#!/usr/bin/env python # (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005 # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub # license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # IBM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Authors: # Ian Romanick <idr@us.ibm.com> import license import gl_XML, glX_XML import sys, getopt class PrintGenericStubs(gl_XML.gl_print_base): def __init__(self): gl_XML.gl_print_base.__init__(self) self.name = "gl_x86_asm.py (from Mesa)" self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( \ """Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005""", "BRIAN PAUL, IBM") return def get_stack_size(self, f): size = 0 for p in f.parameterIterator(): if p.is_padding: continue size += p.get_stack_size() return size def printRealHeader(self): print '#include "x86/assyntax.h"' print '' print '#if defined(STDCALL_API)' print '# if defined(USE_MGL_NAMESPACE)' print '# define GL_PREFIX(n,n2) GLNAME(CONCAT(mgl,n2))' print '# else' print '# define GL_PREFIX(n,n2) GLNAME(CONCAT(gl,n2))' print '# endif' print '#else' print '# if defined(USE_MGL_NAMESPACE)' print '# define GL_PREFIX(n,n2) GLNAME(CONCAT(mgl,n))' print '# define _glapi_Dispatch _mglapi_Dispatch' print '# else' print '# define GL_PREFIX(n,n2) GLNAME(CONCAT(gl,n))' print '# endif' print '#endif' print '' print '#define GL_OFFSET(x) CODEPTR(REGOFF(4 * x, EAX))' print '' print '#if defined(GNU_ASSEMBLER) && !defined(__DJGPP__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__APPLE__)' print '#define GLOBL_FN(x) GLOBL x ; .type x, @function' print '#else' print '#define GLOBL_FN(x) GLOBL x' print '#endif' print '' print '#if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) || defined(_WIN32)' print '# define THREADS' print '#endif' print '' print '#ifdef GLX_USE_TLS' print '' print '#ifdef GLX_X86_READONLY_TEXT' print '# define CTX_INSNS MOV_L(GS:(EAX), EAX)' print '#else' print '# define CTX_INSNS NOP /* Pad for init_glapi_relocs() */' print '#endif' print '' print '# define GL_STUB(fn,off,fn_alt)\t\t\t\\' print 'ALIGNTEXT16;\t\t\t\t\t\t\\' print 'GLOBL_FN(GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt));\t\t\t\\' print 'GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt):\t\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tCALL(_x86_get_dispatch) ;\t\t\t\\' print '\tCTX_INSNS ; \\' print '\tJMP(GL_OFFSET(off))' print '' print '#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD)' print '# define GL_STUB(fn,off,fn_alt)\t\t\t\\' print 'ALIGNTEXT16;\t\t\t\t\t\t\\' print 'GLOBL_FN(GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt));\t\t\t\\' print 'GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt):\t\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tMOV_L(CONTENT(GLNAME(_glapi_Dispatch)), EAX) ;\t\\' print '\tTEST_L(EAX, EAX) ;\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tJE(1f) ;\t\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tJMP(GL_OFFSET(off)) ;\t\t\t\t\\' print '1:\tCALL(_x86_get_dispatch) ;\t\t\t\\' print '\tJMP(GL_OFFSET(off))' print '#elif defined(THREADS)' print '# define GL_STUB(fn,off,fn_alt)\t\t\t\\' print 'ALIGNTEXT16;\t\t\t\t\t\t\\' print 'GLOBL_FN(GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt));\t\t\t\\' print 'GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt):\t\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tMOV_L(CONTENT(GLNAME(_glapi_Dispatch)), EAX) ;\t\\' print '\tTEST_L(EAX, EAX) ;\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tJE(1f) ;\t\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tJMP(GL_OFFSET(off)) ;\t\t\t\t\\' print '1:\tCALL(_glapi_get_dispatch) ;\t\t\t\\' print '\tJMP(GL_OFFSET(off))' print '#else /* Non-threaded version. */' print '# define GL_STUB(fn,off,fn_alt)\t\t\t\\' print 'ALIGNTEXT16;\t\t\t\t\t\t\\' print 'GLOBL_FN(GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt));\t\t\t\\' print 'GL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt):\t\t\t\t\t\\' print '\tMOV_L(CONTENT(GLNAME(_glapi_Dispatch)), EAX) ;\t\\' print '\tJMP(GL_OFFSET(off))' print '#endif' print '' print '#ifdef HAVE_ALIAS' print '# define GL_STUB_ALIAS(fn,off,fn_alt,alias,alias_alt)\t\\' print '\t.globl\tGL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt) ;\t\t\t\\' print '\t.set\tGL_PREFIX(fn, fn_alt), GL_PREFIX(alias, alias_alt)' print '#else' print '# define GL_STUB_ALIAS(fn,off,fn_alt,alias,alias_alt)\t\\' print ' GL_STUB(fn, off, fn_alt)' print '#endif' print '' print 'SEG_TEXT' print '' print '#ifdef GLX_USE_TLS' print '' print '\tGLOBL\tGLNAME(_x86_get_dispatch)' print '\tHIDDEN(GLNAME(_x86_get_dispatch))' print 'ALIGNTEXT16' print 'GLNAME(_x86_get_dispatch):' print '\tcall 1f' print '1:\tpopl %eax' print '\taddl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-1b], %eax' print '\tmovl _glapi_tls_Dispatch@GOTNTPOFF(%eax), %eax' print '\tret' print '' print '#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD)' print 'EXTERN GLNAME(_glapi_Dispatch)' print 'EXTERN GLNAME(_gl_DispatchTSD)' print 'EXTERN GLNAME(pthread_getspecific)' print '' print 'ALIGNTEXT16' print 'GLNAME(_x86_get_dispatch):' print '\tSUB_L(CONST(24), ESP)' print '\tPUSH_L(GLNAME(_gl_DispatchTSD))' print '\tCALL(GLNAME(pthread_getspecific))' print '\tADD_L(CONST(28), ESP)' print '\tRET' print '#elif defined(THREADS)' print 'EXTERN GLNAME(_glapi_get_dispatch)' print '#endif' print '' print '#if defined( GLX_USE_TLS ) && !defined( GLX_X86_READONLY_TEXT )' print '\t\t.section\twtext, "awx", @progbits' print '#endif /* defined( GLX_USE_TLS ) */' print '' print '\t\tALIGNTEXT16' print '\t\tGLOBL GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_start)' print '\t\tHIDDEN(GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_start))' print 'GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_start):' print '' return def printRealFooter(self): print '' print '\t\tGLOBL\tGLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_end)' print '\t\tHIDDEN(GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_end))' print '\t\tALIGNTEXT16' print 'GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_end):' print '' print '#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) && defined(__linux__)' print ' .section ".note.ABI-tag", "a"' print ' .p2align 2' print ' .long 1f - 0f /* name length */' print ' .long 3f - 2f /* data length */' print ' .long 1 /* note length */' print '0: .asciz "GNU" /* vendor name */' print '1: .p2align 2' print '2: .long 0 /* note data: the ABI tag */' print ' .long 2,4,20 /* Minimum kernel version w/TLS */' print '3: .p2align 2 /* pad out section */' print '#endif /* GLX_USE_TLS */' print '' print '#if defined (__ELF__) && defined (__linux__)' print ' .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits' print '#endif' return def printBody(self, api): for f in api.functionIterateByOffset(): name = f.dispatch_name() stack = self.get_stack_size(f) alt = "%s@%u" % (name, stack) print '\tGL_STUB(%s, %d, %s)' % (name, f.offset, alt) if not f.is_static_entry_point(f.name): print '\tHIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(%s, %s))' % (name, alt) for f in api.functionIterateByOffset(): name = f.dispatch_name() stack = self.get_stack_size(f) alt = "%s@%u" % (name, stack) for n in f.entry_points: if f.is_static_entry_point(n): if n != f.name: alt2 = "%s@%u" % (n, stack) text = '\tGL_STUB_ALIAS(%s, %d, %s, %s, %s)' % (n, f.offset, alt2, name, alt) if f.has_different_protocol(n): print '#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING' print text print '#endif' else: print text return def show_usage(): print "Usage: %s [-f input_file_name] [-m output_mode]" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': file_name = "gl_API.xml" mode = "generic" try: (args, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "m:f:") except Exception,e: show_usage() for (arg,val) in args: if arg == '-m': mode = val elif arg == "-f": file_name = val if mode == "generic": printer = PrintGenericStubs() else: print "ERROR: Invalid mode \"%s\" specified." % mode show_usage() api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API(file_name, glX_XML.glx_item_factory()) printer.Print(api)