/* * Xephyr - A kdrive X server thats runs in a host X window. * Authored by Matthew Allum <mallum@o-hand.com> * * Copyright � 2004 Nokia * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Nokia not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Nokia makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * NOKIA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL NOKIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <kdrive-config.h> #endif /* * including some server headers (like kdrive-config.h) * might define the macro _XSERVER64 * on 64 bits machines. That macro must _NOT_ be defined for Xlib * client code, otherwise bad things happen. * So let's undef that macro if necessary. */ #ifdef _XSERVER64 #undef _XSERVER64 #endif #include "hostx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> /* for memset */ #include <time.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h> #include <X11/extensions/shape.h> #ifdef XEPHYR_DRI #include <GL/glx.h> #endif /*XEPHYR_DRI*/ #include "ephyrlog.h" #ifdef XEPHYR_DRI extern Bool XF86DRIQueryExtension (Display *dpy, int *event_basep, int *error_basep); #endif /* * All xlib calls go here, which gets built as its own .a . * Mixing kdrive and xlib headers causes all sorts of types * to get clobbered. */ struct EphyrHostScreen { Window win; Window win_pre_existing; /* Set via -parent option like xnest */ XImage *ximg; int win_width, win_height; int server_depth; unsigned char *fb_data; /* only used when host bpp != server bpp */ XShmSegmentInfo shminfo; void *info; /* Pointer to the screen this is associated with */ int mynum; /* Screen number */ }; struct EphyrHostXVars { char *server_dpy_name; Display *dpy; int screen; Visual *visual; Window winroot; GC gc; int depth; Bool use_host_cursor; Bool use_fullscreen; Bool have_shm; int n_screens; struct EphyrHostScreen *screens; long damage_debug_msec; unsigned long cmap[256]; }; /* memset ( missing> ) instead of below */ /*static EphyrHostXVars HostX = { "?", 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};*/ static EphyrHostXVars HostX; static int HostXWantDamageDebug = 0; extern EphyrKeySyms ephyrKeySyms; extern int monitorResolution; char *ephyrResName = NULL; int ephyrResNameFromCmd = 0; static void hostx_set_fullscreen_hint(void); /* X Error traps */ static int trapped_error_code = 0; static int (*old_error_handler) (Display *d, XErrorEvent *e); #define host_depth_matches_server(_vars) (HostX.depth == (_vars)->server_depth) static struct EphyrHostScreen * host_screen_from_screen_info (EphyrScreenInfo *screen) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < HostX.n_screens ; i++) { if ( HostX.screens[i].info == screen) { return &HostX.screens[i]; } } return NULL; } static int error_handler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *error) { trapped_error_code = error->error_code; return 0; } static void hostx_errors_trap(void) { trapped_error_code = 0; old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler); } static int hostx_errors_untrap(void) { XSetErrorHandler(old_error_handler); return trapped_error_code; } int hostx_want_screen_size (EphyrScreenInfo screen, int *width, int *height ) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (host_screen && (host_screen->win_pre_existing != None || HostX.use_fullscreen == True)) { *width = host_screen->win_width; *height = host_screen->win_height; return 1; } return 0; } void hostx_add_screen (EphyrScreenInfo screen, unsigned long win_id, int screen_num) { int index = HostX.n_screens; HostX.n_screens += 1; HostX.screens = realloc (HostX.screens, HostX.n_screens * sizeof(struct EphyrHostScreen)); memset (&HostX.screens[index], 0, sizeof (struct EphyrHostScreen)); HostX.screens[index].info = screen; HostX.screens[index].win_pre_existing = win_id; } void hostx_set_display_name (char *name) { HostX.server_dpy_name = strdup (name); } void hostx_set_screen_number(EphyrScreenInfo screen, int number) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (host_screen) { host_screen->mynum = number; hostx_set_win_title (host_screen->info, "") ; }} void hostx_set_win_title (EphyrScreenInfo screen, char *extra_text) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); #define BUF_LEN 256 char buf[BUF_LEN+1]; if (!host_screen) return; memset (buf, 0, BUF_LEN+1) ; snprintf (buf, BUF_LEN, "Xephyr on %s.%d %s", HostX.server_dpy_name, host_screen->mynum, (extra_text != NULL) ? extra_text : ""); XStoreName (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, buf); } int hostx_want_host_cursor (void) { return HostX.use_host_cursor; } void hostx_use_host_cursor (void) { HostX.use_host_cursor = True; } int hostx_want_preexisting_window (EphyrScreenInfo screen) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (host_screen && host_screen->win_pre_existing) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void hostx_use_fullscreen (void) { HostX.use_fullscreen = True; } int hostx_want_fullscreen (void) { return HostX.use_fullscreen; } static void hostx_set_fullscreen_hint (void) { Atom atom_WINDOW_STATE, atom_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN; int index; atom_WINDOW_STATE = XInternAtom(HostX.dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); atom_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN = XInternAtom(HostX.dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN",False); for (index = 0 ; index < HostX.n_screens ; index++) { XChangeProperty (HostX.dpy, HostX.screens[index].win, atom_WINDOW_STATE, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&atom_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN, 1); } } static void hostx_toggle_damage_debug (void) { HostXWantDamageDebug ^= 1; } void hostx_handle_signal (int signum) { hostx_toggle_damage_debug(); EPHYR_DBG ("Signal caught. Damage Debug:%i\n", HostXWantDamageDebug); } void hostx_use_resname (char *name, int fromcmd) { ephyrResName = name; ephyrResNameFromCmd = fromcmd; } int hostx_init (void) { XSetWindowAttributes attr; Cursor empty_cursor; Pixmap cursor_pxm; XColor col; int index; char *tmpstr; XClassHint *class_hint; attr.event_mask = ButtonPressMask |ButtonReleaseMask |PointerMotionMask |KeyPressMask |KeyReleaseMask |ExposureMask; EPHYR_DBG("mark"); if ((HostX.dpy = XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY"))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nXephyr cannot open host display. Is DISPLAY set?\n"); exit(1); } HostX.screen = DefaultScreen(HostX.dpy); HostX.winroot = RootWindow(HostX.dpy, HostX.screen); HostX.gc = XCreateGC(HostX.dpy, HostX.winroot, 0, NULL); HostX.depth = DefaultDepth(HostX.dpy, HostX.screen); HostX.visual = DefaultVisual(HostX.dpy, HostX.screen); class_hint = XAllocClassHint(); for (index = 0 ; index < HostX.n_screens ; index++) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = &HostX.screens[index]; host_screen->server_depth = HostX.depth; if (host_screen->win_pre_existing != None) { Status result; XWindowAttributes prewin_attr; /* Get screen size from existing window */ hostx_errors_trap(); result = XGetWindowAttributes (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win_pre_existing, &prewin_attr); if (hostx_errors_untrap() || !result) { fprintf (stderr, "\nXephyr -parent window' does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } host_screen->win_width = prewin_attr.width; host_screen->win_height = prewin_attr.height; host_screen->win = XCreateWindow (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win_pre_existing, 0,0, host_screen->win_width, host_screen->win_height, 0, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CWEventMask, &attr); } else { host_screen->win = XCreateWindow (HostX.dpy, HostX.winroot, 0,0,100,100, /* will resize */ 0, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CWEventMask, &attr); hostx_set_win_title (host_screen->info, "(ctrl+shift grabs mouse and keyboard)"); if (HostX.use_fullscreen) { host_screen->win_width = DisplayWidth(HostX.dpy, HostX.screen); host_screen->win_height = DisplayHeight(HostX.dpy, HostX.screen); hostx_set_fullscreen_hint(); } if (class_hint) { tmpstr = getenv("RESOURCE_NAME"); if (tmpstr && (!ephyrResNameFromCmd)) ephyrResName = tmpstr; class_hint->res_name = ephyrResName; class_hint->res_class = "Xephyr"; XSetClassHint(hostx_get_display(), host_screen->win, class_hint); } } } if (class_hint) XFree(class_hint); XParseColor (HostX.dpy, DefaultColormap (HostX.dpy,HostX.screen), "red", &col); XAllocColor (HostX.dpy, DefaultColormap (HostX.dpy, HostX.screen), &col); XSetForeground (HostX.dpy, HostX.gc, col.pixel); if (!hostx_want_host_cursor ()) { /* Ditch the cursor, we provide our 'own' */ cursor_pxm = XCreatePixmap (HostX.dpy, HostX.winroot, 1, 1, 1); memset (&col, 0, sizeof (col)); empty_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (HostX.dpy, cursor_pxm, cursor_pxm, &col, &col, 1, 1); for ( index = 0 ; index < HostX.n_screens ; index++ ) { XDefineCursor (HostX.dpy, HostX.screens[index].win, empty_cursor); } XFreePixmap (HostX.dpy, cursor_pxm); } for (index = 0 ; index < HostX.n_screens ; index++) { HostX.screens[index].ximg = NULL; } /* Try to get share memory ximages for a little bit more speed */ if (!XShmQueryExtension(HostX.dpy) || getenv("XEPHYR_NO_SHM")) { fprintf(stderr, "\nXephyr unable to use SHM XImages\n"); HostX.have_shm = False; } else { /* Really really check we have shm - better way ?*/ XShmSegmentInfo shminfo; HostX.have_shm = True; shminfo.shmid=shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1, IPC_CREAT|0777); shminfo.shmaddr=shmat(shminfo.shmid,0,0); shminfo.readOnly=True; hostx_errors_trap(); XShmAttach(HostX.dpy, &shminfo); XSync(HostX.dpy, False); if (hostx_errors_untrap()) { fprintf(stderr, "\nXephyr unable to use SHM XImages\n"); HostX.have_shm = False; } shmdt(shminfo.shmaddr); shmctl(shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } XFlush(HostX.dpy); /* Setup the pause time between paints when debugging updates */ HostX.damage_debug_msec = 20000; /* 1/50 th of a second */ if (getenv ("XEPHYR_PAUSE")) { HostX.damage_debug_msec = strtol (getenv ("XEPHYR_PAUSE"), NULL, 0); EPHYR_DBG ("pause is %li\n", HostX.damage_debug_msec); } return 1; } int hostx_get_depth (void) { return HostX.depth; } int hostx_get_server_depth (EphyrScreenInfo screen) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); return (host_screen ? host_screen->server_depth : 0); } void hostx_set_server_depth (EphyrScreenInfo screen, int depth) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (host_screen) host_screen->server_depth = depth; } int hostx_get_bpp (EphyrScreenInfo screen) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (!host_screen) return 0; if (host_depth_matches_server (host_screen)) return HostX.visual->bits_per_rgb; else return host_screen->server_depth; /*XXX correct ?*/ } void hostx_get_visual_masks (EphyrScreenInfo screen, CARD32 *rmsk, CARD32 *gmsk, CARD32 *bmsk) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (!host_screen) return; if (host_depth_matches_server(host_screen)) { *rmsk = HostX.visual->red_mask; *gmsk = HostX.visual->green_mask; *bmsk = HostX.visual->blue_mask; } else if (host_screen->server_depth == 16) { /* Assume 16bpp 565 */ *rmsk = 0xf800; *gmsk = 0x07e0; *bmsk = 0x001f; } else { *rmsk = 0x0; *gmsk = 0x0; *bmsk = 0x0; } } void hostx_set_cmap_entry(unsigned char idx, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { /* XXX Will likely break for 8 on 16, not sure if this is correct */ HostX.cmap[idx] = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b); } /** * hostx_screen_init creates the XImage that will contain the front buffer of * the ephyr screen, and possibly offscreen memory. * * @param width width of the screen * @param height height of the screen * @param buffer_height height of the rectangle to be allocated. * * hostx_screen_init() creates an XImage, using MIT-SHM if it's available. * buffer_height can be used to create a larger offscreen buffer, which is used * by fakexa for storing offscreen pixmap data. */ void* hostx_screen_init (EphyrScreenInfo screen, int width, int height, int buffer_height) { int bitmap_pad; Bool shm_success = False; XSizeHints *size_hints; struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); if (!host_screen) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Error in accessing hostx data\n", __func__ ); exit(1); } EPHYR_DBG ("host_screen=%p wxh=%dx%d, buffer_height=%d", host_screen, width, height, buffer_height); if (host_screen->ximg != NULL) { /* Free up the image data if previously used * i.ie called by server reset */ if (HostX.have_shm) { XShmDetach(HostX.dpy, &host_screen->shminfo); XDestroyImage (host_screen->ximg); shmdt(host_screen->shminfo.shmaddr); shmctl(host_screen->shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } else { if (host_screen->ximg->data) { free(host_screen->ximg->data); host_screen->ximg->data = NULL; } XDestroyImage(host_screen->ximg); } } if (HostX.have_shm) { host_screen->ximg = XShmCreateImage (HostX.dpy, HostX.visual, HostX.depth, ZPixmap, NULL, &host_screen->shminfo, width, buffer_height ); host_screen->shminfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, host_screen->ximg->bytes_per_line * buffer_height, IPC_CREAT|0777); host_screen->ximg->data = shmat(host_screen->shminfo.shmid, 0, 0); host_screen->shminfo.shmaddr = host_screen->ximg->data; if (host_screen->ximg->data == (char *)-1) { EPHYR_DBG("Can't attach SHM Segment, falling back to plain XImages"); HostX.have_shm = False; XDestroyImage(host_screen->ximg); shmctl(host_screen->shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } else { EPHYR_DBG("SHM segment attached %p", host_screen->shminfo.shmaddr); host_screen->shminfo.readOnly = False; XShmAttach(HostX.dpy, &host_screen->shminfo); shm_success = True; } } if (!shm_success) { bitmap_pad = ( HostX.depth > 16 )? 32 : (( HostX.depth > 8 )? 16 : 8 ); EPHYR_DBG("Creating image %dx%d for screen host_screen=%p\n", width, buffer_height, host_screen ); host_screen->ximg = XCreateImage (HostX.dpy, HostX.visual, HostX.depth, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, buffer_height, bitmap_pad, 0); host_screen->ximg->data = malloc (host_screen->ximg->bytes_per_line * buffer_height); } XResizeWindow (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, width, height); /* Ask the WM to keep our size static */ size_hints = XAllocSizeHints(); size_hints->max_width = size_hints->min_width = width; size_hints->max_height = size_hints->min_height = height; size_hints->flags = PMinSize|PMaxSize; XSetWMNormalHints(HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, size_hints); XFree(size_hints); XMapWindow(HostX.dpy, host_screen->win); XSync(HostX.dpy, False); host_screen->win_width = width; host_screen->win_height = height; if (host_depth_matches_server(host_screen)) { EPHYR_DBG("Host matches server"); return host_screen->ximg->data; } else { EPHYR_DBG("server bpp %i", host_screen->server_depth>>3); host_screen->fb_data = malloc(width*buffer_height*(host_screen->server_depth>>3)); return host_screen->fb_data; } } static void hostx_paint_debug_rect (struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen, int x, int y, int width, int height); void hostx_paint_rect (EphyrScreenInfo screen, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int width, int height) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_screen_info (screen); EPHYR_DBG ("painting in screen %d\n", host_screen->mynum) ; /* * Copy the image data updated by the shadow layer * on to the window */ if (HostXWantDamageDebug) { hostx_paint_debug_rect(host_screen, dx, dy, width, height); } /* * If the depth of the ephyr server is less than that of the host, * the kdrive fb does not point to the ximage data but to a buffer * ( fb_data ), we shift the various bits from this onto the XImage * so they match the host. * * Note, This code is pretty new ( and simple ) so may break on * endian issues, 32 bpp host etc. * Not sure if 8bpp case is right either. * ... and it will be slower than the matching depth case. */ if (!host_depth_matches_server(host_screen)) { int x,y,idx, bytes_per_pixel = (host_screen->server_depth>>3); unsigned char r,g,b; unsigned long host_pixel; EPHYR_DBG("Unmatched host depth host_screen=%p\n", host_screen); for (y=sy; y<sy+height; y++) for (x=sx; x<sx+width; x++) { idx = (host_screen->win_width*y*bytes_per_pixel)+(x*bytes_per_pixel); switch (host_screen->server_depth) { case 16: { unsigned short pixel = *(unsigned short*)(host_screen->fb_data+idx); r = ((pixel & 0xf800) >> 8); g = ((pixel & 0x07e0) >> 3); b = ((pixel & 0x001f) << 3); host_pixel = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b); XPutPixel(host_screen->ximg, x, y, host_pixel); break; } case 8: { unsigned char pixel = *(unsigned char*)(host_screen->fb_data+idx); XPutPixel(host_screen->ximg, x, y, HostX.cmap[pixel]); break; } default: break; } } } if (HostX.have_shm) { XShmPutImage (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, HostX.gc, host_screen->ximg, sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height, False); } else { XPutImage (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, HostX.gc, host_screen->ximg, sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height); } XSync (HostX.dpy, False); } static void hostx_paint_debug_rect (struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen, int x, int y, int width, int height) { struct timespec tspec; tspec.tv_sec = HostX.damage_debug_msec / (1000000); tspec.tv_nsec = (HostX.damage_debug_msec % 1000000) * 1000; EPHYR_DBG("msec: %li tv_sec %li, tv_msec %li", HostX.damage_debug_msec, tspec.tv_sec, tspec.tv_nsec); /* fprintf(stderr, "Xephyr updating: %i+%i %ix%i\n", x, y, width, height); */ XFillRectangle (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, HostX.gc, x, y, width,height); XSync (HostX.dpy, False); /* nanosleep seems to work better than usleep for me... */ nanosleep(&tspec, NULL); } void hostx_load_keymap(void) { XID *keymap; int host_width, min_keycode, max_keycode, width; int i,j; XDisplayKeycodes (HostX.dpy, &min_keycode, &max_keycode); EPHYR_DBG ("min: %d, max: %d", min_keycode, max_keycode); keymap = XGetKeyboardMapping (HostX.dpy, min_keycode, max_keycode - min_keycode + 1, &host_width); /* Try and copy the hosts keymap into our keymap to avoid loads * of messing around. * * kdrive cannot can have more than 4 keysyms per keycode * so we only copy at most the first 4 ( xorg has 6 per keycode, XVNC 2 ) */ width = (host_width > 4) ? 4 : host_width; ephyrKeySyms.map = (CARD32 *)calloc(sizeof(CARD32), (max_keycode - min_keycode + 1) * width); if (!ephyrKeySyms.map) return; for (i=0; i<(max_keycode - min_keycode+1); i++) for (j=0; j<width; j++) ephyrKeySyms.map[(i*width)+j] = (CARD32) keymap[(i*host_width) + j]; EPHYR_DBG("keymap width, host:%d kdrive:%d", host_width, width); ephyrKeySyms.minKeyCode = min_keycode; ephyrKeySyms.maxKeyCode = max_keycode; ephyrKeySyms.mapWidth = width; XFree(keymap); } static struct EphyrHostScreen * host_screen_from_window (Window w) { int index = 0; struct EphyrHostScreen *result = NULL; #if 0 unsigned int num_children = 0; Window root = None, parent = None, *children = NULL; #endif for (index = 0 ; index < HostX.n_screens ; index++) { if (HostX.screens[index].win == w) { result = &HostX.screens[index]; goto out; } } #if 0 XQueryTree (hostx_get_display (), w, &root, &parent, &children, &num_children); if (parent == root || parent == None) goto out; result = host_screen_from_window (parent); #endif out: #if 0 if (children) { XFree (children); children = NULL; } #endif return result; } int hostx_get_event(EphyrHostXEvent *ev) { XEvent xev; static int grabbed_screen = -1; if (XPending(HostX.dpy)) { XNextEvent(HostX.dpy, &xev); switch (xev.type) { case Expose: /* Not so great event compression, but works ok */ while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(HostX.dpy, xev.xexpose.window, Expose, &xev)); { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_window (xev.xexpose.window); if (host_screen) { hostx_paint_rect (host_screen->info, 0, 0, 0, 0, host_screen->win_width, host_screen->win_height); } else { EPHYR_LOG_ERROR ("failed to get host screen\n"); ev->type = EPHYR_EV_EXPOSE; ev->data.expose.window = xev.xexpose.window; return 1; } } return 0; case MotionNotify: { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_window (xev.xmotion.window); ev->type = EPHYR_EV_MOUSE_MOTION; ev->data.mouse_motion.x = xev.xmotion.x; ev->data.mouse_motion.y = xev.xmotion.y; ev->data.mouse_motion.window = xev.xmotion.window; ev->data.mouse_motion.screen = (host_screen ? host_screen->mynum : -1); } return 1; case ButtonPress: ev->type = EPHYR_EV_MOUSE_PRESS; ev->key_state = xev.xkey.state; /* * This is a bit hacky. will break for button 5 ( defined as 0x10 ) * Check KD_BUTTON defines in kdrive.h */ ev->data.mouse_down.button_num = 1<<(xev.xbutton.button-1); return 1; case ButtonRelease: ev->type = EPHYR_EV_MOUSE_RELEASE; ev->key_state = xev.xkey.state; ev->data.mouse_up.button_num = 1<<(xev.xbutton.button-1); return 1; case KeyPress: { ev->type = EPHYR_EV_KEY_PRESS; ev->key_state = xev.xkey.state; ev->data.key_down.scancode = xev.xkey.keycode; return 1; } case KeyRelease: if ((XKeycodeToKeysym(HostX.dpy,xev.xkey.keycode,0) == XK_Shift_L || XKeycodeToKeysym(HostX.dpy,xev.xkey.keycode,0) == XK_Shift_R) && (xev.xkey.state & ControlMask)) { struct EphyrHostScreen *host_screen = host_screen_from_window (xev.xexpose.window); if (grabbed_screen != -1) { XUngrabKeyboard (HostX.dpy, CurrentTime); XUngrabPointer (HostX.dpy, CurrentTime); grabbed_screen = -1; hostx_set_win_title (host_screen->info, "(ctrl+shift grabs mouse and keyboard)"); } else { /* Attempt grab */ if (XGrabKeyboard (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) == 0) { if (XGrabPointer (HostX.dpy, host_screen->win, True, NoEventMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, host_screen->win, None, CurrentTime) == 0) { grabbed_screen = host_screen->mynum; hostx_set_win_title (host_screen->info, "(ctrl+shift releases mouse and keyboard)"); } else /* Failed pointer grabm ungrab keyboard */ XUngrabKeyboard (HostX.dpy, CurrentTime); } } } /* Still send the release event even if above has happened * server will get confused with just an up event. * Maybe it would be better to just block shift+ctrls getting to * kdrive all togeather. */ ev->type = EPHYR_EV_KEY_RELEASE; ev->key_state = xev.xkey.state; ev->data.key_up.scancode = xev.xkey.keycode; return 1; default: break; } } return 0; } void* hostx_get_display(void) { return HostX.dpy ; } int hostx_get_window (int a_screen_number) { if (a_screen_number < 0 || a_screen_number >= HostX.n_screens) { EPHYR_LOG_ERROR ("bad screen number:%d\n", a_screen_number) ; return 0; } return HostX.screens[a_screen_number].win ; } int hostx_get_window_attributes (int a_window, EphyrHostWindowAttributes *a_attrs) { XWindowAttributes attrs ; memset (&attrs, 0, sizeof (attrs)) ; if (!XGetWindowAttributes (hostx_get_display (), a_window, &attrs)) { return FALSE ; } a_attrs->x = attrs.x ; a_attrs->y = attrs.y ; a_attrs->width = attrs.width ; a_attrs->height = attrs.height ; if (attrs.visual) a_attrs->visualid = attrs.visual->visualid ; return TRUE ; } int hostx_get_extension_info (const char *a_ext_name, int *a_major_opcode, int *a_first_event, int *a_first_error) { if (!a_ext_name || !a_major_opcode || !a_first_event || !a_first_error) return 0 ; if (!XQueryExtension (HostX.dpy, a_ext_name, a_major_opcode, a_first_event, a_first_error)) { return 0 ; } return 1 ; } int hostx_get_visuals_info (EphyrHostVisualInfo **a_visuals, int *a_num_entries) { Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; Bool is_ok=False ; XVisualInfo templ, *visuals=NULL; EphyrHostVisualInfo *host_visuals=NULL ; int nb_items=0, i=0; EPHYR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (a_visuals && a_num_entries && dpy, False) ; EPHYR_LOG ("enter\n") ; memset (&templ, 0, sizeof (templ)) ; visuals = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualNoMask, &templ, &nb_items) ; if (!visuals) { EPHYR_LOG_ERROR ("host does not advertise any visual\n") ; goto out ; } EPHYR_LOG ("host advertises %d visuals\n", nb_items) ; host_visuals = calloc (nb_items, sizeof (EphyrHostVisualInfo)) ; for (i=0; i<nb_items; i++) { host_visuals[i].visualid = visuals[i].visualid ; host_visuals[i].screen = visuals[i].screen ; host_visuals[i].depth = visuals[i].depth ; host_visuals[i].class = visuals[i].class ; host_visuals[i].red_mask = visuals[i].red_mask ; host_visuals[i].green_mask = visuals[i].green_mask ; host_visuals[i].blue_mask = visuals[i].blue_mask ; host_visuals[i].colormap_size = visuals[i].colormap_size ; host_visuals[i].bits_per_rgb = visuals[i].bits_per_rgb ; } *a_visuals = host_visuals ; *a_num_entries = nb_items; host_visuals=NULL; is_ok = TRUE; out: if (visuals) { XFree (visuals) ; visuals = NULL; } if (host_visuals) { free (host_visuals) ; host_visuals = NULL; } EPHYR_LOG ("leave\n") ; return is_ok ; } int hostx_create_window (int a_screen_number, EphyrBox *a_geometry, int a_visual_id, int *a_host_peer /*out parameter*/) { Bool is_ok=FALSE ; Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; XVisualInfo *visual_info=NULL, visual_info_templ; int visual_mask=VisualIDMask ; Window win=None ; int nb_visuals=0, winmask=0; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; EPHYR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (dpy && a_geometry, FALSE) ; EPHYR_LOG ("enter\n") ; /*get visual*/ memset (&visual_info, 0, sizeof (visual_info)) ; visual_info_templ.visualid = a_visual_id ; visual_info = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, visual_mask, &visual_info_templ, &nb_visuals) ; if (!visual_info) { EPHYR_LOG_ERROR ("argh, could not find a remote visual with id:%d\n", a_visual_id) ; goto out ; } memset (&attrs, 0, sizeof (attrs)) ; attrs.colormap = XCreateColormap (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, visual_info->screen), visual_info->visual, AllocNone) ; attrs.event_mask = ButtonPressMask |ButtonReleaseMask |PointerMotionMask |KeyPressMask |KeyReleaseMask |ExposureMask; winmask = CWColormap|CWEventMask; win = XCreateWindow (dpy, hostx_get_window (a_screen_number), a_geometry->x, a_geometry->y, a_geometry->width, a_geometry->height, 0, visual_info->depth, CopyFromParent, visual_info->visual, winmask, &attrs) ; if (win == None) { EPHYR_LOG_ERROR ("failed to create peer window\n") ; goto out ; } XFlush (dpy) ; XMapWindow (dpy, win) ; *a_host_peer = win ; is_ok = TRUE ; out: EPHYR_LOG ("leave\n") ; return is_ok ; } int hostx_destroy_window (int a_win) { Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; EPHYR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (dpy, FALSE) ; XDestroyWindow (dpy, a_win) ; XFlush (dpy) ; return TRUE ; } int hostx_set_window_geometry (int a_win, EphyrBox *a_geo) { Display *dpy=hostx_get_display (); EPHYR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (dpy && a_geo, FALSE) ; EPHYR_LOG ("enter. x,y,w,h:(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", a_geo->x, a_geo->y, a_geo->width, a_geo->height) ; XMoveWindow (dpy, a_win, a_geo->x, a_geo->y) ; XResizeWindow (dpy, a_win, a_geo->width, a_geo->height) ; EPHYR_LOG ("leave\n") ; return TRUE; } int hostx_set_window_bounding_rectangles (int a_window, EphyrRect *a_rects, int a_num_rects) { Bool is_ok=FALSE; Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; int i=0 ; XRectangle *rects=NULL ; EPHYR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (dpy && a_rects, FALSE) ; EPHYR_LOG ("enter. num rects:%d\n", a_num_rects) ; rects = calloc (a_num_rects, sizeof (XRectangle)) ; for (i=0; i<a_num_rects; i++) { rects[i].x = a_rects[i].x1 ; rects[i].y = a_rects[i].y1 ; rects[i].width = abs (a_rects[i].x2 - a_rects[i].x1); rects[i].height = abs (a_rects[i].y2 - a_rects[i].y1) ; EPHYR_LOG ("borders clipped to rect[x:%d,y:%d,w:%d,h:%d]\n", rects[i].x, rects[i].y, rects[i].width, rects[i].height) ; } /*this aways returns 1*/ XShapeCombineRectangles (dpy, a_window, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, rects, a_num_rects, ShapeSet, YXBanded) ; is_ok = TRUE ; if (rects) { free (rects) ; rects = NULL ; } EPHYR_LOG ("leave\n") ; return is_ok; } int hostx_set_window_clipping_rectangles (int a_window, EphyrRect *a_rects, int a_num_rects) { Bool is_ok=FALSE; Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; int i=0 ; XRectangle *rects=NULL ; EPHYR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (dpy && a_rects, FALSE) ; EPHYR_LOG ("enter. num rects:%d\n", a_num_rects) ; rects = calloc (a_num_rects, sizeof (XRectangle)) ; for (i=0; i<a_num_rects; i++) { rects[i].x = a_rects[i].x1 ; rects[i].y = a_rects[i].y1 ; rects[i].width = abs (a_rects[i].x2 - a_rects[i].x1); rects[i].height = abs (a_rects[i].y2 - a_rects[i].y1) ; EPHYR_LOG ("clipped to rect[x:%d,y:%d,w:%d,h:%d]\n", rects[i].x, rects[i].y, rects[i].width, rects[i].height) ; } /*this aways returns 1*/ XShapeCombineRectangles (dpy, a_window, ShapeClip, 0, 0, rects, a_num_rects, ShapeSet, YXBanded) ; is_ok = TRUE ; if (rects) { free (rects) ; rects = NULL ; } EPHYR_LOG ("leave\n") ; return is_ok; } int hostx_has_xshape (void) { int event_base=0, error_base=0 ; Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; if (!XShapeQueryExtension (dpy, &event_base, &error_base)) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE; } #ifdef XEPHYR_DRI typedef struct { int is_valid ; int local_id ; int remote_id ; } ResourcePair ; #define RESOURCE_PEERS_SIZE 1024*10 static ResourcePair resource_peers[RESOURCE_PEERS_SIZE] ; int hostx_allocate_resource_id_peer (int a_local_resource_id, int *a_remote_resource_id) { int i=0 ; ResourcePair *peer=NULL ; Display *dpy=hostx_get_display (); /* * first make sure a resource peer * does not exist already for * a_local_resource_id */ for (i=0; i<RESOURCE_PEERS_SIZE; i++) { if (resource_peers[i].is_valid && resource_peers[i].local_id == a_local_resource_id) { peer = &resource_peers[i] ; break ; } } /* * find one free peer entry, an feed it with */ if (!peer) { for (i=0; i<RESOURCE_PEERS_SIZE; i++) { if (!resource_peers[i].is_valid) { peer = &resource_peers[i] ; break ; } } if (peer) { peer->remote_id = XAllocID (dpy); peer->local_id = a_local_resource_id ; peer->is_valid = TRUE ; } } if (peer) { *a_remote_resource_id = peer->remote_id ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } int hostx_get_resource_id_peer (int a_local_resource_id, int *a_remote_resource_id) { int i=0 ; ResourcePair *peer=NULL ; for (i=0; i<RESOURCE_PEERS_SIZE; i++) { if (resource_peers[i].is_valid && resource_peers[i].local_id == a_local_resource_id) { peer = &resource_peers[i] ; break ; } } if (peer) { *a_remote_resource_id = peer->remote_id ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } int hostx_has_dri (void) { int event_base=0, error_base=0 ; Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; if (!dpy) return FALSE ; if (!XF86DRIQueryExtension (dpy, &event_base, &error_base)) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } int hostx_has_glx (void) { Display *dpy=hostx_get_display () ; int event_base=0, error_base=0 ; if (!glXQueryExtension (dpy, &event_base, &error_base)) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } #endif /*XEPHYR_DRI*/