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<book id="porting">

   <title>X11 Input Extension Porting Document</title>
   <releaseinfo>X Server Version &xserver.version;</releaseinfo>
     <holder>Hewlett-Packard Company</holder>


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document. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. This document is only a draft stan-
dard of the X Consortium and is therefore subject to change.

<para role="multiLicensing">Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991 X Consortium</para>
<para>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the &ldquo;Software&rdquo;), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</para>
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<para>Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.</para>

<para>X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.</para>


<chapter id="x11_input_extension_porting_document">
<title>X11 Input Extension Porting Document</title>

This document is intended to aid the process of integrating the 
X11 Input Extension into an X server.
<!-- .LP -->
Most of the functionality provided by the input extension is 
device- and implementation-independent, and should require no changes.  
The functionality is implemented by
routines that typically reside in the server source tree directory 
This extension includes functions to enable and disable input extension devices,
select input, grab and focus those device, query and change key 
and button mappings, and others.  The only input extension requirements 
for the device-dependent part of X are that the input devices be 
correctly initialized and input events from those devices be correctly
generated.  Device-dependent X is responsible for reading input data from 
the input device hardware and if necessary, reformatting it into X events.
<!-- .LP -->
The process of initializing input extension devices is similar to that used 
for the core devices, and is described in the following sections.  When
multiple input devices are attached to X server, the choice of which devices
to initially use as the core X pointer and keyboard is left 
implementation-dependent.  It is also up to each implementation to decide
whether all input devices will be opened by the server during its 
initialization and kept open for the life of the server.  The alternative is
to open only the X keyboard and X pointer during server initialization, and
open other input devices only when requested by a client to do so.  Either
type of implementation is supported by the input extension.
<!-- .LP -->
Input extension events generated by the X server use the same 32-byte xEvent
wire event as do core input events.  However, additional information must be
sent for input extension devices, requiring that multiple xEvents be generated
each time data is received from an input extension device.  These xEvents are
combined into a single client XEvent by the input extension library.  A later
section of this document describes the format and generation of input extension
<sect1 id="Initializing_Extension_Devices">
<title>Initializing Extension Devices</title>
<!-- .LP -->
Extension input devices are initialized in the same manner as the core 
X input devices.  Device-Independent X provides functions that can be 
called from DDX to initialize these devices.  Which functions are called
and when will vary by implementation, and will depend on whether the 
implementation opens all the input devices available to X when X is initialized,
or waits until a client requests that a device be opened.
In the simplest case, DDX will open all input devices as part of its
initialization, when the InitInput routine is called.
<sect2 id="Summary_of_Calling_Sequence">
<title>Summary of Calling Sequence</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
Device-Independent X       |  Device-Dependent X
--------------------       |  -------------------             
InitInput --------------&gt;  |  - do device-specific initialization
                           |  - call AddInputDevice  (deviceProc,AutoStart)
AddInputDevice             |   
  - creates DeviceIntRec   |
  - records deviceProc     |
  - adds new device to     | 
    list of off_devices.   |
sets dev-&gt;startup=AutoStart|           
                           |  - call one of:                       
                           |    - RegisterPointerDevice (X pointer)
                           |      - processInputProc = ProcessPointerEvents
                           |    - RegisterKeyboardDevice (X keyboard)
                           |      - processInputProc = ProcessKeyboardEvents
                           |    - RegisterOtherDevice  (extension device)
                           |      - processInputProc = ProcessOtherEvents
InitAndStartDevices -----&gt; |  - calls deviceProc with parameters
                           |    (DEVICE_INIT, AutoStart)
sets dev-&gt;inited = return  |
  value from deviceProc    |    
                           |  - in deviceProc, do one of:                       
                           |    - call InitPointerDeviceStruct (X pointer)
                           |    - call InitKeyboardDeviceStruct (X keybd)
                           |    - init extension device by calling some of:
                           |      - InitKeyClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitButtonClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitValuatorAxisStruct
                           |      - InitFocusClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitProximityClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitKbdFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitStringFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitIntegerFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
                           |      - InitBellFeedbackClassDeviceStruct
                           |    - init device name and type by:
                           |      - calling MakeAtom with one of the 
                           |        predefined names
                           |      - calling AssignTypeAndName
for each device added      |                                        
    by AddInputDevice,     |                                        
    InitAndStartDevices    |                                        
    calls EnableDevice if  |  - EnableDevice calls deviceProc with 
    dev-&gt;startup &amp;         |    (DEVICE_ON, AutoStart)
    dev-&gt;inited            |  
If deviceProc returns      |  - core devices are now enabled, extension
    Success, EnableDevice  |    devices are now available to be accessed
    move the device from   |    through the input extension protocol
    inputInfo.off_devices  |    requests.                           
    to inputInfo.devices   |                                        
<sect2 id="Initialization_Called_From_InitInput">
<title>Initialization Called From InitInput</title>
<!-- .LP -->
InitInput is the first DDX input entry point called during X server startup.
This routine is responsible for
device- and implementation- specific initialization, and for calling
AddInputDevice to create and initialize the DeviceIntRec structure for each
input device.  AddInputDevice is passed the address of a procedure to be called
by the DIX routine InitAndStartDevices when input devices are enabled.
This procedure is expected to perform X initialization for the input device.
<!-- .LP -->
If the device is to be used as the X pointer, DDX should then call
RegisterPointerDevice, passing the DeviceIntRec pointer,
to initialize the device as the X pointer.
<!-- .LP -->
If the device is to be used as the X keyboard, DDX should instead call
RegisterKeyboardDevice to initialize the device as the X keyboard.
<!-- .LP -->
If the device is to be used as an extension device, DDX should instead
call RegisterOtherDevice, passing the DeviceIntPtr returned by
<!-- .LP -->
A sample InitInput implementation is shown below.
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
    int i, numdevs, ReadInput();
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    LocalDevice localdevs[LOCAL_MAX_DEVS];
    DeviceProc kbdproc, ptrproc, extproc;

     * Open the appropriate input devices, determine which are 
     * available, and choose an X pointer and X keyboard device
     * in some implementation-dependent manner.

    open_input_devices (&amp;numdevs, localdevs);

     * Register a WakeupHandler to handle input when it is generated.

    RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (NoopDDA, ReadInput, NULL);

     * Register the input devices with DIX.

    for (i=0; i&lt;numdevs; i++)
        if (localdevs[i].use == IsXKeyboard)
            dev = AddInputDevice (kbdproc, TRUE);
            RegisterKeyboardDevice (dev);
        else if (localdevs[i].use == IsXPointer)
            dev = AddInputDevice (ptrproc, TRUE);
            RegisterPointerDevice (dev);
            dev = AddInputDevice (extproc, FALSE);
            RegisterOtherDevice (dev);
        if (dev == NULL)
            FatalError ("Too many input devices.");
        dev-&gt;devicePrivate = (pointer) &amp;localdevs[i];
<sect2 id="Initialization_Called_From_InitAndStartDevices">
<title>Initialization Called From InitAndStartDevices</title>
<!-- .LP -->
After InitInput has returned,
InitAndStartDevices is the DIX routine that is called to enable input devices. 
It calls the device control routine that was passed to AddInputDevice,
with a mode value of DEVICE_INIT.  The action taken by the device control
routine depends on how the device is to be used.  If the device is to be
the X pointer, the device control routine should call
InitPointerDeviceStruct to initialize it.  If the device is to be the
X keyboard, the device control routine should call
InitKeyboardDeviceStruct.  Since input extension devices may support various
combinations of keys, buttons, valuators, and feedbacks,
each class of input that it supports must be initialized.
Entry points are defined by DIX to initialize each of the supported classes of
input, and are described in the following sections.
<!-- .LP -->
A sample device control routine called from InitAndStartDevices is 
shown below.
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
Bool extproc (dev, mode)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    int mode;
    LocalDevice *localdev = (LocalDevice *) dev-&gt;devicePrivate;

    switch (mode)
        case DEVICE_INIT:
            if (strcmp(localdev-&gt;name, XI_TABLET) == 0)
                 * This device reports proximity, has buttons,
                 * reports two axes of motion, and can be focused.
                 * It also supports the same feedbacks as the X pointer
                 * (acceleration and threshold can be set).

                InitButtonClassDeviceStruct (dev, button_count, button_map);
                InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct (dev, localdev-&gt;n_axes,);
                    motionproc, MOTION_BUF_SIZE, Absolute);
                for (i=0; i&lt;localdev-&gt;n_axes; i++)
                    InitValuatorAxisStruct (dev, i, min_val, max_val, 
                InitFocusClassDeviceStruct (dev);
                InitProximityClassDeviceStruct (dev);
                InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct (dev, p_controlproc);
            else if (strcmp(localdev-&gt;name, XI_BUTTONBOX) == 0)
                 * This device has keys and LEDs, and can be focused.

                InitKeyClassDeviceStruct (dev, syms, modmap);
                InitFocusClassDeviceStruct (dev);
                InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct (dev, ledcontrol);
            else if (strcmp(localdev-&gt;name, XI_KNOBBOX) == 0)
                 * This device reports motion.
                 * It can be focused.

                InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct (dev, localdev-&gt;n_axes,);
                    motionproc, MOTION_BUF_SIZE, Absolute);
                for (i=0; i&lt;localdev-&gt;n_axes; i++)
                    InitValuatorAxisStruct (dev, i, min_val, max_val, 
                InitFocusClassDeviceStruct (dev);
            localdev-&gt;atom = 
                MakeAtom(localdev-&gt;name, strlen(localdev-&gt;name), FALSE);
            AssignTypeAndName (dev, localdev-&gt;atom, localdev-&gt;name);
        case DEVICE_ON:
            AddEnabledDevice (localdev-&gt;file_ds);
            dev-&gt;on = TRUE;
        case DEVICE_OFF:
            dev-&gt;on = FALSE;
            RemoveEnabledDevice (localdev-&gt;file_ds);
        case DEVICE_CLOSE:
<!-- .LP -->
The device control routine is called with a mode value of DEVICE_ON
by the DIX routine EnableDevice, which is called from InitAndStartDevices.  
When called with this mode, it should call AddEnabledDevice to cause the 
server to begin checking for available input from this device.
<!-- .LP -->
&gt;From InitAndStartDevices, EnableDevice is called for all devices that have
the "inited" and "startup" fields in the DeviceIntRec set to TRUE.  The
"inited" field is set by InitAndStartDevices to the value returned by
the deviceproc when called with a mode value of DEVICE_INIT.  The "startup"
field is set by AddInputDevice to value of the second parameter (autoStart).
<!-- .LP -->
When the server is first initialized, it should only be checking for input
from the core X keyboard and pointer.  One way to accomplish this is to
call AddInputDevice for the core X keyboard and pointer with an
autoStart value equal to TRUE, while calling AddInputDevice for 
input extension devices with an autoStart value equal to FALSE.  If this is 
done, EnableDevice will skip all input extension devices during server
initialization.  In this case,
the OpenInputDevice routine should set the "startup" field to TRUE
when called for input extension devices.  This will cause ProcXOpenInputDevice
to call EnableDevice for those devices when a client first does an
XOpenDevice request.
<sect2 id="DIX_Input_Class_Initialization_Routines">
<title>DIX Input Class Initialization Routines</title>
<!-- .LP -->
DIX routines are defined to initialize each of the defined input classes.
The defined classes are:
<!-- .RS -->
<!-- .in +5n -->
KeyClass - the device has keys.
ButtonClass - the device has buttons.
ValuatorClass - the device reports motion data or positional data.
Proximitylass - the device reports proximity information.
FocusClass - the device can be focused.
FeedbackClass - the device supports some kind of feedback
<!-- .in -5n -->
<!-- .RE -->
<!-- .LP -->
DIX routines are provided to initialize the X pointer and keyboard, as in
previous releases of X.  During X initialization, InitPointerDeviceStruct 
is called to initialize the X pointer, and InitKeyboardDeviceStruct is
called to initialize the X keyboard.  There is no
corresponding routine for extension input devices, since they do not all
support the same classes of input.  Instead, DDX is responsible for the 
initialization of the input classes supported by extension devices.  
A description of the routines provided by DIX to perform that initialization
<sect3 id="InitKeyClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a KeyClassRec, and 
should be called for extension devices that have keys.  It is passed a pointer
to the device, and pointers to arrays of keysyms and modifiers reported by
the device.  It returns FALSE if the KeyClassRec could not be allocated,
or if the maps for the keysyms and and modifiers could not be allocated.
Its parameters are:
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitKeyClassDeviceStruct(dev, pKeySyms, pModifiers)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    KeySymsPtr pKeySyms;
    CARD8 pModifiers[];
<!-- .LP -->
The DIX entry point InitKeyboardDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
core X keyboard.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
that have keys.
<sect3 id="InitButtonClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a ButtonClassRec, and 
should be called for extension devices that have buttons.  It is passed a 
pointer to the device, the number of buttons supported, and a map of the 
reported button codes.  It returns FALSE if the ButtonClassRec could not be 
allocated.  Its parameters are:
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitButtonClassDeviceStruct(dev, numButtons, map)
    register DeviceIntPtr dev;
    int numButtons;
    CARD8 *map;
<!-- .LP -->
The DIX entry point InitPointerDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices that
have buttons.
<sect3 id="InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a ValuatorClassRec, and 
should be called for extension devices that have valuators.  It is passed the
number of axes of motion reported by the device, the address of the motion
history procedure for the device, the size of the motion history buffer,
and the mode (Absolute or Relative) of the device.  It returns FALSE if 
the ValuatorClassRec could not be allocated.  Its parameters are:
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct(dev, numAxes, motionProc, numMotionEvents, mode)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    int (*motionProc)();
    int numAxes;
    int numMotionEvents;
    int mode;
<!-- .LP -->
The DIX entry point InitPointerDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices that
report motion.
<sect3 id="InitValuatorAxisStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to initialize an XAxisInfoRec, and 
should be called for core and extension devices that have valuators.  
The space for the XAxisInfoRec is allocated by 
the InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct function, but is not initialized.
<!-- .LP -->
InitValuatorAxisStruct should be called once for each axis of motion 
reported by the device.  Each
invocation should be passed the axis number (starting with 0), the
minimum value for that axis, the maximum value for that axis, and the
resolution of the device in counts per meter.  If the device reports
relative motion, 0 should be reported as the minimum and maximum values.
InitValuatorAxisStruct has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, axnum, minval, maxval, resolution)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    int axnum;
    int minval;
    int maxval;
    int resolution;
<!-- .LP -->
This routine is not called by InitPointerDeviceStruct for the
core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for core and extension devices 
that report motion.
<sect3 id="InitFocusClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a FocusClassRec, and 
should be called for extension devices that can be focused.  It is passed a
pointer to the device, and returns FALSE if the allocation fails.
It has the following parameter:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
<!-- .LP -->
The DIX entry point InitKeyboardDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
core X keyboard.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
that can be focused.  Whether or not a particular device can be focused
is left implementation-dependent.
<sect3 id="InitProximityClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a ProximityClassRec, and 
should be called for extension absolute pointing devices that report proximity.
It is passed a pointer to the device, and returns FALSE if the allocation fails.
It has the following parameter:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
<sect3 id="Initializing_Feedbacks">
<title>Initializing Feedbacks</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<sect4 id="InitKbdFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a KbdFeedbackClassRec, and 
may be called for extension devices that support some or all of the 
feedbacks that the core keyboard supports.  It is passed a
pointer to the device, a pointer to the procedure that sounds the bell,
and a pointer to the device control procedure.
It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitKbdFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, bellProc, controlProc)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    void (*bellProc)();
    void (*controlProc)();
The DIX entry point InitKeyboardDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
core X keyboard.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
that have the same feedbacks as a keyboard.  Some feedbacks, such as LEDs and
bell, can be supported either with a KbdFeedbackClass or with BellFeedbackClass
and LedFeedbackClass feedbacks.
<sect4 id="InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a PtrFeedbackClassRec, and 
should be called for extension devices that allow the setting of acceleration
and threshold.  It is passed a pointer to the device,
and a pointer to the device control procedure.
It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    void (*controlProc)();
<!-- .LP -->
The DIX entry point InitPointerDeviceStruct calls this routine for the
core X pointer.  It must be called explicitly for extension devices
that support the setting of acceleration and threshold.
<sect4 id="InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a LedFeedbackClassRec, and 
should be called for extension devices that have LEDs.
It is passed a pointer to the device,
and a pointer to the device control procedure.
It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitLedFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    void (*controlProc)();
<!-- .LP -->
Up to 32 LEDs per feedback can be supported, and a device may have 
multiple feedbacks of the same type.
<sect4 id="InitBellFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a BellFeedbackClassRec, 
and should be called for extension devices that have a bell.
It is passed a pointer to the device,
and a pointer to the device control procedure.
It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitBellFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, bellProc, controlProc)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    void (*bellProc)();
    void (*controlProc)();
<sect4 id="InitStringFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize a StringFeedbackClassRec, 
and should be called for extension devices that have a display upon which a 
string can be displayed.
It is passed a pointer to the device,
and a pointer to the device control procedure.
It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitStringFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc, max_symbols, 
	num_symbols_supported, symbols)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    void (*controlProc)();
    int max_symbols:
    int num_symbols_supported;
    KeySym *symbols;
<sect4 id="InitIntegerFeedbackClassDeviceStruct">
<!-- .LP -->
This function is provided to allocate and initialize an 
and should be called for extension devices that have a display upon which an
integer can be displayed.
It is passed a pointer to the device,
and a pointer to the device control procedure.
It returns FALSE if the allocation fails, and has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
InitIntegerFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, controlProc)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    void (*controlProc)();
<sect2 id="Initializing_The_Device_Name_And_Type">
<title>Initializing The Device Name And Type</title>
<!-- .LP -->
The device name and type can be initialized by calling AssignTypeAndName
with the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
AssignTypeAndName(dev, type, name)
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    Atom type;
    char *name;
<!-- .LP -->
This will allocate space for the device name and copy the name that was passed.
The device type can be obtained by calling MakeAtom with one of the names
defined for input devices.  MakeAtom has the following parameters:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
MakeAtom(name, len, makeit)
    char *name;
    int len;
    Bool makeit;
<!-- .LP -->
Since the atom was already made when the input extension was initialized, the
value of makeit should be FALSE;
<sect1 id="Closing_Extension_Devices">
<title>Closing Extension Devices</title>
<!-- .LP -->
The DisableDevice entry point is provided by DIX to disable input devices.
It calls the device control routine for the specified
device with a mode value of DEVICE_OFF.  The device control routine should
call RemoveEnabledDevice to stop the server from checking for input from
that device.
<!-- .LP -->
DisableDevice is not called by any input extension routines.  It can be 
called from the CloseInputDevice routine, which is called by
ProcXCloseDevice when a client makes an XCloseDevice request.  If
DisableDevice is called, it should only be called when the last client
using the extension device has terminated or called XCloseDevice.
<sect1 id="Implementation_Dependent_Routines">
<title>Implementation-Dependent Routines</title>
<!-- .LP -->
Several input extension protocol requests have 
implementation-dependent  entry points.  Default routines
are defined for these entry points and contained in the source
file extensions/server/xinput/xstubs.c.  Some implementations may
be able to use the default routines without change.
The following sections describe each of these routines.
<sect2 id="AddOtherInputDevices">
<!-- .LP -->
AddOtherInputDevice is called from ProcXListInputDevices as a result of 
an XListInputDevices protocol request.  It may be needed by
implementations that do not open extension input devices until requested
to do so by some client.  These implementations may not initialize
all devices when the X server starts up, because some of those devices
may be in use.  Since the XListInputDevices
function only lists those devices that have been initialized,
AddOtherInputDevices is called to give DDX a chance to 
initialize any previously unavailable input devices.
<!-- .LP -->
A sample AddOtherInputDevices routine might look like the following:
<literallayout class="monospaced">
AddOtherInputDevices ()
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    int i;

    for (i=0; i&lt;MAX_DEVICES; i++) 
        if (!local_dev[i].initialized &amp;&amp; available(local_dev[i]))
            dev = (DeviceIntPtr) AddInputDevice (local_dev[i].deviceProc, TRUE);
            dev-&gt;public.devicePrivate = local_dev[i];
            RegisterOtherDevice (dev);
            dev-&gt;inited = ((*dev-&gt;deviceProc)(dev, DEVICE_INIT) == Success);
<!-- .LP -->
The default AddOtherInputDevices routine in xstubs.c does nothing.
If all input extension devices are initialized when the server 
starts up, it can be left as a null routine.
<sect2 id="OpenInputDevice">
<!-- .LP -->
Some X server implementations open all input devices when the server
is initialized and never close them.  Other implementations may open only
the X pointer and keyboard devices during server initialization,
and open other input devices only when some client makes an
XOpenDevice request.  This entry point is for the latter type of 
<!-- .LP -->
If the physical device is not already open, it can be done in this routine.  
In this case, the server must keep track of the fact that one or more clients 
have the device open, and physically close it when the last client that has
it open makes an XCloseDevice request.
<!-- .LP -->
The default implementation is to do nothing (assume all input devices
are opened during X server initialization and kept open).
<sect2 id="CloseInputDevice">
<!-- .LP -->
Some implementations may close an input device when the last client
using that device requests that it be closed, or terminates.
CloseInputDevice is called from ProcXCloseDevice when a client
makes an XCloseDevice protocol request.
<!-- .LP -->
The default implementation is to do nothing (assume all input devices
are opened during X server initialization and kept open).
<sect2 id="SetDeviceMode">
<!-- .LP -->
Some implementations support input devices that can report 
either absolute positional data or relative motion.  The XSetDeviceMode
protocol request is provided to allow DDX to change the current mode of 
such a device.
<!-- .LP -->
The default implementation is to always return a BadMatch error.  If the
implementation does not support any input devices that are capable of 
reporting both relative motion and absolute position information, the
default implementation may be left unchanged.
<sect2 id="SetDeviceValuators">
<!-- .LP -->
Some implementations support input devices that allow their valuators to be 
set to an initial value.  The XSetDeviceValuators 
protocol request is provided to allow DDX to set the valuators of
such a device.
<!-- .LP -->
The default implementation is to always return a BadMatch error.  If the
implementation does not support any input devices that are allow their
valuators to be set, the default implementation may be left unchanged.
<sect2 id="ChangePointerDevice">
<!-- .LP -->
The XChangePointerDevice protocol request is provided to change which device is
used as the X pointer.  Some implementations may maintain information
specific to the X pointer in the private data structure pointed to by
the DeviceIntRec.  ChangePointerDevice is called to allow such 
implementations to move that information to the new pointer device.
The current location of the X cursor is an example of the type of 
information that might be affected.
<!-- .LP -->
The DeviceIntRec structure that describes the X pointer device does not 
contain a FocusRec.  If the device that has been made into the new X pointer 
was previously a device that could be focused, ProcXChangePointerDevice will 
free the FocusRec associated with that device.
<!-- .LP -->
If the server implementation desires to allow clients to focus the old pointer 
device (which is now accessible through the input extension), it should call
InitFocusClassDeviceStruct for the old pointer device.
<!-- .LP -->
The XChangePointerDevice protocol request also allows the client
to choose which axes of the new pointer device are used to move 
the X cursor in the X- and Y- directions.  If the axes are different
than the default ones, the server implementation should record that fact.
<!-- .LP -->
If the server implementation supports input devices with valuators that 
are not allowed to be used as the X pointer, they should be screened out
by this routine and a  BadDevice error returned.
<!-- .LP -->
The default implementation is to do nothing. 
<sect2 id="ChangeKeyboardDevice">
<!-- .LP -->
The XChangeKeyboardDevice protocol request is provided to change which device is
used as the X keyboard.  Some implementations may maintain information
specific to the X keyboard in the private data structure pointed to by
the DeviceIntRec.  ChangeKeyboardDevice is called to allow such 
implementations to move that information to the new keyboard device.
<!-- .LP -->
The X keyboard device can be focused, and the DeviceIntRec that describes
that device has a FocusRec.  If the device that has been made into the new X 
keyboard did not previously have a FocusRec, 
ProcXChangeKeyboardDevice will allocate one for it.
<!-- .LP -->
If the implementation does not want clients to be able to focus the old X 
keyboard (which has now become available as an input extension device)
it should call DeleteFocusClassDeviceStruct to free the FocusRec.
<!-- .LP -->
If the implementation supports input devices with keys that are not allowed
to be used as the X keyboard, they should be checked for here, and a
BadDevice error returned.
<!-- .LP -->
The default implementation is to do nothing. 
<sect1 id="Input_Extension_Events">
<title>Input Extension Events</title>
<!-- .LP -->
Events accessed through the input extension are analogous to the core input
events, but have different event types.  They are of types 
<function>DeviceKeyPress</function>, <function>DeviceKeyRelease</function>, <function>DeviceButtonPress</function>,
<function>DeviceButtonRelease</function>, <function>DeviceDeviceMotionNotify</function>,
<function>DeviceProximityIn</function>, <function>DeviceProximityOut</function>, and <function>DeviceValuator</function>.
These event types are not constants.  Instead, they are external integers 
defined by the input extension.  Their actual values will depend on which
extensions are supported by a server, and the order in which they are
<!-- .LP -->
The data structures that define these
events are defined in the file <function>extensions/include/XIproto.h</function>.  Other
input extension constants needed by DDX are defined in the file
<!-- .LP -->
Some events defined by the input extension contain more information than can
be contained in the 32-byte xEvent data structure.  To send this information
to clients, DDX must generate two or more 32-byte wire events.  The following
sections describe the contents of these events. 
<sect2 id="Device_Key_Events">
<title>Device Key Events</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<function>DeviceKeyPresss</function> events contain all the information that is contained in
a core <function>KeyPress</function> event, and also the following additional information:
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .RS -->
<!-- .in +5n -->
deviceid - the identifier of the device that generated the event.
device_state - the state of any modifiers on the device that generated the event
num_valuators - the number of valuators reported in this event.
first_valuator - the first valuator reported in this event.
valuator0 through valuator5 - the values of the valuators.
<!-- .in -5n -->
<!-- .RE -->
<!-- .LP -->
In order to pass this information to the input extension library, two 32-byte
wire events must be generated by DDX.  The first has an event type of 
<function>DeviceKeyPress</function>, and the second has an event type of \fPDeviceValuator\fP.
<!-- .LP -->
The following code fragment shows how the two wire events could be initialized:
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
    extern int DeviceKeyPress;
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    xEvent xE[2];
    CARD8 id, num_valuators;
    INT16 x, y, pointerx, pointery;
    Time timestamp;
    deviceKeyButtonPointer *xev = (deviceKeyButtonPointer *) xE;
    deviceValuator *xv;

    xev-&gt;type = DeviceKeyPress;                /* defined by input extension */
    xev-&gt;detail = keycode;              /* key pressed on this device */
    xev-&gt;time = timestamp;              /* same as for core events    */
    xev-&gt;rootX = pointerx;              /* x location of core pointer */
    xev-&gt;rootY = pointery;              /* y location of core pointer */

    /*                                                                */
    /* The following field does not exist for core input events.      */
    /* It contains the device id for the device that generated the    */
    /* event, and also indicates whether more than one 32-byte wire   */
    /* event is being sent.                                           */
    /*                                                                */

    xev-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id | MORE_EVENTS;        /* sending more than 1*/

    /* Fields in the second 32-byte wire event:                       */

    xv = (deviceValuator *) ++xev;
    xv-&gt;type = DeviceValuator;          /* event type of second event */
    xv-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id;             /* id of this device          */
    xv-&gt;num_valuators = 0;              /* no valuators being sent    */
    xv-&gt;device_state  = 0;              /* will be filled in by DIX   */
<sect2 id="Device_Button_Events">
<title>Device Button Events</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<function>DeviceButton</function> events contain all the information that is contained in
a core button event, and also the same additional information that a 
<function>DeviceKey</function> event contains.
<sect2 id="Device_Motion_Events">
<title>Device Motion Events</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<function>DeviceMotion</function> events contain all the information that is contained in
a core motion event, and also additional valuator information.  At least
two wire events are required to contain this information.
The following code fragment shows how the two wire events could be initialized:
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
    extern int DeviceMotionNotify;
    DeviceIntPtr dev;
    xEvent xE[2];
    CARD8 id, num_valuators;
    INT16 x, y, pointerx, pointery;
    Time timestamp;
    deviceKeyButtonPointer *xev = (deviceKeyButtonPointer *) xE;
    deviceValuator *xv;

    xev-&gt;type = DeviceMotionNotify;     /* defined by input extension */
    xev-&gt;detail = keycode;              /* key pressed on this device */
    xev-&gt;time = timestamp;              /* same as for core events    */
    xev-&gt;rootX = pointerx;              /* x location of core pointer */
    xev-&gt;rootY = pointery;              /* y location of core pointer */

    /*                                                                */
    /* The following field does not exist for core input events.      */
    /* It contains the device id for the device that generated the    */
    /* event, and also indicates whether more than one 32-byte wire   */
    /* event is being sent.                                           */
    /*                                                                */

    xev-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id | MORE_EVENTS;        /* sending more than 1*/

    /* Fields in the second 32-byte wire event:                       */

    xv = (deviceValuator *) ++xev;
    xv-&gt;type = DeviceValuator;          /* event type of second event */
    xv-&gt;deviceid = dev-&gt;id;             /* id of this device          */
    xv-&gt;num_valuators = 2;              /* 2 valuators being sent     */
    xv-&gt;first_valuator = 0;             /* first valuator being sent  */
    xv-&gt;device_state  = 0;              /* will be filled in by DIX   */
    xv-&gt;valuator0 = x;                  /* first axis of this device  */
    xv-&gt;valuator1 = y;                  /* second axis of this device */
<!-- .LP -->
Up to six axes can be reported in the deviceValuator event.  If the device
is reporting more than 6 axes, additional pairs of DeviceMotionNotify and
DeviceValuator events should be sent,  with the first_valuator field
set correctly.
<sect2 id="Device_Proximity_Events">
<title>Device Proximity Events</title>
<!-- .LP -->
Some input devices that report absolute positional information, such as 
graphics tablets and touchscreens, may report proximity events.  
events are generated when a pointing device like a stylus, or in the case
of a touchscreen, the user's finger, comes into close proximity with the
surface of the input device.  <function>ProximityOut</function> events are generated when
the stylus or finger leaves the proximity of the input devices surface.
<!-- .LP -->
<function>Proximity</function> events contain almost the same information as button events.
The event type is <function>ProximityIn</function> or <function>ProximityOut</function>, and there is no
detail information.
<!-- .bp -->
<!-- .\" .TC -->
