/* * Copyright © 1987 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "resource.h" #include "fb.h" #ifdef XFree86Server #error "You should be compiling fbcmap_mi.c instead of fbcmap.c!" #endif static int cmapScrPrivateKeyIndex; static DevPrivateKey cmapScrPrivateKey = &cmapScrPrivateKeyIndex; #define GetInstalledColormap(s) ((ColormapPtr) dixLookupPrivate(&(s)->devPrivates, cmapScrPrivateKey)) #define SetInstalledColormap(s,c) (dixSetPrivate(&(s)->devPrivates, cmapScrPrivateKey, c)) int fbListInstalledColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen, Colormap *pmaps) { /* By the time we are processing requests, we can guarantee that there * is always a colormap installed */ *pmaps = GetInstalledColormap(pScreen)->mid; return (1); } void fbInstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { ColormapPtr oldpmap = GetInstalledColormap(pmap->pScreen); if(pmap != oldpmap) { /* Uninstall pInstalledMap. No hardware changes required, just * notify all interested parties. */ if(oldpmap != (ColormapPtr)None) WalkTree(pmap->pScreen, TellLostMap, (char *)&oldpmap->mid); /* Install pmap */ SetInstalledColormap(pmap->pScreen, pmap); WalkTree(pmap->pScreen, TellGainedMap, (char *)&pmap->mid); } } void fbUninstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { ColormapPtr curpmap = GetInstalledColormap(pmap->pScreen); if(pmap == curpmap) { if (pmap->mid != pmap->pScreen->defColormap) { dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&curpmap, pmap->pScreen->defColormap, RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixInstallAccess); (*pmap->pScreen->InstallColormap)(curpmap); } } } void fbResolveColor(unsigned short *pred, unsigned short *pgreen, unsigned short *pblue, VisualPtr pVisual) { int shift = 16 - pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; unsigned lim = (1 << pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue) - 1; if ((pVisual->class | DynamicClass) == GrayScale) { /* rescale to gray then rgb bits */ *pred = (30L * *pred + 59L * *pgreen + 11L * *pblue) / 100; *pblue = *pgreen = *pred = ((*pred >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } else { /* rescale to rgb bits */ *pred = ((*pred >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pgreen = ((*pgreen >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pblue = ((*pblue >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } } Bool fbInitializeColormap(ColormapPtr pmap) { register unsigned i; register VisualPtr pVisual; unsigned lim, maxent, shift; pVisual = pmap->pVisual; lim = (1 << pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue) - 1; shift = 16 - pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; maxent = pVisual->ColormapEntries - 1; if (pVisual->class == TrueColor) { unsigned limr, limg, limb; limr = pVisual->redMask >> pVisual->offsetRed; limg = pVisual->greenMask >> pVisual->offsetGreen; limb = pVisual->blueMask >> pVisual->offsetBlue; for(i = 0; i <= maxent; i++) { /* rescale to [0..65535] then rgb bits */ pmap->red[i].co.local.red = ((((i * 65535) / limr) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->green[i].co.local.green = ((((i * 65535) / limg) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->blue[i].co.local.blue = ((((i * 65535) / limb) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } } else if (pVisual->class == StaticColor) { unsigned n; unsigned r, g, b; unsigned red, green, blue; for (n = 0; n*n*n < pVisual->ColormapEntries; n++) ; n--; i = 0; for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { red = (((r * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; for (g = 0; g < n; g++) { green = (((g * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; for (b = 0; b < n; b++) { blue = (((b * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->red[i].co.local.red = red; pmap->red[i].co.local.green = green; pmap->red[i].co.local.blue = blue; i++; } } } n = pVisual->ColormapEntries - i; for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { red = (((r * 65535 / (n - 1)) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->red[i].co.local.red = red; pmap->red[i].co.local.green = red; pmap->red[i].co.local.blue = red; i++; } } else if (pVisual->class == StaticGray) { for(i = 0; i <= maxent; i++) { /* rescale to [0..65535] then rgb bits */ pmap->red[i].co.local.red = ((((i * 65535) / maxent) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; pmap->red[i].co.local.green = pmap->red[i].co.local.red; pmap->red[i].co.local.blue = pmap->red[i].co.local.red; } } return TRUE; } /* When simulating DirectColor on PseudoColor hardware, multiple entries of the colormap must be updated */ #define AddElement(mask) { \ pixel = red | green | blue; \ for (i = 0; i < nresult; i++) \ if (outdefs[i].pixel == pixel) \ break; \ if (i == nresult) \ { \ nresult++; \ outdefs[i].pixel = pixel; \ outdefs[i].flags = 0; \ } \ outdefs[i].flags |= (mask); \ outdefs[i].red = pmap->red[red >> pVisual->offsetRed].co.local.red; \ outdefs[i].green = pmap->green[green >> pVisual->offsetGreen].co.local.green; \ outdefs[i].blue = pmap->blue[blue >> pVisual->offsetBlue].co.local.blue; \ } int fbExpandDirectColors (ColormapPtr pmap, int ndef, xColorItem *indefs, xColorItem *outdefs) { register int red, green, blue; int maxred, maxgreen, maxblue; int stepred, stepgreen, stepblue; VisualPtr pVisual; register int pixel; register int nresult; register int i; pVisual = pmap->pVisual; stepred = 1 << pVisual->offsetRed; stepgreen = 1 << pVisual->offsetGreen; stepblue = 1 << pVisual->offsetBlue; maxred = pVisual->redMask; maxgreen = pVisual->greenMask; maxblue = pVisual->blueMask; nresult = 0; for (;ndef--; indefs++) { if (indefs->flags & DoRed) { red = indefs->pixel & pVisual->redMask; for (green = 0; green <= maxgreen; green += stepgreen) { for (blue = 0; blue <= maxblue; blue += stepblue) { AddElement (DoRed) } } } if (indefs->flags & DoGreen) { green = indefs->pixel & pVisual->greenMask; for (red = 0; red <= maxred; red += stepred) { for (blue = 0; blue <= maxblue; blue += stepblue) { AddElement (DoGreen) } } } if (indefs->flags & DoBlue) { blue = indefs->pixel & pVisual->blueMask; for (red = 0; red <= maxred; red += stepred) { for (green = 0; green <= maxgreen; green += stepgreen) { AddElement (DoBlue) } } } } return nresult; } Bool fbCreateDefColormap(ScreenPtr pScreen) { unsigned short zero = 0, ones = 0xFFFF; VisualPtr pVisual; ColormapPtr cmap; Pixel wp, bp; for (pVisual = pScreen->visuals; pVisual->vid != pScreen->rootVisual; pVisual++) ; if (CreateColormap(pScreen->defColormap, pScreen, pVisual, &cmap, (pVisual->class & DynamicClass) ? AllocNone : AllocAll, 0) != Success) return FALSE; wp = pScreen->whitePixel; bp = pScreen->blackPixel; if ((AllocColor(cmap, &ones, &ones, &ones, &wp, 0) != Success) || (AllocColor(cmap, &zero, &zero, &zero, &bp, 0) != Success)) return FALSE; pScreen->whitePixel = wp; pScreen->blackPixel = bp; (*pScreen->InstallColormap)(cmap); return TRUE; } extern int defaultColorVisualClass; #define _RZ(d) ((d + 2) / 3) #define _RS(d) 0 #define _RM(d) ((1 << _RZ(d)) - 1) #define _GZ(d) ((d - _RZ(d) + 1) / 2) #define _GS(d) _RZ(d) #define _GM(d) (((1 << _GZ(d)) - 1) << _GS(d)) #define _BZ(d) (d - _RZ(d) - _GZ(d)) #define _BS(d) (_RZ(d) + _GZ(d)) #define _BM(d) (((1 << _BZ(d)) - 1) << _BS(d)) #define _CE(d) (1 << _RZ(d)) #define MAX_PSEUDO_DEPTH 10 /* largest DAC size I know */ #define StaticGrayMask (1 << StaticGray) #define GrayScaleMask (1 << GrayScale) #define StaticColorMask (1 << StaticColor) #define PseudoColorMask (1 << PseudoColor) #define TrueColorMask (1 << TrueColor) #define DirectColorMask (1 << DirectColor) #define ALL_VISUALS (StaticGrayMask|\ GrayScaleMask|\ StaticColorMask|\ PseudoColorMask|\ TrueColorMask|\ DirectColorMask) #define LARGE_VISUALS (TrueColorMask|\ DirectColorMask) typedef struct _fbVisuals { struct _fbVisuals *next; int depth; int bitsPerRGB; int visuals; int count; Pixel redMask, greenMask, blueMask; } fbVisualsRec, *fbVisualsPtr; static const int fbVisualPriority[] = { PseudoColor, DirectColor, GrayScale, StaticColor, TrueColor, StaticGray }; #define NUM_PRIORITY 6 static fbVisualsPtr fbVisuals; static int popCount (int i) { int count; count = (i >> 1) & 033333333333; count = i - count - ((count >> 1) & 033333333333); count = (((count + (count >> 3)) & 030707070707) % 077); /* HAKMEM 169 */ return count; } /* * Distance to least significant one bit */ static int maskShift (Pixel p) { int s; if (!p) return 0; s = 0; while (!(p & 1)) { s++; p >>= 1; } return s; } Bool fbSetVisualTypesAndMasks (int depth, int visuals, int bitsPerRGB, Pixel redMask, Pixel greenMask, Pixel blueMask) { fbVisualsPtr new, *prev, v; new = (fbVisualsPtr) xalloc (sizeof *new); if (!new) return FALSE; if (!redMask || !greenMask || !blueMask) { redMask = _RM(depth); greenMask = _GM(depth); blueMask = _BM(depth); } new->next = 0; new->depth = depth; new->visuals = visuals; new->bitsPerRGB = bitsPerRGB; new->redMask = redMask; new->greenMask = greenMask; new->blueMask = blueMask; new->count = popCount (visuals); for (prev = &fbVisuals; (v = *prev); prev = &v->next); *prev = new; return TRUE; } Bool fbHasVisualTypes (int depth) { fbVisualsPtr v; for (v = fbVisuals; v; v = v->next) if (v->depth == depth) return TRUE; return FALSE; } Bool fbSetVisualTypes (int depth, int visuals, int bitsPerRGB) { return fbSetVisualTypesAndMasks (depth, visuals, bitsPerRGB, _RM(depth), _GM(depth), _BM(depth)); } /* * Given a list of formats for a screen, create a list * of visuals and depths for the screen which coorespond to * the set which can be used with this version of fb. */ Bool fbInitVisuals (VisualPtr *visualp, DepthPtr *depthp, int *nvisualp, int *ndepthp, int *rootDepthp, VisualID *defaultVisp, unsigned long sizes, int bitsPerRGB) { int i, j = 0, k; VisualPtr visual; DepthPtr depth; VisualID *vid; int d, b; int f; int ndepth, nvisual; int nvtype; int vtype; fbVisualsPtr visuals, nextVisuals; /* none specified, we'll guess from pixmap formats */ if (!fbVisuals) { for (f = 0; f < screenInfo.numPixmapFormats; f++) { d = screenInfo.formats[f].depth; b = screenInfo.formats[f].bitsPerPixel; if (sizes & (1 << (b - 1))) { if (d > MAX_PSEUDO_DEPTH) vtype = LARGE_VISUALS; else if (d == 1) vtype = StaticGrayMask; else vtype = ALL_VISUALS; } else vtype = 0; if (!fbSetVisualTypes (d, vtype, bitsPerRGB)) return FALSE; } } nvisual = 0; ndepth = 0; for (visuals = fbVisuals; visuals; visuals = nextVisuals) { nextVisuals = visuals->next; ndepth++; nvisual += visuals->count; } depth = (DepthPtr) xalloc (ndepth * sizeof (DepthRec)); visual = (VisualPtr) xalloc (nvisual * sizeof (VisualRec)); if (!depth || !visual) { xfree (depth); xfree (visual); return FALSE; } *depthp = depth; *visualp = visual; *ndepthp = ndepth; *nvisualp = nvisual; for (visuals = fbVisuals; visuals; visuals = nextVisuals) { nextVisuals = visuals->next; d = visuals->depth; vtype = visuals->visuals; nvtype = visuals->count; vid = NULL; if (nvtype) { vid = (VisualID *) xalloc (nvtype * sizeof (VisualID)); if (!vid) return FALSE; } depth->depth = d; depth->numVids = nvtype; depth->vids = vid; depth++; for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRIORITY; i++) { if (! (vtype & (1 << fbVisualPriority[i]))) continue; visual->class = fbVisualPriority[i]; visual->bitsPerRGBValue = visuals->bitsPerRGB; visual->ColormapEntries = 1 << d; visual->nplanes = d; visual->vid = *vid = FakeClientID (0); switch (visual->class) { case PseudoColor: case GrayScale: case StaticGray: case StaticColor: visual->redMask = 0; visual->greenMask = 0; visual->blueMask = 0; visual->offsetRed = 0; visual->offsetGreen = 0; visual->offsetBlue = 0; break; case DirectColor: case TrueColor: visual->ColormapEntries = _CE(d); visual->redMask = visuals->redMask; visual->greenMask = visuals->greenMask; visual->blueMask = visuals->blueMask; visual->offsetRed = maskShift (visuals->redMask); visual->offsetGreen = maskShift (visuals->greenMask); visual->offsetBlue = maskShift (visuals->blueMask); } vid++; visual++; } xfree (visuals); } fbVisuals = NULL; visual = *visualp; depth = *depthp; for (i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) { if (*rootDepthp && *rootDepthp != depth[i].depth) continue; for (j = 0; j < depth[i].numVids; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nvisual; k++) if (visual[k].vid == depth[i].vids[j]) break; if (k == nvisual) continue; if (defaultColorVisualClass < 0 || visual[k].class == defaultColorVisualClass) break; } if (j != depth[i].numVids) break; } if (i == ndepth) { for (i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) { if (depth[i].numVids) break; } if (i == ndepth) return FALSE; j = 0; } *rootDepthp = depth[i].depth; *defaultVisp = depth[i].vids[j]; return TRUE; }