#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "puttymem.h"
#include "tree234.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "int64.h"
#include "misc.h"

struct ssh_channel;
typedef struct ssh_tag *Ssh;

extern int sshfwd_write(struct ssh_channel *c, char *, int);
extern void sshfwd_write_eof(struct ssh_channel *c);
extern void sshfwd_unclean_close(struct ssh_channel *c, const char *err);
extern void sshfwd_unthrottle(struct ssh_channel *c, int bufsize);
Conf *sshfwd_get_conf(struct ssh_channel *c);
void sshfwd_x11_sharing_handover(struct ssh_channel *c,
                                 void *share_cs, void *share_chan,
                                 const char *peer_addr, int peer_port,
                                 int endian, int protomajor, int protominor,
                                 const void *initial_data, int initial_len);
void sshfwd_x11_is_local(struct ssh_channel *c);

extern Socket ssh_connection_sharing_init(const char *host, int port,
                                          Conf *conf, Ssh ssh, void **state);
void share_got_pkt_from_server(void *ctx, int type,
                               unsigned char *pkt, int pktlen);
void share_activate(void *state, const char *server_verstring);
void sharestate_free(void *state);
int share_ndownstreams(void *state);

void ssh_connshare_log(Ssh ssh, int event, const char *logtext,
                       const char *ds_err, const char *us_err);
unsigned ssh_alloc_sharing_channel(Ssh ssh, void *sharing_ctx);
void ssh_delete_sharing_channel(Ssh ssh, unsigned localid);
int ssh_alloc_sharing_rportfwd(Ssh ssh, const char *shost, int sport,
                               void *share_ctx);
void ssh_sharing_queue_global_request(Ssh ssh, void *share_ctx);
struct X11FakeAuth *ssh_sharing_add_x11_display(Ssh ssh, int authtype,
                                                void *share_cs,
                                                void *share_chan);
void ssh_sharing_remove_x11_display(Ssh ssh, struct X11FakeAuth *auth);
void ssh_send_packet_from_downstream(Ssh ssh, unsigned id, int type,
                                     const void *pkt, int pktlen,
                                     const char *additional_log_text);
void ssh_sharing_downstream_connected(Ssh ssh, unsigned id);
void ssh_sharing_downstream_disconnected(Ssh ssh, unsigned id);
void ssh_sharing_logf(Ssh ssh, unsigned id, const char *logfmt, ...);
int ssh_agent_forwarding_permitted(Ssh ssh);
void share_setup_x11_channel(void *csv, void *chanv,
                             unsigned upstream_id, unsigned server_id,
                             unsigned server_currwin, unsigned server_maxpkt,
                             unsigned client_adjusted_window,
                             const char *peer_addr, int peer_port, int endian,
                             int protomajor, int protominor,
                             const void *initial_data, int initial_len);

 * Useful thing.
#ifndef lenof
#define lenof(x) ( (sizeof((x))) / (sizeof(*(x))))

#define SSH_CIPHER_IDEA		1
#define SSH_CIPHER_DES		2
#define SSH_CIPHER_3DES		3

#define APIEXTRA 8
#define APIEXTRA 0

typedef void *Bignum;

struct RSAKey {
    int bits;
    int bytes;
    unsigned long exponent;
    unsigned char *modulus;
    Bignum modulus;
    Bignum exponent;
    Bignum private_exponent;
    Bignum p;
    Bignum q;
    Bignum iqmp;
    char *comment;

struct dss_key {
    Bignum p, q, g, y, x;

int makekey(unsigned char *data, int len, struct RSAKey *result,
	    unsigned char **keystr, int order);
int makeprivate(unsigned char *data, int len, struct RSAKey *result);
int rsaencrypt(unsigned char *data, int length, struct RSAKey *key);
Bignum rsadecrypt(Bignum input, struct RSAKey *key);
void rsasign(unsigned char *data, int length, struct RSAKey *key);
void rsasanitise(struct RSAKey *key);
int rsastr_len(struct RSAKey *key);
void rsastr_fmt(char *str, struct RSAKey *key);
void rsa_fingerprint(char *str, int len, struct RSAKey *key);
int rsa_verify(struct RSAKey *key);
unsigned char *rsa_public_blob(struct RSAKey *key, int *len);
int rsa_public_blob_len(void *data, int maxlen);
void freersakey(struct RSAKey *key);

/* This makes assumptions about the int type. */
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef uint32 word32;

unsigned long crc32_compute(const void *s, size_t len);
unsigned long crc32_update(unsigned long crc_input, const void *s, size_t len);

/* SSH CRC compensation attack detector */
void *crcda_make_context(void);
void crcda_free_context(void *handle);
int detect_attack(void *handle, unsigned char *buf, uint32 len,
		  unsigned char *IV);

 * SSH2 RSA key exchange functions
struct ssh_hash;
void *ssh_rsakex_newkey(char *data, int len);
void ssh_rsakex_freekey(void *key);
int ssh_rsakex_klen(void *key);
void ssh_rsakex_encrypt(const struct ssh_hash *h, unsigned char *in, int inlen,
                        unsigned char *out, int outlen,
                        void *key);

typedef struct {
    uint32 h[4];
} MD5_Core_State;

struct MD5Context {
    unsigned long hHash;
    MD5_Core_State core;
    unsigned char block[64];
    int blkused;
    uint32 lenhi, lenlo;

void MD5Init(struct MD5Context *context);
void MD5Update(struct MD5Context *context, unsigned char const *buf,
	       unsigned len);
void MD5Final(unsigned char digest[16], struct MD5Context *context);
void MD5Simple(void const *p, unsigned len, unsigned char output[16]);

void *hmacmd5_make_context(void);
void hmacmd5_free_context(void *handle);
void hmacmd5_key(void *handle, void const *key, int len);
void hmacmd5_do_hmac(void *handle, unsigned char const *blk, int len,
		     unsigned char *hmac);

typedef struct {
    uint32 h[5];
    unsigned char block[64];
    int blkused;
    uint32 lenhi, lenlo;
} SHA_State;
void SHA_Init(SHA_State * s);
void SHA_Bytes(SHA_State * s, const void *p, int len);
void SHA_Final(SHA_State * s, unsigned char *output);
void SHA_Simple(const void *p, int len, unsigned char *output);

void hmac_sha1_simple(void *key, int keylen, void *data, int datalen,
		      unsigned char *output);
typedef struct {
    uint32 h[8];
    unsigned char block[64];
    int blkused;
    uint32 lenhi, lenlo;
} SHA256_State;
void SHA256_Init(SHA256_State * s);
void SHA256_Bytes(SHA256_State * s, const void *p, int len);
void SHA256_Final(SHA256_State * s, unsigned char *output);
void SHA256_Simple(const void *p, int len, unsigned char *output);

typedef struct {
    uint64 h[8];
    unsigned char block[128];
    int blkused;
    uint32 len[4];
} SHA512_State;
void SHA512_Init(SHA512_State * s);
void SHA512_Bytes(SHA512_State * s, const void *p, int len);
void SHA512_Final(SHA512_State * s, unsigned char *output);
void SHA512_Simple(const void *p, int len, unsigned char *output);

struct ssh_cipher {
    void *(*make_context)(void);
    void (*free_context)(void *);
    void (*sesskey) (void *, unsigned char *key);	/* for SSH-1 */
    void (*encrypt) (void *, unsigned char *blk, int len);
    void (*decrypt) (void *, unsigned char *blk, int len);
    int blksize;
    char *text_name;

struct ssh2_cipher {
    void *(*make_context)(void);
    void (*free_context)(void *);
    void (*setiv) (void *, unsigned char *key);	/* for SSH-2 */
    void (*setkey) (void *, unsigned char *key);/* for SSH-2 */
    void (*encrypt) (void *, unsigned char *blk, int len);
    void (*decrypt) (void *, unsigned char *blk, int len);
    char *name;
    int blksize;
    int keylen;
    unsigned int flags;
    char *text_name;

struct ssh2_ciphers {
    int nciphers;
    const struct ssh2_cipher *const *list;

struct ssh_mac {
    void *(*make_context)(void);
    void (*free_context)(void *);
    void (*setkey) (void *, unsigned char *key);
    /* whole-packet operations */
    void (*generate) (void *, unsigned char *blk, int len, unsigned long seq);
    int (*verify) (void *, unsigned char *blk, int len, unsigned long seq);
    /* partial-packet operations */
    void (*start) (void *);
    void (*bytes) (void *, unsigned char const *, int);
    void (*genresult) (void *, unsigned char *);
    int (*verresult) (void *, unsigned char const *);
    char *name;
    int len;
    char *text_name;

struct ssh_hash {
    void *(*init)(void); /* also allocates context */
    void (*bytes)(void *, void *, int);
    void (*final)(void *, unsigned char *); /* also frees context */
    int hlen; /* output length in bytes */
    char *text_name;

struct ssh_kex {
    char *name, *groupname;
    enum { KEXTYPE_DH, KEXTYPE_RSA } main_type;
    /* For DH */
    const unsigned char *pdata, *gdata; /* NULL means group exchange */
    int plen, glen;
    const struct ssh_hash *hash;

struct ssh_kexes {
    int nkexes;
    const struct ssh_kex *const *list;

struct ssh_signkey {
    void *(*newkey) (char *data, int len);
    void (*freekey) (void *key);
    char *(*fmtkey) (void *key);
    unsigned char *(*public_blob) (void *key, int *len);
    unsigned char *(*private_blob) (void *key, int *len);
    void *(*createkey) (unsigned char *pub_blob, int pub_len,
			unsigned char *priv_blob, int priv_len);
    void *(*openssh_createkey) (unsigned char **blob, int *len);
    int (*openssh_fmtkey) (void *key, unsigned char *blob, int len);
    int (*pubkey_bits) (void *blob, int len);
    char *(*fingerprint) (void *key);
    int (*verifysig) (void *key, char *sig, int siglen,
		      char *data, int datalen);
    unsigned char *(*sign) (void *key, char *data, int datalen,
			    int *siglen);
    char *name;
    char *keytype;		       /* for host key cache */

struct ssh_compress {
    char *name;
    /* For zlib@openssh.com: if non-NULL, this name will be considered once
     * userauth has completed successfully. */
    char *delayed_name;
    void *(*compress_init) (void);
    void (*compress_cleanup) (void *);
    int (*compress) (void *, unsigned char *block, int len,
		     unsigned char **outblock, int *outlen);
    void *(*decompress_init) (void);
    void (*decompress_cleanup) (void *);
    int (*decompress) (void *, unsigned char *block, int len,
		       unsigned char **outblock, int *outlen);
    int (*disable_compression) (void *);
    char *text_name;

struct ssh2_userkey {
    const struct ssh_signkey *alg;     /* the key algorithm */
    void *data;			       /* the key data */
    char *comment;		       /* the key comment */

/* The maximum length of any hash algorithm used in kex. (bytes) */
#define SSH2_KEX_MAX_HASH_LEN (32) /* SHA-256 */

extern const struct ssh_cipher ssh_3des;
extern const struct ssh_cipher ssh_des;
extern const struct ssh_cipher ssh_blowfish_ssh1;
extern const struct ssh2_ciphers ssh2_3des;
extern const struct ssh2_ciphers ssh2_des;
extern const struct ssh2_ciphers ssh2_aes;
extern const struct ssh2_ciphers ssh2_blowfish;
extern const struct ssh2_ciphers ssh2_arcfour;
extern const struct ssh_hash ssh_sha1;
extern const struct ssh_hash ssh_sha256;
extern const struct ssh_kexes ssh_diffiehellman_group1;
extern const struct ssh_kexes ssh_diffiehellman_group14;
extern const struct ssh_kexes ssh_diffiehellman_gex;
extern const struct ssh_kexes ssh_rsa_kex;
extern const struct ssh_signkey ssh_dss;
extern const struct ssh_signkey ssh_rsa;
extern const struct ssh_mac ssh_hmac_md5;
extern const struct ssh_mac ssh_hmac_sha1;
extern const struct ssh_mac ssh_hmac_sha1_buggy;
extern const struct ssh_mac ssh_hmac_sha1_96;
extern const struct ssh_mac ssh_hmac_sha1_96_buggy;
extern const struct ssh_mac ssh_hmac_sha256;

void *aes_make_context(void);
void aes_free_context(void *handle);
void aes128_key(void *handle, unsigned char *key);
void aes192_key(void *handle, unsigned char *key);
void aes256_key(void *handle, unsigned char *key);
void aes_iv(void *handle, unsigned char *iv);
void aes_ssh2_encrypt_blk(void *handle, unsigned char *blk, int len);
void aes_ssh2_decrypt_blk(void *handle, unsigned char *blk, int len);

 * PuTTY version number formatted as an SSH version string. 
extern char sshver[];

 * Gross hack: pscp will try to start SFTP but fall back to scp1 if
 * that fails. This variable is the means by which scp.c can reach
 * into the SSH code and find out which one it got.
extern int ssh_fallback_cmd(void *handle);

void SHATransform(word32 * digest, word32 * data);

int random_byte(void);
void random_add_noise(void *noise, int length);
void random_add_heavynoise(void *noise, int length);

void logevent(void *, const char *);

struct PortForwarding;

/* Allocate and register a new channel for port forwarding */
void *new_sock_channel(void *handle, struct PortForwarding *pf);
void ssh_send_port_open(void *channel, char *hostname, int port, char *org);

/* Exports from portfwd.c */
extern char *pfd_connect(struct PortForwarding **pf, char *hostname, int port,
                         void *c, Conf *conf, int addressfamily);
extern void pfd_close(struct PortForwarding *);
extern int pfd_send(struct PortForwarding *, char *data, int len);
extern void pfd_send_eof(struct PortForwarding *);
extern void pfd_confirm(struct PortForwarding *);
extern void pfd_unthrottle(struct PortForwarding *);
extern void pfd_override_throttle(struct PortForwarding *, int enable);
struct PortListener;
/* desthost == NULL indicates dynamic (SOCKS) port forwarding */
extern char *pfl_listen(char *desthost, int destport, char *srcaddr,
                        int port, void *backhandle, Conf *conf,
                        struct PortListener **pl, int address_family);
extern void pfl_terminate(struct PortListener *);

/* Exports from x11fwd.c */
enum {
    X11_TRANS_IPV4 = 0, X11_TRANS_IPV6 = 6, X11_TRANS_UNIX = 256
struct X11Display {
    /* Broken-down components of the display name itself */
    int unixdomain;
    char *hostname;
    int displaynum;
    int screennum;
    /* OSX sometimes replaces all the above with a full Unix-socket pathname */
    char *unixsocketpath;

    /* PuTTY networking SockAddr to connect to the display, and associated
     * gubbins */
    SockAddr addr;
    int port;
    char *realhost;

    /* Our local auth details for talking to the real X display. */
    int localauthproto;
    unsigned char *localauthdata;
    int localauthdatalen;
struct X11FakeAuth {
    /* Auth details we invented for a virtual display on the SSH server. */
    int proto;
    unsigned char *data;
    int datalen;
    char *protoname;
    char *datastring;

    /* The encrypted form of the first block, in XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1.
     * Used as part of the key when these structures are organised
     * into a tree. See x11_invent_fake_auth for explanation. */
    unsigned char *xa1_firstblock;

     * Used inside x11fwd.c to remember recently seen
     * XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 strings, to avoid replay attacks.
    tree234 *xdmseen;

     * What to do with an X connection matching this auth data.
    struct X11Display *disp;
    void *share_cs, *share_chan;
void *x11_make_greeting(int endian, int protomajor, int protominor,
                        int auth_proto, const void *auth_data, int auth_len,
                        const char *peer_ip, int peer_port,
                        int *outlen);
int x11_authcmp(void *av, void *bv); /* for putting X11FakeAuth in a tree234 */
 * x11_setup_display() parses the display variable and fills in an
 * X11Display structure. Some remote auth details are invented;
 * the supplied authtype parameter configures the preferred
 * authorisation protocol to use at the remote end. The local auth
 * details are looked up by calling platform_get_x11_auth.
extern struct X11Display *x11_setup_display(char *display, Conf *);
void x11_free_display(struct X11Display *disp);
struct X11FakeAuth *x11_invent_fake_auth(tree234 *t, int authtype);
void x11_free_fake_auth(struct X11FakeAuth *auth);
struct X11Connection;                  /* opaque outside x11fwd.c */
struct X11Connection *x11_init(tree234 *authtree, void *, const char *, int);
extern void x11_close(struct X11Connection *);
extern int x11_send(struct X11Connection *, char *, int);
extern void x11_send_eof(struct X11Connection *s);
extern void x11_unthrottle(struct X11Connection *s);
extern void x11_override_throttle(struct X11Connection *s, int enable);
char *x11_display(const char *display);
/* Platform-dependent X11 functions */
extern void platform_get_x11_auth(struct X11Display *display, Conf *);
    /* examine a mostly-filled-in X11Display and fill in localauth* */
extern const int platform_uses_x11_unix_by_default;
    /* choose default X transport in the absence of a specified one */
SockAddr platform_get_x11_unix_address(const char *path, int displaynum);
    /* make up a SockAddr naming the address for displaynum */
char *platform_get_x_display(void);
    /* allocated local X display string, if any */
/* Callbacks in x11.c usable _by_ platform X11 functions */
 * This function does the job of platform_get_x11_auth, provided
 * it is told where to find a normally formatted .Xauthority file:
 * it opens that file, parses it to find an auth record which
 * matches the display details in "display", and fills in the
 * localauth fields.
 * It is expected that most implementations of
 * platform_get_x11_auth() will work by finding their system's
 * .Xauthority file, adjusting the display details if necessary
 * for local oddities like Unix-domain socket transport, and
 * calling this function to do the rest of the work.
void x11_get_auth_from_authfile(struct X11Display *display,
				const char *authfilename);
int x11_identify_auth_proto(const char *proto);
void *x11_dehexify(const char *hex, int *outlen);

Bignum copybn(Bignum b);
Bignum bn_power_2(int n);
void bn_restore_invariant(Bignum b);
Bignum bignum_from_long(unsigned long n);
void freebn(Bignum b);
Bignum modpow(Bignum base, Bignum exp, Bignum mod);
Bignum modmul(Bignum a, Bignum b, Bignum mod);
void decbn(Bignum n);
extern Bignum Zero, One;
Bignum bignum_from_bytes(const unsigned char *data, int nbytes);
int ssh1_read_bignum(const unsigned char *data, int len, Bignum * result);
int bignum_bitcount(Bignum bn);
int ssh1_bignum_length(Bignum bn);
int ssh2_bignum_length(Bignum bn);
int bignum_byte(Bignum bn, int i);
int bignum_bit(Bignum bn, int i);
void bignum_set_bit(Bignum bn, int i, int value);
int ssh1_write_bignum(void *data, Bignum bn);
Bignum biggcd(Bignum a, Bignum b);
unsigned short bignum_mod_short(Bignum number, unsigned short modulus);
Bignum bignum_add_long(Bignum number, unsigned long addend);
Bignum bigadd(Bignum a, Bignum b);
Bignum bigsub(Bignum a, Bignum b);
Bignum bigmul(Bignum a, Bignum b);
Bignum bigmuladd(Bignum a, Bignum b, Bignum addend);
Bignum bigdiv(Bignum a, Bignum b);
Bignum bigmod(Bignum a, Bignum b);
Bignum modinv(Bignum number, Bignum modulus);
Bignum bignum_bitmask(Bignum number);
Bignum bignum_rshift(Bignum number, int shift);
int bignum_cmp(Bignum a, Bignum b);
char *bignum_decimal(Bignum x);

#ifdef DEBUG
void diagbn(char *prefix, Bignum md);

void *dh_setup_group(const struct ssh_kex *kex);
void *dh_setup_gex(Bignum pval, Bignum gval);
void dh_cleanup(void *);
Bignum dh_create_e(void *, int nbits);
Bignum dh_find_K(void *, Bignum f);

int loadrsakey(const Filename *filename, struct RSAKey *key,
	       char *passphrase, const char **errorstr);
int rsakey_encrypted(const Filename *filename, char **comment);
int rsakey_pubblob(const Filename *filename, void **blob, int *bloblen,
		   char **commentptr, const char **errorstr);

int saversakey(const Filename *filename, struct RSAKey *key, char *passphrase);

extern int base64_decode_atom(char *atom, unsigned char *out);
extern int base64_lines(int datalen);
extern void base64_encode_atom(unsigned char *data, int n, char *out);
extern void base64_encode(FILE *fp, unsigned char *data, int datalen, int cpl);

/* ssh2_load_userkey can return this as an error */
extern struct ssh2_userkey ssh2_wrong_passphrase;
#define SSH2_WRONG_PASSPHRASE (&ssh2_wrong_passphrase)

int ssh2_userkey_encrypted(const Filename *filename, char **comment);
struct ssh2_userkey *ssh2_load_userkey(const Filename *filename,
				       char *passphrase, const char **errorstr);
unsigned char *ssh2_userkey_loadpub(const Filename *filename, char **algorithm,
				    int *pub_blob_len, char **commentptr,
				    const char **errorstr);
int ssh2_save_userkey(const Filename *filename, struct ssh2_userkey *key,
		      char *passphrase);
const struct ssh_signkey *find_pubkey_alg(const char *name);

enum {
int key_type(const Filename *filename);
char *key_type_to_str(int type);

int import_possible(int type);
int import_target_type(int type);
int import_encrypted(const Filename *filename, int type, char **comment);
int import_ssh1(const Filename *filename, int type,
		struct RSAKey *key, char *passphrase, const char **errmsg_p);
struct ssh2_userkey *import_ssh2(const Filename *filename, int type,
				 char *passphrase, const char **errmsg_p);
int export_ssh1(const Filename *filename, int type,
		struct RSAKey *key, char *passphrase);
int export_ssh2(const Filename *filename, int type,
                struct ssh2_userkey *key, char *passphrase);

void des3_decrypt_pubkey(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *blk, int len);
void des3_encrypt_pubkey(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *blk, int len);
void des3_decrypt_pubkey_ossh(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
			      unsigned char *blk, int len);
void des3_encrypt_pubkey_ossh(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
			      unsigned char *blk, int len);
void aes256_encrypt_pubkey(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *blk,
			   int len);
void aes256_decrypt_pubkey(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *blk,
			   int len);

void des_encrypt_xdmauth(const unsigned char *key,
                         unsigned char *blk, int len);
void des_decrypt_xdmauth(const unsigned char *key,
                         unsigned char *blk, int len);

 * For progress updates in the key generation utility.
#define PROGFN_READY 5
typedef void (*progfn_t) (void *param, int action, int phase, int progress);

int rsa_generate(struct RSAKey *key, int bits, progfn_t pfn,
		 void *pfnparam);
int dsa_generate(struct dss_key *key, int bits, progfn_t pfn,
		 void *pfnparam);
Bignum primegen(int bits, int modulus, int residue, Bignum factor,
		int phase, progfn_t pfn, void *pfnparam, unsigned firstbits);
void invent_firstbits(unsigned *one, unsigned *two);

 * zlib compression.
void *zlib_compress_init(void);
void zlib_compress_cleanup(void *);
void *zlib_decompress_init(void);
void zlib_decompress_cleanup(void *);
int zlib_compress_block(void *, unsigned char *block, int len,
			unsigned char **outblock, int *outlen);
int zlib_decompress_block(void *, unsigned char *block, int len,
			  unsigned char **outblock, int *outlen);

 * Connection-sharing API provided by platforms. This function must
 * either:
 *  - return SHARE_NONE and do nothing
 *  - return SHARE_DOWNSTREAM and set *sock to a Socket connected to
 *    downplug
 *  - return SHARE_UPSTREAM and set *sock to a Socket connected to
 *    upplug.
int platform_ssh_share(const char *name, Conf *conf,
                       Plug downplug, Plug upplug, Socket *sock,
                       char **logtext, char **ds_err, char **us_err,
                       int can_upstream, int can_downstream);
void platform_ssh_share_cleanup(const char *name);

 * SSH-1 message type codes.
#define SSH1_MSG_DISCONNECT                       1	/* 0x1 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY                      2	/* 0x2 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_SESSION_KEY                     3	/* 0x3 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_USER                            4	/* 0x4 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_RSA                        6	/* 0x6 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_AUTH_RSA_CHALLENGE              7	/* 0x7 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_RSA_RESPONSE               8	/* 0x8 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD                   9	/* 0x9 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_REQUEST_PTY                     10	/* 0xa */
#define SSH1_CMSG_WINDOW_SIZE                     11	/* 0xb */
#define SSH1_CMSG_EXEC_SHELL                      12	/* 0xc */
#define SSH1_CMSG_EXEC_CMD                        13	/* 0xd */
#define SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS                         14	/* 0xe */
#define SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE                         15	/* 0xf */
#define SSH1_CMSG_STDIN_DATA                      16	/* 0x10 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_STDOUT_DATA                     17	/* 0x11 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_STDERR_DATA                     18	/* 0x12 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_EOF                             19	/* 0x13 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_EXIT_STATUS                     20	/* 0x14 */
#define SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION        21	/* 0x15 */
#define SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE             22	/* 0x16 */
#define SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA                     23	/* 0x17 */
#define SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE                    24	/* 0x18 */
#define SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION       25	/* 0x19 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_X11_OPEN                        27	/* 0x1b */
#define SSH1_CMSG_PORT_FORWARD_REQUEST            28	/* 0x1c */
#define SSH1_MSG_PORT_OPEN                        29	/* 0x1d */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AGENT_REQUEST_FORWARDING        30	/* 0x1e */
#define SSH1_SMSG_AGENT_OPEN                      31	/* 0x1f */
#define SSH1_MSG_IGNORE                           32	/* 0x20 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_EXIT_CONFIRMATION               33	/* 0x21 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_X11_REQUEST_FORWARDING          34	/* 0x22 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS_RSA                 35	/* 0x23 */
#define SSH1_MSG_DEBUG                            36	/* 0x24 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_REQUEST_COMPRESSION             37	/* 0x25 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_TIS                        39	/* 0x27 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_AUTH_TIS_CHALLENGE              40	/* 0x28 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_TIS_RESPONSE               41	/* 0x29 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_CCARD                      70	/* 0x46 */
#define SSH1_SMSG_AUTH_CCARD_CHALLENGE            71	/* 0x47 */
#define SSH1_CMSG_AUTH_CCARD_RESPONSE             72	/* 0x48 */

#define SSH1_AUTH_RHOSTS                          1	/* 0x1 */
#define SSH1_AUTH_RSA                             2	/* 0x2 */
#define SSH1_AUTH_PASSWORD                        3	/* 0x3 */
#define SSH1_AUTH_RHOSTS_RSA                      4	/* 0x4 */
#define SSH1_AUTH_TIS                             5	/* 0x5 */
#define SSH1_AUTH_CCARD                           16	/* 0x10 */

#define SSH1_PROTOFLAG_SCREEN_NUMBER              1	/* 0x1 */
/* Mask for protoflags we will echo back to server if seen */
#define SSH1_PROTOFLAGS_SUPPORTED                 0	/* 0x1 */

 * SSH-2 message type codes.
#define SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT                       1	/* 0x1 */
#define SSH2_MSG_IGNORE                           2	/* 0x2 */
#define SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED                    3	/* 0x3 */
#define SSH2_MSG_DEBUG                            4	/* 0x4 */
#define SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST                  5	/* 0x5 */
#define SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT                   6	/* 0x6 */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT                          20	/* 0x14 */
#define SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS                          21	/* 0x15 */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT                       30	/* 0x1e */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY                      31	/* 0x1f */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST               30	/* 0x1e */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP                 31	/* 0x1f */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT                  32	/* 0x20 */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY                 33	/* 0x21 */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEXRSA_PUBKEY                    30    /* 0x1e */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEXRSA_SECRET                    31    /* 0x1f */
#define SSH2_MSG_KEXRSA_DONE                      32    /* 0x20 */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST                 50	/* 0x32 */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE                 51	/* 0x33 */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS                 52	/* 0x34 */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER                  53	/* 0x35 */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK                   60	/* 0x3c */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ        60	/* 0x3c */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST            60	/* 0x3c */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE           61	/* 0x3d */
#define SSH2_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST                   80	/* 0x50 */
#define SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS                  81	/* 0x51 */
#define SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE                  82	/* 0x52 */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN                     90	/* 0x5a */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION        91	/* 0x5b */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE             92	/* 0x5c */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST            93	/* 0x5d */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA                     94	/* 0x5e */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA            95	/* 0x5f */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF                      96	/* 0x60 */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE                    97	/* 0x61 */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST                  98	/* 0x62 */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS                  99	/* 0x63 */
#define SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE                  100	/* 0x64 */
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_GSSAPI_RESPONSE               60
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_GSSAPI_TOKEN                  61
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_GSSAPI_ERROR                  64
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_GSSAPI_ERRTOK                 65
#define SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_GSSAPI_MIC                    66

 * SSH-1 agent messages.
#define SSH1_AGENTC_RSA_CHALLENGE             3
#define SSH1_AGENT_RSA_RESPONSE               4
#define SSH1_AGENTC_ADD_RSA_IDENTITY          7
#define SSH1_AGENTC_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES 9	/* openssh private? */

 * Messages common to SSH-1 and OpenSSH's SSH-2.
#define SSH_AGENT_FAILURE                    5
#define SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS                    6

 * OpenSSH's SSH-2 agent messages.
#define SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER            12
#define SSH2_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST                13
#define SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE                14
#define SSH2_AGENTC_ADD_IDENTITY                17
#define SSH2_AGENTC_REMOVE_IDENTITY             18

 * Assorted other SSH-related enumerations.
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR            2	/* 0x2 */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED       3	/* 0x3 */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR                 5	/* 0x5 */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR         6	/* 0x6 */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST           10	/* 0xa */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION            11	/* 0xb */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS      12	/* 0xc */
#define SSH2_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME         15	/* 0xf */

#define SSH2_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED                  2	/* 0x2 */
#define SSH2_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE            3	/* 0x3 */
#define SSH2_OPEN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE               4	/* 0x4 */

#define SSH2_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR                 1	/* 0x1 */

 * Need this to warn about support for the original SSH-2 keyfile
 * format.
void old_keyfile_warning(void);