/* Copyright (c) 2002 XFree86 Inc */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "misc.h" #include "os.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "swaprep.h" #include "registry.h" #include <X11/extensions/XResproto.h> #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "modinit.h" #include "protocol-versions.h" static int ProcXResQueryVersion (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xXResQueryVersionReq); xXResQueryVersionReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXResQueryVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.server_major = SERVER_XRES_MAJOR_VERSION; rep.server_minor = SERVER_XRES_MINOR_VERSION; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swaps(&rep.server_major); swaps(&rep.server_minor); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xXResQueryVersionReply), (char *)&rep); return Success; } static int ProcXResQueryClients (ClientPtr client) { /* REQUEST(xXResQueryClientsReq); */ xXResQueryClientsReply rep; int *current_clients; int i, num_clients; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXResQueryClientsReq); current_clients = malloc(currentMaxClients * sizeof(int)); num_clients = 0; for(i = 0; i < currentMaxClients; i++) { if(clients[i]) { current_clients[num_clients] = i; num_clients++; } } rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.num_clients = num_clients; rep.length = bytes_to_int32(rep.num_clients * sz_xXResClient); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.num_clients); } WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xXResQueryClientsReply), (char *) &rep); if(num_clients) { xXResClient scratch; for(i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) { scratch.resource_base = clients[current_clients[i]]->clientAsMask; scratch.resource_mask = RESOURCE_ID_MASK; if(client->swapped) { swapl(&scratch.resource_base); swapl(&scratch.resource_mask); } WriteToClient (client, sz_xXResClient, (char *) &scratch); } } free(current_clients); return Success; } static void ResFindAllRes (pointer value, XID id, RESTYPE type, pointer cdata) { int *counts = (int *)cdata; counts[(type & TypeMask) - 1]++; } static int ProcXResQueryClientResources (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xXResQueryClientResourcesReq); xXResQueryClientResourcesReply rep; int i, clientID, num_types; int *counts; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXResQueryClientResourcesReq); clientID = CLIENT_ID(stuff->xid); if((clientID >= currentMaxClients) || !clients[clientID]) { client->errorValue = stuff->xid; return BadValue; } counts = calloc(lastResourceType + 1, sizeof(int)); FindAllClientResources(clients[clientID], ResFindAllRes, counts); num_types = 0; for(i = 0; i <= lastResourceType; i++) { if(counts[i]) num_types++; } rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.num_types = num_types; rep.length = bytes_to_int32(rep.num_types * sz_xXResType); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.num_types); } WriteToClient (client,sizeof(xXResQueryClientResourcesReply),(char*)&rep); if(num_types) { xXResType scratch; const char *name; for(i = 0; i < lastResourceType; i++) { if(!counts[i]) continue; name = LookupResourceName(i + 1); if (strcmp(name, XREGISTRY_UNKNOWN)) scratch.resource_type = MakeAtom(name, strlen(name), TRUE); else { char buf[40]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Unregistered resource %i", i + 1); scratch.resource_type = MakeAtom(buf, strlen(buf), TRUE); } scratch.count = counts[i]; if(client->swapped) { swapl(&scratch.resource_type); swapl(&scratch.count); } WriteToClient (client, sz_xXResType, (char *) &scratch); } } free(counts); return Success; } static unsigned long ResGetApproxPixmapBytes (PixmapPtr pix) { unsigned long nPixels; int bytesPerPixel; bytesPerPixel = pix->drawable.bitsPerPixel>>3; nPixels = pix->drawable.width * pix->drawable.height; /* Divide by refcnt as pixmap could be shared between clients, * so total pixmap mem is shared between these. */ return ( nPixels * bytesPerPixel ) / pix->refcnt; } static void ResFindPixmaps (pointer value, XID id, pointer cdata) { unsigned long *bytes = (unsigned long *)cdata; PixmapPtr pix = (PixmapPtr)value; *bytes += ResGetApproxPixmapBytes(pix); } static void ResFindWindowPixmaps (pointer value, XID id, pointer cdata) { unsigned long *bytes = (unsigned long *)cdata; WindowPtr pWin = (WindowPtr)value; if (pWin->backgroundState == BackgroundPixmap) *bytes += ResGetApproxPixmapBytes(pWin->background.pixmap); if (pWin->border.pixmap != NULL && !pWin->borderIsPixel) *bytes += ResGetApproxPixmapBytes(pWin->border.pixmap); } static void ResFindGCPixmaps (pointer value, XID id, pointer cdata) { unsigned long *bytes = (unsigned long *)cdata; GCPtr pGC = (GCPtr)value; if (pGC->stipple != NULL) *bytes += ResGetApproxPixmapBytes(pGC->stipple); if (pGC->tile.pixmap != NULL && !pGC->tileIsPixel) *bytes += ResGetApproxPixmapBytes(pGC->tile.pixmap); } static int ProcXResQueryClientPixmapBytes (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xXResQueryClientPixmapBytesReq); xXResQueryClientPixmapBytesReply rep; int clientID; unsigned long bytes; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXResQueryClientPixmapBytesReq); clientID = CLIENT_ID(stuff->xid); if((clientID >= currentMaxClients) || !clients[clientID]) { client->errorValue = stuff->xid; return BadValue; } bytes = 0; FindClientResourcesByType(clients[clientID], RT_PIXMAP, ResFindPixmaps, (pointer)(&bytes)); /* * Make sure win background pixmaps also held to account. */ FindClientResourcesByType(clients[clientID], RT_WINDOW, ResFindWindowPixmaps, (pointer)(&bytes)); /* * GC Tile & Stipple pixmaps too. */ FindClientResourcesByType(clients[clientID], RT_GC, ResFindGCPixmaps, (pointer)(&bytes)); #ifdef COMPOSITE /* FIXME: include composite pixmaps too */ #endif rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.length = 0; rep.bytes = bytes; #ifdef _XSERVER64 rep.bytes_overflow = bytes >> 32; #else rep.bytes_overflow = 0; #endif if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.bytes); swapl(&rep.bytes_overflow); } WriteToClient (client,sizeof(xXResQueryClientPixmapBytesReply),(char*)&rep); return Success; } static int ProcResDispatch (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_XResQueryVersion: return ProcXResQueryVersion(client); case X_XResQueryClients: return ProcXResQueryClients(client); case X_XResQueryClientResources: return ProcXResQueryClientResources(client); case X_XResQueryClientPixmapBytes: return ProcXResQueryClientPixmapBytes(client); default: break; } return BadRequest; } static int SProcXResQueryVersion (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xXResQueryVersionReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXResQueryVersionReq); return ProcXResQueryVersion(client); } static int SProcXResQueryClientResources (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xXResQueryClientResourcesReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXResQueryClientResourcesReq); swapl(&stuff->xid); return ProcXResQueryClientResources(client); } static int SProcXResQueryClientPixmapBytes (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xXResQueryClientPixmapBytesReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xXResQueryClientPixmapBytesReq); swapl(&stuff->xid); return ProcXResQueryClientPixmapBytes(client); } static int SProcResDispatch (ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); swaps(&stuff->length); switch (stuff->data) { case X_XResQueryVersion: return SProcXResQueryVersion(client); case X_XResQueryClients: /* nothing to swap */ return ProcXResQueryClients(client); case X_XResQueryClientResources: return SProcXResQueryClientResources(client); case X_XResQueryClientPixmapBytes: return SProcXResQueryClientPixmapBytes(client); default: break; } return BadRequest; } void ResExtensionInit(INITARGS) { (void) AddExtension(XRES_NAME, 0, 0, ProcResDispatch, SProcResDispatch, NULL, StandardMinorOpcode); }