/* * Copyright � 2009 Maarten Maathuis * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include "exa_priv.h" #include "exa.h" /* This file holds the classic exa specific implementation. */ static _X_INLINE void* ExaGetPixmapAddress(PixmapPtr p) { ExaPixmapPriv(p); if (pExaPixmap->use_gpu_copy && pExaPixmap->fb_ptr) return pExaPixmap->fb_ptr; else return pExaPixmap->sys_ptr; } /** * exaCreatePixmap() creates a new pixmap. * * If width and height are 0, this won't be a full-fledged pixmap and it will * get ModifyPixmapHeader() called on it later. So, we mark it as pinned, because * ModifyPixmapHeader() would break migration. These types of pixmaps are used * for scratch pixmaps, or to represent the visible screen. */ PixmapPtr exaCreatePixmap_classic(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth, unsigned usage_hint) { PixmapPtr pPixmap; ExaPixmapPrivPtr pExaPixmap; BoxRec box; int bpp; ExaScreenPriv(pScreen); if (w > 32767 || h > 32767) return NullPixmap; swap(pExaScr, pScreen, CreatePixmap); pPixmap = pScreen->CreatePixmap (pScreen, w, h, depth, usage_hint); swap(pExaScr, pScreen, CreatePixmap); if (!pPixmap) return NULL; pExaPixmap = ExaGetPixmapPriv(pPixmap); pExaPixmap->driverPriv = NULL; bpp = pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; pExaPixmap->driverPriv = NULL; /* Scratch pixmaps may have w/h equal to zero, and may not be * migrated. */ if (!w || !h) pExaPixmap->score = EXA_PIXMAP_SCORE_PINNED; else pExaPixmap->score = EXA_PIXMAP_SCORE_INIT; pExaPixmap->sys_ptr = pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr; pExaPixmap->sys_pitch = pPixmap->devKind; pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; pExaPixmap->use_gpu_copy = FALSE; pExaPixmap->fb_ptr = NULL; exaSetFbPitch(pExaScr, pExaPixmap, w, h, bpp); pExaPixmap->fb_size = pExaPixmap->fb_pitch * h; if (pExaPixmap->fb_pitch > 131071) { swap(pExaScr, pScreen, DestroyPixmap); pScreen->DestroyPixmap (pPixmap); swap(pExaScr, pScreen, DestroyPixmap); return NULL; } /* Set up damage tracking */ pExaPixmap->pDamage = DamageCreate (NULL, NULL, DamageReportNone, TRUE, pScreen, pPixmap); if (pExaPixmap->pDamage == NULL) { swap(pExaScr, pScreen, DestroyPixmap); pScreen->DestroyPixmap (pPixmap); swap(pExaScr, pScreen, DestroyPixmap); return NULL; } DamageRegister (&pPixmap->drawable, pExaPixmap->pDamage); /* This ensures that pending damage reflects the current operation. */ /* This is used by exa to optimize migration. */ DamageSetReportAfterOp (pExaPixmap->pDamage, TRUE); pExaPixmap->area = NULL; /* We set the initial pixmap as completely valid for a simple reason. * Imagine a 1000x1000 pixmap, it has 1 million pixels, 250000 of which * could form single pixel rects as part of a region. Setting the complete region * as valid is a natural defragmentation of the region. */ box.x1 = 0; box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = w; box.y2 = h; RegionInit(&pExaPixmap->validSys, &box, 0); RegionInit(&pExaPixmap->validFB, &box, 0); exaSetAccelBlock(pExaScr, pExaPixmap, w, h, bpp); /* During a fallback we must prepare access. */ if (pExaScr->fallback_counter) exaPrepareAccess(&pPixmap->drawable, EXA_PREPARE_AUX_DEST); return pPixmap; } Bool exaModifyPixmapHeader_classic(PixmapPtr pPixmap, int width, int height, int depth, int bitsPerPixel, int devKind, pointer pPixData) { ScreenPtr pScreen; ExaScreenPrivPtr pExaScr; ExaPixmapPrivPtr pExaPixmap; Bool ret; if (!pPixmap) return FALSE; pScreen = pPixmap->drawable.pScreen; pExaScr = ExaGetScreenPriv(pScreen); pExaPixmap = ExaGetPixmapPriv(pPixmap); if (pExaPixmap) { if (pPixData) pExaPixmap->sys_ptr = pPixData; if (devKind > 0) pExaPixmap->sys_pitch = devKind; /* Classic EXA: * - Framebuffer. * - Scratch pixmap with gpu memory. */ if (pExaScr->info->memoryBase && pPixData) { if ((CARD8 *)pPixData >= pExaScr->info->memoryBase && ((CARD8 *)pPixData - pExaScr->info->memoryBase) < pExaScr->info->memorySize) { pExaPixmap->fb_ptr = pPixData; pExaPixmap->fb_pitch = devKind; pExaPixmap->use_gpu_copy = TRUE; } } if (width > 0 && height > 0 && bitsPerPixel > 0) { exaSetFbPitch(pExaScr, pExaPixmap, width, height, bitsPerPixel); exaSetAccelBlock(pExaScr, pExaPixmap, width, height, bitsPerPixel); } /* Pixmaps subject to ModifyPixmapHeader will be pinned to system or * gpu memory, so there's no need to track damage. */ if (pExaPixmap->pDamage) { DamageUnregister(&pPixmap->drawable, pExaPixmap->pDamage); DamageDestroy(pExaPixmap->pDamage); pExaPixmap->pDamage = NULL; } } swap(pExaScr, pScreen, ModifyPixmapHeader); ret = pScreen->ModifyPixmapHeader(pPixmap, width, height, depth, bitsPerPixel, devKind, pPixData); swap(pExaScr, pScreen, ModifyPixmapHeader); /* Always NULL this, we don't want lingering pointers. */ pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; return ret; } Bool exaDestroyPixmap_classic (PixmapPtr pPixmap) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pPixmap->drawable.pScreen; ExaScreenPriv(pScreen); Bool ret; if (pPixmap->refcnt == 1) { ExaPixmapPriv (pPixmap); /* During a fallback we must finish access, but we don't know the index. */ if (pExaScr->fallback_counter) exaFinishAccess(&pPixmap->drawable, -1); if (pExaPixmap->area) { DBG_PIXMAP(("-- 0x%p (0x%x) (%dx%d)\n", (void*)pPixmap->drawable.id, ExaGetPixmapPriv(pPixmap)->area->offset, pPixmap->drawable.width, pPixmap->drawable.height)); /* Free the offscreen area */ exaOffscreenFree (pPixmap->drawable.pScreen, pExaPixmap->area); pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = pExaPixmap->sys_ptr; pPixmap->devKind = pExaPixmap->sys_pitch; } RegionUninit(&pExaPixmap->validSys); RegionUninit(&pExaPixmap->validFB); } swap(pExaScr, pScreen, DestroyPixmap); ret = pScreen->DestroyPixmap (pPixmap); swap(pExaScr, pScreen, DestroyPixmap); return ret; } Bool exaPixmapHasGpuCopy_classic(PixmapPtr pPixmap) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pPixmap->drawable.pScreen; ExaScreenPriv(pScreen); ExaPixmapPriv(pPixmap); Bool ret; if (pExaScr->info->PixmapIsOffscreen) { void* old_ptr = pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr; pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ExaGetPixmapAddress(pPixmap); ret = pExaScr->info->PixmapIsOffscreen(pPixmap); pPixmap->devPrivate.ptr = old_ptr; } else ret = (pExaPixmap->use_gpu_copy && pExaPixmap->fb_ptr); return ret; }