/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Digital Equipment Corporation shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Digital Equipment Corporation. ******************************************************************/ /* * HISTORY * * @(#)RCSfile: dpms.c,v Revision: (DEC) Date: 1996/03/04 15:27:00 */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #else #define DPMSExtension #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "misc.h" #include "os.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "opaque.h" #define DPMS_SERVER #include <X11/extensions/dpms.h> #include <X11/extensions/dpmsstr.h> #include "dpmsproc.h" #include "modinit.h" static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSDispatch); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSDispatch); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSGetVersion); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSGetVersion); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSGetTimeouts); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSGetTimeouts); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSSetTimeouts); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSSetTimeouts); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSEnable); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSEnable); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSDisable); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSDisable); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSForceLevel); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSForceLevel); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSInfo); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSInfo); static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDPMSCapable); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDPMSCapable); static void DPMSResetProc(ExtensionEntry* extEntry); void DPMSExtensionInit(INITARGS) { AddExtension(DPMSExtensionName, 0, 0, ProcDPMSDispatch, SProcDPMSDispatch, DPMSResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void DPMSResetProc (extEntry) ExtensionEntry *extEntry; { } static int ProcDPMSGetVersion(client) register ClientPtr client; { /* REQUEST(xDPMSGetVersionReq); */ xDPMSGetVersionReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSGetVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.majorVersion = DPMSMajorVersion; rep.minorVersion = DPMSMinorVersion; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swaps(&rep.majorVersion, n); swaps(&rep.minorVersion, n); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDPMSGetVersionReply), (char *)&rep); return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSCapable(register ClientPtr client) { /* REQUEST(xDPMSCapableReq); */ xDPMSCapableReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSCapableReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.capable = DPMSCapableFlag; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDPMSCapableReply), (char *)&rep); return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSGetTimeouts(client) register ClientPtr client; { /* REQUEST(xDPMSGetTimeoutsReq); */ xDPMSGetTimeoutsReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSGetTimeoutsReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.standby = DPMSStandbyTime / MILLI_PER_SECOND; rep.suspend = DPMSSuspendTime / MILLI_PER_SECOND; rep.off = DPMSOffTime / MILLI_PER_SECOND; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swaps(&rep.standby, n); swaps(&rep.suspend, n); swaps(&rep.off, n); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDPMSGetTimeoutsReply), (char *)&rep); return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSSetTimeouts(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSSetTimeoutsReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSSetTimeoutsReq); if ((stuff->off != 0)&&(stuff->off < stuff->suspend)) { client->errorValue = stuff->off; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->suspend != 0)&&(stuff->suspend < stuff->standby)) { client->errorValue = stuff->suspend; return BadValue; } DPMSStandbyTime = stuff->standby * MILLI_PER_SECOND; DPMSSuspendTime = stuff->suspend * MILLI_PER_SECOND; DPMSOffTime = stuff->off * MILLI_PER_SECOND; SetScreenSaverTimer(); return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSEnable(client) register ClientPtr client; { Bool was_enabled = DPMSEnabled; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSEnableReq); if (DPMSCapableFlag) { DPMSEnabled = TRUE; if (!was_enabled) SetScreenSaverTimer(); } return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSDisable(client) register ClientPtr client; { /* REQUEST(xDPMSDisableReq); */ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSDisableReq); DPMSSet(client, DPMSModeOn); DPMSEnabled = FALSE; return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSForceLevel(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSForceLevelReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSForceLevelReq); if (!DPMSEnabled) return BadMatch; if (stuff->level == DPMSModeOn) { lastDeviceEventTime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis(); } else if (stuff->level == DPMSModeStandby) { lastDeviceEventTime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis() - DPMSStandbyTime; } else if (stuff->level == DPMSModeSuspend) { lastDeviceEventTime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis() - DPMSSuspendTime; } else if (stuff->level == DPMSModeOff) { lastDeviceEventTime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis() - DPMSOffTime; } else { client->errorValue = stuff->level; return BadValue; } DPMSSet(client, stuff->level); return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSInfo(register ClientPtr client) { /* REQUEST(xDPMSInfoReq); */ xDPMSInfoReply rep; register int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSInfoReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.power_level = DPMSPowerLevel; rep.state = DPMSEnabled; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n); swaps(&rep.power_level, n); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDPMSInfoReply), (char *)&rep); return(client->noClientException); } static int ProcDPMSDispatch (client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_DPMSGetVersion: return ProcDPMSGetVersion(client); case X_DPMSCapable: return ProcDPMSCapable(client); case X_DPMSGetTimeouts: return ProcDPMSGetTimeouts(client); case X_DPMSSetTimeouts: return ProcDPMSSetTimeouts(client); case X_DPMSEnable: return ProcDPMSEnable(client); case X_DPMSDisable: return ProcDPMSDisable(client); case X_DPMSForceLevel: return ProcDPMSForceLevel(client); case X_DPMSInfo: return ProcDPMSInfo(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static int SProcDPMSGetVersion(client) register ClientPtr client; { register int n; REQUEST(xDPMSGetVersionReq); swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSGetVersionReq); swaps(&stuff->majorVersion, n); swaps(&stuff->minorVersion, n); return ProcDPMSGetVersion(client); } static int SProcDPMSCapable(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDPMSCapableReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSCapableReq); return ProcDPMSCapable(client); } static int SProcDPMSGetTimeouts(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSGetTimeoutsReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSGetTimeoutsReq); return ProcDPMSGetTimeouts(client); } static int SProcDPMSSetTimeouts(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSSetTimeoutsReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSSetTimeoutsReq); swaps(&stuff->standby, n); swaps(&stuff->suspend, n); swaps(&stuff->off, n); return ProcDPMSSetTimeouts(client); } static int SProcDPMSEnable(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSEnableReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSEnableReq); return ProcDPMSEnable(client); } static int SProcDPMSDisable(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSDisableReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSDisableReq); return ProcDPMSDisable(client); } static int SProcDPMSForceLevel(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSForceLevelReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSForceLevelReq); swaps(&stuff->level, n); return ProcDPMSForceLevel(client); } static int SProcDPMSInfo(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xDPMSInfoReq); register int n; swaps(&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDPMSInfoReq); return ProcDPMSInfo(client); } static int SProcDPMSDispatch (client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_DPMSGetVersion: return SProcDPMSGetVersion(client); case X_DPMSCapable: return SProcDPMSCapable(client); case X_DPMSGetTimeouts: return SProcDPMSGetTimeouts(client); case X_DPMSSetTimeouts: return SProcDPMSSetTimeouts(client); case X_DPMSEnable: return SProcDPMSEnable(client); case X_DPMSDisable: return SProcDPMSDisable(client); case X_DPMSForceLevel: return SProcDPMSForceLevel(client); case X_DPMSInfo: return SProcDPMSInfo(client); default: return BadRequest; } }