# This makefile is compatible with BCB make. Use "make -fBMakefile" to compile. # # The variables $DLLDEST and $LIBDEST hold the destination directories for the # dll and the lib, respectively. Probably all that needs to change is $DEVROOT. # # Currently only the recommended pthreadBC.dll is built by this makefile. # DLL_VER = 2 DEVROOT = . DLLDEST = $(DEVROOT)\DLL LIBDEST = $(DEVROOT)\DLL DLLS = pthreadBC$(DLL_VER).dll OPTIM = /O2 RC = brcc32 RCFLAGS = -i. CFLAGS = /q /I. /DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 /4 /tWD /tWM \ /w-aus /w-asc /w-par #C cleanup code BCFLAGS = $(PTW32_FLAGS) $(CFLAGS) OBJEXT = obj RESEXT = res include common.mk all: clean $(DLLS) realclean: clean if exist pthread*.dll del pthread*.dll if exist pthread*.lib del pthread*.lib if exist *.stamp del *.stamp clean: if exist *.obj del *.obj if exist *.ilk del *.ilk if exist *.ilc del *.ilc if exist *.ild del *.ild if exist *.ilf del *.ilf if exist *.ils del *.ils if exist *.tds del *.tds if exist *.pdb del *.pdb if exist *.exp del *.exp if exist *.map del *.map if exist *.o del *.o if exist *.i del *.i if exist *.res del *.res install: $(DLLS) copy pthread*.dll $(DLLDEST) copy pthread*.lib $(LIBDEST) $(DLLS): $(DLL_OBJS) $(RESOURCE_OBJS) ilink32 /Tpd /Gi c0d32x.obj $(DLL_OBJS), \ $@, ,\ cw32mti.lib import32.lib, ,\ $(RESOURCE_OBJS) .c.obj: $(CC) $(OPTIM) $(BCFLAGS) -c $< .rc.res: $(RC) $(RCFLAGS) $<