/* * SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008) * Copyright (C) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and * either this permission notice or a reference to * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or * other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from * Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "glheader.h" #include "glxserver.h" #include "glxext.h" #include "singlesize.h" #include "unpack.h" #include "indirect_dispatch.h" #include "indirect_size_get.h" int __glXDispSwap_ReadPixels(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { GLsizei width, height; GLenum format, type; GLboolean swapBytes, lsbFirst; GLint compsize; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; __GLX_SWAP_INT(&((xGLXSingleReq *) pc)->contextTag); cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc), &error); if (!cx) { return error; } pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 12); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 16); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 20); width = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8); height = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 16); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 20); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 24); lsbFirst = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 25); compsize = __glReadPixels_size(format, type, width, height); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST, lsbFirst); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glReadPixels(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLenum *) (pc + 16), *(GLenum *) (pc + 20), answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize); } cx->hasUnflushedCommands = GL_FALSE; return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetTexImage(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { GLint level, compsize; GLenum format, type, target; GLboolean swapBytes; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; GLint width = 0, height = 0, depth = 1; __GLX_SWAP_INT(&((xGLXSingleReq *) pc)->contextTag); cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc), &error); if (!cx) { return error; } pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 12); level = *(GLint *) (pc + 4); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 12); target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 16); glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &width); glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &height); if (target == GL_TEXTURE_3D) { glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, &depth); } /* * The three queries above might fail if we're in a state where queries * are illegal, but then width, height, and depth would still be zero anyway. */ compsize = __glGetTexImage_size(target, level, format, type, width, height, depth); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexImage(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLenum *) (pc + 12), answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&width); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&height); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&depth); ((xGLXGetTexImageReply *) &__glXReply)->width = width; ((xGLXGetTexImageReply *) &__glXReply)->height = height; ((xGLXGetTexImageReply *) &__glXReply)->depth = depth; __GLX_SEND_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize); } return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetPolygonStipple(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { GLboolean lsbFirst; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; GLubyte answerBuffer[200]; char *answer; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; __GLX_SWAP_INT(&((xGLXSingleReq *) pc)->contextTag); cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc), &error); if (!cx) { return error; } pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; lsbFirst = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 0); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST, lsbFirst); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, 128, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetPolygonStipple((GLubyte *) answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(128); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_BYTE_ARRAY(128); } return Success; } static int GetSeparableFilter(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc, GLXContextTag tag) { GLint compsize, compsize2; GLenum format, type, target; GLboolean swapBytes; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; GLint width = 0, height = 0; cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, tag, &error); if (!cx) { return error; } __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 12); /* target must be SEPARABLE_2D, however I guess we can let the GL barf on this one.... */ glGetConvolutionParameteriv(target, GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH, &width); glGetConvolutionParameteriv(target, GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT, &height); /* * The two queries above might fail if we're in a state where queries * are illegal, but then width and height would still be zero anyway. */ compsize = __glGetTexImage_size(target, 1, format, type, width, 1, 1); compsize2 = __glGetTexImage_size(target, 1, format, type, height, 1, 1); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; if (compsize2 < 0) compsize2 = 0; compsize = __GLX_PAD(compsize); compsize2 = __GLX_PAD(compsize2); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize + compsize2, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetSeparableFilter(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), answer, answer + compsize, NULL); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize + compsize2); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&width); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&height); ((xGLXGetSeparableFilterReply *) &__glXReply)->width = width; ((xGLXGetSeparableFilterReply *) &__glXReply)->height = height; __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize + compsize2); } return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetSeparableFilter(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetSeparableFilter(cl, pc + __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE, tag); } int __glXDispSwap_GetSeparableFilterEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_VENDPRIV_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetSeparableFilter(cl, pc + __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE, tag); } static int GetConvolutionFilter(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc, GLXContextTag tag) { GLint compsize; GLenum format, type, target; GLboolean swapBytes; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; GLint width = 0, height = 0; cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, tag, &error); if (!cx) { return error; } __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 12); glGetConvolutionParameteriv(target, GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH, &width); if (target == GL_CONVOLUTION_2D) { height = 1; } else { glGetConvolutionParameteriv(target, GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT, &height); } /* * The two queries above might fail if we're in a state where queries * are illegal, but then width and height would still be zero anyway. */ compsize = __glGetTexImage_size(target, 1, format, type, width, height, 1); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetConvolutionFilter(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&width); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&height); ((xGLXGetConvolutionFilterReply *) &__glXReply)->width = width; ((xGLXGetConvolutionFilterReply *) &__glXReply)->height = height; __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize); } return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetConvolutionFilter(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetConvolutionFilter(cl, pc + __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE, tag); } int __glXDispSwap_GetConvolutionFilterEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_VENDPRIV_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetConvolutionFilter(cl, pc + __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE, tag); } static int GetHistogram(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc, GLXContextTag tag) { GLint compsize; GLenum format, type, target; GLboolean swapBytes, reset; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; GLint width = 0; cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, tag, &error); if (!cx) { return error; } __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 12); reset = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 13); glGetHistogramParameteriv(target, GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH, &width); /* * The one query above might fail if we're in a state where queries * are illegal, but then width would still be zero anyway. */ compsize = __glGetTexImage_size(target, 1, format, type, width, 1, 1); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetHistogram(target, reset, format, type, answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&width); ((xGLXGetHistogramReply *) &__glXReply)->width = width; __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize); } return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetHistogram(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetHistogram(cl, pc + __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE, tag); } int __glXDispSwap_GetHistogramEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_VENDPRIV_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetHistogram(cl, pc + __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE, tag); } static int GetMinmax(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc, GLXContextTag tag) { GLint compsize; GLenum format, type, target; GLboolean swapBytes, reset; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, tag, &error); if (!cx) { return error; } __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 12); reset = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 13); compsize = __glGetTexImage_size(target, 1, format, type, 2, 1, 1); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMinmax(target, reset, format, type, answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize); } return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetMinmax(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetMinmax(cl, pc + __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE, tag); } int __glXDispSwap_GetMinmaxEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_VENDPRIV_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetMinmax(cl, pc + __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE, tag); } static int GetColorTable(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc, GLXContextTag tag) { GLint compsize; GLenum format, type, target; GLboolean swapBytes; __GLXcontext *cx; ClientPtr client = cl->client; int error; __GLX_DECLARE_SWAP_VARIABLES; char *answer, answerBuffer[200]; GLint width = 0; cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, tag, &error); if (!cx) { return error; } __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 0); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 4); __GLX_SWAP_INT(pc + 8); format = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); swapBytes = *(GLboolean *) (pc + 12); glGetColorTableParameteriv(target, GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH, &width); /* * The one query above might fail if we're in a state where queries * are illegal, but then width would still be zero anyway. */ compsize = __glGetTexImage_size(target, 1, format, type, width, 1, 1); if (compsize < 0) compsize = 0; glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, !swapBytes); __GLX_GET_ANSWER_BUFFER(answer, cl, compsize, 1); __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetColorTable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), answer); if (__glXErrorOccured()) { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(0); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); } else { __GLX_BEGIN_REPLY(compsize); __GLX_SWAP_REPLY_HEADER(); __GLX_SWAP_INT(&width); ((xGLXGetColorTableReply *) &__glXReply)->width = width; __GLX_SEND_VOID_ARRAY(compsize); } return Success; } int __glXDispSwap_GetColorTable(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_SINGLE_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetColorTable(cl, pc + __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE, tag); } int __glXDispSwap_GetColorTableSGI(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { const GLXContextTag tag = __GLX_GET_VENDPRIV_CONTEXT_TAG(pc); return GetColorTable(cl, pc + __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE, tag); }