/************************************************************ Copyright 1987 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mountain View, CA. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright no- tice appear in all copies and that both that copyright no- tice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu- mentation, and that the names of Sun or The Open Group not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Sun and The Open Group make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SUN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN BE LI- ABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /*********************************************************** Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xmd.h> #include "servermd.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "window.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "cfb.h" #include "cfbmskbits.h" #include "mergerop.h" #if PSZ == 8 #include "cfb8bit.h" #endif #define MFB_CONSTS_ONLY #include "maskbits.h" #include "mi.h" #include "mispans.h" /* scanline filling for color frame buffer written by drewry, oct 1986 modified by smarks changes for compatibility with Little-endian systems Jul 1987; MIT:yba. these routines all clip. they assume that anything that has called them has already translated the points (i.e. pGC->miTranslate is non-zero, which is howit gets set in cfbCreateGC().) the number of new scnalines created by clipping == MaxRectsPerBand * nSpans. FillSolid is overloaded to be used for OpaqueStipple as well, if fgPixel == bgPixel. Note that for solids, PrivGC.rop == PrivGC.ropOpStip FillTiled is overloaded to be used for OpaqueStipple, if fgPixel != bgPixel. based on the fill style, it uses {RotatedTile, gc.alu} or {RotatedStipple, PrivGC.ropOpStip} */ #ifdef notdef #include <stdio.h> static dumpspans(n, ppt, pwidth) int n; DDXPointPtr ppt; int *pwidth; { fprintf(stderr,"%d spans\n", n); while (n--) { fprintf(stderr, "[%d,%d] %d\n", ppt->x, ppt->y, *pwidth); ppt++; pwidth++; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #endif /* Fill spans with tiles that aren't 32 bits wide */ void cfbUnnaturalTileFS(pDrawable, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GC *pGC; int nInit; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr pptInit; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidthInit; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int fSorted; { int n; /* number of spans to fill */ register DDXPointPtr ppt; /* pointer to list of start points */ register int *pwidth; /* pointer to list of n widths */ void (*fill)(DrawablePtr, int, DDXPointPtr, int *, PixmapPtr, int, int, int, unsigned long); int xrot, yrot; if (!(pGC->planemask)) return; #if PSZ == 24 if (pGC->tile.pixmap->drawable.width & 3) #else if (pGC->tile.pixmap->drawable.width & PIM) #endif { fill = cfbFillSpanTileOddGeneral; if ((pGC->planemask & PMSK) == PMSK) { if (pGC->alu == GXcopy) fill = cfbFillSpanTileOddCopy; } } else { fill = cfbFillSpanTile32sGeneral; if ((pGC->planemask & PMSK) == PMSK) { if (pGC->alu == GXcopy) fill = cfbFillSpanTile32sCopy; } } n = nInit * miFindMaxBand( cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC) ); if ( n == 0 ) return; pwidth = (int *)xalloc(n * sizeof(int)); ppt = (DDXPointRec *)xalloc(n * sizeof(DDXPointRec)); if(!ppt || !pwidth) { if (ppt) xfree(ppt); if (pwidth) xfree(pwidth); return; } n = miClipSpans( cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC), pptInit, pwidthInit, nInit, ppt, pwidth, fSorted); xrot = pDrawable->x + pGC->patOrg.x; yrot = pDrawable->y + pGC->patOrg.y; (*fill) (pDrawable, n, ppt, pwidth, pGC->tile.pixmap, xrot, yrot, pGC->alu, pGC->planemask); xfree(ppt); xfree(pwidth); } #if PSZ == 8 void cfbUnnaturalStippleFS(pDrawable, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GC *pGC; int nInit; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr pptInit; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidthInit; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int fSorted; { /* next three parameters are post-clip */ int n; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr ppt; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidth; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int *pwidthFree;/* copies of the pointers to free */ DDXPointPtr pptFree; CfbBits *pdstBase; /* pointer to start of bitmap */ int nlwDst; /* width in longwords of bitmap */ register CfbBits *pdst; /* pointer to current word in bitmap */ PixmapPtr pStipple; /* pointer to stipple we want to fill with */ int nlw; int x, y, w, xrem, xSrc, ySrc; int stwidth, stippleWidth; int stippleHeight; register CfbBits bits, inputBits; register int partBitsLeft; int nextPartBits; int bitsLeft, bitsWhole; CfbBits *srcTemp, *srcStart; CfbBits *psrcBase; CfbBits startmask, endmask; if (pGC->fillStyle == FillStippled) cfb8CheckStipple (pGC->alu, pGC->fgPixel, pGC->planemask); else cfb8CheckOpaqueStipple (pGC->alu, pGC->fgPixel, pGC->bgPixel, pGC->planemask); if (cfb8StippleRRop == GXnoop) return; n = nInit * miFindMaxBand( cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC) ); if ( n == 0 ) return; pwidthFree = (int *)xalloc(n * sizeof(int)); pptFree = (DDXPointRec *)xalloc(n * sizeof(DDXPointRec)); if(!pptFree || !pwidthFree) { if (pptFree) xfree(pptFree); if (pwidthFree) xfree(pwidthFree); return; } pwidth = pwidthFree; ppt = pptFree; n = miClipSpans( cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC), pptInit, pwidthInit, nInit, ppt, pwidth, fSorted); /* * OK, so what's going on here? We have two Drawables: * * The Stipple: * Depth = 1 * Width = stippleWidth * Words per scanline = stwidth * Pointer to pixels = pStipple->devPrivate.ptr */ pStipple = pGC->stipple; stwidth = pStipple->devKind >> PWSH; stippleWidth = pStipple->drawable.width; stippleHeight = pStipple->drawable.height; psrcBase = (CfbBits *) pStipple->devPrivate.ptr; /* * The Target: * Depth = PSZ * Width = determined from *pwidth * Words per scanline = nlwDst * Pointer to pixels = addrlBase */ cfbGetLongWidthAndPointer (pDrawable, nlwDst, pdstBase) /* this replaces rotating the stipple. Instead we just adjust the offset * at which we start grabbing bits from the stipple. * Ensure that ppt->x - xSrc >= 0 and ppt->y - ySrc >= 0, * so that iline and xrem always stay within the stipple bounds. */ modulus (pGC->patOrg.x, stippleWidth, xSrc); xSrc += pDrawable->x - stippleWidth; modulus (pGC->patOrg.y, stippleHeight, ySrc); ySrc += pDrawable->y - stippleHeight; bitsWhole = stippleWidth; while (n--) { x = ppt->x; y = ppt->y; ppt++; w = *pwidth++; pdst = pdstBase + y * nlwDst + (x >> PWSH); y = (y - ySrc) % stippleHeight; srcStart = psrcBase + y * stwidth; xrem = ((x & ~(PGSZB-1)) - xSrc) % stippleWidth; srcTemp = srcStart + (xrem >> MFB_PWSH); bitsLeft = stippleWidth - (xrem & ~MFB_PIM); xrem &= MFB_PIM; NextUnnaturalStippleWord if (partBitsLeft < xrem) FatalError ("cfbUnnaturalStippleFS bad partBitsLeft %d xrem %d", partBitsLeft, xrem); NextSomeBits (inputBits, xrem); partBitsLeft -= xrem; if (((x & PIM) + w) <= PPW) { maskpartialbits (x, w, startmask) NextUnnaturalStippleBits *pdst = MaskRRopPixels(*pdst,bits,startmask); } else { maskbits (x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw); nextPartBits = (x & (PGSZB-1)) + w; if (nextPartBits < partBitsLeft) { if (startmask) { MaskRRopBitGroup(pdst,GetBitGroup(inputBits),startmask) pdst++; NextBitGroup (inputBits); } while (nlw--) { RRopBitGroup (pdst, GetBitGroup (inputBits)); pdst++; NextBitGroup (inputBits); } if (endmask) { MaskRRopBitGroup(pdst,GetBitGroup(inputBits),endmask) } } else if (bitsLeft != bitsWhole && nextPartBits < partBitsLeft + bitsLeft) { NextUnnaturalStippleBitsFast if (startmask) { *pdst = MaskRRopPixels(*pdst,bits,startmask); pdst++; NextUnnaturalStippleBitsFast } while (nlw--) { *pdst = RRopPixels(*pdst,bits); pdst++; NextUnnaturalStippleBitsFast } if (endmask) *pdst = MaskRRopPixels (*pdst,bits,endmask); } else { NextUnnaturalStippleBits if (startmask) { *pdst = MaskRRopPixels(*pdst,bits,startmask); pdst++; NextUnnaturalStippleBits } while (nlw--) { *pdst = RRopPixels(*pdst,bits); pdst++; NextUnnaturalStippleBits } if (endmask) *pdst = MaskRRopPixels(*pdst,bits,endmask); } } } xfree(pptFree); xfree(pwidthFree); } #else /* PSZ != 8 */ /* Fill spans with stipples that aren't 32 bits wide */ void cfbUnnaturalStippleFS(pDrawable, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GC *pGC; int nInit; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr pptInit; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidthInit; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int fSorted; { /* next three parameters are post-clip */ int n; /* number of spans to fill */ register DDXPointPtr ppt; /* pointer to list of start points */ register int *pwidth; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int iline; /* first line of tile to use */ CfbBits *addrlBase; /* pointer to start of bitmap */ int nlwidth; /* width in longwords of bitmap */ register CfbBits *pdst; /* pointer to current word in bitmap */ PixmapPtr pStipple; /* pointer to stipple we want to fill with */ register int w; int width, x, xrem, xSrc, ySrc; CfbBits tmpSrc, tmpDst1, tmpDst2; int stwidth, stippleWidth; CfbBits *psrcS; int rop, stiprop = 0; int stippleHeight; int *pwidthFree; /* copies of the pointers to free */ DDXPointPtr pptFree; CfbBits fgfill, bgfill; if (!(pGC->planemask)) return; n = nInit * miFindMaxBand( cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC) ); if ( n == 0 ) return; pwidthFree = (int *)xalloc(n * sizeof(int)); pptFree = (DDXPointRec *)xalloc(n * sizeof(DDXPointRec)); if(!pptFree || !pwidthFree) { if (pptFree) xfree(pptFree); if (pwidthFree) xfree(pwidthFree); return; } pwidth = pwidthFree; ppt = pptFree; n = miClipSpans( cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC), pptInit, pwidthInit, nInit, ppt, pwidth, fSorted); rop = pGC->alu; if (pGC->fillStyle == FillStippled) { switch (rop) { case GXand: case GXcopy: case GXnoop: case GXor: stiprop = rop; break; default: stiprop = rop; rop = GXcopy; } } fgfill = PFILL(pGC->fgPixel); bgfill = PFILL(pGC->bgPixel); /* * OK, so what's going on here? We have two Drawables: * * The Stipple: * Depth = 1 * Width = stippleWidth * Words per scanline = stwidth * Pointer to pixels = pStipple->devPrivate.ptr */ pStipple = pGC->stipple; stwidth = pStipple->devKind / PGSZB; stippleWidth = pStipple->drawable.width; stippleHeight = pStipple->drawable.height; /* * The Target: * Depth = PSZ * Width = determined from *pwidth * Words per scanline = nlwidth * Pointer to pixels = addrlBase */ cfbGetLongWidthAndPointer (pDrawable, nlwidth, addrlBase) /* this replaces rotating the stipple. Instead we just adjust the offset * at which we start grabbing bits from the stipple. * Ensure that ppt->x - xSrc >= 0 and ppt->y - ySrc >= 0, * so that iline and xrem always stay within the stipple bounds. */ modulus (pGC->patOrg.x, stippleWidth, xSrc); xSrc += pDrawable->x - stippleWidth; modulus (pGC->patOrg.y, stippleHeight, ySrc); ySrc += pDrawable->y - stippleHeight; while (n--) { iline = (ppt->y - ySrc) % stippleHeight; x = ppt->x; pdst = addrlBase + (ppt->y * nlwidth); psrcS = (CfbBits *) pStipple->devPrivate.ptr + (iline * stwidth); if (*pwidth) { width = *pwidth; while(width > 0) { int xtemp; #if PSZ != 32 || PPW != 1 int tmpx; #endif register CfbBits *ptemp; register CfbBits *pdsttmp; /* * Do a stripe through the stipple & destination w pixels * wide. w is not more than: * - the width of the destination * - the width of the stipple * - the distance between x and the next word * boundary in the destination * - the distance between x and the next word * boundary in the stipple */ /* width of dest/stipple */ xrem = (x - xSrc) % stippleWidth; #if PSZ == 24 w = 1; #else w = min((stippleWidth - xrem), width); /* dist to word bound in dest */ w = min(w, PPW - (x & PIM)); /* dist to word bound in stip */ w = min(w, MFB_PPW - (x & MFB_PIM)); #endif xtemp = (xrem & MFB_PIM); ptemp = (CfbBits *)(psrcS + (xrem >> MFB_PWSH)); #if PSZ == 24 tmpx = x & 3; pdsttmp = pdst + ((x * 3)>>2); #else #if PSZ != 32 || PPW != 1 tmpx = x & PIM; #endif pdsttmp = pdst + (x>>PWSH); #endif switch ( pGC->fillStyle ) { case FillOpaqueStippled: #if PSZ == 24 getstipplepixels24(ptemp, xtemp, 0, &bgfill, &tmpDst1, xrem); getstipplepixels24(ptemp, xtemp, 1, &fgfill, &tmpDst2, xrem); #else getstipplepixels(ptemp, xtemp, w, 0, &bgfill, &tmpDst1); getstipplepixels(ptemp, xtemp, w, 1, &fgfill, &tmpDst2); #endif break; case FillStippled: /* Fill tmpSrc with the source pixels */ #if PSZ == 24 getbits24(pdsttmp, tmpSrc, x); getstipplepixels24(ptemp, xtemp, 0, &tmpSrc, &tmpDst1, xrem); #else getbits(pdsttmp, tmpx, w, tmpSrc); getstipplepixels(ptemp, xtemp, w, 0, &tmpSrc, &tmpDst1); #endif if (rop != stiprop) { #if PSZ == 24 putbitsrop24(fgfill, 0, &tmpSrc, pGC->planemask, stiprop); #else putbitsrop(fgfill, 0, w, &tmpSrc, pGC->planemask, stiprop); #endif } else { tmpSrc = fgfill; } #if PSZ == 24 getstipplepixels24(ptemp, xtemp, 1, &tmpSrc, &tmpDst2, xrem); #else getstipplepixels(ptemp, xtemp, w, 1, &tmpSrc, &tmpDst2); #endif break; } tmpDst2 |= tmpDst1; #if PSZ == 24 putbitsrop24(tmpDst2, tmpx, pdsttmp, pGC->planemask, rop); #else putbitsrop(tmpDst2, tmpx, w, pdsttmp, pGC->planemask, rop); #endif x += w; width -= w; } } ppt++; pwidth++; } xfree(pptFree); xfree(pwidthFree); } #endif /* PSZ == 8 */ #if PSZ == 8 void cfb8Stipple32FS (pDrawable, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GCPtr pGC; int nInit; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr pptInit; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidthInit; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int fSorted; { /* next three parameters are post-clip */ int n; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr ppt; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidth; /* pointer to list of n widths */ CfbBits *src; /* pointer to bits in stipple, if needed */ int stippleHeight; /* height of the stipple */ PixmapPtr stipple; int nlwDst; /* width in longwords of the dest pixmap */ int x,y,w; /* current span */ CfbBits startmask; CfbBits endmask; register CfbBits *dst; /* pointer to bits we're writing */ register int nlw; CfbBits *dstTmp; int nlwTmp; CfbBits *pbits; /* pointer to start of pixmap */ register CfbBits xor; register CfbBits mask; register CfbBits bits; /* bits from stipple */ int wEnd; int *pwidthFree; /* copies of the pointers to free */ DDXPointPtr pptFree; cfbPrivGCPtr devPriv; devPriv = cfbGetGCPrivate(pGC); cfb8CheckStipple (pGC->alu, pGC->fgPixel, pGC->planemask); n = nInit * miFindMaxBand(pGC->pCompositeClip); if ( n == 0 ) return; pwidthFree = (int *)xalloc(n * sizeof(int)); pptFree = (DDXPointRec *)xalloc(n * sizeof(DDXPointRec)); if(!pptFree || !pwidthFree) { if (pptFree) xfree(pptFree); if (pwidthFree) xfree(pwidthFree); return; } pwidth = pwidthFree; ppt = pptFree; n = miClipSpans(pGC->pCompositeClip, pptInit, pwidthInit, nInit, ppt, pwidth, fSorted); stipple = pGC->pRotatedPixmap; src = (CfbBits *)stipple->devPrivate.ptr; stippleHeight = stipple->drawable.height; cfbGetLongWidthAndPointer (pDrawable, nlwDst, pbits) while (n--) { w = *pwidth++; x = ppt->x; y = ppt->y; ppt++; dst = pbits + (y * nlwDst) + (x >> PWSH); if (((x & PIM) + w) <= PPW) { maskpartialbits(x, w, startmask); endmask = 0; nlw = 0; } else { maskbits (x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw); } bits = src[y % stippleHeight]; RotBitsLeft (bits, (x & ((PGSZ-1) & ~PIM))); #if PPW == 4 if (cfb8StippleRRop == GXcopy) { xor = devPriv->xor; if (w < (PGSZ*2)) { if (startmask) { mask = cfb8PixelMasks[GetBitGroup(bits)]; *dst = (*dst & ~(mask & startmask)) | (xor & (mask & startmask)); dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } while (nlw--) { WriteBitGroup (dst,xor,GetBitGroup(bits)) dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } if (endmask) { mask = cfb8PixelMasks[GetBitGroup(bits)]; *dst = (*dst & ~(mask & endmask)) | (xor & (mask & endmask)); } } else { /* XXX constants probably not OK here */ wEnd = 7 - (nlw & 7); nlw = (nlw >> 3) + 1; dstTmp = dst; nlwTmp = nlw; if (startmask) { mask = cfb8PixelMasks[GetBitGroup(bits)]; *dstTmp = (*dstTmp & ~(mask & startmask)) | (xor & (mask & startmask)); dstTmp++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } w = 7 - wEnd; while (w--) { dst = dstTmp; dstTmp++; nlw = nlwTmp; #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(mc68020) mask = cfb8PixelMasks[GetBitGroup(bits)]; xor = xor & mask; mask = ~mask; while (nlw--) { *dst = (*dst & mask) | xor; dst += 8; } xor = devPriv->xor; #else #define SwitchBitsLoop(body) \ while (nlw--) \ { \ body \ dst += 8; \ } SwitchBitGroup(dst, xor, GetBitGroup(bits)); #undef SwitchBitsLoop #endif NextBitGroup (bits); } nlwTmp--; w = wEnd + 1; if (endmask) { mask = cfb8PixelMasks[GetBitGroup(bits)]; dst = dstTmp + (nlwTmp << 3); *dst = (*dst & ~(mask & endmask)) | (xor & (mask & endmask)); } while (w--) { nlw = nlwTmp; dst = dstTmp; dstTmp++; #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(mc68020) mask = cfb8PixelMasks[GetBitGroup(bits)]; xor = xor & mask; mask = ~mask; while (nlw--) { *dst = (*dst & mask) | xor; dst += 8; } xor = devPriv->xor; #else #define SwitchBitsLoop(body) \ while (nlw--) \ { \ body \ dst += 8; \ } SwitchBitGroup(dst, xor, GetBitGroup(bits)); #undef SwitchBitsLoop #endif NextBitGroup (bits); } } } else #endif /* PPW == 4 */ { if (startmask) { xor = GetBitGroup(bits); *dst = MaskRRopPixels(*dst, xor, startmask); dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } while (nlw--) { RRopBitGroup(dst, GetBitGroup(bits)); dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } if (endmask) { xor = GetBitGroup(bits); *dst = MaskRRopPixels(*dst, xor, endmask); } } } xfree(pptFree); xfree(pwidthFree); } void cfb8OpaqueStipple32FS (pDrawable, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GCPtr pGC; int nInit; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr pptInit; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidthInit; /* pointer to list of n widths */ int fSorted; { /* next three parameters are post-clip */ int n; /* number of spans to fill */ DDXPointPtr ppt; /* pointer to list of start points */ int *pwidth; /* pointer to list of n widths */ CfbBits *src; /* pointer to bits in stipple, if needed */ int stippleHeight; /* height of the stipple */ PixmapPtr stipple; int nlwDst; /* width in longwords of the dest pixmap */ int x,y,w; /* current span */ CfbBits startmask; CfbBits endmask; register CfbBits *dst; /* pointer to bits we're writing */ register int nlw; CfbBits *dstTmp; int nlwTmp; CfbBits *pbits; /* pointer to start of pixmap */ register CfbBits xor; register CfbBits bits; /* bits from stipple */ int wEnd; int *pwidthFree; /* copies of the pointers to free */ DDXPointPtr pptFree; cfbPrivGCPtr devPriv; devPriv = cfbGetGCPrivate(pGC); cfb8CheckOpaqueStipple(pGC->alu, pGC->fgPixel, pGC->bgPixel, pGC->planemask); n = nInit * miFindMaxBand(pGC->pCompositeClip); if ( n == 0 ) return; pwidthFree = (int *)xalloc(n * sizeof(int)); pptFree = (DDXPointRec *)xalloc(n * sizeof(DDXPointRec)); if(!pptFree || !pwidthFree) { if (pptFree) xfree(pptFree); if (pwidthFree) xfree(pwidthFree); return; } pwidth = pwidthFree; ppt = pptFree; n = miClipSpans(pGC->pCompositeClip, pptInit, pwidthInit, nInit, ppt, pwidth, fSorted); stipple = pGC->pRotatedPixmap; src = (CfbBits *)stipple->devPrivate.ptr; stippleHeight = stipple->drawable.height; cfbGetLongWidthAndPointer (pDrawable, nlwDst, pbits) while (n--) { w = *pwidth++; x = ppt->x; y = ppt->y; ppt++; dst = pbits + (y * nlwDst) + (x >> PWSH); if (((x & PIM) + w) <= PPW) { maskpartialbits(x, w, startmask); endmask = 0; nlw = 0; } else { maskbits (x, w, startmask, endmask, nlw); } bits = src[y % stippleHeight]; RotBitsLeft (bits, (x & ((PGSZ-1) & ~PIM))); #if PPW == 4 if (cfb8StippleRRop == GXcopy) { xor = devPriv->xor; if (w < PGSZ*2) { if (startmask) { *dst = (*dst & ~startmask) | (GetPixelGroup (bits) & startmask); dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } while (nlw--) { *dst++ = GetPixelGroup(bits); RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } if (endmask) { *dst = (*dst & ~endmask) | (GetPixelGroup (bits) & endmask); } } else { /* XXX consts probably not OK here */ wEnd = 7 - (nlw & 7); nlw = (nlw >> 3) + 1; dstTmp = dst; nlwTmp = nlw; if (startmask) { *dstTmp = (*dstTmp & ~startmask) | (GetPixelGroup (bits) & startmask); dstTmp++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } w = 7 - wEnd; while (w--) { nlw = nlwTmp; dst = dstTmp; dstTmp++; xor = GetPixelGroup (bits); while (nlw--) { *dst = xor; dst += 8; } NextBitGroup (bits); } nlwTmp--; w = wEnd + 1; if (endmask) { dst = dstTmp + (nlwTmp << 3); *dst = (*dst & ~endmask) | (GetPixelGroup (bits) & endmask); } while (w--) { nlw = nlwTmp; dst = dstTmp; dstTmp++; xor = GetPixelGroup (bits); while (nlw--) { *dst = xor; dst += 8; } NextBitGroup (bits); } } } else #endif /* PPW == 4 */ { if (startmask) { xor = GetBitGroup(bits); *dst = MaskRRopPixels(*dst, xor, startmask); dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } while (nlw--) { RRopBitGroup(dst, GetBitGroup(bits)); dst++; RotBitsLeft (bits, PGSZB); } if (endmask) { xor = GetBitGroup(bits); *dst = MaskRRopPixels(*dst, xor, endmask); } } } xfree(pptFree); xfree(pwidthFree); } #endif /* PSZ == 8 */