#ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include "misc.h" #include "hashtable.h" /* HashResourceID */ #include "resource.h" #define INITHASHSIZE 6 #define MAXHASHSIZE 11 struct HashTableRec { int keySize; int dataSize; int elements; /* number of elements inserted */ int bucketBits; /* number of buckets is 1 << bucketBits */ struct xorg_list *buckets; /* array of bucket list heads */ HashFunc hash; HashCompareFunc compare; void *cdata; }; typedef struct { struct xorg_list l; void *key; void *data; } BucketRec, *BucketPtr; HashTable ht_create(int keySize, int dataSize, HashFunc hash, HashCompareFunc compare, void *cdata) { int c; int numBuckets; HashTable ht = malloc(sizeof(struct HashTableRec)); if (!ht) { return NULL; } ht->keySize = keySize; ht->dataSize = dataSize; ht->hash = hash; ht->compare = compare; ht->elements = 0; ht->bucketBits = INITHASHSIZE; numBuckets = 1 << ht->bucketBits; ht->buckets = malloc(numBuckets * sizeof(*ht->buckets)); ht->cdata = cdata; if (ht->buckets) { for (c = 0; c < numBuckets; ++c) { xorg_list_init(&ht->buckets[c]); } return ht; } else { free(ht); return NULL; } } void ht_destroy(HashTable ht) { int c; BucketPtr it, tmp; int numBuckets = 1 << ht->bucketBits; for (c = 0; c < numBuckets; ++c) { xorg_list_for_each_entry_safe(it, tmp, &ht->buckets[c], l) { xorg_list_del(&it->l); free(it); } } free(ht->buckets); } static Bool double_size(HashTable ht) { struct xorg_list *newBuckets; int numBuckets = 1 << ht->bucketBits; int newBucketBits = ht->bucketBits + 1; int newNumBuckets = 1 << newBucketBits; int c; newBuckets = malloc(newNumBuckets * sizeof(*ht->buckets)); if (newBuckets) { for (c = 0; c < newNumBuckets; ++c) { xorg_list_init(&newBuckets[c]); } for (c = 0; c < numBuckets; ++c) { BucketPtr it, tmp; xorg_list_for_each_entry_safe(it, tmp, &ht->buckets[c], l) { struct xorg_list *newBucket = &newBuckets[ht->hash(ht->cdata, it->key, newBucketBits)]; xorg_list_del(&it->l); xorg_list_add(&it->l, newBucket); } } free(ht->buckets); ht->buckets = newBuckets; ht->bucketBits = newBucketBits; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void * ht_add(HashTable ht, const void *key) { unsigned index = ht->hash(ht->cdata, key, ht->bucketBits); struct xorg_list *bucket = &ht->buckets[index]; BucketRec *elem = calloc(1, sizeof(BucketRec)); if (!elem) { goto outOfMemory; } elem->key = malloc(ht->keySize); if (!elem->key) { goto outOfMemory; } /* we avoid signaling an out-of-memory error if dataSize is 0 */ elem->data = calloc(1, ht->dataSize); if (ht->dataSize && !elem->data) { goto outOfMemory; } xorg_list_add(&elem->l, bucket); ++ht->elements; memcpy(elem->key, key, ht->keySize); if (ht->elements > 4 * (1 << ht->bucketBits) && ht->bucketBits < MAXHASHSIZE) { if (!double_size(ht)) { --ht->elements; xorg_list_del(&elem->l); goto outOfMemory; } } /* if memory allocation has failed due to dataSize being 0, return a "dummy" pointer pointing at the of the key */ return elem->data ? elem->data : ((char*) elem->key + ht->keySize); outOfMemory: if (elem) { free(elem->key); free(elem->data); free(elem); } return NULL; } void ht_remove(HashTable ht, const void *key) { unsigned index = ht->hash(ht->cdata, key, ht->bucketBits); struct xorg_list *bucket = &ht->buckets[index]; BucketPtr it; xorg_list_for_each_entry(it, bucket, l) { if (ht->compare(ht->cdata, key, it->key) == 0) { xorg_list_del(&it->l); --ht->elements; free(it->key); free(it->data); free(it); return; } } } void * ht_find(HashTable ht, const void *key) { unsigned index = ht->hash(ht->cdata, key, ht->bucketBits); struct xorg_list *bucket = &ht->buckets[index]; BucketPtr it; xorg_list_for_each_entry(it, bucket, l) { if (ht->compare(ht->cdata, key, it->key) == 0) { return it->data ? it->data : ((char*) it->key + ht->keySize); } } return NULL; } void ht_dump_distribution(HashTable ht) { int c; int numBuckets = 1 << ht->bucketBits; for (c = 0; c < numBuckets; ++c) { BucketPtr it; int n = 0; xorg_list_for_each_entry(it, &ht->buckets[c], l) { ++n; } printf("%d: %d\n", c, n); } } /* Picked the function from http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html by Bob Jenkins, which is released in public domain */ static CARD32 one_at_a_time_hash(const void *data, int len) { CARD32 hash; int i; const char *key = data; for (hash=0, i=0; i<len; ++i) { hash += key[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; } unsigned ht_generic_hash(void *cdata, const void *ptr, int numBits) { HtGenericHashSetupPtr setup = cdata; return one_at_a_time_hash(ptr, setup->keySize) & ~((~0) << numBits); } int ht_generic_compare(void *cdata, const void *l, const void *r) { HtGenericHashSetupPtr setup = cdata; return memcmp(l, r, setup->keySize); } unsigned ht_resourceid_hash(void * cdata, const void * data, int numBits) { const XID* idPtr = data; XID id = *idPtr & RESOURCE_ID_MASK; (void) cdata; return HashResourceID(id, numBits); } int ht_resourceid_compare(void* cdata, const void* a, const void* b) { const XID* xa = a; const XID* xb = b; (void) cdata; return *xa < *xb ? -1 : *xa > *xb ? 1 : 0; } void ht_dump_contents(HashTable ht, void (*print_key)(void *opaque, void *key), void (*print_value)(void *opaque, void *value), void* opaque) { int c; int numBuckets = 1 << ht->bucketBits; for (c = 0; c < numBuckets; ++c) { BucketPtr it; int n = 0; printf("%d: ", c); xorg_list_for_each_entry(it, &ht->buckets[c], l) { if (n > 0) { printf(", "); } print_key(opaque, it->key); printf("->"); print_value(opaque, it->data); ++n; } printf("\n"); } }