/* * Copyright � 1999 Keith Packard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <kdrive-config.h> #endif #include "chips.h" #include <X11/Xmd.h> #include "gcstruct.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "regionstr.h" #include "mistruct.h" #include "dixfontstr.h" #include "fb.h" #include "migc.h" #include "miline.h" #include "kaa.h" CARD8 chipsBltRop[16] = { /* GXclear */ 0x00, /* 0 */ /* GXand */ 0x88, /* src AND dst */ /* GXandReverse */ 0x44, /* src AND NOT dst */ /* GXcopy */ 0xcc, /* src */ /* GXandInverted*/ 0x22, /* NOT src AND dst */ /* GXnoop */ 0xaa, /* dst */ /* GXxor */ 0x66, /* src XOR dst */ /* GXor */ 0xee, /* src OR dst */ /* GXnor */ 0x11, /* NOT src AND NOT dst */ /* GXequiv */ 0x99, /* NOT src XOR dst */ /* GXinvert */ 0x55, /* NOT dst */ /* GXorReverse */ 0xdd, /* src OR NOT dst */ /* GXcopyInverted*/ 0x33, /* NOT src */ /* GXorInverted */ 0xbb, /* NOT src OR dst */ /* GXnand */ 0x77, /* NOT src OR NOT dst */ /* GXset */ 0xff, /* 1 */ }; CARD8 chipsSolidRop[16] = { /* GXclear */ 0x00, /* 0 */ /* GXand */ 0xa0, /* src AND dst */ /* GXandReverse */ 0x50, /* src AND NOT dst */ /* GXcopy */ 0xf0, /* src */ /* GXandInverted*/ 0x0a, /* NOT src AND dst */ /* GXnoop */ 0xaa, /* dst */ /* GXxor */ 0x5a, /* src XOR dst */ /* GXor */ 0xfa, /* src OR dst */ /* GXnor */ 0x05, /* NOT src AND NOT dst */ /* GXequiv */ 0xa5, /* NOT src XOR dst */ /* GXinvert */ 0x55, /* NOT dst */ /* GXorReverse */ 0xf5, /* src OR NOT dst */ /* GXcopyInverted*/ 0x0f, /* NOT src */ /* GXorInverted */ 0xaf, /* NOT src OR dst */ /* GXnand */ 0x5f, /* NOT src OR NOT dst */ /* GXset */ 0xff, /* 1 */ }; /* Definitions for the Chips and Technology BitBLT engine communication. */ /* These are done using Memory Mapped IO, of the registers */ /* BitBLT modes for register 93D0. */ #ifdef HIQV #define ctPATCOPY 0xF0 #define ctLEFT2RIGHT 0x000 #define ctRIGHT2LEFT 0x100 #define ctTOP2BOTTOM 0x000 #define ctBOTTOM2TOP 0x200 #define ctSRCSYSTEM 0x400 #define ctDSTSYSTEM 0x800 #define ctSRCMONO 0x1000 #define ctBGTRANSPARENT 0x22000 #define ctCOLORTRANSENABLE 0x4000 #define ctCOLORTRANSDISABLE 0x0 #define ctCOLORTRANSDST 0x8000 #define ctCOLORTRANSROP 0x0 #define ctCOLORTRANSEQUAL 0x10000L #define ctCOLORTRANSNEQUAL 0x0 #define ctPATMONO 0x40000L #define ctPATSOLID 0x80000L #define ctPATSTART0 0x000000L #define ctPATSTART1 0x100000L #define ctPATSTART2 0x200000L #define ctPATSTART3 0x300000L #define ctPATSTART4 0x400000L #define ctPATSTART5 0x500000L #define ctPATSTART6 0x600000L #define ctPATSTART7 0x700000L #define ctSRCFG 0x000000L /* Where is this for the 65550?? */ #else #define ctPATCOPY 0xF0 #define ctTOP2BOTTOM 0x100 #define ctBOTTOM2TOP 0x000 #define ctLEFT2RIGHT 0x200 #define ctRIGHT2LEFT 0x000 #define ctSRCFG 0x400 #define ctSRCMONO 0x800 #define ctPATMONO 0x1000 #define ctBGTRANSPARENT 0x2000 #define ctSRCSYSTEM 0x4000 #define ctPATSOLID 0x80000L #define ctPATSTART0 0x00000L #define ctPATSTART1 0x10000L #define ctPATSTART2 0x20000L #define ctPATSTART3 0x30000L #define ctPATSTART4 0x40000L #define ctPATSTART5 0x50000L #define ctPATSTART6 0x60000L #define ctPATSTART7 0x70000L #endif #define chipsFillPix(bpp,pixel) {\ if (bpp == 8) \ { \ pixel = pixel & 0xff; \ } \ else if (bpp == 16) \ { \ pixel = pixel & 0xffff; \ } \ } static VOL8 *mmio; static CARD32 byteStride; static CARD32 bytesPerPixel; static CARD32 pixelStride; static void chipsSet (ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); chipsScreenInfo(pScreenPriv); mmio = chipss->mmio_base; byteStride = pScreenPriv->screen->fb[0].byteStride; bytesPerPixel = pScreenPriv->screen->fb[0].bitsPerPixel >> 3; pixelStride = pScreenPriv->screen->fb[0].pixelStride; } #ifdef HIQV #define CHIPS_BR0 0x00 /* offset */ #define CHIPS_BR1 0x04 /* bg */ #define CHIPS_BR2 0x08 /* fg */ #define CHIPS_BR3 0x0c /* monochrome */ #define CHIPS_BR4 0x10 /* bitblt */ #define CHIPS_BR5 0x14 /* pattern addr */ #define CHIPS_BR6 0x18 /* source addr */ #define CHIPS_BR7 0x1c /* dst addr */ #define CHIPS_BR8 0x20 /* dst w/h */ #else #define CHIPS_DR0 0x83d0 #define CHIPS_DR1 0x87d0 #define CHIPS_DR2 0x8bd0 #define CHIPS_DR3 0x8fd0 #define CHIPS_DR4 0x93d0 #define CHIPS_DR5 0x97d0 #define CHIPS_DR6 0x9bd0 #define CHIPS_DR7 0x9fd0 #endif #define DBG(x) static void chipsPitch (int src, int dst) { CARD32 p; p = ((dst & 0xffff) << 16) | (src & 0xffff); DBG(ErrorF ("\tpitch 0x%x\n", p)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR0) = p; #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR0) = p; #endif } static void chipsBg (Pixel bg) { DBG(ErrorF ("\tbg 0x%x\n", bg)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR1) = bg & 0xffff; #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR2) = bg; #endif } static void chipsFg (Pixel fg) { DBG(ErrorF ("\tfg 0x%x\n", fg)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR2) = fg; #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR3) = fg; #endif } static void chipsOp (CARD32 op) { DBG(ErrorF ("\top 0x%x\n", op)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR4) = op; #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR4) = op; #endif } static void chipsRopSolid (int rop) { CARD32 op; op = chipsSolidRop[rop] | ctTOP2BOTTOM | ctLEFT2RIGHT | ctPATSOLID | ctPATMONO; chipsOp (op); } static void chipsSrc (int addr) { DBG(ErrorF ("\tsrc 0x%x\n", addr)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR6) = addr; #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR5) = addr; #endif } static void chipsDst (int addr) { DBG(ErrorF ("\tdst 0x%x\n", addr)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR7) = addr; #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR6) = addr; #endif } static void chipsWidthHeightGo (int w, int h) { DBG(ErrorF ("\twidth height %d/%d\n", w, h)); #ifdef HIQV *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR8) = ((h & 0xffff) << 16) | (w & 0xffff); #else *(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR7) = ((h & 0xffff) << 16) | (w & 0xffff); #endif } static void chipsWaitIdle (void) { #ifdef HIQV int timeout = 0; CARD8 tmp; VOL32 *br4 = (VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_BR4); DBG(ErrorF ("\tBR4 0x%x 0x%x\n", mmio + CHIPS_BR4, *br4)); DBG(ErrorF ("\tXR20 0x%x\n", chipsReadXR (0, 0x20))); for (;;) { if ((*br4 & 0x80000000) == 0) break; tmp = chipsReadXR (0, 0x20); if ((tmp & 1) == 0) break; if (++timeout > 1000000) { ErrorF ("timeout\n"); tmp = chipsReadXR (0, 0x20); chipsWriteXR (0, 0x20, tmp | 2); sleep (1); chipsWriteXR (0, 0x20, tmp); sleep (1); } } #else while (*(VOL32 *) (mmio + CHIPS_DR4) & 0x00100000) ; #endif } static void chipsWaitMarker (ScreenPtr pScreen, int marker) { chipsSet (pScreen); chipsWaitIdle (); } static Bool chipsPrepareSolid (PixmapPtr pPixmap, int alu, Pixel pm, Pixel fg) { FbBits depthMask; DBG(ErrorF ("PrepareSolid %d 0x%x\n", alu, fg)); depthMask = FbFullMask(pPixmap->drawable.depth); if ((pm & depthMask) != depthMask) return FALSE; else { chipsSet (pPixmap->drawable.pScreen); chipsWaitIdle (); chipsFillPix(pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel,fg); chipsFg (fg); chipsBg (fg); chipsRopSolid (alu); chipsPitch (byteStride, byteStride); return TRUE; } } static void chipsSolid (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { CARD32 dst; int w, h; DBG(ErrorF (" Solid %dx%d %dx%d\n", x1, y1, x2, y2)); dst = y1 * byteStride + x1 * bytesPerPixel; w = (x2 - x1) * bytesPerPixel; h = (y2 - y1); chipsWaitIdle (); chipsDst (dst); chipsWidthHeightGo (w, h); } static void chipsDoneSolid (void) { } static CARD32 copyOp; static Bool chipsPrepareCopy (PixmapPtr pSrcPixmap, PixmapPtr pDstPixmap, int dx, int dy, int alu, Pixel pm) { FbBits depthMask; DBG(ErrorF ("PrepareSolid %d 0x%x\n", alu, fg)); depthMask = FbFullMask(pDstPixmap->drawable.depth); if ((pm & depthMask) != depthMask) return FALSE; else { copyOp = chipsBltRop[alu]; if (dy >= 0) copyOp |= ctTOP2BOTTOM; else copyOp |= ctBOTTOM2TOP; if (dx >= 0) copyOp |= ctLEFT2RIGHT; else copyOp |= ctRIGHT2LEFT; chipsSet (pDstPixmap->drawable.pScreen); chipsWaitIdle (); chipsOp (copyOp); chipsPitch (byteStride, byteStride); return TRUE; } } static void chipsCopy (int srcX, int srcY, int dstX, int dstY, int w, int h) { int src, dst; if ((copyOp & (ctTOP2BOTTOM|ctBOTTOM2TOP)) == ctBOTTOM2TOP) { src = (srcY + h - 1) * byteStride; dst = (dstY + h - 1) * byteStride; } else { src = srcY * byteStride; dst = dstY * byteStride; } if ((copyOp & (ctLEFT2RIGHT|ctRIGHT2LEFT)) == ctRIGHT2LEFT) { src = src + (srcX + w) * bytesPerPixel - 1; dst = dst + (dstX + w) * bytesPerPixel - 1; } else { src = src + srcX * bytesPerPixel; dst = dst + dstX * bytesPerPixel; } chipsWaitIdle (); chipsSrc (src); chipsDst (dst); chipsWidthHeightGo (w * bytesPerPixel, h); } static void chipsDoneCopy (void) { } Bool chipsDrawInit (ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); chipsScreenInfo(pScreenPriv); switch (pScreenPriv->screen->fb[0].bitsPerPixel) { case 8: case 16: break; default: return FALSE; } memset(&chipss->kaa, 0, sizeof(KaaScreenInfoRec)); chipss->kaa.waitMarker = chipsWaitMarker; chipss->kaa.PrepareSolid = chipsPrepareSolid; chipss->kaa.Solid = chipsSolid; chipss->kaa.DoneSolid = chipsDoneSolid; chipss->kaa.PrepareCopy = chipsPrepareCopy; chipss->kaa.Copy = chipsCopy; chipss->kaa.DoneCopy = chipsDoneCopy; if (!kaaDrawInit (pScreen, &chipss->kaa)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void chipsDrawEnable (ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); chipsScreenInfo(pScreenPriv); CARD8 mode = 0x00; switch (pScreenPriv->screen->fb[0].bitsPerPixel) { case 8: mode = 0x00; break; case 16: mode = 0x10; break; } chipsSet (pScreen); chipsWaitIdle (); chipsWriteXR (chipss, 0x20, mode); kaaMarkSync (pScreen); } void chipsDrawDisable (ScreenPtr pScreen) { } void chipsDrawFini (ScreenPtr pScreen) { }