 *                          gosthash.h                                *
 *             Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cryptocom LTD                  *
 *       This file is distributed under the same license as OpenSSL   *
 *                                                                    *
 *    Declaration of GOST R 34.11-94 hash functions                   *
 *       uses  and gost89.h Doesn't need OpenSSL                      *
#ifndef GOSTHASH_H
# define GOSTHASH_H
# include "gost89.h"
# include <stdlib.h>

# if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
typedef __int64 ghosthash_len;
# elif defined(__arch64__)
typedef long ghosthash_len;
# else
typedef long long ghosthash_len;
# endif

typedef struct gost_hash_ctx {
    ghosthash_len len;
    gost_ctx *cipher_ctx;
    int left;
    byte H[32];
    byte S[32];
    byte remainder[32];
} gost_hash_ctx;

/* Initalizes gost hash ctx, including creation of gost cipher ctx */

int init_gost_hash_ctx(gost_hash_ctx * ctx,
                       const gost_subst_block * subst_block);
void done_gost_hash_ctx(gost_hash_ctx * ctx);

 * Cleans up all fields, except cipher ctx preparing ctx for computing of new
 * hash value
int start_hash(gost_hash_ctx * ctx);

/* Hashes block of data */
int hash_block(gost_hash_ctx * ctx, const byte * block, size_t length);

 * Finalizes computation of hash and fills buffer (which should be at least
 * 32 bytes long) with value of computed hash.
int finish_hash(gost_hash_ctx * ctx, byte * hashval);
