/************************************************************ Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, California. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. HEWLETT-PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL HEWLETT-PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /******************************************************************** * * Routines to register and initialize extension input devices. * This also contains ProcessOtherEvent, the routine called from DDX * to route extension events. * */ #define NEED_EVENTS #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #else #define XINPUT #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include <X11/extensions/XI.h> #include <X11/extensions/XIproto.h> #include "inputstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "miscstruct.h" #include "region.h" #include "exevents.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "exglobals.h" #include "dixevents.h" /* DeliverFocusedEvent */ #include "dixgrabs.h" /* CreateGrab() */ #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "xace.h" #ifdef XKB #include "xkbsrv.h" #endif #define WID(w) ((w) ? ((w)->drawable.id) : 0) #define AllModifiersMask ( \ ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod2Mask | \ Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask ) #define AllButtonsMask ( \ Button1Mask | Button2Mask | Button3Mask | Button4Mask | Button5Mask ) #define Motion_Filter(class) (DevicePointerMotionMask | \ (class)->state | (class)->motionMask) static Bool ShouldFreeInputMasks(WindowPtr /* pWin */ , Bool /* ignoreSelectedEvents */ ); static Bool MakeInputMasks(WindowPtr /* pWin */ ); /************************************************************************** * * Procedures for extension device event routing. * */ void RegisterOtherDevice(DeviceIntPtr device) { device->public.processInputProc = ProcessOtherEvent; device->public.realInputProc = ProcessOtherEvent; (device)->ActivateGrab = ActivateKeyboardGrab; (device)->DeactivateGrab = DeactivateKeyboardGrab; } /*ARGSUSED*/ void ProcessOtherEvent(xEventPtr xE, DeviceIntPtr other, int count) { BYTE *kptr; int i; CARD16 modifiers; CARD16 mask; GrabPtr grab = other->grab; Bool deactivateDeviceGrab = FALSE; int key = 0, bit = 0, rootX, rootY; ButtonClassPtr b = other->button; KeyClassPtr k = other->key; ValuatorClassPtr v = other->valuator; deviceValuator *xV = (deviceValuator *) xE; if (xE->u.u.type != DeviceValuator) { GetSpritePosition(&rootX, &rootY); xE->u.keyButtonPointer.rootX = rootX; xE->u.keyButtonPointer.rootY = rootY; key = xE->u.u.detail; NoticeEventTime(xE); xE->u.keyButtonPointer.state = inputInfo.keyboard->key->state | inputInfo.pointer->button->state; bit = 1 << (key & 7); } if (DeviceEventCallback) { DeviceEventInfoRec eventinfo; eventinfo.events = (xEventPtr) xE; eventinfo.count = count; CallCallbacks(&DeviceEventCallback, (pointer) & eventinfo); } for (i = 1; i < count; i++) if ((++xV)->type == DeviceValuator) { int first = xV->first_valuator; int *axisvals; if (xV->num_valuators && (!v || (xV->num_valuators && (first + xV->num_valuators > v->numAxes)))) FatalError("Bad valuators reported for device %s\n", other->name); xV->device_state = 0; if (k) xV->device_state |= k->state; if (b) xV->device_state |= b->state; if (v && v->axisVal) { axisvals = v->axisVal; switch (xV->num_valuators) { case 6: *(axisvals + first + 5) = xV->valuator5; case 5: *(axisvals + first + 4) = xV->valuator4; case 4: *(axisvals + first + 3) = xV->valuator3; case 3: *(axisvals + first + 2) = xV->valuator2; case 2: *(axisvals + first + 1) = xV->valuator1; case 1: *(axisvals + first) = xV->valuator0; case 0: default: break; } } } if (xE->u.u.type == DeviceKeyPress) { if (!k) return; modifiers = k->modifierMap[key]; kptr = &k->down[key >> 3]; if (*kptr & bit) { /* allow ddx to generate multiple downs */ if (!modifiers) { xE->u.u.type = DeviceKeyRelease; ProcessOtherEvent(xE, other, count); xE->u.u.type = DeviceKeyPress; /* release can have side effects, don't fall through */ ProcessOtherEvent(xE, other, count); } return; } if (other->valuator) other->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; *kptr |= bit; k->prev_state = k->state; for (i = 0, mask = 1; modifiers; i++, mask <<= 1) { if (mask & modifiers) { /* This key affects modifier "i" */ k->modifierKeyCount[i]++; k->state |= mask; modifiers &= ~mask; } } if (!grab && CheckDeviceGrabs(other, xE, 0, count)) { other->activatingKey = key; return; } } else if (xE->u.u.type == DeviceKeyRelease) { if (!k) return; kptr = &k->down[key >> 3]; if (!(*kptr & bit)) /* guard against duplicates */ return; modifiers = k->modifierMap[key]; if (other->valuator) other->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; *kptr &= ~bit; k->prev_state = k->state; for (i = 0, mask = 1; modifiers; i++, mask <<= 1) { if (mask & modifiers) { /* This key affects modifier "i" */ if (--k->modifierKeyCount[i] <= 0) { k->modifierKeyCount[i] = 0; k->state &= ~mask; } modifiers &= ~mask; } } if (other->fromPassiveGrab && (key == other->activatingKey)) deactivateDeviceGrab = TRUE; } else if (xE->u.u.type == DeviceButtonPress) { if (!b) return; kptr = &b->down[key >> 3]; *kptr |= bit; if (other->valuator) other->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; b->buttonsDown++; b->motionMask = DeviceButtonMotionMask; xE->u.u.detail = key; if (xE->u.u.detail == 0) return; if (xE->u.u.detail <= 5) b->state |= (Button1Mask >> 1) << xE->u.u.detail; SetMaskForEvent(Motion_Filter(b), DeviceMotionNotify); if (!grab) if (CheckDeviceGrabs(other, xE, 0, count)) /* if a passive grab was activated, the event has been sent * already */ return; } else if (xE->u.u.type == DeviceButtonRelease) { if (!b) return; kptr = &b->down[key >> 3]; *kptr &= ~bit; if (other->valuator) other->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; if (b->buttonsDown >= 1 && !--b->buttonsDown) b->motionMask = 0; xE->u.u.detail = key; if (xE->u.u.detail == 0) return; if (xE->u.u.detail <= 5) b->state &= ~((Button1Mask >> 1) << xE->u.u.detail); SetMaskForEvent(Motion_Filter(b), DeviceMotionNotify); if (!b->state && other->fromPassiveGrab) deactivateDeviceGrab = TRUE; } else if (xE->u.u.type == ProximityIn) other->valuator->mode &= ~OutOfProximity; else if (xE->u.u.type == ProximityOut) other->valuator->mode |= OutOfProximity; if (grab) DeliverGrabbedEvent(xE, other, deactivateDeviceGrab, count); else if (other->focus) DeliverFocusedEvent(other, xE, GetSpriteWindow(), count); else DeliverDeviceEvents(GetSpriteWindow(), xE, NullGrab, NullWindow, other, count); if (deactivateDeviceGrab == TRUE) (*other->DeactivateGrab) (other); } _X_EXPORT int InitProximityClassDeviceStruct(DeviceIntPtr dev) { ProximityClassPtr proxc; proxc = (ProximityClassPtr) xalloc(sizeof(ProximityClassRec)); if (!proxc) return FALSE; dev->proximity = proxc; return TRUE; } _X_EXPORT void InitValuatorAxisStruct(DeviceIntPtr dev, int axnum, int minval, int maxval, int resolution, int min_res, int max_res) { AxisInfoPtr ax; if (!dev || !dev->valuator) return; ax = dev->valuator->axes + axnum; ax->min_value = minval; ax->max_value = maxval; ax->resolution = resolution; ax->min_resolution = min_res; ax->max_resolution = max_res; } static void FixDeviceStateNotify(DeviceIntPtr dev, deviceStateNotify * ev, KeyClassPtr k, ButtonClassPtr b, ValuatorClassPtr v, int first) { ev->type = DeviceStateNotify; ev->deviceid = dev->id; ev->time = currentTime.milliseconds; ev->classes_reported = 0; ev->num_keys = 0; ev->num_buttons = 0; ev->num_valuators = 0; if (b) { ev->classes_reported |= (1 << ButtonClass); ev->num_buttons = b->numButtons; memmove((char *)&ev->buttons[0], (char *)b->down, 4); } else if (k) { ev->classes_reported |= (1 << KeyClass); ev->num_keys = k->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode - k->curKeySyms.minKeyCode; memmove((char *)&ev->keys[0], (char *)k->down, 4); } if (v) { int nval = v->numAxes - first; ev->classes_reported |= (1 << ValuatorClass); ev->classes_reported |= (dev->valuator->mode << ModeBitsShift); ev->num_valuators = nval < 3 ? nval : 3; switch (ev->num_valuators) { case 3: ev->valuator2 = v->axisVal[first + 2]; case 2: ev->valuator1 = v->axisVal[first + 1]; case 1: ev->valuator0 = v->axisVal[first]; break; } } } static void FixDeviceValuator(DeviceIntPtr dev, deviceValuator * ev, ValuatorClassPtr v, int first) { int nval = v->numAxes - first; ev->type = DeviceValuator; ev->deviceid = dev->id; ev->num_valuators = nval < 3 ? nval : 3; ev->first_valuator = first; switch (ev->num_valuators) { case 3: ev->valuator2 = v->axisVal[first + 2]; case 2: ev->valuator1 = v->axisVal[first + 1]; case 1: ev->valuator0 = v->axisVal[first]; break; } first += ev->num_valuators; } void DeviceFocusEvent(DeviceIntPtr dev, int type, int mode, int detail, WindowPtr pWin) { deviceFocus event; if (type == FocusIn) type = DeviceFocusIn; else type = DeviceFocusOut; event.deviceid = dev->id; event.mode = mode; event.type = type; event.detail = detail; event.window = pWin->drawable.id; event.time = currentTime.milliseconds; (void)DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, (xEvent *) & event, 1, DeviceFocusChangeMask, NullGrab, dev->id); if ((type == DeviceFocusIn) && (wOtherInputMasks(pWin)) && (wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputEvents[dev->id] & DeviceStateNotifyMask)) { int evcount = 1; deviceStateNotify *ev, *sev; deviceKeyStateNotify *kev; deviceButtonStateNotify *bev; KeyClassPtr k; ButtonClassPtr b; ValuatorClassPtr v; int nval = 0, nkeys = 0, nbuttons = 0, first = 0; if ((b = dev->button) != NULL) { nbuttons = b->numButtons; if (nbuttons > 32) evcount++; } if ((k = dev->key) != NULL) { nkeys = k->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode - k->curKeySyms.minKeyCode; if (nkeys > 32) evcount++; if (nbuttons > 0) { evcount++; } } if ((v = dev->valuator) != NULL) { nval = v->numAxes; if (nval > 3) evcount++; if (nval > 6) { if (!(k && b)) evcount++; if (nval > 9) evcount += ((nval - 7) / 3); } } sev = ev = (deviceStateNotify *) xalloc(evcount * sizeof(xEvent)); FixDeviceStateNotify(dev, ev, NULL, NULL, NULL, first); if (b != NULL) { FixDeviceStateNotify(dev, ev++, NULL, b, v, first); first += 3; nval -= 3; if (nbuttons > 32) { (ev - 1)->deviceid |= MORE_EVENTS; bev = (deviceButtonStateNotify *) ev++; bev->type = DeviceButtonStateNotify; bev->deviceid = dev->id; memmove((char *)&bev->buttons[0], (char *)&b->down[4], 28); } if (nval > 0) { (ev - 1)->deviceid |= MORE_EVENTS; FixDeviceValuator(dev, (deviceValuator *) ev++, v, first); first += 3; nval -= 3; } } if (k != NULL) { FixDeviceStateNotify(dev, ev++, k, NULL, v, first); first += 3; nval -= 3; if (nkeys > 32) { (ev - 1)->deviceid |= MORE_EVENTS; kev = (deviceKeyStateNotify *) ev++; kev->type = DeviceKeyStateNotify; kev->deviceid = dev->id; memmove((char *)&kev->keys[0], (char *)&k->down[4], 28); } if (nval > 0) { (ev - 1)->deviceid |= MORE_EVENTS; FixDeviceValuator(dev, (deviceValuator *) ev++, v, first); first += 3; nval -= 3; } } while (nval > 0) { FixDeviceStateNotify(dev, ev++, NULL, NULL, v, first); first += 3; nval -= 3; if (nval > 0) { (ev - 1)->deviceid |= MORE_EVENTS; FixDeviceValuator(dev, (deviceValuator *) ev++, v, first); first += 3; nval -= 3; } } (void)DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, (xEvent *) sev, evcount, DeviceStateNotifyMask, NullGrab, dev->id); xfree(sev); } } int GrabButton(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev, BYTE this_device_mode, BYTE other_devices_mode, CARD16 modifiers, DeviceIntPtr modifier_device, CARD8 button, Window grabWindow, BOOL ownerEvents, Cursor rcursor, Window rconfineTo, Mask eventMask) { WindowPtr pWin, confineTo; CursorPtr cursor; GrabPtr grab; Mask access_mode = DixGrabAccess; int rc; if ((this_device_mode != GrabModeSync) && (this_device_mode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = this_device_mode; return BadValue; } if ((other_devices_mode != GrabModeSync) && (other_devices_mode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = other_devices_mode; return BadValue; } if ((modifiers != AnyModifier) && (modifiers & ~AllModifiersMask)) { client->errorValue = modifiers; return BadValue; } if ((ownerEvents != xFalse) && (ownerEvents != xTrue)) { client->errorValue = ownerEvents; return BadValue; } rc = dixLookupWindow(&pWin, grabWindow, client, DixSetAttrAccess); if (rc != Success) return rc; if (rconfineTo == None) confineTo = NullWindow; else { rc = dixLookupWindow(&confineTo, rconfineTo, client, DixSetAttrAccess); if (rc != Success) return rc; } if (rcursor == None) cursor = NullCursor; else { rc = dixLookupResource((pointer *)&cursor, rcursor, RT_CURSOR, client, DixUseAccess); if (rc != Success) { client->errorValue = rcursor; return (rc == BadValue) ? BadCursor : rc; } access_mode |= DixForceAccess; } if (this_device_mode == GrabModeSync || other_devices_mode == GrabModeSync) access_mode |= DixFreezeAccess; rc = XaceHook(XACE_DEVICE_ACCESS, client, dev, access_mode); if (rc != Success) return rc; grab = CreateGrab(client->index, dev, pWin, eventMask, (Bool) ownerEvents, (Bool) this_device_mode, (Bool) other_devices_mode, modifier_device, modifiers, DeviceButtonPress, button, confineTo, cursor); if (!grab) return BadAlloc; return AddPassiveGrabToList(client, grab); } int GrabKey(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev, BYTE this_device_mode, BYTE other_devices_mode, CARD16 modifiers, DeviceIntPtr modifier_device, CARD8 key, Window grabWindow, BOOL ownerEvents, Mask mask) { WindowPtr pWin; GrabPtr grab; KeyClassPtr k = dev->key; Mask access_mode = DixGrabAccess; int rc; if (k == NULL) return BadMatch; if ((other_devices_mode != GrabModeSync) && (other_devices_mode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = other_devices_mode; return BadValue; } if ((this_device_mode != GrabModeSync) && (this_device_mode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = this_device_mode; return BadValue; } if (((key > k->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode) || (key < k->curKeySyms.minKeyCode)) && (key != AnyKey)) { client->errorValue = key; return BadValue; } if ((modifiers != AnyModifier) && (modifiers & ~AllModifiersMask)) { client->errorValue = modifiers; return BadValue; } if ((ownerEvents != xTrue) && (ownerEvents != xFalse)) { client->errorValue = ownerEvents; return BadValue; } rc = dixLookupWindow(&pWin, grabWindow, client, DixSetAttrAccess); if (rc != Success) return rc; if (this_device_mode == GrabModeSync || other_devices_mode == GrabModeSync) access_mode |= DixFreezeAccess; rc = XaceHook(XACE_DEVICE_ACCESS, client, dev, access_mode); if (rc != Success) return rc; grab = CreateGrab(client->index, dev, pWin, mask, ownerEvents, this_device_mode, other_devices_mode, modifier_device, modifiers, DeviceKeyPress, key, NullWindow, NullCursor); if (!grab) return BadAlloc; return AddPassiveGrabToList(client, grab); } int SelectForWindow(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr pWin, ClientPtr client, Mask mask, Mask exclusivemasks, Mask validmasks) { int mskidx = dev->id; int i, ret; Mask check; InputClientsPtr others; if (mask & ~validmasks) { client->errorValue = mask; return BadValue; } check = (mask & exclusivemasks); if (wOtherInputMasks(pWin)) { if (check & wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputEvents[mskidx]) { /* It is illegal for two different * clients to select on any of the * events for maskcheck. However, * it is OK, for some client to * continue selecting on one of those * events. */ for (others = wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputClients; others; others = others->next) { if (!SameClient(others, client) && (check & others->mask[mskidx])) return BadAccess; } } for (others = wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputClients; others; others = others->next) { if (SameClient(others, client)) { check = others->mask[mskidx]; others->mask[mskidx] = mask; if (mask == 0) { for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) if (i != mskidx && others->mask[i] != 0) break; if (i == EMASKSIZE) { RecalculateDeviceDeliverableEvents(pWin); if (ShouldFreeInputMasks(pWin, FALSE)) FreeResource(others->resource, RT_NONE); return Success; } } goto maskSet; } } } check = 0; if ((ret = AddExtensionClient(pWin, client, mask, mskidx)) != Success) return ret; maskSet: if (dev->valuator) if ((dev->valuator->motionHintWindow == pWin) && (mask & DevicePointerMotionHintMask) && !(check & DevicePointerMotionHintMask) && !dev->grab) dev->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; RecalculateDeviceDeliverableEvents(pWin); return Success; } int AddExtensionClient(WindowPtr pWin, ClientPtr client, Mask mask, int mskidx) { InputClientsPtr others; if (!pWin->optional && !MakeWindowOptional(pWin)) return BadAlloc; others = (InputClients *) xalloc(sizeof(InputClients)); if (!others) return BadAlloc; if (!pWin->optional->inputMasks && !MakeInputMasks(pWin)) return BadAlloc; bzero((char *)&others->mask[0], sizeof(Mask) * EMASKSIZE); others->mask[mskidx] = mask; others->resource = FakeClientID(client->index); others->next = pWin->optional->inputMasks->inputClients; pWin->optional->inputMasks->inputClients = others; if (!AddResource(others->resource, RT_INPUTCLIENT, (pointer) pWin)) return BadAlloc; return Success; } static Bool MakeInputMasks(WindowPtr pWin) { struct _OtherInputMasks *imasks; imasks = (struct _OtherInputMasks *) xalloc(sizeof(struct _OtherInputMasks)); if (!imasks) return FALSE; bzero((char *)imasks, sizeof(struct _OtherInputMasks)); pWin->optional->inputMasks = imasks; return TRUE; } void RecalculateDeviceDeliverableEvents(WindowPtr pWin) { InputClientsPtr others; struct _OtherInputMasks *inputMasks; /* default: NULL */ WindowPtr pChild, tmp; int i; pChild = pWin; while (1) { if ((inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pChild)) != 0) { for (others = inputMasks->inputClients; others; others = others->next) { for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) inputMasks->inputEvents[i] |= others->mask[i]; } for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) inputMasks->deliverableEvents[i] = inputMasks->inputEvents[i]; for (tmp = pChild->parent; tmp; tmp = tmp->parent) if (wOtherInputMasks(tmp)) for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) inputMasks->deliverableEvents[i] |= (wOtherInputMasks(tmp)->deliverableEvents[i] & ~inputMasks-> dontPropagateMask[i] & PropagateMask[i]); } if (pChild->firstChild) { pChild = pChild->firstChild; continue; } while (!pChild->nextSib && (pChild != pWin)) pChild = pChild->parent; if (pChild == pWin) break; pChild = pChild->nextSib; } } int InputClientGone(WindowPtr pWin, XID id) { InputClientsPtr other, prev; if (!wOtherInputMasks(pWin)) return (Success); prev = 0; for (other = wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputClients; other; other = other->next) { if (other->resource == id) { if (prev) { prev->next = other->next; xfree(other); } else if (!(other->next)) { if (ShouldFreeInputMasks(pWin, TRUE)) { wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputClients = other->next; xfree(wOtherInputMasks(pWin)); pWin->optional->inputMasks = (OtherInputMasks *) NULL; CheckWindowOptionalNeed(pWin); xfree(other); } else { other->resource = FakeClientID(0); if (!AddResource(other->resource, RT_INPUTCLIENT, (pointer) pWin)) return BadAlloc; } } else { wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputClients = other->next; xfree(other); } RecalculateDeviceDeliverableEvents(pWin); return (Success); } prev = other; } FatalError("client not on device event list"); } int SendEvent(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr d, Window dest, Bool propagate, xEvent * ev, Mask mask, int count) { WindowPtr pWin; WindowPtr effectiveFocus = NullWindow; /* only set if dest==InputFocus */ WindowPtr spriteWin = GetSpriteWindow(); if (dest == PointerWindow) pWin = spriteWin; else if (dest == InputFocus) { WindowPtr inputFocus; if (!d->focus) inputFocus = spriteWin; else inputFocus = d->focus->win; if (inputFocus == FollowKeyboardWin) inputFocus = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; if (inputFocus == NoneWin) return Success; /* If the input focus is PointerRootWin, send the event to where * the pointer is if possible, then perhaps propogate up to root. */ if (inputFocus == PointerRootWin) inputFocus = GetCurrentRootWindow(); if (IsParent(inputFocus, spriteWin)) { effectiveFocus = inputFocus; pWin = spriteWin; } else effectiveFocus = pWin = inputFocus; } else dixLookupWindow(&pWin, dest, client, DixSendAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; if ((propagate != xFalse) && (propagate != xTrue)) { client->errorValue = propagate; return BadValue; } ev->u.u.type |= 0x80; if (propagate) { for (; pWin; pWin = pWin->parent) { if (DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, ev, count, mask, NullGrab, d->id)) return Success; if (pWin == effectiveFocus) return Success; if (wOtherInputMasks(pWin)) mask &= ~wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->dontPropagateMask[d->id]; if (!mask) break; } } else if (!XaceHook(XACE_SEND_ACCESS, client, NULL, pWin, ev, count)) (void)(DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, ev, count, mask, NullGrab, d->id)); return Success; } int SetButtonMapping(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev, int nElts, BYTE * map) { int i; ButtonClassPtr b = dev->button; if (b == NULL) return BadMatch; if (nElts != b->numButtons) { client->errorValue = nElts; return BadValue; } if (BadDeviceMap(&map[0], nElts, 1, 255, &client->errorValue)) return BadValue; for (i = 0; i < nElts; i++) if ((b->map[i + 1] != map[i]) && BitIsOn(b->down, i + 1)) return MappingBusy; for (i = 0; i < nElts; i++) b->map[i + 1] = map[i]; return Success; } int SetModifierMapping(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev, int len, int rlen, int numKeyPerModifier, KeyCode * inputMap, KeyClassPtr * k) { KeyCode *map = NULL; int inputMapLen; int i; *k = dev->key; if (*k == NULL) return BadMatch; if (len != ((numKeyPerModifier << 1) + rlen)) return BadLength; inputMapLen = 8 * numKeyPerModifier; /* * Now enforce the restriction that "all of the non-zero keycodes must be * in the range specified by min-keycode and max-keycode in the * connection setup (else a Value error)" */ i = inputMapLen; while (i--) { if (inputMap[i] && (inputMap[i] < (*k)->curKeySyms.minKeyCode || inputMap[i] > (*k)->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode)) { client->errorValue = inputMap[i]; return -1; /* BadValue collides with MappingFailed */ } } /* * Now enforce the restriction that none of the old or new * modifier keys may be down while we change the mapping, and * that the DDX layer likes the choice. */ if (!AllModifierKeysAreUp(dev, (*k)->modifierKeyMap, (int)(*k)->maxKeysPerModifier, inputMap, (int)numKeyPerModifier) || !AllModifierKeysAreUp(dev, inputMap, (int)numKeyPerModifier, (*k)->modifierKeyMap, (int)(*k)->maxKeysPerModifier)) { return MappingBusy; } else { for (i = 0; i < inputMapLen; i++) { if (inputMap[i] && !LegalModifier(inputMap[i], dev)) { return MappingFailed; } } } /* * Now build the keyboard's modifier bitmap from the * list of keycodes. */ if (inputMapLen) { map = (KeyCode *) xalloc(inputMapLen); if (!map) return BadAlloc; } if ((*k)->modifierKeyMap) xfree((*k)->modifierKeyMap); if (inputMapLen) { (*k)->modifierKeyMap = map; memmove((char *)(*k)->modifierKeyMap, (char *)inputMap, inputMapLen); } else (*k)->modifierKeyMap = NULL; (*k)->maxKeysPerModifier = numKeyPerModifier; for (i = 0; i < MAP_LENGTH; i++) (*k)->modifierMap[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < inputMapLen; i++) if (inputMap[i]) { (*k)->modifierMap[inputMap[i]] |= (1 << (i / (*k)->maxKeysPerModifier)); } return (MappingSuccess); } void SendDeviceMappingNotify(ClientPtr client, CARD8 request, KeyCode firstKeyCode, CARD8 count, DeviceIntPtr dev) { xEvent event; deviceMappingNotify *ev = (deviceMappingNotify *) & event; ev->type = DeviceMappingNotify; ev->request = request; ev->deviceid = dev->id; ev->time = currentTime.milliseconds; if (request == MappingKeyboard) { ev->firstKeyCode = firstKeyCode; ev->count = count; } #ifdef XKB if (request == MappingKeyboard || request == MappingModifier) XkbApplyMappingChange(dev, request, firstKeyCode, count, client); #endif SendEventToAllWindows(dev, DeviceMappingNotifyMask, (xEvent *) ev, 1); } int ChangeKeyMapping(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev, unsigned len, int type, KeyCode firstKeyCode, CARD8 keyCodes, CARD8 keySymsPerKeyCode, KeySym * map) { KeySymsRec keysyms; KeyClassPtr k = dev->key; if (k == NULL) return (BadMatch); if (len != (keyCodes * keySymsPerKeyCode)) return BadLength; if ((firstKeyCode < k->curKeySyms.minKeyCode) || (firstKeyCode + keyCodes - 1 > k->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode)) { client->errorValue = firstKeyCode; return BadValue; } if (keySymsPerKeyCode == 0) { client->errorValue = 0; return BadValue; } keysyms.minKeyCode = firstKeyCode; keysyms.maxKeyCode = firstKeyCode + keyCodes - 1; keysyms.mapWidth = keySymsPerKeyCode; keysyms.map = map; if (!SetKeySymsMap(&k->curKeySyms, &keysyms)) return BadAlloc; SendDeviceMappingNotify(client, MappingKeyboard, firstKeyCode, keyCodes, dev); return client->noClientException; } static void DeleteDeviceFromAnyExtEvents(WindowPtr pWin, DeviceIntPtr dev) { WindowPtr parent; /* Deactivate any grabs performed on this window, before making * any input focus changes. * Deactivating a device grab should cause focus events. */ if (dev->grab && (dev->grab->window == pWin)) (*dev->DeactivateGrab) (dev); /* If the focus window is a root window (ie. has no parent) * then don't delete the focus from it. */ if (dev->focus && (pWin == dev->focus->win) && (pWin->parent != NullWindow)) { int focusEventMode = NotifyNormal; /* If a grab is in progress, then alter the mode of focus events. */ if (dev->grab) focusEventMode = NotifyWhileGrabbed; switch (dev->focus->revert) { case RevertToNone: DoFocusEvents(dev, pWin, NoneWin, focusEventMode); dev->focus->win = NoneWin; dev->focus->traceGood = 0; break; case RevertToParent: parent = pWin; do { parent = parent->parent; dev->focus->traceGood--; } while (!parent->realized); DoFocusEvents(dev, pWin, parent, focusEventMode); dev->focus->win = parent; dev->focus->revert = RevertToNone; break; case RevertToPointerRoot: DoFocusEvents(dev, pWin, PointerRootWin, focusEventMode); dev->focus->win = PointerRootWin; dev->focus->traceGood = 0; break; case RevertToFollowKeyboard: if (inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win) { DoFocusEvents(dev, pWin, inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win, focusEventMode); dev->focus->win = FollowKeyboardWin; dev->focus->traceGood = 0; } else { DoFocusEvents(dev, pWin, NoneWin, focusEventMode); dev->focus->win = NoneWin; dev->focus->traceGood = 0; } break; } } if (dev->valuator) if (dev->valuator->motionHintWindow == pWin) dev->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; } void DeleteWindowFromAnyExtEvents(WindowPtr pWin, Bool freeResources) { int i; DeviceIntPtr dev; InputClientsPtr ic; struct _OtherInputMasks *inputMasks; for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev == inputInfo.pointer || dev == inputInfo.keyboard) continue; DeleteDeviceFromAnyExtEvents(pWin, dev); } for (dev = inputInfo.off_devices; dev; dev = dev->next) DeleteDeviceFromAnyExtEvents(pWin, dev); if (freeResources) while ((inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin)) != 0) { ic = inputMasks->inputClients; for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) inputMasks->dontPropagateMask[i] = 0; FreeResource(ic->resource, RT_NONE); } } int MaybeSendDeviceMotionNotifyHint(deviceKeyButtonPointer * pEvents, Mask mask) { DeviceIntPtr dev; dixLookupDevice(&dev, pEvents->deviceid & DEVICE_BITS, serverClient, DixReadAccess); if (!dev) return 0; if (pEvents->type == DeviceMotionNotify) { if (mask & DevicePointerMotionHintMask) { if (WID(dev->valuator->motionHintWindow) == pEvents->event) { return 1; /* don't send, but pretend we did */ } pEvents->detail = NotifyHint; } else { pEvents->detail = NotifyNormal; } } return (0); } void CheckDeviceGrabAndHintWindow(WindowPtr pWin, int type, deviceKeyButtonPointer * xE, GrabPtr grab, ClientPtr client, Mask deliveryMask) { DeviceIntPtr dev; dixLookupDevice(&dev, xE->deviceid & DEVICE_BITS, serverClient, DixReadAccess); if (!dev) return; if (type == DeviceMotionNotify) dev->valuator->motionHintWindow = pWin; else if ((type == DeviceButtonPress) && (!grab) && (deliveryMask & DeviceButtonGrabMask)) { GrabRec tempGrab; tempGrab.device = dev; tempGrab.resource = client->clientAsMask; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.ownerEvents = (deliveryMask & DeviceOwnerGrabButtonMask) ? TRUE : FALSE; tempGrab.eventMask = deliveryMask; tempGrab.keyboardMode = GrabModeAsync; tempGrab.pointerMode = GrabModeAsync; tempGrab.confineTo = NullWindow; tempGrab.cursor = NullCursor; (*dev->ActivateGrab) (dev, &tempGrab, currentTime, TRUE); } } static Mask DeviceEventMaskForClient(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr pWin, ClientPtr client) { InputClientsPtr other; if (!wOtherInputMasks(pWin)) return 0; for (other = wOtherInputMasks(pWin)->inputClients; other; other = other->next) { if (SameClient(other, client)) return other->mask[dev->id]; } return 0; } void MaybeStopDeviceHint(DeviceIntPtr dev, ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWin; GrabPtr grab = dev->grab; pWin = dev->valuator->motionHintWindow; if ((grab && SameClient(grab, client) && ((grab->eventMask & DevicePointerMotionHintMask) || (grab->ownerEvents && (DeviceEventMaskForClient(dev, pWin, client) & DevicePointerMotionHintMask)))) || (!grab && (DeviceEventMaskForClient(dev, pWin, client) & DevicePointerMotionHintMask))) dev->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; } int DeviceEventSuppressForWindow(WindowPtr pWin, ClientPtr client, Mask mask, int maskndx) { struct _OtherInputMasks *inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin); if (mask & ~PropagateMask[maskndx]) { client->errorValue = mask; return BadValue; } if (mask == 0) { if (inputMasks) inputMasks->dontPropagateMask[maskndx] = mask; } else { if (!inputMasks) AddExtensionClient(pWin, client, 0, 0); inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin); inputMasks->dontPropagateMask[maskndx] = mask; } RecalculateDeviceDeliverableEvents(pWin); if (ShouldFreeInputMasks(pWin, FALSE)) FreeResource(inputMasks->inputClients->resource, RT_NONE); return Success; } static Bool ShouldFreeInputMasks(WindowPtr pWin, Bool ignoreSelectedEvents) { int i; Mask allInputEventMasks = 0; struct _OtherInputMasks *inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin); for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) allInputEventMasks |= inputMasks->dontPropagateMask[i]; if (!ignoreSelectedEvents) for (i = 0; i < EMASKSIZE; i++) allInputEventMasks |= inputMasks->inputEvents[i]; if (allInputEventMasks == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * * Walk through the window tree, finding all clients that want to know * about the Event. * */ static void FindInterestedChildren(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr p1, Mask mask, xEvent * ev, int count) { WindowPtr p2; while (p1) { p2 = p1->firstChild; (void)DeliverEventsToWindow(p1, ev, count, mask, NullGrab, dev->id); FindInterestedChildren(dev, p2, mask, ev, count); p1 = p1->nextSib; } } /*********************************************************************** * * Send an event to interested clients in all windows on all screens. * */ void SendEventToAllWindows(DeviceIntPtr dev, Mask mask, xEvent * ev, int count) { int i; WindowPtr pWin, p1; for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) { pWin = WindowTable[i]; if (!pWin) continue; (void)DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, ev, count, mask, NullGrab, dev->id); p1 = pWin->firstChild; FindInterestedChildren(dev, p1, mask, ev, count); } }