/* * SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008) * Copyright (C) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and * either this permission notice or a reference to * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or * other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from * Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifdef HAVE_DMX_CONFIG_H #include <dmx-config.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include "dmx.h" #include "glxserver.h" #include "glxutil.h" #include "dmx_glxvisuals.h" #include <stdlib.h> static int numConfigs = 0; static __GLXvisualConfig *visualConfigs = NULL; static void **visualPrivates = NULL; int glxVisualsMatch( __GLXvisualConfig *v1, __GLXvisualConfig *v2 ) { if ( (v1->class == v2->class) && (v1->rgba == v2->rgba) && (v1->redSize == v2->redSize) && (v1->greenSize == v2->greenSize) && (v1->blueSize == v2->blueSize) && (v1->alphaSize == v2->alphaSize) && (v1->redMask == v2->redMask) && (v1->greenMask == v2->greenMask) && (v1->blueMask == v2->blueMask) && (v1->alphaMask == v2->alphaMask) && (v1->accumRedSize == v2->accumRedSize) && (v1->accumGreenSize == v2->accumGreenSize) && (v1->accumBlueSize == v2->accumBlueSize) && (v1->accumAlphaSize == v2->accumAlphaSize) && (v1->doubleBuffer == v2->doubleBuffer) && (v1->stereo == v2->stereo) && (v1->bufferSize == v2->bufferSize) && (v1->depthSize == v2->depthSize) && (v1->stencilSize == v2->stencilSize) && (v1->auxBuffers == v2->auxBuffers) && (v1->level == v2->level) && (v1->visualRating == v2->visualRating) && (v1->transparentPixel == v2->transparentPixel) && (v1->transparentRed == v2->transparentRed) && (v1->transparentGreen == v2->transparentGreen) && (v1->transparentBlue == v2->transparentBlue) && (v1->transparentAlpha == v2->transparentAlpha) && (v1->transparentIndex == v2->transparentIndex) && (v1->multiSampleSize == v2->multiSampleSize) && (v1->nMultiSampleBuffers == v2->nMultiSampleBuffers) && (v1->visualSelectGroup == v2->visualSelectGroup) ) { return(1); } return(0); } VisualID glxMatchGLXVisualInConfigList( __GLXvisualConfig *pGlxVisual, __GLXvisualConfig *configs, int nconfigs ) { int i; for (i=0; i<nconfigs; i++) { if (glxVisualsMatch( pGlxVisual, &configs[i] )) { return( configs[i].vid ); } } return(0); } VisualID glxMatchVisualInConfigList( ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualPtr pVisual, __GLXvisualConfig *configs, int nconfigs ) { __GLXscreenInfo *pGlxScreen; __GLXvisualConfig *pGlxVisual; int i; /* check that the glx extension has been initialized */ if ( !__glXActiveScreens ) return(0); pGlxScreen = &__glXActiveScreens[pScreen->myNum]; pGlxVisual = pGlxScreen->pGlxVisual; /* find the glx visual info for pVisual */ for (i = 0; i < pGlxScreen->numVisuals; i++, pGlxVisual++) { if (pGlxVisual->vid == pVisual->vid) { break; } } if (i == pGlxScreen->numVisuals) { /* * the visual is not supported by glx */ return(0); } return( glxMatchGLXVisualInConfigList(pGlxVisual, configs, nconfigs) ); } VisualPtr glxMatchVisual( ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualPtr pVisual, ScreenPtr pMatchScreen ) { __GLXscreenInfo *pGlxScreen2; int j; VisualID vid; /* check that the glx extension has been initialized */ if ( !__glXActiveScreens ) return NULL; pGlxScreen2 = &__glXActiveScreens[pMatchScreen->myNum]; vid = glxMatchVisualInConfigList( pScreen, pVisual, pGlxScreen2->pGlxVisual, pGlxScreen2->numVisuals ); if (vid) { /* * find the X visual of the matching glx visual */ for (j=0; j<pMatchScreen->numVisuals; j++) { if (vid == pMatchScreen->visuals[j].vid) { return( &pMatchScreen->visuals[j] ); } } } return(0); } void glxSetVisualConfigs(int nconfigs, __GLXvisualConfig *configs, void **privates) { numConfigs = nconfigs; visualConfigs = configs; visualPrivates = privates; } static int count_bits(unsigned int n) { int bits = 0; while (n > 0) { if (n & 1) bits++; n >>= 1; } return bits; } static VisualID FindClosestVisual( VisualPtr pVisual, int rootDepth, DepthPtr pdepth, int ndepths, VisualPtr pNewVisual, int numNewVisuals) { int d, v; VisualPtr vis; /* * find the first visual with the same or deeper depth * of the same class. */ for (d=0; d<ndepths; d++) { if (pdepth[d].depth >= rootDepth) { for (v=0; v<pdepth[d].numVids; v++) { /* find the new visual structure */ vis = pNewVisual; while( pdepth[d].vids[v] != vis->vid ) vis++; if (vis->class == pVisual->class) { return( pdepth[d].vids[v] ); } } } } /* * did not find any. * try to look for the same class only. */ for (d=0; d<ndepths; d++) { for (v=0; v<pdepth[d].numVids; v++) { /* find the new visual structure */ vis = pNewVisual; while( pdepth[d].vids[v] != vis->vid ) vis++; if (vis->class == pVisual->class) { return( pdepth[d].vids[v] ); } } } /* * if not found - just take the first visual */ return( pdepth[0].vids[0] ); } Bool glxInitVisuals(int *nvisualp, VisualPtr *visualp, VisualID *defaultVisp, int ndepth, DepthPtr pdepth, int rootDepth) { int numRGBconfigs; int numCIconfigs; int numVisuals = *nvisualp; int numNewVisuals; int numNewConfigs; VisualPtr pVisual = *visualp; VisualPtr pVisualNew = NULL; VisualID *orig_vid = NULL; __GLXvisualConfig *glXVisualPtr = NULL; __GLXvisualConfig *pNewVisualConfigs = NULL; void **glXVisualPriv; dmxGlxVisualPrivate **pNewVisualPriv; int found_default; int i, j, k; int numGLXvis = 0; GLint *isGLXvis; if (numConfigs > 0) numNewConfigs = numConfigs; else return False; MAXSCREENSALLOC(__glXActiveScreens); if (!__glXActiveScreens) return False; /* Alloc space for the list of new GLX visuals */ pNewVisualConfigs = (__GLXvisualConfig *) __glXMalloc(numNewConfigs * sizeof(__GLXvisualConfig)); if (!pNewVisualConfigs) { return FALSE; } /* Alloc space for the list of new GLX visual privates */ pNewVisualPriv = (dmxGlxVisualPrivate **) __glXMalloc(numNewConfigs * sizeof(dmxGlxVisualPrivate *)); if (!pNewVisualPriv) { __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); return FALSE; } /* copy driver's visual config info */ for (i = 0; i < numConfigs; i++) { pNewVisualConfigs[i] = visualConfigs[i]; pNewVisualPriv[i] = (dmxGlxVisualPrivate *)visualPrivates[i]; } #if 1 /* FIXME: This is a hack to workaround a hang in xtest caused by a * mismatch between what the front end (i.e., DMX) server calculates * for the visual configs and what the back-end servers have. */ { int numTCRGBconfigs = 0; int numDCRGBconfigs = 0; numRGBconfigs = 0; numCIconfigs = 0; for (i = 0; i < numNewConfigs; i++) { if (pNewVisualConfigs[i].rgba) { if (pNewVisualConfigs[i].class == TrueColor) numTCRGBconfigs++; else numDCRGBconfigs++; numRGBconfigs++; } else numCIconfigs++; } /* Count the total number of visuals to compute */ numNewVisuals = 0; for (i = 0; i < numVisuals; i++) { numNewVisuals += (pVisual[i].class == TrueColor) ? numTCRGBconfigs : (pVisual[i].class == DirectColor) ? numDCRGBconfigs : numCIconfigs; } } #else /* Count the number of RGB and CI visual configs */ numRGBconfigs = 0; numCIconfigs = 0; for (i = 0; i < numNewConfigs; i++) { if (pNewVisualConfigs[i].rgba) numRGBconfigs++; else numCIconfigs++; } /* Count the total number of visuals to compute */ numNewVisuals = 0; for (i = 0; i < numVisuals; i++) { numNewVisuals += (pVisual[i].class == TrueColor || pVisual[i].class == DirectColor) ? numRGBconfigs : numCIconfigs; } #endif /* Reset variables for use with the next screen/driver's visual configs */ visualConfigs = NULL; numConfigs = 0; /* Alloc temp space for the list of orig VisualIDs for each new visual */ orig_vid = (VisualID *)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(VisualID)); if (!orig_vid) { __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv); __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); return FALSE; } /* Alloc space for the list of glXVisuals */ glXVisualPtr = (__GLXvisualConfig *)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(__GLXvisualConfig)); if (!glXVisualPtr) { __glXFree(orig_vid); __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv); __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); return FALSE; } /* Alloc space for the list of glXVisualPrivates */ glXVisualPriv = (void **)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(void *)); if (!glXVisualPriv) { __glXFree(glXVisualPtr); __glXFree(orig_vid); __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv); __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); return FALSE; } /* Alloc space for the new list of the X server's visuals */ pVisualNew = (VisualPtr)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(VisualRec)); if (!pVisualNew) { __glXFree(glXVisualPriv); __glXFree(glXVisualPtr); __glXFree(orig_vid); __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv); __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); return FALSE; } isGLXvis = (GLint *) __glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(GLint)); if (!isGLXvis) { __glXFree(glXVisualPriv); __glXFree(glXVisualPtr); __glXFree(orig_vid); __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv); __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); __glXFree(pVisualNew); return FALSE; } /* Initialize the new visuals */ found_default = FALSE; for (i = j = 0; i < numVisuals; i++) { for (k = 0; k < numNewConfigs; k++) { int new_depth; int depth; int d,v; /* find the depth of the new visual config */ new_depth = pNewVisualPriv[k]->x_visual_depth; /* find the depth of the original visual */ depth = 0; d = 0; while( (depth==0) && (d < ndepth) ) { v = 0; while( (depth==0) && (v < pdepth[d].numVids) ) { if (pdepth[d].vids[v] == pVisual[i].vid) { depth = pdepth[d].depth; } v++; } d++; } /* check that the visual has the same class and depth * as the new config */ if ( pVisual[i].class != pNewVisualPriv[k]->x_visual_class || (depth != new_depth) ) continue; /* Initialize the new visual */ pVisualNew[j] = pVisual[i]; pVisualNew[j].vid = FakeClientID(0); /* Check for the default visual */ if (!found_default && pVisual[i].vid == *defaultVisp) { *defaultVisp = pVisualNew[j].vid; found_default = TRUE; } /* Save the old VisualID */ orig_vid[j] = pVisual[i].vid; /* Initialize the glXVisual */ glXVisualPtr[j] = pNewVisualConfigs[k]; glXVisualPtr[j].vid = pVisualNew[j].vid; /* * If the class is -1, then assume the X visual information * is identical to what GLX needs, and take them from the X * visual. NOTE: if class != -1, then all other fields MUST * be initialized. */ if (glXVisualPtr[j].class == -1) { glXVisualPtr[j].class = pVisual[i].class; glXVisualPtr[j].redSize = count_bits(pVisual[i].redMask); glXVisualPtr[j].greenSize = count_bits(pVisual[i].greenMask); glXVisualPtr[j].blueSize = count_bits(pVisual[i].blueMask); glXVisualPtr[j].alphaSize = glXVisualPtr[j].alphaSize; glXVisualPtr[j].redMask = pVisual[i].redMask; glXVisualPtr[j].greenMask = pVisual[i].greenMask; glXVisualPtr[j].blueMask = pVisual[i].blueMask; glXVisualPtr[j].alphaMask = glXVisualPtr[j].alphaMask; glXVisualPtr[j].bufferSize = rootDepth; } /* Save the device-dependent private for this visual */ glXVisualPriv[j] = pNewVisualPriv[k]; isGLXvis[j] = glxMatchGLXVisualInConfigList( &glXVisualPtr[j], dmxScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].glxVisuals, dmxScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].numGlxVisuals ); if (isGLXvis[j]) numGLXvis++; j++; } } assert(j <= numNewVisuals); numNewVisuals = j; /* correct number of new visuals */ /* Save the GLX visuals in the screen structure */ __glXActiveScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].numVisuals = numNewVisuals; __glXActiveScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].numGLXVisuals = numGLXvis; __glXActiveScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].isGLXvis = isGLXvis; __glXActiveScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].pGlxVisual = glXVisualPtr; /* Set up depth's VisualIDs */ for (i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) { int numVids = 0; VisualID *pVids = NULL; int k, n = 0; /* Count the new number of VisualIDs at this depth */ for (j = 0; j < pdepth[i].numVids; j++) for (k = 0; k < numNewVisuals; k++) if (pdepth[i].vids[j] == orig_vid[k]) numVids++; /* Allocate a new list of VisualIDs for this depth */ pVids = (VisualID *)__glXMalloc(numVids * sizeof(VisualID)); /* Initialize the new list of VisualIDs for this depth */ for (j = 0; j < pdepth[i].numVids; j++) for (k = 0; k < numNewVisuals; k++) if (pdepth[i].vids[j] == orig_vid[k]) pVids[n++] = pVisualNew[k].vid; /* Update this depth's list of VisualIDs */ __glXFree(pdepth[i].vids); pdepth[i].vids = pVids; pdepth[i].numVids = numVids; } /* * if the default visual was rejected - need to choose new * default visual ! */ if ( !found_default ) { for (i=0; i<numVisuals; i++) if (pVisual[i].vid == *defaultVisp) break; if (i < numVisuals) { *defaultVisp = FindClosestVisual( &pVisual[i], rootDepth, pdepth, ndepth, pVisualNew, numNewVisuals ); } } /* Update the X server's visuals */ *nvisualp = numNewVisuals; *visualp = pVisualNew; /* Free the old list of the X server's visuals */ __glXFree(pVisual); /* Clean up temporary allocations */ __glXFree(orig_vid); __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv); __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs); /* Free the private list created by DDX HW driver */ if (visualPrivates) xfree(visualPrivates); visualPrivates = NULL; return TRUE; }