dmxlog.c File Reference

#include "dmx.h"
#include "dmxlog.h"
#include "dmxinput.h"
#include <X11/extensions/XI.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XIproto.h>


dmxLogLevel dmxSetLogLevel (dmxLogLevel newLevel)
dmxLogLevel dmxGetLogLevel (void)
void AbortServer (void)
static void VFatalError (const char *format, va_list args)
static void dmxHeader (dmxLogLevel logLevel, DMXInputInfo *dmxInput, DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen)
static void dmxMessage (dmxLogLevel logLevel, const char *format, va_list args)
void dmxLog (dmxLogLevel logLevel, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogCont (dmxLogLevel logLevel, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogOutput (DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogOutputCont (DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogOutputWarning (DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogInput (DMXInputInfo *dmxInput, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogInputCont (DMXInputInfo *dmxInput, const char *format,...)
void dmxLogArgs (dmxLogLevel logLevel, int argc, char **argv)
void dmxLogVisual (DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen, XVisualInfo *vi, int defaultVisual)
const char * dmxXInputEventName (int type)
const char * dmxEventName (int type)


static dmxLogLevel dmxCurrentLogLevel = dmxDebug

Detailed Description

This file encapsulated all of the logging functions that are used by DMX for informational, warning, and error messages.

Function Documentation

void AbortServer ( void   ) 

This function was removed between XFree86 4.3.0 and XFree86 4.4.0.

Referenced by VFatalError().

const char* dmxEventName ( int  type  ) 

Translate an event type into a human-readable string.

Referenced by dmxConsoleUpdateFineCursor(), dmxDump(), and dmxEnqueue().

dmxLogLevel dmxGetLogLevel ( void   ) 

Returns the log level set by dmxLogLevel.

References dmxCurrentLogLevel.

static void dmxHeader ( dmxLogLevel  logLevel,
DMXInputInfo dmxInput,
DMXScreenInfo dmxScreen 
) [static]
void dmxLog ( dmxLogLevel  logLevel,
const char *  format,

Log the specified message at the specified logLevel. format can be a printf-like format expression.

References dmxHeader(), and dmxMessage().

Referenced by ddxProcessArgument(), dmxAddDevice(), dmxAttachScreen(), dmxBackendCollectEvents(), dmxBackendInitPrivate(), dmxBECreateColormap(), dmxBECreateCursor(), dmxBELoadFont(), dmxBERestorePixmap(), dmxBERestoreRenderGlyph(), dmxBESavePixmap(), dmxCheckFunctionKeys(), dmxCheckSpecialKeys(), dmxCommonOthOn(), dmxCommonRestoreState(), dmxComputeWidthHeight(), dmxConfigAddDisplay(), dmxConfigAddInput(), dmxConfigConfigure(), dmxConfigCopyData(), dmxConfigCopyFromWall(), dmxConfigFromCommandLine(), dmxConfigFromConfigFile(), dmxConfigReadFile(), dmxConfigStoreConfig(), dmxConfigStoreDisplay(), dmxConfigStoreFile(), dmxConfigStoreInput(), dmxConfigStoreXInput(), dmxConfigWriteFile(), dmxConnectionBlockCallback(), dmxConsoleCreateEmptyCursor(), dmxConsoleDrawWindows(), dmxConsoleFunctions(), dmxConsoleInit(), dmxConsoleUpdateFineCursor(), dmxDetachScreen(), dmxDeviceOnOff(), dmxDisplayInit(), dmxErrorHandler(), dmxFixup(), dmxGetButtonMapping(), dmxGetFontPath(), dmxInitOrigins(), dmxInitOverlap(), dmxInputCopyLocal(), dmxInputInit(), dmxInputLogDevices(), dmxInputScanForExtensions(), dmxLogArgs(), dmxLogVisual(), dmxMapInsert(), dmxOnScreen(), dmxPopulateLocal(), dmxPropertyCheckOtherWindows(), dmxPropertyIterate(), dmxPropertySameDisplay(), dmxPropertyWindow(), dmxReInitOrigins(), dmxSigioRegister(), dmxStatCallback(), dmxSwitchReturn(), dmxSync(), dmxSyncInit(), dmxTranslateAndEnqueueExtEvent(), dmxTryComputeScreenOrigins(), dmxUpdateWindowInformation(), dmxWakeupHandler(), InitInput(), InitOutput(), and othUSBGetInfo().

void dmxLogArgs ( dmxLogLevel  logLevel,
int  argc,
char **  argv 

Print argc messages, each describing an element in argv. This is maingly for debugging purposes.

References dmxLog().

void dmxLogCont ( dmxLogLevel  logLevel,
const char *  format,

Continue a log message without printing the message prefix.

References dmxMessage().

Referenced by dmxInputLogDevices(), and dmxStatCallback().

void dmxLogInput ( DMXInputInfo dmxInput,
const char *  format,

Log an informational message (at level dmxInfo) related to input. The message prefix will contain information from dmxInput.

References dmxHeader(), dmxInfo, and dmxMessage().

Referenced by dmxAddDevice(), dmxCommonKbdGetInfo(), dmxCommonRestoreState(), dmxCommonSaveState(), dmxEnqueue(), dmxInputAttachBackend(), dmxInputAttachConsole(), dmxInputAttachOld(), dmxInputDetach(), dmxInputInit(), dmxInputScanForExtensions(), and dmxKeyboardOn().

void dmxLogInputCont ( DMXInputInfo dmxInput,
const char *  format,

Continue a message related to input without printing the message prefix.

References dmxInfo, and dmxMessage().

Referenced by dmxKeyboardOn().

void dmxLogOutput ( DMXScreenInfo dmxScreen,
const char *  format,

Log an informational message (at level dmxInfo) related to ouput. The message prefix will contain backend information from dmxScreen.

References dmxHeader(), dmxInfo, and dmxMessage().

Referenced by _dmxDPMSInit(), dmxAttachScreen(), dmxDetachScreen(), dmxGetScreenAttribs(), dmxInitOrigins(), dmxInitOverlap(), dmxLogVisual(), dmxPrintScreenInfo(), dmxPropertyCheckOtherServers(), and dmxReInitOrigins().

void dmxLogOutputCont ( DMXScreenInfo dmxScreen,
const char *  format,

Continue a message related to output without printing the message prefix.

References dmxInfo, and dmxMessage().

Referenced by dmxInitOverlap(), dmxPrintOverlap(), and dmxPrintScreenInfo().

void dmxLogOutputWarning ( DMXScreenInfo dmxScreen,
const char *  format,

Log a warning message (at level dmxWarning) related to output. The message prefix will contain backend information from dmxScreen.

References dmxHeader(), dmxMessage(), and dmxWarning.

Referenced by dmxGetScreenAttribs(), dmxPrintScreenInfo(), and dmxPropertyCheckOtherServers().

void dmxLogVisual ( DMXScreenInfo dmxScreen,
XVisualInfo *  vi,
int  defaultVisual 

Print messages at level dmxInfo describing the visuals in vi.

References dmxInfo, dmxLog(), and dmxLogOutput().

Referenced by dmxConnectionBlockCallback(), and dmxGetVisualInfo().

static void dmxMessage ( dmxLogLevel  logLevel,
const char *  format,
va_list  args 
) [static]
dmxLogLevel dmxSetLogLevel ( dmxLogLevel  newLevel  ) 

Set the default level for logging to dmxLogLevel. Returns the previous log level.

References dmxCurrentLogLevel, and dmxFatal.

const char* dmxXInputEventName ( int  type  ) 

Translate a (normalized) XInput event type into a human-readable string.

static void VFatalError ( const char *  format,
va_list  args 
) [static]

References AbortServer(), and OsVendorFatalError().

Referenced by dmxMessage().

Variable Documentation

dmxLogLevel dmxCurrentLogLevel = dmxDebug [static]

Generated June 29, 2004 for Distributed Multihead X by doxygen 1.3.4.