/* This file is part of mhmake. * * Copyright (C) 2001-2010 marha@sourceforge.net * * Mhmake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mhmake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mhmake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* $Rev$ */ #ifndef __UTIL_H__ #define __UTIL_H__ #include "fileinfo.h" // List of pre-defined variables #define WC_REVISION "WC_REVISION" #define WC_URL "WC_URL" #define AUTODEPFILE "AUTODEPFILE" #define OBJEXTVAR "OBJEXT" #define EXEEXTVAR "EXEEXT" #define SKIPHEADERS "SKIPHEADERS" #define MAKE "MAKE" #define MHMAKECONF "MHMAKECONF" #define BASEAUTOMAK "BASEAUTOMAK" #define CURDIR "CURDIR" #define USED_ENVVARS "USED_ENVVARS" #define PATH "PATH" #ifdef WIN32 #define COMSPEC "COMSPEC" #define PYTHONEXE "python.exe" #define EXEEXT ".exe" #define OBJEXT ".obj" #define PLATFORM "win32" #else #define COMSPEC "SHELL" #define PYTHONEXE "python" #define EXEEXT "" #define OBJEXT ".o" #define PLATFORM "linux" #endif #define MHMAKEVER "3.0.1" class makecommand { string m_BuildCommand; public: makecommand(); operator string() { return m_BuildCommand; } }; extern makecommand g_MakeCommand; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline const char *NextItem(const char *pTmp,string &Output, const char *pToks=" \t") { const char *pStart; const char *pStop; while (strchr(pToks,*pTmp)&&*pTmp) pTmp++; pStart=pTmp; while (1) { if (*pTmp=='"') { pTmp++; while (*pTmp && *pTmp!='"') pTmp++; if (*pTmp) pTmp++; pStop=pTmp; if (!*pTmp || strchr(pToks,*pTmp)) break; } else if (*pTmp=='\'') { pTmp++; while (*pTmp && *pTmp!='\'') pTmp++; if (*pTmp) pTmp++; pStop=pTmp; if (!*pTmp || strchr(pToks,*pTmp)) break; } else if (!*pTmp) { pStop=pTmp; break; } else { pTmp++; #if OSPATHSEP=='/' while (*pTmp) { if (!strchr(pToks,*pTmp) || (*(pTmp-1)=='\\')) pTmp++; else break; } #else while (!strchr(pToks,*pTmp)) pTmp++; #endif pStop=pTmp; break; } } Output=string(pStart,pStop); // skip trailing space while (strchr(pToks,*pTmp)&&*pTmp) pTmp++; return pTmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline const char *NextCharItem(const char *pTmp,string &Output,char Char) { const char *pStart=pTmp; while (*pTmp && *pTmp!=Char) pTmp++; const char *pStop=pTmp; if (*pTmp) pTmp++; while (pStart<pStop && (*pStart==' ' || *pStart == '\t')) pStart++; pStop--; while (pStart<=pStop && (*pStop==' ' || *pStop == '\t')) pStop--; pStop++; Output=string(pStart,pStop); return pTmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline const char *SkipMakeExpr(const char *pMacro) { #ifdef _DEBUG const char *pMacroIn=pMacro; #endif char Char=*pMacro++; char EndChar; if (Char=='(') EndChar=')'; else if (Char=='{') EndChar='}'; else return pMacro; Char=*pMacro++; while (Char!=EndChar) { if (Char=='$') { pMacro=SkipMakeExpr(pMacro); } else if (Char=='(') { pMacro=SkipMakeExpr(pMacro-1); } #ifdef _DEBUG if (!*pMacro) throw(string(1,EndChar)+" not found in "+pMacroIn); #endif Char=*pMacro++; } return pMacro; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline size_t SkipMakeExpr(const string &Expr,size_t i) { const char *pTmp=Expr.c_str(); return SkipMakeExpr(pTmp+i)-pTmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string Substitute(const string &ToSubst,const string &SrcStr,const string &ToStr); struct matchres { string m_First; string m_Stem; string m_Last; }; bool PercentMatch(const string &String,const string &Expr,matchres *pRes=NULL,const char Char='%'); bool PercentMatchNoCase(const string &String,const string &Expr,matchres *pRes=NULL,const char Char='%'); bool PercentMatchList(const string &String,const string &ExprList,matchres *pRes=NULL); string ReplaceWithStem(const string &String,const string &Stem); struct loadedmakefile : public refbase { struct loadedmakefile_statics { map<string,string> m_GlobalCommandLineVars; fileinfo *m_MhMakeConf; loadedmakefile_statics(); }; static loadedmakefile_statics sm_Statics; fileinfo *m_Makefile; const fileinfo *m_MakeDir; map<string,string> m_CommandLineVars; vector<string> m_CommandLineTargets; refptr<mhmakefileparser> m_pMakefileParser; loadedmakefile(const fileinfo *pDir, vector<string> &Args,const string &Makefile=g_EmptyString); void LoadMakefile(); void AddCommandLineVarsToEnvironment() { map<string,string>::const_iterator It=m_CommandLineVars.begin(); map<string,string>::const_iterator ItEnd=m_CommandLineVars.end(); while (It!=ItEnd) { sm_Statics.m_GlobalCommandLineVars.insert(*It++); } } int operator==(const loadedmakefile &Other) { if (m_Makefile!=Other.m_Makefile) return 0; if (m_MakeDir!=Other.m_MakeDir) return 0; if (m_CommandLineTargets.size()!=Other.m_CommandLineTargets.size()) return 0; if (m_CommandLineVars.size()!=Other.m_CommandLineVars.size()) return 0; map<string,string>::iterator VarIt=m_CommandLineVars.begin(); while (VarIt!=m_CommandLineVars.end()) { map<string,string>::const_iterator pFound=Other.m_CommandLineVars.find(VarIt->first); if (pFound==Other.m_CommandLineVars.end()) return 0; if (pFound->second!=VarIt->second) return 0; VarIt++; } vector<string>::iterator TarIt=m_CommandLineTargets.begin(); while (TarIt!=m_CommandLineTargets.end()) { vector<string>::const_iterator OtherIt=Other.m_CommandLineTargets.begin(); while (OtherIt!=Other.m_CommandLineTargets.begin()) { if (*TarIt==*OtherIt) break; OtherIt++; } if (OtherIt==Other.m_CommandLineTargets.end()) return 0; TarIt++; } return 1; } }; class LOADEDMAKEFILES : public vector<refptr<loadedmakefile> > { public: refptr<loadedmakefile> find(const loadedmakefile &pToSearch); typedef vector<refptr<loadedmakefile> >::iterator iterator; }; extern LOADEDMAKEFILES g_LoadedMakefiles; bool MakeDirs(fileinfo *pDir); // Creates a directory tree void DumpVarsAndRules(); #endif