/* * Copyright 2002-2003 Red Hat Inc., Durham, North Carolina. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL RED HAT AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Authors: * Rickard E. (Rik) Faith <faith@redhat.com> * */ /** \file * * It is possible for one of the DMX "backend displays" to actually be * smaller than the dimensions of the backend X server. Therefore, it * is possible for more than one of the DMX "backend displays" to be * physically located on the same backend X server. This situation must * be detected so that cursor motion can be handled in an expected * fashion. * * We could analyze the names used for the DMX "backend displays" (e.g., * the names passed to the -display command-line parameter), but there * are many possible names for a single X display, and failing to detect * sameness leads to very unexpected results. Therefore, whenever the * DMX server opens a window on a backend X server, a property value is * queried and set on that backend to detect when another window is * already open on that server. * * Further, it is possible that two different DMX server instantiations * both have windows on the same physical backend X server. This case * is also detected so that pointer input is not taken from that * particular backend X server. * * The routines in this file handle the property management. */ #ifdef HAVE_DMX_CONFIG_H #include <dmx-config.h> #endif #include "dmx.h" #include "dmxprop.h" #include "dmxlog.h" #include <X11/Xmu/SysUtil.h> /* For XmuGetHostname */ /** Holds the window id of all DMX windows on the backend X server. */ #define DMX_ATOMNAME "DMX_NAME" /** The identification string of this DMX server */ #define DMX_IDENT "Xdmx" extern char *display; static int dmxPropertyErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ev) { return 0; } static const unsigned char *dmxPropertyIdentifier(void) { /* RATS: These buffers are only used in * length-limited calls. */ char hostname[256]; static char buf[128]; static int initialized = 0; if (initialized++) return (unsigned char *)buf; XmuGetHostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s:%s", DMX_IDENT, hostname, display); return (unsigned char *)buf; } /** Starting with the \a start screen, iterate over all of the screens * on the same physical X server as \a start, calling \a f with the * screen and the \a closure. (The common case is that \a start is the * only DMX window on the backend X server.) */ void *dmxPropertyIterate(DMXScreenInfo *start, void *(*f)(DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, void *), void *closure) { DMXScreenInfo *pt; if (!start->next) { if (!start->beDisplay) return NULL; return f(start, closure); } for (pt = start->next; /* condition at end of loop */; pt = pt->next) { void *retval; /* beDisplay ban be NULL if a screen was detached */ dmxLog(dmxDebug, "pt = %p\n", pt); dmxLog(dmxDebug, "pt->beDisplay = %p\n", pt->beDisplay); if (pt->beDisplay && (retval = f(pt, closure))) return retval; if (pt == start) break; } return NULL; } /** Returns 0 if this is the only Xdmx session on the display; 1 * otherwise. */ static int dmxPropertyCheckOtherServers(DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, Atom atom) { Display *dpy = dmxScreen->beDisplay; XTextProperty tp; XTextProperty tproot; const char *pt; int retcode = 0; char **list = NULL; int count = 0; int i; int (*dmxOldHandler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); if (!dpy) return 0; if (!XGetTextProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), &tproot, atom) || !tproot.nitems) return 0; /* Ignore BadWindow errors for this * routine because the window id stored * in the property might be old */ dmxOldHandler = XSetErrorHandler(dmxPropertyErrorHandler); for (pt = (const char *)tproot.value; pt && *pt; pt = pt ? pt + 1 : NULL) { if ((pt = strchr(pt, ','))) { Window win = strtol(pt+1, NULL, 10); if (XGetTextProperty(dpy, win, &tp, atom) && tp.nitems) { if (!strncmp((char *)tp.value, DMX_IDENT, strlen(DMX_IDENT))) { int flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (!strcmp(list[i], (char *)tp.value)) { ++flag; break; } if (flag) continue; ++retcode; dmxLogOutputWarning(dmxScreen, "%s also running on %s\n", tp.value, dmxScreen->name); list = realloc(list, ++count * sizeof(*list)); list[count-1] = malloc(tp.nitems + 2); strncpy(list[count-1], (char *)tp.value, tp.nitems + 1); } XFree(tp.value); } } } XSetErrorHandler(dmxOldHandler); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) free(list[i]); free(list); XFree(tproot.value); if (!retcode) dmxLogOutput(dmxScreen, "No Xdmx server running on backend\n"); return retcode; } /** Returns NULL if this is the only Xdmx window on the display. * Otherwise, returns a pointer to the dmxScreen of the other windows on * the display. */ static DMXScreenInfo *dmxPropertyCheckOtherWindows(DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, Atom atom) { Display *dpy = dmxScreen->beDisplay; const unsigned char *id = dmxPropertyIdentifier(); XTextProperty tproot; XTextProperty tp; const char *pt; int (*dmxOldHandler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); if (!dpy) return NULL; if (!XGetTextProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), &tproot, atom) || !tproot.nitems) return 0; /* Ignore BadWindow errors for this * routine because the window id stored * in the property might be old */ dmxOldHandler = XSetErrorHandler(dmxPropertyErrorHandler); for (pt = (const char *)tproot.value; pt && *pt; pt = pt ? pt + 1 : NULL) { if ((pt = strchr(pt, ','))) { Window win = strtol(pt+1, NULL, 10); if (XGetTextProperty(dpy, win, &tp, atom) && tp.nitems) { dmxLog(dmxDebug,"On %s/%lu: %s\n", dmxScreen->name, win, tp.value); if (!strncmp((char *)tp.value, (char *)id, strlen((char *)id))) { int idx; if (!(pt = strchr((char *)tp.value, ','))) continue; idx = strtol(pt+1, NULL, 10); if (idx < 0 || idx >= dmxNumScreens) continue; if (dmxScreens[idx].scrnWin != win) continue; XSetErrorHandler(dmxOldHandler); return &dmxScreens[idx]; } XFree(tp.value); } } } XSetErrorHandler(dmxOldHandler); XFree(tproot.value); return 0; } /** Returns 0 if this is the only Xdmx session on the display; 1 * otherwise. */ int dmxPropertyDisplay(DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen) { Atom atom; const unsigned char *id = dmxPropertyIdentifier(); Display *dpy = dmxScreen->beDisplay; if (!dpy) return 0; atom = XInternAtom(dpy, DMX_ATOMNAME, False); if (dmxPropertyCheckOtherServers(dmxScreen, atom)) { dmxScreen->shared = 1; return 1; } XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), atom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, id, strlen((char *)id)); return 0; } /** Returns 1 if the dmxScreen and the display in \a name are on the * same display, or 0 otherwise. We can't just compare the display * names because there can be multiple synonyms for the same display, * some of which cannot be determined without accessing the display * itself (e.g., domain aliases or machines with multiple NICs). */ int dmxPropertySameDisplay(DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, const char *name) { Display *dpy0 = dmxScreen->beDisplay; Atom atom0; XTextProperty tp0; Display *dpy1 = NULL; Atom atom1; XTextProperty tp1; int retval = 0; if (!dpy0) return 0; tp0.nitems = 0; tp1.nitems = 0; if ((atom0 = XInternAtom(dpy0, DMX_ATOMNAME, True)) == None) { dmxLog(dmxWarning, "No atom on %s\n", dmxScreen->name); return 0; } if (!XGetTextProperty(dpy0, RootWindow(dpy0,0), &tp0, atom0) || !tp0.nitems) { dmxLog(dmxWarning, "No text property on %s\n", dmxScreen->name); return 0; } if (!(dpy1 = XOpenDisplay(name))) { dmxLog(dmxWarning, "Cannot open %s\n", name); goto cleanup; } atom1 = XInternAtom(dpy1, DMX_ATOMNAME, True); if (atom1 == None) { dmxLog(dmxDebug, "No atom on %s\n", name); goto cleanup; } if (!XGetTextProperty(dpy1, RootWindow(dpy1,0), &tp1, atom1) || !tp1.nitems) { dmxLog(dmxDebug, "No text property on %s\n", name); goto cleanup; } if (!strcmp((char *)tp0.value, (char *)tp1.value)) retval = 1; cleanup: if (tp0.nitems) XFree(tp0.value); if (tp1.nitems) XFree(tp1.value); if (dpy1) XCloseDisplay(dpy1); return retval; } /** Prints a log message if \a dmxScreen is on the same backend X server * as some other DMX backend (output) screen. Modifies the property * (#DMX_ATOMNAME) on the backend X server to reflect the creation of \a * dmxScreen. * * The root window of the backend X server holds a list of window ids * for all DMX windows (on this DMX server or some other DMX server). * * This list can then be iterated, and the property for each window can * be examined. This property contains the following tuple (no quotes): * * "#DMX_IDENT:<hostname running DMX>:<display name of DMX>,<screen number>" */ void dmxPropertyWindow(DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen) { Atom atom; const unsigned char *id = dmxPropertyIdentifier(); Display *dpy = dmxScreen->beDisplay; Window win = dmxScreen->scrnWin; DMXScreenInfo *other; char buf[128]; /* RATS: only used with snprintf */ if (!dpy) return; /* FIXME: What should be done here if Xdmx is started * with this screen initially detached? */ atom = XInternAtom(dpy, DMX_ATOMNAME, False); if ((other = dmxPropertyCheckOtherWindows(dmxScreen, atom))) { DMXScreenInfo *tmp = dmxScreen->next; dmxScreen->next = (other->next ? other->next : other); other->next = (tmp ? tmp : dmxScreen); dmxLog(dmxDebug, "%d/%s/%lu and %d/%s/%lu are on the same backend\n", dmxScreen->index, dmxScreen->name, dmxScreen->scrnWin, other->index, other->name, other->scrnWin); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ".%d,%lu", dmxScreen->index, (long unsigned)win); XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,0), atom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)buf, strlen(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s,%d", id, dmxScreen->index); XChangeProperty(dpy, win, atom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)buf, strlen(buf)); }