/* * Copyright © 2004 Damien Ciabrini * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Anders Carlsson not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Anders Carlsson makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * DAMIEN CIABRINI DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL ANDERS CARLSSON BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <kdrive-config.h> #endif #include "mga.h" #include "g400_common.h" static PicturePtr currentSrcPicture; static PicturePtr currentMaskPicture; static PixmapPtr currentSrc; static PixmapPtr currentMask; static int src_w2; static int src_h2; static int mask_w2; static int mask_h2; struct blendinfo { Bool dst_alpha; Bool src_alpha; CARD32 blend_cntl; }; static struct blendinfo mgaBlendOP[] = { /* Clear */ {0, 0, MGA_SRC_ZERO | MGA_DST_ZERO}, /* Src */ {0, 0, MGA_SRC_ONE | MGA_DST_ZERO}, /* Dst */ {0, 0, MGA_SRC_ZERO | MGA_DST_ONE}, /* Over */ {0, 1, MGA_SRC_ONE | MGA_DST_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}, /* OverReverse */ {1, 0, MGA_SRC_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA | MGA_DST_ONE}, /* In */ {1, 0, MGA_SRC_DST_ALPHA | MGA_DST_ZERO}, /* InReverse */ {0, 1, MGA_SRC_ZERO | MGA_DST_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Out */ {1, 0, MGA_SRC_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA | MGA_DST_ZERO}, /* OutReverse */ {0, 1, MGA_SRC_ZERO | MGA_DST_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Atop */ {1, 1, MGA_SRC_DST_ALPHA | MGA_DST_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}, /* AtopReverse */ {1, 1, MGA_SRC_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA | MGA_DST_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Xor */ {1, 1, MGA_SRC_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA | MGA_DST_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Add */ {0, 0, MGA_SRC_ONE | MGA_DST_ONE}, }; struct formatinfo { int fmt; CARD32 card_fmt; }; static struct formatinfo texformats[] = { {PICT_a8r8g8b8, MGA_TW32}, {PICT_x8r8g8b8, MGA_TW32}, {PICT_r5g6b5, MGA_TW16}, {PICT_a1r5g5b5, MGA_TW15}, {PICT_x1r5g5b5, MGA_TW15}, {PICT_a4r4g4b4, MGA_TW12}, {PICT_x4r4g4b4, MGA_TW12}, {PICT_a8, MGA_TW8A}, }; static int MGA_LOG2( int val ) { int ret = 0; if (val==1) return 0; while (val >> ret) ret++; return ((1 << (ret-1)) == val) ? (ret-1) : ret; } static Bool mgaCheckSourceTexture (int tmu, PicturePtr pPict) { int w = pPict->pDrawable->width; int h = pPict->pDrawable->height; int i; CARD32 texctl = 0; if ((w > 2047) || (h > 2047)) MGA_FALLBACK(("Picture w/h too large (%dx%d)\n", w, h)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(texformats) / sizeof(texformats[0]); i++) { if (texformats[i].fmt == pPict->format) { texctl = texformats[i].card_fmt; break; } } if (texctl == 0) { MGA_FALLBACK(("Unsupported picture format 0x%x\n", pPict->format)); } if (pPict->repeat && ((w & (w - 1)) != 0 || (h & (h - 1)) != 0)) MGA_FALLBACK(("NPOT repeat unsupported (%dx%d)\n", w, h)); if (pPict->filter != PictFilterNearest && pPict->filter != PictFilterBilinear) MGA_FALLBACK(("Unsupported filter 0x%x\n", pPict->filter)); return TRUE; } static Bool PrepareSourceTexture (int tmu, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PixmapPtr pSrc) { KdScreenPriv (pSrc->drawable.pScreen); int mem_base=(int)pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base; int pitch = pSrc->devKind / (pSrc->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3); int i; int w = pSrc->drawable.width; int h = pSrc->drawable.height; int w_log2 = MGA_LOG2(w); int h_log2 = MGA_LOG2(h); int texctl = MGA_PITCHLIN | ((pitch & (2048 - 1)) << 9) | MGA_CLAMPUV | MGA_NOPERSPECTIVE; int flags = 0; int texctl2 = MGA_G400_TC2_MAGIC | flags; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(texformats) / sizeof(texformats[0]); i++) { if (texformats[i].fmt == pSrcPicture->format) { texctl |= texformats[i].card_fmt; break; } } if (PICT_FORMAT_A(pSrcPicture->format) != 0) { texctl |= MGA_TAKEY; } else { texctl |= MGA_TAMASK | MGA_TAKEY; } if (pSrcPicture->repeat) { texctl &= ~MGA_CLAMPUV; } if (tmu == 1) texctl2 |= MGA_TC2_DUALTEX | MGA_TC2_SELECT_TMU1 | flags; mgaWaitAvail (6); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXCTL2, texctl2); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXCTL, texctl); /* Source (texture) address + pitch */ MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXORG, ((int)pSrc->devPrivate.ptr - mem_base)); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXWIDTH, (w-1)<<18 | ((8-w_log2)&63)<<9 | w_log2); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXHEIGHT, (h-1)<<18 | ((8-h_log2)&63)<<9 | h_log2); /* Set blit filtering flags */ if (pSrcPicture->filter == PictFilterBilinear) { MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXFILTER, (0x10<<21) | MGA_MAG_BILIN | MGA_MIN_BILIN); } else { MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXFILTER, (0x10<<21) | MGA_MAG_NRST | MGA_MIN_NRST); } if (tmu == 1) { mgaWaitAvail (1); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXCTL2, MGA_G400_TC2_MAGIC | MGA_TC2_DUALTEX | flags); } return TRUE; } /* * The formals params are the elements of the following matrix: * * Dest Transform Src * coords coords * / Xdst \ / X_incx X_incy X_init \ / Xsrc \ * | Ydst | = | Y_incx Y_incy Y_init | x | Ysrc | * \ 1 / \ H_incx H_incy H_init / \ 1 / * * matrix elements are 32bits fixed points (16.16) * mga_fx_* is the size of the fixed point for the TMU */ static void setTMIncrementsRegs(int X_incx, int X_incy, int X_init, int Y_incx, int Y_incy, int Y_init, int H_incx, int H_incy, int H_init, int mga_fx_width_size, int mga_fx_height_size) { int decalw = mga_fx_width_size - 16; int decalh = mga_fx_height_size - 16; /* Convert 16 bits fixpoint -> MGA variable size fixpoint */ if (decalw >= 0) { X_incx = X_incx << decalw; X_incy = X_incy << decalw; X_init = X_init << decalw; } else { decalw =- decalw; X_incx = X_incx >> decalw; X_incy = X_incy >> decalw; X_init = X_init >> decalw; } /* Convert 16 bits fixpoint -> MGA variable size fixpoint */ if (decalh >= 0) { Y_incx = Y_incx << decalh; Y_incy = Y_incy << decalh; Y_init = Y_init << decalh; } else { decalh =- decalh; Y_incx = Y_incx >> decalh; Y_incy = Y_incy >> decalh; Y_init = Y_init >> decalh; } /* Set TM registers */ mgaWaitAvail (9); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR0, X_incx); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR1, Y_incx); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR2, X_incy); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR3, Y_incy); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR4, H_incx); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR5, H_incy); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR6, X_init); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR7, Y_init); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TMR8, H_init); } Bool mgaCheckComposite(int op, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PicturePtr pMaskPicture, PicturePtr pDstPicture) { if (op >= sizeof(mgaBlendOP) / sizeof(mgaBlendOP[0])) MGA_FALLBACK(("unsupported op %x", op)); if (!mgaCheckSourceTexture (0, pSrcPicture)) return FALSE; if (pMaskPicture != NULL) { if (PICT_FORMAT_A(pMaskPicture->format) == 0) MGA_FALLBACK(("Mask without alpha unsupported")); if (!mgaCheckSourceTexture (1, pMaskPicture)) return FALSE; } if (pMaskPicture->componentAlpha) MGA_FALLBACK(("Component alpha unsupported")); if (pDstPicture->format == PICT_a8) MGA_FALLBACK(("render to A8 unsupported")); return TRUE; } #define C_ARG1_CUR 0x0 #define C_ARG1_ALPHA MGA_TDS_COLOR_ARG1_REPLICATEALPHA #define C_ARG2_DIFFUSE MGA_TDS_COLOR_ARG2_DIFFUSE #define C_ARG2_FCOL MGA_TDS_COLOR_ARG2_FCOL #define C_ARG2_PREV MGA_TDS_COLOR_ARG2_PREVSTAGE #define C_ARG1_INV MGA_TDS_COLOR_ARG1_INV #define C_ARG2_INV MGA_TDS_COLOR_ARG2_INV #define COLOR_MUL MGA_TDS_COLOR_SEL_MUL #define COLOR_ARG1 MGA_TDS_COLOR_SEL_ARG1 #define COLOR_ARG2 MGA_TDS_COLOR_SEL_ARG2 #define A_ARG1_CUR 0x0 #define A_ARG2_IGN A_ARG2_DIFFUSE #define A_ARG2_FCOL MGA_TDS_ALPHA_ARG2_FCOL #define A_ARG2_DIFFUSE MGA_TDS_ALPHA_ARG2_DIFFUSE #define A_ARG2_PREV MGA_TDS_ALPHA_ARG2_PREVSTAGE #define ALPHA_MUL MGA_TDS_ALPHA_SEL_MUL #define ALPHA_ARG1 MGA_TDS_ALPHA_SEL_ARG1 #define ALPHA_ARG2 MGA_TDS_ALPHA_SEL_ARG2 Bool mgaPrepareComposite (int op, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PicturePtr pMaskPicture, PicturePtr pDstPicture, PixmapPtr pSrc, PixmapPtr pMask, PixmapPtr pDst) { KdScreenPriv (pSrc->drawable.pScreen); int mem_base=(int)pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base; int cmd, blendcntl; int ds0, ds1; /* Init MGA (clipping) */ mgaSetup (pSrc->drawable.pScreen, pDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, 1); /* Initialize fg color to 0, used in the src = A8 case */ MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_FCOL, 0xff000000); /* Destination flags */ mgaWaitAvail (2); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_DSTORG, ((int)pDst->devPrivate.ptr - mem_base)); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_PITCH, pDst->devKind / (pDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3)); /* Source(s) flags */ if (!PrepareSourceTexture (0, pSrcPicture, pSrc)) return FALSE; if (pMask != NULL) { if (!PrepareSourceTexture (1, pMaskPicture, pMask)) return FALSE; } /* Prepare multi-texture registers */ ds0=ds1=0; if (pSrcPicture->format == PICT_a8) { /* C = 0 A = As */ /* MGA HW: A8 format makes RGB white. We use FCOL for the black * If FCOL was not 0, it would have been be premultiplied (RENDER) * color component would have been: * C_ARG1_ALPHA | C_ARG2_FCOL | COLOR_MUL */ ds0=C_ARG2_FCOL | COLOR_ARG2 | A_ARG1_CUR | ALPHA_ARG1; /* MGA HW: TMU1 must be enabled when DUALSTAGE0 contains something */ if (pMask == NULL) { if (!PrepareSourceTexture (1, pSrcPicture, pSrc)) return FALSE; ds1=C_ARG2_PREV | COLOR_ARG2 | A_ARG2_PREV | ALPHA_ARG2; } } else { /* C = Cs A = As */ ds0=C_ARG1_CUR | COLOR_ARG1 | A_ARG1_CUR | ALPHA_ARG1; } if (pMask != NULL) { /* As or Am might be NULL. in this case we don't multiply because, * the alpha component holds garbage. */ int color,alpha; if (PICT_FORMAT_A (pMaskPicture->format) == 0) { /* C = Cs */ color = C_ARG2_PREV | COLOR_ARG2; } else { /* C = Am * Cs */ color = C_ARG1_ALPHA | C_ARG2_PREV | COLOR_MUL; } if (PICT_FORMAT_A (pMaskPicture->format) == 0) { /* A = As */ alpha = A_ARG2_PREV | ALPHA_ARG2; } else if (PICT_FORMAT_A (pSrcPicture->format) == 0) { /* A = Am */ alpha = A_ARG1_CUR | ALPHA_ARG1; } else { /* A = Am * As */ alpha = A_ARG1_CUR | A_ARG2_PREV | ALPHA_MUL; } ds1 = color | alpha; } /* MultiTexture modulation */ mgaWaitAvail (2); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TDUALSTAGE0, ds0); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TDUALSTAGE1, ds1); cmd = MGA_OPCOD_TEXTURE_TRAP | MGA_ATYPE_RSTR | 0x000c0000 | MGA_DWGCTL_SHIFTZERO | MGA_DWGCTL_SGNZERO | MGA_DWGCTL_ARZERO | MGA_ATYPE_I; blendcntl = mgaBlendOP[op].blend_cntl; if (PICT_FORMAT_A(pDstPicture->format) == 0 && mgaBlendOP[op].dst_alpha) { if ((blendcntl & MGA_SRC_BLEND_MASK) == MGA_SRC_DST_ALPHA) blendcntl = (blendcntl & ~MGA_SRC_BLEND_MASK) | MGA_SRC_ONE; else if ((blendcntl & MGA_SRC_BLEND_MASK) == MGA_SRC_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA) blendcntl = (blendcntl & ~MGA_SRC_BLEND_MASK) | MGA_SRC_ZERO; } mgaWaitAvail (2); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_DWGCTL, cmd); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_ALPHACTRL, MGA_ALPHACHANNEL | blendcntl); currentSrcPicture = pSrcPicture; currentMaskPicture = pMaskPicture; currentSrc = pSrc; currentMask = pMask; src_w2 = MGA_LOG2 (currentSrc->drawable.width); src_h2 = MGA_LOG2 (currentSrc->drawable.height); mask_w2 = MGA_LOG2 (currentMask->drawable.width); mask_h2 = MGA_LOG2 (currentMask->drawable.height); return TRUE; } void mgaComposite (int srcX, int srcY, int maskX, int maskY, int dstX, int dstY, int width, int height) { /* Source positions can be outside source textures' boundaries. * We clamp the values here to avoid rendering glitches. */ srcX=srcX % currentSrc->drawable.width; srcY=srcY % currentSrc->drawable.height; maskX=maskX % currentMask->drawable.width; maskY=maskY % currentMask->drawable.height; if (currentSrcPicture->transform) { setTMIncrementsRegs (currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[0][0], currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[0][1], currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[0][2] + (srcX << 16), currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[1][0], currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[1][1], currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[1][2] + (srcY << 16), currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[2][0], currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[2][1], currentSrcPicture->transform->matrix[2][2], 20-src_w2, 20-src_h2); } else { setTMIncrementsRegs (1 << 16, 0, srcX << 16, 0, 1 << 16, srcY << 16, 0, 0, 0x10000, 20-src_w2, 20-src_h2); } if (currentMask != NULL) { mgaWaitAvail (1); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXCTL2, MGA_G400_TC2_MAGIC | MGA_TC2_DUALTEX | MGA_TC2_SELECT_TMU1); if (currentMaskPicture->transform) { setTMIncrementsRegs (currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[0][0], currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[0][1], currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[0][2] + (maskX << 16), currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[1][0], currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[1][1], currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[1][2] + (maskY << 16), currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[2][0], currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[2][1], currentMaskPicture->transform->matrix[2][2], 20-mask_w2, 20-mask_h2); } else { setTMIncrementsRegs (1 << 16, 0, maskX << 16, 0, 1 << 16, maskY << 16, 0, 0, 0x10000, 20-mask_w2, 20-mask_h2); } mgaWaitAvail (1); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_TEXCTL2, MGA_G400_TC2_MAGIC | MGA_TC2_DUALTEX); } /* Destination Bounding Box * (Boundary Right | Boundary Left, Y dest | Height) */ mgaWaitAvail (2); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_FXBNDRY, ((dstX + width) << 16) | (dstX & 0xffff)); MGA_OUT32 (mmio, MGA_REG_YDSTLEN | MGA_REG_EXEC, (dstY << 16) | (height & 0xffff)); } void mgaDoneComposite (void) { }