/************************************************************ Copyright 2003-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. ************************************************************/ #define NEED_REPLIES #define NEED_EVENTS #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "misc.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "servermd.h" #define _XEVIE_SERVER_ #include <X11/extensions/Xeviestr.h> #include <X11/Xfuncproto.h> #include "input.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "cursorstr.h" #include <xkbsrv.h> #include "../os/osdep.h" #define NoSuchEvent 0x80000000 #ifdef XKB extern Bool noXkbExtension; #endif extern int xeviegrabState; static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcXevieDispatch); static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcXevieDispatch); static void XevieResetProc (ExtensionEntry *extEntry); static unsigned char XevieReqCode = 0; static int XevieErrorBase; int xevieFlag = 0; int xevieClientIndex = 0; DeviceIntPtr xeviekb = NULL; DeviceIntPtr xeviemouse = NULL; Mask xevieMask = 0; int xevieEventSent = 0; int xevieKBEventSent = 0; static DevPrivateKey xevieDevicePrivateKey = &xevieDevicePrivateKey; static Bool xevieModifiersOn = FALSE; #define XEVIEINFO(dev) ((xevieDeviceInfoPtr) \ dixLookupPrivate(&(dev)->devPrivates, xevieDevicePrivateKey)) Mask xevieFilters[128] = { NoSuchEvent, /* 0 */ NoSuchEvent, /* 1 */ KeyPressMask, /* KeyPress */ KeyReleaseMask, /* KeyRelease */ ButtonPressMask, /* ButtonPress */ ButtonReleaseMask, /* ButtonRelease */ PointerMotionMask /* MotionNotify (initial state) */ }; typedef struct { ProcessInputProc processInputProc; ProcessInputProc realInputProc; DeviceUnwrapProc unwrapProc; } xevieDeviceInfoRec, *xevieDeviceInfoPtr; typedef struct { CARD32 time; KeyClassPtr keyc; } xevieKeycQueueRec, *xevieKeycQueuePtr; #define KEYC_QUEUE_SIZE 100 static xevieKeycQueueRec keycq[KEYC_QUEUE_SIZE] = {{0, NULL}}; static int keycqHead = 0, keycqTail = 0; static Bool XevieStart(void); static void XevieEnd(int clientIndex); static void XevieClientStateCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer nulldata, pointer calldata); static void XevieServerGrabStateCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer nulldata, pointer calldata); static Bool XevieAdd(DeviceIntPtr device, pointer data); static void XevieWrap(DeviceIntPtr device, ProcessInputProc proc); static Bool XevieRemove(DeviceIntPtr device, pointer data); static void doSendEvent(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr device); static void XeviePointerProcessInputProc(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr dev, int count); static void XevieKbdProcessInputProc(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr dev, int count); void XevieExtensionInit (void) { ExtensionEntry* extEntry; if (!AddCallback(&ServerGrabCallback,XevieServerGrabStateCallback,NULL)) return; if ((extEntry = AddExtension (XEVIENAME, 0, XevieNumberErrors, ProcXevieDispatch, SProcXevieDispatch, XevieResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode))) { XevieReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base; XevieErrorBase = extEntry->errorBase; } } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void XevieResetProc (ExtensionEntry *extEntry) { } static int ProcXevieQueryVersion (register ClientPtr client) { xXevieQueryVersionReply rep; int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieQueryVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequence_number = client->sequence; rep.server_major_version = XEVIE_MAJOR_VERSION; rep.server_minor_version = XEVIE_MINOR_VERSION; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequence_number, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); swaps(&rep.server_major_version, n); swaps(&rep.server_minor_version, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXevieQueryVersionReply), (char *)&rep); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcXevieStart (register ClientPtr client) { xXevieStartReply rep; int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieStartReq); rep.pad1 = 0; if(!xevieFlag){ if (AddCallback(&ClientStateCallback,XevieClientStateCallback,NULL)) { xevieFlag = 1; rep.pad1 = 1; xevieClientIndex = client->index; if(!keycq[0].time ) { int i; for(i=0; i<KEYC_QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { keycq[i].keyc = xalloc(sizeof(KeyClassRec)); keycq[i].keyc->xkbInfo = xalloc(sizeof(XkbSrvInfoRec)); } } } else return BadAlloc; } else return BadAccess; #ifdef XKB if (!noXkbExtension) { if (!XevieStart()) { DeleteCallback(&ClientStateCallback,XevieClientStateCallback,NULL); return BadAlloc; } } #endif xevieModifiersOn = FALSE; rep.length = 0; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequence_number = client->sequence; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequence_number, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXevieStartReply), (char *)&rep); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcXevieEnd (register ClientPtr client) { xXevieEndReply rep; int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieEndReq); if (xevieFlag) { if (client->index != xevieClientIndex) return BadAccess; DeleteCallback(&ClientStateCallback,XevieClientStateCallback,NULL); XevieEnd(xevieClientIndex); } rep.length = 0; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequence_number = client->sequence; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequence_number, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXevieEndReply), (char *)&rep); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcXevieSend (register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST (xXevieSendReq); xXevieSendReply rep; xEvent *xE; static unsigned char lastDetail = 0, lastType = 0; int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieSendReq); if (client->index != xevieClientIndex) return BadAccess; xE = (xEvent *)&stuff->event; rep.length = 0; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequence_number = client->sequence; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequence_number, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXevieSendReply), (char *)&rep); switch(xE->u.u.type) { case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: xevieKBEventSent = 1; #ifdef XKB if(!noXkbExtension) doSendEvent(xE, inputInfo.keyboard); else #endif CoreProcessKeyboardEvent (xE, xeviekb, 1); break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: case MotionNotify: xevieEventSent = 1; #ifdef XKB if(!noXkbExtension) doSendEvent(xE, inputInfo.pointer); else #endif CoreProcessPointerEvent(xE, xeviemouse, 1); break; default: break; } lastType = xE->u.u.type; lastDetail = xE->u.u.detail; return client->noClientException; } static int ProcXevieSelectInput (register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST (xXevieSelectInputReq); xXevieSelectInputReply rep; int n; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieSelectInputReq); if (client->index != xevieClientIndex) return BadAccess; xevieMask = stuff->event_mask; rep.length = 0; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequence_number = client->sequence; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequence_number, n); swapl(&rep.length, n); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXevieSelectInputReply), (char *)&rep); return client->noClientException; } static int ProcXevieDispatch (register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST (xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_XevieQueryVersion: return ProcXevieQueryVersion (client); case X_XevieStart: return ProcXevieStart (client); case X_XevieEnd: return ProcXevieEnd (client); case X_XevieSend: return ProcXevieSend (client); case X_XevieSelectInput: return ProcXevieSelectInput(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static int SProcXevieQueryVersion (register ClientPtr client) { register int n; REQUEST(xXevieQueryVersionReq); swaps (&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieQueryVersionReq); swaps (&stuff->client_major_version, n); swaps (&stuff->client_minor_version, n); return ProcXevieQueryVersion(client); } static int SProcXevieStart (ClientPtr client) { register int n; REQUEST (xXevieStartReq); swaps (&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieStartReq); swapl (&stuff->screen, n); return ProcXevieStart (client); } static int SProcXevieEnd (ClientPtr client) { register int n; REQUEST (xXevieEndReq); swaps (&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieEndReq); swapl (&stuff->cmap, n); return ProcXevieEnd (client); } static int SProcXevieSend (ClientPtr client) { register int n; xEvent eventT; EventSwapPtr proc; REQUEST (xXevieSendReq); swaps (&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieSendReq); swapl (&stuff->dataType, n); /* Swap event */ proc = EventSwapVector[stuff->event.u.u.type & 0177]; if (!proc || proc == NotImplemented) /* no swapping proc; invalid event type? */ return (BadValue); (*proc)(&stuff->event, &eventT); stuff->event = eventT; return ProcXevieSend (client); } static int SProcXevieSelectInput (ClientPtr client) { register int n; REQUEST (xXevieSelectInputReq); swaps (&stuff->length, n); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXevieSelectInputReq); swapl (&stuff->event_mask, n); return ProcXevieSelectInput (client); } static int SProcXevieDispatch (register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_XevieQueryVersion: return SProcXevieQueryVersion (client); case X_XevieStart: return SProcXevieStart (client); case X_XevieEnd: return SProcXevieEnd (client); case X_XevieSend: return SProcXevieSend (client); case X_XevieSelectInput: return SProcXevieSelectInput(client); default: return BadRequest; } } /*======================================================*/ #define WRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,store,inputProc) \ store->processInputProc = dev->public.processInputProc; \ dev->public.processInputProc = inputProc; \ store->realInputProc = dev->public.realInputProc; \ dev->public.realInputProc = inputProc; #define COND_WRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,store,inputProc) \ if (dev->public.processInputProc == dev->public.realInputProc) \ dev->public.processInputProc = inputProc; \ store->processInputProc = \ store->realInputProc = dev->public.realInputProc; \ dev->public.realInputProc = inputProc; #define UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,restore) \ dev->public.processInputProc = restore->processInputProc; \ dev->public.realInputProc = restore->realInputProc; #define UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,restore) \ dev->public.processInputProc = restore->processInputProc; \ dev->public.realInputProc = restore->realInputProc; #define XEVIE_EVENT(xE) \ (xevieFlag \ && !xeviegrabState \ && clients[xevieClientIndex] \ && (xevieMask & xevieFilters[xE->u.u.type])) static void sendEvent(ClientPtr pClient, xEvent *xE) { if(pClient->swapped) { xEvent eventTo; /* Remember to strip off the leading bit of type in case this event was sent with "SendEvent." */ (*EventSwapVector[xE->u.u.type & 0177]) (xE, &eventTo); (void)WriteToClient(pClient, sizeof(xEvent), (char *)&eventTo); } else { (void)WriteToClient(pClient, sizeof(xEvent), (char *) xE); } } static void XevieKbdProcessInputProc(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr dev, int count) { int key, bit; BYTE *kptr; ProcessInputProc tmp; KeyClassPtr keyc = dev->key; xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep = XEVIEINFO(dev); if(XEVIE_EVENT(xE)) { key = xE->u.u.detail; kptr = &keyc->down[key >> 3]; bit = 1 << (key & 7); if (dev->key->modifierMap[xE->u.u.detail]) xevieModifiersOn = TRUE; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.event = xeviewin->drawable.id; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.root = GetCurrentRootWindow()->drawable.id; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.child = (xeviewin->firstChild) ? xeviewin->firstChild->drawable.id:0; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.rootX = xeviehot.x; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.rootY = xeviehot.y; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.state = keyc->state | inputInfo.pointer->button->state; /* fix bug: sequence lost in Xlib */ xE->u.u.sequenceNumber = clients[xevieClientIndex]->sequence; #ifdef XKB /* fix for bug5092586 */ if(!noXkbExtension) { switch(xE->u.u.type) { case KeyPress: *kptr |= bit; break; case KeyRelease: *kptr &= ~bit; break; } } #endif keycq[keycqHead].time = xE->u.keyButtonPointer.time; memcpy(keycq[keycqHead].keyc, keyc, sizeof(KeyClassRec) - sizeof(KeyClassPtr)); memcpy(keycq[keycqHead].keyc->xkbInfo, keyc->xkbInfo, sizeof(XkbSrvInfoRec)); if(++keycqHead >=KEYC_QUEUE_SIZE) keycqHead = 0; sendEvent(clients[xevieClientIndex], xE); return; } tmp = dev->public.realInputProc; UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep); dev->public.processInputProc(xE,dev,count); COND_WRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep,tmp); } static void XeviePointerProcessInputProc(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr dev, int count) { xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep = XEVIEINFO(dev); ProcessInputProc tmp; if (XEVIE_EVENT(xE)) { /* fix bug: sequence lost in Xlib */ xE->u.u.sequenceNumber = clients[xevieClientIndex]->sequence; sendEvent(clients[xevieClientIndex], xE); return; } tmp = dev->public.realInputProc; UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep); dev->public.processInputProc(xE,dev,count); COND_WRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep,tmp); } static Bool XevieStart(void) { ProcessInputProc prp; prp = XevieKbdProcessInputProc; if (!XevieAdd(inputInfo.keyboard,&prp)) return FALSE; prp = XeviePointerProcessInputProc; if (!XevieAdd(inputInfo.pointer,&prp)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void XevieEnd(int clientIndex) { if (!clientIndex || clientIndex == xevieClientIndex) { #ifdef XKB if(!noXkbExtension) { XevieRemove(inputInfo.keyboard,NULL); inputInfo.keyboard->public.processInputProc = CoreProcessKeyboardEvent; inputInfo.keyboard->public.realInputProc = CoreProcessKeyboardEvent; XkbSetExtension(inputInfo.keyboard,ProcessKeyboardEvent); XevieRemove(inputInfo.pointer,NULL); inputInfo.pointer->public.processInputProc = CoreProcessPointerEvent; inputInfo.pointer->public.realInputProc = CoreProcessPointerEvent; XkbSetExtension(inputInfo.pointer,ProcessPointerEvent); } #endif xevieFlag = 0; xevieClientIndex = 0; DeleteCallback (&ClientStateCallback, XevieClientStateCallback, NULL); } } static void XevieClientStateCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer nulldata, pointer calldata) { NewClientInfoRec *pci = (NewClientInfoRec *)calldata; ClientPtr client = pci->client; if (client->clientState == ClientStateGone || client->clientState == ClientStateRetained) XevieEnd(client->index); } static void XevieServerGrabStateCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer nulldata, pointer calldata) { ServerGrabInfoRec *grbinfo = (ServerGrabInfoRec *)calldata; if (grbinfo->grabstate == SERVER_GRABBED) xeviegrabState = TRUE; else xeviegrabState = FALSE; } #define UNWRAP_UNWRAPPROC(device,proc_store) \ device->unwrapProc = proc_store; #define WRAP_UNWRAPPROC(device,proc_store,proc) \ proc_store = device->unwrapProc; \ device->unwrapProc = proc; static void xevieUnwrapProc(DeviceIntPtr device, DeviceHandleProc proc, pointer data) { xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep = XEVIEINFO(device); ProcessInputProc tmp = device->public.processInputProc; UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(device,xeviep); UNWRAP_UNWRAPPROC(device,xeviep->unwrapProc); proc(device,data); WRAP_INPUTPROC(device,xeviep,tmp); WRAP_UNWRAPPROC(device,xeviep->unwrapProc,xevieUnwrapProc); } static Bool XevieUnwrapAdd(DeviceIntPtr device, void* data) { if (device->unwrapProc) device->unwrapProc(device,XevieUnwrapAdd,data); else { ProcessInputProc *ptr = data; XevieWrap(device,*ptr); } return TRUE; } static Bool XevieAdd(DeviceIntPtr device, void* data) { xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep; xeviep = xalloc (sizeof (xevieDeviceInfoRec)); if (!xeviep) return FALSE; dixSetPrivate(&device->devPrivates, xevieDevicePrivateKey, xeviep); XevieUnwrapAdd(device, data); return TRUE; } static Bool XevieRemove(DeviceIntPtr device,pointer data) { xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep = XEVIEINFO(device); if (!xeviep) return TRUE; UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(device,xeviep); UNWRAP_UNWRAPPROC(device,xeviep->unwrapProc); xfree(xeviep); dixSetPrivate(&device->devPrivates, xevieDevicePrivateKey, NULL); return TRUE; } static void XevieWrap(DeviceIntPtr device, ProcessInputProc proc) { xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep = XEVIEINFO(device); WRAP_INPUTPROC(device,xeviep,proc); WRAP_UNWRAPPROC(device,xeviep->unwrapProc,xevieUnwrapProc); } static void doSendEvent(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr dev) { xevieDeviceInfoPtr xeviep = XEVIEINFO(dev); ProcessInputProc tmp = dev->public.realInputProc; if (((xE->u.u.type==KeyPress)||(xE->u.u.type==KeyRelease)) && !xevieModifiersOn) { KeyClassPtr keyc = dev->key; CARD8 realModes = dev->key->modifierMap[xE->u.u.detail]; int notFound = 0; /* if some events are consumed by client, move the queue tail pointer to the current event which just comes back from Xevie client . */ if(keycq[keycqTail].time != xE->u.keyButtonPointer.time) { while(keycq[keycqTail].time != xE->u.keyButtonPointer.time) { if(++keycqTail >= KEYC_QUEUE_SIZE) keycqTail = 0; if(keycqTail == keycqHead) { notFound = 1; break; } } } if(!notFound) { dev->key = keycq[keycqTail].keyc; if(++keycqTail >= KEYC_QUEUE_SIZE) keycqTail = 0; } dev->key->modifierMap[xE->u.u.detail] = 0; if(dev->key->xkbInfo->repeatKey != 0 && xE->u.u.type != KeyPress) XkbLastRepeatEvent= (pointer)xE; UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep); dev->public.processInputProc(xE,dev,1); COND_WRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep,tmp); XkbLastRepeatEvent= NULL; dev->key->modifierMap[xE->u.u.detail] = realModes; dev->key = keyc; if(notFound) { DeleteCallback(&ClientStateCallback,XevieClientStateCallback,NULL); XevieEnd(xevieClientIndex); ErrorF("Error: Xevie keyc queue size is not enough, disable Xevie\n"); } } else { UNWRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep); dev->public.processInputProc(xE,dev,1); COND_WRAP_INPUTPROC(dev,xeviep,tmp); } }