#ifndef NO_GSSAPI #include "putty.h" #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include <security.h> #include "sshgss.h" #include "misc.h" #define NOTHING #define DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(linkage, rettype, name, params) \ typedef rettype (WINAPI *t_##name) params; \ linkage t_##name p_##name #define GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(module, name) \ p_##name = module ? (t_##name) GetProcAddress(module, #name) : NULL DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, AcquireCredentialsHandleA, (SEC_CHAR *, SEC_CHAR *, ULONG, PLUID, PVOID, SEC_GET_KEY_FN, PVOID, PCredHandle, PTimeStamp)); DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, InitializeSecurityContextA, (PCredHandle, PCtxtHandle, SEC_CHAR *, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, PSecBufferDesc, ULONG, PCtxtHandle, PSecBufferDesc, PULONG, PTimeStamp)); DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, FreeContextBuffer, (PVOID)); DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, FreeCredentialsHandle, (PCredHandle)); DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, DeleteSecurityContext, (PCtxtHandle)); DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, QueryContextAttributesA, (PCtxtHandle, ULONG, PVOID)); DECL_SSPI_FUNCTION(static, SECURITY_STATUS, MakeSignature, (PCtxtHandle, ULONG, PSecBufferDesc, ULONG)); static HMODULE security_module = NULL; typedef struct winSsh_gss_ctx { unsigned long maj_stat; unsigned long min_stat; CredHandle cred_handle; CtxtHandle context; PCtxtHandle context_handle; TimeStamp expiry; } winSsh_gss_ctx; const Ssh_gss_buf gss_mech_krb5={9,"\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x12\x01\x02\x02"}; int ssh_gss_init(void) { if (security_module) return 1; /* already initialised */ security_module = LoadLibrary("secur32.dll"); if (security_module) { GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, AcquireCredentialsHandleA); GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, InitializeSecurityContextA); GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, FreeContextBuffer); GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, FreeCredentialsHandle); GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, DeleteSecurityContext); GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, QueryContextAttributesA); GET_SSPI_FUNCTION(security_module, MakeSignature); return 1; } return 0; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_indicate_mech(Ssh_gss_buf *mech) { *mech = gss_mech_krb5; return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_import_name(char *host, Ssh_gss_name *srv_name) { char *pStr; /* Check hostname */ if (host == NULL) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; /* copy it into form host/FQDN */ pStr = dupcat("host/", host, NULL); *srv_name = (Ssh_gss_name) pStr; return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_acquire_cred(Ssh_gss_ctx *ctx) { winSsh_gss_ctx *winctx = snew(winSsh_gss_ctx); memset(winctx, 0, sizeof(winSsh_gss_ctx)); /* prepare our "wrapper" structure */ winctx->maj_stat = winctx->min_stat = SEC_E_OK; winctx->context_handle = NULL; /* Specifying no principal name here means use the credentials of the current logged-in user */ winctx->maj_stat = p_AcquireCredentialsHandleA(NULL, "Kerberos", SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &winctx->cred_handle, &winctx->expiry); if (winctx->maj_stat != SEC_E_OK) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; *ctx = (Ssh_gss_ctx) winctx; return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_init_sec_context(Ssh_gss_ctx *ctx, Ssh_gss_name srv_name, int to_deleg, Ssh_gss_buf *recv_tok, Ssh_gss_buf *send_tok) { winSsh_gss_ctx *winctx = (winSsh_gss_ctx *) *ctx; SecBuffer wsend_tok = {send_tok->length,SECBUFFER_TOKEN,send_tok->value}; SecBuffer wrecv_tok = {recv_tok->length,SECBUFFER_TOKEN,recv_tok->value}; SecBufferDesc output_desc={SECBUFFER_VERSION,1,&wsend_tok}; SecBufferDesc input_desc ={SECBUFFER_VERSION,1,&wrecv_tok}; unsigned long flags=ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH|ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT| ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY|ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; unsigned long ret_flags=0; /* check if we have to delegate ... */ if (to_deleg) flags |= ISC_REQ_DELEGATE; winctx->maj_stat = p_InitializeSecurityContextA(&winctx->cred_handle, winctx->context_handle, (char*) srv_name, flags, 0, /* reserved */ SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &input_desc, 0, /* reserved */ &winctx->context, &output_desc, &ret_flags, &winctx->expiry); /* prepare for the next round */ winctx->context_handle = &winctx->context; send_tok->value = wsend_tok.pvBuffer; send_tok->length = wsend_tok.cbBuffer; /* check & return our status */ if (winctx->maj_stat==SEC_E_OK) return SSH_GSS_S_COMPLETE; if (winctx->maj_stat==SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED) return SSH_GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED; return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_free_tok(Ssh_gss_buf *send_tok) { /* check input */ if (send_tok == NULL) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; /* free Windows buffer */ p_FreeContextBuffer(send_tok->value); SSH_GSS_CLEAR_BUF(send_tok); return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_release_cred(Ssh_gss_ctx *ctx) { winSsh_gss_ctx *winctx= (winSsh_gss_ctx *) *ctx; /* check input */ if (winctx == NULL) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; /* free Windows data */ p_FreeCredentialsHandle(&winctx->cred_handle); p_DeleteSecurityContext(&winctx->context); /* delete our "wrapper" structure */ sfree(winctx); *ctx = (Ssh_gss_ctx) NULL; return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_release_name(Ssh_gss_name *srv_name) { char *pStr= (char *) *srv_name; if (pStr == NULL) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; sfree(pStr); *srv_name = (Ssh_gss_name) NULL; return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_display_status(Ssh_gss_ctx ctx, Ssh_gss_buf *buf) { winSsh_gss_ctx *winctx = (winSsh_gss_ctx *) ctx; char *msg; if (winctx == NULL) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; /* decode the error code */ switch (winctx->maj_stat) { case SEC_E_OK: msg="SSPI status OK"; break; case SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE: msg="The handle passed to the function" " is invalid."; break; case SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN: msg="The target was not recognized."; break; case SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED: msg="The logon failed."; break; case SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: msg="The Local Security Authority cannot" " be contacted."; break; case SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS: msg="No credentials are available in the" " security package."; break; case SEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITY: msg="No authority could be contacted for authentication." "The domain name of the authenticating party could be wrong," " the domain could be unreachable, or there might have been" " a trust relationship failure."; break; case SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: msg="One or more of the SecBufferDesc structures passed as" " an OUT parameter has a buffer that is too small."; break; case SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN: msg="The error is due to a malformed input token, such as a" " token corrupted in transit, a token" " of incorrect size, or a token passed into the wrong" " security package. Passing a token to" " the wrong package can happen if client and server did not" " negotiate the proper security package."; break; default: msg = "Internal SSPI error"; break; } buf->value = dupstr(msg); buf->length = strlen(buf->value); return SSH_GSS_OK; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_get_mic(Ssh_gss_ctx ctx, Ssh_gss_buf *buf, Ssh_gss_buf *hash) { winSsh_gss_ctx *winctx= (winSsh_gss_ctx *) ctx; SecPkgContext_Sizes ContextSizes; SecBufferDesc InputBufferDescriptor; SecBuffer InputSecurityToken[2]; if (winctx == NULL) return SSH_GSS_FAILURE; winctx->maj_stat = 0; memset(&ContextSizes, 0, sizeof(ContextSizes)); winctx->maj_stat = p_QueryContextAttributesA(&winctx->context, SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES, &ContextSizes); if (winctx->maj_stat != SEC_E_OK || ContextSizes.cbMaxSignature == 0) return winctx->maj_stat; InputBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 2; InputBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = InputSecurityToken; InputBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; InputSecurityToken[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; InputSecurityToken[0].cbBuffer = buf->length; InputSecurityToken[0].pvBuffer = buf->value; InputSecurityToken[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; InputSecurityToken[1].cbBuffer = ContextSizes.cbMaxSignature; InputSecurityToken[1].pvBuffer = snewn(ContextSizes.cbMaxSignature, char); winctx->maj_stat = p_MakeSignature(&winctx->context, 0, &InputBufferDescriptor, 0); if (winctx->maj_stat == SEC_E_OK) { hash->length = InputSecurityToken[1].cbBuffer; hash->value = InputSecurityToken[1].pvBuffer; } return winctx->maj_stat; } Ssh_gss_stat ssh_gss_free_mic(Ssh_gss_buf *hash) { sfree(hash->value); return SSH_GSS_OK; } #else /* Dummy function so this source file defines something if NO_GSSAPI is defined. */ int ssh_gss_init(void) { return 0; } #endif