/* * Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "main/core.h" #include "ir.h" #include "linker.h" #include "ir_uniform.h" #include "glsl_symbol_table.h" #include "program/hash_table.h" #include "program.h" static inline unsigned int align(unsigned int a, unsigned int align) { return (a + align - 1) / align * align; } /** * \file link_uniforms.cpp * Assign locations for GLSL uniforms. * * \author Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick@intel.com> */ /** * Count the backing storage requirements for a type */ static unsigned values_for_type(const glsl_type *type) { if (type->is_sampler()) { return 1; } else if (type->is_array() && type->fields.array->is_sampler()) { return type->array_size(); } else { return type->component_slots(); } } void uniform_field_visitor::process(ir_variable *var) { const glsl_type *t = var->type; /* Only strdup the name if we actually will need to modify it. */ if (t->is_record() || (t->is_array() && t->fields.array->is_record())) { char *name = ralloc_strdup(NULL, var->name); recursion(var->type, &name, strlen(name)); ralloc_free(name); } else { this->visit_field(t, var->name); } } void uniform_field_visitor::recursion(const glsl_type *t, char **name, size_t name_length) { /* Records need to have each field processed individually. * * Arrays of records need to have each array element processed * individually, then each field of the resulting array elements processed * individually. */ if (t->is_record()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->length; i++) { const char *field = t->fields.structure[i].name; size_t new_length = name_length; /* Append '.field' to the current uniform name. */ ralloc_asprintf_rewrite_tail(name, &new_length, ".%s", field); recursion(t->fields.structure[i].type, name, new_length); } } else if (t->is_array() && t->fields.array->is_record()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->length; i++) { size_t new_length = name_length; /* Append the subscript to the current uniform name */ ralloc_asprintf_rewrite_tail(name, &new_length, "[%u]", i); recursion(t->fields.array, name, new_length); } } else { this->visit_field(t, *name); } } /** * Class to help calculate the storage requirements for a set of uniforms * * As uniforms are added to the active set the number of active uniforms and * the storage requirements for those uniforms are accumulated. The active * uniforms are added the the hash table supplied to the constructor. * * If the same uniform is added multiple times (i.e., once for each shader * target), it will only be accounted once. */ class count_uniform_size : public uniform_field_visitor { public: count_uniform_size(struct string_to_uint_map *map) : num_active_uniforms(0), num_values(0), num_shader_samplers(0), num_shader_uniform_components(0), map(map) { /* empty */ } void start_shader() { this->num_shader_samplers = 0; this->num_shader_uniform_components = 0; } /** * Total number of active uniforms counted */ unsigned num_active_uniforms; /** * Number of data values required to back the storage for the active uniforms */ unsigned num_values; /** * Number of samplers used */ unsigned num_shader_samplers; /** * Number of uniforms used in the current shader */ unsigned num_shader_uniform_components; private: virtual void visit_field(const glsl_type *type, const char *name) { assert(!type->is_record()); assert(!(type->is_array() && type->fields.array->is_record())); /* Count the number of samplers regardless of whether the uniform is * already in the hash table. The hash table prevents adding the same * uniform for multiple shader targets, but in this case we want to * count it for each shader target. */ const unsigned values = values_for_type(type); if (type->contains_sampler()) { this->num_shader_samplers += type->is_array() ? type->array_size() : 1; } else { /* Accumulate the total number of uniform slots used by this shader. * Note that samplers do not count against this limit because they * don't use any storage on current hardware. */ this->num_shader_uniform_components += values; } /* If the uniform is already in the map, there's nothing more to do. */ unsigned id; if (this->map->get(id, name)) return; this->map->put(this->num_active_uniforms, name); /* Each leaf uniform occupies one entry in the list of active * uniforms. */ this->num_active_uniforms++; this->num_values += values; } struct string_to_uint_map *map; }; /** * Class to help parcel out pieces of backing storage to uniforms * * Each uniform processed has some range of the \c gl_constant_value * structures associated with it. The association is done by finding * the uniform in the \c string_to_uint_map and using the value from * the map to connect that slot in the \c gl_uniform_storage table * with the next available slot in the \c gl_constant_value array. * * \warning * This class assumes that every uniform that will be processed is * already in the \c string_to_uint_map. In addition, it assumes that * the \c gl_uniform_storage and \c gl_constant_value arrays are "big * enough." */ class parcel_out_uniform_storage : public uniform_field_visitor { public: parcel_out_uniform_storage(struct string_to_uint_map *map, struct gl_uniform_storage *uniforms, union gl_constant_value *values) : map(map), uniforms(uniforms), next_sampler(0), values(values) { memset(this->targets, 0, sizeof(this->targets)); } void start_shader() { this->shader_samplers_used = 0; this->shader_shadow_samplers = 0; } void set_and_process(struct gl_shader_program *prog, struct gl_shader *shader, ir_variable *var) { ubo_var = NULL; if (var->uniform_block != -1) { struct gl_uniform_block *block = &shader->UniformBlocks[var->uniform_block]; ubo_block_index = -1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumUniformBlocks; i++) { if (!strcmp(prog->UniformBlocks[i].Name, shader->UniformBlocks[var->uniform_block].Name)) { ubo_block_index = i; break; } } assert(ubo_block_index != -1); ubo_var_index = var->location; ubo_var = &block->Uniforms[var->location]; ubo_byte_offset = ubo_var->Offset; } process(var); } struct gl_uniform_buffer_variable *ubo_var; int ubo_block_index; int ubo_var_index; int ubo_byte_offset; private: virtual void visit_field(const glsl_type *type, const char *name) { assert(!type->is_record()); assert(!(type->is_array() && type->fields.array->is_record())); unsigned id; bool found = this->map->get(id, name); assert(found); if (!found) return; /* If there is already storage associated with this uniform, it means * that it was set while processing an earlier shader stage. For * example, we may be processing the uniform in the fragment shader, but * the uniform was already processed in the vertex shader. */ if (this->uniforms[id].storage != NULL) { /* If the uniform already has storage set from another shader stage, * mark the samplers used for this shader stage. */ if (type->contains_sampler()) { const unsigned count = MAX2(1, this->uniforms[id].array_elements); const unsigned shadow = (type->is_array()) ? type->fields.array->sampler_shadow : type->sampler_shadow; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { const unsigned s = this->uniforms[id].sampler + i; this->shader_samplers_used |= 1U << s; this->shader_shadow_samplers |= shadow << s; } } return; } const glsl_type *base_type; if (type->is_array()) { this->uniforms[id].array_elements = type->length; base_type = type->fields.array; } else { this->uniforms[id].array_elements = 0; base_type = type; } if (base_type->is_sampler()) { this->uniforms[id].sampler = this->next_sampler; /* Increment the sampler by 1 for non-arrays and by the number of * array elements for arrays. */ this->next_sampler += MAX2(1, this->uniforms[id].array_elements); const gl_texture_index target = base_type->sampler_index(); const unsigned shadow = base_type->sampler_shadow; for (unsigned i = this->uniforms[id].sampler ; i < MIN2(this->next_sampler, MAX_SAMPLERS) ; i++) { this->targets[i] = target; this->shader_samplers_used |= 1U << i; this->shader_shadow_samplers |= shadow << i; } } else { this->uniforms[id].sampler = ~0; } this->uniforms[id].name = ralloc_strdup(this->uniforms, name); this->uniforms[id].type = base_type; this->uniforms[id].initialized = 0; this->uniforms[id].num_driver_storage = 0; this->uniforms[id].driver_storage = NULL; this->uniforms[id].storage = this->values; if (this->ubo_var) { this->uniforms[id].block_index = this->ubo_block_index; unsigned alignment = type->std140_base_alignment(ubo_var->RowMajor); this->ubo_byte_offset = align(this->ubo_byte_offset, alignment); this->uniforms[id].offset = this->ubo_byte_offset; this->ubo_byte_offset += type->std140_size(ubo_var->RowMajor); if (type->is_array()) { this->uniforms[id].array_stride = align(type->fields.array->std140_size(ubo_var->RowMajor), 16); } else { this->uniforms[id].array_stride = 0; } if (type->is_matrix() || (type->is_array() && type->fields.array->is_matrix())) { this->uniforms[id].matrix_stride = 16; this->uniforms[id].row_major = ubo_var->RowMajor; } else { this->uniforms[id].matrix_stride = 0; this->uniforms[id].row_major = false; } } else { this->uniforms[id].block_index = -1; this->uniforms[id].offset = -1; this->uniforms[id].array_stride = -1; this->uniforms[id].matrix_stride = -1; this->uniforms[id].row_major = false; } this->values += values_for_type(type); } struct string_to_uint_map *map; struct gl_uniform_storage *uniforms; unsigned next_sampler; public: union gl_constant_value *values; gl_texture_index targets[MAX_SAMPLERS]; /** * Mask of samplers used by the current shader stage. */ unsigned shader_samplers_used; /** * Mask of samplers used by the current shader stage for shadows. */ unsigned shader_shadow_samplers; }; /** * Merges a uniform block into an array of uniform blocks that may or * may not already contain a copy of it. * * Returns the index of the new block in the array. */ int link_cross_validate_uniform_block(void *mem_ctx, struct gl_uniform_block **linked_blocks, unsigned int *num_linked_blocks, struct gl_uniform_block *new_block) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < *num_linked_blocks; i++) { struct gl_uniform_block *old_block = &(*linked_blocks)[i]; if (strcmp(old_block->Name, new_block->Name) == 0) { if (old_block->NumUniforms != new_block->NumUniforms) { return -1; } for (unsigned j = 0; j < old_block->NumUniforms; j++) { if (strcmp(old_block->Uniforms[j].Name, new_block->Uniforms[j].Name) != 0) return -1; if (old_block->Uniforms[j].Offset != new_block->Uniforms[j].Offset) return -1; if (old_block->Uniforms[j].RowMajor != new_block->Uniforms[j].RowMajor) return -1; } return i; } } *linked_blocks = reralloc(mem_ctx, *linked_blocks, struct gl_uniform_block, *num_linked_blocks + 1); int linked_block_index = (*num_linked_blocks)++; struct gl_uniform_block *linked_block = &(*linked_blocks)[linked_block_index]; memcpy(linked_block, new_block, sizeof(*new_block)); linked_block->Uniforms = ralloc_array(*linked_blocks, struct gl_uniform_buffer_variable, linked_block->NumUniforms); memcpy(linked_block->Uniforms, new_block->Uniforms, sizeof(*linked_block->Uniforms) * linked_block->NumUniforms); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < linked_block->NumUniforms; i++) { struct gl_uniform_buffer_variable *ubo_var = &linked_block->Uniforms[i]; ubo_var->Name = ralloc_strdup(*linked_blocks, ubo_var->Name); } return linked_block_index; } /** * Walks the IR and update the references to uniform blocks in the * ir_variables to point at linked shader's list (previously, they * would point at the uniform block list in one of the pre-linked * shaders). */ static bool link_update_uniform_buffer_variables(struct gl_shader *shader) { foreach_list(node, shader->ir) { ir_variable *const var = ((ir_instruction *) node)->as_variable(); if ((var == NULL) || (var->uniform_block == -1)) continue; assert(var->mode == ir_var_uniform); bool found = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < shader->NumUniformBlocks; i++) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < shader->UniformBlocks[i].NumUniforms; j++) { if (!strcmp(var->name, shader->UniformBlocks[i].Uniforms[j].Name)) { found = true; var->uniform_block = i; var->location = j; break; } } if (found) break; } assert(found); } return true; } void link_assign_uniform_block_offsets(struct gl_shader *shader) { for (unsigned b = 0; b < shader->NumUniformBlocks; b++) { struct gl_uniform_block *block = &shader->UniformBlocks[b]; unsigned offset = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block->NumUniforms; i++) { struct gl_uniform_buffer_variable *ubo_var = &block->Uniforms[i]; const struct glsl_type *type = ubo_var->Type; unsigned alignment = type->std140_base_alignment(ubo_var->RowMajor); unsigned size = type->std140_size(ubo_var->RowMajor); offset = align(offset, alignment); ubo_var->Offset = offset; offset += size; } /* From the GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object spec: * * "For uniform blocks laid out according to [std140] rules, * the minimum buffer object size returned by the * UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE query is derived by taking the * offset of the last basic machine unit consumed by the * last uniform of the uniform block (including any * end-of-array or end-of-structure padding), adding one, * and rounding up to the next multiple of the base * alignment required for a vec4." */ block->UniformBufferSize = align(offset, 16); } } void link_assign_uniform_locations(struct gl_shader_program *prog) { ralloc_free(prog->UniformStorage); prog->UniformStorage = NULL; prog->NumUserUniformStorage = 0; if (prog->UniformHash != NULL) { prog->UniformHash->clear(); } else { prog->UniformHash = new string_to_uint_map; } /* Uniforms that lack an initializer in the shader code have an initial * value of zero. This includes sampler uniforms. * * Page 24 (page 30 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.20 spec says: * * "The link time initial value is either the value of the variable's * initializer, if present, or 0 if no initializer is present. Sampler * types cannot have initializers." */ memset(prog->SamplerUnits, 0, sizeof(prog->SamplerUnits)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_TYPES; i++) { if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL) continue; if (!link_update_uniform_buffer_variables(prog->_LinkedShaders[i])) return; } /* First pass: Count the uniform resources used by the user-defined * uniforms. While this happens, each active uniform will have an index * assigned to it. * * Note: this is *NOT* the index that is returned to the application by * glGetUniformLocation. */ count_uniform_size uniform_size(prog->UniformHash); for (unsigned i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_TYPES; i++) { if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL) continue; /* Reset various per-shader target counts. */ uniform_size.start_shader(); foreach_list(node, prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->ir) { ir_variable *const var = ((ir_instruction *) node)->as_variable(); if ((var == NULL) || (var->mode != ir_var_uniform)) continue; /* FINISHME: Update code to process built-in uniforms! */ if (strncmp("gl_", var->name, 3) == 0) { uniform_size.num_shader_uniform_components += var->type->component_slots(); continue; } uniform_size.process(var); } prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->num_samplers = uniform_size.num_shader_samplers; prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->num_uniform_components = uniform_size.num_shader_uniform_components; } const unsigned num_user_uniforms = uniform_size.num_active_uniforms; const unsigned num_data_slots = uniform_size.num_values; /* On the outside chance that there were no uniforms, bail out. */ if (num_user_uniforms == 0) return; struct gl_uniform_storage *uniforms = rzalloc_array(prog, struct gl_uniform_storage, num_user_uniforms); union gl_constant_value *data = rzalloc_array(uniforms, union gl_constant_value, num_data_slots); #ifndef NDEBUG union gl_constant_value *data_end = &data[num_data_slots]; #endif parcel_out_uniform_storage parcel(prog->UniformHash, uniforms, data); for (unsigned i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_TYPES; i++) { if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL) continue; /* Reset various per-shader target counts. */ parcel.start_shader(); foreach_list(node, prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->ir) { ir_variable *const var = ((ir_instruction *) node)->as_variable(); if ((var == NULL) || (var->mode != ir_var_uniform)) continue; /* FINISHME: Update code to process built-in uniforms! */ if (strncmp("gl_", var->name, 3) == 0) continue; parcel.set_and_process(prog, prog->_LinkedShaders[i], var); } prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->active_samplers = parcel.shader_samplers_used; prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->shadow_samplers = parcel.shader_shadow_samplers; } assert(sizeof(prog->SamplerTargets) == sizeof(parcel.targets)); memcpy(prog->SamplerTargets, parcel.targets, sizeof(prog->SamplerTargets)); #ifndef NDEBUG for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_user_uniforms; i++) { assert(uniforms[i].storage != NULL); } assert(parcel.values == data_end); #endif prog->NumUserUniformStorage = num_user_uniforms; prog->UniformStorage = uniforms; link_set_uniform_initializers(prog); return; }