/* This file is part of mhmake. * * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Marc Haesen * * Mhmake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mhmake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mhmake. If not, see . */ /* $Rev$ */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "rule.h" #include "util.h" #include "mhmakeparser.h" static char s_UsageString[]= "\ Usage: mhmake [-f ] [-[c|C] ] [=]\n\ [-a] [-q] [-s] [-v] [targets]+\n" #ifdef _DEBUG "\ [-p] [-n] [-e] [-l] [-w] [-d] [-CD] [-m] [-b]\n" #endif "\n\ : Makefile to load (if not specified 'makefile' is used\n\ : Make is setting the current directory to this directory at the\n\ start.\n\ : Defines a variable\n\ : Value of the variable\n\ -a : Rebuild all targets\n\ -s : Rescan automatic dependencies\n\ -v : Print version information\n\ -q : Quiet. Disable all output \n" #ifdef _DEBUG "\n\ The following options are additional options in mhmake_dbg which are not\n\ available in mhmake. These are mainly options for debugging purposes.\n\ -e : Dump Vars and Rules on error\n\ -w : Print additional information\n\ -p : Prints the variables and the rules before building\n\ -n : Only prints the commands, but does not execute them\n\ -l : Print parser debug information\n\ -d : Print the dependency checking\n\ -CD : Do circular dependency checking (targets depending on itself)\n\ -m : Create md5 database in md5.database in start directory. \n\ -b : Print build tree. \n\ -D : Print all double defined rules (even if commands are the same) \n\ " #else "\ \n\ It is adviced during creation of makefiles to use mhmake_dbg. It has additional\n\ debugging options and does some extra error checking.\n\ For a description of the additional options: run mhmake_dbg -h\n\ " #endif ; #ifdef _DEBUG bool g_PrintVarsAndRules=false; bool g_DoNotExecute=false; bool g_BuildMd5Db=false; bool g_GenProjectTree=false; bool g_DumpOnError=false; bool g_PrintAdditionalInfo=false; bool g_pPrintDependencyCheck=false; bool g_CheckCircularDeps=false; bool g_PrintLexYacc=false; bool g_PrintMultipleDefinedRules=false; #endif bool g_Quiet=false; bool g_RebuildAll=false; bool g_ForceAutoDepRescan=false; const string g_EmptyString; const string g_SpaceString(" "); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PrintVersionInfo(void) { static const char VersionStr[]="\ mhmake : GNU compatible make tool with extensions\n\ version: "MHMAKEVER"\n\ Remarks and bug reports -> Marc Haesen\n\ "; cerr << VersionStr; exit(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// makecommand::makecommand() { char ExeName[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef WIN32 GetModuleFileName(NULL,ExeName,sizeof(ExeName)); m_BuildCommand=ExeName; transform(m_BuildCommand.begin(),m_BuildCommand.end(),m_BuildCommand.begin(),(int(__CDECL *)(int))tolower); #else int NrChars=readlink ("/proc/self/exe", ExeName, sizeof(ExeName)); ExeName[NrChars]=0; m_BuildCommand=ExeName; #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string Substitute(const string &ToSubst,const string &iSrcStr,const string &iToStr) { string Ret=g_EmptyString; matchres Res; string SrcStr=iSrcStr; string ToStr=iToStr; if (string::npos==SrcStr.find('%')) { string PerStr("%"); SrcStr=PerStr+SrcStr; ToStr=PerStr+ToStr; } const char *pTmp=ToSubst.c_str(); bool first=true; while (*pTmp) { if (!first) { Ret+=g_SpaceString; } else { first=false; } string Item; pTmp=NextItem(pTmp,Item); if (PercentMatch(Item,SrcStr,&Res)) { Ret+=ReplaceWithStem(ToStr,Res.m_Stem); } else { Ret+=Item; } } return Ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool PercentMatch(const string &String,const string &Expr,matchres *pRes,const char Char) { const char *pFirst=String.c_str(); const char *pFirstExpr=Expr.c_str(); while (*pFirstExpr && *pFirstExpr!=Char) { if (*pFirst!=*pFirstExpr) return false; pFirst++; pFirstExpr++; } if (!*pFirstExpr) { if (!*pFirst) { if (pRes) { pRes->m_First=String; pRes->m_Stem=pRes->m_Last=g_EmptyString; } return true; } else return false; } else if (!*pFirst) return false; const char *pEnd=pFirst+strlen(pFirst); const char *pLast=pEnd; const char *pLastExpr=pFirstExpr+strlen(pFirstExpr)-1; if (pLastExpr!=pFirstExpr) { pLast--; while (pLastExpr>pFirstExpr) { if (*pLastExpr!=*pLast) return false; pLastExpr--; pLast--; } pLast++; } string Stem=string(pFirst,pLast-pFirst); if (pRes) { pRes->m_First=string(String.c_str(),pFirst-String.c_str()); pRes->m_Stem=Stem; pRes->m_Last=string(pLast,pEnd-pLast); } return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool PercentMatchList(const string &String,const string &ExprList,matchres *pRes) { const char *pTmp=ExprList.c_str(); while (*pTmp) { string Expr; pTmp=NextItem(pTmp,Expr); if (PercentMatch(String,Expr,pRes)) return true; } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string ReplaceWithStem(const string &String,const string &Stem) { string Ret=String; int Pos=Ret.find('%'); while (Pos!=string::npos) { Ret=Ret.substr(0,Pos)+Stem+Ret.substr(Pos+1); Pos=Ret.find('%'); } return Ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// refptr LOADEDMAKEFILES::find(const loadedmakefile &ToSearch) { vector >::const_iterator It=begin(); while (It!=end()) { if (*(*It)==ToSearch) return *It; It++; } return refptr(); } LOADEDMAKEFILES g_LoadedMakefiles; bool OsExeCommand(const string &Command,const string &Params,bool IgnoreError,string *pOutput); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// loadedmakefile::loadedmakefile_statics::loadedmakefile_statics() { m_GlobalCommandLineVars[MAKE]=g_MakeCommand; const char *pEnv=getenv(MHMAKECONF); if (pEnv) { string Env(QuoteFileName(pEnv)); m_GlobalCommandLineVars[MHMAKECONF]=Env; m_MhMakeConf=GetFileInfo(Env); // Get the revision of the working copy // We do it with the svn info command string Output; bool Ret; try { string SvnCommand=SearchCommand("svn",EXEEXT); Ret=OsExeCommand(SvnCommand,string(" info ")+m_MhMakeConf->GetQuotedFullFileName(),false,&Output); } catch (string Message) { Ret=false; } char *pTok=strtok((char*)Output.c_str(),"\n"); // doing this is changing string, so this is very dangerous !!! while (pTok) { if (!strncmp(pTok,"URL: ",5)) { m_GlobalCommandLineVars[WC_URL]=pTok+5+7; } else if (!strncmp(pTok,"Revision: ",10)) { m_GlobalCommandLineVars[WC_REVISION]=pTok+10; break; } pTok=strtok(NULL,"\n"); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// loadedmakefile::loadedmakefile(vector &Args,const string&Makefile) { m_CommandLineVars=sm_Statics.m_GlobalCommandLineVars; m_MakeDir=NullFileInfo; vector::iterator ArgIt=Args.begin(); while (ArgIt!=Args.end()) { int EqPos=ArgIt->find('='); if (EqPos!=string::npos) { string Var=ArgIt->substr(0,EqPos); string Val=ArgIt->substr(EqPos+1); m_CommandLineVars[Var]=Val; } else if ((*ArgIt)[0]=='-') { switch ((*ArgIt)[1]) { case 'f': if (ArgIt->size()>2) { if (!m_MakeDir) { m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(ArgIt->substr(2)); } else { m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(ArgIt->substr(2),m_MakeDir); } } else { ArgIt++; if (!m_MakeDir) { m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(*ArgIt); } else { m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(*ArgIt,m_MakeDir); } } break; case 'C': #ifdef _DEBUG if ((*ArgIt)[2]=='D') { g_CheckCircularDeps=true; break; } #endif /* Fall through */ case 'c': if (ArgIt->size()>2) m_MakeDir=GetFileInfo(ArgIt->substr(2)); else { ArgIt++; m_MakeDir=GetFileInfo(*ArgIt); } break; case 'a': g_RebuildAll=true; break; case 'q': g_Quiet=true; break; case 's': g_ForceAutoDepRescan=true; break; case 'v': PrintVersionInfo(); break; #ifdef _DEBUG case 'p': g_PrintVarsAndRules=true; break; case 'n': g_DoNotExecute=true; break; case 'w': g_PrintAdditionalInfo=true; break; case 'd': g_pPrintDependencyCheck=true; break; case 'D': g_PrintMultipleDefinedRules=true; break; case 'l': g_PrintLexYacc=true; break; case 'e': g_DumpOnError=true; break; case 'm': g_BuildMd5Db=true; break; case 'b': g_GenProjectTree=true; break; #endif default: throw string("\nUnknown option: ")+*ArgIt+"\n\n"+ s_UsageString; } } else { m_CommandLineTargets.push_back(*ArgIt); } ArgIt++; } if (!m_Makefile) { if (!Makefile.empty()) { if (!m_MakeDir) m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(Makefile); else m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(Makefile,m_MakeDir); } } if (!m_Makefile) { if (!m_MakeDir) m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(m_CommandLineTargets[0]); else m_Makefile=GetFileInfo(m_CommandLineTargets[0],m_MakeDir); m_CommandLineTargets.erase(m_CommandLineTargets.begin()); } if (!m_MakeDir) { if (Makefile==g_EmptyString) m_MakeDir=m_Makefile->GetDir(); /* This is one from load_makefile, so we take the directory of the makefile itself. */ else m_MakeDir=curdir::GetCurDir(); /* This means that this is the main makefile given on the command line, so we take the current directory */ } if (loadedmakefile::sm_Statics.m_MhMakeConf) { const string &RootDir=loadedmakefile::sm_Statics.m_MhMakeConf->GetFullFileName(); string MakeDir=m_MakeDir->GetFullFileName(); if (RootDir.length()>MakeDir.length() || _strnicmp(RootDir.c_str(),MakeDir.c_str(),RootDir.length())) { cerr<<"mhmake needs to run in a directory that is a subdirectory of the directory specified with %MHMAKECONF : "<GetFullFileName()< CurDir=curdir::GetCurDir(); curdir::ChangeCurDir(m_MakeDir); #ifdef _DEBUG if (g_PrintAdditionalInfo) cout << "Loading makefile "<GetQuotedFullFileName()<(new mhmakeparser(m_CommandLineVars)); // Add the MAKECMDGOALS environment variable string MakeCmdGoals; bool First=true; vector::iterator TarIt=m_CommandLineTargets.begin(); while (TarIt!=m_CommandLineTargets.end()) { if (First) First=false; else MakeCmdGoals+=g_SpaceString; MakeCmdGoals+=*TarIt; TarIt++; } m_pParser->SetVariable("MAKECMDGOALS",MakeCmdGoals); string BaseAutoMak; // First parse the makefile.before makefile which is in the directory $(MHMAKECONF) environment variable refptr DepFile; if (sm_Statics.m_MhMakeConf) { BaseAutoMak=m_pParser->ExpandVar(BASEAUTOMAK); if (BaseAutoMak.empty()) { BaseAutoMak="makefile"; m_pParser->SetVariable(BASEAUTOMAK,BaseAutoMak); } refptr BeforeMakefile=GetFileInfo(BaseAutoMak+".before",sm_Statics.m_MhMakeConf); int result=m_pParser->ParseFile(BeforeMakefile,true); if (result) { throw string("Error parsing ")+BeforeMakefile->GetQuotedFullFileName(); } m_pParser->UpdateDate(BeforeMakefile->GetDate()); // Now parse the automaticly generated dependency file, which needs to be in the objdir directory string ObjDirName=m_pParser->ExpandExpression("$(OBJDIR)"); if (!ObjDirName.size()) { throw string("When making use of MHMAKECONF, you have to define OBJDIR in makefile.before"); } DepFile=GetFileInfo(ObjDirName+OSPATHSEPSTR "." + m_Makefile->GetName()+ ".dep"); m_pParser->SetVariable(AUTODEPFILE,DepFile->GetQuotedFullFileName()); } else { /* Create a file that is depending on the makefile name and the arguments */ md5_context ctx; md5_starts( &ctx ); map::const_iterator pIt=m_CommandLineVars.begin(); while (pIt!=m_CommandLineVars.end()) { md5_update(&ctx, (uint8*)pIt->first.c_str(), pIt->first.size()); md5_update(&ctx, (uint8*)pIt->second.c_str(), pIt->second.size()); pIt++; } md5_update(&ctx, (uint8*)m_Makefile->GetFullFileName().c_str(), m_Makefile->GetFullFileName().size()); char ID[10]; sprintf(ID,"_%x",md5_finish32( &ctx)); DepFile=GetFileInfo(string(".") + m_Makefile->GetName()+ ".dep"+ID); m_pParser->SetVariable(AUTODEPFILE,DepFile->GetQuotedFullFileName()); } if (DepFile->Exists()) m_pParser->LoadAutoDepsFile(DepFile); /* Already load this autodep file before parsing of the makefile to avoid needless rebuilds. */ //m_pParser->yydebug=1; int result=m_pParser->ParseFile(m_Makefile,true); if (result) { throw string("Error parsing ")+m_Makefile->GetQuotedFullFileName(); } #ifdef _DEBUG /* Check if the makefile has changed the AUTODEPFILE variable, if so generate a warning that a * rebuild could happen for the rules defined for making included makefiles */ if (m_pParser->ExpandVar(AUTODEPFILE)!=DepFile->GetQuotedFullFileName()) { cout << "\n\nWARNING:\n makefile '"<< m_Makefile->GetQuotedFullFileName() <<"' re-defines AUTODEPFILE\n from '"<< DepFile->GetQuotedFullFileName() <<"'\n to '"<< m_pParser->ExpandVar(AUTODEPFILE) << "'\n (may cause needless rebuilds when having rules for included makefiles!!!!!)\n\n\n"; } if (g_PrintAdditionalInfo) { if (m_pParser->GetFirstTarget()) cout<<"First target of "<GetQuotedFullFileName()<<" is "<GetFirstTarget()->GetQuotedFullFileName()<GetQuotedFullFileName()<UpdateDate(m_Makefile->GetDate()); if (sm_Statics.m_MhMakeConf) { refptr AfterMakefile=GetFileInfo(BaseAutoMak+".after",sm_Statics.m_MhMakeConf); int result=m_pParser->ParseFile(AfterMakefile); if (result) { throw string("Error parsing ")+AfterMakefile->GetQuotedFullFileName(); } m_pParser->UpdateDate(AfterMakefile->GetDate()); } bool ForceAutoDepRescan=g_ForceAutoDepRescan; if (DepFile->Exists()) m_pParser->LoadAutoDepsFile(DepFile); else ForceAutoDepRescan=true; if (ForceAutoDepRescan) m_pParser->EnableAutoDepRescan(); vector &MakefilesToLoad=m_pParser->GetMakefilesToLoad(); vector::iterator It=MakefilesToLoad.begin(); while (It!=MakefilesToLoad.end()) { // First split the command into arguments const char *pTmp=It->c_str(); vector Args; while (*pTmp) { string Item; pTmp=NextItem(pTmp,Item); Args.push_back(Item); } refptr pLoadedMakefile(new loadedmakefile(Args)); refptr Found=g_LoadedMakefiles.find(*pLoadedMakefile); if (Found) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (g_PrintAdditionalInfo) cout << "Makefile already loaded: "<m_Makefile->GetQuotedFullFileName()<BuildTarget(pLoadedMakefile->m_Makefile); pLoadedMakefile->LoadMakefile(); } It++; } curdir::ChangeCurDir(CurDir); } #ifdef _DEBUG /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DumpVarsAndRules() { int i; LOADEDMAKEFILES::iterator LoadMakIt=g_LoadedMakefiles.begin(); while (LoadMakIt!=g_LoadedMakefiles.end()) { for (i=0; i<80; i++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "Variables of makefile " << (*LoadMakIt)->m_Makefile->GetQuotedFullFileName() << endl; for (i=0; i<80; i++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; (*LoadMakIt)->m_pParser->PrintVariables(true); cout << endl; LoadMakIt++; } for (i=0; i<80; i++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "All Rules\n"; for (i=0; i<80; i++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; PrintFileInfos(); for (i=0; i<80; i++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "All Implicit Rules\n"; for (i=0; i<80; i++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; IMPLICITRULE::PrintImplicitRules(); } #endif