parameters ',' assignment_expression { $$ = $1; $$->set_location(@1); $$->expressions.push_tail(& $3->link); } ; // Grammar Note: Constructors look like functions, but lexical // analysis recognized most of them as keywords. They are now // recognized through "type_specifier". function_call_header: function_identifier '(' ; function_identifier: type_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_function_expression($1); $$->set_location(@1); } | variable_identifier { void *ctx = state; ast_expression *callee = new(ctx) ast_expression($1); callee->set_location(@1); $$ = new(ctx) ast_function_expression(callee); $$->set_location(@1); } | FIELD_SELECTION { void *ctx = state; ast_expression *callee = new(ctx) ast_expression($1); callee->set_location(@1); $$ = new(ctx) ast_function_expression(callee); $$->set_location(@1); } ; method_call_generic: method_call_header_with_parameters ')' | method_call_header_no_parameters ')' ; method_call_header_no_parameters: method_call_header VOID_TOK | method_call_header ; method_call_header_with_parameters: method_call_header assignment_expression { $$ = $1; $$->set_location(@1); $$->expressions.push_tail(& $2->link); } | method_call_header_with_parameters ',' assignment_expression { $$ = $1; $$->set_location(@1); $$->expressions.push_tail(& $3->link); } ; // Grammar Note: Constructors look like methods, but lexical // analysis recognized most of them as keywords. They are now // recognized through "type_specifier". method_call_header: variable_identifier '(' { void *ctx = state; ast_expression *callee = new(ctx) ast_expression($1); callee->set_location(@1); $$ = new(ctx) ast_function_expression(callee); $$->set_location(@1); } ; // Grammar Note: No traditional style type casts. unary_expression: postfix_expression | INC_OP unary_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_pre_inc, $2, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | DEC_OP unary_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_pre_dec, $2, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | unary_operator unary_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression($1, $2, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } ; // Grammar Note: No '*' or '&' unary ops. Pointers are not supported. unary_operator: '+' { $$ = ast_plus; } | '-' { $$ = ast_neg; } | '!' { $$ = ast_logic_not; } | '~' { $$ = ast_bit_not; } ; multiplicative_expression: unary_expression | multiplicative_expression '*' unary_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_mul, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | multiplicative_expression '/' unary_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_div, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | multiplicative_expression '%' unary_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_mod, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; additive_expression: multiplicative_expression | additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_add, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_sub, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; shift_expression: additive_expression | shift_expression LEFT_OP additive_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_lshift, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | shift_expression RIGHT_OP additive_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_rshift, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; relational_expression: shift_expression | relational_expression '<' shift_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_less, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | relational_expression '>' shift_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_greater, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | relational_expression LE_OP shift_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_lequal, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | relational_expression GE_OP shift_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_gequal, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; equality_expression: relational_expression | equality_expression EQ_OP relational_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_equal, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | equality_expression NE_OP relational_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_nequal, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; and_expression: equality_expression | and_expression '&' equality_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_bit_and, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; exclusive_or_expression: and_expression | exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_bit_xor, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; inclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression | inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_bit_or, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; logical_and_expression: inclusive_or_expression | logical_and_expression AND_OP inclusive_or_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_logic_and, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; logical_xor_expression: logical_and_expression | logical_xor_expression XOR_OP logical_and_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_logic_xor, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; logical_or_expression: logical_xor_expression | logical_or_expression OR_OP logical_xor_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_bin(ast_logic_or, $1, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; conditional_expression: logical_or_expression | logical_or_expression '?' expression ':' assignment_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_conditional, $1, $3, $5); $$->set_location_range(@1, @5); } ; assignment_expression: conditional_expression | unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression($2, $1, $3, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; assignment_operator: '=' { $$ = ast_assign; } | MUL_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_mul_assign; } | DIV_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_div_assign; } | MOD_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_mod_assign; } | ADD_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_add_assign; } | SUB_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_sub_assign; } | LEFT_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_ls_assign; } | RIGHT_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_rs_assign; } | AND_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_and_assign; } | XOR_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_xor_assign; } | OR_ASSIGN { $$ = ast_or_assign; } ; expression: assignment_expression { $$ = $1; } | expression ',' assignment_expression { void *ctx = state; if ($1->oper != ast_sequence) { $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression(ast_sequence, NULL, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); $$->expressions.push_tail(& $1->link); } else { $$ = $1; } $$->expressions.push_tail(& $3->link); } ; constant_expression: conditional_expression ; declaration: function_prototype ';' { state->symbols->pop_scope(); $$ = $1; } | init_declarator_list ';' { $$ = $1; } | PRECISION precision_qualifier type_specifier ';' { $3->default_precision = $2; $$ = $3; } | interface_block { $$ = $1; } ; function_prototype: function_declarator ')' ; function_declarator: function_header | function_header_with_parameters ; function_header_with_parameters: function_header parameter_declaration { $$ = $1; $$->parameters.push_tail(& $2->link); } | function_header_with_parameters ',' parameter_declaration { $$ = $1; $$->parameters.push_tail(& $3->link); } ; function_header: fully_specified_type variable_identifier '(' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_function(); $$->set_location(@2); $$->return_type = $1; $$->identifier = $2; state->symbols->add_function(new(state) ir_function($2)); state->symbols->push_scope(); } ; parameter_declarator: type_specifier any_identifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_parameter_declarator(); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->type = new(ctx) ast_fully_specified_type(); $$->type->set_location(@1); $$->type->specifier = $1; $$->identifier = $2; } | type_specifier any_identifier array_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_parameter_declarator(); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); $$->type = new(ctx) ast_fully_specified_type(); $$->type->set_location(@1); $$->type->specifier = $1; $$->identifier = $2; $$->array_specifier = $3; } ; parameter_declaration: parameter_qualifier parameter_declarator { $$ = $2; $$->type->qualifier = $1; } | parameter_qualifier parameter_type_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_parameter_declarator(); $$->set_location(@2); $$->type = new(ctx) ast_fully_specified_type(); $$->type->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->type->qualifier = $1; $$->type->specifier = $2; } ; parameter_qualifier: /* empty */ { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); } | CONST_TOK parameter_qualifier { if ($2.flags.q.constant) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate const qualifier"); $$ = $2; $$.flags.q.constant = 1; } | PRECISE parameter_qualifier { if ($2.flags.q.precise) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate precise qualifier"); $$ = $2; $$.flags.q.precise = 1; } | parameter_direction_qualifier parameter_qualifier { if (($1.flags.q.in || $1.flags.q.out) && ($2.flags.q.in || $2.flags.q.out)) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate in/out/inout qualifier"); if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && $2.flags.q.constant) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "in/out/inout must come after const " "or precise"); $$ = $1; $$.merge_qualifier(&@1, state, $2); } | precision_qualifier parameter_qualifier { if ($2.precision != ast_precision_none) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate precision qualifier"); if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && $2.flags.i != 0) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "precision qualifiers must come last"); $$ = $2; $$.precision = $1; } parameter_direction_qualifier: IN_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.in = 1; } | OUT_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.out = 1; } | INOUT_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.in = 1; $$.flags.q.out = 1; } ; parameter_type_specifier: type_specifier ; init_declarator_list: single_declaration | init_declarator_list ',' any_identifier { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($3, NULL, NULL); decl->set_location(@3); $$ = $1; $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); state->symbols->add_variable(new(state) ir_variable(NULL, $3, ir_var_auto)); } | init_declarator_list ',' any_identifier array_specifier { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($3, $4, NULL); decl->set_location_range(@3, @4); $$ = $1; $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); state->symbols->add_variable(new(state) ir_variable(NULL, $3, ir_var_auto)); } | init_declarator_list ',' any_identifier array_specifier '=' initializer { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($3, $4, $6); decl->set_location_range(@3, @4); $$ = $1; $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); state->symbols->add_variable(new(state) ir_variable(NULL, $3, ir_var_auto)); } | init_declarator_list ',' any_identifier '=' initializer { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($3, NULL, $5); decl->set_location(@3); $$ = $1; $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); state->symbols->add_variable(new(state) ir_variable(NULL, $3, ir_var_auto)); } ; // Grammar Note: No 'enum', or 'typedef'. single_declaration: fully_specified_type { void *ctx = state; /* Empty declaration list is valid. */ $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list($1); $$->set_location(@1); } | fully_specified_type any_identifier { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, NULL, NULL); decl->set_location(@2); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list($1); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); } | fully_specified_type any_identifier array_specifier { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, $3, NULL); decl->set_location_range(@2, @3); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list($1); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); } | fully_specified_type any_identifier array_specifier '=' initializer { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, $3, $5); decl->set_location_range(@2, @3); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list($1); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); } | fully_specified_type any_identifier '=' initializer { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, NULL, $4); decl->set_location(@2); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list($1); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); } | INVARIANT variable_identifier { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, NULL, NULL); decl->set_location(@2); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list(NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->invariant = true; $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); } | PRECISE variable_identifier { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, NULL, NULL); decl->set_location(@2); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list(NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->precise = true; $$->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); } ; fully_specified_type: type_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_fully_specified_type(); $$->set_location(@1); $$->specifier = $1; } | type_qualifier type_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_fully_specified_type(); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->qualifier = $1; $$->specifier = $2; } ; layout_qualifier: LAYOUT_TOK '(' layout_qualifier_id_list ')' { $$ = $3; } ; layout_qualifier_id_list: layout_qualifier_id | layout_qualifier_id_list ',' layout_qualifier_id { $$ = $1; if (!$$.merge_qualifier(& @3, state, $3)) { YYERROR; } } ; integer_constant: INTCONSTANT { $$ = $1; } | UINTCONSTANT { $$ = $1; } ; layout_qualifier_id: any_identifier { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); /* Layout qualifiers for ARB_fragment_coord_conventions. */ if (!$$.flags.i && (state->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions_enable || state->is_version(150, 0))) { if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "origin_upper_left", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.origin_upper_left = 1; } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "pixel_center_integer", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.pixel_center_integer = 1; } if ($$.flags.i && state->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions layout " "identifier `%s' used", $1); } } /* Layout qualifiers for AMD/ARB_conservative_depth. */ if (!$$.flags.i && (state->AMD_conservative_depth_enable || state->ARB_conservative_depth_enable)) { if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "depth_any", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.depth_any = 1; } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "depth_greater", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.depth_greater = 1; } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "depth_less", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.depth_less = 1; } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "depth_unchanged", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.depth_unchanged = 1; } if ($$.flags.i && state->AMD_conservative_depth_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "GL_AMD_conservative_depth " "layout qualifier `%s' is used", $1); } if ($$.flags.i && state->ARB_conservative_depth_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "GL_ARB_conservative_depth " "layout qualifier `%s' is used", $1); } } /* See also interface_block_layout_qualifier. */ if (!$$.flags.i && state->has_uniform_buffer_objects()) { if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "std140", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.std140 = 1; } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "shared", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.shared = 1; } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "column_major", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.column_major = 1; /* "row_major" is a reserved word in GLSL 1.30+. Its token is parsed * below in the interface_block_layout_qualifier rule. * * It is not a reserved word in GLSL ES 3.00, so it's handled here as * an identifier. * * Also, this takes care of alternate capitalizations of * "row_major" (which is necessary because layout qualifiers * are case-insensitive in desktop GLSL). */ } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "row_major", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.row_major = 1; /* "packed" is a reserved word in GLSL, and its token is * parsed below in the interface_block_layout_qualifier rule. * However, we must take care of alternate capitalizations of * "packed", because layout qualifiers are case-insensitive * in desktop GLSL. */ } else if (match_layout_qualifier($1, "packed", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.packed = 1; } if ($$.flags.i && state->ARB_uniform_buffer_object_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "#version 140 / GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object " "layout qualifier `%s' is used", $1); } } /* Layout qualifiers for GLSL 1.50 geometry shaders. */ if (!$$.flags.i) { static const struct { const char *s; GLenum e; } map[] = { { "points", GL_POINTS }, { "lines", GL_LINES }, { "lines_adjacency", GL_LINES_ADJACENCY }, { "line_strip", GL_LINE_STRIP }, { "triangles", GL_TRIANGLES }, { "triangles_adjacency", GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY }, { "triangle_strip", GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP }, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); i++) { if (match_layout_qualifier($1, map[i].s, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.prim_type = 1; $$.prim_type = map[i].e; break; } } if ($$.flags.i && !state->is_version(150, 0)) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "#version 150 layout " "qualifier `%s' used", $1); } } /* Layout qualifiers for ARB_shader_image_load_store. */ if (state->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || state->is_version(420, 0)) { if (!$$.flags.i) { static const struct { const char *name; GLenum format; glsl_base_type base_type; } map[] = { { "rgba32f", GL_RGBA32F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rgba16f", GL_RGBA16F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rg32f", GL_RG32F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rg16f", GL_RG16F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r11f_g11f_b10f", GL_R11F_G11F_B10F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r32f", GL_R32F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r16f", GL_R16F, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rgba32ui", GL_RGBA32UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rgba16ui", GL_RGBA16UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rgb10_a2ui", GL_RGB10_A2UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rgba8ui", GL_RGBA8UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rg32ui", GL_RG32UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rg16ui", GL_RG16UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rg8ui", GL_RG8UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "r32ui", GL_R32UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "r16ui", GL_R16UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "r8ui", GL_R8UI, GLSL_TYPE_UINT }, { "rgba32i", GL_RGBA32I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "rgba16i", GL_RGBA16I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "rgba8i", GL_RGBA8I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "rg32i", GL_RG32I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "rg16i", GL_RG16I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "rg8i", GL_RG8I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "r32i", GL_R32I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "r16i", GL_R16I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "r8i", GL_R8I, GLSL_TYPE_INT }, { "rgba16", GL_RGBA16, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rgb10_a2", GL_RGB10_A2, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rgba8", GL_RGBA8, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rg16", GL_RG16, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rg8", GL_RG8, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r16", GL_R16, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r8", GL_R8, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rgba16_snorm", GL_RGBA16_SNORM, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rgba8_snorm", GL_RGBA8_SNORM, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rg16_snorm", GL_RG16_SNORM, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "rg8_snorm", GL_RG8_SNORM, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r16_snorm", GL_R16_SNORM, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT }, { "r8_snorm", GL_R8_SNORM, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT } }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); i++) { if (match_layout_qualifier($1, map[i].name, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.explicit_image_format = 1; $$.image_format = map[i].format; $$.image_base_type = map[i].base_type; break; } } } if (!$$.flags.i && match_layout_qualifier($1, "early_fragment_tests", state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.early_fragment_tests = 1; } } if (!$$.flags.i) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "unrecognized layout identifier " "`%s'", $1); YYERROR; } } | any_identifier '=' integer_constant { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); if (match_layout_qualifier("location", $1, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.explicit_location = 1; if ($$.flags.q.attribute == 1 && state->ARB_explicit_attrib_location_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location layout " "identifier `%s' used", $1); } if ($3 >= 0) { $$.location = $3; } else { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invalid location %d specified", $3); YYERROR; } } if (match_layout_qualifier("index", $1, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.explicit_index = 1; if ($3 >= 0) { $$.index = $3; } else { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invalid index %d specified", $3); YYERROR; } } if ((state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable || state->ARB_shader_atomic_counters_enable) && match_layout_qualifier("binding", $1, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.explicit_binding = 1; $$.binding = $3; } if (state->ARB_shader_atomic_counters_enable && match_layout_qualifier("offset", $1, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.explicit_offset = 1; $$.offset = $3; } if (match_layout_qualifier("max_vertices", $1, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.max_vertices = 1; if ($3 < 0) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invalid max_vertices %d specified", $3); YYERROR; } else { $$.max_vertices = $3; if (!state->is_version(150, 0)) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "#version 150 max_vertices qualifier " "specified", $3); } } } if (state->stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY) { if (match_layout_qualifier("stream", $1, state) == 0 && state->check_explicit_attrib_stream_allowed(& @3)) { $$.flags.q.stream = 1; if ($3 < 0) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invalid stream %d specified", $3); YYERROR; } else { $$.flags.q.explicit_stream = 1; $$.stream = $3; } } } static const char * const local_size_qualifiers[3] = { "local_size_x", "local_size_y", "local_size_z", }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (match_layout_qualifier(local_size_qualifiers[i], $1, state) == 0) { if ($3 <= 0) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invalid %s of %d specified", local_size_qualifiers[i], $3); YYERROR; } else if (!state->is_version(430, 0) && !state->ARB_compute_shader_enable) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "%s qualifier requires GLSL 4.30 or " "ARB_compute_shader", local_size_qualifiers[i]); YYERROR; } else { $$.flags.q.local_size |= (1 << i); $$.local_size[i] = $3; } break; } } if (match_layout_qualifier("invocations", $1, state) == 0) { $$.flags.q.invocations = 1; if ($3 <= 0) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invalid invocations %d specified", $3); YYERROR; } else if ($3 > MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "invocations (%d) exceeds " "GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS", $3); YYERROR; } else { $$.invocations = $3; if (!state->is_version(400, 0) && !state->ARB_gpu_shader5_enable) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @3, state, "GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 invocations " "qualifier specified", $3); } } } /* If the identifier didn't match any known layout identifiers, * emit an error. */ if (!$$.flags.i) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "unrecognized layout identifier " "`%s'", $1); YYERROR; } } | interface_block_layout_qualifier { $$ = $1; /* Layout qualifiers for ARB_uniform_buffer_object. */ if ($$.flags.q.uniform && !state->has_uniform_buffer_objects()) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "#version 140 / GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object " "layout qualifier `%s' is used", $1); } else if ($$.flags.q.uniform && state->ARB_uniform_buffer_object_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "#version 140 / GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object " "layout qualifier `%s' is used", $1); } } ; /* This is a separate language rule because we parse these as tokens * (due to them being reserved keywords) instead of identifiers like * most qualifiers. See the any_identifier path of * layout_qualifier_id for the others. * * Note that since layout qualifiers are case-insensitive in desktop * GLSL, all of these qualifiers need to be handled as identifiers as * well (by the any_identifier path of layout_qualifier_id). */ interface_block_layout_qualifier: ROW_MAJOR { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.row_major = 1; } | PACKED_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.packed = 1; } ; interpolation_qualifier: SMOOTH { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.smooth = 1; } | FLAT { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.flat = 1; } | NOPERSPECTIVE { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.noperspective = 1; } ; type_qualifier: /* Single qualifiers */ INVARIANT { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.invariant = 1; } | PRECISE { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.precise = 1; } | auxiliary_storage_qualifier | storage_qualifier | interpolation_qualifier | layout_qualifier | precision_qualifier { memset(&$$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.precision = $1; } /* Multiple qualifiers: * In GLSL 4.20, these can be specified in any order. In earlier versions, * they appear in this order (see GLSL 1.50 section 4.7 & comments below): * * invariant interpolation auxiliary storage precision ...or... * layout storage precision * * Each qualifier's rule ensures that the accumulated qualifiers on the right * side don't contain any that must appear on the left hand side. * For example, when processing a storage qualifier, we check that there are * no auxiliary, interpolation, layout, invariant, or precise qualifiers to the right. */ | PRECISE type_qualifier { if ($2.flags.q.precise) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate \"precise\" qualifier"); $$ = $2; $$.flags.q.precise = 1; } | INVARIANT type_qualifier { if ($2.flags.q.invariant) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate \"invariant\" qualifier"); if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && $2.flags.q.precise) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "\"invariant\" must come after \"precise\""); $$ = $2; $$.flags.q.invariant = 1; /* GLSL ES 3.00 spec, section 4.6.1 "The Invariant Qualifier": * * "Only variables output from a shader can be candidates for invariance. * This includes user-defined output variables and the built-in output * variables. As only outputs can be declared as invariant, an invariant * output from one shader stage will still match an input of a subsequent * stage without the input being declared as invariant." */ if (state->es_shader && state->language_version >= 300 && $$.flags.q.in) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "invariant qualifiers cannot be used with shader inputs"); } | interpolation_qualifier type_qualifier { /* Section 4.3 of the GLSL 1.40 specification states: * "...qualified with one of these interpolation qualifiers" * * GLSL 1.30 claims to allow "one or more", but insists that: * "These interpolation qualifiers may only precede the qualifiers in, * centroid in, out, or centroid out in a declaration." * * ...which means that e.g. smooth can't precede smooth, so there can be * only one after all, and the 1.40 text is a clarification, not a change. */ if ($2.has_interpolation()) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate interpolation qualifier"); if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && ($2.flags.q.precise || $2.flags.q.invariant)) { _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "interpolation qualifiers must come " "after \"precise\" or \"invariant\""); } $$ = $1; $$.merge_qualifier(&@1, state, $2); } | layout_qualifier type_qualifier { /* In the absence of ARB_shading_language_420pack, layout qualifiers may * appear no later than auxiliary storage qualifiers. There is no * particularly clear spec language mandating this, but in all examples * the layout qualifier precedes the storage qualifier. * * We allow combinations of layout with interpolation, invariant or * precise qualifiers since these are useful in ARB_separate_shader_objects. * There is no clear spec guidance on this either. */ if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && $2.has_layout()) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate layout(...) qualifiers"); $$ = $1; $$.merge_qualifier(&@1, state, $2); } | auxiliary_storage_qualifier type_qualifier { if ($2.has_auxiliary_storage()) { _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate auxiliary storage qualifier (centroid or sample)"); } if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && ($2.flags.q.precise || $2.flags.q.invariant || $2.has_interpolation() || $2.has_layout())) { _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "auxiliary storage qualifiers must come " "just before storage qualifiers"); } $$ = $1; $$.merge_qualifier(&@1, state, $2); } | storage_qualifier type_qualifier { /* Section 4.3 of the GLSL 1.20 specification states: * "Variable declarations may have a storage qualifier specified..." * 1.30 clarifies this to "may have one storage qualifier". */ if ($2.has_storage()) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate storage qualifier"); if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && ($2.flags.q.precise || $2.flags.q.invariant || $2.has_interpolation() || $2.has_layout() || $2.has_auxiliary_storage())) { _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "storage qualifiers must come after " "precise, invariant, interpolation, layout and auxiliary " "storage qualifiers"); } $$ = $1; $$.merge_qualifier(&@1, state, $2); } | precision_qualifier type_qualifier { if ($2.precision != ast_precision_none) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "duplicate precision qualifier"); if (!state->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable && $2.flags.i != 0) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "precision qualifiers must come last"); $$ = $2; $$.precision = $1; } ; auxiliary_storage_qualifier: CENTROID { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.centroid = 1; } | SAMPLE { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.sample = 1; } /* TODO: "patch" also goes here someday. */ storage_qualifier: CONST_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.constant = 1; } | ATTRIBUTE { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.attribute = 1; } | VARYING { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.varying = 1; } | IN_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.in = 1; } | OUT_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.out = 1; if (state->stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY && state->has_explicit_attrib_stream()) { /* Section (Output Layout Qualifiers) of the GLSL 4.00 * spec says: * * "If the block or variable is declared with the stream * identifier, it is associated with the specified stream; * otherwise, it is associated with the current default stream." */ $$.flags.q.stream = 1; $$.flags.q.explicit_stream = 0; $$.stream = state->out_qualifier->stream; } } | UNIFORM { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.uniform = 1; } | COHERENT { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.coherent = 1; } | VOLATILE { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q._volatile = 1; } | RESTRICT { STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof($$.flags.q) <= sizeof($$.flags.i)); memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.restrict_flag = 1; } | READONLY { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.read_only = 1; } | WRITEONLY { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.write_only = 1; } ; array_specifier: '[' ']' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_array_specifier(@1); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } | '[' constant_expression ']' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_array_specifier(@1, $2); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } | array_specifier '[' ']' { $$ = $1; if (!state->ARB_arrays_of_arrays_enable) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays " "required for defining arrays of arrays"); } else { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "only the outermost array dimension can " "be unsized"); } } | array_specifier '[' constant_expression ']' { $$ = $1; if (!state->ARB_arrays_of_arrays_enable) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays " "required for defining arrays of arrays"); } $$->add_dimension($3); } ; type_specifier: type_specifier_nonarray | type_specifier_nonarray array_specifier { $$ = $1; $$->array_specifier = $2; } ; type_specifier_nonarray: basic_type_specifier_nonarray { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_type_specifier($1); $$->set_location(@1); } | struct_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_type_specifier($1); $$->set_location(@1); } | TYPE_IDENTIFIER { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_type_specifier($1); $$->set_location(@1); } ; basic_type_specifier_nonarray: VOID_TOK { $$ = "void"; } | FLOAT_TOK { $$ = "float"; } | DOUBLE_TOK { $$ = "double"; } | INT_TOK { $$ = "int"; } | UINT_TOK { $$ = "uint"; } | BOOL_TOK { $$ = "bool"; } | VEC2 { $$ = "vec2"; } | VEC3 { $$ = "vec3"; } | VEC4 { $$ = "vec4"; } | BVEC2 { $$ = "bvec2"; } | BVEC3 { $$ = "bvec3"; } | BVEC4 { $$ = "bvec4"; } | IVEC2 { $$ = "ivec2"; } | IVEC3 { $$ = "ivec3"; } | IVEC4 { $$ = "ivec4"; } | UVEC2 { $$ = "uvec2"; } | UVEC3 { $$ = "uvec3"; } | UVEC4 { $$ = "uvec4"; } | DVEC2 { $$ = "dvec2"; } | DVEC3 { $$ = "dvec3"; } | DVEC4 { $$ = "dvec4"; } | MAT2X2 { $$ = "mat2"; } | MAT2X3 { $$ = "mat2x3"; } | MAT2X4 { $$ = "mat2x4"; } | MAT3X2 { $$ = "mat3x2"; } | MAT3X3 { $$ = "mat3"; } | MAT3X4 { $$ = "mat3x4"; } | MAT4X2 { $$ = "mat4x2"; } | MAT4X3 { $$ = "mat4x3"; } | MAT4X4 { $$ = "mat4"; } | DMAT2X2 { $$ = "dmat2"; } | DMAT2X3 { $$ = "dmat2x3"; } | DMAT2X4 { $$ = "dmat2x4"; } | DMAT3X2 { $$ = "dmat3x2"; } | DMAT3X3 { $$ = "dmat3"; } | DMAT3X4 { $$ = "dmat3x4"; } | DMAT4X2 { $$ = "dmat4x2"; } | DMAT4X3 { $$ = "dmat4x3"; } | DMAT4X4 { $$ = "dmat4"; } | SAMPLER1D { $$ = "sampler1D"; } | SAMPLER2D { $$ = "sampler2D"; } | SAMPLER2DRECT { $$ = "sampler2DRect"; } | SAMPLER3D { $$ = "sampler3D"; } | SAMPLERCUBE { $$ = "samplerCube"; } | SAMPLEREXTERNALOES { $$ = "samplerExternalOES"; } | SAMPLER1DSHADOW { $$ = "sampler1DShadow"; } | SAMPLER2DSHADOW { $$ = "sampler2DShadow"; } | SAMPLER2DRECTSHADOW { $$ = "sampler2DRectShadow"; } | SAMPLERCUBESHADOW { $$ = "samplerCubeShadow"; } | SAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = "sampler1DArray"; } | SAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = "sampler2DArray"; } | SAMPLER1DARRAYSHADOW { $$ = "sampler1DArrayShadow"; } | SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW { $$ = "sampler2DArrayShadow"; } | SAMPLERBUFFER { $$ = "samplerBuffer"; } | SAMPLERCUBEARRAY { $$ = "samplerCubeArray"; } | SAMPLERCUBEARRAYSHADOW { $$ = "samplerCubeArrayShadow"; } | ISAMPLER1D { $$ = "isampler1D"; } | ISAMPLER2D { $$ = "isampler2D"; } | ISAMPLER2DRECT { $$ = "isampler2DRect"; } | ISAMPLER3D { $$ = "isampler3D"; } | ISAMPLERCUBE { $$ = "isamplerCube"; } | ISAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = "isampler1DArray"; } | ISAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = "isampler2DArray"; } | ISAMPLERBUFFER { $$ = "isamplerBuffer"; } | ISAMPLERCUBEARRAY { $$ = "isamplerCubeArray"; } | USAMPLER1D { $$ = "usampler1D"; } | USAMPLER2D { $$ = "usampler2D"; } | USAMPLER2DRECT { $$ = "usampler2DRect"; } | USAMPLER3D { $$ = "usampler3D"; } | USAMPLERCUBE { $$ = "usamplerCube"; } | USAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = "usampler1DArray"; } | USAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = "usampler2DArray"; } | USAMPLERBUFFER { $$ = "usamplerBuffer"; } | USAMPLERCUBEARRAY { $$ = "usamplerCubeArray"; } | SAMPLER2DMS { $$ = "sampler2DMS"; } | ISAMPLER2DMS { $$ = "isampler2DMS"; } | USAMPLER2DMS { $$ = "usampler2DMS"; } | SAMPLER2DMSARRAY { $$ = "sampler2DMSArray"; } | ISAMPLER2DMSARRAY { $$ = "isampler2DMSArray"; } | USAMPLER2DMSARRAY { $$ = "usampler2DMSArray"; } | IMAGE1D { $$ = "image1D"; } | IMAGE2D { $$ = "image2D"; } | IMAGE3D { $$ = "image3D"; } | IMAGE2DRECT { $$ = "image2DRect"; } | IMAGECUBE { $$ = "imageCube"; } | IMAGEBUFFER { $$ = "imageBuffer"; } | IMAGE1DARRAY { $$ = "image1DArray"; } | IMAGE2DARRAY { $$ = "image2DArray"; } | IMAGECUBEARRAY { $$ = "imageCubeArray"; } | IMAGE2DMS { $$ = "image2DMS"; } | IMAGE2DMSARRAY { $$ = "image2DMSArray"; } | IIMAGE1D { $$ = "iimage1D"; } | IIMAGE2D { $$ = "iimage2D"; } | IIMAGE3D { $$ = "iimage3D"; } | IIMAGE2DRECT { $$ = "iimage2DRect"; } | IIMAGECUBE { $$ = "iimageCube"; } | IIMAGEBUFFER { $$ = "iimageBuffer"; } | IIMAGE1DARRAY { $$ = "iimage1DArray"; } | IIMAGE2DARRAY { $$ = "iimage2DArray"; } | IIMAGECUBEARRAY { $$ = "iimageCubeArray"; } | IIMAGE2DMS { $$ = "iimage2DMS"; } | IIMAGE2DMSARRAY { $$ = "iimage2DMSArray"; } | UIMAGE1D { $$ = "uimage1D"; } | UIMAGE2D { $$ = "uimage2D"; } | UIMAGE3D { $$ = "uimage3D"; } | UIMAGE2DRECT { $$ = "uimage2DRect"; } | UIMAGECUBE { $$ = "uimageCube"; } | UIMAGEBUFFER { $$ = "uimageBuffer"; } | UIMAGE1DARRAY { $$ = "uimage1DArray"; } | UIMAGE2DARRAY { $$ = "uimage2DArray"; } | UIMAGECUBEARRAY { $$ = "uimageCubeArray"; } | UIMAGE2DMS { $$ = "uimage2DMS"; } | UIMAGE2DMSARRAY { $$ = "uimage2DMSArray"; } | ATOMIC_UINT { $$ = "atomic_uint"; } ; precision_qualifier: HIGHP { state->check_precision_qualifiers_allowed(&@1); $$ = ast_precision_high; } | MEDIUMP { state->check_precision_qualifiers_allowed(&@1); $$ = ast_precision_medium; } | LOWP { state->check_precision_qualifiers_allowed(&@1); $$ = ast_precision_low; } ; struct_specifier: STRUCT any_identifier '{' struct_declaration_list '}' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_struct_specifier($2, $4); $$->set_location_range(@2, @5); state->symbols->add_type($2, glsl_type::void_type); } | STRUCT '{' struct_declaration_list '}' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_struct_specifier(NULL, $3); $$->set_location_range(@2, @4); } ; struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration { $$ = $1; $1->link.self_link(); } | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration { $$ = $1; $$->link.insert_before(& $2->link); } ; struct_declaration: fully_specified_type struct_declarator_list ';' { void *ctx = state; ast_fully_specified_type *const type = $1; type->set_location(@1); if (type->qualifier.flags.i != 0) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "only precision qualifiers may be applied to " "structure members"); $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list(type); $$->set_location(@2); $$->declarations.push_degenerate_list_at_head(& $2->link); } ; struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator { $$ = $1; $1->link.self_link(); } | struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator { $$ = $1; $$->link.insert_before(& $3->link); } ; struct_declarator: any_identifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_declaration($1, NULL, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | any_identifier array_specifier { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_declaration($1, $2, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } ; initializer: assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' initializer_list ',' '}' { $$ = $2; } ; initializer_list: initializer { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_aggregate_initializer(); $$->set_location(@1); $$->expressions.push_tail(& $1->link); } | initializer_list ',' initializer { $1->expressions.push_tail(& $3->link); } ; declaration_statement: declaration ; // Grammar Note: labeled statements for SWITCH only; 'goto' is not // supported. statement: compound_statement { $$ = (ast_node *) $1; } | simple_statement ; simple_statement: declaration_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | switch_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement ; compound_statement: '{' '}' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_compound_statement(true, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } | '{' { state->symbols->push_scope(); } statement_list '}' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_compound_statement(true, $3); $$->set_location_range(@1, @4); state->symbols->pop_scope(); } ; statement_no_new_scope: compound_statement_no_new_scope { $$ = (ast_node *) $1; } | simple_statement ; compound_statement_no_new_scope: '{' '}' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_compound_statement(false, NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } | '{' statement_list '}' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_compound_statement(false, $2); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; statement_list: statement { if ($1 == NULL) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, " statement"); assert($1 != NULL); } $$ = $1; $$->link.self_link(); } | statement_list statement { if ($2 == NULL) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @2, state, " statement"); assert($2 != NULL); } $$ = $1; $$->link.insert_before(& $2->link); } ; expression_statement: ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_statement(NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | expression ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_expression_statement($1); $$->set_location(@1); } ; selection_statement: IF '(' expression ')' selection_rest_statement { $$ = new(state) ast_selection_statement($3, $5.then_statement, $5.else_statement); $$->set_location_range(@1, @5); } ; selection_rest_statement: statement ELSE statement { $$.then_statement = $1; $$.else_statement = $3; } | statement %prec THEN { $$.then_statement = $1; $$.else_statement = NULL; } ; condition: expression { $$ = (ast_node *) $1; } | fully_specified_type any_identifier '=' initializer { void *ctx = state; ast_declaration *decl = new(ctx) ast_declaration($2, NULL, $4); ast_declarator_list *declarator = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list($1); decl->set_location_range(@2, @4); declarator->set_location(@1); declarator->declarations.push_tail(&decl->link); $$ = declarator; } ; /* * switch_statement grammar is based on the syntax described in the body * of the GLSL spec, not in it's appendix!!! */ switch_statement: SWITCH '(' expression ')' switch_body { $$ = new(state) ast_switch_statement($3, $5); $$->set_location_range(@1, @5); } ; switch_body: '{' '}' { $$ = new(state) ast_switch_body(NULL); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } | '{' case_statement_list '}' { $$ = new(state) ast_switch_body($2); $$->set_location_range(@1, @3); } ; case_label: CASE expression ':' { $$ = new(state) ast_case_label($2); $$->set_location(@2); } | DEFAULT ':' { $$ = new(state) ast_case_label(NULL); $$->set_location(@2); } ; case_label_list: case_label { ast_case_label_list *labels = new(state) ast_case_label_list(); labels->labels.push_tail(& $1->link); $$ = labels; $$->set_location(@1); } | case_label_list case_label { $$ = $1; $$->labels.push_tail(& $2->link); } ; case_statement: case_label_list statement { ast_case_statement *stmts = new(state) ast_case_statement($1); stmts->set_location(@2); stmts->stmts.push_tail(& $2->link); $$ = stmts; } | case_statement statement { $$ = $1; $$->stmts.push_tail(& $2->link); } ; case_statement_list: case_statement { ast_case_statement_list *cases= new(state) ast_case_statement_list(); cases->set_location(@1); cases->cases.push_tail(& $1->link); $$ = cases; } | case_statement_list case_statement { $$ = $1; $$->cases.push_tail(& $2->link); } ; iteration_statement: WHILE '(' condition ')' statement_no_new_scope { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_iteration_statement(ast_iteration_statement::ast_while, NULL, $3, NULL, $5); $$->set_location_range(@1, @4); } | DO statement WHILE '(' expression ')' ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_iteration_statement(ast_iteration_statement::ast_do_while, NULL, $5, NULL, $2); $$->set_location_range(@1, @6); } | FOR '(' for_init_statement for_rest_statement ')' statement_no_new_scope { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_iteration_statement(ast_iteration_statement::ast_for, $3, $4.cond, $4.rest, $6); $$->set_location_range(@1, @6); } ; for_init_statement: expression_statement | declaration_statement ; conditionopt: condition | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; for_rest_statement: conditionopt ';' { $$.cond = $1; $$.rest = NULL; } | conditionopt ';' expression { $$.cond = $1; $$.rest = $3; } ; // Grammar Note: No 'goto'. Gotos are not supported. jump_statement: CONTINUE ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_jump_statement(ast_jump_statement::ast_continue, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | BREAK ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_jump_statement(ast_jump_statement::ast_break, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | RETURN ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_jump_statement(ast_jump_statement::ast_return, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | RETURN expression ';' { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_jump_statement(ast_jump_statement::ast_return, $2); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } | DISCARD ';' // Fragment shader only. { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_jump_statement(ast_jump_statement::ast_discard, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } ; external_declaration: function_definition { $$ = $1; } | declaration { $$ = $1; } | pragma_statement { $$ = NULL; } | layout_defaults { $$ = $1; } ; function_definition: function_prototype compound_statement_no_new_scope { void *ctx = state; $$ = new(ctx) ast_function_definition(); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); $$->prototype = $1; $$->body = $2; state->symbols->pop_scope(); } ; /* layout_qualifieropt is packed into this rule */ interface_block: basic_interface_block { $$ = $1; } | layout_qualifier basic_interface_block { ast_interface_block *block = $2; if (!block->layout.merge_qualifier(& @1, state, $1)) { YYERROR; } foreach_list_typed (ast_declarator_list, member, link, &block->declarations) { ast_type_qualifier& qualifier = member->type->qualifier; if (qualifier.flags.q.stream && qualifier.stream != block->layout.stream) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "stream layout qualifier on " "interface block member does not match " "the interface block (%d vs %d)", qualifier.stream, block->layout.stream); YYERROR; } } $$ = block; } ; basic_interface_block: interface_qualifier NEW_IDENTIFIER '{' member_list '}' instance_name_opt ';' { ast_interface_block *const block = $6; block->block_name = $2; block->declarations.push_degenerate_list_at_head(& $4->link); if ($1.flags.q.uniform) { if (!state->has_uniform_buffer_objects()) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "#version 140 / GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object " "required for defining uniform blocks"); } else if (state->ARB_uniform_buffer_object_warn) { _mesa_glsl_warning(& @1, state, "#version 140 / GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object " "required for defining uniform blocks"); } } else { if (state->es_shader || state->language_version < 150) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "#version 150 required for using " "interface blocks"); } } /* From the GLSL 1.50.11 spec, section 4.3.7 ("Interface Blocks"): * "It is illegal to have an input block in a vertex shader * or an output block in a fragment shader" */ if ((state->stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX) && $1.flags.q.in) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "`in' interface block is not allowed for " "a vertex shader"); } else if ((state->stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) && $1.flags.q.out) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "`out' interface block is not allowed for " "a fragment shader"); } /* Since block arrays require names, and both features are added in * the same language versions, we don't have to explicitly * version-check both things. */ if (block->instance_name != NULL) { state->check_version(150, 300, & @1, "interface blocks with " "an instance name are not allowed"); } uint64_t interface_type_mask; struct ast_type_qualifier temp_type_qualifier; /* Get a bitmask containing only the in/out/uniform flags, allowing us * to ignore other irrelevant flags like interpolation qualifiers. */ temp_type_qualifier.flags.i = 0; temp_type_qualifier.flags.q.uniform = true; temp_type_qualifier.flags.q.in = true; temp_type_qualifier.flags.q.out = true; interface_type_mask = temp_type_qualifier.flags.i; /* Get the block's interface qualifier. The interface_qualifier * production rule guarantees that only one bit will be set (and * it will be in/out/uniform). */ uint64_t block_interface_qualifier = $1.flags.i; block->layout.flags.i |= block_interface_qualifier; if (state->stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY && state->has_explicit_attrib_stream()) { /* Assign global layout's stream value. */ block->layout.flags.q.stream = 1; block->layout.flags.q.explicit_stream = 0; block->layout.stream = state->out_qualifier->stream; } foreach_list_typed (ast_declarator_list, member, link, &block->declarations) { ast_type_qualifier& qualifier = member->type->qualifier; if ((qualifier.flags.i & interface_type_mask) == 0) { /* GLSLangSpec.1.50.11, 4.3.7 (Interface Blocks): * "If no optional qualifier is used in a member declaration, the * qualifier of the variable is just in, out, or uniform as declared * by interface-qualifier." */ qualifier.flags.i |= block_interface_qualifier; } else if ((qualifier.flags.i & interface_type_mask) != block_interface_qualifier) { /* GLSLangSpec.1.50.11, 4.3.7 (Interface Blocks): * "If optional qualifiers are used, they can include interpolation * and storage qualifiers and they must declare an input, output, * or uniform variable consistent with the interface qualifier of * the block." */ _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "uniform/in/out qualifier on " "interface block member does not match " "the interface block"); } /* From GLSL ES 3.0, chapter 4.3.7 "Interface Blocks": * * "GLSL ES 3.0 does not support interface blocks for shader inputs or * outputs." * * And from GLSL ES 3.0, chapter 4.6.1 "The invariant qualifier":. * * "Only variables output from a shader can be candidates for * invariance." * * From GLSL 4.40 and GLSL 1.50, section "Interface Blocks": * * "If optional qualifiers are used, they can include interpolation * qualifiers, auxiliary storage qualifiers, and storage qualifiers * and they must declare an input, output, or uniform member * consistent with the interface qualifier of the block" */ if (qualifier.flags.q.invariant) _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "invariant qualifiers cannot be used " "with interface blocks members"); } $$ = block; } ; interface_qualifier: IN_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.in = 1; } | OUT_TOK { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.out = 1; } | UNIFORM { memset(& $$, 0, sizeof($$)); $$.flags.q.uniform = 1; } ; instance_name_opt: /* empty */ { $$ = new(state) ast_interface_block(*state->default_uniform_qualifier, NULL, NULL); } | NEW_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new(state) ast_interface_block(*state->default_uniform_qualifier, $1, NULL); $$->set_location(@1); } | NEW_IDENTIFIER array_specifier { $$ = new(state) ast_interface_block(*state->default_uniform_qualifier, $1, $2); $$->set_location_range(@1, @2); } ; member_list: member_declaration { $$ = $1; $1->link.self_link(); } | member_declaration member_list { $$ = $1; $2->link.insert_before(& $$->link); } ; member_declaration: fully_specified_type struct_declarator_list ';' { void *ctx = state; ast_fully_specified_type *type = $1; type->set_location(@1); if (type->qualifier.flags.q.attribute) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "keyword 'attribute' cannot be used with " "interface block member"); } else if (type->qualifier.flags.q.varying) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "keyword 'varying' cannot be used with " "interface block member"); } $$ = new(ctx) ast_declarator_list(type); $$->set_location(@2); $$->declarations.push_degenerate_list_at_head(& $2->link); } ; layout_defaults: layout_qualifier UNIFORM ';' { if (!state->default_uniform_qualifier->merge_qualifier(& @1, state, $1)) { YYERROR; } $$ = NULL; } | layout_qualifier IN_TOK ';' { $$ = NULL; if (!state->in_qualifier->merge_in_qualifier(& @1, state, $1, $$)) { YYERROR; } } | layout_qualifier OUT_TOK ';' { if (state->stage != MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY) { _mesa_glsl_error(& @1, state, "out layout qualifiers only valid in " "geometry shaders"); } else { if ($1.flags.q.prim_type) { /* Make sure this is a valid output primitive type. */ switch ($1.prim_type) { case GL_POINTS: case GL_LINE_STRIP: case GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: break; default: _mesa_glsl_error(&@1, state, "invalid geometry shader output " "primitive type"); break; } } if (!state->out_qualifier->merge_qualifier(& @1, state, $1)) YYERROR; /* Allow future assigments of global out's stream id value */ state->out_qualifier->flags.q.explicit_stream = 0; } $$ = NULL; }