# Perl script to split libeay32.def into two distinct DEF files for use in # fipdso mode. It works out symbols in each case by running "link" command and # parsing the output to find the list of missing symbols then splitting # libeay32.def based on the result. # Get list of unknown symbols my @deferr = `link @ARGV`; my $preamble = ""; my @fipsdll; my @fipsrest; my %nosym; # Add symbols to a hash for easy lookup foreach (@deferr) { if (/^.*symbol (\S+)$/) { $nosym{$1} = 1; } } open (IN, "ms/libeay32.def") || die "Can't Open DEF file for spliting"; my $started = 0; # Parse libeay32.def into two arrays depending on whether the symbol matches # the missing list. foreach (<IN>) { if (/^\s*(\S+)\s*(\@\S+)\s*$/) { $started = 1; if (exists $nosym{$1}) { push @fipsrest, $_; } else { my $imptmp = sprintf " %-39s %s\n", "$1=libosslfips.$1", $2; push @fipsrest, $imptmp; push @fipsdll, "\t$1\n"; } } $preamble .= $_ unless $started; } close IN; # Hack! Add some additional exports needed for libcryptofips.dll # push @fipsdll, "\tOPENSSL_showfatal\n"; push @fipsdll, "\tOPENSSL_cpuid_setup\n"; # Write out DEF files for each array write_def("ms/libosslfips.def", "LIBOSSLFIPS", $preamble, \@fipsdll); write_def("ms/libeayfips.def", "", $preamble, \@fipsrest); sub write_def { my ($fnam, $defname, $preamble, $rdefs) = @_; open (OUT, ">$fnam") || die "Can't Open DEF file $fnam for Writing\n"; if ($defname ne "") { $preamble =~ s/LIBEAY32/$defname/g; $preamble =~ s/LIBEAY/$defname/g; } print OUT $preamble; foreach (@$rdefs) { print OUT $_; } close OUT; }