# src/mesa/Makefile

TOP = ../..
include $(TOP)/configs/current

include sources.mak

.SUFFIXES : .cpp

	$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

	$(CXX) -c $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@

	$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

# Default: build dependencies, then asm_subdirs, then convenience
# libs (.a) and finally the device drivers:
default: depend asm_subdirs libmesa.a libmesagallium.a libglapi.a \

# Helper libraries used by many drivers:

# Make archive of core mesa object files
libmesa.a: $(MESA_OBJECTS)
	@ $(MKLIB) -o mesa -static $(MESA_OBJECTS)

# Make archive of subset of core mesa object files for gallium
libmesagallium.a: $(MESA_GALLIUM_OBJECTS)
	@ $(MKLIB) -o mesagallium -static $(MESA_GALLIUM_OBJECTS)

# Make archive of gl* API dispatcher functions only
libglapi.a: $(GLAPI_OBJECTS)
	@if [ "${WINDOW_SYSTEM}" = "dri" ] ; then \
		touch libglapi.a ; \
	else \
		$(MKLIB) -o glapi -static $(GLAPI_OBJECTS) ; \

# Device drivers
driver_subdirs: libmesa.a libglapi.a
	@ (cd drivers && $(MAKE))

# Assembly subdirs
	@ if echo "$(ASM_FLAGS)" | grep -q USE_X86_ASM ; then \
		(cd x86 && $(MAKE)) || exit 1 ; \
	@ if echo "$(ASM_FLAGS)" | grep -q USE_X86_64_ASM ; then \
		(cd x86 && $(MAKE)) || exit 1 ; \
		(cd x86-64 && $(MAKE)) || exit 1 ; \

# Dependency generation

depend: $(ALL_SOURCES)
	@ echo "running $(MKDEP)"
	@ touch depend
		> /dev/null 2>/dev/null

# Installation rules

# this isn't fleshed out yet but is probably the way to go in the future
	(cd drivers && $(MAKE) install)

# XXX replace this with new_install above someday
install: default
	@for driver in $(DRIVER_DIRS) ; do \
	  case "$$driver" in \
	    osmesa) if [ "$(DRIVER_DIRS)" = osmesa ]; then \
	              $(MAKE) install-headers install-osmesa || exit 1 ; \
	            else \
	              $(MAKE) install-osmesa || exit 1 ; \
	            fi ;; \
	    dri)    $(MAKE) install-libgl install-dri || exit 1 ;; \
	    *)      $(MAKE) install-libgl || exit 1 ;; \
	  esac ; \

gl_pcedit = sed \
	-e 's,@GL_PC_REQ_PRIV@,$(GL_PC_REQ_PRIV),' \
	-e 's,@GL_PC_LIB_PRIV@,$(GL_PC_LIB_PRIV),' \
	-e 's,@GL_PC_CFLAGS@,$(GL_PC_CFLAGS),' \
	-e 's,@GL_LIB@,$(GL_LIB),'

gl.pc: gl.pc.in
	$(gl_pcedit) $< > $@

osmesa_pcedit = sed \
	-e 's,@OSMESA_LIB@,$(OSMESA_LIB),' \

osmesa.pc: osmesa.pc.in
	$(osmesa_pcedit) $< > $@

	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(TOP)/include/GL/*.h \

install-libgl: default gl.pc install-headers
	$(INSTALL) -m 644 gl.pc $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig

install-osmesa: default osmesa.pc
	$(INSTALL) -m 644 osmesa.pc $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB_DIR)/pkgconfig

install-dri: default
	cd drivers/dri && $(MAKE) install

# Emacs tags
	etags `find . -name \*.[ch]` $(TOP)/include/GL/*.h

	-rm -f */*.o
	-rm -f */*/*.o
	-rm -f depend depend.bak libmesa.a libglapi.a
	-rm -f drivers/*/*.o
	-rm -f *.pc
	-@cd drivers/dri && $(MAKE) clean
	-@cd drivers/x11 && $(MAKE) clean
	-@cd drivers/osmesa && $(MAKE) clean
	-@cd x86 && $(MAKE) clean
	-@cd x86-64 && $(MAKE) clean

-include depend