/* ** License Applicability. Except to the extent portions of this file are ** made subject to an alternative license as permitted in the SGI Free ** Software License B, Version 1.1 (the "License"), the contents of this ** file are subject only to the provisions of the License. You may not use ** this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy ** of the License at Silicon Graphics, Inc., attn: Legal Services, 1600 ** Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, or at: ** ** http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB ** ** Note that, as provided in the License, the Software is distributed on an ** "AS IS" basis, with ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS ** DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND ** CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A ** PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ** ** Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation, ** Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics, ** Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated ** elsewhere herein. All Rights Reserved. ** ** Additional Notice Provisions: The application programming interfaces ** established by SGI in conjunction with the Original Code are The ** OpenGL(R) Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1), released ** April 1, 1999; The OpenGL(R) Graphics System Utility Library (Version ** 1.3), released November 4, 1998; and OpenGL(R) Graphics with the X ** Window System(R) (Version 1.3), released October 19, 1998. This software ** was created using the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Sample Implementation ** published by SGI, but has not been independently verified as being ** compliant with the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Specification. ** */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #else #include "glheader.h" #endif #include <GL/glxtokens.h> #include <string.h> #include <windowstr.h> #include <os.h> #include <colormapst.h> #include "privates.h" #include "glxserver.h" #include "glxutil.h" #include "glxext.h" static DevPrivateKey glxScreenPrivateKey = &glxScreenPrivateKey; const char GLServerVersion[] = "1.4"; static const char GLServerExtensions[] = "GL_ARB_depth_texture " "GL_ARB_draw_buffers " "GL_ARB_fragment_program " "GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow " "GL_ARB_imaging " "GL_ARB_multisample " "GL_ARB_multitexture " "GL_ARB_occlusion_query " "GL_ARB_point_parameters " "GL_ARB_point_sprite " "GL_ARB_shadow " "GL_ARB_shadow_ambient " "GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp " "GL_ARB_texture_compression " "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map " "GL_ARB_texture_env_add " "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine " "GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar " "GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 " "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat " "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two " "GL_ARB_transpose_matrix " "GL_ARB_vertex_program " "GL_ARB_window_pos " "GL_EXT_abgr " "GL_EXT_bgra " "GL_EXT_blend_color " "GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate " "GL_EXT_blend_func_separate " "GL_EXT_blend_logic_op " "GL_EXT_blend_minmax " "GL_EXT_blend_subtract " "GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint " "GL_EXT_copy_texture " "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements " "GL_EXT_fog_coord " "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object " "GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays " "GL_EXT_packed_pixels " "GL_EXT_paletted_texture " "GL_EXT_point_parameters " "GL_EXT_polygon_offset " "GL_EXT_rescale_normal " "GL_EXT_secondary_color " "GL_EXT_separate_specular_color " "GL_EXT_shadow_funcs " "GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette " "GL_EXT_stencil_two_side " "GL_EXT_stencil_wrap " "GL_EXT_subtexture " "GL_EXT_texture " "GL_EXT_texture3D " "GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 " "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc " "GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp " "GL_EXT_texture_env_add " "GL_EXT_texture_env_combine " "GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 " "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic " "GL_EXT_texture_lod " "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias " "GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp " "GL_EXT_texture_object " "GL_EXT_texture_rectangle " "GL_EXT_vertex_array " "GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 " "GL_APPLE_packed_pixels " "GL_ATI_draw_buffers " "GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 " "GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once " "GL_HP_occlusion_test " "GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat " "GL_INGR_blend_func_separate " "GL_MESA_pack_invert " "GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture " "GL_NV_blend_square " "GL_NV_depth_clamp " "GL_NV_fog_distance " "GL_NV_fragment_program " "GL_NV_fragment_program_option " "GL_NV_fragment_program2 " "GL_NV_light_max_exponent " "GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint " "GL_NV_point_sprite " "GL_NV_texgen_reflection " "GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc " "GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 " "GL_NV_texture_expand_normal " "GL_NV_texture_rectangle " "GL_NV_vertex_program " "GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 " "GL_NV_vertex_program2 " "GL_NV_vertex_program2_option " "GL_NV_vertex_program3 " "GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture " "GL_SGI_color_matrix " "GL_SGI_color_table " "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap " "GL_SGIS_multisample " "GL_SGIS_point_parameters " "GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp " "GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp " "GL_SGIS_texture_lod " "GL_SGIX_depth_texture " "GL_SGIX_shadow " "GL_SGIX_shadow_ambient " "GL_SUN_slice_accum " ; /* ** We have made the simplifying assuption that the same extensions are ** supported across all screens in a multi-screen system. */ static char GLXServerVendorName[] = "SGI"; static char GLXServerVersion[] = "1.2"; static char GLXServerExtensions[] = "GLX_ARB_multisample " "GLX_EXT_visual_info " "GLX_EXT_visual_rating " "GLX_EXT_import_context " "GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap " "GLX_OML_swap_method " "GLX_SGI_make_current_read " #ifndef __APPLE__ "GLX_SGIS_multisample " "GLX_SGIX_hyperpipe " "GLX_SGIX_swap_barrier " #endif "GLX_SGIX_fbconfig " "GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer " ; /* ** This hook gets called when a window moves or changes size. */ static Bool glxPositionWindow(WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y) { ScreenPtr pScreen; __GLXdrawable *glxPriv; Bool ret; __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen; /* ** Call wrapped position window routine */ pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; pGlxScreen = glxGetScreen(pScreen); pScreen->PositionWindow = pGlxScreen->PositionWindow; ret = (*pScreen->PositionWindow)(pWin, x, y); pScreen->PositionWindow = glxPositionWindow; /* ** Tell all contexts rendering into this window that the window size ** has changed. */ glxPriv = (__GLXdrawable *) LookupIDByType(pWin->drawable.id, __glXDrawableRes); if (glxPriv == NULL) { /* ** This window is not being used by the OpenGL. */ return ret; } /* ** resize the drawable */ /* first change the drawable size */ if (glxPriv->resize(glxPriv) == GL_FALSE) { /* resize failed! */ /* XXX: what can we possibly do here? */ ret = False; } return ret; } /* * If your DDX driver wants to register support for swap barriers or hyperpipe * topology, it should call __glXHyperpipeInit() or __glXSwapBarrierInit() * with a dispatch table of functions to handle the requests. In the XFree86 * DDX, for example, you would call these near the bottom of the driver's * ScreenInit method, after DRI has been initialized. * * This should be replaced with a better method when we teach the server how * to load DRI drivers. */ void __glXHyperpipeInit(int screen, __GLXHyperpipeExtensionFuncs *funcs) { __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen = glxGetScreen(screenInfo.screens[screen]); pGlxScreen->hyperpipeFuncs = funcs; } void __glXSwapBarrierInit(int screen, __GLXSwapBarrierExtensionFuncs *funcs) { __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen = glxGetScreen(screenInfo.screens[screen]); pGlxScreen->swapBarrierFuncs = funcs; } static Bool glxCloseScreen (int index, ScreenPtr pScreen) { __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen = glxGetScreen(pScreen); pScreen->CloseScreen = pGlxScreen->CloseScreen; pScreen->PositionWindow = pGlxScreen->PositionWindow; pGlxScreen->destroy(pGlxScreen); return pScreen->CloseScreen(index, pScreen); } __GLXscreen * glxGetScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { return dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, glxScreenPrivateKey); } void GlxSetVisualConfigs(int nconfigs, __GLXvisualConfig *configs, void **privates) { /* We keep this stub around for the DDX drivers that still * call it. */ } GLint glxConvertToXVisualType(int visualType) { static const int x_visual_types[] = { TrueColor, DirectColor, PseudoColor, StaticColor, GrayScale, StaticGray }; return ( (unsigned) (visualType - GLX_TRUE_COLOR) < 6 ) ? x_visual_types[ visualType - GLX_TRUE_COLOR ] : -1; } static void filterOutNativeConfigs(__GLXscreen *pGlxScreen) { __GLXconfig *m, *next, **last; ScreenPtr pScreen = pGlxScreen->pScreen; int i, depth; last = &pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; for (m = pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; m != NULL; m = next) { next = m->next; depth = m->redBits + m->blueBits + m->greenBits; for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numVisuals; i++) { if (pScreen->visuals[i].nplanes == depth) { *last = m; last = &m->next; break; } } } *last = NULL; } static XID findVisualForConfig(ScreenPtr pScreen, __GLXconfig *m) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numVisuals; i++) { if (glxConvertToXVisualType(m->visualType) == pScreen->visuals[i].class) return pScreen->visuals[i].vid; } return 0; } /* This code inspired by composite/compinit.c. We could move this to * mi/ and share it with composite.*/ static VisualPtr AddScreenVisuals(ScreenPtr pScreen, int count, int d) { XID *installedCmaps, *vids, vid; int numInstalledCmaps, numVisuals, i, j; VisualPtr visuals; ColormapPtr installedCmap; DepthPtr depth; depth = NULL; for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++) { if (pScreen->allowedDepths[i].depth == d) { depth = &pScreen->allowedDepths[i]; break; } } if (depth == NULL) return NULL; /* Find the installed colormaps */ installedCmaps = xalloc (pScreen->maxInstalledCmaps * sizeof (XID)); if (!installedCmaps) return NULL; numInstalledCmaps = pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps(pScreen, installedCmaps); /* realloc the visual array to fit the new one in place */ numVisuals = pScreen->numVisuals; visuals = xrealloc(pScreen->visuals, (numVisuals + count) * sizeof(VisualRec)); if (!visuals) { xfree(installedCmaps); return NULL; } vids = xrealloc(depth->vids, (depth->numVids + count) * sizeof(XID)); if (vids == NULL) { xfree(installedCmaps); xfree(visuals); return NULL; } /* * Fix up any existing installed colormaps -- we'll assume that * the only ones created so far have been installed. If this * isn't true, we'll have to walk the resource database looking * for all colormaps. */ for (i = 0; i < numInstalledCmaps; i++) { installedCmap = LookupIDByType (installedCmaps[i], RT_COLORMAP); if (!installedCmap) continue; j = installedCmap->pVisual - pScreen->visuals; installedCmap->pVisual = &visuals[j]; } xfree(installedCmaps); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { vid = FakeClientID(0); visuals[pScreen->numVisuals + i].vid = vid; vids[depth->numVids + i] = vid; } pScreen->visuals = visuals; pScreen->numVisuals += count; depth->vids = vids; depth->numVids += count; /* Return a pointer to the first of the added visuals. */ return pScreen->visuals + pScreen->numVisuals - count; } static int findFirstSet(unsigned int v) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) if (v & (1 << i)) return i; return -1; } static void initGlxVisual(VisualPtr visual, __GLXconfig *config) { int maxBits; maxBits = max(config->redBits, max(config->greenBits, config->blueBits)); config->visualID = visual->vid; visual->class = glxConvertToXVisualType(config->visualType); visual->bitsPerRGBValue = maxBits; visual->ColormapEntries = 1 << maxBits; visual->nplanes = config->redBits + config->greenBits + config->blueBits; visual->redMask = config->redMask; visual->greenMask = config->greenMask; visual->blueMask = config->blueMask; visual->offsetRed = findFirstSet(config->redMask); visual->offsetGreen = findFirstSet(config->greenMask); visual->offsetBlue = findFirstSet(config->blueMask); } typedef struct { GLboolean doubleBuffer; GLboolean depthBuffer; GLboolean stencilBuffer; } FBConfigTemplateRec, *FBConfigTemplatePtr; static __GLXconfig * pickFBConfig(__GLXscreen *pGlxScreen, FBConfigTemplatePtr template, int class) { __GLXconfig *config; for (config = pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; config != NULL; config = config->next) { if (config->visualRating != GLX_NONE) continue; if (glxConvertToXVisualType(config->visualType) != class) continue; if ((config->doubleBufferMode > 0) != template->doubleBuffer) continue; if ((config->depthBits > 0) != template->depthBuffer) continue; if ((config->stencilBits > 0) != template->stencilBuffer) continue; return config; } return NULL; } static void addMinimalSet(__GLXscreen *pGlxScreen) { __GLXconfig *config; VisualPtr visuals; int i, j; FBConfigTemplateRec best = { GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE }; FBConfigTemplateRec good = { GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE }; FBConfigTemplateRec minimal = { GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE }; pGlxScreen->visuals = xcalloc(pGlxScreen->pScreen->numVisuals, sizeof (__GLXconfig *)); if (pGlxScreen->visuals == NULL) { ErrorF("Failed to allocate for minimal set of GLX visuals\n"); return; } visuals = pGlxScreen->pScreen->visuals; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < pGlxScreen->pScreen->numVisuals; i++) { if (visuals[i].nplanes == 32) config = pickFBConfig(pGlxScreen, &minimal, visuals[i].class); else { config = pickFBConfig(pGlxScreen, &best, visuals[i].class); if (config == NULL) config = pickFBConfig(pGlxScreen, &good, visuals[i].class); } if (config == NULL) config = pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; if (config == NULL) continue; pGlxScreen->visuals[j] = config; config->visualID = visuals[i].vid; j++; } pGlxScreen->numVisuals = j; } static void addTypicalSet(__GLXscreen *pGlxScreen) { addMinimalSet(pGlxScreen); } static void addFullSet(__GLXscreen *pGlxScreen) { __GLXconfig *config; VisualPtr visuals; int i, depth; pGlxScreen->visuals = xcalloc(pGlxScreen->numFBConfigs, sizeof (__GLXconfig *)); if (pGlxScreen->visuals == NULL) { ErrorF("Failed to allocate for full set of GLX visuals\n"); return; } config = pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; depth = config->redBits + config->greenBits + config->blueBits; visuals = AddScreenVisuals(pGlxScreen->pScreen, pGlxScreen->numFBConfigs, depth); if (visuals == NULL) { xfree(pGlxScreen->visuals); return; } pGlxScreen->numVisuals = pGlxScreen->numFBConfigs; for (i = 0, config = pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; config; config = config->next, i++) { pGlxScreen->visuals[i] = config; initGlxVisual(&visuals[i], config); } } static int glxVisualConfig = GLX_ALL_VISUALS; void GlxSetVisualConfig(int config) { glxVisualConfig = config; } void __glXScreenInit(__GLXscreen *pGlxScreen, ScreenPtr pScreen) { __GLXconfig *m; int i; pGlxScreen->pScreen = pScreen; pGlxScreen->GLextensions = xstrdup(GLServerExtensions); pGlxScreen->GLXvendor = xstrdup(GLXServerVendorName); pGlxScreen->GLXversion = xstrdup(GLXServerVersion); pGlxScreen->GLXextensions = xstrdup(GLXServerExtensions); pGlxScreen->PositionWindow = pScreen->PositionWindow; pScreen->PositionWindow = glxPositionWindow; pGlxScreen->CloseScreen = pScreen->CloseScreen; pScreen->CloseScreen = glxCloseScreen; filterOutNativeConfigs(pGlxScreen); i = 0; for (m = pGlxScreen->fbconfigs; m != NULL; m = m->next) { m->fbconfigID = FakeClientID(0); m->visualID = findVisualForConfig(pScreen, m); i++; } pGlxScreen->numFBConfigs = i; /* Select a subset of fbconfigs that we send to the client when it * asks for the glx visuals. All the fbconfigs here have a valid * value for visual ID and each visual ID is only present once. * This runs before composite adds its extra visual so we have to * remember the number of visuals here.*/ switch (glxVisualConfig) { case GLX_MINIMAL_VISUALS: addMinimalSet(pGlxScreen); break; case GLX_TYPICAL_VISUALS: addTypicalSet(pGlxScreen); break; case GLX_ALL_VISUALS: addFullSet(pGlxScreen); break; } dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, glxScreenPrivateKey, pGlxScreen); } void __glXScreenDestroy(__GLXscreen *screen) { xfree(screen->GLXvendor); xfree(screen->GLXversion); xfree(screen->GLXextensions); xfree(screen->GLextensions); }